Super Easy Reading 2nd 1

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 1: Reading 1 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|bear |n. |a big animal that lives in a forest |

|unusual |adj. |not common |

|usually |adv. |most of the time |

|plant |n. |a living thing with leaves and roots |

|anywhere |adv. |in any place |

|dry |adj. |having little or no rain, not wet |

|without |pre. |not having |

|space |n. |the place outside Earth |

|die |v. |to end life |

|second |n. |1/60 of a minute |

Chapter 1: Reading 2 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|forest |n. |a large area of trees and other plants |

|meat |n. |a kind of food that comes from the body of an animal |

|cow |n. |a big animal that gives milk and meat |

|land |n. |the area of the earth not covered in water |

|cut |v. |to divide something into two or more parts |

|wood |n. |a type of material from trees |

|hurt |v. |to cause pain |

|plant |n. |a living thing with leaves and roots |

|clean |v. |to take away dirt and mess |

|medicine |n. |something you take to feel healthy or to cure an illness |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 1: Reading 3 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|elephant |n. |a large animal with big ears and a long nose that lives in Africa and Asia |

|land |n. |the area of the earth not covered in water |

|alone |adj. |without others |

|nose |n. |the part of your face you use to smell |

|hearing |n. |one of the five senses, e.g. touch, taste, smell, seeing, hearing; the sense of|

| | |sound |

|liter |n. |1000 milliliters; a unit of measure for liquids |

|bottle |n. |A container for liquid, usually made of glass or plastic |

|afraid |adj. |to feel fear |

|kill |v. |to end someone’s life |

|maybe |adv. |perhaps; not for sure |

Chapter 1: Reading 4 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|plant |n. |a living thing with leaves and roots |

|fly |n. |one of many kinds of small insects with wings |

|trap |v. |to catch something |

|sunlight |n. |the light that comes from the sun |

|close |v. |not open; nothing can enter or leave |

|break down |phr. |to make into smaller pieces |

|left |adj. |still there; remaining |

|hard |adj. |difficult; not easy |

|blow |v. |the action that wind makes when it moves |

|delicious |adj. |a good taste |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 2: Reading 5 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|rock |n. |a style of music, often with strong guitars, drums, and vocals |

|singer |n. |someone who uses their voice to make music |

|king |n. |a man that is at the very top of something |

|forgotten |adj. |not remembered |

|enough |det. |as much or as many as needed |

|prince |n. |the son of a king and/or queen |

|pop |n. |a kind of rock music with a lighter sound |

|princess |n. |the daughter of a king and queen |

|queen |n. |a woman who is at the very top of something |

|may |m. |used to express possibility |

Chapter 2: Reading 6 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|best-known |adj. |more famous than any other |

|British |adj. |a person or thing from Great Britain |

|writer |n. |a person whose job is to write books or articles |

|million |n. |1,000,000 |

|short story |n. |short pieces of fiction writing |

|together |adv. |with others |

|become |v. |to grow into; to turn into |

|marry |v. |to become the husband or wife of someone |

|change |v. |to make or become different |

|maybe |adv. |possibly but not for sure |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 2: Reading 7 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|remember |v. |to keep something in memory |

|die |v. |to stop living |

|war |n. |a fight between two big groups or countries |

|thousand |n. |1,000 |

|carefully |adv. |slowly and with care |

|art |n. |something which shows human creativity, especially painting, drawing, etc. |

|garden |n. |an area of land where people grow vegetables and plants |

|built |v. |made, especially by putting pieces together (past participle of build) |

|most-loved |adj. |popular; enjoyed more than all others |

|still |adv. |continuing until now; not stopped yet |

Chapter 2: Reading 8 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|ever |adv. |at any time until now; so far |

|event |n. |something that happens that usually involves many people |

|win |v. |to do better than anyone else in a game or race |

|Muslim |adj. |a person who believes in the religion of Islam |

|pray |v. |to speak to, or to ask for something from, a god |

|believe |v. |to think something is true |

|become |v. |to turn into something |

|part |n. |a piece of the whole thing |

|show |v. |to let someone look at something |

|robot |n. |a self-controlled machine that can do physical tasks |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 3: Reading 9 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|unusual |adj. |not common |

