ANNUAL REPORT2017St. James the Apostle is a Christian Community that invites and welcomes all people on a journey to meet and to follow the Risen Jesus.Our Aims and Objectives are to be: A Worshiping ParishA Welcoming ParishA Discipling ParishA Serving ParishOUR PARISH MISSION PRAYERO God,Watch over us, your servants, as we walk in the love of your name, following your companion and apostle, St. James.Be our companion on the walk, our guide at the crossroads, our breath in our weariness, our protection in danger, our shelter on the journey, our shade in the heat, our light in the darkness, our consolation in our discouragements, and our strength in our intentions, so, that with your guidance we may arrive safe and sound at the end of our pilgrimage, enriched with grace and virtue, and filled with joy in the company of our fellow pilgrims, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.AGENDA – 2018 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGST. JAMES THE APOSTLE PARISH REGINAJANUARY 28, 2018IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING WORSHIPOpening Prayer – Reverend Nancy YeeElection of Chairperson Appointment of Recording Secretary Acceptance of AgendaAcceptance of the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of February 5, 2017Annual Reports (excluding Financial)Parish ReportsREACH (Regina Education and Action on Child Hunger, Inc.)Transition Team Report & Survey ResultsWardens ReportsIntentional Interim Ministry Report – Rev. Nancy Yee2017 Financial Report and 2018 BudgetElection and Appointment of Officers:Elected WardenSynod Delegates and AlternativesVestry membersFinancial Statement Reviewer New BusinessDiscussion of Intentional Interim Ministry – Moving ForwardCoordinators of FunctionsShrove Tuesday Pancake SupperGarage SaleMother’s Day TeaFall SupperSnowflake TeaFurther BusinessAdjournmentClosing Prayer – Rev. Nancy YeeAnnual General MeetingSt. James the Apostle Anglican ChurchRegina SaskatchewanFebruary 5, 20171.Opening PrayerRev. Nancy Yee opened the meeting with prayer at 11:552.Election of ChairpersonBryan Sigurdson was nominated by Jamie Halpenny, seconded by Laura Cookson. CARRIEDQuorum - The Chair announced that quorum had been reached.3. Appointment of Recording SecretaryJoanne Shurvin-Martin was appointed by the Chair.4.Acceptance of AgendaMoved by Margaret Nicholls, seconded by Laura Cookson, that the agenda be accepted.CARRIED5.Acceptance of the Minutes of the Annual Meeting January 31, 2016Moved by Jamie Halpenny, seconded by Jeanne Tweten, that the minutes be accepted.CARRIED6.Annual Reports (excluding Financial) a)Wardens' Reports - printedMoved by Ray Russell, seconded by Rosemary Barley, that the reports from the wardens be accepted.CARRIEDMargaret Nicholls expressed thanks to both wardens. Rev. Nancy Yee affirmed Margaret's comments. Both comments were received with applause.b)Parish Reports - printedMoved by Dulcie Powers, seconded by Lynda Gordon, that the reports from parish organizations be accepted.CARRIEDA question was asked about the wooden "comfort crosses" made by men in the parish. It was answered that the crosses are given to clergy and others who visit parishioners, to be given to people in spiritual need, rather like the prayer shawls.c)REACH (Regina Education and Action on Child Hunger, Inc.) - printedMoved by Jeanne Tweten, seconded by Laura Cookson, that the report be accepted.CARRIEDd) Natural Church Development survey report - printedMoved by Ray Russell, seconded by Jennifer Jacobs, that the report be accepted.CARRIED7.2016 Financial Report and 2017 BudgetMoved by Ray Russell, seconded by Laurie Fisher, that the 2016 Statements be accepted. CARRIEDBill Neald asked about money given to REACH and raised by Living the Mission campaign. He expressed concern that if the parish doesn't repair the building's roof there won't be a place for REACH, nor a place to raise the money. Ray Russell explained that all Living the Mission funds go directly to the Diocese, and a portion is then returned to the parish. He noted that the Vestry is aware of the work needed on the roof.Laura Cookson began her remarks by stating she is an accountant by profession. She expressed concern about the timeliness of deposits of cheques given to the church, and that only one person (the treasurer) is allowed to make deposits. Rev. Nancy Yee reported that Vestry will address financial processes for the parish. Jamie Halpenny reported that the current practice is to deposit once a month, in order not to require too much time commitment from the volunteer parish treasurer. No vote was required on the 2017 budget, as it has been approved by Vestry. It is provided to parishioners for their information.8.Election and Appointment of Officersa)Appointed Warden - Bryan Sigurdson will continue in this position as he has not completed his term.b)Elected Warden - Ray Russell will continue in this position as he has not completed his term.c)Synod Delegates and Alternates (there will be a diocesan synod October 20 - 22, 2017)Jamie Halpenny and Shelley Proulx were