
Broomhill Road


Bristol BS4 5RQ

Tel: 0117 977 7766

Fax: 0117 972 3351




1 x 35 hours per week

1 x 14 hours per week, both positions term time only, permanent

1 x 20 hours per week, term time only, maternity leave cover

Required from ASAP

Closing date for applications: 23.59 on 22 May 2015


Faith in Learning

St Brendan's Sixth Form College opened in 1979 on the site of the former direct grant grammar school and is now housed in a new, fit for purpose campus with a student population of over 1700 full-time students and approximately 200 members of staff.

St Brendan's is a designated institution under the 1992 Further and Higher Education Act and continues to operate under the Trust Deed held by the Diocese. The majority of the Governors are appointed by the Trustee, the Bishop of Clifton. The College has a full-time Chaplaincy Leader.

We are a Catholic College that:

• Welcomes everyone

• Fosters the development of the whole person

• Helps everyone achieve their full potential

• Develops mutual respect and positive encouragement

The College has a well qualified, experienced and highly committed staff who create a friendly, welcoming and disciplined environment in which students can succeed. The overall aims of St Brendan's are found in the mission statement reproduced below:

St Brendan's mission is:

To serve the Catholic and wider community by providing post-16 education in a sixth form environment, underpinned by Christian values and ideals. The College strives

• For excellence in teaching and learning

• To act in the spirit of the gospel

• To provide experience of a Christian community

• To support each individual as an unique creation of God

As part of our Catholic ethos we believe in respect for all individuals. We recognise and celebrate the enrichment that diversity brings to us all. We welcome staff from diverse backgrounds, traditions and faiths including those from under-represented groups and minorities.


St Brendan's is a Catholic Sixth Form College located on the A4 between Bristol and Bath. We are a multi-cultural, multi-racial community with staff and students from a variety of backgrounds and religious traditions. The College welcomes students of all faiths and those of no faith and everyone is equally welcomed and valued.

The College is designed principally to provide education for sixth form students. We welcome prospective young people from a wide region in a radius of approximately 20 miles. These come mostly from our partner schools and approximately 70 other secondary schools in the Bristol, Bath and South Gloucestershire area, but a number come from farther afield and some from abroad.

The College strives to live up to the teaching of the Second Vatican Council that ‘all, of whatever race, condition or age, because of their dignity as human persons, have an inalienable right to education. This education should be suitable to the particular destiny of individuals and adapted to their ability.’ The College, therefore, works hard to offer all students an individual programme of study tailored to their personal needs. The majority of St Brendan’s student’s progress to Higher Education at institutions throughout the UK, including Oxford and Cambridge. Others embark on apprenticeships or start their career at the conclusion of their studies.

The College aims to provide an experience of Catholic education and of a community which will enable students to develop intellectually, emotionally and spiritually as well as academically.

Staffing and Structure

The College Management Team consists of a Principal, Vice Principal, Assistant Principal, Head of Teaching, Learning & Assessment, Head of Curriculum & Progression, Head of Support Services, Head of Learning Development & Safeguarding and Head of Human Resources.

The Head of Teaching, Learning & Assessment works with a team of four Directors of Faculty and one of the two Quality Managers. The Head of Curriculum and Progression has a specific whole-college responsibility related to all curriculum and student progression matters and manages one of the two Quality Managers, the Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) team, and Learning Resources Centre staff.

The Head of Learning, Development & Safeguarding leads the Learning Development team, in providing critically important support to students with learning disabilities or difficulties, as well as having College-wide safeguarding responsibilities. They also lead the Attendance and Bursary team. The Head of Support Services has whole-college responsibility related to all student matters (enrolment, admissions & tutorials), and this includes the Pastoral Support team, the Administration team, and Student Liaison Officer. The Head of Human Resources is responsible for all HR processes and CPD activities.

The work of the College is well supported by Administrative, Finance, Human Resources, IT, Marketing, Library/LRC, Technical and Premises staff.

Students and Courses

Students are admitted through a central College admissions procedure. Each student is allocated to a tutor group in the care of a Pastoral care Assistant who are responsible for the welfare, progress and achievements of their tutees.

The College offers a broad range of GCE A/AS level and BTEC Level 3 and Level 2 courses together with a limited number of essential ‘key’ GCSE. In addition, an enrichment programme incorporating Religion, Philosophy & Ethics, Special Interest courses, Careers, Personal and Social Education, Functional Skills - English and Mathematics and ICT (levels 1 and 2) is provided.

