Curvitae JHU promotion 2000 - Hopkins Medicine

___________________________ May 26, 2005

Cristiana Stellato, M.D., Ph.D.

Current appointment

July 2000- Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Clinical Immunology, The Johns

Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Personal data

Contact address: The Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center

5501 Hopkins Bayview Circle

Baltimore, MD 21224

Room 1A.12A

Telephone: (410) 550-6981

Fax: (410) 550-2090


Education and training

1974–79 High school (field: humanistic) at the Liceo Classico Statale “Adolfo Pansini”, Naples, Italy. Graduate July 31, 1979 (score 57/60).

1980–88 School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy. M.D. degree, October 3, 1988 (score 110 cum laude/110).

1986–88 Intern, Department of Medicine (Chairman: Prof. Mario Condorelli), University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy.

1988–91 Resident, Division of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (Director: Prof. Mario Ricci), University of Florence, Florence, Italy.

1990 Visiting scientist, Division of Clinical Immunology (Director: Lawrence M. Lichtenstein, M.D., Ph.D.), The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland (March 22–June 22).

1991–96 Ph.D. school of Broncho-pneumology (Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Altucci; Tutor: Prof. Gianni Marone), Second University of Naples, Caserta, Italy. Ph.D. Degree Oct. 1996

1990–93 Postdoctoral fellow, Division of Clinical Immunology and Allergology (Director: Prof. Gianni Marone), University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy.

1992. Visiting scientist, Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center, Division of Clinical Immunology (Director: Lawrence M. Lichtenstein, M.D., Ph.D.), The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland (July 1–September 30).

1993–97 Postdoctoral fellow, Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center, Division of Clinical Immunology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland (Mentor: Dr. Robert P. Schleimer).

Professional Experience

1997-99 Visiting Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center, Division of Clinical Immunology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.

1998- At-term Professor, Division of Clinical Immunology and Allergology (Director: Prof. Gianni Marone), University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy.


Peer-Reviewed Articles

1. Stellato C., de Paulis A., Cirillo R., Mastronardi P., Mazzarella B., Marone G.: Heterogeneity of human mast cells and basophils in response to muscle relaxants. Anesthesiology 1991; 74:1078-1086.

2. Stellato C., Casolaro V., Ciccarelli A., Mastronardi P., Mazzarella B., Marone G.: General anaesthetics induce only histamine release selectively from human mast cells. British Journal of Anaesthesia 1991; 67:751-758.

3. Stellato C., de Paulis A., Ciccarelli A., Cirillo R., Patella V., Casolaro V., Marone G.: Anti- inflammatory effect of cyclosporin A on human skin mast cells. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1992; 98:800-804.

4. Stellato C., Cirillo R., de Paulis A., Casolaro V., Patella V., Mastronardi P., Mazzarella B., Marone G.: Human basophil/mast cell releasability. IX. Heterogeneity of the effects of opioids on mediator release. Anesthesiology 1992; 77:932-940.

5. de Paulis A., Stellato C., Cirillo R., Ciccarelli A., Oriente A., Marone G.: Anti-inflammatory effect of FK-506 on human skin mast cells. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1992; 99:723-728.

6. Stellato C., Beck L.A., Gorgone G.A., Proud D., Schall T.J., Ono S.J., Lichtenstein L.M., Schleimer R.P.: Expression of the chemokine RANTES by a human bronchial epithelial cell line: Modulation by cytokines and glucocorticoids. Journal of Immunology 1995; 155:410- 418.

7. Schwiebert L.A., Beck L.A., Stellato C., Bickel C.A., Bochner B.S., Schleimer R.P.: Glucocorticosteroid inhibition of cytokine production: Relevance to antiallergic actions. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 1996; 97:143-152.

8. Stellato C., de Crescenzo G., Patella V., Mastronardi P., Mazzarella B., Marone G.: Human basophil/mast cell releasability. XI. Heterogeneity of the effects of contrast media on mediator release. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 1996; 97:838-850.

9. Beck L.A., Stellato C., Beall L.D., Schall T.J., Leopold D., Bickel C.A., Baroody F., Bochner B.S., Schleimer R.P.: Detection of the chemokine RANTES and endothelial adhesion molecules in nasal polyps. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 1996; 98:766-778.