elected in 2016 and will continue.Nominated by Rosemary Barley, seconded by Margaret Nicholls, that Gladys Foster be the first alternate delegate, and Cyndi Sigurdson the second alternate.CARRIEDd)Vestry Members - Synod delegates automatically become members of Vestry.Two members elected last year - Laura Cookson and Tonia Myhra - are stepping down. The Chair thanked them for their service.Current members who will continue in Vestry are: Joanne Shurvin-Martin and Shirley Oltean.Nominated by Ray Russell, seconded by Cyndi Sigurdson that the Nominating Committee's recommendation of Syd Barley and Gladys Foster be accepted.Nominated by Laura Cookson, seconded by Jamie Halpenny, that Rosemary Barley be elected to Vestry.Both motionsCARRIEDe)Search Committee No election is required, as the current search committee must continue until a new incumbent is appointed. The Search Committee consists of the 2 wardens, the Synod Delegates, Shirley Oltean and Cyndi Sigurdson.f)Financial Statement ReviewerMoved by Shirley Oltean, seconded by Marlene Russell, that Ken Brown be appointed Financial Statement Reviewer.9.New Businessa)Message from Rev. Nancy Yee - printedb)Discussion of Intentional Interim MinistryRev. Nancy Yee explained what Intentional Interim Ministry is. She stressed that she is trained for this special ministry and will receive more training in March. The transitional period for a parish can be a "wilderness" experience, with chaotic feelings. She said it is important to acknowledge the chaos, to remember the past, and to assess the current situation. The aim is to find what God is saying for St. James. She reminded parishioners of God's promise to the Israelites who spent 40 years in the wilderness, wandering, until they reached the Promised Land. She said that during the transitional period it may look like nothing is happening, but from the inside, lots is happening. My job is to bring out the hidden potential, the possibilities, she said.Following this presentation, Jeanne Tweten gave a card to the Chair to read, which spoke about risk taking and freedom, which was very appropriate to the parish's situation.c) Co-ordinators of Functions1)Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - Feb. 28 - Jamie Halpenny2) Garage Sale - April 27, 28, 29 - Tammy Gaertner3)Mothers' Day Tea - Rosemary Barley and Shirley Oltean4)Fall Supper - Cyndi Sigurdson and Shirley Oltean - it was agreed there will be 2 sittings 5)Snowflake Tea - Altar Guildd)Further Business1)Sunday lunches - more people are encouraged to sign up for this2)Margaret Nicholls spoke about her involvement with a couple of groups at Westhill Baptist Church, and the very welcoming people in that church.3)Jeanne Tweten reported that when no clergy are able to come in to Qu'Appelle House due to "outbreak" in the care home, or the clergy are ill, she has been given permission to lead Morning Prayer for the residents. These are ecumenical services. She also mentioned the importance of greeting people by their names.10.Adjournment Moved by Laura Cookson11.Closing Prayer - Rev. Nancy Yee_____________________________________________ ___________________________________Chair - Bryan Sigurdson Recording Secretary – Joanne Shurvin-MartinWelcome Message For St. James’ AGM, Feb 5, 2017First, I give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for giving me the opportunity to minister to St. James in the Diocese of Qu’Appelle. I feel honoured to lead God’s people at St. James parish. I have received such a warm welcome and am excited to work with the congregation to discern God’s direction for the parish. The commissioning service was held January 15, 2017. Our bishop, the Rt. Rev. Rob Hardwick preached and presided at the Eucharist. I have since presided at my first Eucharist with St. James on Sunday January 29. By all accounts, so far so good. I am still learning the ropes and am confident we will learn in a variety of ways how to love and serve together. My passion is to see the body of Christ become healthy, vibrant, functional and fabulous. There is much work to be done. As Scripture says, the harvest is ready but the labourers are few. I hope this is not true of St. James. I hope that as we walk, worship and work together, God will raise up labourers at St. James who will find joy and satisfaction in serving Christ in new and different ways. I was grateful for our bishop’s sermon during my commissioning on Sunday, January 15, 2017. He set forth a challenge to all God’s people, not only in St. James, but the whole Diocese of Qu’Appelle. He said we have three choices ahead as a church facing future challenges. We can either choose to be undertakers, caretakers or risk-takers regarding God’s mission and ministry in the world. I’m happy to announce that he chooses to be a risk-taker. So do I. I give thanks for Bishop Rob’s sermon because it lays a good foundation for me to build a ministry on. Someone said the height of lunacy is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results. I say we need to stop being crazy, get a reality