Beer 2 Fish: Business Summary

righttop2020Robin CappaertBeer 2 Fish1-4-2020400001000002020Robin CappaertBeer 2 Fish1-4-2020left250002672715Beer 2 Fish: Business Summary900007300Beer 2 Fish: Business Summary857252195830Beer to Fish - Business CaseNutreco Feed & Food Tech ChallengeDescribe the problem your company wishes to solve? Without a problem or need, there is no business opportunity.“Our mission is to boost health and growth of trout fry and fingerlings by using innovative and natural feed based on existing brewery waste streams.”Describe your Solution. Describe how your products or services will solve the problem and meet the desired solution?It’s no mystery that a sustainable alternative for fish meal and oil must be found for use in aquafeeds. Especially the culture of carnivorous fish such as trout and salmon relies heavily on these raw materials in any traditional feed formulation. Since fish meals and oils are often produced from wild-caught fish, aquaculture doesn’t relieve our oceans and seas from overfishing enough.Additionally, helping and boosting the immune systems of fragile fry and fingerlings via nutrition is preferred in the long term over heavy use of antibiotics or expensive vaccines.Belgium has an especially high number of small and large breweries. Beer brewing is an industry that produces large quantities of organic waste products, sometimes referred to as “spent grain” or “marc”. Big portions of spent grain are sold to the animal feed industry as is, which is a cheap option for traditional cattle farmers.However, when it comes to farming carnivores such as trout and salmon, an extra step is required to convert low-quality spent grain into high-quality proteins and lipids. Insect farming, more precisely culturing of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae, is cost-effective and robust and can rely on a good amount of proof-of-concept and previous research to increase our trust in this farming technique. BSF larvae are also known as Calci Worms or Phoenix Worms.Yeast is another interesting by-product of breweries and recent research in academia is looking closer into the nucleotides contained in relatively high amounts in yeast strains from species S. cerevisiae and C. utilis. Using purified yeast nucleotides as a fish feed additive is a novel idea but is very promising. It valorizes another waste stream from fermentation industries (not just beer breweries) and boosts fry/fingerling health and growth in a natural way, thus reducing the need for antibiotics or expensive vaccines. Purified nucleotides are already used in various human baby foods to help development of the immune system and as supplements for athletes. Application in animal feeds is still limited but has promising interesting test results in academia.In summary, Beer to Fish provides a "super fish feed" based on insects grown on varied organic wastes from beer breweries and enhanced with nucleotides extracted from yeast, also from beer breweries.Business model, value proposition and customer profileIn summary, our insect meal based feed differentiates itself from the competition by the addition of purified nucleotides for increased immunity.The team of Aalto summer school 2019Table 1 below lists the people that worked on this idea during the summer school at Aalto University in August 2019. We are still in contact but more defined team roles will be assigned if this idea gets some traction. The foundations for this idea were laid in South Africa at La Pieus Aqua (), in collaboration with NucleoCell ().Table 1: People who developed the “Beer to Fish” idea during the Summer School and their background.NameBackgroundEmail addressLisa HeymannBusiness chemistlisa.heymann@hhu.deOluwabukunmi Otegbee?Contacts with Nigerian fish CappaertBio-Engineer, agronomy and aquaculturerobcappaert@Wies Van HirtumElectronics – ICT engineerwies.vanhirtum@student.kuleuven.beMartijn BindelsWater filtration and electromechanical engineermartynbindels@Joao Victor DaimSustainable business innovation and waste managementj.v.hidalgodaim@students.uu.nlMain costs, uncertainties and value of the NFTC prizeMain uncertainties concern the effects of purified nucleotides in fry and fingerling feeds, since there is not much previous research. Thus, most of the costs for our company will go to R&D and feed trials, in collaboration with prospective customers. Production costs are relatively limited (nucleotide extraction kits will be a continuous cost). Distribution might be a higher cost since customers are not closely located to each other. Belgian aquaculture is still a young industry but with much potential. The NFTC Scientific Validation Trial should give us a clearer answer to following research questions:- What is the ideal inclusion rate of nucleotides in the feed?