|largest |adj. |biggest; the top in size or number |

|strange |adj. |not normal |

|kangaroo |n. |a jumping animal from Australia |

|carry |v. |to hold something and take it from one place to another |

|several |det. |a few; more than one or two |

|rock |n. |a hard material that mountains and most of the Earth is made of |

|kind |n. |type; a group with the same qualities |

|island |n. |land with water all around |

|millions |num. |more than one times 1,000,000 |

Chapter 3: Reading 10 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|triangle |n. |a shape made by three straight lines that meet each other |

|ship |n. |a big boat that travels on water |

|airplane |n. |a machine with an engine and wings that people use to fly |

|missing |adj. |not where it should be; can't be found |

|side |n. |in 2D, a line from one corner to another of a shape |

|dangerous |adj. |not safe |

|weather |n. |things like rain, snow, clouds, and the sun |

|change |v. |to make something different |

|quickly |adv. |to do something in a short amount of time |

|unusual |adj. |not common |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 3: Reading 11 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|building |n. |a place with a roof and walls |

|king |n. |a man that has all the power in a country |

|wife |n. |a woman who is married |

|million |num. |1,000,000 |

|top |n. |the highest part of something |

|high |adj. |tall; up above other things |

|tower |n. |a tall, thin building |

|garden |n. |a piece of land for growing plants |

|kill |v. |to end the life of someone or something |

|show |v. |to allow something to be seen or understood |

Chapter 3: Reading 12 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|ice |n. |frozen water |

|building |n. |a place with a roof and walls |

|thousand |num. |1,000 |

|hotel |n. |a place where people stay when they are traveling |

|all around |pre. |all over; everywhere |

|cost |v. |having a certain price |

|build |v. |to make out of many pieces |

|dinner |n. |the last big meal of the day |

|warm |adj. |not cold, but not hot |

|usually |adv. |doing something most of the time, almost always |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 4: Reading 13 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|change |v. |to make something different from before |

|feel |v. |to be emotional about something |

|radio |n. |a small machine that plays music and news |

|move |v. |to change the place or position of something |

|movie |n. |a film |

|feeling |n. |an emotion like anger, sadness, or happiness |

|loud |adj. |a high level of sound |

|excited |adj. |very happy about something |

|afraid |adj. |feeling that something could hurt you |

|during |pre. |while something happens |

Chapter 4: Reading 14 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|art |n. |making drawings or paintings |

|cave |n. |a hollow place or hole in the earth or rock |

|painting |n. |a picture made with paint |

|around |pre. |all over; on every side |

|usually |adv. |almost always |

|kind |adj. |being nice, friendly or helpful |

|often |adv. |happening a lot but not always |

|lion |n. |a large cat with claws and sharp teeth |

|maybe |adv. |possibly but not for sure |

|sick |adj. |affected with a disease or an illness |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 4: Reading 15 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|comic book |n. |a book of stories using both words and pictures |

|newspaper |n. |something people read to find out what is happening |

|often |adv. |happening a lot but not always |

|however |adv. |but |

|superhero |n. |a character in stories who has special powers |

|high |adj. |up far from the ground |

|building |n. |a place with a roof and walls |

|became |v. |to grow or to develop into something |

|until |pre. |up to a certain time |

|still |adv. |even up to now |

Chapter 4: Reading 16 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|audiobook |n. |a book that can be listened to |

|ever |adv. |at any time in the past |

|usually |adv. |doing something most of the time, almost always |

|usual |adj. |common |

|however |adv. |but |

|science |n. |the study of nature and natural things |

|business |n. |all of the things related to jobs and making money |

|carry |v. |to hold something and take it from one place to another |

|bought |v. |to pay money to get something (past of buy) |

|mean |v. |to carry an idea or information |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 5: Reading 17 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|computer |n. |a machine that can keep and work with information |

