Reception - Literacy

|Week 1 |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|On the rug |(Link to PSED session) |In advance prepare a name card for each |Read Simpkin by Quentin Blake. Pause |Chn sit in a circle holding their name card. |Place name cards face up in centre of |

| |Sit in a circle. Introduce chn by |child. Chn sit in a circle. Put all |on each page to ask chn if they are |Look at diff things with chn’s names on |circle. Ask all chn whose names begin with|

| |going round circle and asking each |their name cards face up in centre of |like this (e.g. sensible or silly?) or|(drawers, coats, their work, etc). Why is it|sound /c/ to collect their name card. NB |

| |child to say their name. Whole |circle. Each child finds their own name |if they do this (go up and down stairs|important that these things have names on? |can begin with C (Clare) or K (Kim) but NOT|

| |class ‘claps’ the syllables in each|and sits back down in the circle. Ask chn|carrying lots of things). Discuss the|So we know who they belong to. Chn count the|Celia! Show chn cards with describing |

| |child’s name, e.g. Annie = 2 claps.|to trace the initial letter of their name |way his mum or dad would describe |letters in their name. Ask chn with 5 |words, e.g. jumping, clapping, lively, etc.|

| |Then choose some confident chn to |with a finger. Sort their names into |Simpkin if they were talking about him|letters to stand and clap 5 times, once for |Put cards in centre and ask chn to find a |

| |tell us ONE thing about themselves:|hoops according to initial sound. (Celia/|– he is sometimes nasty, sometimes |each letter. Repeat with diff numbers of |card that starts with same sound as their |

| |either something they really LOVE |Susan begin with the same sound.) Discuss|nice! Sometimes fast, sometimes slow! |letters. Make a block graph on f/c to sort |name. Make sure you have approp words for |

| |or something they really HATE, e.g.|how sometimes the same sound is written |Discuss what words chn might use to |names into those with 3, 4, 5 or 6+ letters. |all chn’s names. Read alliterative names, |

| |Amit loves dinosaurs and Hayley |with a different letter. Chn with same |describe themselves – sometimes brave,|Go round circle, chn put their name in |e.g. jumping Jack, clapping Kerry, talking |

| |hates sausages! |initial sound in name swap places. |sometimes scared… |appropriate place on graph to match no. of |Thomas, fantastic Phoebe, etc. |

| | |Repeat. | |letters. | |

|Guided task with|Easy |Medium |Hard |

|teacher |Chn use simplified ‘About me’ sheet (see resources) and – with help|Chn will each create a little ‘About me’ profile (see resources) |Chn use the profile (see resources) to create their own ‘About me’ |

| |- write their name. They dictate descriptive words to an adult and |sticking a picture of themselves and writing about their likes and |sheet. They write in each of the categories, using careful letter |

| |draw the pictures in the relevant spaces. They talk about the |dislikes with teacher helping/scribing some parts. Some parts may |formation and spaces between words. Help chn to begin to use capital |

| |things they like and hate, expressing themselves orally. |also be word-processed separately and stuck on. |letters at the start of their sentences. |

|Guided task with|Easy |Medium Chn make their own name card by writing their name using a |Hard Chn write their own name card but using an alliterative word |

|Teaching |Have name cards. Chn find their name card by listening for the |capital letter for the start and then small letters for the rest |before their name – e.g. Jumping Jack, Happy Hayley, Amazing Alice |

|Assistant |initial sound of their name. Make different sounds. Chn wave or |using correct letter formation. They choose their favourite colour to|(stress /a/ not ‘uh’ at the start of Amazing). Some may prefer to put|

| |jump when they hear their initial sound – give out their name card.|write with and decorate it with pictures of their favourite things. |an animal name, e.g. Anteater Alice. |

|Daily Code-Breakers session |

|Associated play |Chn print own name using foam letters. |ICT: Animated alphabet (Bembo’s Zoo site no longer |Chn write name or initial sound in |Role-play involving the telephone. Chn |Chn use letter-shaped |

|contexts |Make pretend ‘tickets’ and print names on |available but try): |trays of damp sand or play secret |ring up to make appointment. Give name. |cutters to make their |

| |them – what film are you going to see? | & hide names of ‘spies’ in |Chn write each other’s names in |name out of play |

| | |n&NR=1. Use to highlight initial sounds of names. |sand pit. |appointments book. |dough. |

|Relevant stories|Read You’re All Animals by Nicholas Allen. |Read Fingers and Toes (see |Read Titch by Pat Hutchins. Discuss how |Read some of All About You by Lawrence & |Chn choose favourite nursery rhymes to |

|or poems |Discuss how it feels to start school. |resources) adding the actions. |Titch feels small at the beginning but |Catherine Anholt. Discuss chn’s like and |sing tog. Chd choosing rhyme writes their|

| | | |better at end. |dislikes. |name on f/c. |

Every day there is a period of 5-10 minutes quiet reading when children share books and teacher reads individually.

