
Mt. Pisgah Seventh-day Adventist Church 3340-50 NW 215th Street, Miami Gardens, FL 33055

Pisgah 2016 Budget Workshop

("But let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner." (1 Cor. 14.40)

In this Budget Workshop you will:

Learn how to establish annual Goals and Objectives for your Church Department or Ministry (See attachment I for list of Departments and Ministries that are required to submit annual goals, objectives and budget to the Pisgah Finance Committee by February 1st).

Learn how to develop an appropriate annual budget for your Department or Ministries (See attachment II).


WHAT ARE GOALS - Goals are the "WHAT" Goals are broad statements applied to a project. Goals are the "what" of the process. In other words, "what" will the project accomplish? Projects may have more than one goal, but many objectives per goal. Do not confuse goals with objectives.

Examples of Goals: 1. Increase weekly church volunteer participation by 10% (100 to 110) by December 2016. 2. Reduce operating budget expenses by 10% ($100,000 to $90,000) by June 2016. 3. Increase weekly attendance 20% (500 to 600) by December 2016. 4. Establish volunteer leadership training and train 75% of volunteers by October 2016

WHAT ARE OBJECTIVES - Objectives are the "HOW" Objectives are specific statements that support the goal. Every goal will have one or more objectives tied to it. In essence, the objective is the "how" of the process. Always start an objective with an action verb. This ensures that the objective is measurable and that the projects end-result is addressed through the action of the objective. Each objective becomes a measurable milestone as well

Examples of Objectives: 1. By offering programs designed to help members to develop ministry skills, offering once in the fall and once in the spring. 2. By offering a variety of adult education programs aimed at interests/needs of the community and members. 3. By developing interchurch activities which pair our youth groups with other youth in the community in social and social justice events at least three times per year.

Filename: Pisgah_2016BudgetWorkshop

Finance Chair: Kelvin Trocard


EXAMPLES OF OBJECTIVES ? Good and Bad An example of badly written objective: Have more people in Sabbath School next year. An example of a well written (good) objective: Increase our average Sabbath School attendance by 10 percent over last year.

An example of a badly written objective: Expand Sabbath School An example of a well written objective: Start three new Sabbath School classes

in the next year, one in January and two in September

Linkage of Department/Ministries budgets to the Mt. Pisgah SDA Church Mission, Vision and Core Values

Each Pisgah Department or Ministry needs to link their Goals and Objectives to the Churches' Mission, Vision and Core Values ? see below:

The Mt. Pisgah Seventh-day Adventist Church Mission, Vision & Core Values VISION STATEMENT - Meeting people where they are, meeting their needs, and making disciples to ensure that all have an experience with Christ because of our existence.

MISSION STATEMENT - Our mission is to reach out and touch lives to develop relationships with a diverse and multi-cultural world by sharing the love of God.

CORE VALUES: S - Seeking God Through Prayer. We believe prayer is integral to spiritual growth and

maturity to develop a Christ-like character.

O - Outreach. We believe people matter to God--and to us. We believe lost people matter to God, and therefore, they matter to the church. This includes the concepts of relational evangelism and evangelism as a process, to love and be loved, to be supported, revitalized and challenged, to get acquainted or build lifelong friendships-there's nothing better than connecting with others.

W - Worship. We value a vibrant worship experience that is God-honoring, Spiritdirected, and life-changing. The worship experience should be the most moving, lifetransforming experience of every week. We believe the church should be culturally relevant while remaining doctrinally pure. This includes the wide-ranging differences in personalities, cultures, races, languages, talents, and perspectives.

S - Stewardship. We believe that all believers should be good stewards of the time, talents, treasurer, and temple God has given them and should employ these gifts for the building up of the church. We believe a church should operate as a unified community of servants, with men and women stewarding their gifts.

E - Evangelism. We believe that building relationships with those who do not know

Filename: Pisgah_2016BudgetWorkshop

Finance Chair: Kelvin Trocard


Jesus is vital to fulfilling His commission that ministry and evangelism must be carried out in a relevant way. We value being an active and loving witness for Christ to impact our community.

E - Education. We value promoting Christian education to prepare people for now and eternity.

D - Discipleship. We are committed to the process of becoming fully devoted, reproducing disciples of Christ.

S - Service. The Church functions at its optimum when people serve. We believe people need to be connected to a caring community that serves children, youth, young adults, and seniors. We value serving others at their point of need, following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revised Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Core Values Approved by the Church Board June 18, 2014


What are Budgets: Ask different people about budgets and you will get different answers. To staff members, budgets get in the way of activities. To the budget-review committees, budgets hold staff members accountable. To those compiling and coordinating the budgets of varying ministries, it consumes vast amounts of time and may have questionable benefits. However, budgets are critical to any church's future success.

Budgets show the allocation of resources They are used to authorize action. Budgets also provide boundaries and benchmarks. Budgets are tools that help Finance Committee.

What Budgets cannot do.... Budgets do not motivate the majority of people to give. Budgets rarely communicate. A surprisingly small percentage of the American population can read and understand budgets, especially line-item budgets. Too many churches distribute copies of the annual budget, believing that they have communicated important information. Upon closer examination, it becomes clear that very little communication has occurred. Budgets miss the reason why people give. People do not give to budgets. They give less from the head than from the heart. People give to other people, to needs, to causes -- to things that make them feel good and happy

Filename: Pisgah_2016BudgetWorkshop

Finance Chair: Kelvin Trocard


Your Budget should reflect Mt. Pisgah's Mission and Vision: If you want to know the passion of someone, it's real simple, just look at where they spend their money. If you have spent any time in ministry you have noticed if not studied the spending habits of our congregation. The old statement that says, "if you want to know where my heart is, look at my checkbook" is the clearest indication of a personal mission. ? The same is true with an organization, especially non- profits and even more true of churches. ? As your mission statement should clearly define what is important to your ministry, your budget should be a reflection of your statement and define how you plan to financially support that mission.

