First Grade News - Mrs. VanderWilt's Kindergarten

Kindergarten News

What’s in my Backpack?

You ask, “What’s in my backpack?”

When I come home each day.

I wonder what you hope is there.

If it’s empty, is that okay?

I tell you about my busy day,

How the teacher watches over me.

We sing, we laugh, we share, we learn-

That’s the way it’s supposed to be.

You ask, “What’s in my backpack?”

I say, “Today it’s empty.”

I see the disappointment

As you look down at me.

School is much more than “things”

That you can see and touch.

It’s all of my life lessons,

And that means so very much.

For if you really want to know

What I do each day,

It won’t be on a paper;

You’ll know by what I say.

When you open the zipper wide.

What you are looking for today

Is all on my inside.

Ask me about my hands and ears,

My nose and my eyes.

Ask me what we talked about,

And if I remember why.

Each day we do so many things,

So many books to read.

Sure is nice my teacher knows

Exactly what we need.

That backpack on my back today

Carries back and forth my stuff.

If you want to know what I learned,

Listening to me will be enough.

My teacher wants to plant a seed,

Get my “love of learning” to sprout.

She wants it to last a lifetime-

That’s what school is all about.

It’s in my head and in my heart

That learning will take place.

“Childhood should be a journey…

Don’t look at it as a race.”


Volume I August 25, 2017

What’s Up in Kindergarten!!

These three days we basically just got to know each other and learned the rules of the classroom. We also became acquainted with our schedule.

We did start working on the letters of on the letters of our name and reading the names of our friends.

We read Chicka Chicka Boom, Mrs. Begindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten and the Recess Queen. It was a great week and you have some amazing children. I cannot wait until next week.


Please send a beach towel to school for quiet time. I know some of you have already sent one but we are missing a few more. We use this everyday. Thanks!

Scrapbook Pages

If you have not, could you please finish your scrapbook pages this weekend so we can finish sharing them. They have been amazing! I have put them in a scrapbook that we will be putting in our reading corner for students to enjoy. THANK YOU so much!!

S.T.A.R. Folder

Each Friday I will send home your child’s S.T.A.R folder. This folder will have a weekly newsletter, important notes, and your child’s work. You can place any notes or information for me in the folder, also. PLEASE RETURN YOUR CHILD’S FOLDER EVERY MONDAY.

What’s in my Back Pack?

You may be wondering when we will be bringing home something in our back packs. I have attached is a little poem to explain why we do not always have things in our back packs. I will be sending home more things later in the year. We will be using a lot of manipulatives and doing many hands on activities in reading and math that do not always have a paper product. It is a different way than you and I learned but very effective and way more fun. Worksheets are not always the way to go.



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