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First LookTM

Curriculum for Preschoolers

We want preschoolers to take a first look at who God is and understand...

God made me.

God loves me.

Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

June 2, 2013

Basic Truth: God made me.

Key Question: Who made everything?

Bottom Line: God made everything.

Memory Verse: “God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1, NIrV

Bible Story: God made the water.

Water • Genesis 1:6-10

Here’s an overview of what you’ll be teaching in 2s this week.

Make It Fun

(Choose one or all of these activities)

• Drink, Splash, Swim

• Where’s the Water?

• Water Play

Make It True

• Bible Story

Make It Stick

(Choose as many of these activities as you like)

• Puddle Jumping

• Flashlight Tag


Make It Fun

Prepare to offer one or more of the following activities as your 2-year-olds arrive. Let one or two teachers lead small groups of children in activities throughout the room while another teacher greets parents and kids at the door. At this age not all children will participate, but most will want to be part of the fun.

1. Drink, Splash, Swim

“Drink, Splash, Swim” is a fun movement activity that draws kids in and encourages them to use their whole body while they are participating. Children will also draw from personal experience as they relate to the activity.

What You Need: No supplies needed.

What You Do: Talk about all the things you can do with water and then act it out. Exaggerate your motions as you talk and demonstrate.

What You Say: “Do you know what water is? (Pause.) Of course you do! You can do lots of things with water. Can you name some things that you can do with water? (Pause.) You can drink it! Let’s pretend we are drinking a big glass of water. (Tilt head back and pretend to drink or even gulp.) YUM, water is so good! What else can you do with water? (Pause.) When it rains, can you go out and splash in the puddles? (Pause.) That’s so fun! Let’s pretend to jump and splash in big water puddles. (Pretend to splash in puddles.) SPLISH, SPLASH! What else can you do with water? (Pause.) You can take a bath and get all squeaky clean. Let’s pretend we are in a big bathtub with lots of bubbly water. (Pretend to scrub.) Scrub, scrub, scrub. What else can you do? (Pause.) Can you swim in the water? (Pause.) Let’s swim together. (Do freestyle and breaststroke.) We can do so many different things with water. We can drink it, splash in it, bathe in it, and swim in it. Do you know who made the water? (Pause.) That’s right, God did! God made the water! We’ll hear more about that in our Bible story. I can’t wait to swim over (do swim strokes) and hear all about it!”

2. Where’s the Water?

“Where’s the Water?” is an activity that combines “Hide and Seek” and “Doggie, Who’s Got Your Bone?” Children will work together to quickly pass the water bottle around and then hide it without the person who is “it” seeing it. The child or leader who is it must figure out who has the water bottle.

What You Need: A small, unopened bottle of water.

What You Do: Sit in a circle with the kids and play a version of “Doggie, Who’s Got Your Bone?” with the water bottle.

What You Say:

Before the activity: “Come sit with me; we’ve got a fun game to play! I want you to pass the water bottle around while I close my eyes and say, ‘Water, water, who’s got the water?” When I say this, you hide the bottle behind you and then I’ll open my eyes and guess who has it. Ready to play? (Pause.) Great! Here we go!”

During the activity: “Water, water, who’s got the water?” (Repeat as many times as desired.)

At the end of the activity: “That was fun! We are going to talk about water in our Bible story today! It’s an amazing story!”

3. Water Play

“Water Play” is an activity that invites children to explore the cause and effects of different objects in the water.

What You Need: Water table or large plastic container filled with water, slotted and regular spoons, sieve, bowls, toy watering cans, rubber ducks, water toys, and towels.

What You Do: Have children experiment and play with all the different tools and toys in the water.

(Note: As with any type of water play, you will want to pay extra close attention as your preschoolers are participating in this activity. Make sure to empty the water from the container as soon as you’re finished.)

What You Say:

During the activity: “Let’s play in the water! What do you think will happen to the water if I put it in this spoon? (Hold up the slotted spoon and then try to scoop water with it.) All the water went right through the holes in the spoon. What about pouring it in this bowl called a sieve? (Demonstrate.) All the water ran right through it! You try! Let’s see what happens when we use this bowl. (Demonstrate.) The water stayed in it! How did that happen? (Pause.) There aren’t any holes in that bowl! What happens to that bowl if you let go of it? (Pause.) Will it float or sink? (Pause.) It sinks! Let’s try the same bowl without any water in it. Do you think if will float or sink? (Pause.) It floated this time!”

At the end of the activity: “I like to play in the water, don’t you? (Pause.) Who made the water? (Pause.) God made all the water in the whole wide world! Can you believe that? (Pause.) It’s true! It says so in the Bible and we’ll hear all about it during our Bible story today.”

Make It True

Bible Story

What You Need: A Bible

STORYTELLER: “Hello, friends! I love to see all of your great smiles. And I’m so excited to be here because we are going to hear such a cool Bible story that tells us that [Bottom Line] God made everything! Did you guys know that every single thing in the whole wide world is … (excited voice) … made by God?! (Pause.) Yup! It says so, right in the Bible. You see, back at the very, very beginning, before there was land or plants or ANYTHING there was nothing. It was completely dark. Then God made light! Wow! Can you cover your eyes and make it dark, like this? (Demonstrate.) Let’s try it together. (Cover your eyes.) It’s dark when we do that! But when we take our hands off (remove hands) there’s light! God made light!