There is a Students’ Union with its own committee which arranges social events and student facilities within the College. The Governing Body includes two elected student members (in addition to the two staff members). There is a well developed process for hearing the learners’ voice through Tutor Representatives, a Student Council and Student Forums.

Physical Resources

The College is situated in spacious, pleasant grounds on the outskirts of Bristol. The new main building opened to students in September 2009, and our brand new building D which officially opens after Easter 2015, includes:

• Extensive specialist teaching spaces for Science, Art & Design, Photography, Drama, ICT and Computing

• Well equipped classrooms for many other subjects and tutorial activities

• New learning resource centre, offering access to the internet, intranet and student email, plus an impressive book stock and a range of journals and newspapers

• Learning support suite

• Chapel at the heart of the College

• Modern, open refectory and coffee shop selling a good range of nutritious meals, snacks and drinks

• Open IT suites to support subject delivery and student ‘drop in’ study

• Offices, server rooms and other space essential for support of teaching

• A county standard sports hall with facilities for tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton, indoor football, etc

• A fully equipped dance studio with sprung flooring

• A commercial standard fitness suite

• Changing facilities

• Teaching rooms

Environment & buildings

Buildings have been designed with the environment in mind and will utilise ground source heating, rain water harvesting (for flushing toilets), photovoltaic cells to general electricity and systems to control ventilation and room temperature.

Buildings have been refurbished to provide excellent resources for Modern Foreign Languages, Media and Film Studies. These retained buildings include further specialist provision for Performing Arts, including recording studio and practice rooms and provision for other classroom based subjects, such as English. All the buildings have been designed to facilitate physical disability access and, with the exception of E building, are joined together at first floor level.

Equality and Diversity

The College is fully committed to the Equality Act 2010. All staff, students and guests to the College, are entitled to expect a positive and welcoming environment. The College seeks that the employment experience of staff and learning experience of students will be based on merits, abilities and potential, regardless of sex (including transgender), race, ethnic or national origin, religion and belief, socio-economic background, marital/civil partnership status, family circumstances, (including pregnancy and maternity), disability, sexual orientation and age (students are subject to age related admission criteria). Positive action may be taken by the College when there is recognised underrepresentation within the staffing population and/or student body.

The College’s Equal Opportunities Policy, Equality Scheme and objectives are published on the College website.

Safeguarding Children

The College is wholly committed to Safeguarding Children through its Safer Recruitment procedures. The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 does not apply to applicants for our vacancies due to our being a ‘specified setting’.

Any offer of employment is therefore subject to a satisfactory enhanced Disclosure Barring Service Check. Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar you from working for St Brendan’s Sixth Form College. This will depend on the offence and the relevance of the offence in relation to the position applied for. The factors taken into account by the College will include the responsibilities of the position, the vulnerability of our students, the nature of the offence(s), the number and pattern of the offences (if there is more than one), how long ago the offence(s) occurred and the age of the offender when the offence(s) occurred.

New starters at the College will conduct online Safeguarding training as well as being trained regarding the College’s own safeguarding procedures.

The Learning Development Department

This expanding team consists of over 11 full/part time staff.

Our aim is to promote the student's independence by working with the student to adopt strategies and develop skills to enable access to College enrichment opportunities and engage in academic study.

Where a student is identified as being a High Needs Student support is individually tailored to their requirements, this package of support could include in class support, 1:1 study skills sessions, welfare and enhanced pastoral support, access to our Psychotherapist, personal care and exam considerations.

The Learning Development Team facilitate small group and 1:1 opportunities to develop literacy and numeracy skills, we also provide in class learning support assistants for theory sessions in level 2 courses.

We liaise with teaching and pastoral staff to ensure the support students receive is delivered consistently.


|POST |Learning Support Assistant x 3 positions. 1 x 35 hours per week, 1 x 14 hours per week, |

| |both term time only, permanent. 1 x 20 hours per week, term time only, maternity leave |

| |cover. |

|SALARY SCALE |Support Staff salary spine for Sixth Form College, points 22-25, currently £17,968 - |

| |£19,875 per annum, pro rata. |

|JOB AIM |To work as part of the Learning Development Team providing targeted and specific support |

| |to students identified with High Needs to develop skills and strategies to achieve the |

| |best possible outcomes, and to provide additional learning support to other learners as |

| |appropriate. |


Main Duties & Responsibilities

1. To work with targeted students identified as having additional needs, either in a 1:1 or small group situation or in class as appropriate.

