Too many women in their 50s and beyond have given up


Too many women in their 50s and beyond have given up on ever meeting M r.Practically Perfect.But a smallinner voice wonders,"W illIalways have to eat alone and go to bed with a book?"Responding to that voice,the authors'

inspiring message is,"It's never too late.We did it.So can you.Here's how!"

Shirley and Howard's Rx's For Datingand M atingAfter 50

By Shirley Friedenthal and Howard Eisenberg

iUniverse, Inc.

N ew Y o rk B lo o m ing to n

It's Never Too Late to Date Shirley and Howard's Rx's For Dating and Mating After 50

Copyright ? 2009HowardEisenberg andShirley Friedenthal Allrightsreserved.No part ofthisbookmay beusedor reproducedby any means, graphic,electronic,or mechanical,including photocopying,recording,taping or by any informationstorageretrievalsystem without thewrittenpermissionofthepublisher

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Introduction................................................................................... ix

Chapter One MINNIE'S MAKEOVER ........................................ 1 Chapter Two HOW SHIRLEY MET HOWARD........................... 5

Part One SELF-MOTIVATE ......................................................9 RxNo. 1:Want to fly? Flap your wings........................................11 RxNo. 2:It's never too late to date.............................................. 15 RxNo. 3:It's never too late to look great..................................... 23 RxNo. 4:It's never too late to lose weight. ..................................31 RxNo. 5:Love your body. It's the only one you've got. .............. 37 RxNo. 6:Don't let your past spoil your future............................ 43

Part Two CAPTIVATE ..............................................................45 RxNo. 7:Men are needy. Make the most of it............................. 47 RxNo. 8:Never walk your dog in a tattered T-shirt.................... 49 RxNo. 9:Smile, smile, smile....................................................... 53 RxNo. 10:Persist. Persist. Persist................................................ 55 RxNo. 11:You get no second chance to make a

first impression........................................................... 57

Part Three COMMUNICATE ..................................................59 RxNo. 12:Make friends with a computer ................................... 61 RxNo. 13:Maintain a high computer profile............................... 65 RxNo. 14:Play the cyberspace numbers game. .......................... 67 RxNo. 15:Age is only a noun. .................................................... 71 RxNo. 16:Consider a modern (but big bucks)matchmaker........ 75 RxNo. 17:Spin like a spider ....................................................... 79 RxNo. 18:If you don't ring the bell, you don't make the sale. ... 81 RxNo. 19:Go where the guys go. ............................................... 87 RxNo. 20:Network as if you were NBC..................................... 93

Part Four DATE .........................................................................97 RxNo. 21:Go it alone. ................................................................. 99 RxNo. 22:If at first you don't succeed, it's his fault. .................103



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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