Policies and Procedures for the Childminding Service

Policies and Procedures for the Childminding Service


Code of Behaviour

Every child in my care will be treated with respect.

I have a real love for children and do not have favourites.

• I respect each child as an individual whatever his/her background, culture, gender or ability, and I do not tolerate any form of bullying.

• I have an open door policy: a parent can drop in at any time. I always inform parents when any family members or house guests are present. I inform them of daily and weekly routines as well as any outings.

• I keep a record of any incidents and inform parents as soon as possible.

• I believe in maintaining regular, open communication with parents and carers.

I encourage children to make good choices and reward them using praise.

I never shout at children or put them down in any way, nor do I use physical or degrading punishment.


Positive Behaviour Management

Behaviour will be managed positively and in consultation with parents.

• The rules of this house apply to all children equally and are explained in an age-appropriate way.

• Clear boundaries are set for the children by using choices, setting routines and limits with follow through, which is all explained to the children so as to nurture their individual development.

• I encourage good behaviour through positive reinforcement and minimise bad behaviour through negative reinforcement.

• When constructive discipline is needed I do it gently, using distraction and redirection, helping the child to understand what’s wrong with his/her behaviour, and if necessary, time out from the other children with me, but not in isolation. It is always made clear that the behaviour is unacceptable and not the child.

• If challenging behaviour is persistent, I work with parents to tackle it together.

Child Protection

As a Childminder, the welfare of the individual children always comes first, in accordance with the National Guidelines for Child Protection, as described in Children First and Our Duty to Care.

Suitability of Person

• I offer two character references regarding my suitability to care for children, and I encourage parents to check on them.

• I keep an up to date Curriculum Vitae, to show both relevant training and experience with children.

• I have agreed/have received to Garda Vetting under the Voluntary Notification scheme, run on behalf of the Health Service Executive.

• I have a clean bill of health for Childminding from my doctor for Childminding insurance.


• I respect the privacy of the families I work with. No details about any child are ever discussed with anyone other than the child’s parents/guardians.

• All confidential records are kept in a secure place, as required by the Preschool Services Regulations (2006).

• The only exception to the above is in relation to Child Protection, when information would be shared with the social work service on a need-to-know basis in the child’s best interests.

Dealing with disclosures

If a child makes a disclosure of abuse:

• I will stay calm, listen to the child and reassure the child.

• I will not promise to keep secrets or ask leading questions.

• I will record in the child’s own words, and discuss it with the parent/guardians unless this could endanger the child further.

Reporting Procedure If there is reason to be concerned about a child in relation to a suspicion of abuse, I will take the following steps:

Record the concern or suspicion of abuse in a separate file to be stored confidentially. Discuss it with the parents/carers unless that could endanger the child.

Observe and keep a record if there are any further causes of concern

Ring the local Duty Social Worker for advice, without naming anyone. Tel no:

If so advised, make a formal report on the Standard Reporting form provided and forward it to the Duty Social Worker in the child’s area.

In emergency situations, contact the local Garda station. Tel no:


It is the policy of this childminding service to promote a hygienic environment and a high standard of personal hygiene for the adults and children.

Personal Hygiene

▪ Hands will be washed before and after food preparation.

▪ Nappies will be changed in the downstairs toilet on a changing mat, which will wiped done with anti-bacterial spray and disposable wipes after each use. Childminder will then wash her hands. The mat will also be washed daily.

▪ Children will wash their hands after toilet use, before mealtimes and after outdoor activities. This will be done under supervision.

▪ Disposable gloves will be used when cleaning up spills i.e. vomit and excrement. Spills of this nature will be cleaned using disposable paper towels, and disposed off in double plastic bags.


▪ Toilets, floors and surrounding walls will be cleaned and disinfected daily.

▪ Tables and work surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected after use.

▪ Floors will be cleaned and disinfected every day.


▪ All toys and equipment will be checked on a regular basis for wear and tear.

▪ Toys and equipment will be cleaned on weekly basis.

• All feeding equipment, utensils and toys (teething rings, rattles, soothers and etc.) that infants under 1 year are likely to mouth will be sterilised after use.

Health and Nutrition

This childminding service promotes good health through preventing illness where possible, and encouraging healthy eating habits and immunisations.


▪ Children who are sick may be excluded from this childminding service until such time as they are deemed well enough to return.

▪ If a child needs to take medication, the parent must give written consent and provide the medication. A record will kept of the time and doses administered and signed off by the parent.

▪ An up to date record will be kept of all children’s immunisations.


▪ Parents will provide balanced food for their children’s meals.

▪ Sweets and crisps are discouraged.

▪ Only healthy snacks are provided: fruit, yoghurts, raisins etc.

Sleeping Arrangements

▪ Children will not be put down to sleep in heavy clothing such as hoodies/shoes etc. nor with feeding bottles or cups.

▪ If a baby is having a nap, they will be checked every 10 minutes to ensure that the child stays sleeping in the correct position, and that the room remains properly heated and ventilated.

▪ A logbook will be kept recording the check times.


It is the policy of this service to well-prepared to deal with any emergency.


• In the event of a fire, children will be assembled outside, and the fire brigade will be called by mobile from there.

• Monthly fire drills will be held and recorded to familiarise the children with the procedure.


• In the event of an accident or sudden illness, the child will be either brought to a local doctor or to his or her own G.P; alternatively, a local doctor will be called to attend the child here.

• Parents will be notified immediately.

• The following people have agreed to stand in for me in such an event:

o Name of person

o Name of person

Signed: Dated:

Signed: Dated:


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