“Friends, do you know what we need light for? (Pause.) All kinds of things! It helps us to be able to see things and it helps things to grow, too. There are so many reasons we need light. I’m SO glad God made light. The light was so bright and beautiful. Once God created it He said that it was good but He wasn’t finished yet. He went on to create something even better!

“God made water! Who made the water? (Pause.) That’s right, friends, water was made by God and He looked at all of that water and said ‘It is goo-ood!’ Water was made by God! God knew we would need water for so many things. Let’s think of all the amazing things we can do with water. We can drink water. Let’s pretend to take a drink of water right now. Ready? Pick up your cup. Now take a big, looooong drink. (Pretend take a big drink and make gulping sounds.) Ahhhhh! Oh, that tastes so good on a hot day!

“Do you know what else that we need water for? (Pause.) We need water for taking a bath! Let’s pretend to wash our arms. Ready? (Pause.) Let’s scrub the left arm. (Pretend to scrub left arm.) Scrub, scrub, scrub. Now let’s scrub the right arm. (Pretend to scrub right arm.) Scrub, scrub, scrub. All clean! Good job.

“Another thing we can do with water when it’s sunny and hot outside is we can go swimming and splash in the water. Let’s pretend to swim in the pool and splash. Get your arms ready. Okay, let’s swim to the left. (Make swimming strokes with your arms.) Swoosh, swoosh! Now let’s swim to the right. (Make swimming strokes with you arms.) Swoosh, swoosh. You all are great swimmers!

“Isn’t it amazing that God made all the water everywhere? (Pause.) Water is made by God! In fact, friends, [Bottom Line] God made everything! Who made everything? (Pause.) [Bottom Line] God made everything! It’s true! Friends, who made everything?”

CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: [Bottom Line] “God made everything!”

STORYTELLER: “That’s great! Say it with me one more time. Who made everything?”

CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: [Bottom Line] “God made everything!”

STORYTELLER: “That’s the truth, friends. Let’s pray and thank God for the amazing things He made.

“Dear God, thank You for making light, water, and everything! We love You so much, God! Amen.”

Make It Stick

Choose two or more of the following activities to help make the Bottom Line stick. Lead the activities with small groups of children. Encourage children to play on their own if they do not wish to take part in an activity.

1. Puddle Jumping

“Puddle Jumping” is an activity that gets the kids moving as they recite this month’s Memory Verse. Kids are more likely to be engaged in the activity and remember the verse when involving movement.

What You Need: Large sheets of blue construction paper, scissors, and clear packing tape.

What You Do:

Before the activity: Cut out puddle shapes from the blue paper and tape them to the floor.

During the activity: Recite the Memory Verse while jumping from puddle to puddle. (Repeat as many times as desired.)

What You Say:

Before the activity: “Have you ever jumped in puddles outside after it rains? (Pause.) It’s so much fun! We are going to say this month’s Memory Verse as we jump from puddle to puddle. Are you ready to give it a try? (Pause.) Super duper, here we go!”

During the activity: “‘God (jump) created (jump) the (jump) heavens (jump) and (jump) the (jump) earth (jump),’ Genesis 1:1.”

At the end of the activity: “Woo-hoo! Today we learned that God made the light, dark, and the water! [Bottom Line] God made everything! Who made everything? (Pause.) [Bottom Line] God made everything.”

2. Flashlight Tag

“Flashlight Tag” is an activity that uses gross motor skills to help with balance and coordination. The concept of light and dark is also introduced when a child is “tagged” by the light and unfrozen when the light goes off.

What You Need: A flashlight or two.

What You Do: When leaders tag the children with the beam of their flashlights, kids freeze and everyone says the Bottom Line. Kids are un-frozen when the flashlights are turned off. (Repeat as many times as desired.)

What You Say:

Before the activity: “We are going to play a super fun game today with these flashlights. You can move or dance around, but when the flashlight comes on, freeze and don’t move. We’ll say: [Bottom Line] ‘God made everything’ all together. Then, the flashlights will turn off and you can move around again until the flashlights come on again. Ready to play? (Pause.) Here we go!”

At the end of the activity: “That was so much fun! Who made everything? (Pause.) [Bottom Line] God made everything. One more time! Who made everything? (Pause.) [Bottom Line] God made everything.”

Get Ready to Dismiss

Set any take-home creations where you or parents can get them easily. Greet parents at the door and tell them that this month preschoolers are learning that [Bottom Line] God made everything. Encourage parents to repeat the Bottom Line at home and help their child understand that [Bottom Line] God made everything.

Have this month’s Parent CUE available for parents to pick up or send it in a monthly email. Encourage parents to use the activities found in Parent CUE to reinforce this month’s Bottom Line, [Bottom Line] God made everything.


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