Inbox Blueprint - Training #1

[Pages:15]Inbox Blueprint - Training #1

Speaker 1:

Hey, guys, so welcome to our presentation today. We've got some very important information that's going to help you build your inbox business from scratch. So we're going to take you from A to Z over the next couple of weeks and help you get things going, help things become more clear, kind of layered out for you, hopefully in the process it will answer some of the questions you have in your mind. But here's the way it's going to work. We've got this presentation today and we've got one Tuesday and Thursday for the next couple of weeks. Yes, we've got five total.

The fifth one is going to be a big Q&A section. So what I'll like for you to do is go ahead and grab a pen and pad or just type it into Word or whatever you want, as we go, any questions that comes to mind. I want you to collect them, because on presentation five, which is coming up on the 23rd at the same time, we'll do the big Q&A section. That's all we're going to do. So presentations up until then, I'm going to break it down into tiny steps, like I said we got four presentations, and they're going to be broken down as the following.

The first one finding a niche, determining profitability, then we go into finding affiliate offers, creating that freebie, your report that you give away for the opt in, how to get it online, setting up your how to responder, getting your email series in there, creating what's called the TYP, you've seen that term in inbox, right. We actually have something, brand-new, called a TYP generator, some exciting news if you haven't read about that. Then also we'll wrap up with creating the opt in page and what to say on the page, what kind of copy should you put there, to make people to opt in, then connect it all together. That's what we're going to do over the next couple of weeks. So excited to share this with you. We're going to get started today with this first presentation of building your inbox business from scratch.

Today's lesson is finding profitable niches. Let's talk about what is a niche. So simplified, a niche is defined as a specific segment of the population that shares a very specific interest, need or desire. So some examples, well common needs include a desire to fix like cure, get rid off, save money, make money, people want to improve their relationships, think of marriage, divorce, getting your ex back, looking better, health and fitness, feeling better, weight loss, health and fitness. But regardless there are three categories that most profitable niches fall into. We got business and money, dating and relationships, and health and fitness. So just about any of the sub niches we can think of generally fall into those three categories.

Some examples, weight loss, of course, diet nutrition, parenting, dating and advice, diabetes, videogame guides. If you or somebody gets game, usually the younger crowd, there is a big niche for... That's a very tight niche, but they're very passionate about that kind of stuff. Finance and investing, we're talking

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about options and planning, Internet marketing, this is kind of the make money online niche, muscle gain, of course, and self-improvement, so just to give you a few examples. Hopefully this list that I'm talking about helps you, if you haven't come up with, narrowed down, confirmed your niche maybe that will help give you some ideas to start working off.

However, we want to confirm something, we want to confirm that these niches are going to be profitable. One thing we don't want to do is blaze a trail. In other words people have already proven that people are buying in certain niches, we want to jump into that niche and claim our own space. What makes a truly hot market? Well, a truly hot market that's ready to spend money for the right solution right away... Let me rephrase that, if you want to enter a truly hot market, that's ready to spend money for the right solution right away then you find a desperate one. I mean that's a niche where they want a solution right now.

This usually targets physical pain, or appearance or emotional pain, like how to get your ex back, or how to avoid financial crisis, or how to make money. Sometimes it's, well I said physical pain, that could be a numerous list if we were to jot things down in that category. If you kind of think of something, hey this is, I've got to find a solution, this right now is driving me crazier. It's hurting me emotionally, physically, that's definitely a hot market.

Basically, you can write this down, the greater the need for a solution the more profit potential you have. The greater the need for a solution the more profit potential you have. Now that doesn't mean that everybody should or could go into this type of market, but it's good to know this information. One of the most common questions I get is would blank would be a good niche? Or I'm interested in blank, is that profitable or am I just wasting my time? Well, the answer is if you follow some of the suggestions I'm going to be talking about here in this presentation, you will know the answer to that.

I'm not going to get into some really deep stuff, I'm going to try to keep it simple as possible. Some of the general foundations that you need to do when you do your initial research for finding a niche. Here's the other question, should I follow my passion? Well, many people have an interest or a passion in something that doesn't necessarily mean that there is a large enough segment of the population that's interested, actively seeking, or willing to pay for that information. That said, it's always going to be helpful if you at least have an interest in the niche that you are thinking about going into, because that's going to show... Okay, if you really aren't interested in then that's going to come across to your subscribers, the people you are working to build a relationship with. It's going to show on your content, the more you talk to them, and plus you are going to lose interest, you won't stay motivated.


