3 Minute Video Presentation Rubric

|3 Minute Video Presentation Rubric |

|  |Beginning |Developing |Accomplished |Distinguished |

| |8 |12 |16 |20 |

|Organization – |Difficult to follow. Poor |Portions may be poorly |Fairly well documented and |Program shows a continuous |

|Is your project presented in some |quality shows poor effort. |documented and/or organized. |organized. Format is easy to|progression of ideas and tells a |

|organized manner? | |Hard to follow the |follow. Good explanation |complete, easily followed story. |

| | |progressions of the video. |shows good effort. |Well organized. |

| | |Explanation shows some | | |

| | |effort. | | |

|Intro, Outro, and Credits – Does your |The video either has an intro|The video has an intro and an|The video has an intro and an|Intro and outro add to the high level|

|video begin and end with information to|or and outro. The |outro and it is of moderate |outro. It is consistent with|attained by this video. |

|help focus the viewer’s attention. |intro/outro is of low |quality. Credits/citations |the rest of the video. |Credits/citations are given to |

| |quality. The video does not |may or may not be present. |Credit/citations is given to |appropriate sources. |

| |use credits/citations at all.| |appropriate sources. | |

|Information –Does your video stay |Project’s usefulness is in |Project has problems staying |Video is focused on an |Video is laser focused on the topic. |

|focused on an informative topic? Does |question. Does not inform; |focused on topic. Information|informative topic. Video |The topic is very easy to understand.|

|your video provide easy to understand |does not stay focused on the |is incoherent at times. The |makes understanding the topic|The video demonstrates an obvious |

|information? Does your video |topic. No court case/primary |video shows a shallow depth |fairly accessible and easy. |depth of knowledge on the topic. |

|demonstrate the depth of knowledge of |document used in presentation|of knowledge on the topic. |Video demonstrates a depth of|Student went beyond the scope of the |

|the presenter? It must include at least| |Project is researched to a |knowledge on the topic. |assignment and the hard work shows. |

|one court case or one excerpt from a | |fair degree. Only one court |Project is well researched. |Excellent, well thought out |

|primary source!! | |case/primary source used and |Only one court case/primary |explanation shows superior effort. |

| | |it was questionably used or |document semi-appropriately |More than one court case/primary |

| | |cited. |used. |document appropriately used. |

|Creativity & Elements of Design – Is |Use of elements detracts from|Minimal use of design |Good use of graphics and/or |Excellent sense of design. Effective|

|your video interesting? Did your |video. Too many or too gaudy|elements. No transitions. |other design elements. Some |camera techniques used for the video |

|choice of elements such as film clips, |graphics; transitions, too |Sound is lacking or |transitions are |and pictures. Video and pictures are|

|pictures, colors, backgrounds, and |many clips, backgrounds |inappropriate or scratchy. |inappropriately placed. |in focus and of good quality. Smooth|

|transitions enhance the project? |and/or sounds detract from |Some pictures or video clips |Sound quality is OK. Video |transitions are appropriate and aid |

|Eye-catching colors and change of |content. Pictures or video |may be out of focus or |clips or pictures are clear |in delivery of the presentation. |

|image/camera angles every few second? |clips may be out of focus or |“shaky”. Some screens do not|and in focus. Images or | |

| |“shaky”. One image on screen|change angles/colors/words |camera angles change every 7 | |

| |for an elongated period of |very frequently. |seconds or so. | |

| |time. | | | |

|Music/Sound Effects/Voice – Does the |The audio or video is garbled|The audio and/or video |The audio and video effects |Audio/video effects flow exceeding |

|audio flow well? Is it of high |and hard to decipher. Too |effects are of moderate |are of acceptable quality. |well and are of high quality. |

|quality? |much background interference |quality. Some background |There are few distracting | |

| |and/or the video is of low |noises not related to the |aspects to the audio/video. | |

| |quality. |presentation are heard. | | |


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