|Week 2 |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|On the rug |Show chn Little Monster Did It! (Helen|Look at labels of objects or places |Read Whatever by William Bee. Pause as you |Remind chn of areas around the classroom |Tell chn they have explored the inside |

| |Cooper) Discuss what they can see on |around the classroom with picture |read to ask chn if they would like to do the |asking them to point as you say them. Now |of their classroom and areas around the|

| |the front cover. Read the book with |clues (see resources). What does each|thing Billy is doing (e.g. fly to the edge of|take their minds outside classroom. List on|school now they are going to think of |

| |chn, pausing to ask them who did some |label say? (chair, window, etc.) Read|outer space). Would they be impressed? At end|f/c diff areas around the school. Model |places they go to outside of school |

| |of the ‘naughty’ things (was it really|these labels together. Choose chn to |of book, ask chn why Billy got eaten! Discuss|sounding out and writing labels for each |(swimming pool, shops, church, play |

| |soft-toy monster?). Also pause to |put these labels in the correct places|things that they would like to do if they |place: hall, library, playground, etc.) |ground). Make a simple tally of who |

| |discuss how annoying it can be when |around the classroom. Can chn think |could – some of these should be magical (like|What do we do in the library? (read/change |goes where. Ask chn to pick a place on |

| |babies cry in the night, or have dirty|of any other labels that they have |flying to the edge of space) or a bit |books, story time) Some areas may have |the list and tell a partner what they |

| |nappies …etc. Encourage chn to relate |seen? E.g. in a shop on jars, tins or |unlikely (like playing the world’s curliest |several different uses (hall – eating, P.E.|do when they go there and who they go |

| |the story to their own experiences |packets, in clothes. Discuss brand |trumpet). Brainstorm good ideas… Note some of|Assembly). Ask chn to write on a w/b the |with. Encourage good talking, with chn |

| |with siblings. |names. Talk about environmental |these on the f/c. |1st letter or whole label of their |explaining where they go, who with and |

| | |labels. | |favourite place. Can they give a reason for|what for. |

| | | | |their choice? | |

|Guided task with|Easy |Medium |Hard |

|teacher |Divide page into two. Draw a place they like to go in the school |Decide on a place either in or outside of school they would like to |Look again at Whatever. Chn decide what exciting thing they would do.|

| |and a place they go to outside of school. Discuss their drawing |draw. Tell a friend why they have chosen this place. Copy from f/c “I|They discuss this with a partner, then draw a picture and a sentence |

| |with teacher who helps them label each side. Copy own name from |like going to…” Complete the sentence with the support of the |about this – remembering to use a capital letter and a full stop. |

| |name card. |teacher. | |

|Teaching |Easy (see resources) |Medium |Hard |

|Assistant |Ask chn to collect a different label from around the room & bring |Show chn a collection of familiar objects from around the room |Draw a picture of a place they like to go & give reasons for choosing|

|supported |them back to share & read with the group. Put all labels in the |(books, cars, blocks). Ask chn to identify objects & choose one to |it (friends, fun, make things, sing songs). Chn discuss possible |

| |middle & choose a different label to put back in the correct place.|write a label for. They can use labels displayed around the room to |sentences for their picture and write using a capital letter to begin|

| | |help them. |each sentence. |

|Daily Code-Breakers session |

|Associated play |Using a list pad (several long pieces of |ICT: Set up a simple page allowing|Give a pile of labels for things to make|Role-play involving a lost person. |Play a memory game in pairs. Place five |

|contexts |paper) circulate the classroom and make a |chn to match pictures with words |(see resources). Chn use Play Doh( to |The chn ask a friend for directions to a place|familiar objects from the classroom on a |