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The first market I went to was how to make money on eBay, but I became a student of that niche and learnt enough so that I could sound intelligent enough, when I'm talking about it and communicating. But you become a student, I mean that's important. I think I probably mentioned this a little bit later. But back to that point should you follow your passion? Well , someone once said you can either follow your passion or follow the money. So the translation is your passion doesn't always equate to money. There are markets and niches already established that are generating money. Again we're not blazing a trail here. That's already been done for us.

Hopefully, your passion coincides with those that have already been proven to make money. If not, don't worry about it, you can become a student of it. It is beneficial if you at least have an interest. I mentioned that to you. You don't have to have a passion for it, otherwise again don't sweat it. All you need to know in the beginning is if it's a profitable niche and then you can become a student of the niche as you go, so kind of jumped into that a little bit early.

Here's my suggestion for you, first is to research a niche is a potential first and then based on that info within that topic find maybe a sub niche. I'll give you a little tip here, when you are kind of going to a sub niche, most of the sub niche entry is done in your marketing. So you can go into a niche that has a huge audience, but you're going to target the sub niche, the smaller group of that broad niche in your marketing and what you're offering to get on your list.

So before you do anything you need to first confirm two factors, two key factors. First step, first key, the market niche is already spending money on offers that cater to their specific needs. I want you to jot these two things down. Two things have to happen in your initial stage of looking to niches. They're already need to be spending money and there is a decent size pool of offers available to market to them. After all you want to sustain the business, right.

Now there's another look at that, another view of the second point. There are some hot niches out there that maybe there's not a big pool of offers but people sure buy the small number of offers that are out there. So that's something you could certainly get into to get your feet wet if you wanted. It's just an option. But not all niches that you go into are always going to have a massive pool of offers. But as a general rule, you want to sustain your business, you want to see that there is at least a nice collection of offers out there, variety that you can offer over time.

Now, those offers can be digital, which is what we recommend you start off with, because you get the highest commissions and then you can always mix with physical, so digital and physical. Between the two you're going to find a pretty good variety.


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So the first step, how do you find out if they're already purchasing? Once you have a starting place niche in mind, you want to go whether products are being sold and look for related offers and see what's selling. Right, that only makes sense. If we wanted to find out if what people are spending money on, we go to the big giants, the businesses who are selling the products and kind of look around and see exactly what people are looking for.

Where are these places? I'd like to call them bait shops because you want to go out and find these fish... Where these fish hanging out? What bodies of water they're hanging out and being fed? So, of course, you can always start at Google. If you see others are selling products to this niche or spending money to place ads. For instance on the right hand side of the page, which is called a Google AdWords, then you're probably on to something there, right.

So if we pull up Google, let's type in, parenting then we get some suggestions. Let's just use one of these suggestions they give us called parenting styles that we see a lot of pages here, but we don't any ads for that particular term. But if we go to parenting, now we've got a collection of ads over here, parenting advice, talk about positive parenting, family and divorce which is kind of a sub niche of parenting, right. That's something we'll talk about a little bit later as far as thinking outside the box.

I kind of already know that parenting is one of those niches that people are spending money. I think it has to do with family. People are always going to have family, they're always going to be getting divorced or married or having kids. So anything that kind of ties into that whole genre is going to be something that's people, we know, are going to be spending in.

So I am going to be using some of these popular niches, for example, so that you can see some of these things that I am talking about, some of the elements that are part of this process, so you can see them on screen, in real life, real world examples. So that's what I am talking about. These are called Google AdWords. Most of you probably already know that. It's probably some basic stuff for some of you. That's kind of a good rule of thumb. You can come in here and type in various keywords, narrow them down, see what's popping up here. So people are spending money here and they are not going to continue spending money if they are not making a profit. But just to give you one example of one place you can start. Google is your friend in a lot of different ways.

Amazon, search their best sellers category, right. If you want to find out what selling the best, we go to the bestsellers category. Now you can see I am recommending go to the Kindle book section and why not the ebooks. Well, you could do both, we probably want to do both. But in this day and age of everything being mobile and want it now, Kindle is becoming much more


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popular with our mobile devices and there are apps that let you read the Kindle books.

