Important Civilizations - Carousel Activity

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Band: ________________

Edward R. Murrow H.S. Social Studies Department

Mr. Barge, Principal Ms. Lento and Ms. Rubin

Global – Regents Review Project

If there is one thing you should hope to accomplish as a student in 10th grade global history, it should be to pass the Regents exam in June. The Global Regents exam includes everything from all of 10th grade and is known to be one of the hardest exams you will take in high school. Both of your 10th grade semester projects will be based on the Regents and will help prepare you for this challenging exam. Each semester your project will focus on two particular topics from the Regents exam.

|Content Goals |Skill Goals |

|Research and study revolutions and turning points |Develop writing skills |

|Build knowledge of revolutions and turning points |Develop study skills |

| |Develop research skills |

| | |

Part I – Political Revolutions (45 points – 15 points each)

A. Read a primary source document and answer questions

B. Fill out the chart about different world leaders.

C. Write a TEAL paragraph on one world leader.

Part II –Turning Points (45 points – 15 points each)

A. Read a primary source document and answer questions

B. Fill out the chart about different economic systems.

C. Write a TEAL paragraph on one economic system.

Part III: Mechanics (10 points)

• You must demonstrate appropriate grammar usage in writing and mechanics of language


• LATE PAPERS: You will lose five points per day the project is late. This includes days we do not have school and days the band does not meet.

• Plagiarism (presenting someone else’s work or idea as your own) is unacceptable. If done you will fail for the project.

What do I need to do for this project?

Everything you need for the project is included in this packet. You have the information you need, the charts, and even the spaces to write your answers. All you need to do is the thinking and writing. When you are done answering each of three parts for BOTH topics (6 parts in all), you will carefully check over your work and submit this completed project packet back to your teacher.

Saying you “didn’t understand’ something or you “couldn’t find the answer” is NOT an excuse for leaving something blank or not turning in the project. Your teachers are here every day to help you and answer any questions you may have. It is YOUR responsibility to come and see your teachers if you need help and they will be happy to assist you.


Part I – Political Revolutions

A. Document Analysis (15 points)

Read the primary source document then answer the questions which follow.

Describe the main idea of this passage.

Explain how the events in this passage connect to the goals of communism.

The document is called “The Hidden Holocaust”. Connect the events in this passage to the Holocaust committed by the Nazis.

B. Political Revolutions Chart

Use the information on the information sheet to fill in the chart.

| |Where and when did this revolution |What were the causes of this revolution? (List |What were the effects of this revolution? (List two) |

| |happen? |two) | |

|1. French Revolution |Where? |- |- |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |When? |- |- |

| | | | |

|2. Latin American |Where? |- |- |

|Revolutions | | | |

| | | | |

| |When? |- |- |

|3. Russian |Where? |- |- |

|Revolution | | | |

| | | | |

| |When? |- |- |

| | | | |

|4. Chinese |Where? |- |- |

|Revolution | | | |

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| |When? |- |- |

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|5. Cuban Revolution |Where? |- |- |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |When? |- |- |

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|6. Iranian |Where? |- |- |

|Revolution | | | |

| | | | |

| | |- |- |

| |When? | | |

|7. Collapse of the |Where? |- |- |

|Soviet Union | | | |

| | | | |

| | |- |- |

| |When? | | |

C. Political Revolutions TEAL Paragraph (15 points)

Based on the information from the information sheet, pick one world leader and write a 7-10 sentence paragraph response using the TEAL format to address the following task. For this part of the project you will need to look up a piece of information in the textbook and CITE and write it in a BIBLIOGRAPHY it in your paragraph. You will need to write the (author’s name, page number) at the end of a sentence.

Pick any ONE political revolution the information sheet and address this task:

|Theme: Change—Revolution |

|Throughout history, revolutions have developed in response to a variety of conditions. These revolutions have often resulted in significant political, economic, |

|and social change. |

| |

|Task: Select one of the POLITICAL REVOLUTIONS |

|• Describe the historical circumstances leading to this revolution |

|• Discuss the political, economic, and/or social effects of this revolution |

| |

|Some suggestions you might wish to consider include the French Revolution, Latin American Revolutions, Chinese Revolution, Collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian |

|Revolution, Chinese Revolution, Cuban Revolution |


(Format: Last Name, First Name. Book Title. City: Publisher, Year Published. Print.)