check and seek the Lord’s face for a renewed future. What is St. James being called to do and be? Is there a new direction, a new vision and a new mission for St. James that grows from the dreams, hopes and even fears of the people? Do we have the courage to seek the Lord’s face at this time of growing secularism, aging congregations and declining attendance?I hope we have the courage. And I hope we have mustard seed faith that moves mountains. I hope we have a love that transforms hearts, our own as well as our neighbours. And I hope we will see a renewal of mind, body and soul no matter what our age. Our bodies and minds may age and weaken, but the Spirit is forever young. I very much look forward to getting to know everyone, to meeting new people, forming new loving relationships and leading with integrity and humility. May the Holy Spirit commune with our spirits until St. James becomes a light on a hill and salt of the earth.The Reverend Nancy YeeIntentional Interim PriestSt. James the Apostle.PARISH REPORTS JANUARY 28, 2018ALTAR GUILDThe members of the Altar Guild prepare the church for worship and decorate the church for major festivals, such as Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. They set up the Altar for Communion services, wash and repair all the linens, clean the silver and brass and fill the candles with oil. Twice a year they prepare and serve the First Sunday Lunch. They make the palm crosses for Easter and put flowers in the church for special occasions. They have hosted the Snowflake Tea for the past two years. They wish to thank Gladys Foster and Cindy Tulloch for their time on the Altar Guild. They also extend their thanks to the congregation members who help with their projects. Additional members are always welcome. For more information on this ministry please contact the Altar Guild President Lil Webb (306-545-3580) or any other member.Respectfully submitted by Lil WebbPRAYER CHAINThroughout the year, the five members of the Prayer Chain uphold the concerns of parishioners in prayer. They do not meet, but members commit to pray daily for matters which have been referred to them. They pray for wholeness and healing for body, mind, spirit, emotions and relationships. They also pray for various church concerns, both local and worldwide. You are invited to direct your Prayer requests to Marlene Russell by phone (306-545-2935) or email: or to Jeanne Tweten by phone ()306-543-8622). The requests are passed on to the Prayer Chain members by telephone or by email and are kept confidential. These are separate from the names of the people listed in the weekly service bulletin.Feedback comments on how our prayers have helped are always welcomed.You are invited to become part of this prayer chain group to share in serving our faith community.Respectfully submitted by Marlene RussellCOMFORT CROSSESParish representatives distribute handheld Comfort Crosses made by parishioners to those in spiritual need. Each cross is in a small mesh bag, and like the prayer shawls, includes a card indicating it is a gift of St. James the Apostle parish.FAITH, HOPE AND CHARITY STITCHERSOur group is very informal - we don't really have meetings, but individually we devote some of our free time to knit and crochet items for people in the parish and in the wider community.Our main ministry is creating prayer shawls (which include lap robes and baby blankets) for the parish. These are given to folks in hospital or long-term care, or in times of bereavement. Some have been given as fare-well gifts, or to celebrate happy occasions. Baby blankets are given at baptism.We also make items for sale at parish events (like the Snowflake Tea), and these bring in a bit of extra cash for the parish.We also donate warm items to St. Paul's Cathedral lunch program, which serves many needy people in the city. We have donated boxes of toques, scarves, mitts and various items.If you are interested in becoming involved in this group, please speak to me. If you have leftover yarn, you can donate it to our group, and we will turn it into shawls which are physical reminders of the parish's prayers and emotional support, and into warm items for people in need.Respectfully submitted, Joanne Shurvin-MartinANGLICAN ROMAN CATHOLIC CONVENANT IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEEThe Covenant between the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Regina and the Anglican Diocese of Qu’Appelle was signed by the bishops of the two dioceses in 2011. They committed to working together “in jointly building up the body of Christ.” The Anglican and Roman Catholic parishes in our respective dioceses have been paired so that they can get to know each other and work together. St. James is paired with St. Cecilia. I have been asked to be the St. James parish representative, and attended the first meeting of the parish reps, in November 2017. I look forward to sharing information on activities and events that our two parishes are involved in.Respectfully submitted,Joanne Shurvin-MartinHABITAT FOR HUMANITYCongratulations