Overcoming Evil with Good

Overcoming Evil with Good

A Study of Difficult Life Situations in which a Christian must

Overcome Evil with Good.

Spring 2010

Romans 12:21 in comparative translations:

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”


“Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.”


“Be not overcome by the evil, but overcome, in the good, the evil.”


“Não permita que o mal vença a você, mas vença o mal fazendo o bem.”


So, don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good. What a challenge --- to run up against God's ban on personal vengeance: "Repay no one evil for evil" (Rom. 12:17) "Beloved, do not avenge yourselves" (vs. 19); "But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also" (Matt. 5:39). That's about as hard as it gets, right? Not quite! Remember Matt. 5:44, "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you" (Matt. 5:44)? Or, "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink" (Rom. 12:20 quoting Prov. 25:21). This is the practical way to "overcome evil with good" (Rom.12:21). So, God not only forbids us to retaliate against those who hurt us, He demands that we do positive good to them. Hard? Yes indeed. Impossible? No!

Jim Ward, Nov 2005

This series was created by Marty Broadwell and Grady Walker

Lesson Objectives

(What the student should be able to do at the end of each class)

1. Pre-Course Survey and Introduction

a. Describe the purpose and approach of the class

2. Discouragement

a. List 2 Bible examples of discouragement handled poorly

b. List 2 Bible examples of discouragement handled properly.

c. List 3 steps taken by Bible characters to overcome discouragement

d. List several activities—involving service to others—that will help us overcome discouragement.

3. Evil Influences

a. Give Bible example of idleness leading to sin

b. Explain the Bible plan for overcoming bad habits

c. List 3 bad habits and list the good habits that should replace them.

d. List 5 good habits that could help us overcome idleness

e. List 4 guidelines for the use of the television, iPod, Nintendo DS, Internet, radio, computer game, etc.

4. Doubt

a. Give 3 Bible examples of doubt

b. List 3 causes of doubt

c. Explain how faith and uncertainty can coexist within us

d. List 3 practical activities that will help us overcome doubt.

5. Anger

a. Give 2 examples each of proper and improper anger in the Bible

b. Explain what causes anger

c. Tell what useful purpose anger can serve

d. List 3 steps to handle our anger properly

6. Ridicule of Others

a. Give 3 Bible examples of ridicule

b. List 3 reasons that people ridicule others

c. Tell the proper response to ridicule

d. List 3 qualities that should govern our behavior when ridiculed

7. Jealousy

a. Give 3 Bible examples of jealousy

b. Distinguish between proper and improper jealousy

c. Give 2 examples of proper jealousy

d. List 2 principles that should govern our behavior when we are jealous

8. Success

a. Give 2 Bible examples each of good and bad attitudes toward success.

b. List 2 improper and 2 proper attitudes toward success

c. List 3 practical tests of our attitude toward success

9. Anxiety

a. Give 3 Bible examples of anxiety

b. Distinguish between proper and improper anxiety

c. Explain the differences between carnal and spiritual anxiety

d. List 3 things for which we should be anxious

e. List 2 qualities that will help us overcome anxiety

10. Disagreement

a. Give a Bible example of each of 3 kinds of disagreements between Christians

b. List 3 types of disagreements that may arise between Christians

c. Give an example of a situation in which we are to judge and rebuke a brother.

d. List 3 qualities that will help us to disagree agreeably.

11. Review and Quiz

List of Lessons

1. Introduction and Pretests

2. Discouragement

3. Evil Influences

4. Doubt

5. Anger

6. Ridicule of Others

7. Jealousy

8. Success

9. Anxiety

10. Disagreement

11. Review and Quiz

Introduction and 2 PreTests

1. Pretest 1 ---- You are welcomed to have an open Bible to take this pretest. These questions are provided to stimulate thinking. Please answer True or False to each question and if you wish, seek to explain “why,” from your point of view, or better yet using scripture (Use the back of this page if necessary):

a. My life can be just perfect.

