Help Is On The Way

Your Change Is Coming! Mark 5:1-13; 4:35-41

Introduction: The man in my text found himself in a situation so complex that he was excommunicated from his family, friends, and loved ones. His problems had become so pervasive that it drove him away from everybody who was close to him; not only those close to him but everybody living. This man, because of his devils found himself dwelling in the tombs (cemetery/graveyard). He’s a living man in a dead place. He has come to make his abode among dead things. He has been so overtaken by demonic forces that he is more comfortable around the dead than the living.

Just like this man in our text if we’re not careful you can find yourself in a state that you’re not supposed to be in. you may not be in a physical cemetery but you may be in a spiritual, emotional, social cemetery. Have you ever found yourself in a dead place [existing but not living, nonproductive]? I know what its like to be an alive man living in a dead place; waiting for some great change to happen in your life. God told me to give you 5 points to consider while you are waiting for your change to come rescue you.

Control Yourself:

The Bible says that nobody could control or bind him, not even with chains. He is in the tomb very violent and angry; many had tried to chain him up but he broke the chains and snapped ropes. He broke restraints, crossed the lines, and went beyond the limits; even to the point where he’s cutting himself with stones. Have you ever broken restraints, crossed the lines, and went beyond boundaries. Too much of anything can be a dangerous thing. Even freedom unrestrained can be dangerous, just as dangerous as strict bondage. You should set some boundaries and say as much as I’m able, I don’t go past this point [this gives God permission to take over when you think its over]. There’s a term in the Bible called lasciviousness; it means unrestrained actions. There are some people that not only break other peoples rules but they break their own rules. Sometimes we have a tendency to recklessly live our lives under the assumption that sooner or later someone is going to come and rescue us from ourselves. Proverbs 25:28 says “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.” Use as much discipline as you can and pray for God to do the rest.

Never Abandon Your Testimony:

But what do you do when nobody comes to your rescue, and you’ve been in a bad situation for a long time and you’re waiting for your change to come? When we testify we have a tendency to do so only after God answered them. However, you can still testify from your cemetery. There is another level of testimony that people need to hear while they are going through. I don’t always need you to tell me how to act when God answers, but while I’m waiting on the answer to manifest.

Some of the realest testimonies come from those who are still waiting for their help to come. Often times what happens is that the real testimonies never get told. You’d be shocked if we had a real testimony service today. It’s easy to testify when everything is going well. But if you saw what your brother and sister had to go through to be here today you’d be shocked and amazed (tell your neighbor thank God I’m here--that's all that they can handle). There is someone here today dealing with something so complicated that they can’t even focus on the sermon. they are just waiting for a moment to say thank you Lord…..when I think of the goodness of Jesus…..if it had not been…Lord your grace and mercy…if you’ve ever been in a tomb and God delivered you give God a shout of praise.

You’ve Got Devils To Deal With:

This man is waiting on something to happen in his life. He’s waiting but doesn’t really know what he’s waiting on. Have you ever been waiting on something but don’t know what you’re waiting on? Have you ever gone to bed hoping that you wake up feeling better than you did when you went to bed? Meanwhile while he’s waiting, he has some devils to deal with. These devils have gained a stronghold on his life. They have so much control that they are manifesting in his body by crying, cutting, and unrestrained living. They have also exercised control over his atmosphere that he would rather dwell in the graveyard than civilized society.

This man had some devils to fight while he was waiting on his miracle. You should know that some of the things coming after you are not natural, they are supernatural (Eph 6/legions). Some of the problems you’re dealing with are crazy. But if you’ve had a crazy life God deserves a crazy praise because you’re still here!! I know you have devils waiting on you when you leave today, but while you’re here start a cycle of praise that will perpetuate in your house, car, job, and everywhere you go. Because some of your devils are waiting in the car, in your home, work beside in the morning. Some in your mind, childhood, past, devils everywhere that you have to deal with.

Watch Out For Strange Storms:

If I may digress momentarily I want to tell you that while he was waiting on his miracle we see the water walker, way maker, miracle worker, heart fixer, mind regulator, bridge over troubled water, wheel in a wheel, Jesus and His disciples were on the way to offer some help. The end of chapter 4 they were on their way when this strange storm broke out. Jesus was sleep in thed bowels of the ship because He was trying to get some rest, because He had some devils to deal with on the other side of the storm. Always watch out for strange storms; because strange storms always precede great miracles. If you live long enough you’ll come to understand that storms are signs. The storm is a sign that something great is about to happen. And if you can weather the storm you will anchor on the shores of over abundance and great miracles.

Understand that had they seen this strange storm they would not have sailed. Peter was too wise to put them in that kind of jeopardy. I’m sure that the day started out as a clear day but halfway there the sky went black. That is an indication that it’s not a normal storm, Jesus orchestrated this storm to strengthen their faith because they had devils to deal with [He guided all parameters of the storm/likewise with us]. He did that to teach us that you’ve got to keep your eyes focused on helping others even in the midst of our own storms. When you’re going through a strange storm in your health, finances, relationships, socially, or in any area of your life just know that it’s a sign for a great miracle coming your way in that area if you hold on through the storm. Don’t let this storm kill you because greater is coming if you can just survive the storm.

You’re Too Close, Don’t Give Up Now:

I realize now why Jesus went to sleep on the boat in the storm; He realized that He was too close to delivering the possessed man to get wearied and worn by a storm that He was going through [wwjd and go to sleep at night]. We have to come to realize that the storm we are going through now is a sign that we are too close to deliverance to give up now. The demons saw the storm Jesus sent and said this is our chance. Let’s get in their minds so that they don’t make it to the other side in the right mind frame. They can’t control the elements but they can disrupt the help by the way they view the storms. The enemy doesn’t want you to know that your storm has purpose, to make you stronger. So when your storms start to make you feel some kind of way you’ve got to say that aint nothing but the devil and go to sleep at night.

In the text Jesus stood up on the boat and said peace be still. He calmed the raging storm and ended the struggle. When God ended the storm He ended the struggle for the disciples and the possessed man [Alpha & Omega]. Understand that the struggle is over for you because you woke up the Word and He’s now speaking to your situation. He looked out from the graveyard and saw Jesus and he ran out to meet Him. In spite of the devils he was fighting when he saw his help he ran out to meet Jesus and worshipped Him. Now if this man who was possessed by legions of devils could make his way to worship Jesus, how much more should the church of the Living God fight off some devils to worship Him. How much more should we fall on our face and say Lord have mercy. You shouldn’t let any devil you’re up against stop you from praising God. When you see your help don’t hesitate to get your deliverance. The man asked Jesus if he could go with Him but Jesus sent him back home to his family and friends. Had the man went off with Jesus he would’ve been delivered but not restored. God is saying I’m not just going to deliver my people but everything you lost I’m going to restore it to you.


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