| |list of particular types of object, e.g. |by highlighting and moving the |make one of the objects named. Partner |in the local community. Where is the swimming |tray. Look, cover, remove an object & |

| |toys. Copy words accurately. |images. |has to say which label it is. |pool? Next to the church. |decide which one is missing? |

|Relevant stories|Tell the story of The Three Little Pigs. |Sing Head, Shoulders, Knees & |Read The Three Little Pigs in simple |Read Super Dooper Jezebel by Tony Ross. |Play Simon says. Ask chn to point to parts|

|or poems to read|Discuss what the houses in the story were |Toes. Ask chn for a new body part |rhyme (see resources) Ask chn to huff & |Discuss the things Jezebel did & compare with|of their body & then parts of the room or |

| |made of and what their house is made of? |to change the song (Head, elbows, |puff when they hear it in the rhyme. |chn’s own experiences. (play with friends in |where objects are kept. Simon says point |

| | |ankles, toes) | |mud or keep clean?) |to the reading corner. |

Every day there is a period of 5-10 minutes quiet reading when children share books and teacher reads individually.

Topic Suggestions

|Weeks |PSED |CLL |M |UW |EAD |PD |

| |Personal, Social and Emotional |Communication & Language / Literacy |Mathematics |Understanding the World |Expressive Arts & Design |Physical Development |

| |Development | | | | | |

|Week 1 |Who are we? |Week 1 in English plan |My age / ‘next’ number |Us as Babies / now |Self portraits |Body shapes |

| |Discuss who the chn are – their |Speaking and listening – |Discuss our ages. How old is each |Chn need to bring in photos of |Take a digital photo of each child |What shapes can we make with our |

| |names and one particular thing |Mon: talk about themselves; listen to a |child? Can they say their age? Can |themselves as babies. |and print on A4. They stick this |bodies? How small can we make |

| |that they LIKE or DON’T like – |partner/other chn. |they recognise that number on the |Show pictures of kittens /cats, |onto card. Then they draw a wiggly |ourselves? How tall can we make |

| |something they think says |Reading – |number line? Can they place it on |puppies/dogs and other animal babies|line down the middle and one or two |ourselves? How wide? How flat? With |

| |something about them. E.g. ‘I am |Tues: Read their name, recognise initial |the number line? What number comes |and adults. Talk about how people, |wiggly lines across the picture. |two of us, can we make our bodies |

| |Jimmy and I am obsessed with |sounds. |next? How old will they be next |just like other mammals, grow in |They cut it into 4 or 6 pieces and |form a square? A circle? A triangle?|

| |snakes!’ Or ‘I am Eva and I hate |Wed: Listen with attention to story/ relate|year? |their mother’s tummy, then are born,|mount the pieces a little apart to |What other shapes can we make? |

| |spiders…’ Combine this with |to own experience. |Extend to using ages of older |then are babies and then become |create a fractured picture of | |

| |English for writing. |Writing – |siblings. |children then adult (grown-up). |themselves. | |

| | |Thurs: Recognise/identify letters required | | | | |

| | |to write own name. | | | | |

| | |Fri: Identify phonemes in name. | | | | |

|Week 2 |What I think and do! |Week 2 in English plan |Birth Months |Our locality |Musical bodies |Body moves |

| |Think about where we go with our |Speaking and listening – |Ask the chn to say how old they are.|Where are we all living? Which |Play a musical instrument that |Discuss how different parts of our |

| |families or friends to meet up or|Wed: Respond to a story with imagination |Do they have any younger/older |town/village/part of the city? Which|matches parts of their bodies |bodies move (backwards/forwards/ |

| |to relax. What leisure activities|and enthusiasm. |siblings? If so, do they know how |streets? Make a 3-d map of our |(triangle or bells/fingers or toes, |side-to-side) They can also move |

| |do we do together? |Fri: Talk clearly about own experiences and|old they are? Recite the 12 months |immediate locality using plasticine |tummy/drum). Play the instruments |fast and slow. Play some music or a |

| |RE |listen to others. |of the year. Ask chn to share the |on card (see picture resource for |while chn pat the relevant parts of |musical instrument. The chn listen |

| |Also talk about going to |Reading – |month they were born, helping them |ideas). |their bodies. Chn listen for the |to the speed of the music – if they |