b. I can expect to be happy in my life.

c. My life tomorrow will be better than today.

d. Sometimes evil looks like good.

e. I am the reason for my suffering.

f. God expects my careful, heartfelt, humble, obedient effort.

g. When God makes a promise, He will never disappoint me.

h. I can get the answers to each of life’s puzzles from the Bible.

i. I should expect to get the best advice and help from Christians.

j. When I suffer, it is wrong to ask why.

k. I can overcome evil with evil.

l. I can overcome evil with waiting.

m. People who cannot overcome evil are unable to cope with daily living.

n. God quickly blesses the person who overcomes evil—from the heart—with good.

o. I know God helps me and delivers me: I know He loves me.

p. God is able and willing to do more than I can ask for or think about.

2. We will go over the above pretest together in class. Mark the questions which you are not sure about or about which the class has disagreement. At the end of the course, we will revisit these questions and see if there has been some shift in our beliefs or opinions.

3. Pretest 2 -- All of the discussions, conclusions and suggestions of this class will be based on five principles from the Bible. Let’s find those. Read each group of the verses below and determine the common principle that is stated or implied.

Bible Text Principles Stated or Implied

Principle One

Eccl 12:14

Matt 12:36,37

2 Cor 5:10

1 Pet 4:16

Principle Two

2 Pet 2:4-9

1 Cor 10:12,13

Rom 8:31-39

Principle Three

2 Cor 9:8

Heb 13:5

Phil 4:11-13

1 Tim 6:6-8

Principle Four

Psa 139:1,2,14

1 John 5:3

Titus 3:8

1 Tim 4:8

Principle Five

Luke 16:13

1 Cor 9:24,25

1. Kings 18:21

[As info only, each lesson in this course will deal with a particular situation in which the influences of a fallen world challenge our faithfulness. Each will include a series of Bible examples, both good and bad, followed by a presentation of other Bible teaching on the subject, and concluding with some personal applications for us all.]


Accountable for my actions.

Right can always be done.

May be at peace (content).

Even if I don’t know why, God’s commands are always best for me.

Directed toward a single goal.

Some wisdom to clip out and hang on your refrigerator door:


Discouragement – Lesson 2

A. Examine the following examples of discouragement from the Bible. For each, determine the causes of their discouragement. List their symptoms and describe how each person handled their discouragement. What did they do when discouraged? What were the consequences of their actions?

|Person |Passage |Causes of |Symptoms |How Did They Handle Discouragement? |

| | |Discourage-ment | |[What They Did and What Were the Consequences]|

|Cain |Gen 4:1-8 | | | | |

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|Ahab |1 Kings 21:1-27 | | | | |

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|Amnon |2 Sam 13:1-19 | | | | |

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|Elijah |1 Kgs 19:1-21 | | | | |

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|Jonah |Jonah 3:5-4:11 | | | | |

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|David |2 Sam 18:33-19:18 | | | | |

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|David |2 Sam 12:15-24 | | | | |

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|Nehemiah |Neh 2:2,3 | | | | |

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|Joshua |Josh 7:1-26 | | | | |

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B. Who will be judged for the behavior of these persons above?

C. Consider the last three examples above (David, Nehemiah and Joshua). Where did they receive their strength and guidance?

D. See 1 Cor 1:3,4,9-11 and Phil 4:11-13. Where should we get our strength when things go wrong? Are we still responsible to do what is right, even when things go wrong?

E. Read 1 Pet 3:8-17 and Romans 12:9-21. What do these passages teach about dealing with evil that comes our way?

F. List some everyday activities that Romans 12:10-17 suggests would be helpful in “overcoming evil with good.”

• ________________________________

• ________________________________

• ________________________________

• ________________________________

• ________________________________

G. In the table below, list some specific things that can influence you personally toward becoming despondent. Then, list some activities that will help you to overcome the temptation to do wrong in each case.