|1. French Revolution (1789) |

|The Third Estate (peasants and middle class) rose up in revolt against the oppressive First and Second Estates. |

|Third Estate was inspired by Enlightenment ideas of human rights and equality for all men. (John Locke – natural rights, Montesquieu – separation of powers, |

|Wollstonecraft – women’s rights, Wilberforce – no slavery, Beccaria – no death penalty, Rousseau - social contract where people give the government power) Though |

|some monarchs (Maria Theresa of Austria, Joseph II of Austria, Catherine the Great) were open to the ideas of the Enlightenment they still wanted to keep their |

|full power. The 3rd Estate demanded a fair democracy. Systematic (widespread) persecution of nobility and monarchy led to a violent period of instability called |

|the Reign of Terror. Anybody who used their freedom of speech to criticize the government was punished. Napoleon Bonaparte took control of France. France |

|eventually returned to absolute rule of emperor. Once Napoleon was removed from the throne, the Congress of Vienna was held to reestablish a balance of power in |

|Europe (keep monarchies). French Revolution inspired several other revolutions, including the Latin American Revolutions of the early 1800s. |

|2. Latin American Revolutions (1800s) |

|Spain was once a colonial power in Latin America, but its power as a world leader was fading. People in the Spanish colonies wanted independence from their mother |

|country. Native peoples of Latin America wanted freedom from the oppressive rule of Spanish government. Several Caribbean countries and Latin American countries |

|successfully pushed out the Spanish. Liberators of these countries include Jose de San Martin (Argentina and Chile), Simon Bolivar (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, |

|Bolivia and Peru), Toussaint L’Ouverture (Haiti). Constitutions were written, and democratic countries created. |

|3. Russian Revolution (1917) |

|The Russian czar (King) had all the power. Russia was losing World War I. The Russian peasants had no power, food or money. Bolshevik political party (led by |

|Vladimir Lenin) seized power, promising “Bread, Peace and Land”. Lenin leads the Communist Revolution. Lenin takes Russia out of WWI. Russia becomes the Soviet |

|Union and incorporates nearby countries into its territory. Command economy (communism) and totalitarian government created. |

|4. Chinese Revolution (1949) |

|Chinese peasants had no food, money or power. Nationalist government (led by Chiang Kai Shek) was unpopular with the Chinese people. Mao Zedong, a Communist |

|leader, won the support of the peasants through the Long March. Mao took control of China, establishing a Communist dictatorship and a command economy. Mao tried |

|to transform China into a modern state with the Great Leap Forward and to remove any opposition or foreign influence with the Cultural Revolution. |

|5.Cuban Revolution (1959) |

|The dictator Batista and his supporters had all power and control in Cuba. America supported Batista to protect its economic interests in Cuba. The peasants of |

|Cuba did not have any money or power and revolt, demanding a fair, communist government. Fidel Castro, a Communist leader, joined with other anti-Batista leaders |

|to plan an armed revolt. Fidel Castro led a Communist revolution in Cuba. Castro gave farm land to the peasants, improved health care and education. Castro has |

|dictatorial control of Cuba. Major events with U.S. – Bay of Pigs Invasion and Cuban Missile Crisis. The U.S. tried to overthrow Castro’s government and imposed an|

|economic embargo (block on trading) with Cuba |

|6. Iranian Revolution (1979) |

|The Shah of Iran had all the power and all the money. He used his secret police to arrest and kill his enemies. Opponents of the Shah wanted to create a |

|fundamentalist religious government based on the laws of Islam. Ayatollah Khomeini became the leader of Iran. He turned Iran into an Islamic Republic. The new |

|Iranian republic is anti-American and anti-modern. The rights of women are taken away. Tension between traditional culture and modernization. |

|7. Collapse of the Soviet Union (1991) |

|The Soviet Union spent too much money building weapons, instead of meeting the needs of its people. Mikhail Gorbachev, the leader of the USSR gave political and |

|economic freedoms through policies of perestroika and glasnost. European countries (Germany, Romania, Poland, etc) threw off their Communist governments. Soviet |

|Republics broke away and declared their independence. No more communism in Europe. Today, Russia has an oppressive government similar to that of the Soviet Union |

|and several former Soviet Republics are struggling democracies. |

Part II – Turning Points

A. Documents Analysis (15 points)

Read the primary source document then answer the questions which follow.


Identify the point of view of this document.

Explain the historical context of this document.

Explain how the events in this document led to a major turning point in South African history.