to the Mousa family who will be moving into their new home in 2018 with Habitat for Humanity at Haultain Crossing. The people of St. James welcomed them in 2011 and have had the joy of watching them blossom, grow and join in the community. Through work and persistence, they have earned this wonderful opportunity. Habitat for Humanity is a great organization in providing opportunities for home ownership to low income families. There is information available at the back of the church regarding volunteering and donating to this worthwhile project.Respectfully submitted by Jamie Halpenny.TRANSCONA PARK HOUSING ASSOCIATION BOARDSt. James is one of the founding members of the Transcona Park Housing Assoc.Presently Jamie Halpenny and Shelley Proulx serve as the representatives from St. James. The housing consists of low cost and affordable housing which is situated at 2nd Ave. and Forget and Connaught Place. There is a total of 81 housing units.The past year has been one of change and transition for Transcona Park housing. A new concept for providing the service of management for the complexes was introduced. Denro Property Management is now in operations with an on-site Tenant Manager. Positive changes have already occurred with tenant relations and service delivery. For more information on the role and responsibility of the Board please speak to either Jamie or Shelley.Respectfully submitted by Jamie Halpenny.CARDS MINISTRY TO PARISHIONERS AND SHUT-INSTowards the end of 2017 Jeanne Tweten retired from this very important ministry which she had carried out faithfully for many years. As a result, I volunteered to take on this duty of sending cards to shut-ins several times a year, in addition to get-well, sympathy and special occasion cards such as birthdays and wedding anniversaries to parishioners. The only way this can be truly effective is by you letting me know, if possible, of any special occasions well in advance. I would like to thank Jeanne on behalf of the parish family for her faithfulness in this ministry. During 2017 she sent out approximately 40 cards to people in varying circumstances. If you know of someone in hospital, or ill at home, please contact me at #306-949-8690.Respectfully submitted,Margaret NichollsLAY DISTRIBUTION OF THE EUCHARISTEucharist is available to those confined at home who wish to receive it. There have been several requests to receive a visit with the Eucharist since Jamie Halpenny was licensed last year. These visits are a spiritual connection for those who are not able to make it to church. If you are aware of a parishioner who might like to receive a visit, please contact Jamie by phone at #306-949-0549 or by email at: A Lay Eucharist service is provided at the William Booth Special Care Home on the first Thursday of each month. This service includes residents, staff and Adult Day Care Program participants. It is a well attended service with an average of 35 people who enjoy the Word, hymns, the Eucharist or a blessing.Respectfully submitted by Jamie HalpennyPASTORAL CAREChanges have occurred in the health region which no longer allows for the sharing of information of persons currently under health care. Records are no longer maintained by the hospitals indicating the religious affiliation of individuals who are in hospital. Our pastoral care team must now rely on parishioners to inform them if they become aware of someone in hospital or has entered a care facility and that individual would like a visit from a member of our pastoral care team.Please contact Gladys Foster at Ph.#306-761-0429 or at: g.foster@ or Jamie Halpenny at Ph.#306-949-0549 or at: Alternately please leave a message at the church Ph.#306-545-2566 or email at: stjamesanglicanregina@ and the information will be relayed appropriately.ROSEMONT ECUMENICAL GROUPThe Rosemont Ecumenical Committee consists of representatives from four churches in the area: Christ Lutheran Church, St. Cecilia’s Catholic ChurchSt. James Anglican ChurchCommunity of Christ along with a member of the former Rosemont United Church, Heather Bathgate. The committee meets monthly except for the summer months. We rotate hosting 3 major events each year: 1) The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity2) World Day of Prayer3) Annual Clergy & Ecumenical Committee Dinner Last March, St. James hosted a service to celebrate the World Day of Prayer. The featured country was the Philippines and the theme was “Am I Being Fair to You?”Special Thanks to Margaret Nicholls for hosting the event on behalf of St. James.Our Ecumenical Good Friday Cross Walk was attended by approximately people 100 this year. Many more attended the service that followed at Christ Lutheran Church. It’s always nice to see the cars stopped for the pedestrians that are crossing Dewdney Avenue as we follow the cross bearer. I think it gives the drivers of the cars a moment to reflect on the significance of the day, even if they are not of the Christian faith.We did our usual Christmas Sing-a-long at Benson Manor in early December. We sang Christmas