Mesa Public Schools

Mesa Public Schools

Incentive Program Guidelines

2009-2010 School Year

District and Classroom Site [301] funds provide eligible MPS employees an opportunity to increase their compensation by achieving annual goals. In addition, override funds and the Career Ladder program also provide contributions toward the incentive totals. Availability of override funds are contingent upon voter approval, and Career Ladder funds are contingent upon yearly legislative appropriations.

The following guidelines include information on academic, work product, and quality service goals and incentives and include descriptions of the program components, goals, incentives, criteria, and employee eligibility.

|( District Quality Service |Most full-time and part-time employees are eligible for incentive compensation through the |

| |MPS District Quality Service Goal portion of the Incentive Program. |

| | |

In addition to the District Quality Service Goal and Incentive, there are two workplace categories for setting goals and receiving incentives. Only one of these workplace categories applies to each MPS employee. Other than the exceptions listed below, school-based employees will be assigned to the school workplace category. FTE or work schedule will be used to determine the workplace category for employees who are affiliated with both a school and department. If the FTE or work schedule for the school and department is equal, the employee will be assigned to the school workplace category.

|( School |A workplace is defined as a school if it is one of the comprehensive elementary schools, |

| |one of the comprehensive junior high schools, one of the comprehensive senior high schools,|

| |or any one of the focus schools. |

|Student Academic and | |

|Quality Service Goals | |

|( Department |A workplace is defined as a department if it is not a school. All department employees are |

| |eligible for work product, district student academic, and quality service incentives. |

| |Employees required to hold state teaching or administrative certificates are also eligible |

| |for department established academic incentives. |

|Work Product, | |

|District Student Academic, and Quality Service| |

|Goals | |

Below are examples of exceptions to the school and department work-place categories. There may be other exceptions – check with your supervisor for confirmation:

• Food service employees are affiliated with the Food & Nutrition Department even if they work exclusively at a school.

• Grounds employees are affiliated with the Grounds Department even if they work exclusively at a school.

• All night custodians are affiliated with the Custodial Department even if they work exclusively at a school.

• Special Education preschool employees are affiliated with the Special Education Department even if they work exclusively at a school.

• Special Education itinerant service provider groups are affiliated with the Special Education Department.

For administrators, classified staff, and certificated hourly staff, the incentive is based in part on qualified earnings. Qualified earnings include base salary plus longevity, classified in-service growth, certificated hourly work and extra factor pay. Qualified earnings do not include sick leave and vacation reimbursement/compensation, extended contracts, nor most Career Ladder compensation. For Certificated contract staff, the incentive is based on contract FTE and hire date.

The district quality service incentive will be paid in mid-May. Student academic, work product, and quality service incentives will be distributed in a single payment which is mailed to eligible employees' home addresses in July.

The development of the incentive goals is a collaborative effort between principals/directors and staff members. Administrators should involve teaching staff in the development and establishment of goals. All impacted staff members should be fully aware of the specific goals set.

Appeal process. In the event that a school or department does not accomplish goal attainment levels and it is determined that there are extenuating circumstances that were beyond the direct influence of the school or department staff that may have negatively impacted the achievement, an appeals process is available. An appeal should be made at the time of goal results documentation submittal in May or June, 2010, and must be submitted to the Associate Superintendent, along with the appropriate documentation.

Mesa Public Schools

District Quality Service Plus Two Workplace Categories

|Type of |Set by |Eligible Employees |Funding |

|Work-Place & Goal | | |Source |

| | | | |

|( District | | | |

|Quality Service |Governing Board & Superintendent |School and Department staff members, with some exceptions, will |Career Ladder |

| | |receive up to $225 [CL DIST] for achievement of this goal. | |

| | | | |

|( School | | | |

|Student Academic |School Staff with approval of |Teachers, nurses, and psychologists, with some exceptions, will |301 * |

| |designated superintendent |receive up to approximately $1,600 * [SCH/ACA] plus up to $425 [CL |Career Ladder, |

| | |SITE]. |MPS |

| | |Support staff and certificated hourly staff, with some exceptions, |Override, MPS |

| | |will receive up to 3.2% [ACAD/WRKPR] of qualified earnings for | |

| | |achievement of these goals. | |

| | |Administrators, with some exceptions, will receive the same as |Career Ladder |

| | |support staff plus up to $425 [CL SITE]. | |

|Quality Service |School Staff with approval of |Teachers, nurses, and psychologists, with some exceptions, will |301* |

| |designated superintendent |receive up to $100 [QUAL SERV] |MPS |

| | |Administrators, support staff, and certificated hourly staff, with |MPS |

| | |some exceptions, will receive up to 0.2% [QUAL SERV] of qualified | |

| | |earnings for achievement of these goals. | |

| | | | |

|( Department | | | |

|Work Product |Department Staff with approval of |Support staff and certificated hourly staff, with some exceptions, |Override, |

