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Dear?Sixth?Grader,?I was in Mrs.?Masciantonio’s?6th?grade class last year, and I’d like to?welcome??you to it!?The teachers are, obviously, Mrs. Mas, Mrs. Yeagle, Mrs. Bieker, and Mr. Quinlisk.? 6th grade was my best year of school! There are many?adventures?this year and many?opportunities.?You can continue doing the?Jamison Today Show,?join Student Council, and get a?class job.?You can earn Kids Bucks and pick your own reward.??I really loved eating lunch with Mrs. Mas. She’s understanding, and you never have to be afraid to be open around her.??Once you’re her student, you’re a student for life!?My favorite subject was reading.?In reading, my favorite?theme?was?friendship-Finding Common Ground. For that theme, we read?Freak the Mighty.?The book is a realistic fiction?genre. It’s a definite read. I loved doing creative things with my reader’s notebook. My favorite independent book was?A Snicker of Magic. A book report I enjoyed was doing the fantasy PowerPoints.??We made a PowerPoint on a fantasy book we read in groups. Then, we made an?iMovie trailer?to persuade Mrs. Mas to turn it into a real movie. It was so fun. We pretended to be?movie directors, and shoot a movie on the book.?Mrs. Mas says to?read and?write?every night.??Why?it’s?important to read every night?? So here we go…...….one sec…. ok, I got it. Reading every night…. It’s important because it expands your vocabulary of words and your knowledge of knowledge. You gain a better understanding of things. Reading harder and new?genres?is a good habit to have.??That’s all I have to say.?Next. Math. I was in Pre- Algebra. That’s Mr. Q’s gig. There was a kid, Patrick, who said that the book gave a simple?equation?like 4x + 2= 14. But then, there would be a twenty-step solution to it. It made an easy problem so confusing.?Pre-algebra can be?hard and challenging. It tricked you with word play, but when you get it, it’s not that hard. Work hard and you’ll be fine!Science?and social studies?was really?fun. In Mrs.?Yeagle’s?class,?for example,?we?learned about the changes and formations on?Earth. For example, how glaciers changed the earth or?how moving?water changed the earth.? We could experiment, using clay as an earth.?After?science, we had social studies. In social studies,?we learned about?Ancient Mesopotamians and?Egyptians. We partnered up and?did skits on a lesson to teach our classmates.?Mrs. Mas loves writing. We typed narratives, informative pieces,??argument, and poetry?in writing.??Narratives?were?my favorite.?During spelling, we?have a spelling café where we do different?activities?to practice the words.?It mixed up regular book work and let you be creative. I completely stressed out during sixth grade assessment.?But when you present, it’s pretty fun.?I researched the Taj Mahal. Mrs. Mas gives great tips for making great?PowerPoints, like titles being sixty font and bullets start with a verb.?Just don’t stress out like I did?and work hard.?You’ll be proud of the outcome!If you?want to have a good year, here is good advice for you:?Be kind to others.Talk to Mrs. Mas if you need help with anything.?Make learning fun. Don’t let anything make your day bad.Take risks. Have a fabulous?sixth grade and good luck.??Sincerely,?? ????Eepsi?4147763-73942900 INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/D6IrdCIzm+KdAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC" \* MERGEFORMATINET Dear Sixth Grader,??Welcome to Mrs.?Masciantonio’s?sixth grade class! There are so many wonderful words to describe Mrs. Mas;?I can’t use them all in one sentence! You?will??love Mrs. Mas and have a wonderful year with her. In this class, we do many fun things such as class outside in the summers?to read?and?drink?hot cocoa?on?Fridays in the winter!?? We get to have class jobs and earn Kids Bucks for them.??It’s important to get a job and help the class.??My job was the store manager and that was a great job! In the?class?store,?the most popular items last year were?the following items:??Comfy Chair, Move that Mouse (extra computer time) and eating lunch with Mrs. Mas! My personal favorite?6th?Grade Activity?was Poetry Café because I really think it lets you express yourself.??Work hard on poetry days and you’ll have a wonderful anthology of poems in the spring.? There are so many great things about 6th grade.??You’re in for the best year ever!?Two subjects you will learn are language arts and ss and science! Mrs. Mas loves language arts and with get you involved in D.L.R (Daily Language Review) every morning.? With Mrs. Mas, you'll learn lots and lots of grammar and tips to be a good writer. In science, we switch