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Avoid the 10 Qualities of the Anti-leader By Joe Bouchard Published: 03/07/2011 left0Perception is a matter of perspective. For example, those who consider themselves as realists are often branded as cynics by optimists. Avowed pessimists will label those self-reported realists as too hopeful. Despite the many perspectives, it is agreed that every work-site has a skeptic, one who doubts almost anything unless presented with compelling proof. Yet, we can all learn a thing or two from balanced skepticism. Many writers and speakers implore us to focus on the positive. However, that can lead to an unbalanced picture. One cannot learn all of the painful and valuable lessons available when conditions are perpetually optimal. It is important to look at the all aspect of all things. Skepticism is not necessarily fatalism. Just because one considers what could go wrong does not mean that one will automatically succumb to bad habits. Leadership is a complicated topic, inspiring thousands of books, articles, and presentations. Typically, we explore all of the positive attributes of what is commonly considered the archetypical good leader. Yet we can learn plenty about leadership from negative aspects. Certainly there are many lists of bad leadership styles. But I am compiling what I consider to be the 10 qualities of the anti-leader in corrections. Accept fawning – Most leaders understand that workers will try to get into their good graces with insincerity. In addition to this, some leaders will actually enjoy and expect such behavior. This management style showcases preferential treatment and spawns resentment, lack of productivity and may inspire sabotage. Inconsistency – Can you image operating under the chaos of shifting expectations? It happens to some people every day. Some work shortcuts that are initially sanctioned by leaders may be retracted quite quickly. It is never easy for others to understand discipline they may receive for an action that was appropriate just a few days earlier. Deceit – Lies, they say, will get you in the end. Quite simply, many people hate liars. But, it is worse when you are being led by a liar. Once a leader has demonstrated the ability to willfully mislead, any other statement will be under strict scrutiny. Mendacity is not a winning quality for a leader. Whatever short term gains this strategy can gain are erased in the long run. Lack of respect toward superiors – It is difficult to feel respect for your leader when he or she does not ever try to hide his or her animosity for his or her leader. That is one way that modeling can negatively impact professional relationships. Lack of respect toward peers – Leaders should have a considerable understanding with their peers. After all, they face the same basic challenges of the position. Yet, when we see peer bashing among leaders, the implication is that they are vying for primacy rather than cooperation. This sets the tone for unfriendly competition and back-biting. Lack of respect toward subordinates – While rank is important in our paramilitary paradigm, so, too is deference. Yet, leaders that show contempt send the message that their followers are truly subordinate and not important. Gossip – Information is good, for the most part. It is easy to appreciate some knowledge, even if it gained by an unofficial communications vine. Some of this can prepare us for possible changes and understand current situations. However, mean-spirited gossip about a colleague’s personal life does not qualify for this sort of knowledge. And when leaders engage in this, one wonders what they are going to say about them. Indecision– One can change positions occasionally and still be considered as a decisive leader. This is not to be confused with thoughtful contemplation of an issue. Indecision is when a leader is frozen by the prospect of making a judgment. Indecision implies weakness. Division – Some leaders maintain control of their followers by inspiring disunity in the ranks. They are often adept at reading personalities. The Dividing Manager can turn two people who operate with friendly competition into rivals. That may increase production in some cases, though usually only in the short term. But it also fosters animosity which can cripple an environment. Egomaniac – It is one thing to acknowledge one’s abilities. It is quite another to force others to bow to your overblown hubris. Sometimes ego monsters are truly talented. But their self-praise detracts from this. Those who boast of their abilities and achievements will invariably chase away respect. It is not difficult to follow someone who is confident. Yet, it is hard to be lead by a pompous nightmare. Question: Why study the negative? What impact could an anti-leader have? Are there any qualities of an anti-leader that you think are missing from this list? ................

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