10. Stellato C., Collins P., Ponath P. D., Soler D., Newman W., LaRosa G., Li H., White J., Schwiebert L.M., Bickel C., Liu M., Bochner B.S., Williams T.J., Schleimer R.P.: Production of the novel C-C chemokine MCP-4 by airway cells and comparison of its biological activity to other C-C chemokines. Journal of Clinical Investigation 1997;99:926-936.

11. Stellato C., Atsuta J., Bickel, C., Schleimer, R.P. An in vitro comparison of commonly used topical glucocorticoid (GC) preparations. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 1999;104:623-629.

12. Stellato C., Matsukura S., Fal A., Plitt J., Brummet M. E., White J., Beck L., Proud D., Schleimer R.P.: Differential regulation of epithelial-derived C-C chemokine expression by IL-4 and the glucocorticoid budesonide. Journal of Immunology 1999; 163;5624-5632.

13. Matsukura S., Stellato C., Plitt J.R., Bickel C., Miura K., Georas S.N., Casolaro V., Schleimer R.P. Activation of eotaxin gene transcription by Nuclear Factor Kappa B (NF-kB) and Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 6 (STAT6) in human airway epithelial cells. Journal of Immunology 1999;163:6876-6883.

14. Arima M., Plitt J., Stellato C., Bickel, C., Motojima S., Makino S., Fukuda T., Schleimer R.P. Expression of interleukin 16 by human epithelial cells. Inhibition by dexamethasone. American Journal of Respiratory Cellular and Molecular Biology 1999;21:684-692.

15. Lee S.C., Brummet M.E., Shahabbudin S., Woodworth T., Georas S., Leiferman K., Gilman S., Stellato C., Gladue R., Schleimer R.P., Beck L.A.: Cutaneous injection of human subjects with Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1α induces significant recruitment of neutrophils and monocytes. Journal of Immunology 2000;164:3392-33401.

16. Stellato C., Brummet M.E., Plitt J.R., Shahabuddin S., Baroody F., Liu M.C., Ponath P.D., Beck L.A. Cutting Edge: Expression of the CC Chemokine Receptor CCR3 in Human Airway Epithelial Cells. Journal of Immunology 2001; 166:1457-1461.

17. Matsukura S., StellatoC., Georas S.N., Casolaro V., Plitt J.R., Miura K., Kurosawa S., Schindler U. and Schleimer R.P. IL-13 upregulates eotaxin expression in airway epithelial cells by a STAT6-dependent mechanism. American Journal of Respiratory Cellular and Molecular Biology. 2001;24:755-761.

18. Matsukura S., Kokubu F., Kuga H., Kawaguchi M., Ieki K., Odaka M., Suzuki S., Watanabe S., Takeuchi H., Adachi M., Stellato C., Schleimer R.P. Differential regulation of eotaxin expression by IFN-γ in airway epithelial cells. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2003;111:1337-44.

19. Atasoy U, Curry S, Lopez de Silanes I, Shyu A-B, Casolaro V, Gorospe M, Stellato C. Regulation of eotaxin gene expression by TNF( and IL-4 through messenger RNA stabilization: Involvement of the RNA binding protein HuR. Journal of Immunology 2003;171:4369-4378.

20. Heller N.M., Matsukura S., Georas S.N., Boothby M.B., Schindler U., Stellato C., Schleimer RP.: Assessment of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 6, (STAT6) as a target of glucocorticoid action in human airway epithelial cells. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2004;34:1690-1700.

21. Heller N.M., Matsukura S., Georas S.N., Boothby M.R., Rothman P.B., Stellato C., Schleimer RP.: Interferon-γ inhibits STAT6 signal transduction and gene expression in human airway epithelial cells. American Journal of Respiratory Cellular and Molecular Biology 2004:2004-0195OC.

22. Huang J.L., Gao P.S., Mathias R.A., Yao T.C., Chen L.C., Kuo M.L., Hsu S.C., Plunkett B., Togias A., Barnes K.C., Stellato C., Beaty T.H., Huang S.K.: Sequence variants of the gene encoding chemoattractant receptor expressed on Th2 cells (CRTH2) are associated with asthma and differentially influence mRNA stability. Human Molecular Genetics 2004;13:2691-2697

Non-Peer-Reviewed Articles

21. Marone G., Casolaro V., Cirillo R., Stellato C., Genovese A.: Pathophysiology of human basophils and mast cells in allergic disorders. Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology 1989; 50:S24-S40.