2. To support individual students with additional needs to set targets which focus on improving their outcomes and removing any skills gaps, paying particular attention to difficulties associated with their specific learning difficulties or impairments.

3. To support the initial assessment process, and to work with the Learning Development Manager and Senior LSAs to use this and other information (e.g. reports from schools) to implement strategies to be included in students’ Initial Needs Assessment Form, and subsequently to implement those strategies.

4. To plan and review the progress of individual students against specific targets, setting achievable but challenging objectives.

5. To liaise regularly with teachers and other staff in relation to the needs of targeted students, and to take part in the differentiation of lesson plans/SOWs, where appropriate as directed by teacher or SLSAs to ensure all student needs are met.

6. To provide practical support to students with additional needs as required and identified in their Education Health Care Plan/Statement or initial assessment e.g. personal care, note taking, adaptation of resources etc.

7. To support the College strategies on literacy and numeracy and to work purposefully with students to develop these skills either in an in-class setting, small groups or individually.

8. To make a relevant and significant contribution to the preparation and delivery of small group sessions for identified students aimed at specific learning difficulty skills development or literacy or numeracy improvement.

9. To act as invigilator, amanuensis, reader or exam support to identified students as required.

10. To assist teachers with planning the differentiation of support for students with additional needs, and to assist in the evaluation of strategies implemented.

11. To work from the social model of disability and to promote disability equality for all students with additional needs, ensuring that all reasonable adjustments are made (e.g. access to the curriculum, information and the environment).

12. To promote and support inclusion in all academic and social settings for students with additional needs, ensuring they are able to take a full part in College life.

13. To empower students with additional needs to take more responsibility for managing their support requirements and move towards independent living and a successful transition out of College.

14. To complete all paperwork required by the Department and College or for audit purposes e.g. to claim funding for students with additional needs and to evidence support provided.

15. To ensure that all records, information and data on students is handled sensitively and confidentially and that the requirements of the Data Protection Act are maintained.

16. To develop resources to be stored centrally for use by students and the Learning Development Team.

17. To liaise with the students’ Pastoral Support Tutors or other relevant staff over any concerns relating to students’ general welfare, attendance or performance.

18. To raise any significance concerns about a student’s welfare or progress with a Senior Learning Support Assistant or the Learning Development Manager, so they can take further action or liaise with the relevant internal staff or external agencies.

19. To undertake professional development as required including keeping up to date with changes in provision of learning support, funding, legislation and national policy etc.

20. To contribute to the success of the Learning Development Team, and the College as a whole through attendance and participation in staff meetings and other events relevant to the development of the Department as requested by the Learning Development Manager.

21. To supervise groups of students within the Learning Development area, and to contribute to supervisory arrangements for students during break times, College trips and other relevant activities.

General Responsibilities

(a) To become familiar with College procedures and regulations, as set out in the Staff Handbook and other documentation, as appropriate to the responsibilities held, and to follow these.

(b) To co-operate in the preparation and development of College policies and procedures.

(c) To relate to students and colleagues in a manner which reflects the commitment of the College to witness to the value of Christian ideals.

(d) To participate in appropriate meetings with colleagues relative to the above duties.

(e) To implement the College Health and Safety policies currently in force.

(f) To work within the College’s Equality & Diversity Policy at all times.

(g) To wholly support and adhere to safeguarding requirements of the College and Independent Safeguarding Authority including reporting to the nominated designate within the College any concerns relating to child safety and behaving in an appropriate and professional manner at all times in dealing with young people.

(h) To participate in arrangements made for the Appraisal of your performance and that of other staff in the light of the responsibility for the Appraisal of staff that is laid on the College Principal by Article 5(2)(c) of the College's Articles of Government.