carols and had short stories about the origins of some of the beautiful carols that we have come to know. Christmas baking, refreshments and fellowship were enjoyed at the end of the evening.The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be celebrated on Sun. Jan. 28th at 4pm at Community of Christ Church, followed by a potluck supper.World Day of Prayer is coming up on March 4th at 2pm and will be hosted by Christ Lutheran Church.As each church takes a turn hosting something, this year St. James will host the annual clergy dinner in May. This includes all clergy and committee members as well as spouses.Respectfully submitted,Cyndi Sigurdson FORWARD DAY BY DAYForward Day by Day booklets are available at the back of the church on a quarterly basis. A nominal donation to defray the cost would be appreciated.FOOD BANKOn one Sunday each month Jeanne Tweten provides a bucket at the back of the church to accept donations to the Regina Food Bank.CANADIAN BIBLE SOCIETYSt. James members participate in the Regina Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Bible Society and their spring and fall teas.ST. JAMES’ DIOCESAN LAY READER REPORT2017 has been a year of change and growth for myself and St. James. I began the year as a Worship Assistant and in May was commissioned as a Licensed Lay Reader in the Diocese of Qu’Appelle. As part of my preparation to become a Lay reader I have been studying with the Qu’Appelle School of Mission and Ministry taking courses in sermon preparation, worship and liturgy, the New Testament and discernment. My studies will continue as opportunities arise and I encourage everyone to take advantage of any course they might wish to attend. Each Lay Reader’s ministry is unique and finds it expression in the local parish. My main responsibility has been to facilitate worship on the Sundays we are without Reverend Nancy. In that capacity I have taken on preaching at St. James, and I work with Heather Brownell (our Administrative Assistant) to ensure we have a leader and preacher for the first and second Sundays of each month. I feel blessed to have a group of dedicated leaders to call upon. Our services occur because of the dedicated work of Ray Russell, Lorraine Hardwick, Shelley Proulx, Rosemary Barley, Margaret Nicholls, Jamie Halpenny and Bryan Sigurdson. Another important component of worship is our music and one of my occasional duties in 2017, with assistance from Margaret Nicholls, Lorraine Hardwick and the choir, was to select our hymns for services. I am excited to see how we move forward in this direction under our new Music Director, Dr. Wendy Hardman. A change in worship this year was going from a Morning Prayer service to Liturgy of the Word. This change allows us to include the confession, absolution and sharing of the peace with each other weekly and is a positive change for community building. At this time the plan is to continue with Liturgy of the Word as the service on the first and second Sundays of the month. Moving forward I will continue to serve St. James by facilitating worship, serving on the Transition Team, and being a table leader at ALPHA. A covenant establishing specific duties and expectations of my role will be created in 2018 between St. James and myself and I look forward to seeing what God will have me do going forward in His Service. I thank you for the support I have received and am happy to be serving God in this community. Yours Faithfully, Jennifer Jacobs CHURCH BUILDING MAINTENANCECHURCH ROOFAs you are no doubt aware, the church roof is water damaged, particularly in the south-east corner vestry room. In the fall of 2017 your Vestry arranged for a professional inspection and assessment of the damage by RMIS Engineering. A copy of their full report is available to anyone who would like to read it.The RMIS engineers have recommended the following course of action to address the identified moisture issues on the interior of the building.Immediately address the repair to the existing chimney cap, cleaning of the eaves troughs and repair the wind damaged flashing.Develop a long term five-year capital plan to:Improve the thermal resistance of the roof assembly to a min. R-25.Institute measures to prevent thermal bridging of the steel roof and wall trusses to the interior of the building.Install Class 1 Vapour Barrier to prevent moisture intrusion into the roof assembly.Replace existing metal roof system. Your Vestry will be seeking contractor quotes to address item #1 above this coming summer. As indicated in the 2018 parish Budget we will need to raise funds for this immediate work as well as fund raise in coming years to enable the work outlined in item #2 above to be done.GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCEWe are pleased to advise that a Maintenance Team consisting of Roy Oltean, Frank Proulx and Syd Barley has been formed. They are assuming the responsibility of dealing with all building related issues, such as the maintenance and operation of the heating, the lighting and the elevator.Respectfully Submitted