Here Is What Influences Me Toward Discouragement

|Discouraging Influence |Activities that will help me overcome that evil influence |

|1. | |

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H. There are positive talents you possess that are helpful, talents others do not have. There are ways in which you excel. These may even be good outlooks, thinking, works, methods or abilities that others in the congregation may not even know how to obtain, but desire so we can grow and thrive. That is where you are needed. Make a specific list of positive things you could be doing, first, to encourage yourself and then what you could do to edify the congregation.

What I can do now, for me: What I can do, for the brethren:

1. A.

2. B.

3. C.

4. D.

5. E.

Evil Influences – Lesson Three

Psalm 1:1 says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers.” Read Proverbs 6, listening as you read to the young man’s experiences and his choices of entertainment.

A. What effect do those experiences of Proverbs 6 have on him?

B. What suggestions would you make about the place of entertainment he has chosen? (See Proverbs 6:27-28)

C. Could there be similar kinds of evil influences that each of us tolerates in his own life?

What could those be from your point of view?

• ___________________________________

• ___________________________________

• ___________________________________

• ___________________________________

D. What does the Bible say should be our reaction to the evil conduct in the world around us? (Eph 5:3, 11, 12)

E. Make a list of things put on and put off in the following verses from Ephesians 4 and 5

| |Put Off |Put On |

|Eph 4:22,23 and 5:3,9-11 | | |

|Eph 4:25 | | |

|Eph 4:28 | | |

|Eph 4:31,32 | | |

|Eph 5:17 | | |

|Eph 5:18 | | |

F. God is the Definer of what is good (2 Sam 10:12; Mark 10:18; Luke 18:19), right (Gen 18:25), and just (Job 34:12). Even so, what reasons can you give that people spend so much time in contact with sources of evil influences?

G. Read 2 Samuel 11:1-5 and 2 Samuel 12:26-28. What could David have been doing to avoid being tempted? What do 2 Peter 1:8-10, 1 Tim 5:13, Titus 3:14 suggest about avoiding idleness?

H. List at least 10 other specific habits that we could develop to overcome our dangerous idle habits, sinful personal projects, or harmful family activities?

1. __________________ 6. ___________________

2. __________________ 7.____________________

3. __________________ 8. ___________________

4. __________________ 9. ___________________

5. __________________ 10 ___________________

I. List at least four guidelines to constructively using your iPhone, telephone, television, personal computer, iPod, Facebook page, computer games, etc. in your Christian walk (see Phil 4:8 and 1 Thess 5:21,22).

1. ______________________________________

2. ______________________________________

3. ______________________________________

4. ______________________________________

Doubt – Lesson Four

Read the following accounts of disciples of Christ whose faith waivered. Describe the circumstances that led to their doubting:

Luke 8:22-25; Mark 4:40 ---

Matthew 14:22-33 ---

Matt 26:56-58 and see vs 69-75 ---

Mark 16:9-14 ---

John 20:24-29 ---

A. What causes can you list from the above example for wavering faith? See also Jude 22 and Mark 9:24.

B. Think of examples of Christians you have known whose doubts have overcome them. Are the reasons similar or different?

C. What is the basis of a Christian’s faith?

See Romans 10:17 _____________________________

1 Cor 15:17 __________________________________

John 20:30-31 _________________________________

Do these facts change when we face fear or ignorance?

D. Describe the nature of faith, compared to “knowledge” or “sight.”



E. See Hebrews 11:1-3. Is it expected that our faith will cause us to know:

a. The answer to every difficult question? _______

b. The reason for every disappointment? _______

c. The purpose for every problem? _______

d. The outcome of every action? _______

e. If we could know all these things above, would we really have faith? See 2 Cor 5:7.