- What is the effect of composition of monophosphate nucleotides (ratio of AMP, GMP, CMP, UMP, dTMP) on their health and growth boost?- How much of fish meal can be replaced without compromising the farm's profitability?- What is the ideal length of administration of the nucleotides to fry and fingerlings?- Can we relate the mechanisms of observed increased health and growth to intestinal microbiology?Unraveling the underlying mechanisms of nucleotides and their effect on (intestinal) microbiology will give us and customers more control over fish health and allow us to troubleshoot based on real data. In the long term, this can lead to microbial transfers to boost fish health cost-pany stage and use of fundingWe haven’t raised previous funding yet. After the enthusiasm that we experienced during and after the Summer School, the idea stuck with us and this challenge allows us to do valuable R&D and build a network in the aquafeed sector. Since we are a student/fresh graduate team, any feedback from Nutreco on this idea is greatly appreciated.Additional funding will be spent on R&D and pilot scale production, to get a rock solid proof-of-concept to attract further investors and customers. Example R&D could involve metagenomics and proteomics analysis of intestinal microbiota and nutritional analysis of Black Soldier Fly larvae grown on marc. There is still room to select the optimal yeast strain(s) or insect species if necessary.Production methods31603952598420Super fish feed00Super fish feed1348105274320523875207962500-95885417195Brewer’s residual yeast00Brewer’s residual yeastleft2093595Nucleotide extraction00Nucleotide extraction21005803152140Nucleotide powder00Nucleotide powder22625052664460001871982262699600481330163830000-90170407670484378017335500420560522733000022479001152525Spent grain (“marc”)00Spent grain (“marc”)339598014097002124710124777500center29672400369125511715752969260269240Figure 1 below shows the general flow of production of Beer To Fish.Figure 1: Production flow of Beer To Fish.Black Soldier Fly (BSF, Hermetia illucens) larvae farmMating of adult BSF happens in netted cages (lots of light, humidity 50% and T > 23 °C), see Figure 2 below. Simple materials with small crevices (e.g. cardboard), surrounded by moist rotting materials (e.g. some spent grain) are required for females to lay eggs (Figure 3). This material is replaced completely very 2-3 days to prevent molds. Clean water is also provided in the cage. Eggs are harvested daily by hand and the adult colony is maintained by allowing some BSF larvae to pupate inside the netted cages. However, it is important to minimize an disturbances to the breeding nets, since this might cause females to lay unfertilized eggs that will never hatch and will rot (). (). Dead eggs and flies are removed as soon as possible.Design ideas from Inagro (Belgium): 2: Nets used for adult BSF colonies (source: ).Figure 3: Simple cardboard stack with small crevices required for egg-laying. These cardboard stacks are placed in the nets shown above.The cardboard with eggs is placed in a plastic or fiber glass container on a 7-8 cm thick layer of spent grain, where they will hatch after 4 days on average. One m? of BSF larvae will eat around 15 kg of waste per day. Fresh spent grain is added regularly and spread over the container. It takes 2-4 weeks for freshly hatched larvae to develop into prepupae. BSF larvae convert around 25% of dry matter biomass into insect mass. (). It is important that the substrate temperature never goes over 44 °C to prevent larvae deaths. Extra wheat bran can be added to the substrate to create a better texture that allows air to reach the deeper parts ().For rainbow trout, unprocessed BSF larvae meal can replace up to 13% of fish meal without affecting FCR. Fish oil can be reduced by 10% (Dumas et al., 2018; Belghit et al., 2019). It was also found that BSF larvae meal can completely replace fish meal in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in sea cages (Belghit et al., 2019).Belghit et al., 2019: et al., 2018: the final stages of larvae development (5th or 6th instar larvae, 2-4 weeks after hatching), the larvae will try to move out of the container to pupate. One side of the container should be slanted at 45° to create a ramp, on which the larvae can move up and over the side of the container, into a collection vessel. On larger scales however, it is more feasible to just harvest all larvae manually/mechanically instead of waiting for the larvae to crawl out of the containers.From these collected larvae, high quality meal, oil (and water) can be produced by letting the larvae pass