classes every marking period, so you might have a chance to be with every teacher.? My favorite social studies topic was Mesopotamia because ancient cultures is so interesting.? My favorite science topic was Earth’s Changing Surface because of the experiments.???Before you start sixth grade there are a few important things you should know.??One thing you should know is to always try your best and be positive.??Another thing you should know is your grammar. During D.L.R Mrs. Mas likes to do cold calls,?so you should always stay alert and do your work.?A third thing you should know is that sixth grade assessment isn't really that bad and is kind of fun.? Pick a topic you like and work hard.?A fourth important thing you should know about is that?6th?grade?math is kind of hard so just watch out for that.? Pay attention in class and do your homework.???A fifth and final thing you should do is just have fun?and SMILE!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sincerely,????Ella?Dear Sixth Grader,?I was in Mrs. Masciantonio’s 6th?grade class last year, and I’d like to welcome to it! This year had so many great?experiences that younger kids don’t get to do?including Ropes,?Highpoint,?Poetry?Café and many more.?You can also try out for student council and help by being a Safety.?All these things were great, but the thing that made this year amazing is?your?teacher. Mrs. Masciantonio,?your?teacher, makes everyone feel special in their own way. She will care about you and support you by any means. She will be there whenever you need her to be.?She does brain breaks to mix up the day. She will help you during recess for math. ?She will teach you so many things.? Learning?is just?fun?with her.???Subject areas are the subjects we have in class.? My favorite subject area is science?and social studies.?They are?my favorite because I like to learn about?glaciers, Mesopotamia, and the?human?body.?Math is great when you have Mrs. Mas. We play a game called Zonk,?and it’s a blast.?The hardest thing I learned in math was a box and whisker plot. We did a fun graphing project in math.?During reading we read many good books like Freak the Mighty, a Wrinkle in Time, and many more. My favorite book was Way of the Warrior Kid. ?In writing,?you get great advice for PowerPoints, Word, and Excel. You also get to do 6th?grade assignment and many other projects. THE FIVE THINGS THAT YOU NEED FOR 6TH?GRADE ARE TO BE NICE?TO EVERYONE,? BE UNIQUE, BE DIFFERENT,?TELL YOUR TEACHERS THANK YOU, AND TO ALWAYS SMILE.?HAVE?A?FABULOUS?SIXTH?GRADE?YEAR?AND?GOOD? LUCK. 39897056384600 INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/9k=" \* MERGEFORMATINET SINCERELY,?JACKSON??Dear 6th?Grader,???I was in Mrs. Masciantonio’s class last year, and I’d?like to welcome you to it! Mrs. Mas puts?so much hard work in to her classroom to make learning as fun as possible for all her students. She provides a kind classroom community, willing to help anyone who is stuck along the way. You have many opportunities this year, as well as freedom.?I loved the activities the teachers planned.??Highpoint was a fun field trip. You can play laser tag, nucome, soccer, dodgeball, hockey, hip hop, jousting, tug of war, and of course swimming. You got to pick who you wanted to be in a group with even from other classes. Laser tag?and soccer?were?my personal favorite. They played the most popular music that we all loved and were dancing too. But it was a time to have fun with your friend and hunt them down during the game.?My personal favorite subject was math with Mrs. Mas. I got to see my friends from Mr. Q’s class and work with them. We learned a lot of fun thigs in different ways. You get to have a math partner. If your good, you can go outside and do your work occasionally. We work in stations sometimes too. If it’s partner work, we get to choose who we work with which I also enjoy. We?did a fun graphing project and had to present it, and played many fun games like Zonk, Cool math, xtramath.?The best part had to be?celebrating?pi day when we?ate?pie.?Overall, math has fun experiences and more freedom than 5th?grade.??5 things to prepare you for 6th?grade?are………?1.?Be respectful, you’ll get more opportunities.??2.?Always raise your hand because she loves when you participate.???3.?Always complete your homework or you must sign the homework book. No second chances.?4.?Be good in the lunch room so you can get free seat Friday at lunch.?5.?Make it you best year, because it’s your last.??Sincerely,? