Standing On The Promises Of God - Sermon Outlines. Org

Standing On The Promises Of God

Romans 4: 19-21

❑ Does your faith ever get weak?

o That’s why we need to fortify your faith.

❑ To accomplish that we need to....

o Understand the Reason, Result, and the Remedy for our Doubt. (Matthew 14:22-33) peter walking on the water

o Utilize the Shield of Faith. (Ephesians 6:11-17)

▪ We have a defense against the fiery darts of the devil

▪ And we are to used them

❑ If we are to do away with doubt and fortify our faith we must....

o Stand on the Promises of God.

❑ Abraham was a man as illustrated in our text who knew how to stand on the Promises of God.

❑ The specific promise that Paul refers to here is recorded for us in

o Gen 17:9 And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations.

❑ That may not seem like a big deal when you read that verse alone... but look back at our text... Verse 19... tells us that this promise was made to him when he was about 100 years old. And Gen. 17 tells us that Sarah was 99 years old.

❑ Gen. 17 also reminds us that Abraham wasn't always Abraham.

o When God began to speak... God told him that his name would no longer be called Abram... but Abraham (Gn. 17:5).

▪ That is significant.

▪ The name Abram... meant "the father of many".

o I would image that was a source of embarrassment for him at times.

▪ A stranger asks, "What is your name?"

o "Abram.""Oh, father of many. How many children do you have?''

o "I don't have any."

❑ Then one day He announces to his friends that he is now going by a new name.

o He tells them the name...... Abraham. Which meant... "father of a multitude."

o Then they say... "He's gone mad.... father of a multitude... at almost 100 years old..

❑ Yet Abraham.... stood on God's Promise.

o Look at verse 20...He staggered not....

o In spite of the humanly impossible situation, He did not doubt what God had promised.

❑ Verse 21....tells us that Abraham was confident that God could do what he had promised.

❑ How do we do that. We will find there are three keys.

❑ Standing on the promises of God begins with.....


A. Remember....Romans 10:17 says that.... "SO THEN FAITH COMETH BY HEARING, AND HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD."

B. The only way for us to know what God has said is to study.... be taught the word of God.

1. It is a treasure chest of wonderful promises.

2. For example...

a) God has promised...

1) Eternal life,

2) Holy Spirit,

3) Presence,

4) Protection,

5) Provision,

6) Peace,

7) Power,

3. The only way to know that is to Know God's Word.


❑ Know the Word of God is the Key of Revelation.

❑ Having a Walk with God is the Key of Relationship

A. How do we know that God will do what he says.

1. Well the Bible tells us that God cannot lie, and that God is faithful

B. We experience that as we walk with God


❑ This is the Key of Response.

A. Abraham knew what God said.

1. He also believed that God would do what He said.

2. Now he was going to stand on the Promise of God...

a) Abraham and Sarah would have to act.

b) They would have to conceive the child.

c) Yes they would have to act.

B. Genesis 17 tells us that Abraham laughed when God told him he would have a son.

1. Abraham's laugh was a laugh of DELIGHT !

2. He was thrilled at the prospect of having a son.

C. When Sarah was informed of what God was going to do (Gen. 18), she laughed as well.

1. Her laugh was a laugh of DOUBT.

D. God fulfilled His word

Rom 4:22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.

Rom 4:23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him;

Rom 4:24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;

Rom 4:25 Who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification.

IV. Conclusion:

A. Will you stand on God's promises today?

1. Some you need to stand on the promise of forgiveness,

a) Stand on the Promise of Salvation. Presence,

b) Protection,

c) Provision,

d) Peace,

e) Power



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