1 PETER 1:1-2

INTRO: We all make plans and set goals for things we would like to see

happen in the future. But it seems in the midst of our planning we,

oft times, fail to make allowances for the contingencies of life—the

setbacks we will face, the losses we will occur, the sufferings we will

face and the hurts that will invade our lives. We probably need to

think about one or more of these things which will happen in the days

ahead which we have not even stopped to consider. In the days ahead

there will be suffering, setbacks, losses and hurts. And let us not be

mistaken that suffering, difficulties, hard times, and “disruptive

moments” are not a part of this life. Because they are. And they are


There are three things we need to consider about the reality of

suffering: First, Suffering in this world was part of Jesus’ life. The

Scripture foretold this very fact in numerous places. Do you realize

that Jesus could not come without suffering? It was inevitable when

He entered this broken, sin-stricken world to confront sin! Suffering

was a part of Jesus’ life! Secondly, Suffering is every bit our part

when we do live in the presence of sin. Paul wrote Timothy in 2

Timothy 3:12—“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall

suffer persecution.” We can even suffer when we do the right things.

The apostle Peter wrote in 1 Peter 2:19—“For this is thankworthy, if a

man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.”

And according to Peter when we face suffering for doing right we are

only following Jesus’ example. He writes in 1 Peter 2:21—“For even

hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us

an example, that ye should follow his steps.” When you follow Jesus

you will find that even the “disruptive moments” and the suffering you

face are avenues in which God is refining you and releasing the life of

the Lord Jesus in life where you are! Third, When you are suffering

because you are associated with Jesus Christ you are exactly

where God wants you to be (1 Peter 4:12-14). When you’re

suffering, God is refining you and releasing the life of Jesus in the

place of life where you are!

Today, we begin a series of messages on the subject, “Facing The

Twists and Turns on The Road of Life.” When our world turns upside

down and the bend in the road obscures the path ahead, how can we

face the future? Where can we turn? The loss of a job. The betrayal

of a spouse. The death of a child. Or, a diagnosis of a life-threatening

disease. Something that changes everything. God has not left us un-

prepared for the road which lies ahead. He has given us a roadmap

which we can follow. Our lives, every part of them, even the difficult

and disruptive times, are in the hands of God. That is where we are

at every moment, even when our world turns upside down. Let us

begin today by considering the subject, “A Roadmap For Real Life.”

In our Bible, Peter’s first letter may be the most outstanding

document for daily living we can read. Note three things with me:


1 PETER 1:1a—“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ…”

A. PETER’S INTRODUCTION. Peter introduces himself to us with the

name Jesus gave him and expand this personal name with his

authoritative area of ministry, “an apostle.” Peter claims no

superiority. The New Testament knows nothing of his succession to

Christ as the first of the Popes (The People’s New Testament

Commentary). I am certain that Peter lived for the remainder of his

life with the remembrance and regret of denying our Lord so vehemently

prior to Christ’s betrayal. But please note…

B. PETER’S INTENTION. Peter, by his introduction, is not trying to

receive the applause or accolades of man. He is not trying to call

attention to himself but to the One who sent him, Jesus Christ, who

lies behind these words of life! Peter draws us quickly to the true

nature of the One behind his ministry and message, the man, Christ

Jesus, the Messiah who brings New Life for the things you’ve never

faced before. Jesus is the believer’s guide on the road of life and He

has something to say to us!

ILLUS: In his book A Thirst for God, Sherwood Wirt tells of serving

briefly as the quartermaster of the Teal, an 80 foot patrol boat

belonging to the Alaska Game Commission. He was at the

helm when Captain Cole took over briefly and changed their

course north toward Juneau. He pointed to the compass

reading and told Wirt, "Steady as she goes!" As the ship

cruised along, Wirt noted that they seemed to be edging

toward the mainland, so he altered the course slightly and

steered the Teal straight up the channel. In a few minutes

Captain Cole came on the bridge and snapped. "You're off

course! Go back to the reading I gave you." Wirt said, "My

dead reckoning had led me to believe one thing, but the chart

indicated something else. Following my intuition might have

led to shipwreck." The Bible is God's chart. Life's hazards are

clearly marked. So are the channels of safety.

We would do well to follow Him who said, “I am the way, the truth, and

the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) Jesus

MUST be our guide on the road of life or else we are headed for

spiritual shipwreck!

ILLUS: Someone has compared life to a medical prescription. The

pharmacist mixes the ingredients and produces medicine that

will help you get well. If you took those ingredients

separately, or if you changed the proportions, you might do

irreparable damage, or even cause death. God knows how to

mix the ingredients of life. We know in part, but God knows

fully and completely. And one day, when we see Jesus Christ,

God will show us the whole picture. Then we will understand

the meaning of the so-called tragedies of life.—Warren W.