| |Church/Mosque/Temple etc. For |Mon: Listen with attention to story/ relate|along if they are unsure. Write | |change in sounds/instruments and |think the music is slow they move |

| |special occasions (e.g. baptisms |to own experience. |their names next to their birth | |change the body part they pat. |their bodies slowly. Encourage chn |

| |christenings, funerals, weddings)|Tues: Read labels and recognise initial |month. | | |to move in different directions. |

| |or every week for worship or |sounds to help read these. | | | | |

| |prayer. |Writing – | | | | |

| | |Thurs: Begin to use initial and other | | | | |

| | |sounds in words to write new words. | | | | |

|Focus for Week 1 |Chn will think about who they are, what they like and what they don’t like. They listen to each other and find out about others in the class. They rehearse and/or consolidate reading and |

| |writing their own names. |

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Objectives for Week 1 |Maintain attention, concentrate and |Hear and say the initial sounds |Listen to stories, accurately anticipating|Segment the sounds in simple words |Hear and say the initial sounds in |

| |sit quietly during appropriate |in words. [R] |key events and respond to what they hear |and blend them together and know |words. [R] |

| |activity. [L&A] |Link sounds to letters, naming |with relevant comments, questions or |which letters represent some of them.|Use phonic knowledge to decode |

| |Follow instructions involving several|and sounding the letters of the |actions. [L&A] |[R] |regular words and read them aloud |

| |ideas or actions. [U] |alphabet. [R] |Extend vocabulary, especially by grouping |Link sounds to letters, naming and |accurately. [R] |

| |Express themselves effectively, |Begin to read words and simple |and naming, exploring the meaning and |sounding the letters of the alphabet.|Demonstrate understanding when |

| |showing awareness of listeners’ |sentences. [R] |sounds of new words. [S] |R] |talking with others about what they |

| |needs. [S] | |Use talk to organise, sequence and clarify|Demonstrate understanding when |have read. [R] |

| | | |thinking, ideas, feelings and events. [S] |talking with others about what they | |

| | | | |have read. [R] | |

|Teacher activity |Easy |Medium |Hard |

| |Extend vocabulary, especially by grouping and naming, exploring the|Write own name and other things such as labels and captions.|Use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which |

| |meaning and sounds of new words. [S] |[W] |match their spoken sounds. [W] |

| |Use some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, |Attempt to write short sentences and meaningful contexts. |Write some irregular common words. [W] |

| |representing some sounds correctly and in sequence. [W] |[W] |Write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and |

| |Write own name and other things such as labels and captions. [W] |Use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which |others. [W] |

| | |match their spoken sounds. [W] |Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically |

| | | |plausible. [W] |

|TA activity |Easy |Medium |Hard |

| |Hear and say the initial sounds in words. [R] |Use some clearly identifiable letters to communicate |Write own name and other things such as labels and captions.|

| |Link sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the |meaning, representing some sounds correctly and in sequence.|[W] |

| |alphabet. [R] |[W] |Use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which |

| | |Write own name and other things such as labels and captions.|match their spoken sounds. [W] |

| | |[W] |Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically |

| | | |plausible. [W] |

EYFS objectives covered ~ English

|Focus for Week 2 |Chn become familiar with their immediate surroundings and think about areas around the school and places they go outside of school. They read and write labels, make lists of familiar words and|

| |begin to write short simple sentences. |

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Objectives for Week 2 |Listen to stories with increasing |Begin to read words and simple |Listen to stories with increasing |Hear and say the initial sounds in words. |Extend vocabulary, especially by |

| |attention and recall. [L&A] |sentences. [R] |attention and recall. [L&A] |[R] |grouping and naming, exploring the |

| |Listen to stories, accurately |Use phonic knowledge to decode |Listen to stories, accurately |Segment the sounds in simple words and |meaning and sounds of new words. [S] |

| |anticipating key events and respond |regular words and read them |anticipating key events and respond |blend them together and know which letters |Link statements and stick to a main |

| |to what they hear with relevant |aloud accurately. [R] |to what they hear with relevant |represent some of them. [R] |theme or intention. [S] |

| |comments, questions or actions. [L&A]|Read some common irregular |comments, questions or actions. [L&A]|Begin to read words and simple sentences. |Use talk to organise, sequence and |

| |Listen and respond to ideas expressed|words. [R] |Express themselves effectively, |[R] |clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and |