We could go over there and check it out and see what topics people are buying and then we'll also look under Book Titles under Bestsellers to confirm an interest and maybe sub niche topics. So let's jump over to... Let's go to Amazon and take a look around there. One place you can start is just by typing in the keyword and we could also look by department over here. Let's just say we're going to go with...

Now anytime you are using keywords to do some search you might want to jot down a few different versions because if you think weight loss, gosh, I am not really seeing anything, of course, we know we're going to with this, but whatever you're typing in maybe that's not primary term that people are searching for, you want to come up with 3 to 4 that you can use. So just kind of keep that in mind.

I am going to click enter on the keyboard, so we can pull up things and then on the left-hand side I should be able to see Kindle, there is Kindle edition and let's see we actually have Kindle store. Let's click on that. So just a quick look at this. This is the bestsellers, the most popular, but it's certainly giving us a look. I am looking at the titles right now. 33 Simple Weight Loss Habits, 40 Quick and Easy Weight Loss Tips, Smoothies, Easy Natural Weight Loss, Lose Weight in One Week, 54 Pounds in 60 Days, Weight Loss Key Hacks.

So we can see the kind of information people are looking for. This is going to help us down the road when we start choosing an affiliate offer. But let's go ahead to the sort, click on that and let's go for new and popular. What they [inaudible 00:14:59] on the right-hand side, you can see where these stars are. These are the reviews. If we look at this... ignore the game controller. I don't know why that's showing up there. But, nonetheless, we'll look at some of the titles here, next to them, we'll see for instance this has 819. So we know 819 people, at least 819 people have purchased this product.

We know that the majority... Well, I don't know about the majority, but quite a lot of people buy products they don't take time to go and put a review. So we know this is a minimal number. Of course, coming off the celebrity of Dr. Phil's The 2020 Diet. If we come down, you look at this one, 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse 4044. So the public is speaking to you and raising their hand in front of you, saying this is the type information we're interested in.

So I'm thinking the wheels are turning in my head, they can be right. So I am going to jot that down. So I pull up my notepad and I start jotting down green smoothie cleanse, as some brainstorming sheet. So maybe we know that sooner


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or later we're going to need to come up with our content to get people on our list, right, we need to [inaudible 00:16:23] that bait. So this might help us come up with a great idea for the content because we know this is what people are interested in.

This is just a leading point. This is kind of grabbing that portion of the market, pulling them is. It's going to be a large portion because this is kind of an indicator. We're in the brainstorming research process. We just take note of everything at this stage. We can bring them in. We know we can start bringing or recommending other offers to them in content that are in not necessarily all about green smoothie; that's just a lead point.

Think about it when people sell things online like an infomercial. It's a lost lead that they are selling you, their main product that they sell you on the infomercials. It's pretty much... They lose money on that. Then they have some external things on the back end that they try to say that's related. It doesn't have to be exactly the same, which is what you'll do. You'll recommend a variety of offers. Anyway, just keep an idea, a log of things that you're finding that make ideas come on in your head as we go through the process.

Wow!, 4044, here's one with 1213 starts with food. Once if we click on this, sometimes we can get a little review. When I say review, I mean a sample. Let's look at the... Okay, in the cover we're now looking for maybe table of content in here and [inaudible 00:18:02] in the preface or anything with that. So anyway that's how you can access some of this information to see if it's... Can we gather anything for this that we can use at a later time, to help us understand our market a little bit. Let me kind of go back to the broader section of it. So let's go back. We can scroll down, keep looking at some of the other titles that are there.

Obviously, we know right off that I see how many pages we've got for this. Well, it looks like about 400 pages of products related to Kindle e-books that are related to weight loss. The takeaway is come in here, put in your keyword, search in Kindle, go to new and popular, keep an eye on the number of reviews, and then make notes of the ones that have the highest for future reference.

So if we wanted to go into, we are in Kindle store, let's check out books, and then we'll come up here and sort by new and popular. Actually here is the bestsellers at the very top. We can see the book like the Kindle. Here's it actually says the Kindle Edition does it, yes. so they're mixing and it looks like... I am seeing quite a bit of the same there's Zero Belly Diet I would probably jot that down. This is what to expect when you're expecting. This is a very small tight niche within the parenting category and there are books out there, information products that are available for this. So this is certainly something if you have an interest in this it might be an area that's worth pursuing as well.