(i) To carry out such other duties as the Principal may from time to time reasonably determine.

| | |

|PERSON SPECIFICATION |Learning Support Assistant |

|All staff must make a positive contribution to: | |

|• the Catholic ethos of the College and its distinctive nature; | |

|• the College Equality and Diversity Policy; | |

|• the pursuit of excellence and the highest standards of quality in all aspects of College life; | |

|• own professional development, in accordance with the needs of the College. | |

| |How assessed? |

| | | | | |Present|

| |Essential |Desirable |Applica|Intervi|ation /|

| | | |tion |ew |Mini-le|

| | | |Form | |sson/Ta|

| | | | | |sk |

|Relevant |Several years’ experience of working with young people (14-19) including those with additional |Successful experience of working in a learning development environment with |( |( |( |

|experience |needs in an educational environment. |post 16 students. | | | |

| |Experience of developing individual learning plans for young people. | | | | |

| |Good understanding of the range of learning difficulties and disabilities. | | | | |

| |Good understanding of the social model of disability and mental health | | | | |

| |Good understanding of inclusion and the support required to include a range of students with | | | | |

| |additional needs | | | | |

| |Good understanding of child protection/vulnerable adults processes and of safeguarding | | | | |

| |requirements | | | | |

| |Ability to set effective targets for students and to monitor their progress | | | | |

| |Ability to empower young people to move towards independent living | | | | |

| |Ability to provide personal care to disabled students if required | | | | |

|Qualifications / Education |A good standard of education normally to Level 3 (minimum Maths & English GCSE or equivalent). |Relevant L4 qualification eg in Learning Support. |( |( | |

|and Training | | | | | |

|Knowledge |Excellent IT skills | |( |( |( |

|& Skills |Good communication, interpersonal and presentation skills. | | | | |

| |Ability to deal calmly, professionally and effectively with a diverse group of people at all | | | | |

| |levels both within and outside the College. | | | | |

| |Tact, diplomacy, discretion and ability to maintain confidentiality, particularly in relation to | | | | |

| |personal and sensitive information | | | | |

| |Ability to work to and achieve tight and /or changing deadlines | | | | |

| |Good organisational skills, ability to prioritise for self and others and work on own initiative. | | | | |

| |Thorough, detailed approach to work. | | | | |

| |Good team skills and the ability to network effectively. | | | | |

| |Ability to motivate individual learners | | | | |

|Personal |Motivated and ambitious |Recent evidence of continuous improvement and personal development (CPD) | |( |( |

|qualities |A good rapport with 16-19 age group | | | | |

| |Flexibility to work through complexity and uncertainty | | | | |

| |Relentlessly enthusiastic, reliable and committed | | | | |

| |Acting with integrity, honesty and openness | | | | |

| |Self-awareness | | | | |

| |Ability to work with confidence and influence others | | | | |

| |Fast learner | | | | |

| |Commitment to the mission and vision of the College | | | | |

| |Commitment to individual, organisation and team goals | | | | |

| |Commitment to continuous improvement and personal development | | | | |

| |Flexibility to work through complexity and uncertainty | | | | |

| |Good use of high-level interpersonal skills | | | | |

| |Sensitivity to others | | | | |

|Other |To support the College’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion in all its forms | | |( |( |

| |To maintain the College’s commitment to safeguarding | | | | |

| |

|Reflecting on Relationships with Others in our College Community – our expectations |

|The College has identified a set of behaviours we should expect from each other as colleagues in our day to day working. |

|These behaviours do not examine technical competence rather they identify the behaviour patterns that we value and expect all our employees to exhibit. |

|As a Member of Staff. |I endeavour to educate the whole person. |

| |I recognise each student as of equal value. |

| |I keep learners safe. |

| |I celebrate all of my learners’ achievements and carefully and sensitively balance praise and challenge. |

| |I use all tools available to help learners reach to achieve their full potential; challenging learners and inspiring them to be the best they can be. |

| |I encourage and support learners on their academic journey and faith journey. |

|Colleague to Colleague |I show integrity. |

|Relationships. |I recognise that all staff are of equal value and should be treated as such. |

| |I am sensitive to the needs of others and make time to listen to colleagues. |

| |I build positive and productive working relationships with all colleagues. |

| |I set an example in what can be achieved. I work collaboratively and share gifts and expertise. |

| |I encourage others to reflect and contribute to discussion. |

| |I keep colleagues informed of developments that may affect them. |

| |I will always help others to achieve results and make their work a success. |

| |I adopt an open approach to enable relationships to flourish. |

| |I celebrate the achievement of others; recognising and praising their work publicly. |

| |I am open and honest with colleagues. |

| |I readily admit mistakes. |

| |I provide clear and honest feedback in confidence and help others overcome their weaknesses or difficulties they face. |