22. Marone G., Casolaro V., Stellato C., de Paulis A., Genovese A.: Immunological and pharmacological heterogeneity of human FcεRI+ cells. Journal of Chemotherapy 1991;3:55- 58.

23. Marone G., Stellato C., Mastronardi P., Mazzarella B.: Non-specific histamine-releasing properties of general anesthetic drugs. Clinical Reviews in Allergy 1991; 9:269-280.

24. Stellato C., Casolaro V., Ciccarelli A., de Crescenzo G., Patella V., Marone G.: Selective activation of human mast cells by general anesthetics. Agents and Actions 1992; 32:C19-C194.

25. Stellato C., de Paulis A., de Crescenzo G., Tatangelo F., Rickler O., Marone G.: Heterogeneity of human basophils and mast cells in response to muscle relexants. Agents and Actions 1992; 32:C195-C198.

26. Marino O., Casolaro V., Meliota S., Stellato C., Guidi G., Marone G.: Inhibition of histamine release from human FcεRI+ cells by nimesulide. Agents and Actions 1992; 32:C311-C314.

27. Stellato C., Casolaro V., Renda A., Genovese A., Marone G.: Anti-inflammatory effect of deflazacort. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 1992; 99:340-342.

28. Marone G., Stellato C.: Activation of human mast cells and basophils by general anaesthetic drugs. Monographs in Allergy 1992; 30:54-73.

29. Marone G., Stellato C., Mastronardi P., Mazzarella B.: Mechanisms of activation of human mast cells and basophils by general anaesthetic drugs. Annales Françaises d'Anesthesie et Réanimation 1993; 12:116-125.

30. Marone G., Stellato C., Renda A., Genovese A.: Anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids and cyclosporin A on human basophils. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1993; 45(Suppl. 1):S17-S22.

31. Stellato C., Marone G.: Mast cells and basophils in adverse reactions to drugs used during general anesthesia. Chemical Immunology 1995; 62:108-131.

Book Chapters and Monographs

32. Marone G., Casolaro V., Quinti I., Paganelli R., Spadaro G., Stellato C.: Mast cell and basophil activation by human anti-IgE autoantibodies. In: Progress in Allergy and Clinical Immunology (W.J. Pichler, B.M. Stadler, C. Dahinden, A.R. Pécoud, P.C. Frei, C. Schneider, A.L. de Weck, eds.). Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, Toronto, Lewiston, Bern, Göttingen, Stuttgart, 1989, pp. 125-128.

33. Casolaro V., Stellato C., Spadaro G., Marone G.: Alterations of immunoregulation in allergic diseases. In: Immunoregulation and Lymphoproliferative Disorders (F. Dammacco, ed.). Edi- Ermes, Milan, 1989, pp. 57-72.

34. Casolaro V., Stellato C., de Crescenzo G., Triggiani M., Marone G.: Mast cells, basophils and their mediators. In: Asthma Treatment. A Multidisciplinary Approach (D. Olivieri, P. Barnes, S. Hurd, G. Folco, eds.). Plenum Publishing Co., New York, 1992, pp. 63-79.

35. Marone G., de Paulis A., Casolaro V., Ciccarelli A., Spadaro G., Patella V., Stellato C., Cirillo R., Genovese A.: Are the anti-inflammatory properties of cyclosporin A useful in the treatment of chronic asthma? In: Respiratory Allergy: Advances in Clinical Immunology and Pulmonary Medicine (G. Melillo, P.M. O'Byrne, G. Marone, eds.). Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, London, New York, Tokyo, 1993, pp. 251-260.

36. Schleimer R.P., Beck L.A., Schwiebert L.M., Stellato C., Bochner B.S.: Inhibition of inflammatory cell recruitment by glucocorticoids: Cytokines as primary targets. In: Topical Glucocorticoids in Asthma – Mechanisms and Clinical Actions. (R.P. Schleimer, W.W. Busse, P.M. O'Byrne, eds.). Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1995, pp. 203-238.

37. Stellato C., Schwiebert L.M., Schleimer R.P.: Mechanism of action of glucocorticosteroids. In: Asthma (P.J. Barnes, M.M. Grunstein, A. Leff, A.J. Woolcock, eds.). Raven Press, New York, 1996, pp. 1569-1595.

