Individual Research Guide - Global Perspectives

Individual Research Guide

Component 1

Global Perspectives

Individual Research Guide


Welcome to Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives


Section A: Overview of the Individual Research


Aims of Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives

Focus of the Individual Research

The requirements of the Individual Research

Structuring the Individual Research

Individual Research planning diagram

The role of the teacher/facilitator

Section B: Assessment


Individual Research assessment

Individual Research criteria

Study criteria

What to avoid in the Individual Research

Get it right at the start


Structure of the Individual Research for assessment/moderation

Individual Research checklist

Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives Individual Research Guide 2011 1


Section C: Examples/ideas


Example Individual Research report

Individual Research planning diagram

Examples of possible Individual Research reports

Example levels of response

Further examples:

Possible scenarios

Personal perspectives

Possible courses of action

Evidence-based personal response

Example Individual Research titles

Designing your own exemplar materials

Planning sheet for students

Example Individual Research




2 Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives Individual Research Guide 2011

Welcome to Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives

Welcome to Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives (0457) and to this Individual Research Guide. Our intention in this guide is to answer any questions you may have about the Individual Research element of the Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives course. In Section A we look at how the Individual Research fits into the Global Perspectives course, its structure and how you, as teachers and facilitators, might approach developing the skills your students need to complete their Individual Research successfully and thereby achieve the learning outcomes. We also consider how you might encourage your students to build up their Individual Research so that their work takes shape over the duration of the course and they are not just rushing to complete it at the last minute before the submission date. In Section B we look more closely at the assessment criteria and what you need to consider when assessing and submitting work for moderation. In Section C you will find ideas and examples from the 20 topics to give you and your students further guidance on how to compile their Individual Research report.

Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives Individual Research Guide 2011 3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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