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/Rx75L+cbDvk4B9r3AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC" \* MERGEFORMATINET 36991633048000 Bryn Brown????Dear Sixth?Grader,?I was in Mrs. Mas’s 6th?grade class last year, and I’d like to welcome you to it! In?this, we did lots of group?activities. If you couldn’t already tell,?she’s a very positive and respectful person. ?She sees the glass half full?. ?You’ll?get to meet other teachers like Mr. Q and Ms.?Yeagle. You also get?4 FIELD TRIPS!??You’re able to?become?a Safety and help the younger kids.??There are also fun activities to look forward to, like Poetry Café and High point!??In 6th?grade,?you’ll also work hard.?The first thing we do?is?DLR (Daily Language Review)?which helps your writing and grammar skills.?You’ll learn?more writing,?math and reading.??Personally, my favorite reading theme?is?fantasy, but maybe yours is different.??You will get to learn about ancient cultures in social studies.? In science, you learn about the human body and the Earth.???Here are 5 tips for a GREAT school year:?Make sure you do your homework.? It counts for a grade.???Respect?everyone.?Everyone is important.???Pay attention.?It helps?you get?good?grades.?Be Yourself.?It helps?you be social with everyone.?Make?someone smile each day. One complement can change a lot for a person.?4114223785100?? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/IF0xRPa77vIAAAAASUVORK5CYII=" \* MERGEFORMATINET Sincerely,?? ??????????????????Kat?Borcheck????Dear?New?Sixth?Grader,?Last year I was in Mrs. Mas' class, too. She was the best teacher, and we had SO much fun!???Miss?Yeagle?and Mr. Q are also great teachers?too!? I?had Mr. Q for math.? If?you are in Mr. Qs class, be prepared for?fun?stories!??This year you will get to go to the ropes course, and work on team building exercises. You will also be able to go to peace valley,?be a safety,?6th?grade assessment,?student council voting, poetry café, and my favorite, high point. At high point you will get to swim, play sports, play games and do much more. Overall, you will?have?a great time in 6h grade.??In sixth grade you will?build your knowledge?more in math, writing, and reading. In social studies, you will learn about the very first?civilization, ancient Mesopotamia, early?hominids, and?ancient?Egypt.?In science you will learn about pollution,?the human body (but it’s not like human?growth?and development.) You will also learn about?how the?Earth’s?surface changes,?and you will be able to do fun science experiments to go along with the lessons.??Your year will fly by so fast.???41183228278100Words of advice:?Do your best?Be a good role model for the smaller kids? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/Z" \* MERGEFORMATINET Have fun?Make today count?A grade won’t define your life?? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/HnNHfK7JQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==" \* MERGEFORMATINET 457200000Enjoy your?final?year at Jamison!?? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/DwFb7w9GEta1AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/Z" \* MERGEFORMATINET Dear Sixth Grader,?You should be excited for 6th?grade. If you're not, well, you will be at the end of this letter. I didn’t know that YOU were going to get this letter or what you’re like. I don’t think I will ever know, but that’s not the point. The point is you are GOING to like 6th?grade. And that, is a fact.?There are a lot of things to be excited for in 6th?grade. The field trips, the activities, the projects. ALL fun. But not everything is going to be so fun. The truth is, sometimes it’s not supposed to be easy and all fun. 6th?grade is about getting you ready for middle school and ending your elementary career strong.? That could either make you scared or excited. Me??At first?I was scared, but I saw by the end of the year?thatI?had nothing to be sacred of?because I was prepared.? I knew there would be?more things to be excited for. You'll see.?Let me get into more detail. Some fun trips went to is to?Ropes,?Peace Valley, Poetry Café and Highpoint.? Highpoint is my favorite field trip we went on. There was swimming, dodgeball, and other activities. I enjoyed it very much. The?Peace?Valley field trip was?educational.?It was nice being outdoors for the entire morning, but?I hated walking around in my wet shoes. Poetry Café:??My all-time favorite activity we did in 6th?grade. It was so fun. Food. Music. Poems. Family.?Work hard on your poems each Friday.??You should be really excited?of all the fun things your teachers plan.???My favorite subject is writing.?I could write all day long and grow tired of it.??We did free writes?and graded pieces.??We learned about narratives, informative, argument and poetry.???Mrs. Mas really helped me with my spelling, conventions, and grammar. We do spelling