Ray RussellREACH - St. James Church - Faith in Action - 2017 STATISTICS 42 Community Kitchens (20 Camino Cocina St. James funded/sponsored Community Kitchens) 225 Adults Participants representing 200 families, approximately 1,000 children and other adults receiving healthy food and obtaining enhanced food security through this program;8 Children Cooking Classes and 43 children participantsThis group of children are from over 43 vulnerable families;(The numbers for this program are less than previous years. During the past year many of our partner organizations had budget cuts and were unable to transport children to St. James and or did not have the staff to supervise off site – REACH adapted these programs and went to the daycares and schools to deliver these programs. REACH also had to cut an education position in September and therefore ran a few less pre-school programs)9 Youth Cooking Classes and 45 Youth participantsThis a group of Autistic youth representing 45 families;2 Training Programs – “Train the trainer Programs” Where we train Community Kitchens leaders for other groups, churches and non-profits to enable these groups to run their own Community Kitchen for vulnerable families in their neighborhood’s;15 staff & volunteer were trained, 15 groups were represented, each group planned to run 2 Community Kitchens each in 2017, at 10 Adults per session this would equal more than 300 vulnerable families who would access healthy food. The impact of this program is that over 700 children and adults would be more food secure.Totals Direct Impacts of St. James funding and provision of kitchen space to REACH and our participants;61 programs were facilitated at St. James328 ParticipantsIndirect impacts;Over 2,000 children and adults representing 588 families are more food secure because of the program and or training they received facilitated by funding and space provided by St. James.Thank You St. James for providing this wonderful service to the community at large. It takes a team to build food security for the most vulnerable in Regina.Prepared by Dana Folkersen, Executive Director REACH -January 2018TRANSITION TEAM REPORTYour Transition Team was selected by a nomination process in the spring of 2017 and has been meeting faithfully since June to work on the important questions of who is St. James, who are our neighbours and what is God calling us to do at this time in this place. The team consists of Tom Durbin, Margaret Nicholls, Syd Barley, John Hicks, Tammy Gaertner, Jeanne Tweten, Jennifer Jacobs, Brent Gordon, Gwen Rupchan and Reverend Nancy Yee. Our meetings have been chaired by Tom and have been covered with prayer and fruitful discussions. We have diligently looked at our past and what we may learn from past successes and failures, our current status and dreams for the future. We have spent time exploring our leadership styles and conflict resolution styles, so each member of the Transition Team may be equipped to help lead St. James forward. Our current work is taking what we have learned and transforming it into action. In the spirit of action and a desire to step forward in faith that God wants growth and renewal for this place the Transition Team is offering the Alpha program for St. James’ and all St. James’ neighbours. Alpha is a 10-week program developed by an Anglican priest that has been blessing its participants and leaders for over 20 years in communities all around the world. If you have ever wondered how do I explain church to those who don’t get it, how do I get my family to come to church or how can I share my faith this is the program for you. For 10 weeks come for supper then stay and watch a video and visit with others. If you’re not sure, please commit to coming to the first session: Ash Wednesday: February 14 and if you find the first session informative keep joining us.We thank you for entrusting us with leading St. James through this transition period and we continue to ask your prayers for our work that we might find God’s will and work to His Glory. respectfully submitted by: Jennifer Jacobs Member of St. James’ Transition Team TRANSITION TEAM – 2017 SURVEY SUMMARY In November the Transition Team asked the congregation to complete a survey to provide us with a picture of St. James at this time. We have reviewed the data and will use it to assist us in planning projects, setting goals and moving forward. The desire of your Transition Team is to listen for God’s voice and follow His direction for St James and the data from the survey help us know where we might need more support, where ours actions will be cheered on and where we are as a community. Our thanks go to Gwen Rupchan who took the time to create the first draft of the survey and diligently compiled all the data into a working document. If you desire to see the full document of survey results please ask one of the Transition Team members. Below is a summary of key information by themes. I hope you find this report useful and informative. Basic StatisticsSurveys completed: 54 By Gender Male: 19Female: 34Didn’t Answer: 2By Age18 -24: 125-34: 335-44: 445-54: 555-64: 1165-74: 675 or older: 23 *Over 50% of survey respondents are over 55 By Length of AttendanceLess than 1 Year: 1 1 to 5 years: 175 to 10 years: 13Over 10 years: 222. Life at St. James People and location were listed as the first and second reasons why people attend St. James followed by Priest and building. 