B. Turning Points Chart

Use the information on the information sheet to fill in the chart.

| |Where and when did this |What were the causes of this turning point? (List|Why was this event a turning point? (Hint: How |

| |turning point happen? |two) |was this a big change? Give two effects) |

|1. Industrial Revolution |Where? |- |- |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |- |- |

| |When? | | |

| | | | |

|2. Sepoy Mutiny |Where? |- |- |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |When? |- |- |

| | | | |

|3. Boxer Rebellion |Where? |- |- |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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| |When? | | |

|4. Arab-Israeli |Where? |- |- |

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| |When? |- |- |

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|5. Chinese Revolution |Where? |- |- |

| | | | |

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| |When? | | |

| | | | |

|6. South African Independence |Where? |- |- |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |- |- |

| |When? | | |

C. Political Revolutions TEAL Paragraph (15 points)

Based on the information from the information sheet, pick one world leader and write a 7-10 sentence paragraph response using the TEAL format to address the following task. For this part of the project you will need to look up a piece of information in the textbook and CITE and write it in a BIBLIOGRAPHY it in your paragraph. You will need to write the (author’s name, page number) at the end of a sentence.

Pick any ONE political revolution the information sheet and address this task:

|Theme: Change—Revolution |

|Throughout history, revolutions have developed in response to a variety of conditions. These revolutions have often resulted in significant political, economic, |

|and social change. |

| |

|Task: Select one of the Turning Points |

|• Describe the historical circumstances leading to this turning point |

|• Discuss the political, economic, and/or social effects of this turning point |

| |

|Some suggestions you might wish to consider include the Industrial Revolution, Sepoy Mutiny, Boxer Rebellion, Iranian Revolution, Arab-Israeli Conflict, South |

|African Independence |


(Format: Last Name, First Name. Book Title. City: Publisher, Year Published. Print.)


|1. Industrial Revolution (18th and 19th Centuries) |

|Began in England during the 18th century due to an abundance of natural resources within the country. Major change that occurred was a shift from an agricultural |

|society to an industrial one. Numerous technological advancements made in order to facilitate an industrial society. Advancements in transportation (railroads, |

|steam engine, cotton gin, sewing machines). Many people moved from rural areas to urban areas in search of factory jobs. Incredible mistreatment of workers from |

|factory owners (i.e. child labor, horrible working conditions, mine worker conditions, low wages, long hours, etc.). Creation of workers’ unions to protect rights|

|and benefits of workers. Due to capitalism hurting the lower classes, Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto which predicted that the lower class would over throw|

|the upper class and create a classless society where everyone would be equal. |

|2. Sepoy Mutiny (1857) |

|The British East India Co. hired sepoys, Muslim and Hindu soldiers to protect its economic interests. British East India Co. forced its soldiers to unknowingly go |

|against their religion by ingesting pork and beef fat. Sepoys rebelled against the British imperial powers. The army of the British government eventually ended the|

|conflict through the use of force and because the Muslims and Hindus could not get along well enough to fight the British together. The British government |

|officially took control of India, making it a colony |

|3. Boxer Rebellion (1899) |

|Imperial powers (Great Britain) divided up China into spheres of influence and manipulated Chinese economic and social life. Great Britain conducted illegal opium |

|trade, with paralyzing effects on Chinese population. The Boxers (an anti-Western group) blamed Chinese hardships on imperial powers and called for expulsion |

|(kicking out) of foreigners. Boxers rose up in revolt. The Boxer Rebellion was put down by foreign powers. China’s independence and ability to defend itself was |

|weakened. A nationalist revolution against foreign imperial powers was led by Sun Yat Sen in 1910. |

|4. Arab-Israeli Conflict (late 19th century-present) |

|Due to European anti-Semitism, the Zionist movement emerged – Zionists believe that Jews should have a national home (homeland). With the support of several |

|European powers, European Jews purchased land in Israel (Palestine), establishing the state of Israel and forced the Arabs living there to leave. Arabs |

|(Palestinians) believe that they have a right to live on that land and want their own homeland. Palestinian refugees live in refugee camps in terrible conditions. |

|Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews have fought many conflicts over control of this land. PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization). Despite attempts at |

|reconciliation (Camp David Accords, Oslo Accords), the Arab Palestinians and Israeli Jews are still in conflict |

|5. Chinese Revolution (Tiananmen Square -1989) |

|After Mao’s death, the rule of Deng Xiao Ping led to spread of Western political ideas in China. Chinese students demanded reforms & increased freedom of speech in|

|Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Chinese government brutally put down the demonstrations. The televised government crackdown of protesters strained relations with the |