F. In what ways can we overcome the evil of doubt with good?

|Bible Passage |Ways to overcome doubt with good |

|James 1:2-8 | |

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|James 5:5-7; Heb 12:2 | |

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|Phil 4:6 | |

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|1 Thess 5:11 | |

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|Heb 10:22-24 | |

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|2 Peter 1:12-18 | |

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Anger – Lesson Five

A. In each of the reference below, describe the circumstances that produced anger. Was this anger justified? How did each person deal with his anger?

|Person |Text |Circumstances |Justified? |How He Dealt with |

| | | | |Anger |

|Saul |1 Sam 20:30-40 | | | |

|Jews |Luke 4:20-30 | | | |

|Moses |Num 20:2-13; Psa | | | |

| |106:32 | | | |

|Moses |Num 16:1-5, 15-19, | | | |

| |28-35 | | | |

|Nehemiah |Neh 5:1-13 | | | |

|Jesus |Mark 3:1-6 | | | |

|Jesus |Mark 11:11-18 (cf. | | | |

| |John 2:16,17 | | | |

B. Is anger condemned by the teachings of the Bible?

• Eph 4:26 _________________________________

• James 1:19,20 ____________________________

• Titus 1:7 _________________________________

C. What warnings are we given about anger?

See Prov 14:29, Eccl 7:9

D. What good characteristics can be used to overcome anger?

See Prov 16:32 and Eph 4:31,32

E. To what proper use may anger be put?

F. List below some suggestions to follow when we find ourselves angry:

|Bible Passage |Suggestions to Follow When I’m Angry |

|Luke 17:3 | |

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|Romans 12:19 | |

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|Matt 18:15-17 | |

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|Prov 27:5 | |

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Ridicule of Others – Lesson Six

A. For each example below of mockery and derision, describe the circumstances, and determine what motivated the ridicule:

|Bible Text |Describe the Circumstances |What Motivated the Ridicule? |

|2 Chron 36:11-16 | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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|Luke 16:10-15 | | |

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| | | |

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|Matt 27:35-44 | | |

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|Luke 8:40-42 | | |

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|Acts 17:18-22, 30-33 | | |

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|Acts 2:5-8, 12, 13 | | |

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|John 9:24-29 | | |

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B. What are some of the reasons people ridicule others?

• Jude 18 ______________________________________

• Prov 9:7,8; Prov 15:12 __________________________

• Prov 14:6, 1 Tim 6:3,4 __________________________

• Prov 21:24 ___________________________________

C. Are mocking and reviling condemned in the Bible? See 1 Cor 5:11, 6:10.

D. What is the proper response to ridicule from others?

a. Matthew 5:11,12 ________________________________

b. 1 Pet 2:21-24 ___________________________________

c. 1 Cor 4:12 ______________________________________

d. Is there an assumed quality that enables this response? _____ What do you believe that quality is? ___________

E. What is the proper attitude to have toward those who ridicule us? See Eph 4:31,32 and 1 Pet 3:8-11.

F. What good qualities will protect us against the shame of ridicule?

|Text |Qualities to Protect Me from Shame of Ridicule |

|Ps 119:49-52 Rom 1:16,17 | |

| | |

|Isa 51:7 | |

| | |

|Jude 17-21 | |

| | |

|Rom 5:5 | |

| | |

|1 Pet 3:15,16 | |

| | |

G. What do these good qualities (answers to question F above) also prevent us from doing (question B above)?

Jealousy – Lesson Seven

A. In the following examples, list the objects of the jealousy, and determine if God approved each kind of jealousy:

|Text |The Object(s) |A God-Approved Jealousy? |

| |of the Jealousy | |

|Acts 5:12-17 (esp. v17) | | |

|Acts 17:1-9 | | |

|(esp. v 5) | | |

|Gen 37:3-11, 17-24 | | |

|Acts 7:9 | | |

|Num 5:11-31 | | |

|(esp. v 31) | | |

| | | |

|Romans 10:19-21 and Rom 11:11-15 | | |

|2 Cor 11:1-3 | | |

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|Num 25-3-13 | | |

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B. What human relationships are used to describe God’s feeling for His people?