|however |adv. |but |

|second |n. |1/60 of a minute |

|became |v. |to grow or to develop into something (past of become) |

|cheap |adj. |not expensive |

|enough |det. |the correct amount |

|buy |v. |to spend money on something |

|internet |n. |a network of computers around the world that are connected with each other |

|changed |v. |became something different |

|movie |n. |a film |

Chapter 5: Reading 18 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|wood |n. |a type of material from trees |

|burn |v. |to light something on fire |

|grow |v. |to get bigger and taller in size |

|oil |n. |a thick black liquid used for making gasoline and other things |

|energy |n. |power used to run machines; for example, electricity |

|renewable |adj. |can be made new again |

|clean |v. |to take away dirt and mess |

|sunlight |n. |the light that comes from the sun |

|run out of |phrasal v. |to finish using something because there is no more of it |

|electricity |n. |a kind of energy that makes many machines work |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 5: Reading 19 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|show |v. |to let someone look at something |

|already |adv. |something that is actually being done or being used now |

|part |n. |a piece of the whole thing |

|become |v. |to grow or develop into something |

|bank |n. |a place where people keep their money |

|shop |n. |a store that sells things |

|taxi |n. |a car with a driver who you pay to drive you somewhere |

|important |adj. |necessary or very useful |

|left alone |adv. |not bothered or worried by anything |

|relax |v. |to rest and feel calm |

Chapter 5: Reading 20 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|station |n. |a building where you can get a certain service |

|airport |n. |a large area of land where airplanes come and go |

|unusual |adj. |not common |

|robot |n. |a machine that can do some of the same things as people |

|workplace |n. |a place where people work; for example an office |

|get ready |phrasal v. |to prepare something |

|clean |v. |to take away dirt and mess |

|look after |phrasal v. |to take care of; to treat well |

|keep |v. |to take care of |

|become |v. |to grow or develop into something |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 6: Reading 21 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|job |n. |work that someone does to get paid |

|interview |n. |a meeting between a person who is offering a job and a person who wants it |

|between |pre. |in the middle of two things |

|ready |adj. |able to start now |

|late |adv. |after the time something was supposed to be done |

|may |m. |used to express possibility |

|third |num. |something that is ranked number three |

|interviewer |n. |a person who asks questions, usually to decide who to hire for a job |

|send |v. |to give something to a person, usually by mail |

|remember |v. |to keep in memory |

Chapter 6: Reading 22 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|kind |adj. |being nice, friendly or helpful |

|business |n. |related to selling things and making money |

|however |adv. |but; though |

|close |v. |to make something not be open |

|coffee shop |n. |a small restaurant that specializes in coffee, tea, and desserts |

|sell |v. |to exchange something for money |

|may |m. |used to express possibility |

|ready |adj. |able to do something |

|on the other hand |phr. |different from another thing which was said |

|often |adv. |happening a lot but not always |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 6: Reading 23 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|important |adj. |necessary or very useful |

|enough |det. |the correct amount |

|safe |adj. |not in danger |

|group |n. |a number of people or things that are together |

|company |n. |a business where one or more people work together to make or sell things |

|look after |phrasal v. |to take care of; to treat well |

|rule |n. |a law or direction that tells you what you must do or not do |

|workplace |n. |the place where people do their job |

|report |n. |information that is said or written about something |

|outside |adv. |not inside; out |

Chapter 6: Reading 24 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|bank |n. |a place where people keep their money safe |

|business |n. |related to selling things and making money |

|poor |adj. |having very little money |

|however |adv. |but; though |

|dollar |n. |a kind of money made from paper |

|businesswoman |n. |a woman whose job is buying and selling things, managing a company, etc. |

|give back |phrasal v. |to return something to the person it came from |

|million |num. |1,000,000 |

|plant |n. |a living thing with leaves and roots |

|change |n. |the act of something becoming something else |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 7: Reading 25 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|medicine |n. |something you take to feel healthy or cure an illness |

|sick |adj. |affected with a disease or an illness |

|plant |n. |a living thing with leaves and roots |

|get better |phrasal v. |to become healthy again after being sick |

|found |v. |to have discovered something lost or hidden (past of "find") |

|thousand |num. |1,000 |

|however |adv. |but; though |

|scientist |n. |someone whose job is to study how things work |

|carefully |adv. |slowly and with care |

|safe |adj. |not in danger |

Chapter 7: Reading 26 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|bodybuilding |n. |exercise to make the body strong by lifting weights |