| |designated superintendent |will receive up to 2.2% [ACAD/WRKPR] of qualified earnings for |MPS |

| | |achievement of these goals. | |

| | |Classified directors and supervisors, with some exceptions, will |Override, |

| | |receive up to 2.2% [ACAD/WRKPR] of qualified earnings for |MPS |

| | |achievement of these goals plus up to $425 [WP DEPT] for these | |

| | |goals or a personal goal. | |

| | |Certificated administrators, with some exceptions, will receive up |Override, MPS |

| | |to 2.2% [ACAD/WRKPR] of qualified earnings for achievement of these| |

| | |goals. | |

|Quality Service |Department Staff with approval of |Teachers, nurses, and psychologists, with some exceptions, will |301* |

| |designated superintendent |receive up to $100 [QUAL SERV] |MPS |

| | |Administrators, support staff, and certificated hourly staff, with |Override |

| | |some exceptions, will receive up to 0.2% [QUAL SERV] of qualified | |

| | |earnings for achievement of this goal. | |

|District Academic |Department Staff with approval of |Administrators, support staff, and certificated hourly staff, with |MPS |

| |designated superintendent |some exceptions, will receive up to 1.0% [DIST/ACA] of qualified | |

| | |earnings for achievement of this goal. | |

Continued on page 3

Mesa Public Schools

District Quality Service Plus Two Workplace Categories

Continued from page 2

| | | | |

|Type of |Set by |Eligible Employees |Funding |

|Work-Place & Goal | | |Source |

|( Department | | | |

|Department Student Academic |Certificated Department Staff with|Teachers, nurses, and psychologists, with some exceptions, will |301* Career |

| |approval of designated |receive up to approximately $1,600 * [SCH/ACA] plus up to $425 [CL |Ladder |

| |superintendent |SITE] for achievement of these goals. | |

| | |Audiologists, OT/PT teachers, with some exceptions, will receive up|Override, MPS |

| | |to approximately $1,600 [SCH/ACA] plus $425 [CL SITE] for | |

| | |achievement of these goals. | |

| | |Certificated administrators, with some exceptions, will receive up |Career Ladder, |

| | |to $425 [CL SITE] for achievement of these goals. |MPS |

( Please note that the codes within brackets [ ] contain the payroll codes that will be printed on the paychecks; example [CL DIST].

* This is an estimate. Allocation is dependent on Classroom Site funds and district receipt of 301 funding. These funds have declined during the 2009-2010 fiscal year. If they continue to decline, this estimate will be reduced accordingly. Nurses and psychologists will be paid from district funds, not 301 monies.

Career Ladder funds are contingent on yearly legislative appropriations, and override funds are contingent on voter approval.

( District Quality Service Goals and Incentives

All eligible staff will receive a district quality service incentive if the district as a whole meets the 2009-2010 quality service goal set by the Governing Board and the Superintendency. In the spring, schools and departments will be rated on quality service by parents, students, and/or staff.

Compensation will be based on district-wide quality service goal achievement. The incentive for full-time eligible employees is up to $225. The actual incentive depends on the number of eligible employees at the time of payment, the available dollars and the term of contract. The percent of the incentive paid will be:

% of Full Incentive Districtwide Survey Results

100% 20% = A+ and/or A and at least 75% = A and B

90% 15% = A+ and/or A and at least 70% = A and B

80% 65% to 69% = A+, A and B

70% 60% to 64% = A+, A and B

0% Below 60% = A+, A and B

District quality survey results will be analyzed and the percentage of goal accomplishment will be available in early May.

Mesa Public Schools

( School Goals and Incentives

School Student Academic Goals

Each school submits student academic goals to the Superintendency in the fall. The goal statements are developed to directly align with the required components of the district’s corrective action plan, results from a recent district-wide Title III audit, and specific elements stated in ARS §15-977. The goals are approved by the Superintendency as submitted or approved with revision. Student achievement results will be submitted in accordance with the established deadlines communicated to schools and departments in the fall.

For 100% achievement of the goals, full-time teachers, nurses, and psychologists will receive up to approximately $1,600 (teachers are funded from Classroom Site [301] funds, nurses, and psychologists from district funds), and up to $425 from Career Ladder funds. Eligible school support staff will receive up to 3.2% of salary for 100% achievement of this goal. Eligible administrators will receive up to 3.2% of salary plus $425.

The Superintendency sets the achievement levels for 100% and 70% goal achievement in July. If a school does not achieve its student academic and/or other goals at least at the 70 % level, 50 % of available compensation may be granted based upon documented evidence of the following:

➢ All staff members were aware of the school goals and understood their shared responsibility for student achievement.