1. See Deut 32:16-21 ----

2. See Ezek 16:30-32, 35-38, 41, 42 ----

C. What dangers are there in human jealousy?

• Prov 6:34,35; 27:4 __________________________

• James 3:14-16 _____________________________

• 1 Cor 12:14-16, 24-25 _______________________

D. Distinguish between proper and improper jealousy.

E. List examples of proper jealousy and the principle of possession involved.

|Text |Example of Proper Jealousy |Principle of Possession Involved |

|1 Cor 7:4 | | |

|Eph 5:28-31 | | |

|Song of Sol. 8:6 | | |

|1 Cor 6:19-20 | | |

| | | |

|Eph 1:14 | | |

| | | |

F. List the other principles that should govern our behavior when we are jealous:

|Text | Principles Governing My Jealousy |

|Ex 20:5,6 | |

| | |

|Ezek 16:41,42 | |

| | |

|Joel 22:18 | |

| | |

Success – Lesson Eight

A. Which is more difficult for a faithful Christian: dealing properly with success or with failure? See 1 Cor 1:26, James 2:5, Mark 10:25

B. The following are examples of successful people. In what way did they properly or improperly react to their successes?

|Text |Person’s |Proper or Improper |This Resulted in What (What Happened) |

| |Name |Reaction to Success? | |

|Dan 4:28-37 | | | |

| | | | |

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|Acts 12:20-23 | | | |

| | | | |

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|2 Chron 26:16-22 | | | |

| | | | |

|Luke 12:16-21 | | | |

| | | | |

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|Matt 19:16-22 | | | |

| | | | |

|1 Chron 29:10-14 | | | |

|Luke 17:12-19 | | | |

| | | | |

|Job 1:1-5; 2:9-10 | | | |

C. What sinful attitudes may we develop when things go the way we want them to, for example in 1 Tim 6:6-10?

a. Prov 18:20-22 and 1 Tim 6:17 ________________________

b. Prov 23:2-5 _______________________________________

c. Prov 28:11, 25:27, 27:1,2 ___________________________

D. With what proper attitudes should we replace these sinful ones?

|Text |Proper Attitude to Have |

|James 4:13-16 | |

| | |

|Phil 4:10-13 | |

| | |

|Psa 37:7 | |

| | |

|3 John 2 | |

| | |

|Prov 15:33; 29:23 | |

E. What facts should help us remain humble even if we do achieve great things?

• Acts 14:13-17

• Phil 4:19

• Psa 50:8-15

F. What one thing should we glory in (Jer 9:23,24)? _____________

Who is it that commends us (2 Cor 10:17-18)? _____________

G. List a practical test of our attitude toward our own successes. For example, what method can I think up to keep myself grounded in humility even when people are congratulating me about the many successes I am having. Share your test idea with the class.

Anxiety – Lesson Nine

A. In the following examples, determine the causes of anxiety and decide whether the anxiety was approved by God:

|Text |Causes of Anxiety |Is This Anxiety God-Approved? |

|Phil 2:25-30 | | |

| | | |

|2 Cor 11:28,29 | | |

|Matt 26:36-46 | | |

| | | |

|Lk 10:38-42 | | |

|John 6:27 | | |

|Matt 13:22 | | |

| | | |

B. What makes some kinds of worry improper? See Luke 21:34-36

C. List some things that it is appropriate to be anxious about.

i. __________________________________

ii. __________________________________

iii. __________________________________

iv. __________________________________

v. __________________________________

vi. __________________________________

D. Matthew 6:24-34 is a discussion of proper and improper anxiety. Read the passage and answer the following questions:

• What 2 kinds of lifestyles are being contrasted in verse 24?