We see THE GUIDE ON THE ROAD OF LIFE, but let us also see…


1 PETER 1:1b-2a—“..To the strangers scattered throughout Pontus,

Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. Elect according to

the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of

the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus

Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.”

A. THE DESCRIPTION OF THE TRAVELERS. Peter’s description of the

recipients of this letter is not just about their earthly place of residence

but about their spiritual identity! These people had been spread out

over what would become Asia Minor because of disruptive moments

and anticipated disruptions to come! Nero began a terrible persecution

of Christians in October, A. D. 64. It was most severe in Rome itself,

where Nero even burned Christians alive to illuminate his gardens at

night. Peter knew the “fiery trial” (1 Peter 4:12) would spread from

Rome to the Roman provinces, and he wanted to encourage the saints

there (1). As Rome was disrupted, Christians were blamed and many

fled. Peter writes to prepare believers for standing fast in God’s truth

even in the face of life-threatening turmoil.

Peter identifies his readers by three words, strangers, scattered, and

Elect. These are the elect who are sojourners of the dispersion. As

we can see from geography, Peter alludes with the word “scattered” to

God’s people being scattered by persecution as minority groups in an

unbelieving world. “Scatter” means “dispersed” as a farmer scatters

seed. Believers are God’s scattered seed (Matt. 13:38), and He plants

then where He will. Sometimes He uses persecution to scatter the seed

(Acts 8:1; 11:19ff) (2). God’s scattered and persecuted people have two

designations applied to them: first, they are “elect sojourners.” The

word “Elect” marks believers as objects of the electing act of God. It

means we have been chosen by HIM, by HIS GRACE, to be partakers

of His blessings now and an inheritance reserved in heaven (v4).

Election is a family term that should strengthen every believer! We rest

not in our own successes, we are not saved by our own strength, but

by God’s amazing GRACE which drew us to HIM! Secondly, and at the

very same time, they were “strangers scattered.” They were sojourners

scattered and persecuted in an unbelieving world.

B. THE DESTINY OF THE TRAVELERS. Believers are a distinct group

from the world, connected to God, part of His family, destined for glory!

We are temporary residents on our way to another place. Because of

our distinctiveness and our ultimate destiny, we can expect to face

suffering and persecution in this unbelieving world. Our Lord Jesus

said in John 15:18-21—“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated

me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his

own: but because ye are not of this world, but I have chosen you out of

this world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I

said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have

persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my

saying, they will keep your’s also. But all these things will they do unto

you for my name’s sake, because they knew not him that sent me.” We

are sojourners. A “sojourner” is someone who rents but doesn’t own,

who may pause in a place but never resides there.

ILLUS: Late last century, an American tourist paid a visit to a

renowned Polish rabbi, Hofetz Chaim. He was astonished to

see that the rabbi's home was only a simple room filled with

books, plus a table and a cot. The tourist asked, "Rabbi,

where is your furniture?" Hofetz Chaim replied, "Where is

yours?" The puzzled American asked, "Mine? But I'm only a

visitor here. I'm only passing through." The rabbi replied, "So

am I." That's true for all of us--all Christians know that on

this earth and in this body they are but pilgrims passing

through on the way to eternal glory.

We are sojourners who release the life of Jesus in the places where we

are, places often disrupted! We wonder so many times why we are

where we are in life. We wonder why the things of life do not fulfill the

cravings of our hearts. The reason is that we are sojourners. Heaven

is our home and only spiritual things will satisfy. Satan works all he

can with all his might to make us think this world is where life will be

found and enjoyed. But in reality we are “elect sojourners” whom God

is refining and through whom God is releasing the life of Jesus in the

often difficult places we find ourselves in. Our days are a path opened

by God, sustained by His grace and should be lived for HIS GLORY—

especially during the times of suffering.

Peter’s words are brief but they are exactly where we must begin our

road for God’s New Life. We are “elect sojourners” called of God,

communicating Christ, destined for heaven.

ILLUS: A young, new preacher was walking with an older, more

seasoned preacher in the garden one day and feeling a bit

insecure about what God had for him to do, he was inquiring

of the older preacher. The older preacher walked up to a

rosebush and handed the young preacher a rosebud and told

him to open it without tearing off any petals.

The young preacher looked in disbelief at the older preacher

and was trying to figure out what a rosebud could possibly

have to do with his wanting to know the WILL OF GOD for his

life and for his ministry. Because of his high respect for the

older preacher, he proceeded to TRY to unfold the rose, while

keeping every petal intact...It wasn't long before he realized

how impossible it was to do so. Noticing the younger

preacher's inability to unfold the rosebud while keeping it

intact, the older preacher began to recite the following poem...