➢ Results of state-mandated and district assessments were examined by the principal and staff to determine students’ academic strengths and weaknesses.

➢ The principal and staff identified effective instructional techniques for teaching the Arizona Academic Standards and these techniques were implemented in classrooms.

➢ Teachers continuously monitored students’ progress and adjusted instruction to address students’ needs.

➢ Remediation was provided to students who were at risk of not mastering the Arizona Academic Standards.

➢ Title I and 301 resources were directed toward the school’s most significant academic needs.

➢ All teachers participated in professional development designed to increase instructional effectiveness.

➢ Sufficient monitoring of classroom instruction occurred and appropriate feedback was provided to teachers.

➢ Support and interventions were provided to teachers whose classroom instruction was “developing” or “unsatisfactory” as described in the MPS Evaluation Summary of Classroom Instruction.

➢ The master schedule was designed to maximize student learning.

School Quality Service Goals

Each school submits one site-specific quality service goal to the Superintendency in the fall. The school quality service goal is set based on the desired level of parent and student quality service survey ratings. The school goal is approved by the Superintendency as submitted or approved with revision.

Teachers, nurses, and psychologists, with some exceptions, will receive up to $100 for 100% achievement of the goal, up to $70 for 70% achievement of the goal, or $0 if achievement is below 70%.

Administrators, support staff, and certificated hourly staff, with some exceptions, will receive 0.2% of qualified earnings for 100% achievement of the goal, 0.14% of qualified earnings for 70% achievement of the goal or 0% incentive if achievement is below 70%.

Quality service goal results are tabulated with the Student Academic Achievement Goals as defined in the fall. Quality service survey results will be analyzed and the percentage of goal accomplishment will be available in early May.

Mesa Public Schools

( Department Goals and Incentives

Department Work Product Goals

Each department submits work product goals to the Superintendency in the fall. Each goal statement includes a description of the work product goal level required for department members to receive 100% or 70% of the incentive for goal accomplishment. Each goal is approved by the Superintendency as submitted or approved with revisions.

Most department employees, with some exceptions, will receive 2.2% of qualified earnings for 100% achievement of work product goals. Classified administrators and supervisors, with some exceptions, will receive 2.2% of qualified earnings and $425 for 100% achievement of the work product goals, or the $425 can be earned by achieving a personal goal that reflects individual achievement of a work process or product goal.

Department Quality Service Goal

Each department submits quality service goals to the Superintendency in the fall. The quality service goal is set based on results of the customer quality service survey completed by district employees. Each goal is approved by the Superintendency as submitted or approved with revision.

Teachers, nurses, and psychologists, with some exceptions, will receive up to $100 for 100% achievement of the goal, up to $70 for 70% achievement of the goal, or $0 if achievement is below 70%.

Administrators, support staff, and certificated hourly staff, with some exceptions, will receive 0.2% of qualified earnings for 100% achievement of the goal, 0.14% of qualified earnings for 70% achievement of the goal or 0% if achievement is below 70%.

Quality service survey results will be analyzed and percentage of goal accomplishment will be available by early May.

District Student Academic Goals

The district will set a district-wide academic goal that represents positive academic growth of the collective schools’ achievement levels and attainment of school-based student achievement academic goals. It will be determined whether a department primarily supports elementary schools, or secondary schools, or all schools. Compensation will be provided accordingly. Achievement of this goal will be based on the percent of schools that a department supports that achieve their academic goals at 100%.

District-based support staff, supervisors, and administrators, with some exceptions, will receive 1.0% of qualified earnings for 100% achievement of the district academic goals.

Each department with certificated staff supports the schools’ student achievement goals established in the fall.

Full-time teachers, nurses, audiologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and psychologists will receive for 100% achievement of the goals up to approximately $1,600 (teachers are funded from Classroom Site [301] funds, nurses, audiologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and psychologists from district funds), and up to $425 from Career Ladder funds. Certificated administrators will receive up to $425 for 100% achievement of these goals.

Classified Director/Supervisor Goal

In consultation with the Assistant Superintendent, classified directors and supervisors establish a professional goal unique to the individual’s assignment, or with permission from the appropriate Assistant Superintendent they may select to adopt the department’s work product goal as their goal.

Mesa Public Schools

Employee Eligibility for Participation in Incentive Programs

Eligible employees must be hired on or before March 10, 2010, and be employed through April 29, 2010, in order to qualify for any incentives.

Eligible staff for incentives include, with some exceptions, all certificated and support staff employees. Substitute teachers are eligible for the substitute teacher student achievement incentive. Ineligible employees include employees hired only to coach, student employees, temporary employees, employees on a sabbatical leave for more than a semester, and employees on unpaid leave for more than one semester.

