Fourth Grade Policies and Procedures

August 10, 2015

Dear Parents:

The 4th grade team is delighted to have your child in our classes this year. We are looking forward to a very successful year and we know you are too. We have high expectations for your child and we will do all that we can to help your child achieve those expectations.

We will be expecting all assigned work to be completed. Students will be assigned homework on most days in all of their classes. You can help by asking your child every school day if schoolwork needs to be done, and if so, make sure your child completes the assignment. Your help and support will not only make your child more successful in school this year but will instill good study habits that will last a lifetime.

We believe that all of our students can behave appropriately in school. Our policies and procedures are designed to ensure that your child and all of our students have an environment that is conducive to learning and student success. Please familiarize yourself with the policies and procedures outlined in the following pages. We further ask that, once you have read and understand these policies and procedures, you sign the form and have your child return it to his or her homeroom teacher.

Finally, we want you to know that one of our most important goals this year is to keep the lines of communication open with you. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to send a note or email. Our email addresses are:

Mrs. Andrews (Social Studies) ---

Ms. Bell (Science) ---

Website: mslisabellsclass.

Mr. Grant (Math) ---

Website: teachgrant.

Mrs. Norris (Reading/Language Arts) ---

Website: teachnorris.


The 4th Grade Team

Mrs. Andrews

Ms. Bell

Mrs. Norris

Mr. Grant

Fourth Grade Policies and Procedures

Morning Arrival

Students should report to the fourth grade hallway immediately upon arriving at school. All students will sit with their respective homerooms. Students who wish to eat breakfast at school should go directly to the cafeteria before having a seat in the hallway. Students must take their book bags with them when they go to breakfast. Breakfast is served from 7:15 – 7:45. Once seated in the hallway, students should not leave unless given permission to do so by the teacher on duty.


Students are to unpack their book bags and prepare themselves for the day during this time. This is not a time for socialization, but rather quiet time to hear announcements, and ensure that all required materials are in order. All extra supplies should be secured in either students’ desks or book bags. Money or other valuables should not be left in the classroom.

Changing Classes

Students will rotate to each of their classes with their homeroom. Students are expected to take all required materials and assignments with them when they leave their homeroom. They will not be permitted to retrieve forgotten items during class. When changing classes, students are expected to walk in a straight line without talking. Hands are to be kept to themselves and students should refrain from touching walls and ceilings.


Several scheduled restroom breaks will be taken during the day. Students are discouraged from leaving class unless it is an emergency. Class will continue when individual students leave and important information may be given when a student is out.


Students are expected to follow all school rules as outlined in the code of conduct and the student handbook. To assist parents in monitoring their children’s behavior at school, this year your child is required to have one folder designated solely for conduct and work habits. In this folder your child will be given a monthly calendar to put in the brads. The back pocket of the folder is for graded papers. The front pocket is for any notes (see attached sample). Students are expected to bring their conduct folders to all of their classes. Students’ behavior is measured and recorded based on the following Six Keys to Success.

1. I can and I will follow all school rules, the first time I am asked.

2. I can and I will respect all people. I can and I will do good deeds and say good things.

3. I can and I will ask permission to speak or leave my seat.

4. I can and I will be prepared for class and do my best at all times.

5. I can and I will walk quietly from place to place in a straight line.

6. I can and I will tell the truth at all times.

When a student breaks a rule or does not turn in an assignment, the teacher will write the appropriate key number or code on the student’s calendar. The student will be required to write the specific key 25 times. Additionally, the student will have silent lunch until this is completed.

At the end of each week, parents will sign their child’s calendar, and the student will return it to his/her homeroom teacher on the following Monday. If a student fails to return his/her calendar

with a parent signature, the student will receive silent lunch each day until the calendar is signed and returned.


Students will sit with their homerooms in the cafeteria and are allowed to talk in quiet tones, unless they have been assigned silent lunch.


Classes end at 2:30 daily, and all car riders are to be picked up at that time. Walkers are released at 2:30, and bus riders are released as their busses arrive.

On early release days, car riders are to be picked up at 12:30.

Please detach the form below and have your child return it to his or her homeroom teacher.

I have read and understand the 4th grade policies and procedures.

________________________________________________ ________________

Student Signature Date

________________________________________________ ________________

Parent Signature Date


***Please note that we no longer use the color codes on the calendar.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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