Fan Seating.docx

Should Lake View Get Better Fan Seating? By: Octavio, Thomas, JesusUnderstanding The Problem Lately we’ve discovered that at Lake View High School gym, there isn't enough space for our fans to sit, enjoy & support our LV sport home games. Recently at Lake View we have only three bleachers and we don’t think it will be enough for our fans to sit and watch. Also, we’re worried because there will be times when most people decide not to go to games and we would like all our fans to go watch the games to support our teams. We have also noticed an upper balcony or track in the gymnasium. And our question is, Would that be a good idea to let our fans up there to watch the games? Or a bad idea? There are many reasons why it would be a good or bad idea. Here are three good and bad reasons. We’ll start with the good reasons. Well first it’ll be great to have more people come watch. Second, it’ll make more space for our fans. & Third it’s an amazing view and that means more people, also people might even serve their detentions just to go up! Now the bad reason. One, people but throw some things down from up there and hurt some of the players or people down there. Second of all there can be accidents, some people can be dumb enough and play around and sit on the railing fence. Third, people might fight during the game.Collecting Data After gathering all our data using a survey chart, we all found out many things about what students and teachers want. Our first question is should they let our fans up on the top track? We wanted to find out if some fans should be let in the top track to see some of Lake View’s home games. What we found out was that more people agreed with letting fans in the top track to see the games. While others said no because of certain reasons. Our second question in the survey was, Have you ever gone to a basket ball game? (Lake View) After completing this section of the survey we found out that most of the people did not go to a game for Lake View. Some did go and helped us a little bit with our process. Our third and final question was Should Lake View let other fans from other schools in? This was a question that says will it take up more room. Like does that mean we are going to have to bring or make more room. Probably that is why Lake View does not let other people come in. Otherwise a lot of people said yes to this question. The people who said no said it because of the room and because of other situations.Results At last when we gathered all our data we came up with one conclusion. We think that we need more space in our gym for fans to sit and watch our girls and guys basketball games. Also the track on top would be a great idea to use for our fans to sit and watch the games because there is more space up there and nobody uses it during games. Also, the number of people would effect if we could use the top track or not and we would have more fans there to support our teams that play. The topic that affects our problem more is if other fans from other schools are going to be able to attend or not. We think that maybe Lake View does not let others in from other schools because of the space in our gym is not big enough for many people. So if other fans do get to come people would be crowded. When we got all our data we found out that many people that we’ve asked many people and they all agreed with us that we will need more room in our gym to get more way more fans from other schools and to get more fan seating and also to let the fans go up on the track to watch the games for a better view, better space and of course for more fan support. Finally, we came up to a conclusion that we will need more room because it will really helps us get more fans and get better and bigger. The bigger the gym the better it will become. ................

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