How to convert String to Integer in Golang?

Golang ? Convert String to Integer

String to Integer in Golang

To convert String to Integer in Golang, use Atoi() function of strconv package. The usage of Atoi() function is

// import statement import "strconv" // convert string to integer number, error = strconv.Atoi("14")

where strconv.Atoi() takes string as argument and converts into an integer. The function also returns an error. error object will be null if there is no error.

Atoi means A(Alphabets or String) to i(integer).

Example 1 ? Convert String to Integer

In this example, we will take a string that has only a number and convert it to integer value.


package main import "fmt" import "strconv" func main() {

var str = "14" // convert string to integer number, error := strconv.Atoi(str) fmt.Println("error:", error) fmt.Println("number:", number) }


error: number: 14

Example 2 ? Convert String to Integer [Negative Scenario]

In this example, we will take a string that has also non-numeric characters. We will try converting it to a number. We should get an error.


package main import "fmt" import "strconv" func main() {

var str = "14sup." // convert string to integer number, error := strconv.Atoi(str) fmt.Println("error:", error) fmt.Println("number:", number) }


error: strconv.Atoi: parsing "14sup.": invalid syntax number: 0

We received a "invalid syntax" error while trying to parse a string that contains non-numeric characters.

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