33 respondents would like to see more social programs22 respondents would like more bible study and spiritual opportunities Eucharist is an important part of worship with 24 respondents wanting to receive communion 2-3 times per month and 18 wanting communion every Sunday31 respondents are interested in attending the special services for Feast days, Holy Week and other important times in community life3. Communication There were 4 questions about communication at St. James’ and in all questions over half answered they are appropriately informed. Points made in comments to note include:-Ray Russell does well at keeping us informed -Not enough updates from groups. A monthly report would be useful -Transition team needs to tell us what is happening -A newsletter would be helpful -Can anyone do a website?-Are we on Facebook? 4. Sunday School32 of 54 respondents indicated Sunday School is important to them. Asked how you could assist points to note include: -Helping with kids and classes-Children and youth need to be part of worship. -First, we need family participation 5. Music Program39 of 54 respondents wrote music is important. Points to note include:-Once or twice a year bring in contemporary band -It would be nice to always have a choir-Good hymns well sung are an important part of the worship experience-Multi-media equipment might help - I will help fundraise-It would be good to have someone in charge (Note: We now have a new Music Director: Dr. Wendy Hardman)6. Final Points Our last questions focused on how you may help, ideas for the future, what you like about St. James and what you would change. Points of note include: -People identifying skills they have and would share such as: I’m a good organizer, I have good administrative skills, I can use social media, I could help with fundraising ideas and delivery of those, bring friends to church and social events, contact people that are not in church -I find St. James to be a happy, friendly place where worship is fully engaged in and so are social events. -God’s word with the congregation is celebrated-It’s a place to pray -Honour the volunteers in some way. The same people do all the work. If you had volunteer supper or lunch more members may want to volunteer. Have a ballot taken to nominate volunteer of the month/year-Change nothing-One BCP service per month-I just want to pass the torch to younger people-Training for people -More communication with people that attend and are not involved in activities-Honestly do not know what I would do -I wish it was slightly less traditional and have a larger congregationThis is a very condensed report of the survey findings and I hope it gives you an idea of the data we received. As your Transition Team we found the process helpful in answering the question who is St. James and we thank everyone who participated. Respectfully Submitted, Jennifer JacobsMember, St. James’ Transition Team Appointed Warden’s Report January 28, 2018The events and activities of 2017 have been well documented in the various parish reports. There are many accomplishments to celebrate and many people to thank.In many ways, then, 2017 was “business as usual” but that doesn’t mask the fact that 2017 was a year of transition for St. James. A Transition Team was formed and along with Rev. Nancy Yee and with the support of and input from all parishioners, they will attempt to discern God’s calling to us.Transition will continue into 2018 but it will not last indefinitely. None of us know what our future direction will be but, with God’s help, we all need to:?. participate in whatever way we can and share our thoughts and ideas?. prepare for change ?. go outside our comfort zone and think outside the box?. address the areas of development - Passionate Spirituality and Holistic Small groups - that were identified in the Natural Church Development surveys?. consider the possibilities of sharing in ministry with the other parishes in the Regina area?. pray There’s another thing we all need to do. We all need to recognize, thank and applaud Ray Russell for his many many years of service and commitment to God and St. James in many capacities. Ray’s term as warden has come to an end and he will not be seeking re-election. Thank you, Ray - it has been an honour and privilege to work with you.Respectfully submittedBryan SigurdsonElected Warden’s ReportJanuary 28, 20182017 was another busy year in the life of the parish of St. James the Apostle. In January we were pleased to welcome The Rev. Nancy Yee as our Intentional Interim Priest. Rev. Yee’s ministry is shared with the parish of St. Philip on a 60/40 basis, with her presiding at St. Philip the first two Sundays of each month and at