through a rendering installation (). Figure 4 below shows the rendering installation from Celitron. In this way, a more high quality product can be obtained and more than 25% of fish meal could be replaced in rainbow trout fry and fingerling diets. BSF prepupae consist of around 42% protein and 35% fat.Figure 4: Rendering installation from Celitron that extracts high-protein insect meal and insect oil.The rendered BSF larvae meal and oil are mixed again, together with the purified, yeast-extracted nucleotides.The left over compost (“larval frass”) produced by BSF larvae is of high quality and can be used in agriculture and gardening as high-quality organic fertilizer. It can also be applied in the breeding nets instead of spent grain.Nucleotide extraction from yeast5’ nucleotides will be extracted according to following method (Figure 5).Figure 5: Summary of 5’ nucleotide extraction method from yeast (S. cerevisiae). Source: the website suggests, this patent is free to use.Yeast from breweries (S. cerevisiae) is readily available for hydrolysis without prior cell culture.“Stimulator of autolysis” is for example 3% ethyl acetate. pH must be maintained at constant level during yeast autolysis by adding alkali. The insoluble residue contains mainly cell walls and be centrifuged off. Maintaining a constant pH is the main challenge for this method, because this allows 50 to 80% of the yeast RNA to remain intact (see Table 2 below). Intact 5’ nucleotide monophosphates, especially GMP, have a flavoring component that might act as a feed attractant for fish. Intact nucleotides are definitely preferred to aid in the development of the fish’s immune system. These 5’ nucleotides are recovered from the extracted RNA via mixing 5’-phospodiesterase and stirring the reaction for 5 hours at 60 °C. The enzyme is then deactivated by heating for 5 minutes at 90 °C. A crude enzyme mixture containing 5’-phospodiesterase is derived from malt, again a product used in beer breweries. For this, the malt is mixed with water (1:1) and ground to a homogenous mixture. Residue is filtered off and the clear extract heated for 5 minutes at 63 °C. Finally, 200 mL of enzyme mix is added per liter of yeast/ethylacetate suspension.The clear, liquid nucleotide extract can be dried on reduced pressure to receive a powdered mix of nucleotides, ready for mixing with BSF meal and oil. On average, nucleotide extracts from S. cerevisiae contain 30,87% adenine (A), 30,88% uracil (U), 19,03% cytosine (C) and 19,03% guanine (G).Table 2: Effect of pH on nucleotide extract composition. GMP is an important flavoring agent that might act as feed attractant to fish.1957705222252002The ideal inclusion rate of purified nucleotides is yet to be determined, but should lie between 0,05 and 1%. Purified nucleotides are preferred over whole-yeast extract (including proteins, carbohydrates, …) for several reasons:The composition and ratios of purified nucleotides are more consistent than the yeast protein fraction. Yeast composition varies heavily depending on strain, growth medium and conditions. The higher the consistency, the easier it is to integrate in fish feeds.Yeast protein is poor in methionine and cysteine. The rest of the protein profile is very similar to fish meal though. Rigid cell walls have to be broken (hydrolysis, enzymatic, mechanically, ...) before any proteins (or nucleotides) are digestible by salmonids.Purified nucleotides have to be added only in very small doses (0,05% - 1%) to have a positive effect.Adding more fractions of (dead) yeast biomass will reduce feed attractiveness to the fish (the smell is noticeable after adding yeast to water!). Nucleotides on their own, however, are a chemo-attractant (especially GMP).In summary, purified nucleotides are preferred over a mixed yeast biomass to allow for a more concentrated, consistent health boost to the fish in their most vulnerable stages. Thus, insects will cover the nutritional aspects of our feed while the nucleotides focus on natural immunity and making the feed more tasty. This increases quality control and consistency of our product.Production planTotal production timeBSF larvae pupating into adults2 weeksAdult BSF mating/egg-laying1 weekBSF eggs hatching4 daysBSF larvae growth3 weeksLarvae rendering12 hoursNucleotide extraction from yeast30 hours in totalMixing1 hourFor continuous production, different BSF larvae containers are set up at 2 day intervals. This is to allow at least one day for larvae rendering and feed mixing. Production will happen year-round since the BSF larvae farm and nucleotide extraction lab are located indoors. The BSF larvae farm will have to be temperature and humidity controlled.Production costs (pilot