lefttoprighttopThe beginning of human history1. CreationHow great is our GodGenesis 1:1-2:2Teaching AimTo show that God made everything and the implications of this.Setting the SceneThis chapter shows us that God made everything out of nothing, that He made it very good and that He rested the seventh day. Special emphasis should be placed on the importance of the Lord’s Day for believers and unbelievers.Created from nothingRead Genesis 1:1-2Q. Have you ever tried to make a sand castle? What do you need? - A bucket, a spade and, most of all, SAND and WATER.We cannot make anything without raw materials. Sand castles need sand, model planes need plastic, dolls' clothes need cloth, and jigsaws need pieces. It is impossible for us to make something out of nothing. We just can’t do it.Q. What did God use to make the universe? - Nothing.We are told "In the beginning God created”. Nothing existed before that except God Himself. He made everything that exists out of nothing. The only thing that God did not make is evil.Q. What does this tell us about God? - He is very great and very good.Only a great God could do this. It takes amazing power to make something out of nothing. No ordinary human, no matter how great, has ever had enough power. Only a loving, good God would do it because there was nothing to force Him to make anything. It was because He decided to make people to love that He made them and a lovely world for them to live in. The Wonderful CreationRead Genesis 1:3-31Q. What word would you use to sum up how much God made? - Everything.The Bible is clear that God made everything that exists, except evil. In John’s gospel we are told that the Father made everything through Jesus His Son (John 1:3). Nothing exists without God.Q. What phrase keeps being repeated in verses 10, 12, 18, 21, 25 and 31? -God saw that it was good (very good in verse 31).God made a wonderful world full of good things. There was no sickness, death or disaster. The first people (Adam and Eve) knew God and could talk to Him (Genesis 2). Everything was great. When you look at the world and see beautiful mountains and lovely flowers, this tells you that God exists and that He is both great and good. You have no excuse for ignoring Him and refusing to trust Him. The Day of RestRead Genesis 2:1-2Q. How long did it take God to create everything? - 6 days.Q. What did God do on the seventh day? - He rested.God gave us a very special day when we too should rest - a day when all normal work should stop and we should spend special time praising Him. In the Old Testament this was Saturday, the Sabbath Day. In the New Testament this changed to Sunday because this was the Day when Jesus was raised from the dead. This Sabbath Day is called a “Creation Ordinance” because God built this into His work of creating. This means that it is for all people. God expects everyone to honour His special day even if they are not Christians.Summing UpGod did not need to make a world or any of us. In love He chose to make a wonderful world out of nothing. He did it in six days and rested the seventh so that we might follow His pattern. It is sin if you do not keep His day special. God made you so you should obey Him in this. Also because He made you He owns you, so you should give Him your life by trusting Jesus.ResourcesMemory Verse “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1ActivitiesUnder 8s Activity Sheet “Creation - 1".Over 8sActivity Sheet “Creation - 2".Prayer pointsThank God:For making this wonderful world.For making each of us.For His special day.Creation - 1CreationTrue / False Quiz2630170109220Tick the box below with if true and with X if false.□God made the world using chemicals and a big bang.□God needed our help to make the world.□God made a lovely world which was good.□God made Adam and Eve to know Him.□God worked for seven days to make everything.□God rested on the Seventh Day.□We should go to church on Sunday to thank Him for everything.□We should do our homework on Sunday.□We should play football or hockey matches on Sunday.□God has given us a great day which is special and different from all the rest.□Because God made you, He wants you to give your heart to Jesus.Use the code below to find the memory verse.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Creation - 2CreationUnjumble the words to complete the sentences. The story of creation is found in Genesis chapter 1.1. In the beginning God created the avehens and the reath.2. God said, "Let there be thlig," and there was thlig. 3. God said, "Let the water under the kys be gathered to one place, and let dry gndour appear." 4. God catered the great creatures of the esa .5. God created man in His own gimae. He created leam and mfeale. Write down below what God made on each day.1._______________________________________________2._______________________________________________3._______________________________________________4._______________________________________________5._______________________________________________6._______________________________________________7._______________________________________________ ................

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