Put Big Headline Here Font 48

Your story, in the same font, will continue here. This is also a good place to insert a picture.

Adding Pictures: Make SURE you highlight the picture, right click on it, format picture, go to layout, and click the “behind text” option. That way, you can move your picture around to where you want it.

Title can go here.

OR-you can just start typing your story. First, IN CAPITAL LETTERS, put the location of where your story takes place. Then, in size twelve Times New Roman font, write your story. Here’s an example:

FRUITA – Yesterday, in a failed attempt to take ownership of the Fruita 8/9 Library’s School Store, several 9th grade students barred the doors to the library and shouted, “It’s mine! It’s all mine!” They were, of course, referring to the candy. Once the boys realized that there wasn’t enough candy to get them through the day, they relented and went to class.

“This behavior is unprecedented,” stated the Fruita 8/9 librarian, Pam Middlemas. “It just shows the lengths one will go to in order to receive free candy. It’s so sad, really, that no one even thought to bar the door and take our lovely books hostage. Hmm.”

NOTE: All “small” (not big headlines) titles should be in size 20 font (this size).

All story text (unless it’s an advertisement) should be in size 12 Times New Roman.

Note: Borders are LOCKED! That means, if you get to the end of your space, the computer will let you keep typing. However, the bottom line of frame around where you are typing will disappear

To change the “frame” (border) around stories:

-Highlight the box that you want to change

-Click on Borders and Shading

-Choose “none” if you want no line around the story (which is typically how one would see a newspaper story)

-If you want there to be a frame around your text, just play around with this option a bit.



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Newspaper Title Here

Date of Publication † City where newspaper is published goes here. † Vol.1, No.1




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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