| |by others in conversation or |Demonstrate understanding when |showing awareness of listeners’ |Use some clearly identifiable letters to |events. [S] |

| |discussion. [U] |talking with others about what |needs. [S] |communicate meaning, representing some |Use past, present and future forms |

| | |they have read. [R] | |sounds correctly in sequence. [W] |accurately when talking about events |

| | | | |Use their phonic knowledge to write words |that have happened or are to happen in |

| | | | |in ways which match their spoken sounds. |the future. [S] |

| | | | |[W] | |

|Teacher activity |Easy |Medium |Hard |

| |Express themselves effectively, showing awareness of listeners’ |Express themselves effectively, showing awareness of |Write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and |

| |needs. [S] |listeners’ needs. [S] |others. [W] |

| |Write own name and other things such as labels and captions. [W] |Use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match|Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically |

| | |their spoken sounds. [W] |plausible. [W] |

| | |Write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and | |

| | |others. [W] | |

|TA activity |Easy |Medium |Hard |

| |Segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together and know|Use some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning,|Use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match|

| |which letters represent some of them. [R] |representing some sounds correctly and in sequence. [W] |their spoken sounds. [W] |

| |Use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud |Use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match|Write some irregular common words. [W] |

| |accurately. [R] |their spoken sounds. [W] |Write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and |

| |Read some common irregular words. [R] |Write some irregular common words. [W] |others. [W] |

| | | |Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically |

| | | |plausible. [W] |


EYFS objectives covered ~ Personal, Social and Emotional Development

|Week 1 |Confident to try new activities, and say why they like some activities more than others. [SC&SA] |

|Week 2 |Confident to speak in a familiar group, will talk about their ideas, and will choose the resources they need for their chosen activity. [SC&SA] |

| |Talk about how they and others show feelings, talk about their own and others’ behaviour and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable. [MF&B] |

EYFS objectives covered ~ Physical Development

|Week 1 |Show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. [M&H] |

| |Move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. [M&H] |

|Week 2 |Show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. [M&H] |

| |Move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. [M&H] |

EYFS objectives covered ~ Maths

|Week 1 |Count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. [N] |

|Week 2 |Use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to solve problems. [SS&M] |

EYFS objectives covered ~ Understanding the World

|Week 1 |Talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. [P&C] |

| |Make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes. [TW] |

|Week 2 |Know about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. [TW] |

| |Talk about features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another [TW] |

EYFS objectives covered ~ Expressive Arts and Design

|Week 1 |Safely use & explore a variety of materials, tools & techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form, function. [EUM&M] |

|Week 2 |Sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them. [EUM&M] |

Scroll down for the abbreviations used in the tables above

Book List

Simpkin by Quentin Blake (Red Fox 978-0099302308)

Little Monster Did It! by Helen Cooper (Corgi Children’s Books 978-0552528276)

Whatever by William Bee (Walker Books 978-1406301335)

Relevant stories to read

You’re All Animals by Nicholas Allen (Red Fox 978-0099411253)

Titch by Pat Hutchins (Red Fox 978-0099262534)

All About You by Laurence and Catherine Anholt (Mammoth 978-0749712976)

The Three Little Pigs (Ladybird 978-1846469954 or 978-1409306320)

Super Douper Jezebel by Tony Ross (Andresen Press 978-1849390163)


Bembo’s Zoo site is sadly no longer available, but this video takes you through the alphabet in order

The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’) have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links, changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use. Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.

Abbreviations for Objectives Tables

|Area of Learning and Development |Aspect |Abbreviation |

|Prime Areas |

|Personal, Social and Emotional Development(PSED) |Making relationships |MR |

| |Self-confidence and self-awareness |SC&SA |

| |Managing feelings and behaviour |MF&B |

|Physical Development (PD) |Moving and handling |M&H |

| |Health and self-care |H&SC |

|Communication and Language (CL) |Listening and attention |L&A |

| |Understanding |U |

| |Speaking |S |

|Specific Areas |

|Literacy (L) |Reading |R |

| |Writing |W |

|Mathematics (M) |Numbers |N |

| |Shape, space and measures |SS&M |

|Understanding the World (UW) |People and communities |P&C |

| |The World |TW |

| |Technology |T |

|Expressive Arts and Design (EAD) |Exploring and using media and materials |EUM&M |

| |Being imaginative |BI |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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