|hold |v. |to keep something in your hand |

|lift |v. |to raise to a higher level |

|push |v. |moving something or someone away |

|weight |n. |an object which is heavy at a known amount; e.g. 1kg, 5kg, etc. |

|use |v. |to do something with another thing |

|careful |adj. |staying safe |

|hurt |v. |to cause pain |

|medicine |n. |something you take to feel healthy or cure an illness |

|trainer |n. |someone who teaches people how to do something well |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 7: Reading 27 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|emergency |n. |something very bad that needs fast action |

|hospital |n. |a place where sick people get help |

|nurse |n. |a person who works with doctors to help people get better |

|must |modal v. |to do something that has to be done |

|may |m. |used to express possibility |

|worker |n. |a person who does a job |

|however |adv. |but; though |

|maybe |adv. |possibly but not for sure |

|die |v. |to stop living |

|difficult |adj. |not easy |

Chapter 7: Reading 28 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|bird |n. |an animal with feathers that lays eggs |

|flu |n. |an illness that causes fever, coughing, and aches |

|sickness |n. |an illness; a disease |

|touch |v. |to put your hand or fingers on something |

|carry |v. |to bring something from one place to another |

|happen |v. |to take place without being planned |

|problem |n. |something not good or not wanted |

|die |v. |to stop living |

|carefully |adv. |slowly and with care |

|medicine |n. |something you take to feel healthy or cure an illness |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 8: Reading 29

|Word |Part |Definition |

|space` |n. |the empty place between planets and stars |

|train |v. |to practice doing something to get better |

|company |n. |a business; a group that makes and sells things |

|build |v. |to make something |

|rocket |n. |a ship shaped like a tube that travels in space |

|believe |v. |to think something is true |

|usual |adj. |common; normal |

|carry |v. |to take something from one place to another |

|spaceship |n. |any kind of ship that travels in space |

|cheaper |adj. |not costing as much money as something else |

Chapter 8: Reading 30 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|space |n. |the empty place between planets and stars |

|unusual |adj. |not common; not normal |

|planet |n. |a large round body in space that goes around a star |

|scientist |n. |a person who studies things by doing careful tests |

|answer |v. |to say something back after someone asks a question |

|star |n. |a very hot, very big, and very bright body in space; the Sun is a star |

|grow |v. |to get bigger and taller in size |

|energy |n. |power; for example, electricity |

|Earth |n. |the planet where people live |

|spaceship |n. |any kind of ship that travels in space |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 8: Reading 31 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|mining |n. |digging deep into the earth to find useful materials |

|Earth |n. |the planet where people live |

|thousand |num. |1,000 |

|mine |n. |a deep hole dug by people in the ground |

|iron |n. |a strong metal commonly used for making all kinds of tools |

|gold |n. |a soft, valuable metal often used for making rings, necklaces, etc. |

|space |n. |the empty place between planets and stars |

|useful |adj. |using or doing something helpful |

|rock |n. |a hard material that mountains and the Earth are made of |

|million |num. |1,000,000 |

Chapter 8: Reading 32 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|space |n. |the empty place between planets and stars |

|elevator |n. |a machine that takes people up and down in a building |

|large |adj. |big in size or number |

|believe |v. |to think something is true |

|build |v. |to make out of parts |

|unusual |adj. |not common |

|scientist |n. |a person who studies things by doing careful tests |

|spaceship |n. |a kind of plane that flies in space |

|cable |n. |a long, thick metal wire |

|however |adv. |but; though |

| |Reading for Speed and Fluency 1 |[pic] |

| |Word List | |

Chapter 9: Reading 33 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|alone |adj. |without others |