38. Stellato C., Schleimer R.P.: Glucocorticoid regulation of chemokines. In: Chemokines in Allergic Disease (Rothenberg, M. ed.). Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1999, pp. 473 - 507.

39. Stellato C., Beck L.A.: Expression of eosinophil-specific chemokines by human epithelial cells. In: Human Eosinophils: Biological and Clinical Aspects (Marone, G. ed.). S. Karger AG, Basel, 1999, vol. 76, pp. 156 - 176. 36.

40. Beck L., Stellato C., Shahabuddin S., Nickel R., Schleimer R.P. The role of chemokines in allergic diseases of the airways. In: Inflammatory Processes. Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Opportunities. LG Letts and DW Morgan, editors. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel Switzerland, 2000, pp.109-120.

41. Stellato C., Beck L.A. Expression of eosinophil-specific chemokines by human epithelial cells. Chemical Immunology 2000;76:156:176.

42. Stellato C. Blockade of chemokine production/function as an example of glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory actions. In: Inhaled Steroids in Asthma—Optimizing effects in the airways. RP Schleimer, O'Byrne PM, Szefler SJ, and R Brattsand, editors. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. 2002;63:113-136.

Extramural Sponsorship

As Principal Investigator:

1) NIH RO1 AI44242-01 "Regulation of C-C Chemokines in Human Airway Epithelium”, from 4/1/2000 to 3/31/2005, now in 1 year no-cost extension status until 3/31/2006. Direct cost 175,000 $/year, 90 % effort.

2) NIH RO1 AI060990 “Role of the RNA-binding protein HuR in Allergic Inflammation”, from 4/1/2005 to 12/31/2009, direct cost 250,000/yr, 90% effort.

3) 2004 AAAAI/Aventis Women Physician in Allergy Junior Faculty Development Award, “Posttranscriptional Gene Regulation in Allergic Inflammation: Role of the RNA-binding Protein HuR”, 40,000/yr for two years (2004-2005).

As Co-investigator:

1) NIH RO1 AI41463 “Regulation of IL-4 in cells involved in allergic disease”, 10 % effort; Principal Investigator: Vincenzo Casolaro, M.D., Ph.D.

Teaching and Mentoring Activities

1998-1999 Small group discussion leader ("small group discussions on immediate hypersensitivity") for the second year medical students - JHU School of Medicine.

1999 – to date At-term Professor, Division of Clinical Immunology and Allergology (Director: Prof. Gianni Marone), University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy.

1999 Mentoring for Nikki Buckley, 1st year Ph.D. student of the JHU program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine, during a 3-month rotation of laboratory work on the effect of glucocorticoids on eotaxin mRNA stability.

1999-2000 Lectures on the Pathophysiology of Asthma for the Pharmaceutical Preceptorship Program in the Division of Clinical Immunology.

1999-to date Lectures on chemokine and chemokine receptor biology in the Orientation Conference Series for the new postdoctoral fellows in the Division of Clinical Immunology.

2001 Mentoring for Jacqueline Nguyen, student (graduating 2001) at Long Reach High School, Technology Magnet Program, during a 3-month rotation of laboratory experience on the role of the transcription factor CP2 on transcriptional activation of the eotaxin gene.

2001 Mentoring for Naba Bakar, student (graduating 2002) at Dulaney Valley High School, during a 3-month rotation of laboratory experience on the role of the CCR3 chemokine receptor in promoting gene expression in airway epithelial cells.

2003-05 Mentoring for S. Yukiko Asaki, a student at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, during summer rotations (May-August) of laboratory experience on various projects (the role of the CCR3 chemokine receptor in promoting proliferation and chemotaxis in airway epithelial cells, and studies on IL-13 mRNA turnover).

2004-2005 Mentoring (eight months) for Dr. Nikki Heller, Post-doctoral fellow working on the effect of glucocorticoids on endothelial cell chemokine gene expression

2004- to date Mentoring for Dr. Jinshui Fan, Post-doctoral fellow working on posttranscriptional regulation of inflammatory genes

Editorial Activities

Peer Review for: Allergy


American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology

Inflammation Research

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

Journal of Immunology

Journal of Leukocyte Biology

Reviewer for the Wellcome Trust University Award (2000)

Clinical Activities - Certification

1989 Unrestricted licence to practice of Medicine and Surgery in the European Community, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy.