St. James the second two Sundays plus the fifth Sunday in those months with five Sundays. A ministry team led by Jennifer Jacobs was formed to organize willing Lay people to lead and preach on the first two Sundays of each month. The form of worship for these two Sundays have evolved from Morning Prayer to a new Liturgy of the Word service which has been well received by the congregation.A Transition Team was formed to seek to discern God’s will and answers to the questions of; Who is St. James? What is God calling St. James to do? Who is St. James Neighbour? A separate report is provided by this team.Jamie Halpenny has been licensed by Bishop Rob. Hardwick to perform Lay Administration of the Eucharist. Jennifer Jacobs and Gladys Foster were commissioned as Diocesan Lay Readers.A new Administrative Assistant, Heather Brownell was hired in August to replace Patti Sherk who resigned in June. Wendy Hardman was hired as Music Director in November. Rose Schmalz will continue to play the organ for the first Sunday of each month service with Wendy playing the other Sundays. Jean Thomas retired with our thanks after several years as our pianist. Good Friday found St. James parishioners participating in the annual Cross Walk and service with members of the other Rosemont Ecumenical Group churches, St. Cecilia Roman Catholic, Community of Christ and Christ Lutheran.In July a dinner was held in honour of St. James Day and the 60th anniversary of the parish.The church hall and kitchen are kept busy every week with the AA group, the Forever in Motion group, the Happy Hearts Square Dancers and the REACH group as well as church functions.As I complete the final year of my three-year term as your Elected Warden, I extend my most sincere thanks to Rev. Nancy Yee, my fellow Warden, Bryan Sigurdson, the members of Vestry and the entire congregation for their involvement and support during the past year. I look forward to continuing to be involved in the life of the parish as part of the lay ministry duty roster team.Respectfully submitted,Ray RussellINTENTIONAL INTERIM PRIEST’S REPORT January 28, 2018It’s hard to believe it’s been one year since I came to St. James as the intentional interim priest. In reflecting on the ministry God has called me to in the past year, I can only say it’s been a privileged to serve and get to know the people of God at St. James. I have found intentional interim both challenging and rewarding; challenging by the very nature of intentional interim ministry and rewarding because of the people.In the past year, I’ve mentioned that the analogy of interim time for a church is wilderness. Wilderness is the in-between period between an old ending and a new beginning. An ending has occurred; the Rev. Malcolm French was called to New Zealand and a new beginning has not yet happened. The new beginning could be a new priest or a new sense of direction or even a new hope. But, the meaning of transition is that you have not arrived in the Promise Land.The wilderness experience is never comfortable. It always includes feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, fear and confusion. In such a time, it takes a strong bond and a strong sense of community to move through transition together with grace. It also takes strong lay leadership, which I have learned, St. James has in abundance. My hope during transition is that the strong lay leaders have the capacity to grow into greater Godly and Christ-like leadership for the sake of St. James’ future.One of the purposes of intentional interim ministry is to help a congregation walk through their wilderness period with the hope of moving forward into a renewed future. To help a congregation through the wilderness time, a transition team is needed. St. James has been blessed to have individuals willing to serve God and the church in this capacity of a transition team. They are willing to commit their time, energy and themselves sacrificially to the process of transition for which I hope the congregation will continue to show their gratitude and prayer and active support to the team.Recently, I had a one-year review meeting on the intentional interim period with our bishop, the wardens and some members of the transition teams from both St. Philip and St. James parishes. Through a lengthy discernment and discussion meeting, it was decided that I would continue with the intentional interim ministry in both parishes until January 2019. I believe St. James has made wonderful progress towards a new future. But, it seems God has more work for us to do together. It is my hope, and I hope yours as well, that God would be gracious to St. James in the second year of intentional interim as God has been in the first.I end with words from Aslan, the lion in CS Lewis’ Narnia Series. “Onward and upward!” May we go forward and further together with love for as long as God wills that I am with you all. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.Humbly Submitted by the Reverend Nancy Yee ................

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