Civil Affairs Roundtable - FAOA


Civil Affairs Roundtable XVIII

Foreign Area Engagement Teaming

George Mason University Peace Operations Policy Program

The Reserve Officers Association

In coordination with

The Foreign Area Officer Association

22 March 2012

George Mason University Arlington Campus

Room 134, Founders Hall

3351 Fairfax Drive

Arlington, Virginia 22201

Security cooperation increasingly predominates the steady state of U.S. foreign and security engagements. Complex and comprehensive challenges in the face of limited resources call for a greater teaming approach that brings together disparate capabilities along political-military, civil-military, interagency, public-private, and international lines. This Roundtable takes a look at how country teams may better leverage Active and Reserve Civil Affairs, Foreign Area Officers, and other military capabilities in support of whole-of-government efforts to bring peace, stability, and security to partner nations and regions.


8:00 Registration / coffee/ refreshments

8:30 Roundtable hosts:

• Dr. Allison Frendak-Blume, Director, George Mason University Peace Operations Policy Program

• Robert Feidler, Director of Army Affairs and Director

of Strategic Defense Education, Reserve Officers Association

• Kurt Marisa, President, Foreign Area Officer Association

9:00 “The Army Foreign Area Officer Program Today and Tomorrow”, Colonel Heino Klinck, Director, U.S. Army FAO Proponent Office

9:20 “FAO and Civil Affairs Cooperation – Examples from African Countries,” Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Battiston, U.S. Army FAO Proponent Office

9:45 Break

10:00 Panel Discussion: Civil-Military Capabilities at Country and Regional Levels

Moderator: Col. (ret.) Michael Hess, President, M&TCH Consulting and former Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Democracy, Conflict & Humanitarian Assistance, USAID

• U.S. Army Civil Affairs – Col. Eric Haaland, Civil Affairs Policy, Office of Partnership Strategy & Stability Operations, Office of the Secretary of Defense

• U.S. Marine Corps Civil Affairs – Lt. Col. Christopher Brown, Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group

• Foreign Area Officers – Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Battiston, U.S. Army FAO Proponent Office

• USAID – Beth Cole, Center for Civil-Military Cooperation

• State Department – Karin von Hippel, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Overseas Operations, Bureau of Conflict & Stabilization Operations

12:00 Pick up lunch and move to Room 126

12:30 Presentation of Awards – The Civil Affairs Association

12:45 Return to Room 134

13:00 Panel Discussion: Partnering Beyond the Country Team

Moderator: Col. (ret.) Christopher Holshek, Senior Fellow, Alliance for Peacebuilding

• The UN and U.S. Military Observers – Col. Thomas Moffatt, Commander, U.S. Military Observer Group

• Businesses – Raymond Gilpen, Director of Sustainable Economics, U.S. Institute of Peace

• Civil Society Organizations – Dr. Lisa Schirch, 3P Initiative and Alliance for Peacebuilding

14:30 Keynote Speaker: “Civil Affairs and Foreign Area Officers in the AFRICOM Theater Security Cooperation,” Maj. Gen. Charles Hooper, Director of Strategy, Plans, & Programs, U.S. Africa Command

15:00 Open Discussion – Facilitated by GMU-POPP

15:25 Closing Remarks and Announcements – Prof. David Davis, Founder, George Mason University Peace Operations Policy Program

15:30 Adjournment


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