8th Grade Science

8th Grade Math


1. Be prepared and attentive

• Bring your materials to class – book, pencil, paper, and interactive notebook (composition book).

• Complete your homework before it is time for class

• Study every night to be ready for all challenges. (I like the word challenge instead of test!)

2. Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings

• Be in class and ready to go by the bell

• Get FOA Notebook

• Begin working on FOA immediately

3. Be respectful

• Keep quiet when you are supposed to be listening or working

• Don’t borrow anyone else’s stuff without asking – this includes the teacher’s things

• No name calling

• No gossiping

4. Be responsible and honest

• Do your own work on all homework, practice, and challenges

• Tell the truth

• Turn in assignments on time



Last Chance Chair

Educational Assignment


Office Referral

Severe disruptions will be removed from room, and will result in an immediate office referral.

8th Grade Math


Procedures are the way that we do things in math. We have procedures so that our class runs smoothly.

1. How do I enter the classroom?  Enter the room quietly, calmly, walking, greeting others appropriately. Write the “I Can” statement from the side board in your planner.  Place your planner on the right side of your desk. Begin working on F.O.A. I will grade F.O.A assignments three times during a 9 week period. I will pick five days at random to grade. Each day will be worth 20 points. The grade will serve as a test grade. If you are absent, you must write absent for the date or dates missed and let me sign your notebook to receive credit.

2. How do I leave the class at the end of the period?  The clock does not dismiss you, I dismiss you.  At the end of class, make sure your materials are put away and your area is clean.  That means no paper on the floor and that you have gathered all your belongings.

3. What is considered tardy?  Students must be in their seats when the bell rings. If a student is not in his/her seat when the bell rings, he/she will be counted tardy. You will sign your name in discipline book. After 3 unexcused tardies, students will receive an educational assignment.

4. What do I do when I am absent? When you return to school, give the absentee to your teacher and record in your planner what work needs to be completed. Pick up any missed worksheets and handouts from the make-up work wall in the back of the room.  You will need to document that you were absent in your F.O.A. notebook and obtain my initials. You are responsible to get any notes and turn the work in within the required time. You have one day for each day absent to complete the missing work. Any work not completed after the allotted time will result in a late grade or a zero.

5. How do I get the teacher’s attention when I need to say something or leave my seat?  Raise your hand and wait quietly until I come to your desk or call on you.  Do not wave your hand or yell out my name.  I will attend to you as soon as I can. BE PATIENT! During instructional time, each student will have a green/red paddle on their desk. If a student is confused at any time during the lesson, he/she will hold up the red side of their paddle. This will discretely let me know that I need to stop and review! I welcome any and all questions!

6. What do I do when I need to leave the room? Permission to leave the room will only be given for emergencies only. You have time between class to go to the bathroom, get a drink of water, get supplies from your locker, etc. No one will leave the room without an agenda.

7. What supplies do I need for class?  Everyday you need your interactive notebook, pencil, paper, and book.  Be prepared with all your supplies before class begins. General materials (stapler, hole punch, tape, etc.) for student use are kept on the bookshelf in the back of the room. Please return all supplies back to the shelf where you got them!! Materials on the teacher’s desk are OFF LIMITS to students. Extra paper and pencils are also kept on the bookshelf.

8. How do I hand out or hand in papers?  When handing out papers you will be handed a stack and take one and pass the rest on to the next student.  When handing in papers, pass all papers to the front of your row, and I will collect them from the first person.  When turning in exit tickets, each student will place their work in the plastic bins when leaving the room. Each bin is numbered by block. All papers will be turned in to the teacher on time. Any assignments handed in late will be lowered 25 points. You have one day to turn in late assignments. After the one day, the student will be given a zero.

9. What do I do when I am finished with my work?  In the back of the room, you will find the What Now baskets. I will place enrichment work in these baskets. Enrichment assignments can be turned in for extra credit on tests. All extra work that has been completed will be turned in on tests days. It is your responsibility to keep up with enrichment work.

10. What do I do when the fire alarm sounds?  When you hear the fire alarm you are to silently stand up, line up at the door, and wait for the teacher to lead you out of the school.  The last person is to turn off the light and close the door.

11. What do I do when the tornado alarm sounds? When you hear the tornado alarm, you are to silently stand up, line up at the door, and wait for the teacher to lead you in the hall. The last person is to turn off the light and close the door.

12. What do I do when someone comes in the room (teacher, administration, or student) or makes an announcement over the intercom?  Anytime someone needs the teachers’ attention you are to sit quietly in your seat and continue any assignment you are working on.  ABSOLUTE SILENCE!

13. What is an interactive notebook? All students are required to keep an interactive notebook. This notebook will contain an activity for every learning standard covered this year. The right side pages will be your “INPUT” pages. This work comes from the teacher. (This could include, but is not limited to, notes, vocabulary, examples.) The left side pages be your “OUTPUT” pages. This entry will show that you comprehend the lesson and can apply the concepts.

14. How will my grade be calculated? All grades are weighted equally; however, test grades are entered into the grade book two times.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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