CGC1D Google Tutorial.docx

...continue following these instructions for the remainder of the period :) Task 4: Send me an email. 1. Click on Google MailClick on “Compose”In the “To” section, put my email address: “”Write “hi miss hamilton”Press “Send”.Thank you- now I have all your emails and can compose a class list- this will make it easier for me to send out assignments.Task 5- Creating a document in google docs.1. At the top of the page click on “Drive” and choose:Create ---> DocumentAt the top of the page where it says “Untitled Document” write the name of the assignment (“Letter”) and your last name ie (Letter_Hamilton)In the document write me a letter “Dear Miss Hamilton...” and answer the following:How did your exams go?Did you have some time off between last semester and this semester? If yes, did you do anything exciting?What other classes are you taking?What are your academic strengths and weaknesses?How are you finding this class so far?2. “Share” your letter with meOnce you are finished your letter make sure that it has been saved (Top right corner). Now you need to share your document with me. IN ORDER TO SHARE YOUR DOCUMENT GO TO THE AREA AT THE TOP RIGHT OF THE PAGE THAT SAYS SHARE ADD MY EMAIL ADDRESS IN THE SPACE THAT SAYS “ADD PEOPLE”:shamilton@woodroffehs.ocdsb.caYou have now completed Task 5.Task 6- Five Themes Connections1.) We're going to visit an unlikely place for surfers: British Columbia. Click the link below and look at each of the photos.Tofino Surfing 2) THEN, make the connection to each of the five themes of geography:(Write your answers in a new Google Doc- call it “5 themes_lastname)a.) Absolute Location: Find Tofino on a map (online). You have to be able to point to it if asked! Explain its absolute location to me (latitude, longitude, obviously you won’t have an exact street address)b.) Relative location: If someone wanted to go surfing there, how would you describe how to get there?c.)Describe this place. What is it like? (Include the natural environment and the human culture.)d.) What region is it in? Is it in a region that you typically think of when you think of surfing? e.) Human/environment interaction: How are humans using the land? How is the land affecting humans? Are people depending on the land?f.) Movement: How are people, things, or ideas moving?Congrats you have completed your first webquest :) ................

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