Attachment I

Mt. Pisgah SDA Church

Officers, Departments, & Ministries required to develop and submit an annual budget to the Finance Committee by February 1st

Pastor's Office

Clerk's Office

Treasury Department

Finance Committee

Building Committee

Deacon's Ministry

Deaconess Ministry

Personal Ministry

Inner City/Community

Urban Development

Community Services

Disaster Response

Investment Department

Prison Ministry

Senior Ministry

Disability Coordinator

Health Ministry

National Service


Religious Liberty

Prayer Ministry

Publishing Secretary

Stewardship Ministry

Safety Officer

Education Department

Home & School

Family Life Ministry

Men's Ministry



Women's Ministry


Singles Ministry

Adventist Youth Ministries Young Adult Ministry

Pathfinders Ministry

Children's Ministry

Vacation Bible School


Adventurer Ministry

Music Ministry

Sabbath School Ministry

Technology Ministry

Communications Ministry Usher Ministry

Greeters Ministry

Gourmet Ministry

Social Ministry

Decoration ministry

Production Manager


Filename: Pisgah_2016BudgetWorkshop

Finance Chair: Kelvin Trocard


Attachment II

Annual Budget Timetable, Tasks & Responsibilities





Installation of new Officers

Church memberships

January ? March)

The Finance Committee will provide

Finance Committee/

workshops to all new Officers with


instruction and templates for developing


Ministry/Department annual goals,

objectives and budgets. See attachment #1

for list of Officers that need to submit an

annual budget.

Committees/Departments Officers/Heads meet with members to establish goals & objectives that can be linked to the Church Vision & Mission?

Committees/Departments Officers/Heads

Committees/Departments Officers/Heads submit annual budget to the Finance Committee

Committees/Departments Officers/Heads

Finance Committee reviews all budgets and Finance Committee develops a consolidated budget

Finance Committee recommends an annual budget to the Church Board and Church in Business for approval

Finance Committee, Church Board & Church in Business

Q1 (April- June)

Q2 (July ? September)

Q3 (October ? December)

Annual budget activated

Semi-Annual review of Committee/ Departments budget performance

Church Officers/Heads Finance Committee

Mid-Year budget adjustments

Finance Committee

Q4 (January ? March)

Semi-Annual review of Committee/ Departments goals & objectives

Allocation of combined budget based on achievement of goals & objectives in meeting the Church's Vision & Mission Statement

Personal Ministries Finance Committee

? Mt. Pisgah SDA Church - Vision Statement: "Meeting people where they are, meeting their needs, and making disciples to ensure that all have an experience with Christ because of our existence"; Mission Statement: "Our mission is to reach out and touch lives to develop relationships with a diverse and multi-cultural world by sharing the love of God".

Filename: Pisgah_2016BudgetWorkshop

Finance Chair: Kelvin Trocard

Budget Template

Department or Ministry:

Officer or Leader:

Year: REVENUES Income from dues Income from sales Contributions from special donations Income from outside sources (e.g. grants) Other Other TOTAL REVENUES:

EXPENSES Fixed Expenses: Equipment

Variable Expenses: Office Supplies Advertising/Marketing Outside Vendors Outside Contractors Publications Clothing Printing/copying

Program #1

Program #2



Filename: Pisgah_2016BudgetWorkshop

6 Attachment III In dollars ($)

Finance Chair: Kelvin Trocard


Mt. Pisgah Seventh-day Adventist Church Annual Department/Ministry Goals & Objectives Department or Ministry:

Officer or Leader:


Goal #1 Objective(s)

Objective #1

Responsible person

Objective #2

Objective #3

Goal #2 Objective(s) Objective #1

Objective #2

Objective #3

Responsible person

Goal #3 Objective(s) Objective #1

Objective #2

Objective #3

Responsible person

Due Date Due Date Due Date

Filename: Pisgah_2016BudgetWorkshop

Finance Chair: Kelvin Trocard


----DRAFT ---

Mt. Pisgah Seventh-day Adventist Church Annual Department/Ministry Goals & Objectives Department or Ministry: Community Services

Officer or Leader: TBD

Year: 2016

Goal #1 Reduce hungry in the Miami Gardens area via of the Pisgah Food Pantry






Objective #1

Provide food to 600 households per month


Q1-Q4 2016

Objective #2

Reduce the cost of food provided to household to Leader

Q1-Q4 2016

less than $8.25 per household

Objective #3

Apply to Walmart for both a local and national

Katherine Randall Q2 2016

grant for support of the Pisgah Food Pantry

Apply to Bank of America Foundation for grant in Katherine Randall Q2 2016

support of the Pisgah Food Pantry

Objective #4

Automate the Pisgah Food Pantry client registration and record keeping process

John Wells & Toshiba

Q2 2016

Objective #5

Purchase a refrigerated truck to reduce freezer

Leader & Gabe

Q2 2016

storage and truck rental costs


Objective #6

Conduct annual customer service training for all John Wells & Opal Q2 2016

volunteers associated with the Pisgah Food Pantry Bennett

Objective #7

Provide 1800 hot meals to the homeless of

John Wells

Q1-Q4 2016

downtown Miami as a partnership with the Miami

Coalition of the Homeless & the Miami Rescue


Total cost of $0.40/person

Filename: Pisgah_2016BudgetWorkshop

Finance Chair: Kelvin Trocard


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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