| |I am careful in the use of resources, including other people’s time. |

| |I adopt a positive approach in providing feedback to motivate colleagues. |

| |I take a proactive approach to managing performance and developing the team. |

| |I invest time in coaching people to develop their capabilities and performance. |

| |I am a visible leader who leads from the front and speaks up for the team. |

|Reflecting on our Relationship |We build cooperative, professional relationships with partners and the communities we serve; developing an understanding of what will make a difference and how it may be achieved. |

|with the Wider Community. |We celebrate the diversity of our community and are generous with our time |

| |We reach out and help the most vulnerable in our community. |

| |We develop relationship and community serving the greater good. |

| |We celebrate our mission as an open and inclusive Catholic college for the community. |

| |We are a College of Sanctuary. |


St Brendan’s Sixth Form College recognises that our employees work hard to support and deliver quality academic outcomes for our students. Because our employees are valued the College makes sure they are well rewarded and recognised for their efforts. We offer a complete benefits package to continue to attract, motivate and retain the best people for jobs at the College. We have a range of staff benefits currently on offer and we are always looking for ways to add new options.

Benefits you can look forward to at St Brendan’s include:

A competitive salary - reviewed annually, by the National Joint Council for Staff in Sixth Form Colleges.

Generous annual leave and bank holidays – for Support Staff a minimum of 23 days annual leave per annum, rising to 29 days after ten years, plus public and bank holidays. The holiday year runs from 1st September to 31st August.

Term time only employees, including teachers contractually take their holiday entitlement during College holidays.

The entitlement for support staff is as below:

|Length of service |Entitlement |

|Less than 2 years |23 days + 8 days Bank Holidays |

|More than 2 years |25 days + 8 days Bank Holidays |

|More than 5 years |28 days + 8 days Bank Holidays |

|More than 10 years |29 days + 8 days Bank Holidays |

Holidays for part time members of staff are calculated on a pro rata basis.

Flexible working – the right to request flexible working includes options to work part-time, on a job-share or term-time only (TTO) contract.

Local Government Pension Scheme - A contributory fixed pension scheme. Contribution rates depend on full time equivalent pensionable pay and vary between 5.5% and 12.5%.

Teachers’ Pension Scheme – Currently a defined benefit contributory pension scheme but due to change in April 2015 to a career average scheme. Contribution rates depend on full time equivalent pensionable pay and vary between 6.4% and 12.4%.

Pensions Auto-enrolment - All our new employees will be assessed against auto-enrolment criteria and automatically enrolled into the scheme in line with auto-enrolment legislation. Employees, if not automatically enrolled, can choose at any point to opt into the scheme. All employees will be re-enrolled every 3 years.

Death in service - If you are a member of either of the two pension funds then the following applies in the event of death in service.

Teachers’ Pension Scheme (Teachers)

The TPS will pay a lump sum death grant if:

• you die while you are employed in pensionable employment;

• you die while you are paying current added years; or

• you die within a year of leaving pensionable employment (because of ill-health) and you have not been receiving an ill health pension.

In these cases, there is no minimum qualifying period and the death grant will be 3 x your average salary.

Avon Pension Fund (Support Staff)

This generally applies to those people who are still in employment and are active members of the scheme. If you die under these circumstances, then your nominated recipient will get a cash lump sum. The death in-service tax-free lump sum, known as a ‘death grant’, has increased from 2 to 3 times your annual pensionable pay. If you're part-time, the benefit is three times your actual part-time pay.

Full details are available from:

Teachers’ Pension Fund ( ) or

Avon Pension Fund (.uk )

Occupational sick pay - your entitlement will increase with the amount of your continuous service to a maximum of 6 months on full-pay and 6 months of half-pay.

Occupational Health – we ensure our employees are supported with health and disability issues including referral to Occupational Health to allow us to support them back to work or make reasonable adjustments.

Employee Assistance Programme – Our EAP FirstAssist (Capita) offers a variety of 24-hour employee wellbeing services to ensure our employees are fully supported to maintain a healthy work/life balance. These services include; telephone counselling, smoking cessation advice, free financial or legal advice etc.

Discount Scheme - our discount scheme Everyday Essentials (Discount Shopping) offers our employees access to great savings on a wide range of shopping, experiences and services; such as ; Asda, Argos, B&Q, Boots, Curry’s, Homebase, Ikea, New Look, Marks and Spencer’s, Morrisons, Top Shop; package holidays and many more.