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So anytime you find something or I have an interest in that then I can pursue that a little bit further by going through the steps that I'm showing you today and focusing on that topic. Let's go click on bestsellers to see if anything changes for us. The bestsellers isn't by category it's just the general top among all. Then we have our categories on the side here though. So there is parenting and relationships, and then you see what the top sellers are in that category, if you want to take it down further, family health, marriage and adult relationships, parenting was even under there. So we know people are interested in the Five Languages of Law. I think that book has been updated several times over the years. That's something that seems to be popular in that niche. So my first thought was, people are interested in that topic among dating and relationships, so that's something I'd probably jot down in my log. It's something that maybe I could address when I get people onto my list.

That's Amazon, just give you the short and quick of where to go, what to type, how to navigate to see what's what and some things to look for. So you've probably heard about ClickBank by now. It's always a great place to go see what's happening over there because it's the largest marketplace for digital products, for downloadable digital products; no physical products are sold here. You want to go and search by keyword. They also have a category list on the left hand side. I'll show you what to do there. I'll show you how to also... I think I've guided over here. If you need help narrowing down a certain niche, I'll show you how to find that really, really quick by opening up their primary categories because it shows you right their own views. It's a really quick way to do some brainstorming as to finding those smaller niches within a niche.

Let's stop back over there and we'll jump over to ClickBank. So when you go to ClickBank you want to see this navigation at the top, click on the marketplace. So here's the search function, right we could type in a keyword and then look at the products, but really we just go right over here to the left hand side for all of the categories. So if we open one up, for example, let's do the health and fitness. If you scroll back down, now that's open look at all these categories, that have some idea busters, that idea like to come in on. So under health and fitness, meditation is under that category, men's health, mental health, remedies. Sometimes the remedies can be, those truly hot markets, when people want a fix or a cure, or something to work right away, sometimes that could be in that category. Spiritual health, strength train, there is women's health, even yoga. So quick way just to get brainstorm when you're trying to narrow down where you want to go this opens up those sub-categories at a glance.

Now let's see what are the bestsellers in ClickBank. Let's just keep going with health and fitness here. I want to sort... Sometimes popularity is the same thing as sorting as gravity, but I like to sort by gravity just in case because, here is what gravity means, gravity means the number of affiliates, who've made at least one


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sale over the past 30 days. One affiliate can refer a lot of sales. This is just saying at least one affiliate has made a sale, but look at this number 367, which is huge. This is diabetes product. I mentioned diabetes in the list. I think maybe that's coming up.

Yeah, look at that, one below it. There is 365. Here is what we're looking at. We've sorted by the bestsellers from top to bottom. Now we can see that there are many many pages, 216 pages of products that fall under that category. That doesn't mean that all of them are selling well, by this first page all of them are. Typically here is what you're going to look for, at a minimum you want, a 20 gravity, 50 and up is even better. Sometimes when you're trying to target a smaller niche, a very tight niche, you know if you get something around 20, that's fine, maybe even 15. Just want to point out what that means for you moving forward.

If we look at a product line... I started to go into what some of these mean for using affiliate, but we are in the research stage. I'll do that in the... That's coming up on the next presentation. So we can see that we've got quite a bit of products to choose from in the health and fitness. We know there are top sellers. There are hundreds and hundreds of affiliates promoting related products in this industry, at a glance.

Let's jump over to, let's go back to parenting and family. I wouldn't expect it would be quite as many. That's just 21 pages. We are still sorted by gravity. Pregnancy is the number one in that category. Like I said a minute ago that is a popular type product. It has been for years, which makes sense. Potty training is another one. Children learning reading, you have 26 that would be something feasible. There is another pregnancy product 2468 Talking to Toddlers, Dealing with the Terrible Twos, talk about getting down to a very specific niche within parenting. That's a great topic right there.

We've got some in different languages. You can see how to navigate through here. You come in, you can do the search by keyword, look by category in the left hand side, look at the gravity, sort by that number from high to low, and then you can see real quick, if we have some interest, and well, not just interest but products that we know are already selling and converting that people are raising their hand, and say I'm going to pull out my credit card and spend money on that product.

I'm pretty sure everybody has heard about . This is probably one of the most well-known worldwide brands. If there is a Dummies book catering to a niche or a sub-niche out there, chances are that's also worth going into. I'm going to take you over the Dummies, if you haven't been to that site, just to kind of give you a quick navigation going there.


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