It is only a tiny rosebud,

A flower of God's design;

But I cannot unfold the petals

With these clumsy hands of mine.

The secret of unfolding flowers

Is not known to such as I.

GOD opens this flower so sweetly,

When in my hands they fade and die.

If I cannot unfold a rosebud,

This flower of God's design,

Then how can I think I have wisdom

To unfold this life of mine?

So I'll trust in Him for His leading

Each moment of every day.

I will look to Him for His guidance

Each step of the pilgrim way.

The pathway that lies before me,

Only my Heavenly Father knows.

I'll trust Him to unfold the moments

Just as He unfolds the rose.

C. THE DEPENDENCE OF THE TRAVELERS. Peter uses three vital and

important phrases which establish our spiritual support for the Road

of Life. This verse mentions all three members of the Godhead—God

the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All three work

as one to bring about our salvation. The Father chose us before we

chose Him (Ephesians 1:4). The Son died for us while we were still

sinners (Romans 5:6-10). The Holy Spirit works in our lives to bring

us salvation and to set us apart for God’s pleasure (3). Notice:

1. The Standard. We are “elect sojourners” “according to the fore-

knowledge of God the Father..” (v2a). Their election and salvation

was in accordance with God's predetermined purpose to save men

through the gospel, and hence, according to foreknowledge (The

People’s New Testament Commentary). The same is true of each

Believer. Foreknowledge is not that God looked down the corridor

of time and saw what was coming. Foreknowledge involves God’s

favorable looking on people as a part of His deliberate purpose and

plans. His affectionate regard is not due to what people are in

themselves but can only be understood as the demonstration of

His marvelous grace! This vital truth is our strength in times of

trouble, turmoil and suffering. The preposition kata (according)

sets the standard—we live in full accordance with God’s plans!

That includes being “sojourners”. That includes “suffering” in the

Name of Jesus. This includes grace, glory, and an inheritance in

Heaven too!

ILLUS: Pastor William E. Sangster told of an experience in his

youth when he went on a vacation with some friends.

When he had spent all the funds given him for the trip, he

wrote home for more. His father, thinking he should

teach his son the value of money, did not respond to the

request. Sangster's companions wondered why he had

been turned down, but William said to them, "I'll wait till I

get home, and he'll tell me himself." We should have that

kind of attitude toward our heavenly Father. Life holds

many unanswered questions. But we know that God is

sovereign and that He is working out everything according

to His plan (Eph. 1:11). The Lord has said, "For as the

heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher

than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts" (Is.

55:9). That's why we cannot comprehend all that He is

doing in our lives.

2. The Means. We are “elect sojourners” “through sanctification of

the Spirit..” (v2b). We are where we are, we are like we are,

because the very Spirit of God has changed us to be more like

Jesus! God has forever set us apart, made us distinct! And He

continues to work so we become more like Christ! That at times

will mean we have to face suffering! The election that was

purposed by the Father was carried into effect by the agency of

the Spirit in making them holy (Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible).

ILLUS: Likely the largest piece of silver ever mined was taken

from smuggler mine in Colorado. It weighed 1,840

pounds. It was so pure that it was put directly into the

crucible. It was a little purer than an ordinary silver

dollar and about as bright as a new silver dollar.

If God could produce such a piece of silver and keep it so

bright down in an earth of dirt, He can produce saints

and keep them clean in a sinful world. -- Selected.—

William Moses Tidwell, "Pointed Illustrations."

3. The Goal. We are “elect sojourners” in whose lives God is working

for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ. “unto

obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.” This

expresses the design for which they had been chosen by the

Father, and renewed by the Spirit. It was that they might obey

God, and lead holy lives (Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible). Peter

beautifully blends “obedience” and “sprinkling” showing us the

human and divine activity God has designed. Obedience is the

first act and permanent characteristic of true faith in a believer’s

life. It involves both listening and submitting which results in a

changed attitude from rebellion and self-will to one of obedience

and submission. To cling always to God and to the things of God-

-this must be our major effort, this must be the road that the

heart follows. -- John Cassian. Leadership, Vol. 16, no. 3.

Obedience is closely linked with the divine side, the sprinkling of

the blood of Jesus Christ. This picture is very similar to the one

in Exodus 24:3-8 where God’s people heard His Word, proclaimed

their obedience, and were made partakers of His covenant by the

blood of the sacrifice. Peter wants us to know that we are

partakers of the divine nature and sealed unto the day of

redemption by the blood of Jesus Christ. As Peter later wrote in

2 Peter 1:3-4—“According as his divine power hath given unto us

all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the know-

ledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are

given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these

ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the

corruption that is in the world through lust.”

