God’s Authority- Don’t just know His word…live it

God’s Authority- Don’t just know His word…live it!

Hey everyone. I just wanted to share some of my notes I took from the message that my pastor preached yesterday. It was very timely as it ties in with our new approach to the LounGe.

Basically, the main "reflection" question was:

"Whose authority am I under?"

"Whose in charge of my life?"

It's not enough to just know God's word. We have to live it, meaning we have to live under His authority. Often times, I make up these truths that are convenient to my current lifestyle. But is that really living under His authority, or His authority that I tweaked so that I'm justified in what I do?

Tom (one of my pastors) made an example of a teacher trying to round up his/her kids during a field trip. No matter how hard he/she tries, there are always kids that are stubborn to authority. In Ephesians 1:9-10, it says that in this same way, God tries to round up all things in heaven and earth together under one head, even Christ. But like spiritual children, we can often be stubborn to His authority. I am a big example of that!!!

Here is a chapter I want you to read and study because I think it defines the meaning of changing our lives to live under God's authority:

ACTS 9- The story of the conversion of Saul to Paul (Probably the greatest apostle ever)

I'll just give you some brief notes that can supplement your reading:

- Saul was on his way to Damascus to kill him some Christians. He thought that what he was doing was justified because he knew the Jewish law. He was sincere in his work, but his authority was not of God, but of man. He "knew" the law, but he failed to really live it because he was under the wrong authority.

- v. 3,4- God asks, "Why are you persecuting me?". Was Saul physically persecuting God? Could Saul even have the ability to hurt God? Of course not! But because he was persecuting the disciples of God, it was in turn persecuting God himself. This shows us the connection of God's body (us as disciples) and Christ (the head). When we do something bad to the body (i.e. live our own lives) we in turn affect Christ (the head). We are hurting Him rather than helping His cause.

- v. 8- Saul could've turned back and said forget it!

- For the first time ever in his life, Saul surrendered to God's authority

- And he never turned back!!!!

- He was forever transformed and became God's most influential apostle of all time!

- Like Saul, WE will be forever transformed once we decide to live under God's authority.

- v. 10- God calls Ananias. Pay attention to Ananias' response----"Yes, Lord"

- Those 2 words are the sweetest words to Christ. It shows our submission to Him. Ready and willing to do whatever He asks of us.

- v. 13- Ananias tried to make excuses. This is me for real!!! Excuses, excuses, excuses

- v. 15- God said "Go!". You think God wants to hear excuses? It's like He ignored Ananias and gave him the command without even hearing what he had to say. Christ is still giving us commands regardless of our excuses. He's not backing off from us even though sometimes we find ways to get out of His orders.

- v.18- What does Ananias do? He OBEYS!! He followed Christ's authority.

- Because of his obedience, he became an intricate part of one of the greatest transformations ever! If he had said no, we wouldn't even know this dude's name. God uses those who live under His authority in great ways!

- Saul eventually becomes Paul who then becomes the greatest missionary of all time. Immediately after his conversion, he started preaching right there in Damascus where he was originally suppose to kill christians. It says that people were totally astonished and looked at him like, "what is goin on here?!!".

- If we saw some guy speaking of God in a mall or some other public place, we might even look at him and say he's a fanatic. But is he really? To man's point of view he might be. But to God's point of view, maybe he's just normal.

Maybe it's us that's crazy in God's eyes. It's time for us to get NORMAL and live under His authority.

I love all you guys and I email you these things because I'm overflowed with the joy that God has been giving me in my life; ever since I've started to make every effort to live for Him. I'm not perfect. I never will be. You will still see me fall. But little by little, I see the transforming power God has on my life now that I've made Him my authority.

In order to grow the LounGe, we HAVE TO live under His authority. Don't just listen to March's messages or read these emails and be "inspired". Do something!

Discipleship is a lifestyle, not a once a week meeting. It's not always easy, but God always gives us the strength to handle anything that comes our way. I encourage you to get in His word.....and then DO SOMETHING about it!

If you missed last Friday's LounGe you can download what we talked about from the website. I encourage each of us to stay up to date on this and take notes because it is vital to our discipleship process.

Again, I love all of you and I am praying for you continually. It's been a tough week for many of you and I'm praying that God gives you the strength to get through it. If any of you have any questions or even want to just talk or need prayer, call me!!! I will make time for you. Nothing is too big for Him.

God bless you this week!



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