scale)Costs related to the BSF larvae farmBSF larvae starter cultureContact David.Deruytter@Inagro.beAdult BSF breeding cage$ 260 (EVO)BSF larvae container$ 10 for a 62L container (AliBaba)Spent grain (marc), 27% Dry matter€60/tonRendering installation (Celitron, Hungary)€350?000 for pilot scale installation (can handle 250 kg larvae)Temperature and humidity controlRadiator (40 x 120 x 10,3 cm; 1387 W): €150 (Hudson Reed)Humidifier (rooms up to 65 m?): €250 (Qualityhygiene)Sensor and controller: T: €38,95 (Tuinadvies)φ: €44,95 (Qualityhygiene)b) Costs related to nucleotide extraction from S. cerevisiaeEthyl acetate€ 37/L (Sigma Aldrich)Fiber glass mixing tank$200 for 2 m? tank (AliBaba)Alkali buffer (builder’s lime)?10,80 for 25 kg (Blue Circle)Heating furnace (up to 100 °C)€ 500 - €1000 (eBay)Malt roots (for crude enzyme production)$200/ton (AliBaba)Centrifuge (at least 500 rpm)$1500 (AliBaba)Production yieldsYield of BSF larvaeBrewer’s spent grain has an average density of around 0,43 g/cm? or 430 kg/m? (). One m? of a BSF larvae spent grain substrate with a thickness of 8 cm has a volume of 0,08 m?. This is equivalent to 34,4 kg of spent grain per m?.The optimal larvae density would be around 1,2 larvae per cm?, or 12?000 larvae per m? (). If this 1 m? is covered with BSF larvae, that can eat around 15 kg of spent grain per day, it will take around 2 days for the larvae to have completely converted the spent grain into frass. Daily replenishment of spent grain to the larvae should be 163 mg/larvae/day DM to prevent larvae to run out of feed (). This is equivalent to 1,956 kg DM per m? of larvae per day. Spent grain that is sold by breweries usually has around 27% DM (). Thus, 7,244 kg of spent grain must be added daily to every m? of the larvae farm.As stated above, BSF larvae convert 25% of the spent grain’s DM (270 g per kg) into larvae mass. Thus, 67,5 g of larvae mass is obtained per kg of spent grain. On average, BSF larvae grown on spent grain (SG) have 83,1 % dry matter (see Table 1 below). After rendering, only the DM fraction is kept and used in the production of fish feed. In conclusion, 56,09 g of BSF larvae DM (insect meal and oil) is obtained per kg of spent grain. On a DM basis, this is 207,74 g of insect meal and insect oil per kg of DM spent grain. Of this 56,09 g, 88,4% (or 49,58 g) is organic matter. Of this, 31% (or 15,37 g) is insect oil and 69% (or 34,21g) is protein-rich insect meal, produced per kg of 27% DM spent grain.3919855805815Table 1: Chemical analysis of BSF larvae grown on Chicken Manure (CM), Kitchen Waste (KW) and Spent Grain (SG, highlighted in red). (Shumo et al., 2019). EE reflects lipid content, NDF is the total fiber content. ADF is fiber minus hemicellulose. As mentioned above, insect meal and oil can replace up to 13% of fish meal in rainbow trout diets and 10% of fish oil. Thus, with 1 kg insect meal, 7,69 kg of rainbow trout feed can be formulated. With 1 kg of fish oil, 10 kg of rainbow trout feed can be formulated.The nutritional composition of the BSF larvae meal and oil (amino acid profile, moisture, lipid profile, …) can be determined by a portable, user-friendly FT-NIR spectrometer, e.g. from Galaxy Scientific (). This qualitative and quantitative check will be necessary for a good Quality Management System.This FT-NIR spectrometer can be bought (quote from Galaxy Scientific pending) and analyses done on-site.Yield of nucleotidesAs stated above, nucleotide extracts from S. cerevisiae contain 30,87% adenine (A), 30,88% uracil (U), 19,03% cytosine (C) and 19,03% guanine (G) () (Peter et al., 2018).Total nucleotide content in the form of RNA of S. cerevisiae is 6,3% on average (). Assuming the method described in 7.2. can extract all RNA from brewer’s spent yeast, 0,063 kg of nucleotide extract is obtained per kg of spent yeast. Nucleotide inclusion in trout fry and fingerling diets will max. be 1% (based on literature review), or 0,01 kg per kg of feed. Thus, with 1 kg of spent yeast, up to 6,3 kg of fish feed can be enriched with nucleotides.The relative concentration of each monophosphate (AMP, CMP, GMP, UMP and dTMP) in the extracted nucleotide powder can be determined by hydrolyzing a sample and separating the different nucleotides by chromatography. The UV absorption spectra is then measured at 260 nm. More details on method: specifically, High Performance Liquid Chromatography followed by Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-MS) can be applied to obtain a mass spectrogram where elution time is inversely related to molecular mass (the largest molecule elutes first). The y-axis of a mass spectrogram shows the relative abundance of eluted molecules: the most abundant molecule has 100% relative