Global Marketing Communications

CMGT 556

Global Marketing Communication

Spring 2011*

Instructor: Paolo Sigismondi, MBA, PhD



The acceleration of the phenomena of globalization is impacting business practices worldwide across different sectors in all the phases of the value chain. Markets are becoming more and more intertwined and it has become imperative for all entities operating in the 21st century to analyze their consumers and their competitive landscape in global terms. The ability to effectively do so provides a key competitive advantage in order to create, capture and deliver value in an evolving global landscape. This course reviews the principles of marketing in a global perspective, focusing on the decisions regarding the communications mix. Different communication strategies are analyzed within the global – local dilemma. A specific emphasis on the global media and entertainment landscape is provided through a survey of the most relevant media markets.


The goal of the course is to provide participants interested in careers in the communications industry analytical tools to identify the challenges and opportunities in the global marketplace. The analysis draws on relevant interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks as well as practical applications from case studies to bridge the gap between theory and practice utilizing lectures, articles, and industry reports.


Keegan, W. J. & Green, M. C. (2011). Global Marketing (6th edition). Prentice Hall. GM

De Mooij, M. (2010). Global Marketing and Advertising: Understanding Cultural Paradoxes

(3rd edition). Sage Publications. GMA

Suggested reading:

Cooper-Chen, A. (Eds.) (2005). Global Entertainment Media: Content, Audiences, Issues.

Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. GEM

There may be additional short readings distributed in class or available on line.


Any student requesting academic accommodation based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to your instructor as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number for DSP is 213-740-0776.


The Annenberg School for Communication is committed to upholding the University’s Academic Integrity code as detailed in the Scampus guide. It is the policy of the School of Communication to report all violations of the code. Any serious violations or pattern of violations of the Academic Integrity Code will result in the student’s expulsion from the Communication major or minor.


1. Class participation. Students are expected to make informed contributions to class discussions and online activities, coming to class having completed all assigned readings. There may be one-page reaction papers to the materials assigned (weeks 3-8), and assigned discussion leadership on specific media markets (weeks 9-12).

2. Midterm exam. There will be a take-home midterm exam, due March 3, to be turned in via e-mail to the instructor.

3. Course project. Student will individually conduct research on a topic related to the course. The final presentations will take place in the last two weeks of classes, and they must include visual aids and a short paper (8-10 pages suggested).

4. Final exam. There will be a take-home final exam to be turned in via e-mail to the instructor by 9:00 pm PST May 5.


Requirements will be weighed as follows:

Class participation 10% - 50 points

Midterm exam 25% - 125 points

Course project 40% - 200 points

Final exam 25% - 125 points

Total 100% - 500 points

Tentative Class Schedule

Week 1. The global marketing environment: An overview (Jan. 13)

GM: Chapter 1 – Introduction to global marketing (pp. 1-37)

Chapter 2 – The global marketing environment (pp. 38-73)

Week 2. Approaching global markets (Jan. 20)

GMA: Chapter 1 - The paradoxes in global marketing communications (pp.1-22)

Chapter 3 – Values and culture (pp. 45-66)

GM: Chapter 4 – Social and cultural environments (pp. 106-136)

Week 3. Approaching global markets (continued) (Jan. 27)

GM: Chapter 7 – Segmentation, targeting, and positioning (pp. 202 – 226)

Chapter 8 – Importing, exporting, and sourcing (pp. 236-263)

Geng, C., Tsang-sing C. & Annamma J.(2008). Consumers' attitudes toward Marketing: A cross-cultural study of China and Canada, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 20(3), (pp. 81 — 93). Available at:

Week 4. Global market entry strategies (Feb. 3)

GM: Chapter 9 – Licensing, investment, and strategic alliances (pp. 264 – 290)

Chapter 16 – Strategic elements of competitive advantage (pp. 484-515)

Quick MBA: Global Strategy. Available at:

Week 5. The global marketing mix: Pricing and distribution decisions (Feb. 10)

GM: Chapter 11 – Pricing decisions (pp. 330 – 363)

Chapter 12 – Global marketing channels and physical distribution (pp. 364-397)

Week 6. The global marketing mix: Product decisions and global brands (Feb.17)

GM: Chapter 10 – Brand and product decisions in global marketing (pp. 296- 329).

GMA: Chapter 2 – Global branding (pp. 23-44)

Madupu, V. & Cooley, D. O.(2010). Cross-cultural differences in online brand

communities: An exploratory study of Indian and American online brand communities, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 22(4), (pp.363 — 375). Available at:

Week 7. The global marketing mix: Integrated communication systems (Feb. 24)

GMA: Chapter 5: Culture and consumer behavior (pp.93-130)

Chapter 6: Researching and applying cultural values (pp. 131-162)

Chapter 7: Culture and communication (pp.163-192) GM: Chapter 14 – Sales promotions, personal selling, special forms of marketing communications (pp. 426-457).

Week 8. The global marketing mix: Integrated communication systems (continued) (Mar. 3)

GM: Chapter 13 – Adverting and public relations (pp. 396-425)

GMA: Chapter 8: Culture and the media (pp. 193-216)

Chapter 9: Culture and advertising appeals (pp.217-244)


Week 9. Media markets: Europe (Mar. 10)

GEM: Chapter 3 - The United Kingdom. (pp. 39-58).

Chapter 4 – Germany (pp. 59-79).

Menédez Alarcón, A. V. (2010). Media representation of the European Union: Comparing Newspaper Coverage in France, Spain, and the United Kingdom. International Journal of Communication, 4(2010), 398-415. Available at:

Sigismondi, P. (2009). Global strategies in the children’s media market: The Jetix case in Italy. Journal of Children and Media 3(2), pp. 152-165.


Week 10. Media markets: The Americas (Mar. 24)

GEM: Chapter 11 - Brazil. (pp. 183-202).

Chapter 12 - Mexico. (pp. 203-219).

Dos Santos, S. (2009). The central role of broadcast television in Brasil’s film industry: The economic, political, and social implications of global markets and national concentration. International Journal of Communcation, 3(2009), 695-712. Available at: .

Week 11. Media markets: Asia (Mar. 31)

GEM: Chapter 8 - India. (pp. 131-144)

Chapter 9 - Japan. (pp. 145-160).

Chapter 10 - China. (pp. 161-182).

Fujita, A. (2008). Mobile marketing in Japan: The acceleration of integrated marketing communications. Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications Available at:

Sun, W. (2010). Mission impossible? Soft power, communication capacity, and the globalization of Chinese media. International Journal of Communication, 4(2010), 54-72. Available at:

Week 12. Media markets: Africa-Middle East (Apr. 7)

GEM: Chapter 5 - Egypt. (p. 81-98)

Chapter 6 - Nigeria. (pp. 99-114).

Chapter 7 - South Africa.(pp. 115-130).

Week 13. Global competitive advantage and the digital revolution:

The digital glocalization of entertainment (Apr. 14)

GM: Chapter 15 – Global marketing and the digital revolution (pp. 458-483)

GMA: Chapter 11: From value paradox to strategy (pp. 269-288)

GEM: Chapter 13 - The Olympics (pp. 221-236).

Chapter 14: A world of “millionaires”: Global, local, and “glocal”, (pp. 237-251).

Ghemawat, P. (2001). Distance still matters: The hard reality of global expansion. Harvard Business Review.

Week 14. Project presentations (Apr. 21)

Week 15. Project presentations (Apr. 28)

* This is last semester’s syllabus (CMGT 599), to be updated by August 2011


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