God has divinely marked those who have put their faith in Jesus!

His blood is on our souls! And because of that fact we should live

a life of obedience unto HIM! Friend, where you are in life is within

the grasp and work of the entire Trinity! The Hand of God, the

Power of the Holy Spirit and the Work of Jesus are all operating in

your life! This is where you are at every moment, even during the

most difficult, disturbing, and disruptive times in your life!



1 PETER 1:2b—“…Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.”

*Peter in the last part of v2 gives us two key terms that show us Peter’s

heart for God’s people: Grace and Peace.

A. STRENGTH FOR THE ROAD. Peter wants his readers to know, find

strength, and find hope for their days and for the disruptions and

difficulties which lie ahead on the road of life in the wonderful grace of

God. Grace is the free and unmerited favor of God bestowed upon guilty

people by the work of the Holy Spirit in and through Christ Jesus.

Someone has said, “the will of God will never lead you where the grace

of God cannot keep you.” It is GRACE which we need on the Road of

Life! Grace captures all we need in life. Provision from our sinful past

and broken lives! Enabling favor for living today! Enduring favor for

tomorrow! The secret of grace is that it can be all right at the center

even when it is all wrong on the edges. -- Lewis B. Smedes, Leadership,

Vol. 4, no. 4.

ILLUS: Annie Flint Johnson wrote a poem entitled, He Giveth More:

He Giveth More

He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater,

He sendeth more strength when the labors increase;

To added affliction He addeth His mercy,

To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.

When we have exhausted our store of endurance,

When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,

When we reach the end of our hoarded resources,

Our Father’s full giving is only begun.

His love has no limit, His grace has no measure;

His power no boundary known unto me;

For out of His infinite riches in Jesus

He giveth and giveth and giveth again.

--Annie Flint Johnson, quoted in John R. Rice,

Poems That Preach (4).

“He giveth more grace” that’s the strength we need for The Road of Life.

B. SERENITY FOR THE ROAD. “Peace, be multiplied.” Peace is the

result of receiving grace! Peace is the state of serenity and well-being

which comes from our relationship with God, our Father and the Lord,

Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1 tells us, “Therefore being justified by faith,

We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” You will never

know peace if you do not know the grace of God! There is always

peace when there is grace! Jesus said in John 14:27—“Peace I leave

with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto

you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” The

Believers to whom Peter was writing, just like us today, found them-

selves in difficult situations, struggling, hurting, and needing strength

for life. Peter could not have summed up the life God has provided

through Jesus Christ with any better words than these: Grace and


Notice also Peter’s wish: “Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.”

The word multiplied here means “to the fullest measure, abounding.”

The verb in the Greek for our word translated multiplied is passive.

That means the multiplying comes from without not from within. We

will see later in this series that Peter writes that God’s provision for

us comes through Jesus Christ! But the best part may be found in

how Peter places the small phrase “Unto you” between the words

grace and peace—“Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.” This

is where God wants us to realize that we not only begin our road with

Him, but it’s where we are in our entire, even disrupted and difficult

journey…between Grace and Peace!

CLOSING: Even in the tough and hurting times which we find ourselves in, we

are within the grasp of the Trinity nestled between the pillars of

Grace and Peace. Here is where we desire to be on difficult days!

Here alone is the comfort and strength we so desperately need!

And, it is here where Peter will ground us for our Roadmap For

Real Life. On this Road, Our Guide is Jesus, Our fellow Travelers

are the Redeemed of God, and We are strengthened onward by

Grace and Peace!

Friend, if you are saved today, you have been touched by God and

transformed for a New Life where God keeps refining you and

releasing through you the Life of Jesus in the places where you go.

David Jeremiah in his book, A Bend In The Road, writes, “We may

have talked for a lifetime about being a child of the Father, but

now, as helpless creatures who have stumbled and been wounded,

it becomes true for us: I am a child, He is my Father.” (5). It is

during those disruptive and difficult times on the Road of Life in

which our faith and trust in HIM really grows!

Friend, maybe you are in our service today and you are lost. If so,

You are on the wrong road. You according to our Lord Jesus are

on a path which leads to destruction. Matthew 7:13 says, “…Wide

is the gate, and broad is the way, which leadeth to destruction, and

many there be which go in thereat.” Friend, will you come to Jesus

today before it is too late?

NOTES: 1. Warren W. Wiersbe. Expository Outlines on The New Testament.

p. 739.

2. Wiersbe. p. 741.

3. Living Letters From The Life Application Bible. p. 243.

4. Charles R. Swindoll. The Tale of The Tardy Oxcart and 1,501

Other Stories. p. 252.

5. David Jeremiah. A Bend In The Road. p. 15.


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