Temperate Wholesalers’ Company Ethics

Temperate Wholesalers’ Company Ethics

The values described below are intended to guide the work and behaviors of our staff as they perform in our company. It is not assumed that these values or ethics represent the complete value set of each person.

Customer service is our number one priority. We believe that by placing the customer’s interests first, we are best serving the interests Temperate Wholesalers and the future prosperity of our employees. Quality service to customers is of great importance to each staff member.


We believe in and value...


We believe that by being truthful in our dealings with others— customers, fellow workers, our suppliers and the broader community —we demonstrate trustfulness, which is an underpinning foundation for nature and positive relationships and interactions. It is our intention to avoid misstatement of facts, or to use expressions that deliberately confuse others. We believe in taking responsibility for our errors and mistakes, as well as acknowledging them when we are wrong.

Delivering Correct Information

It is our obligation to be accurate and thorough in research and dissemination of needed information. When we cannot provide information requested, we will attempt to provide appropriate timelines and return to our customers with the information in order to assist them in their business. We believe that we should anticipate the information needs of others.

Our Golden Rule: "Do to others as you would have them do to you"

We believe that this traditional statement summarizes the need for us to be considerate and understanding of those we provide a serve to.

Displaying Positive Attitudes

We believe that, as employees of Temperate Wholesalers, we are obligated to present a positive attitude to our work and interactions with others. We provide service to customers and the wider community. Even when we experience difficult circumstances, we expect ourselves to behave in a courteous and friendly manner.

Being Fair

We seek to protect the interests of the majority and the important interests of the company we work for while and at the same time ensuring our customers and the broad community are provided with the opportunity to due process and appeal where disagreements or differing views exist.


We believe that knowing our jobs and doing them well is the first step to achieving excellence. Each of us is responsible for educating ourselves and becoming competent in current practices and techniques in our area of work. We value the support of our employer but as individuals are committed to lifelong learning, updating ourselves through training, and taking advantage of the opportunities offered and provided by Temperate Wholesalers.

Cooperation and Teamwork

We place our working group's interests, objectives, and goals above those of any individual. Consideration of an individual’s needs is important however in areas where conflict between individual and group needs becomes evident, the group’s requirements will drive our action. Being helpful to co-workers and offering assistance reinforces the importance of each member of the team.

Privacy and Security

We believe in the confidentiality of information within our care. We are responsible for the safety of our company’s physical and information resources. We endeavour through our practices to protect these resources from foreseeable dangers.

Creativity and Innovation

We believe that the synergy of our workforce is our greatest asset. Each of us should seek new ways to improve our effectiveness and the company’s service to customers. We value suggestions and creative solutions to challenges that face our business. Where suggestions for enhancement are identified then we will share this idea with appropriate persons for potential implementation.



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