Works Cited“Teens and Anxiety.” Video Collection, 6 June 2019. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, . Accessed 22 Oct. 2019.ACE- Adverse Childhood experiences often lead to mental health problems in the future. ACE’s include, emotional abuse, physical abuse, alcohol misuse in household, sexual abuse and many more. Team Sports have been proven to help with anxiety and depression. This can often help into their adult lives.This source is useful to me because it tells me what some of the causes of anxiety and depression are. It also tells you to investigate team sports because they seem to help with anxiety and depression. This article is reliable because it comes from a reputable source, The New York Times. It also gave great factual evidence.This fits into my research because it tells you exactly how these issues play into having anxiety and depression. This article was helpful to me because it can help me to formulate a good argument for” How anxiety can affect young adults.” “Anxiety vs. GERD.” Video Collection, 5 June 2018. Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints, . Accessed 22 Oct. 2019.This article is about mental health and what it is. The definition of mental health is” Mental health refers to a state of emotional balance, psychological stability, and engagement with life.” It talks about what depression is, anxiety, and substance abuse problems. Difference in an upbringing, community, and what you are around play a big role in your mental health. Sometimes social media, and the differences in the way we cope with things can influence our mental health.This is a useful source because it describes in detail about what mental health is, and what influences it. It also suggests when to get help. Compared to the other sources I have been using, it is more effective and gives way more information. This source is very reliable as well.This fits into my research because it describes in detail, what mental health is, how to treat it, and what can affect it. This resource was helpful to me because it gave me a lot of information needed to complete the research part of my paper. I can use this source in my writing, because it is a very reputable source, and it has a lot of correct information. This gives my argument a better chance of being successful.BYU study shows overall time on social media is not related to teen anxiety and depression." Mental Health Weekly Digest, 4 Nov. 2019, p. 112. Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints, . Accessed 4 Nov. 2019.This article talks about how social media doesn’t have the same affect on every single person. Everyone’s way of using social media is different, as is their likelihood of having anxiety and depression. They have done studies to show that social media isn’t linked to anxiety and depression. Whether you are a passive or active user, can affect how you feel about Instagram. If you just sit and scroll through Instagram without commenting or any type of positiveness, that can contribute to your anxiety and depression. If you are using Instagram in a positive way, commenting, posting content, and other things, it could help create more positivity in your life. This article is useful to me because it talks about how social media is affecting teens and their anxiety. They give information from studies, and surveys. The article states that social media can affect people’s mental state, but not everyone. So, they can’t say that it is the cause, if in fact, it isn’t. They do give tips to use if it does affect you mentally, posting more positive things, commenting nice things on people’s pictures, and more. This Source is reliable because it comes from a weekly health column “Mental Health Weekly Digest,” which is read by many reputable doctors and others around the world. This article is useful to my topic because it is talking about what can cause anxiety in teens and young adults. I can use this to base where anxiety comes from and formulate the best thesis from it. I can then form a great argument to go into my essay."Topics of teen sibling fights affect anxiety, depression, self-esteem." Mental Health Weekly Digest, 31 Dec. 2012, p. 322. Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints, . Accessed 4 Nov. 2019.This Article addresses fights between siblings. Most people might feel that silly fights about “This and that not being fair,” Aren’t a big deal. But it can lead to depression, and anxiety in the future. The article presented that children with older siblings had more anxiety when they were older, and children that had a different gender sibling had lower self-esteem. They also gave suggestions to maybe “ease the fighting,” such as switching chores often, and giving equal time within the siblings. The less fighting, the less issues with anxiety and low self-esteem when they become older.This information from the article is useful to me because it discusses the way that fighting with siblings can create to anxiety and low self esteem in children into adulthood. They give pretty accurate representations of what it feels like having multiple siblings, and how it can affect some children. It also contributes to giving tips on how to fill that, so children to feel the unfairness in their home, and they get “equal time.” This article is useful to me because it allows me to get another look at how anxiety can be caused to a child, and how it affects them into adulthood. This article touches on the fact that as children, we start having a sense of who we are, and if we start to feel badly about ourselves, it can continue to Bjorkenstam, Emma, et al. "Multi-Exposure and Clustering of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Socioeconomic Differences and Psychotropic Medication in Young Adults." PLoS ONE, vol. 8, no. 1, 2013, p. e53551. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, . Accessed 4 Nov. 2019.This article discusses how Adverse Childhood Experiences can affect the way people are in the future. They think that Alcohol abuse, deaths in the family, parental separation or single households can be causes of anxiety and depression. They also talk about how medication is used to ease these symptoms. Surveys and studies are also included. This is a reliable source because it presents statistics and also provides studies for evidence. It gave actual definitions of what the causes and effects were of the issues presented in childhood to contribute to adulthood. This article comes from a Public Library, so I would say it is classified as a reliable source.All In all, this contributes to my topic because it lists exactly what I needed to formulate a good idea and thesis. It gives great factual evidence, and it doesn’t give any type of opinion, so from this it is all on you to formulate your own opinion.Hurley, Katie. “Anxiety in Teens: The Hidden Signs of Teen Anixety You Need to Know.” - Mental Health Treatment Resource Since 1986, 26 Sept. 2018, hidden-signs-teen-anxiety/.This article talks about what the symptoms of anxiety are and how to tell if someone is experiencing it. Usually Sleep, Panic attacks, school performance, emotional and social changes can be factors in anxiety. You can usually tell if someone has anxiety because you can see a change in patterns, school, or if they look or act different. They also talk about what the symptoms of anxiety. These can be an upset stomach, dizziness, chest pain, and even feeling like you are going crazy. Those are only a few that are listed. But overall it gives a basic understand about what it is and how people are affected by It.This source is reliable because it gives you detailed summaries of what each symptom and factors are. They try to include as much detail as possible, so you can know if you need to address it or not. It gave very important and useful information for me to put into my argumentative essay. It is also a reputable psych website, so you know you can trust it.After reading this source I feel that I have a better understanding of the signs of anxiety, and what can cause it. Understanding what it is, and what can affect it helps you to be able to identify it within others. This helped me to have a better understanding of my topic, and what to do with it when it comes time to pick the way to go with it. ................

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