An Unworthy Servant

Cary Christian School

Systematic Theology

Mid Quarter 2 Exam Guide




I. Vocabulary (Matching)

a. Messiah

b. Metanarrative

c. Metaphysics

d. Middle Knowledge

e. Modalism

f. Modernity

g. Monotheism

h. Moral Argument

i. Mysticism

j. Naturalism

k. Neo-orthodoxy

l. Nicene Creed

m. Numinous

n. Omnipotence

o. Omnipresence

p. Omniscience

q. Ontological Argument

r. Ontology

s. Orthodoxy

t. Pantheism

u. Panentheism

a. John 1

b. John 2

c. John 3

d. John 4

e. John 5

f. John 6

g. John 7

h. John 8

i. John 9

j. John 10

k. John 11

l. John 12

m. John 13

n. John 14

o. John 15

p. John 16

q. John 17

r. John 18

s. John 19

t. John 20

u. John 21

II. Fill in the Blank

1. “Incarnation” means _______ _______ __________________.

2. Jesus was not an incarnational Son, but rather an ________________________ Son.

3. The first act of reconciling God and man was the coming of the ___________-_____________.

4. Immanuel means ______________ _______________ ______________.

5. Jesus means _______________ ________________.

6. In John’s Gospel he uses the word ______________, rather than ______________ to show the reasons for Jesus’ miracles.

7. John 1-12 is called the Book of ___________________; 13-21. The Book of ___________________.

8. “Lifted up” in the Gospels has the double meaning of ____________________ & ___________________________.

9. The works of Jesus include the ____________________, ____________________, _________________________, His _______________________ & ________________________________.

10. The resurrection passage is __________________________.

III. Short Answer

a. List the 7 signs of John’s Gospel with Chapter reference








b. Draw the Big picture continuum and circle the hinge of human history.

IV. Essay

1. Why did John seem to use a different word to explain the miracles of Jesus?

2. How does 1 Corinthians 15:17 make sense, as regards the atoning work of Christ?

3. Bonus – Provide the lyrics to a verse or chorus from a song (at least 3 lines of text) that speaks of one of the doctrines we have discussed (Incarnation and works of Jesus). Quote the name of the song and the lyrics.


____. A core religious experience as a presence of the Holy

____. God is all-powerful

____. God is everywhere

____. God knows everything

____. Argument for the existence of God that relates the idea of God to the reality of God

____. Everything is God

____. “Anointed One”

____. The story behind all other stories – namely, Creation, Fall, Redemption, New Creation

____. Reality outside the physical world

____. The theological premise that God not only knows reality and truth, but also all possible realities and truths

____. A philosophical worldview that reason can attain all knowledge, even that of the “divine”

____. The belief in one God

____. An argument for the existence of God that states that the ideals of right and wrong necessitate the existence of God.

____. Seeks above all an experience with God.

____. Matter is all that matters

____. A “new” right belief

____. A Creed from AD 325 that showed how the Father and Son are of the same substance

____. Everything is in God

____. The branch of metaphysics that deals with being

____. “Right Praise” or “Right belief”

____. The Trinitarian heresy that confesses, “One person, three forms.

____. Wedding at Cana

____. Healing of Lame man

____. Prologue

____. Nicodemus

____. Healing of Nobleman’s son

____. Feeding of multitude

____. Is Jesus the Christ

____. Before Abraham was, I AM

____. Crucifixion

____. I am the Vine, you are the branches

____. Healing of Blind man

____. Raising of Lazarus

____. “Peter, do you love me?”

____. My hour has now come

____. Last Supper

____. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life

____. I will send the Spirit

____. High priestly prayer

____. The Good Shepherd

____. Peter denies Jesus

____. Resurrection


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