tests every Friday. The D.L.R. helped tremendously too. I also liked reading.?We read?Hatchet,?Refugee, Edward Tulane,?Freak to Mighty, A Wrinkle in Time, City of Ember?and more. Some of my favorite?independent read?books are?Hunger Games?and?Ready Player One.?It’s really good?to read every night. I love reading so?I?do. I ready 20-60 min. Every night. It helps you practice your fluency. For math I had Mr. Q for math. I am advanced which means I must do more of it.?There is also science and social studies. My favorite science class was with Mrs.?Yeagle?because it was interactive with all the labs. I liked learning about Mesopotamia with Mrs. Mas. It was interesting?learning about ancient people.??Now I'm going to share with you the five things you should know about 6th?grade to have a great year. Number one, get kids bucks. Kids bucks make the year great because they “unlock” cool things. You can get colored pens and pencil cases. You can also get slips so you can?use a comfy chair for the day?or?enjoy?lunch with Mrs. Mas. The second thing.?Encourage the class to be good. If you are good you can get bingo chips. If you get bingo chips you get whole class rewards like extra recess. Third thing. Do your homework. If you don’t turn in a homework assignment you have to sign the homework book. You can’t have more than three a marking period. Forth thing. Enjoy your recess. You won’t have it in middle school. Fifth thing. Just enjoy your time as a 6th?grader. It won’t last forever. The year goes by in a blink.??One more thing. Have a happy?new?year! And good luck!??From,?CayleeSixth?Grade?Dear Sixth Grader,?I was in?Mrs. Masciantonio’s class last year,?and I’d love to welcome?you?to the BEST year of school you will ever have.?This was a very special year for?my classmates and?me. Sixth grade?pushes you to do your?best?but?rewards you with many perks.??Student Council and?the Ropes Course?were my?two favorite activities of the?sixth grade.? Let’s talk a little more about?these activities. Student Council?is an awesome?thing to participate in, I would highly suggest that you do it. Although?not everyone is picked, if you work hard on your presentation then you will?get to?run the March Madness tournament, perform a?halftime show,?and?make memories that will last for a long time. In the Ropes Course,?you get to?challenge yourself on the high and low ropes,?and?cheer on your other classmates. The trips were fun, but the teachers make the?year special too. The awesome teachers?are,?Mrs. Masciantonio, Mr. Q, and Ms.?Yeagle.?You will have?all?these?teachers for homeroom, math, and science.??My favorite?subject in sixth grade was?writing, I’ve really developed as a writer in Mrs. Masciantonio’s class. She?teaches grammar?and?how to develop important?writing?skills?like organization and style.?Writing?is a subject that is a blast in Mrs. Masciantonio’s?class!?Sixth Grade Assessment sounds hard, but with the skills you have from writing and PowerPoint skills, you will succeed.?Math was also another subject I had.??I was in Pre-Algebra, and I liked the challenge.??Reading is also a?subject that is fun in class.? Lots of strategies are taught so PSSA’s will?feel like a breeze.?We switched classes for social?studies and?science, so you will get a variety of subjects and personalities from the teachers.? Work hard?and make it your BEST year ever!??Here’s five tips?to survive?Mrs. Masciantonio’s class?Don’t talk about your favorite sports teams in class. Mrs. Mas?is a Steeler fan.?Be respectful to your?teachers and classmates.??Be KIND.? It goes a long way in life.?Participate in?class, it will gain you a good reputation in all classes.Have fun in sixth grade. Enjoy the moment. It goes by fast.?Have an awesome and fabulous year and good luck!??Sincerely,?Dallon?Smith???Dear 6th?Grader,??I was?in Mrs.?Masciantonio’s?class last year, and I would like to welcome you to it!??Mrs. Mas was the best teacher ever,?and you will really enjoy her.?This year was made special?in many ways from?your teachers to the fun activities.? The field trips are?ropes?course?and?Highpoint.??I recommend trying out for student?council because there are so many great opportunities?that get to happen.??Also,?Poetry?Café?was a special moment also. You get to write a lot of poetry. It felt amazing to go read one on the?podium.?? You will make so many special memories this year.???In?math,?you?will?either?take?pre-algebra with Mr. Q or stay with Mrs.?Mas?for math.?Mrs. Mas was an awesome?math teacher.?We with partners sometimes and in stations. We also played fun review games a lot. In writing,?we write poetry every Friday. We also did?lots of writing projects like