|may |m. |used to express possibility |

|internet |n. |a system that connects many computers together |

|test |n. |a set of questions to find out how much you know about something |

|musician |n. |a person who writes, sings, or plays music |

|space |n. |the empty place between planets and stars |

|usually |adv. |doing something most of the time, almost always |

|thousand |num. |1,000 |

|museum |n. |a place full of important things about art, science, or history |

|already |adv. |something that is actually being done or has been done |

Chapter 9: Reading 34 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|bullying |n. |hurting someone with words or by force |

|power |n. |the strength or ability to do something |

|push |v. |moving something or someone away |

|pull |v. |to bring something closer to you |

|throw |v. |to send something through the air with your arm |

|internet |n. |a system that connects many computers together |

|text |n. |the words in a piece of writing |

|video |n. |live or recorded moving images, usually with sound |

|bully |n. |a person who hurts others who are less strong |

|teenager |n. |someone who is thirteen to nineteen years old |

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Chapter 9: Reading 35 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|language |n. |the words people put together to talk to each other |

|often |adv. |happening a lot but not always |

|grandchildren |plural n. |the children of someone's children |

|pass |v. |to give from one person to another |

|thousand |num. |1,000 |

|keep |v. |to not lose or give away |

|unwritten |adj. |not preserved in writing |

|forever |adv. |for an endless amount of time |

|record |`v. |to save information for future use |

|left |adj. |still there; not gone |

Chapter 9: Reading 36 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|afraid |adj. |feeling that something could hurt you |

|fear |n. |the feeling of being afraid |

|flying |n. |traveling by airplane |

|learn |v. |to get knowledge or experience in something |

|hurt |v. |to cause pain |

|outside |adv. |not inside; out of a building |

|spider |n. |a small animal with eight legs that builds webs |

|unlearn |v. |to take away something from memory; for example, a bad habit |

|face |v. |to look at or do something difficult |

|airplane |n. |a machine with an engine and wings that people use to fly |

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| |Word List | |

Chapter 10: Reading 37 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|be around |phr. |to be in or near a place |

|thousand |num. |1,000 |

|religion |n. |an organized system of belief in a god or gods |

|believe |v. |to think something is true |

|Christian |n. |a person who follows the ideas of Jesus Christ |

|heaven |n. |in some religions, the place where good people go when they die |

|hell |n. |in some religions, the bad place where bad people go when they die |

|carefully |adv. |slowly and with care |

|delicious |adj. |tasting or smelling really good |

|useful |adj. |using or doing something helpful |

Chapter 10: Reading 38 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|Buddhism |proper n. |a religion, widespread in Asia, which is based on the teachings of Buddha |

|religion |n. |an organized system of belief in a god or gods |

|million |num. |1,000,000 |

|believe |v. |to think something is true |

|follow |v. |to act in the same way as someone |

|truly |adv. |according to the truth; honestly; very much so |

|thoughts |plural n. |ideas; components of thinking |

|wake up |v. |to stop sleeping; to see the truth about life |

|stay |v. |to keep being a certain way; to not change |

|anyone |pro. |any person |

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| |Word List | |

Chapter 10: Reading 39 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|Judaism |proper n. |the religion of the Jewish people |

|religion |n. |an organized system of belief in a god or gods |

|Jew |n. |someone who follows the religion of Judaism |

|million |num. |1,000,000 |

|god |n. |a strong being that has special power over things |

|rule |n. |a law or direction that tells you what you must do or not do |

|kill |v. |to end someone’s life |

|group |n. |a number of people or things that are together |

|agree |v. |to have the same idea about something |

|last |v. |to survive; to continue; to not die off |

Chapter 10: Reading 40 -

|Word |Part |Definition |

|Paganism |proper n. |a religion which is not one of the big religions; often focused on nature |

|religion |n. |an organized system of belief in a god or gods |

|Christian |n. |a person who follows the ideas of Jesus Christ |

|believe |v. |to think something is true |

|group |n. |a number of people or things that are together |

|natural |adj. |related to nature |

|spirit |n. |the non-physical part of a person which may continue after death; the soul |

|take care of |v. phrase |to keep something or someone safe; to protect |

|pray |v. |to speak to or ask for something from God |

|rock |n. |to speak to or ask for something from God |


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