“Our Identification Tags”

“Our Identification Tags”

1 Peter 2:4-10

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4-10

Memory Verse: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation…”

1 Peter 2:9a

Lesson Focus: We belong to Jesus and we have a job to do!

Activities and Crafts: Coloring picture and word search

Craft: 1st-2nd Graders: Dog Tags: We belong to Jesus.

1. Give the kids 2 ID tags

2. Have them color them

3. Write their name on one of them.

4. Have them cut them out

5. Put a whole punch in the top.

6. Attach to a string so that they can wear them as dog tags.

Tell them that when they know Jesus as their Savior they belong to Jesus.


What is a rock?

To geologists, a rock is a natural substance composed of solid crystals of different minerals that have been fused together into a solid lump. The minerals may or may not have been formed at the same time. What matters is that natural processes glued them all together.

Game: “Rock Hot Potato”:

Supplies: Bring in two or three big rocks –

Rules: Tell the kids that you will play some music and they have to pass the rock     from one to another (gently) while you play some music. When the music     stops the kids with a rock must leave the game. Play as long a time permits.

Tell the kids: Today our Bible lesson will be talking about rocks and about living rocks. Do you think that this rock is living? Listen to today’s lesson and see if you can tell me what is a “living rock?”

1 Peter 2:4-8

History Lesson: In the Old Testament the nation of Israel were God’s chosen people. As the people of God they had temples and priests that were suppose to lead people in their relationship with God. The “priests” in the Old Testament were the only ones that had the privilege to go into the presence of God (and that was only one time a year.)

In many of the Old Testament books God is described as a “Rock” and the Kingdom of God is seen as a stone.

But when Jesus came He changed all of that. He told the Jewish religious leaders that He was the chief cornerstone. And that when they reject Him, God would turn His focus on the Gentiles. The “kingdom of God” and the priesthood of God would be transferred to those that believe in Jesus.

“Coming to Him”…

√ Who are we coming to? (Jesus)

√ How do we come to Jesus? (By accepting as our Savior)

It is by “coming” to Jesus that we receive new life through Him. Jesus changes everything! We are going to learn in these verses what a privilege it is to know Jesus. The word “coming” in the Greek language has a deeper intensity than simply coming. It means to gain salvation through Jesus but also to draw near in an intimate personal relationship with Jesus.

√ How does this verse describe Jesus?

1. As a “living stone”

2. Rejected by men

3. Chosen by God and precious

We will need to jump around here a little because Peter will further explain what he means when he describes Jesus as a “living stone” by quoting some Old Testament verses.

1 Peter 2:6 (Peter is quoting Isaiah 28:16)

What we do with Jesus matters! God has chosen Jesus to be the cornerstone. He is the foundation of our faith. When we believe in Him we will have eternal life. We build our faith on Jesus. But Jesus is alive! He is the living stone that we get to have a relationship with.

1 Peter 2:7-8

But those that choose not to believe in Jesus choose to reject Him. They do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God. They do not believe that Jesus died for their sins. They do not believe that Jesus rose again from the grave. Because they do not believe they stumble before God and they will not have a standing in Heaven. We can only get to heaven through Jesus (John 14:6)

1 Peter 2:5

√ How are we described in verse 5? (as living stones)

√ What is God doing with us?

Building us up into:

1. A Spiritual House: We are God’s special building project. We are all being used by God in this world to be built up as a residence that God can live in. He lives in us through the Holy Spirit.

“Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grown into a holy temple in the Lord, in who you also are being built together for a dwelling place for God in the Spirit.” Ephesians 2:19-22

Illustration: Take some building blocks and label them. Have Jesus be the corner stone. He is where we start with our faith. But the Bible says that God is building a “spiritual house” with all of the people of God. Our faith starts with Jesus, but then we learn from the prophets of the Old Testament and then the Apostles of the New Testament. And now we are being built into what God wants for us so that the Holy Spirit can live in inside of us.

2. A holy priesthood. The priesthood began in the Old Testament with Aaron. He stood before God on behalf of the people and asked for the forgiveness of their sins. He was the direct link to God. But now Jesus is our direct link. We do not need to go through anyone but Jesus. But as the priests guided people to God we are God’s priests (not to forgive sins) but to represent God to the world.

3. Offering up “spiritual sacrifices.” We are told over and over in the Bible that how we live matters to God.

Romans 12:1; “I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God which is your reasonable service.”

God does not require animal sacrifices for sin, like He did in the Old Testament. The sacrifice that God wants is how we live our life. That everything that we say and do is for Him. When you walk with Jesus, when you love Him with your whole heart…when you share Him with others and love others that is a sweet smelling sacrifice to God.

1 Peter 2:9-10

√ If you know Jesus as your Savior how are we described:

1. Chosen generation

2. A Royal Priesthood

3. A Holy Nation

4. His Own Special People

Look at the words that describe a follower of Jesus. “Chosen….Royal…Holy….Special.” Do you see the way that God sees you? Do you see how special you are? Do you see that you were chosen by God? We are a special people for a special purpose.

We are all of these things because we have a job to do.

√ What is our job from this verse?

To proclaim the praises of Jesus!

√ How do we proclaim the praises of Jesus?


My identity is in Jesus. He has saved me and He has given me a secure place in Heaven forever. In Him I’m being built into what God has for me. In Him I can have direct access to God at any time. In Him I am a priest and represent Him to the world.

What will you do with Jesus? How will you represent Him?


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