End of Year Staff Prayer

End of Year Staff Prayer

Virtue Link: Faith, Hope, Love, Temperance, Fortitude

Catholic Character Themes: Community, Discipleship, Reverence, Solidarity

Presider: Chaplain

Title: End of school year beginning of summer

Liturgical Season: Completion of the School Year

Intended Audience: Teaching Staff


Good morning/afternoon, and welcome to our staff prayer service to mark the end of the school year. The end of the school year means different things to each of us. Some of us will be moving on to new places, others to new responsibilities. Let us take the next few minutes to reflect on the blessings of this school year, to give thanks, and to invite our gracious God to continue with us as we journey forth through the changes that summer will bring. Matthew 24: 32 states, “As soon as the branch of the fig tree becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, You know that summer is near.” Let us begin, marking ourselves with the sign through which all things have been made new: In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

 OPENING SONG: Thy word, by Michael W. Smith Teachers will watch the YouTube video and sing along


God of the seasons,

You paint the world in a glorious array of colour in summer.

WE wake up to a pink sunrise and a green world filled with blossoms of all kinds.

Gardens are flush with lovely flowers.

Trees are magnificent in their glory.

Their branches growing ever upwards towards the sun filled sky

Each summer you take our breath away with the beauty you bestow upon us.

May we appreciate and be energized by the spectacular colour

And majesty of your creation.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


 LEADER: Let us be attentive to God’s word.

READING: A reading from the prophet Isaiah

(Is 43, 19-21)

See, I am doing something new!

Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers.

Wild beasts honour me, jackals and ostriches,

For I put water in the desert and rivers in the wasteland

for my chosen people to drink,

The people I formed for myself,

That they might announce my praise.


The word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.


When we live by faith,

Every ending is the beginning of something new.

Every thing points beyond itself

to a Presence without and within;

Every person becomes sacrament;

Every colleague, a companion on life’s pilgrimage.

When we live by faith,

Time becomes a gift,

And seasons, rivers of grace:

Refining and re-creating us

To fullness of life.

See, God is doing something new!

Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

View the following video and reflect on how, much like the school year, God ends one chapter in our life to begin another. Reflect on the journey God has set you on to bring you where you are today and the future.


A reading from the Gospel according to Mark

(Mk 6, 30-34)

 The apostles gathered around Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a deserted place by themselves. Now many saw them going and recognized them, and they hurried there on foot from all the towns and arrived ahead of them. As he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.


The Gospel of the Lord.

All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


You have each been given a candle. We light these candles before we pray as a sign that we continue to walk in the light of Christ.

Those who will not be part of our staff next year please come to the front.

Blessing for Departing staff:

We are called to be a community of gratitude and hope.

We are so grateful for our colleagues.

They are icons of your love,

Companions in service and a blessing to the school.

As they leave us,

May these friends know that, though we will truly miss them,

Their gifts live on in those whose lives they have touched.

May you continue to bless them on their ongoing journey.


Please respond to each petition: Renew your people, Lord.

For all those entrusted with the mission to educate in the light of faith, that they might find strength and support in their teaching communities. We pray to the Lord…

For persons whose hunger for knowledge and learning are constrained by war, violence or poverty that they might find solidarity and hope in our response to their needs. We pray to the Lord…

In thanksgiving for those students and colleagues who have called forth in us a Gospel response in extraordinary circumstances. We pray to the Lord…

For the members of our educational community who may be suffering in hidden ways, that our prayers and compassion might support them in their struggles. We pray to the Lord…

In thanksgiving for colleagues, friends and students who will be moving on; that God continue to bless them in the new directions they have chosen. We pray to the Lord…


O God of all beginnings and endings,

We praise and thank you for the gift of this school year.

It has been a time filled with grace and blessings,

With challenges and opportunities, joys and sorrows.

The days have passed quickly, O Lord.

The weeks, the months, the seasons, the holidays and holy days,

The exams, vacations, breaks, and assemblies,

All have come forth from your hand.

While we trust that your purposes have always been at work each day,

Sometimes it has seemed difficult to understand and appreciate

Just what you have been up to in our school.

Give us the rest and refreshment we need this summer.

Let our efforts of this past year bear fruit.

Bring all of our plans to a joyful conclusion,

And bless us, according to your will,

With the fulfillment of our summer hopes and dreams.

Watch over us in the weeks of rest ahead,

And guide each day as you have done this past year.

Help us return to school with a new spirit and a new energy.

And may almighty God bless us, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


Allow the closing song to be a reflection and connection of God’s creation and who we are. Let us go this summer and take time for ourselves to enjoy our own families.

Sources for this prayer service:

General Considerations:

1. Were participants appropriately engaged?

The teachers were very engaged and appreciated that it’s a bit modernized. It was a great conclusion to our school year and a breath of fresh air.

2. Did the order of service provide just what was essential to engage the participants?

The order of service provide what was essential to engage the participants and get them involved in the service.

. Was a complete presider’s version made available?

There was a copy of the service provided to each staff member. All readings, song lyrics, prayers were projected for those who do not like to hold a paper in their hand to follow.

4. Should my colleagues be able to duplicate this prayer service with what they have been given?

The Chaplain and myself came together to create this prayer service. We used it today as our end of the year service for all staff members. Staff Members really loved it.

5. Was the language: inclusive; age appropriate?

The language is inclusive to all members at the service. It was made to be more modernized to accommodate to the age group of our staff.

6. What understanding of the Paschal Mystery was conveyed?

In liturgy we make present and celebrate the paschal mystery, the dying and rising of Jesus. The paschal mystery is also how we must live every day-the dying and rising is the very pulse of our Christian living when we are being faithful followers of Jesus. God is always there, giving us strength in our self-giving and a share in risen life in our faithfulness.

7. Other comments:

This prayer service is a little bit longer but it concluded a chapter in our teaching career. Some students whom we have set off onto their path in life and may never see again, students who struggled and we found ways for them to succeed. Remembering all that one school year often has to offer. The prayer service starts off ending the school year then ends reminding us that now that school is over it is time to enjoy our time with our families or make time for ourselves.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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