Bible Study on Knowing God’s Will

Bible Study on Knowing God’s Will © 2011 John F. Sykes

[adapted from Design for Discipleship, book 3 chapter 4, Navigators]


1. What should be one of your desires as a follower of Christ? Ephesians 5:17

2. What does God promise you concerning His will for your life? Ps 32:8

3. What does God reveal about His will for you in the following verses

1 Th 4:3

1 Th 5:18

1 Pt 2:15

4. What was the psalmists attitude toward God’s will in Ps 40:8?

5. Who is you source of strength to do God’s will? Philip 2:13, J15:5


Some commandments in Scripture can help you in decision-making. If an action or decision is inconsistent with the Bible, then you know it is not for you.

6. Using the following verses, state in your own words some of God’s objectives for you. God wants you to…

Mt 6:33

Mt 22:37-39

Mt 28:18-20


2Pt 3:18

Ask yourself questions based on these verses such as: am I putting God’s desire ahead of my own? [Mt 6:33] OR will it help me to love God and others more?

7. Using the following verses, develop questions that you can use to discern God’s will?

1 Co 6:12

1Co 6:19-20

1Co 8:9

1Co 10:31

8. Obedience to what God has already shown you seems to be an important prerequisite to receiving further guidance from the Lord. How do you gain an understanding of God’s will? Ps 37:31; Ps 119:105,130;

9. What other actions can you take to learn God’s will? Ps 143:8; James 1:5

10. Write Ps 25:4,5 in your own words.

11. What condition does Rom12:1,2 give for finding God’s will?

12. How does the Holy Spirit relate to finding guidance? J 16:13

13. How does ‘waiting on God’ relate to finding God’s will? Is30:18 Ps 27:14

14. What is the advice of Pv 15:22? How could this help you in a decision you face?

What are the characteristics of people you should receive counsel from?

15. What is the principle of John 7:17? How does this apply to knowing God’s will?

16. When you know what God wants, what should you do? Ephesians 6:6

17. Some additional help on decisions is found in Col 3:15; Ro 13:1; Ep5:15-17.


18. What was the major issue in the decisions found in Judg 625-28; Hb 11:25,26; 2Ti4:10?

19. Make a chart w four columns- Scriptural Objectives, Yes, No, Neutral. Write down scriptural objectives in the form of questions and then answer

20. Make a list of options you have with a decision. Are you open to these options

Are you truly willing to do what God wants?

21. Pray adequately and over a long period of time.

How To Know The Will of God – Ephesians 5:17


Rabindranath Tagore tells a story of a beggar…

Many Christians are like the beggar when it comes to knowing the will of God

We will all face major decisions in life: 4ME:engagement/marriage, career chang

Calling of church, 4U perhaps these perhaps choice of college, surgery

God is good. He wills the best for us. How can we know the will of God?


Do what you know to be the revealed will of God

1st some of this category are specifically labeled the ‘will of God’

1Pt 4:2 – not live in the flesh for the lusts of men, 3 lewdness

[unrestrained living ], lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drink parties

1Th 4:3,4 – your sanctification that U abstain from sexual immorality,

posses own vessel in honor

1Th 5:18 – everything give thanks, attitude of thankfulness

Romans 12:1,2 – not conformed to the world but be transformed

2nd commands 4US2 obey not selections from a menu we pick and choose, a few

J13:34,35 – do U love 1another, Action/Decision help me to love othr mor

Mt 4:19 – are U following JS, A/D help U to follow JS

Mt 6:33 – are U seek 1st His kingdom, A/D put God desire ahead of urs

Mt 22:37-39 – love God + neighbor, A/D help me to love God+othrs mor

Mt 28:18-20 – make disciples, A/D help inolv me in GrtCom, baptize?

1Pt 1:15 be holy in all conduct, A/D lead to holy living

2Pt 3:18 grow in grace and knowledge, A/D help me to grow as Christian

3rd study the Scrip to expand your basic knowledge of God’s revelaed will

Ps 119:105,130 Ps 25:4,5

4th doing the rvled will of God seems 2B a prereq to discovering specific will

2Ch7:14, emphasis on doing E6:6/1Pt2:16/Hb10:36/1Jn2:17

Check-off Biblical principles to discover the specific will of God

Warren and Ruth Myers, Missionaries, maybe not all apply, list red/yellow/green

1st Lordship – Am I willing to do God’s will, whatever it may be? Lk 9:23, 7:17

2nd God’s Word – What principles, commands, prohibitions from the Scriptures

apply to ths dcisn? Hs God gvn me any promiss on this subjt? Ps119:130

3rd Prayer – Have I prayed adequately about this? Philippians 4:6,7

4th My God-givn priorities, gifts, and calling – Wht gifts and abilities has God

givn me, and hw ds He want me to accomplish His purposes? 1Co12:4-6

5th Promptings of the Holy Spirit – Does He motivate me either toward or away

from a particular course of action? Ro8:14

6th Godly counsel – What is the prayerful counsel of someone who knows me and

is familiar with the situation? Pv 19:20, 15:22

7th Providential Circumstances – Has God arranged events to point in a particular

direction? If I am facing obstacles are they God trying to stop me OR

satanic hindrances that need to be overcome by faith? Ro 8:29

8th Common sense and personal desires – Wht does common sense tell me?Ps37:4

9th Peace – Do I hv continud inner peace as I consider decision in prayer? Co3:15

10th Timing – What is God’s mind about the ‘when’ of this decision? Ps 27:14

11th Faith – Does God want me to step out by faith? Pv 3:5


U and I end up winners if choose God’s will, losers if don’t

Be careful of simply finding verses to confirm what you want

Paul Little quote


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