WELCOME to my 6th grade Math class at Slocum Skewes School

WELCOME to my 6th grade Math class at Slocum Skewes School! I am very pleased to have you as a student and am looking forward to having a great year. I hope you are too.

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Our classroom will be a positive place where all students are able to learn. I have VERY HIGH EXPECTATIONS for you in terms of:

1) having a positive, respectful attitude and

2) putting forth good effort.

Not everyone likes math or is great at it, but as long as you try your best and keep up a good attitude, you will do well this year and learn a lot!

Every student is expected to follow all guidelines in the Slocum Skewes Student Handbook. Also, the following rules and responsibilities will be enforced in our classroom:

1. Come to class prepared and ready to work and learn.

2. Remain seated unless otherwise instructed.

3. Refrain from talking without permission.

4. Treat others as you want to be treated.

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You will need some basic supplies for this class: notebook (that is kept organized), lots of pencils with erasers (not mechanical), and a manual pencil sharpener with a top. Other classroom tools will be provided to you.

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6th-grade Mathematics expands upon concepts covered in 5th grade and introduces a large amount of new material. Here is a summary of the general topics will cover this year:

Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry as well as Statistics and Probability.

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Arrive in class on time go quickly and quietly to your seat and immediately check the board for the Warm-Up. Sharpen your pencil if needed and start on the assignment right away.

All assignments should be completed in pencil unless I tell you otherwise. Always write your name and the date, along with the assignment name / page on all work.

Homework will be assigned most nights, so please do it! It is necessary to practice Math skills in order to become proficient at them, and I strive to give you short, to-the-point assignments. Homework may be found on the class website which can be accessed at Page/4013 . Each homework assignment will be checked and/or graded.

Grades will be based on the following weighted scale:

Classwork and Class Participation - 15%

Homework - 15%

Quizzes - 20%

Assessments (including tests and projects) - 40%

Marking Period QBA – 10%

Tests and Quizzes: All grades will be posted on genesis within a timely manner, please check there for all grades and comments.

Things you should have with you at all times: your notebook, textbook and a pencil.

The Homework Website will help you with your responsibility to complete your work on time. Important reminders and due dates will also be listed daily on the website.

Late work is accepted for half credit. All missing assignments will result in a zero.

More Information: If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at mstewart@. I am looking forward to a productive year!

Thank you,

Mrs. Stewart

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Students: Sign and date below to indicate that you understand this information and agree to help make our classroom a great place to learn by following these guidelines.

Student _________________________________________ Date ___________

Parents/Guardians: Sign and date below to indicate that you understand this information and pledge to help your student follow these guidelines for a great year.

Parent/Guardian ______________________________Date ___________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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