Eligible staff for the Classroom Site [301] and Career Ladder funded academic incentives include certificated contract employees whose jobs require a certificate from the Arizona Department of Education. Ineligible certificated staff includes substitute teachers, certificated hourly workers, employees hired only to coach, and employees on unpaid leave, sabbatical leave or teacher exchange for more than one semester. Psychologists represented by MEA are eligible.

A certificated teacher is not eligible to receive compensation for participation in an Incentive Program for the fiscal year in which any one or more of the following events occurs:

1. A qualified evaluator determines that the teacher's classroom performance is inadequate.

2. The Superintendent issues a Preliminary Notice of Inadequacy of Classroom Performance to the teacher, and the teacher fails to correct the deficiencies within the prescribed timelines.

3. The Superintendent presents a Statement of Charges to the Governing Board that seeks the teacher's dismissal for inadequate classroom performance or unprofessional conduct.

4. The teacher resigns without the consent or approval of the Governing Board.

5. The teacher commits a criminal offense, other than a common traffic safety violation, while on duty or otherwise on school property.

6. A school administrator directs the teacher to participate in a training program designed to increase student academic achievement, and the teacher fails to participate in the mandatory training program without valid excuse.

An administrator is not eligible to receive compensation for participation in an Incentive Program for the fiscal year in which any one or more of the following events occur:

1. A district evaluator determines that the administrator's performance is inadequate and, as a result of such evaluation, the administrator is placed on a growth plan in accordance with district procedures.

2. The Superintendent issues a Notice of Intent to Non-Renew to the administrator.

3. The Superintendent presents a Statement of Charges to the Governing Board that seeks the administrator's dismissal for inadequate performance, unprofessional conduct, or other good cause.

4. The administrator resigns without the consent or approval of the Governing Board.

5. The administrator commits a criminal offense, other than a common traffic safety violation, while on duty or otherwise on school property.

6. A superintendent directs an administrator to participate in a training program and the administrator fails to participate in the mandatory training program without valid excuse.

A support staff member is not eligible to receive compensation for participation in an Incentive Program for the fiscal year in which any one or more of the following events occur:

1. The employee commits a criminal offense, other than a common traffic safety violation, while on duty or otherwise on school property.

2. The employee does not successfully complete a for-cause probation in accordance with district procedures.

3. The employee is dismissed for cause by the Governing Board.

4. The employee is not rehired as a result of unsatisfactory job performance.

Eligibility for the Full Incentive or a Prorated Portion. The percent of the incentives that an employee is eligible for is dependent upon the amount of time a person has worked for MPS this year, with the actual incentive amount dependent upon the number of eligible employees at the time of payment, the available dollars, and the term of contract.

Full-time eligible staff on unpaid leave, sabbatical leave, or teacher exchange for only a portion of a semester receives 100% of the incentive. Full-time eligible staff on unpaid leave, sabbatical leave, or teacher exchange for a semester qualifies for 50%. The incentive for substitute teachers is described below.

The certificated contract employees' incentives will be computed in the following manner:

| | |Contract: |Contract: |Contract: |

| | |80%-100% |50%-79% |Less than 50% |

|PERCENT OF |Hired on or before: | | | |

|FULL | | | | |


| |10/9/09 |100% |75% |50% |

| |12/11/09 |75% |56% |38% |

| |3/10/10 |50% |38% |25% |


Rehired retirees will be eligible for incentive earnings based upon their current hire date, contract status, and employment classification:

• those rehired in contract positions will be considered the same as non-retired contact employees in their respective groups

• those rehired on an hourly, non-contract basis will be considered the same as other non-retired hourly employees in their respective groups

• those rehired as substitute teachers will be considered the same as other substitute teachers

• employees who are contracted through smartschoolsplus, inc. may be eligible for a modified incentive amount

Support and eligible certificated hourly only employees’ remuneration will be determined by the number of hours they work. The incentive for work product, department quality service and academic goals will be based on a percent of salary. Remuneration for district quality service (up to $225) will be determined in the following manner:

Levels of Compensation Hours Per Year Needed

100% 714 or more

75% 455 to 713

50% 221 to 454

25% 72 to 220

0% 71 or less

Eligibility for substitute teachers. Substitute teachers are eligible for a substitute teacher student academic incentive if they have worked a minimum number of days (half-day assignments count as .5 of a day) and are still active substitutes through the end of the school year. The substitute teachers’ incentives will be computed in the following manner: substitutes working 90-119 days will be eligible for up to $335, substitutes working 120-149 days receive up to $500, and substitutes working 150 days or more will receive up to $665 if the district academic goals are achieved at 100%.

Arizona State Retirement System. If an employee retires during the fiscal year, the July incentive payment may not qualify for retirement earnings. Employees are encouraged to talk to an ASRS representative for more information.


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