Strategic Plan Worksheet - Appoquinimink School District

Strategic Plan Worksheet


Goal 1: Curriculum

The district will develop, implement and evaluate a standards-based PreK-12 curriculum that will enable each student in the Appoquinimink School District to meet or exceed state and local performance levels.

|Strategy/Task |Timeline |Measurement |Cost |Status |

|1.1 Professional development will be provided for teachers/staff based upon |September - August |After each professional development |Teacher stipend is funded at | |

|identified professional development needs to include, but not be limited to, | |offering, teachers will complete |$18.00 per hour; professional| |

|diversity, instructional technology, differentiated instruction, core content | |evaluations of the session. Feedback|development funds and Title | |

|area strategies, and career and technical education. | |will be provided to the instructor |II funds support these | |

|The schedule of offerings will be mindful of the need for continuity of | |for each offering |efforts | |

|instruction and therefore limit the amount of time teachers/staff are pulled | |Comparison of attendance data 06-07 | | |

|out of the classroom. | |to 07-08 in order to monitor the time| | |

|Offerings will be provided using various structures such as after school, | |out of the classroom. | | |

|online, weekends, and summer with during the day professional development kept| |Comparison of teacher requested PD | | |

|to a minimum | |needs to the PD that was offered | | |

|A calendar of offerings will be developed and maintained throughout the year | |Walkthrough and DPAS II documentation| | |

|Each teacher will complete a professional development plan as part of the DPAS| |will show evidence of PD | | |

|II goal setting process | |implementation | | |

|1.2 Investigate and develop a timeline for the implementation of a |Fall – Investigate |Implementation of professional |Technology referendum??? | |

|professional development tracking system to record: |different systems |development system | | |

|Individual teacher participation/training |December – Present | | | |

|District and building participation/training |findings and make | | | |

| |recommendation | | | |

| |March – Provide | | | |

| |training on system | | | |

| |June – Begin to use | | | |

| |system | | | |

|1.3 Continue training and expanding emphasis of differentiated instruction to |Sept. – Oct - |Audit report |None | |

|include a formal audit at Cedar Lane Elementary, Brick Mill Elementary, |Develop audit tool |Recommendations for future PD | | |

|Middletown High School (at least 2 departments - TBD) and Meredith Middle |Oct – Begin audit |Recommendations for changes to | | |

|Schools. |March - Report audit|instructional delivery model | | |

|Assemble team to develop audit tool to include a common understanding of best |findings |Findings and recommendations from | | |

|practices in each content area and across content areas |April – Develop |impact study | | |

|Communicate audit tool and process |on-going cycle to | | | |

|Conduct audit |include all schools | | | |

|Report findings and recommendations |and new schools as | | | |

| |they come on | | | |

|1.4 Talent development will be monitored and evaluated in grades 1-8: |Sept – June |Students will complete a survey |Talent Development referendum| |

|Talent development advisory will meet at least bi-monthly | |reflecting their satisfaction with |funds | |

|Develop and implement plan to expand the visibility of MS talent development | |the course cluster | | |

|showcase | |Walkthrough observations will be | | |

|Use Student Success Plans as a vehicle to transition from elementary/ms talent| |documented and shared with building | | |

|development opportunities to enrollment in HS career pathways and career | |administrators | | |

|opportunities | |Review of 8th grade SSPs | | |

|Committee will form and impact study to ascertain TD impact on selection and | |Review of enrollment in course | | |

|completion of career pathways. | |cluster offerings | | |

| | |Review of showcase exhibits and | | |

| | |venues | | |

| | |Findings and recommendations from | | |

| | |impact study | | |

|1.5 Instructional support team process will be implemented at Brick Mill, |August - June |Case study reports will be submitted | | |

|Townsend, Cedar Lane and Olive Loss aligned to Response to Intervention | |and reviewed | | |

|process | |All meetings will be documented | | |

| | |Compare DSTP scores 06-07 to 07-08 | | |

|1.6 For the purpose of enhancing the delivery of instruction and improving |August 2007- June |Documentation of the activities that | | |

|student achievement in inclusion environments: |2008 |have been completed addressing audit | | |

|Audits will be conducted at Middletown High School, Silver Lake Elementary and| |recommendations | | |

|Appoquinimink Early Childhood Center | |Completed audit reports including | | |

|Monitor the implementation of the recommendations from the 06-07 inclusion | |commendations and recommendations for| | |

|audits for Townsend, Redding, and Olive Loss. | |classrooms and building. | | |

|Determine areas needed for professional development and schedule/facilitate as| |Walkthrough and DPAS II will show | | |

|appropriate | |evidence of strategies learned from | | |

| | |the inclusion institute | | |

|1.7 To improve the mathematics achievement of targeted special education |August 07- June 08 |Schedules of students assigned to | | |

|students: | |small group instruction | | |

|10th grade special education students assigned to small group instruction will| |Documentation of classroom | | |

|participate in a blocked math period (with a certified math teacher and a | |walkthrough visitations | | |

|certified special education teacher) incorporating the instruction currently | |DSTP scores and teacher reported | | |

|provided in the grade level math class and in academic support | |grades | | |

|1.8 Evaluate the success of the implementation of full day kindergarten |August 07-June 08 |Collect reading and math data upon |None | |

| | |entry and exit into the K Centers. | | |

| | |Compare this data to the data from | | |

| | |04-05 and 05-06to 06-07 and 07-08 | | |

| | |Review and compare achievement data | | |

| | |and retention data for 1st graders | | |

| | |going through full day K and not full| | |

| | |day K | | |

|1.9 Implement activities listed for the 1st phase of International Education |August 07- August 08|Each activity will be evaluated |Referendum funds | |

|Plan (1-3 years) with an emphasis on 21st Century Skills | |aligned with the individual outcomes | | |

|1.10 Develop and administer common end of unit/course assessments in each core|Develop Science/math|Crosswalk the development of |Professional development | |

|content area K-12 |07-08 |assessments to the GLEs |funds | |

| |Administer | | | |

| |Science/math 08-09 | | | |

| |Develop ELA/social | | | |

| |studies 08-09 | | | |

| |Administer ELA/soc | | | |

| |studies 09-10 | | | |

| |Additional content | | | |

| |areas to be added | | | |


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