World War I Activities Choices

World War I Layered Unit Project

Using what has been covered so far from the World War I unit, you will be doing a layered unit project. What a layered project does is allow a student to put responsibility into teaching themselves and deciding their own grade. By completing certain levels, you will receive a particular grade for how much work you complete. All students are required to complete the most basic level or they will receive a 0 as their project grade.

Directions: You have several choices for the activities you will complete for this World War I unit project. You even get to decide what grade you will make on this unit. First, complete enough Level C activities to earn 70 points then proceed to Level B, then to Level A. You will have one week to complete everything. You will be completing these activities in class with a partner but will also need to dedicate time outside of class as well if you are not finished with your work. You and your partner need to communicate with each other in order to complete all of your activities. Your partner will be assigned to you by Ms. Williams. You will turn in everything at once (either stapled together or in a folder) on the day it is due with each partner’s name on the work.

Level C (Choose activities up to 70 points) : You may not advance to Level B until you have completed the Level C activities for 70 points. (How to take a screenshot: press the ctrl and F5 button at the same time. Go to the downloads folder to retrieve the screenshot.)

____ “World War I: Would You Have Made a Good Officer?” Go online at and play

the game entitled “Would you have made a good officer?” Make screen shots of

your score and the conclusion at the end of the game. (10 points)

____ Listen to the music of World War I and read some of the song lyrics at


Make screen shots of the lyrics.

Which song made the best theme song for American soldiers in WWI? (10 points)

_____Complete up to two of the following online Homework Practice activities. Write out your answers.

(10 points each.)

____ Complete a chart or thinking map showing Allied, Central, and Neutral Powers (20 points.) Use the maps at or

____ Create a timeline of 6 events leading up to and during WWI. Use your notes or research from the internet to complete this (you can Google ‘World War I Timeline’ or ‘World War I Events’. (15 points.)

____ Illustrate the timeline above with photos of the events for an additional ten points. (10 points)

____ Create an advertisement for the people of Europe which gives the details of the Treaty of Versailles. () Use at least three pictures in this advertisement. (15 points)

_____Make a poster showing President Wilson’s Fourteen Points. (20 points.) Available at: or 's_Fourteen_Points

Level B (Choose one activity for 15 points) 

_____Activity 1. Assume the role of a World War I doctor in the trenches. After an

exhausting day of caring for the wounded, you decide to write a letter to your family

back home. In the letter you describe your feelings of frustration at the dangers faced

by soldiers and the limited supplies that you have to treat them. Use the websites

below to help you research your facts and find photographs to send with your letter.

_____Activity 2. The Flu Pandemic of 1918. Create a PowerPoint presentation with four slides in which you discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment for influenza (flu) in 1918. Include one slide in which you give death facts for soldiers and civilians in WWI. Each slide must have a photograph. Use the websites below to help you research your facts.

_____Activity 3. The Weapons of World War I. Create a webpage in which you

advertise at least five weapons which were used in World War I for the first time.

Describe the uses of each weapon and include a photograph of each one. Use the

websites below to help you research your facts. Put your webpage link on a sheet of paper.

Level A (Choose one activity for 15 points)

_____Create a poster using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher showing at least 10 facts about life on the home front during World War I. Use at least 5 photographs. Resources:

_____Write out a plan for a game designed to help middle school students learn about the reasons for America’s entry into World War I and the experiences of American soldiers in Europe. Your game plan should include a description and drawing of the game board, the object of the game, the rules, the topics discussed (WWI events), and the way to earn points. You do not actually have to create the game itself. You only need to describe the game and your game design.


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