1990 Passed the basic and clinical science components of the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in the Medical Sciences (FMGEMS) (Rome, Italy, January 15–16).

1991. European board in Allergology and Clinical Immunology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy (October 4; score 70 cum laude/70).

Professional Societies

1997 - Member, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

Honors and Awards

1989 Investigator Award, Roussel Institute (Milan, Italy).

1990 Extended Scholarship Award, the UCB Institute of Allergy (Brussels, Belgium).

1992 Research fellowship, National Research Council (CNR, Rome, Italy).

1993 Fogarty International Fellowship, Public Health Service (Bethesda, Maryland).

1995 Finalist, “The Respiratory 2000 International Young Investigator Award”, Schering- Plough International (Milan, Italy).

1997 The 1997 Cytokine Abstract Award for the Best Abstract for Fellows- in-Training presented in the Field of Cytokine Research at the Joint Meeting of American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology/American Association of Immunologists/Clinical Immunology Society, S. Francisco, February 21-26.

1998 Fellowship from the Pharmacia Allergy Research Foundation.

2004 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology/Aventis Women Physician in Allergy Junior Faculty Development Award (2 year support).

Invited Talks

September 1997 Great Lakes Pulmonary Conference, Niagara-On the-Lake, Ontario, CA - "Production of C-C chemokines in the airways: potential role in allergic diseases".

February 1998 54th American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Washington, DC, "Pathophysiology of Contrast Media Reactions" in joint AAAAI/EAACI Symposium.

November 1999 1999 Autumn Immunology Conference, Chicago, "Epithelial-derived Chemokines and Asthma".

December 1999 Congress on: The Anti-asthmatic Actions and Selectivity of Inhaled Steroids, Palm Beach, FL, "Blockade of Chemokine Production/function as an Example of Anti-inflammatory actions".

March 2001 57th American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, New Orleans, LA, "Effects of Corticosteroids on eosinophil-specific chemokine expression in the airways" in MOA Interest Section Symposium.

January 2003 University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, Guest Speaker at the Departimental Seminar Series, “Unraveling the Role of Post-transcriptional regulation in Chemokine Biology: a Study on the CC Chemokine, Eotaxin”.

July 2003 Congress on: Inhaled Corticosteroids in the Treatment of Asthma and COPD, Le Parker Meridien, New York, NY, “ Posttranscriptional and Non-genomic Effects of Glucocorticoids”.

May 2004 Frontiers in Medicine Course, Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center, Baltimore, “Chemokines: multi-tasking molecules in allergic inflammation”.

January 2005 Guest Speaker at the Seminar Series of the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, NIA, NIH, Baltimore, “Understanding Chemokines: Multi-tasking Molecules in Airway Inflammation”.

March 2005 RNA Focus Group, University of Maryland, Baltimore, “Posttranscriptional Chemokine Gene Regulation and the RNA-binding Protein HuR in Allergic Inflammation”.

May 2005 American Thoracic Society 2005 Intl. Conference, San Diego, “Regulation of Airway Epithelial Chemokine Expression by Alteration in mRNA Stability: The Role of the RNA-binding Protein HuR in Allergic Inflammation”, in Symposium “Gene Expression: Beyond Transcription Factors”.

Invited Reviews and Editorials

Stellato C., Adkinson N.F.: Pathophysiology of contrast media anaphylactoid reactions: new perspectives of an old problem. Allergy 1998;53:1111-1113.

Beck L.A., Nickel R., Stellato C., Schleimer R.P: Chemokines in allergic diseases. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Imunology.1999;104:723-742.

Georas S.N., Beck L.A., Stellato C.: What is eotaxin doing in the pleura? Insights into innate immunity from pleural mesothelial cells. American Journal of Respiratory Cellular and Molecular Biology. 2002;26:1-4.

Stellato C.: Posttranscriptional and Non-genomic Effects of Glucocorticoids. Proceedings of American Thoracic Society. 2004;1:255-263.

Fan J., Heller N.M., Gorospe M., Atasoy U., Stellato C.: The Role of Post-transcriptional Regulation in Chemokine Gene Expression in Inflammation and Allergy. European Respiratory Journal. Accepted for Publication.

Esche C, Stellato C, Beck L.: Chemokines: Their Role in Innate and Adaptive Immunity. Journal of Invesigative Dermatology. Accepted for Publication.


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