abundance and a molecule with 50% relative abundance is thus half as abundant. The method to analyze the different nucleotide monophosphates was optimized for infant foods (Ren et al., 2011): 6 below shows the mass spectrogram of monophosphate nucleotides in an infant food formulation sample. Figure 6: Relative abundance of monophosphate nucleotides in an infant food formulation. First peak is CMP, second AMP, third UMP, fourth GMP and fifth IMP (deaminated AMP). dTMP was not detected in these formulations (Ren et al., 2011).Given a HPLC-MS is quite costly, these analyses can be done by an external lab, at least in the initial stages of the business.Possible customers in and around BelgiumTrout farms (sell nucleotides as feed additive)Advantages purified nucleotides for rainbow trout fingerlings (review paper available on request):Lower FCR (best at 2g nucleotides per kg of feed)Increased SGR (best at 1,5g or 2g nucleotides per kg of feed)Higher final weight (best at 1,5g or 2g nucleotides per kg of feed)Increased lysozyme (destroys Gram positive bacteria) and leucocyte (white blood cell) activityHigher survival against Streptococcus iniae (Tahmasebi-Kohyani et al., 2011)Reduced cortisol production (less negative effects from stress)Reduced mortalities from Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis virusFeed attractant for fish (will eat more).Monophosphate nucleotides can add flavoring to the fish fillet.Vasch Aquaponics ()Forellenkwekerij Krijtland ()Forellenvijver Geulhof Mechelen ()Viskwekerij van de Commanderie 7 ()Fischzucht Ourtal Weweler ()’t Smallert forellenkwekerij ()Le Gouffre du Blagour ()Viskwekerij van Achouffe ()De forel van Freux ()Fish feed producers (sell insect meal and oil + nucleotides for new formulations)(Dis)advantages of replacing fish meal and oil with insect meal and oil:Increased feed costFish meal costs $1400 per metric ton in March 2020 ().Fish oil costs $2000 per metric ton in 2018 ().Insect meal and oil can be produced at €60 (price of 1 ton spent grain grain) per 15,37 kg insect oil and 34,21 kg protein-rich insect meal. This is €3903,71 ($4238,69) per ton of insect oil and €1753,87 ($1904,37) per ton of insect meal.Prices of fish meal and fish oil heavily depend on fishing yield of the year. Volatile market. General price rise of fish meal and oil as supply decreases.More reliable and sustainable source of high-quality protein and lipids for aquaculture with similar results as fish meal and oil.Kemin Europa nv ()BernAqua ()INVE Aquaculture ()Empro Europe ()Cargill ()VDS nv ()DSM ()Skretting ()BioMar ()Aller Aqua ()Alltech Coppens ()Beneo ()More producers in Europe listed here: suppliers in and around BelgiumBSF larvae starter culture in the EUTo get a colony of BSF started, an initial batch of a few hundred larvae will be purchased. These larvae will be allowed to develop into adults that will multiply. In good conditions, yields of 25 mg in eggs per female are expected. In the best case scenario, this will translate to around 75 g of larvae per female ().Agroloop ()Livefood UK ()200 larvae for ?5,99300 larvae for ?6,99500 larvae for ?9,99Protix ()(Belgian) breweries that can supply marc and yeastBrouwerij Het Anker (Mechelen, Belgium)Brouwerij Haacht’t Hofbrouwerijke (Beerzel)Brouwerij PalmBrouwerij Varenbroek (Rumst)(Brouwerij Artois)Brouwerij Broeder Jacob BVBABrouwerij De Vlier BVBABrouwerij De MeulekesDe KeukenbrouwersBrouwerij De Klem…Fish feed marketTotal fish feed market estimated at $69 billion in 2018. Major markets are in the Asia-Pacific region (Mordor Intelligence, 2019). Figure 7 summarizes the modern aquafeed industry. It can be seen that this market is still very fragmented, allowing for small-scale companies to enter without too much difficulty.The aquafeed market also grows annually with about 7,5% (CAGR) between 2019 and 2024, as shown in Figure 8 (Mordor Intelligence, 2019). This implies the aquafeed industry is growing rapidly and demand for innovative feeds will rise when fish meal and oil cannot supply the market anymore at a reasonable price. Fish meal and oil will remain important feed ingredients for aquaculture as BSF larvae meal and oil can’t completely replace them without compromising fish health and growth. As stated before, 13% of fish meal and 10% of fish oil can be replaced by BSF meal and oil respectively in rainbow trout feeds and up to a 100% replacement of fish meal is possible in Atlantic salmon feeds for sea cages.Figure 7: Fish feed market concentration and major players ().Figure 8: Fish feed market summary with Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7,5% predicted from 2019 to 2024 (). ................

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