How I Reversed My Autoimmune Disease Limited Ed

[Pages:39]Limited Edition


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My Story...........................................................................6

Autoimmune Liver Cirrhosis ....................................................................................7


The Two Most Foundational Principles To Heal Any Disease.....................................13

Foundation #1: Establishing the Basics of Good Health .......................................13 Foundation #2: Spiritual Healing ..........................................................................18


What Is Autoimmune Disease?.....................................25

"Leaky Gut"..............................................................................................................26


The 5-Step Plan I Used That Healed My Autoimmune ...............................................28

1. Remove foods and toxins that are damaging the gut........................................28 2. Heal the leaky gut ................................................................................................51 3. Nutrify .................................................................................................................54 4. Cleanse/detox ......................................................................................................64 5. Remove chronic stress .........................................................................................72


The Genetic Factor.........................................................81

The MTHFR Gene Mutation....................................................................................81 How do I know if I have it?.....................................................................................83 What can I do to counteract my MTHFR gene mutation?....................................83


My Accompanying Skin Fungus ...................................86

Killing Fungus With the Three-Pronged Attack ....................................................88



How Long Did It Take? My Timeline ..................................................................90

My Daily Routine.....................................................................................................91 10-day Detox Program ...........................................................................................92 The At-Home Program ...........................................................................................92 The Results...............................................................................................................93 CHAPTER 8

Other Helpful Tips.........................................................96

Conclusion ..............................................................................................................101 Resources ...............................................................................................................102



Gabriel and Jennifer Arruda live in northern California. They have been happily married for 12 years and credit their happy home to having Jesus as the center of their lives. Their passion is to share the blessings of happiness and health with as many people as they can. With the blessing of God, the help of several health professionals, and years of research they successfully reversed Gabriel's autoimmune liver cirrhosis. They work together, traveling and speaking across the country full-time for Freedom Health Ministries and Revelation Revealed Today. As a motivational speaker, Gabriel specializes in teaching the uplifting messages of hope and Bible prophecy. As a nutritionist and health educator, Jennifer specializes in teaching healthy cooking and lifestyle coaching.



My Story

J ust after Christmas of 1998, my family and I were driving back from a great time at my grandparents' house in Burbank, California where we would always go to spend the holidays. During this trip my mother noticed something strange; she started itching. She itched constantly all over her body and for no apparent reason. There was no rash, just itchy skin everywhere. This itching continued for months on and off. In the process of time she started losing weight and became jaundiced in her skin and eyes.

My family in 1997

In early 1999, a trip to the doctor along with several tests revealed she had scaring and fatty liver. This liver damage was characteristic of lifelong alcohol drinkers, but my mother had never had a drop of alcohol in her entire life. Strange. Well, my mom was not one to give up. Also Mom was the natural remedies queen, always healing her family, friends and even strangers with teas, tonics, tinctures and other natural remedies. She immediately went to work researching and trying all different kinds of treatments. None of them worked. She continued to get worse and worse till one fateful


day, she had to be hospitalized and it was clear that she either received a liver transplant or she would die. The entire family was in shock. The health queen? Die? She was finally diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis which leads to liver cirrhosis and liver failure.

Autoimmune Liver Cirrhosis

Early in the year 2000, Mom was put on an organ waiting list that had hundreds of people on it and was eventually transferred to the UCSF hospital. As her condition worsened, she quickly rose in priority on the transplant list. Soon, her condition got so bad that she was going in and out of comas and forgetting how to speak English (Spanish was her first language). She would even forget who certain family members were.

She at last made it to the top of the transplant list. However, her condition was so poor it seemed that she wouldn't last longer than another week. Suddenly the family was notified that due to a tragic car accident of a woman in Colorado who was the same size and blood type as my mother, a liver was now available and in route. Thank God for organ donors!

My mom at my sister's wedding, just two months after her liver transplant. She was all puffy from

the heavy steroid medication she was on.

As soon as they received the liver they began the operation, and half a day later she had a new liver in her body. What a celebration! What a relief! Mom had a second lease on life. I am sad for the woman who lost her life, and I really feel for her family. But I am also thankful that my Mom was given 12 more years of life because this kindhearted woman chose to be an organ donor.

The doctor said the old liver was so badly damaged he didn't know how she survived as long as she did. It appeared to be a miracle that she had made it just long enough to climb to the top of the transplant list and just then have the perfect liver come shortly before she would have experienced total liver failure. Praise God! I attribute it to a large degree to the hundreds of people praying for her to be saved.


All was happy and well as she slowly healed and regained strength. Little did any of us realize what autoimmune liver cirrhosis actually was, how it worked and what it meant for her new liver. Within one short year of this victory, my mother's mother started failing in health and was eventually diagnosed with the exact same disease autoimmune liver cirrhosis. By early 2002, it was clear that my Grandma Tonita would pass away if nothing was done for her. She saw the suffering that my mother went through and decided due to her age it would be better to rest in peace than fight the same grueling battle that my mother did with far less chances of winning. Grandma Tonita passed away in 2002. We were all very sad, however on a good note, mom's health seemed to be very stable.

Grandma Tonita

But then in the fall of 2012, a full 12 years after my mother's liver transplant, she started experiencing symptoms of liver failure again. Ultrasounds, tests and biopsy reports clearly showed she had scaring on her liver again. Very shortly afterwards, she began to experience ascites which is fluid buildup in the abdomen, a side effect from a very damaged liver. This fluid buildup became very severe, to the point where she looked nine months pregnant. The hospital staff had to inject a needle into her to drain the

Mom with her ascites and scar from her liver transplant !8

I took this picture of us because I thought she was probably going to die.


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