|West. Protest in Tiananmen Square led to massive protests in other Chinese cities, also put down by Chinese government. Today, China is criticized for lack of |

|human rights, despite increased economic freedoms. |

|6. South African Independence (1990s) |

|European-descended whites (Afrikaners) had control of African government. A racist government policy, Apartheid, segregated blacks & whites. Native South African|

|blacks suffered terrible abuses. Nelson Mandela Was jailed for nearly 30 years and gathered support for his cause during his prison term. End of apartheid |

|ensured more racial equality for South Africans. Became president of South Africa in 1994 and received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts |

| |Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Needs Improvement |Points |

|Part IA – Political |(13-15 points) |(8-12 points) |(4-7 points) |(0-3 points) | |

|Revolutions |All questions are answered descriptively and |Some questions are answered analytically |Most answers are answered analytically and |Almost no answers are answered | |

|Document Analysis |analytically |and descriptively |descriptively |analytically and descriptively | |

|(15 points) | | | | | |

|Part IB – Political |(13-15 points) |(8-12 points) |(4-7 points) |(0-3 points) | |

|Revolutions Chart |The information chart was entirely completed |The information chart was mostly completed|The information chart was not completed and/or |Few, if any of the project | |

|(15 points) |and all information was correct. |and most information was correct. |some information was not correct. |instructions were followed. | |

|Part IC – Political |(13-15 points) |(8-12 points) |(4-7 points) |(0-3 points) | |

|Revolutions TEAL |Body Paragraph formatting was followed |Body Paragraph formatting was followed |Body Paragraph formatting was followed correctly |Few, if any of the project | |

|(15 points) |correctly – Topic Sentence, Evidence, |semi-correctly – Topic Sentence, Evidence,|at parts – Topic Sentence, Evidence, Analysis, |instructions were followed. | |

| |Analysis, Link. Many examples and details were|Analysis, Link. Some examples and details |Link. Few examples and details were given. Few |Citation and Bibliography. | |

| |given. All tasks were addressed. |were given. Most tasks were addressed. |tasks were addressed. | | |

| |Citation and Bibliography. |Citation and Bibliography. |Citation and Bibliography. | | |

|Part IIA – Turning |(13-15 points) |(8-12 points) |(4-7 points) |(0-3 points) | |

|Points Document |All words were used in an original sentence |Most words were used in an original |Some words were used in an original sentence |Few, if any of the project | |

|Analysis |created by you. The sentence was creative and |sentence created by you. The sentence was |created by you. The sentence was either not |instructions were followed. | |

|(15 points) |made sense. |creative and made sense. |creative or did not make sense | | |

|Part IIB – Turning |(13-15 points) |(8-12 points) |(4-7 points) |(0-3 points) | |

|Points |The information chart was entirely completed |The information chart was mostly completed|The information chart was not completed and/or |Few, if any of the project | |

|Chart |and all information was correct. |and most information was correct. |some information was not correct. |instructions were followed. | |

|(15 points) | | | | | |

|Part IIC – Turning |(13-15 points) |(8-12 points) |(4-7 points) |(0-3 points) | |

|Points TEAL |Body Paragraph formatting was followed |Body Paragraph formatting was followed |Body Paragraph formatting was followed correctly |Few, if any of the project | |

|(15 points) |correctly – Topic Sentence, Evidence, |semi-correctly – Topic Sentence, Evidence,|at parts – Topic Sentence, Evidence, Analysis, |instructions were followed. | |

| |Analysis, Link. Many examples and details were|Analysis, Link. Some examples and details |Link. Few examples and details were given. Few |Citation and Bibliography. | |

| |given. All tasks were addressed. |were given. Most tasks were addressed. |tasks were addressed. | | |

| |Citation and Bibliography. |Citation and Bibliography. |Citation and Bibliography. | | |

|Part V – Mechanics |(8 – 10 points) |(5 –7 points) |(3 – 4 points) |(0-2 points) | |

|(10 points) |Stapled/Attached |May contain a few spelling, punctuation, |May contain several spelling, punctuation, and |Contain several spelling, | |

| |Almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation,|and grammatical errors |grammatical errors |punctuation, and grammatical | |

| |and grammatical errors |May demonstrate appropriate grammar usage |Partially demonstrates appropriate grammar usage |errors | |

| |Demonstrates appropriate grammar usage in |in writing and mechanics of language |in writing and mechanics of language |Does not demonstrate appropriate | |

| |writing and mechanics of language | | |grammar usage in writing and | |

| | | | |mechanics of language | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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