Babylon Pastor Larry Osborne

Special Message North Coast Church

October 27-28, 2007

Stinking Thinking:

A Recipe for Depression:

Psalm 73:1-16

( Pretty much, it’s all about me.

( Pretty much, it’s all about now.


How It Changes Everything

Psalm 73:17-28/ 1 Peter 4:12 & 1:3-7/ 2 Corinthians 4:17 compared with 11:23-27

( Everything changes when we know what’s normal.

( Everything changes when we know how things end.

A Short History of the World

What Every Christian Needs To Know

( Genesis 1-2 ( Creation: God made it all

( Genesis 3 ( The Fall: Why it’s a mess

( Genesis 4 ( Cain & Abel: The bad guy wins!

( John 19:30 ( The Cross: Paid in full

( Revelation 5:1-6:1 ( The Return: Escrow closes!

From God Is NOWHERE to God Is NOW HERE

( Judge God’s goodness and power by the cross and eternity,

not by the here and now.

Psalms 73:16-17 & Romans 8:18-39

( Embrace the sorrow – Reject bitterness.

Romans 12:15/ Psalm 73:12-19

( Offer practical help – Avoid empty clichés.

James 2:15-16

Available as a North Coast Church Podcast  -

Taking It Home

1. Looking back at this week’s teaching and study, what was most helpful in helping you see that God Is NOW HERE?

2. Take some time to pray for those experiencing loss because of the fires this past week.

Pray …

… for any family, friends or specific areas that have been hit particularly hard by the fires.

… that those who have experienced loss might be drawn to Jesus in the midst of it all.

… that Christians might help give hope and be the hands and feet of Jesus in meeting real needs.

… that North Coast will continue to be a light in the community and a place where people can find, and grow, in Jesus and connect with others for support.


Thank you for your many calls to help people in need because of the fires. We are presently assessing the needs and how we can effectively direct people and resources to them. We will keep you up-to-date on our web page.

We also continue to have our ongoing community service project commitments. We apologize to anyone that tried to sign up this past week online as this system was damaged this past week. We are now back online with general information about projects. To sign up access the web page or contact Melissa Wiederspan at the church office (mwiederspan@).

Babylon Pastor Larry Osborne

Special Message North Coast Church

October 27-28, 2007

Stinking Thinking:

A Recipe for Depression:

Psalm 73:1-16

( Pretty much, it’s all about _____.

( Pretty much, it’s all about _____.


How It Changes Everything

Psalm 73:17-28/ 1 Peter 4:12 & 1:3-7/ 2 Corinthians 4:17 compared with 11:23-27

( Everything changes when we know what’s __________.

( Everything changes when we know how things _______.

A Short History of the World

What Every Christian Needs To Know

( Genesis 1-2 ( Creation: _______________________

( Genesis 3 ( The Fall: ________________________

( Genesis 4 ( Cain & Abel: _____________________!

( John 19:30 ( The Cross: ______________________

( Revelation 5:1-6:1 ( The Return: ________________!

From God Is NOWHERE to God Is NOW HERE

( Judge God’s goodness and power by the ________ and _______,

not by the _________ and _________.

Psalms 73:16-17 & Romans 8:18-39

( Embrace the ______________ – Reject ________________.

Romans 12:15/ Psalm 73:12-19

( Offer practical ___________ – Avoid empty _____________.

James 2:15-16

Available as a North Coast Church Podcast  -

Growth Group Homework

For the week of October 28, 2007

Quick Review: This week we heard about finding God in the midst of the storm. Was there one point that particularly caught your attention, challenged you or confused you more than the others?

My Story

1. To say this past week has been a bit chaotic in light of the fires is certainly an understatement. One question nearly all of us have considered (and some of us even had to act upon) is what to take in case of an evacuation? What would or did you decide on? Why?

2. Sometimes we know intellectually that tough and bad things are inevitable. But when they happen, we’re shocked. Which of the following events are hardest for you to prepare for, or even grasp that they “might really happen”?

|a natural disaster |betrayal by another person |

|a car accident |death |

|retirement |medical emergency |

|disappointment from a friend |other |

Digging Deeper

1. When tragedy or crisis comes, knowing how to navigate through our own thoughts and emotions is part of the process. What thoughts and emotions does David reveal in the following verses found in Psalm 31?

v. 3

v. 6

v. 9

v. 10

v. 13

v. 24

Are any of these thoughts or emotions Christians shouldn’t have?

Are there any you feel guilty about having? Which are you most and least comfortable showing?

2. Philippians is known for being a book about “hope” or “joy” in the midst of the storm. The Apostle Paul wrote this book while he was in prison. In fact, he would later be killed for his faith. As you read the following excerpts from Paul’s letter to the Philippians, what do we learn about keeping a hopeful perspective in the midst of the storm?







Which one is more helpful for you to remember and why?

3. Read Exodus 3:7. What hope does God’s response to the Israelites give to followers of Christ today in the midst of the storm?


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