narrative, research and argument.?In reading,?we?always start with a?great read?aloud books?and we?do a symphony.??In social studies,?we switch from class to class. Same with science.?I loved?science with?Mrs.?Mas. We did pollution and did fun activities and experiments.?I loved learning about?hominids?with Mr. Q.??You should know that?sixth grade is hard work. But, if you work hard, it pays off. You?always?must?stay focused.?Don’t?forget?your homework or you?must?sign?the?homework book.?Trust me, that’s no fun.? Be thankful that you get to learn so much at a great school.? Make everyone feel important.? Make every opportunity a fun experience!??Have a?fabulous?sixth grade?year and good luck.??56162811978400Sincerely,? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/w+3tCD6TlZzYQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==" \* MERGEFORMATINET Nathan??Dear Six Grader,?Last year I was in Mrs. Masciantonio’s 6th?grade class, and now I would like to welcome you to room 223. 6th?grade is one of my favorite years at Jamison!?You do so many fun activities?and you’ll even get a little second grade?buddy. We also go on a lot of field trips like Ropes Course, Peace Valley, and High Point. My favorite was High Point. We did laser tag, soccer, dodge ball, swimming and so much more. Poetry Café is fun and a lot of people are scared to read their poem but it’s actually wasn’t bad.? Everything?was so fun.?My favorite subject is math. We switch classes for math. My math teacher is Mrs. Mas. She is an amazing person/teacher.?She only gives one page of homework for math.??If Mrs. Mas is your teacher you are the luckiest 6th?grader. Mrs. Mas is the best teacher,?and I'm so grateful that she came to Jamison and was my 6th?grade teacher. She is so kind and anytime you need anything?she?is always there to help. She is such a fun teacher,?and she always makes learning?exciting. Sometimes,?if we are behaving she will let us do our work outside.?In math,?we do stations every once or twice a week. My favorite project that we did?in writing?was six grade assessment. I thought it would be so hard that we only had a week to finish but it wasn’t. I also thought it would be scary to present to Mrs. Mas and Mr. Croyal but it wasn’t. Six grade assessment was so fun.? We switched classes for social studies and science.? You will learn and grow a lot this year!???Five things you should know to have a great year?(even though it will already be great because of your amazing teacher Mrs. Mas)?Behave?in class.? Respect your teachers and classmates.?????Be?responsible.? Complete your work and homework.???Do your best.? Your effort matters.??? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/UAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC" \* MERGEFORMATINET Be nice to others.? Kindness counts.???395662712757700Have fun.? Smile!??Sincerely,???? Nina?Dear Sixth Grader,???I see that you have successfully passed 5th?grade and are now venturing into the?realm?of 6th?grade. Congratulations. In 6th?grade there are many activities such as Ropes Course,?HighPoint, and Poetry Café. My personal favorite was Poetry Café, but that’s just me.?I enjoy writing and enjoy poetry.??I think I did a pretty good job.?You're lucky to have Mrs. Mas. She's pretty chill.?? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/2Q==" \* MERGEFORMATINET Some subject areas include reading, math, social studies, and science. If I learned one thing?about algebra,?don’t take it too seriously. Yeah, right algebra. Whatever you say.?Mr. Q is the pre-algebra teacher, and the other teachers teach Math 6.??I would say Mrs. Mas loves language arts, but that’s understatement. She?lives?language arts.?(You’ll see why later)?You’ll?learn about five-legged winged bull men in Mesopotamia and common fibulas in science class.??I’d say one of the most feared things about 6th?grade is 6th?grade assessment. Trust?me?it’s not that bad.?If you want more information just go to Mrs. Mas’ website. She’ll do a better job explaining all this then I will.?? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/j9rA95jfqOKawAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==" \* MERGEFORMATINET I could give words of advice for you to make this year a good one, I’d say,?don’t do any a nincompoop would do. It will only hurt you later.?Sincerely, Pearl?2243455-73873600 INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/iBbs52g4AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC" \* MERGEFORMATINET Dear Sixth Grader,I was in Mrs. Masciantonio’s 6th?grade class,?and I’d like to welcome?you to room 223.?Mrs. Mas is an awesome teacher.? Any time I needed anything, I?went to her,?and she helped me.??6th?grade is a special year because it’s your last year of elementary school.??The teachers in 6th?grade?make you feel ready for Tamanend. They also make you feel you are a?part of something great.??In 6th?grade you get to do exciting things. Things like ropes course, poetry café, 6th?grade promotion, and many more. What made 6th?grade a special year for me is?Highpoint?and hanging out with my friends.?Highpoint is a great field?trip because you get to play?dodgeball, laser tag, basketball, swim and many more.??Because of the teachers and activities, you will for sure have a great year!?There’s so much to learn this year.??My personal favorite subject?is?Mesopotamia in Mrs. Mas’s?social studies?class. You hear a song in the beginning of class.? She also does?fun partner and group?activities.?You will NEVER?get bored because Mrs. Mas turns everything into a fun lesson!??DO NOT STRESS?during 6th?grade assessment. You can trust me because I’ve been through it.? You will do perfectly fine?because you will be prepared.??Here are 5 things to have a great year?in?6th?grade?Always try your best.?Never give up.?Have a great and fun year.?Complete your homework.???Live your last elementary year like it’s your best!??Sincerely,?Sai Patel?Dear Sixth Grader,??I am/was a 6M student who would like to welcome you to 6th?grade.??Mrs. Mas is very positive and exited to teach.??She smiles and makes every day fun.??My favorite thing about Mrs. Mas is everything.?You have lots of fun things to do during 6th?grade.??I really liked that she played music. One really fun thing is Ropes Course which is in the beginning of the year. Remember, if your group is good?together, then you can do more activities, making your time more fun. Another fun thing is having a buddy class. If you guys still have the 2nd?graders, be a good influence to them.?One?thing that might not seem too fun that is 6th?Grade?Assessment, but it’s not that bad.? If you pay attention and work hard, it’s?not as hard as it seems.?Choose a topic you can relate or connect to of that interests you. If you do that, it might jump start you. Also, make sure to be creative on the PowerPoint.??Mrs. Mas loves creativity!? 6th?Grade?overall helps you prepare for?middle school and?the years to come.?6th?grade is pretty hard, so you have?to work hard.??You do book clubs?in reading?and have great books that you can choose.? My favorite was the?City of?Ember. The social studies class is fun with Mr. Q?because?you don’t have tests!!!!!? One thing you need to know is always try to listen to it as best you can, and if you have Mr. Q for math, remember to ask for help if you need it.? I hear that Mrs. Mas math class is super fun.??Here is some advice to have a great year.??Don’t disturb the class by talking.?Pay attention.?Look at things at positive perspectives – Be a glass half full kind of person!?Be creative.? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/Z" \* MERGEFORMATINET Be yourself.??????????????????????? Sincerely,????????????????????????? Yana??90741513877700??Dear Sixth Grade Student,??Last year was a great year. I had so much fun with Mrs. Masciantonio. She was an?AWESOME?teacher!?You will be so happy to be in her class.?If you’re good, you get to do fun things.??I loved sixth grade. We have this system called bingo chips, and if we get bingo, we get to vote on a fun activity, like an extra reccess, or free computer time. I loved?the field trips like Ropes, Peace Valley and Highpoint. I LOVED sixth grade.??My favorite?subject was science. I love science. It is really fun. My favorite theme in reading is realistic-fiction. I was in Mrs. Mas’ math class too!?I love writing as well. I don’t?write?very neatly and hold a pencil wrong, but I still loved sixth grade.???To have a good year, you need to be focused. Listen to Mrs. Mas. If you listen to Mrs. Mas you will be all set. To have a good year, you also should participate a lot. Raise your hand if you know the answer. Mrs. Mas?LOVES?when you raise your hand and when you smile. Another thing to have a good year is to not give up. If you keep trying, you will succeed. But if you give up, you won’t succeed at anything. Next, make sure to try your hardest. Try hard and give your best effort. Keep trying until you get it. Finally you need to have a good time.? Make the best of every situation!??Have a fabulous sixth grade year and good luck!??Sincerely?? Tyler Brown?43226130653200? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/08/7bmfw3055bs8qzbbqywhxn000000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/2Q==" \* MERGEFORMATINET ?????? ................

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