Childcare voucher salary sacrifice scheme -enabling you to save tax and NI contributions on the cost of your childcare. Childcare vouchers are a means of paying for childcare, using a ‘salary sacrifice’ scheme. If you are eligible you will be supplied with childcare vouchers which can be used to ‘pay’ a childcare provider. This happens through a fixed arrangement between an individual employee and the College, whereby the employee agrees to ‘sacrifice’, or exchange, some of his or her taxable income for childcare credit (vouchers). As this sacrifice is from gross income, you pay less Income Tax and National Insurance contributions.

Cycle to work salary sacrifice scheme – The College runs a Cycle to Work scheme in conjunction with Cycle Solutions, which means that the College is able to provide staff who cycle to work with a bicycle for a reduced payment due to savings made through exemptions for tax and national insurance. Opportunities to join the scheme will occur at various times during the academic year.

Chaplaincy Service - this is provided by our Lay Chaplain, irrespective of whether the person seeking their support has a faith or belief system. The service gives employees the opportunity to discuss any issues affecting their personal or professional lives, to seek encouragement and support, and to be signposted to other services where appropriate.

Access to the Chapel – employees may use the chapel (when not in use) as a reflective or meditative space.

Family friendly policies - including generous maternity, paternity and shared parental leave entitlements.

Compassionate/Special Leave - There are a number of situations where Compassionate or Special leave may be granted to a member of staff, in addition to their annual holiday, maternity, parental and adoption leave entitlement.

Season tickets – Interest free loans are available to staff for the purchase of season tickets for public transport, to aid with travel to work.

Car share scheme - this informal scheme allows you to benefit from reduced travel costs, and contribute towards reducing the number of cars on the roads, pollution emissions and ultimately help to protect the environment. It also allows for preferential parking access.

Facilities - refreshment facilities and break-out areas are available for all employees to access. Secure bike storage and access to showers is also available onsite.

Training and development opportunities – we think it is important to invest in our employees continuing personal development and raising their skills levels. Please see the full suite of current courses and the plans for all-staff training day events on offer in Sharepoint.

Learning Resources Centre - All staff are entitled to borrow books and videos from the library. For more details please contact a member of the Learning Resources staff.

Refectory - Employees are able to use the College refectory. Reasonably priced hot meals are provided throughout term time, whilst the café bar provides a selection of coffees and snack foods.

Gym Membership - Staff can join the gym at St Brendan’s for a one-off payment of £15 to cover the cost of the compulsory induction session (payable to the Finance Department). The gym is open to staff outside of their normal working hours, ie Monday – Friday 07.00 – 08.55 and 16.00 – 19.00.

Refectory - Employees are able to use the College refectory. Reasonably priced hot meals are provided throughout term time, whilst the café bar provides a selection of coffees and snack foods.


|St Brendan’s Sixth Form College is situated in the south of Bristol in an exceptional modern campus setting, and serves both the city |

|and a wide surrounding area including Bath, and parts of Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. We are looking for exceptional|

|support staff to help us complete our journey to be an ‘Outstanding’ College. |

| |

|Learning Support Assistant x 3 positions 1 x 35 hours per week, 1 x 14 hours per week, term time only, permanent and 1 x 20 hours per |

|week, term time only, maternity leave cover. Several years’ experience of working with young people (14 – 19) including those with |

|additional needs in an educational environment is essential. |

|Salary Scale on the Support Staff salary spine for Sixth Form College, points 22-25, currently £17,968 - £19,875 per annum, pro rata. |

| |

| |

|Closing date for all online applications is by 23.59 pm on Friday 22 May 2015. |

| |

|St Brendan’s is an equal opportunities College and welcomes applications from under-represented groups and ethnic minorities. |

|Employment at the College is subject to receipt of satisfactory enhanced Disclosure Barring Service check. |

|Full job details and access to an online application process are available on the College’s e-recruitment website at |

| |


| |

|Applications must be made using the College’s e-recruitment website. CV’s are not accepted. Candidates should note that the |

|successful applicant will be appointed to the service of the Governors. |

| |

|Should you have any questions which are not addressed in these details, please contact the College Reception. Please take the time to |

|visit the College website to learn more about St Brendan’s at |


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