The Odyssey Study Questions

The Odyssey – Study questionsAnswer each of the following questions in complete, detailed sentences in your notebook. You may allow TEN pages for Part I and SIX pages for Part II. If additional room is needed, tape an additional sheet of loose-leaf paper beneath question sheet. Please label each section of answers of your notebook sheet so I know which answers go with which set of questions. Give textual evidence where applicable.PART 1 “Tell the Story” (invocation), “The Wanderings” (box on 652 only), “I Am Laertes’ Son”What is Odysseus’ father’s name?What is the name of the island of Odysseus’ home?Odysseus says he is distracted and detained by a beautiful woman, but he never gave consent. Why?Ilion is another word for what? What things do Odysseus and his men do during the battle of Ismarus?How do his men respond when Odysseus tells them to hurry back to the ship?Odysseus says, “I might have made it safely home” (91). Why didn’t he?The third dawn after the storm is described as coming “with ringlets shining” (188). What impression of the dawn does this image give you?“The Lotus Eaters” 658Why did Odysseus send out the three scouts?What happens to people who eat the Lotus flower?“The Cyclops” 660 Describe Polyphemus and his home.Odysseus’ men beg him to leave the Cyclops cave after they have gotten the supplies that they need, but Odysseus refuses. Why?Why does Odysseus not kill the Cyclops when he first gets an opportunity to do so?What does Odysseus do to blind Polyphemus?How do Odysseus and his men escape from Polyphemus?Why do the other Cyclopes not help Polyphemus even though they hear his screams?Twice in the Cyclops episode Odysseus brings misfortune upon himself and his men by ignoring their good advice. Once is in the cave, and once is when they are back on the ship. What good advice does Odysseus ignore once he and his men are on the ship? Why does Odysseus act as he does?What characteristics of Odysseus’ character are revealed in the encounter with the Cyclops? (some good and some not so good)Reread the Cyclops’ prayer to Poseidon. What four requests does Polyphemus make?Read “A Closer Look” on page 671 and answer the following questions.How does the Cyclops respond to Odysseus’ plea for hospitality?How does the Cyclops’ response add to the idea that the Cyclops must be a barbarian?“The Enchantress Circe”, “The Land of the Dead”, and “The Sirens” 673-681, line 763.Who is the god of the winds?What did he do to help Odysseus and his men?What did Odysseus’ men do just as Ithaca is in sight?Who are the cannibals who destroy the most of Odysseus’ men?Who is the enchantress who works magic on Odysseus’ men?What does she do to them?What dangers does she warn Odysseus about?What does Odysseus have his men do to him so he can listen to the siren song?What does Odysseus do to protect his men?How does Odysseus react to the song?How do the sirens tempt Odysseus with their song? (Read the handout with the song on it)What kind of leader does Odysseus prove to be in this episode? Why?“Scylla and Charybdis” 681, line 763Describe Scylla.Describe Charybdis.What is the dilemma that Odysseus faces as he approaches the two monsters?What decision does Odysseus make and why?Why does he keep the decision a secret from his men?What heroic qualities does Odysseus exhibit in this episode?“Cattle of the Sun God” 684-686How does Eurylochus justify killing the cattle? (3 things)What was Odysseus doing as his men killed the cattle?What is Zeus’ response to Helios’ demand for revenge?How does Odysseus manage to escape death?Was Odysseus at fault for the tragedy which occurred as a result of his men’s actions on this island? Why or why not?END OF PART 1 When does Odysseus act wisely and when does he make mistakes? Make a list of “good moves” and “bad moves”. For each “bad move” decide on another course of action that might have had a better resultPART 2“Coming Home and “The Meeting of Father and Son” 690Who is Odysseus’ wife?Who is Odysseus’ son?What is the trouble at Odysseus’ home once he arrives there?Which god is helping Odysseus once he reaches home?How is that god helping him?Describe Telemachus’ reaction when Odysseus reveals pare Odysseus’ emotions with Telemachus’ when they are reunited.Why does Odysseus not want his presence revealed even to his family and household yet?How has the point of view changed in Part 2?“The Beggar and the Faithful Dog” and “The Epic Continues”694-697What is Penelope’s reaction as she hears what has happened downstairs in the banquet hall?Why does Penelope wish to see the beggar?How is this an example of dramatic irony?Describe the trick Penelope uses to delay choosing a husband from among the suitors. (See page 697 “Penelope to Ulysses”)How long does the trick last?What kind of person do we learn Penelope is from this section?How are Odysseus and his wife similar?Why do you think Odysseus chooses not to reveal his identity to his wife now?“Test of the Great Bow” 698-702What is “the challenge” that Penelope makes up?What is he suitor’s reaction when Odysseus, still in disguise, takes up the bow?What is the sign that Zeus sends down as Odysseus is ready to draw the bow?What does Odysseus mean when he says, “the hour has come to cook their lordships’ mutton” (1213)?“Death at the Palace” 703-705Who is the leader of the suitors?Describe Antinous’ treatment of Odysseus.Who is the first suitor killed?How is this person killed?How does Telemachus aid his father in the battle?Who else helps Odysseus fight against the suitors?Compare justice at the hands of Odysseus with justice in a modern society.Do you think Odysseus’ revenge is excessive? Why or why not?“Odysseus and Penelope”706-709Why is Odysseus displeased with Penelope?What is her response to his complaint?What does Penelope imply by the phrase “if man you are” (1357)?What is Penelope’s test?How does Odysseus pass the test?Since Odysseus has abandoned his beggar disguise, why does Penelope doubt his identity?To what does Homer compare Odysseus’s embrace of his wife?This comparison is an example of what?Describe the mood of this scene. Is it all together happy or does it include some sadness? Give reasons for your answer. ................

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