• What are the wrong things to be anxious over in verses 25 and 27? ______________________________________________

• Why do we worry over the wrong things according to verse 30? ______________________________________________

• Who makes sure that we have the things we need for our lives, according to verse 32? ______________________________________________

• What things should we always be concerned about according to verse 33? ______________________________________________

E. With what good qualities may we overcome the evil of improper worry?

I Peter 5: 6-7 ____________________________________

1 Peter 3:13-15 __________________________________

Phil 4:6-7 _______________________________________

F. What difference is there in the expressions and consequences of anxiety over spiritual and carnal things? See Isaiah 55:1,2 for help to answer the question.

| |Expressed in Bible as temporary or|Expressed in Bible as Free |Consequences of not seeking these |

| |eternal things? |Things? |things: |

|Carnal Things | | | |

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|Spiritual Things | | | |

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Disagreement – Lesson Ten

[This lesson is about disagreement between Christians.]

A. In the following examples of disagreement, determine the cause of controversy, and how it was addressed. Draw conclusions about which kinds of disagreement are proper, and how each kind should be handled (Use back of page if necessary):

|Text |Cause of |What was Happening (How |Was it a Proper or Improper |How to Properly Handle |

| |Controversy |was it addressed) |Disagreement? |This Disagr |

|Acts 15:36-41 | | | | |

|Col 4:10 | | | | |

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|Rom 14:1-10 | | | | |

|Rom 14:19-23 | | | | |

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|Gal 2:11-14 | | | | |

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B. In the following 2 examples, Paul’s compliance with the requirement for circumcision (of Timothy or Titus) was different. Explain that difference, using Acts 16:1-3, Gal 2:3,4 and Gal 5:2-4, and Gal 6:12.

C. JUDGING --- What does the Bible teach about judging another and in what ways are we to judge one another?

a. Matthew 7:1,2 _______________________________________________

b. John 7:12, 23, 24 _______________________________________________

c. Leviticus 19:15 _______________________________________________

d. Romans 14:3,13 _______________________________________________

D. REPROOF --- Is reproof of error a part of a Christian’s duty, according to Eph 5:11? See also Luke 3:19 and 1 Cor 4:14-21 ___________________________________________________

E. REBUKE --- When is it proper to rebuke someone?

a. Titus 1:13 _______________________________________________

b. Matt 18:15-17 (1 Cor 6:1-7) _______________________________________________

c. 1 Tim 5:1 and 5:19-21 _______________________________________________

d. Gal 1:6-9 _______________________________________________

F. What dangers are there in frequent disagreements, according to Gal 5:13-15?

G. What is the Bible picture of the ideal church concerning disagreement?

|Text |Words You Would Use to Describe the Picture of Ideal Church re: Disagreements |

|1 Cor 1:10-13 | |

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|Rev 3:19 | |

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|Rom 14:16-19 | |

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|1 Cor 8:10-13 | |

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H. What positive qualities should we develop to prevent disagreeable disagreements?

|Text |Qualities I Should Have to Prevent Disagreeable Disagreements |

|Eph 4:1-3 | |

| | |

|Rom 14:5,12 | |

|Eph 4:15,16 | |

| | |

|Phil 4:2-4 | |

| | |

|Phil 2:12-15 | |

| | |

Review Quiz – Lesson 11

1. List two Bible characters who were so discouraged they wished to die.

2. Give 2 examples of disciples who doubted and state why they doubted.

3. Is doubt mostly an emotional or rational reaction?

4. Give 2 examples of proper anger from the Bible. Give 2 examples of improper anger from the Bible. Tell what made each person (or group) angry.

5. To what proper use may anger be put?

6. Is it possible to be angry over the right thing and still sin? Explain.

7. Describe 2 Bible examples of ridicule and give the reasons for the ridicule.

8. Give two reasons why people resort to ridiculing others.

9. Give two examples of Bible persons who were jealous for the right reasons. Give 2 examples of Bible characters who were angry for the wrong reasons.

10. State the conditions under which jealousy is proper.

11. Give 2 examples of Bible characters who were successful and handled their success well. Give 2 examples from the Bible of persons who handled their success poorly.

12. List 3 improper attitudes that may result from success.

13. Give two examples of Bible characters who were anxious in the proper way. Tell what they were anxious about.

14. Describe how the ideal church will act to be united. Do they have no disagreements? When does the ideal church reprove or rebuke?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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