Next Level Church

1099820-72030200One’s – May 16th & 17th Bible Words: “Nothing at all can ever separate us from God’s love.” Romans 8:39, NIrVGod Made Me ? Genesis 1:26, Psalm 139:14Bottom Line: God loves you.Basic Truth: God loves me.More SpecialGather your child on a rug or in a specific area of the room to tell the story. (Some children (especially the younger ones) may wander. That’s okay. They’re still listening and learning!)What You Need: Preschool Bible, paper, and markersWhat You Say: “Join me over here on the floor. I’m so glad to spend time with you today. Today’s true story from the Bible tells us that God made us and God loves us, too. “Our story begins when God made the earth. (Draw the earth.) God made all of the things on the earth, too. God made all the animals. (Draw several animals and name them. They can be stick animals, or whatever your ability is. Just have fun with it!) God made the sun, moon, and stars. (Draw the sun, moon, and some stars.) God made the really tall mountains too. (Draw several mountains.) Everything God made was good.“But there is something God created that is more special than everything else. God made you. People are His most special creation. (Draw a face of your child and you.) Look, here we are! (Point to each of the drawings as you say your names.) We’re all different! And we are all completely, amazingly, and wonderfully made. You are the most super, special, best thing God created!“But do you know why God made you as His most special thing? God made you special because He loves you so, so much! (Draw a lot of different sized hearts.) God loves you and God loves me!”God Made MeGather your child around you at a table for craft time. What You Need: “Made” Activity Page, scissors, washable markers or crayonsWhat You Do: Print out the “Made” Activity Page and cut on dotted lines (one per child). Retell the story. Encourage your child to fill in the first square with happy faces and the second square with hearts. Help them draw them as needed.What You Say: “Today, we learned that of all the amazing things God made, you and me are God’s most super, special creation! God made all of us! God loves you and God loves me. This square says ‘God made me.’ Let’s draw happy faces in that square. (Pause.) Great! Now the other square says ‘God loves me.’ Let’s draw hearts in that square. (Pause.) Terrific! God made you, and He loves you, too. “God loves me. Say that with me. God loves me!”Pray“Dear God, thank You for loving (your child’s name), and me, no matter what. We try to do what is right, but sometimes we mess up. It makes us feel so good to know that nothing at all can ever separate us from Your love. In Jesus’ name, amen.” ................

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