Examples of Mission Statements

Examples of Mission Statements

As you craft your own mission statement, feel free to take from the examples below whatever moves you or speaks to you.

Other than the first two, they are all statements created by clients or supervisees.

To live content with small means;

to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion;

to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich;

to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart;

to study hard;

to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions,

hurry never; in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious,

grow up through the common--this is my symphony.

--William Henry Channing, clergyman, reformer (1810-1884)

Living with heart, living with authenticity

Appreciating the mystery of life

Embracing joy

Cultivating sacredness in everyday life

Expressing depth and vision

Building intimacy and friendship

Accepting and learning from difficulty

Perceiving the world with an inquisitive, flexible, open mind

--Brush Dance, Inc.

My Mission is to embrace who I am and what I have created in my life through my experiences, desires and service to others. I want all that is available to me in this lifetime. I want freedom to experience passion and desire for what I do and who I love. I want to be surrounded by spiritual beauty and have the personal wealth to help others. I want to create relationships that surpass this lifetime. I want to know confidence in my right to have what I have and feel the security that comes from the achievement of my dreams. Above all, I want to know God as I do and to never feel the need to apologize for who I am. I am a child of God and like any parent he wants the very best life can offer me and the enjoyment of watching me shine in his reflection. In return I promise to teach love, inspire hope and create healing in others and myself.

My mission is to cultivate patience – for myself, others, my process, and the world as a whole. Utilizing my patience, I open myself up for greater love and forgiveness. When change is out of my reach or control, I remind myself that impermanence is ever present in this world, and with patience, all things will become as they are meant to be. This includes the timeframe in which I expect to have my dreams fulfilled. Whether they are on schedule, ahead or behind my projected timeline, they will come to fruition in their own time and own right. I have patience in the divine plan that is set for me.

My mission is to serve the creative community, be a hand that helps stir the

spiritual awakening of others, and to maintain a fullness of peace, free from fear in all that I do.

I dare to be true, to be courageous, to believe in what I want. I make my community, the places where I live more

healthy and beautiful.

My mission is to live a life of faith and creative spirit, to

impart change and heal myself and others through living with intent

and purpose. I see myself creating an arts and wellness center where

people's lives and bodies are changed through cleansing, therapy, and

expressive arts, establishing a space that encourages others to live

with purpose and intention.

My mission is to bring a child into my life, share my love and

insights, and create an environment for this child to know what it's

like to love himself/herself.

My purpose is to become strong through music, beauty,

gardening, art, political action, movement, food, and relationships

with women, and to create community in my work, my neighborhood, and

my friends. I want to inspire and to motivate myself and others to gain

new perspectives by looking outside ourselves and our culture through

education, travel, connection with animals and other new experiences.

I want to take positive emotional risks and to embrace life’s challenges.

I believe I am on this earth with a mission

Although I do not know the whole of it

Bits and pieces of the meaning have revealed themselves

In unexpected places, from unlikely mouths, at unusual times.

I have learned that controlling and contriving life in most ways is in vain.

I have learned that life’s gifts are free and cannot be owned.

I am learning to be powerful through surrender.

I am learning that by opening myself, I am a part of everything and am no longer alone.

My mission as far as I can see right here and now,

Is to find that connection, one human being to another

No matter how tired, how rushed, how busy

To spread my love, my heart and soul to help warm the frozen spots in those whose paths I cross.

With mortality as paradoxical liberator, my mission is to, quite frankly, “go for it.”  To stop flying below the radar, frightened of illusions and ancient dictums.  My vow is to live a life of full integrity.  To ROAR when noise is needed, to console when consolation is called for, to shine brightly when illumination is the order.  And, to help others, and myself, awaken to the truth - - you are, quite simply, splendid!

When I am peaceful serene and unafraid I am then most able to share my gifts: to inspire others with my love enthusiasm and awe in learning. This includes learning from others that are not like me. This also includes owning the responsibilities that come with learning, such as “bringing others along” and participating in community.

“When I dare to be powerful—to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” Audre Lorde

Ad astra per aspera

To the stars through difficulties.

I aspire to…

← have the courage to fail in order to be great

← take risks

← matter to friends and family

← make a difference in the lives of others

← be non-judgmental of myself and others’ behavior

← cultivate my creative side

← commune with and enjoy nature

← travel and experience other cultures

← always enjoy the company of children

← endure possible discomfort in the service of creating closer relationships

← follow my own path, trusting that it will someday cross the path of the person I am meant to find

← create a family of my own

← take care of my body with good nutrition, exercise, and sleep

← find motivation and inspiration in others and offer the same in return

← work for equality and dignity of those less fortunate

← contribute academically

← educate and inspire others

← forgive those who hurt me in order to move on with my own life

← brighten the world I live in

← find spiritual enlightenment

← cherish those close to me and make sure they are aware of their importance to me

← have patience

← be thrilled by the stars at night

← speak my mind, even when my voice quakes

← beware of those who invite me to be less than who I am and stay close to those who dare me to be more than I ever imagined

← live and love gracefully

My mission is

To be of use.

 To understand and surrender, more and more deeply.

 To move with power and grace.

To embody lovingkindness.

True gold does not fear fire.

*Reprinted from Tsai, M. et. al (2009) A Guide to Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: Awareness, Courage, Love and Behaviorism. New York: Springer.



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