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Matthew chapter 21 verses 23 to 32 By what authority? The chief priests and the elders of the people came to Jesus and said ‘by what authority are you doing these things?’I have, for a number of years, pondered the concept of authority and what true authority is and how it comes about. How is authority bestowed? Where does it come from? What does true authority look like? I think, simply put, I have come to the conclusion that there are two types of authority. Firstly, there is authority which goes with a rank or occupation and, secondly, there is authority that doesn't need a title or job description but is conferred on someone by others.Let me give you an example.Someone who represents the first type of authority would be someone who perhaps was a CEO of a company, or head teacher, or a policeman, or an elected politician. On the other hand, an example of the second type of authority might be a youth worker who is listened to by the young people in their care, not because of a job title, but because of the care they give and the wise words they might share. To the young people, the youth worker is an authority figure in their lives, not because of a job title, but because the young people respect them, look up to them, and are willing to listen to them. The young people confer authority on the youth worker because they want them to be that authoritative voice in their lives. As I've looked at people who hold authority in my life - authority of both types - I have asked myself who holds true authority for me, and I've come to the conclusion that there are many people who might have a claim to have authority in my life from my parents, to my head teacher at school, to bosses in my various places of work, to my training incumbent when I was a curate, to senior clergy. Many of these people have indeed held authority in my life, but some haven't. The only people who I really think have had authority in my life are those who I wish to confer that authority on, as a result of their words and actions - not their job titles. True authority is not imposed - true authority is earned - earned by our words and deeds.The chief priests and the elders had authority over the Jewish people, whether the Jewish people liked it or not.And then comes Jesus - with no religious title, no particular pedigree, not acting as he should, not toeing the official line, and yet it was clear to the chief priests that he spoke with authority - he spoke with authority because people wanted him to , and because God wanted him to. The people who listened to Jesus day after day who left everything to follow him, gave him authority in their lives - they allowed him to be an authoritative voice for them.And that was deeply threatening for the chief priests and the elders - they were the ones who should have authority over the people, not this Jesus.And so, they challenged Jesus:‘By what authority are you doing these things, and who gives you this authority?’Jesus, as he often did, went straight back at them with a counter question.‘I will also ask you one question; if you tell me the answer, then I will also tell you by what authority I do these things. Did the baptism of John come from heaven, or was it of human origin?’There are many times when I wish I could be as quick witted as Jesus!What an excellent question Jesus batted back to the chief priests - it put them in a real dilemma.If they replied that John’s ministry of baptism came from God then Jesus would be able to retort - well if that's the case, why didn't you believe him? But if they replied that John's ministry was of human origin, i.e. he claimed it for himself, then the crowds would turn against them as they considered John to be a Prophet - they had conferred authority on him.And so the chief priests and elders could only reply that they didn't know and so never got the answer from Jesus which they were hoping to use against him.And yet Jesus, I think, by posing the question about John, gave them the answer about himself. Jesus’ authority was given by both God and the people. Jesus held authority because of his role - he was, after all, God’s son - the Messiah. But he also held authority because people wanted him to - Jesus held authority both in heaven and on earth - both in the heavenly realms and in the dusty streets of Jerusalem. His was the truest example of authority.And it is an example of authority to aspire to - authority that was not imposed on people but was welcomed by people into their lives, through the words Jesus spoke and actions he did.Many people are given authority over others in all walks of life - everyone who line manages anyone, police officers, magistrates and judges, elected politicians, parents and foster carers, teachers and head teachers, scout or brownie leaders - the list is endless. But it is how that authority is exercised which will be the marker of true authority. And there will be many people who will never hold a role which technically gives them authority over others, but, because of their words and actions, will be seen as authoritative voices in peoples’ lives - my grandmother was one such person for me.Jesus, throughout his ministry, shows us the right and perfect way to hold authority - not by hanging onto a title, never by imposition, but by the kindness of his actions, the wise-ness of his words, the love for others that came through in all he did, and the constant pointing away from himself to God's authority. Many of us will be asked to hold positions of authority in varying contexts - many of us will be authoritative figures in the lives of others.As we seek to follow Christ day by day, we need to follow his way of holding authority, in whatever context we find ourselves in, so that as we exercise the authority vested in us we are doing so rooted firmly in the values which Jesus was rooted in, always being willing to point beyond ourselves to the one who holds ultimate authority in our lives.This is not an easy task - but it is also not a task we do alone. I encourage you to pray for God's wisdom, God’s strength, God’s love as he calls each one of us to different places and different contexts, that through his life giving Holy Spirit we may be people who hold authority lightly and well, rooted and grounded in the best example we could have, the example of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen ................

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