THE CRUCIBLE ACT 1 - Livingston Public Schools

The Crucible Character ChartInclude page numbers for reference to support your claims.Character Relation:Brief Characterization:In Conflict with:Main Motivation to Spread Hysteria:ParrisMid 40sWidowerSelf righteous Proctor: page 65 “golden candlesticks”Page 14 “I pray you, leap not to witchcraft.”Respected more by town if hysteria is spreadPlaying politics – pleasing the massesMary Warren18 years oldWorks for Proctors – replaced Abby Friends with Abby Involved with scandal in the woodsChosen as an official of the proceedings Proctors: John doesn’t like that she goes to town every day; later they want her to testify in courtAbigail: page 116 when all the girls repeat what Mary is saying in courtLater she accuses John Proctor of being with the Devil, page 119 “he wake me every night, his eyes were like coals and his fingers claw my neck and I sign, I sign…”Keeps switching sides to protect herself Page 80 “I cannot charge a murder on Abigail” – doesn’t want Abigail to turn all the girls against herAbigailParris’s nieceFired from servant job at the ProctorsIn love with John Proctor and had an affair with him Page 20: “I will come to you in the black of night…”Everyone – throughout the book she accuses anyone and everyone she can of witchcraftPage 108: “Think you to be so mighty that the power of hell may not turn your wits?” She wanted to get rid of Elizabeth so she could have John to herselfOnce she started lying and spreading hysteria, she couldn’t stopPutnamSeeks revenge Money hungryIn a dispute with the Coreys over landPage 16: “Don’t you understand it sir, there is a murdering witch upon us.”Giles Corey: page I’ll cut your throat Putnam, I’ll kill you yet!”Wants to discredit CoreyAlso, Martha was spreading hysteria and he wanted to protect herWanted land of those who were accused of witchcraft Mrs. PutnamDeath ridden Haunted by dreams – 7 children diedDaughter Ruth was in a “coma”Page 28 “you should never lose a child or a grandchild…” Rebecca Nurse: believes she is the reason all of her children have died To accuse Rebecca NurseTo get their land back Page 16: “They were murdered, Mr. Paris!”Rebecca NurseVery oldVery religiousWell respected in Salem Mrs. Putnam, page 71 “for murder she is charged…”Hale: “God forbid such a woman be charged!”Doesn’t really spread any hysteria, speaks her mind and speaks the factsGiles CoreyLikeable farmerNew to Christianity Experience in the courtDiscusses with Hale about his wife reading strange books – page 41Killed by pressing – page 135Won’t reveal who told him Putnam was accusing people of witchcraft for land Putnams: they are accusing his wife of witchcraft, he wants to protect his wife and himselfHe does not want to spread hysteriaPage 88Reverend HaleJohn ProctorMarried to Elizabeth??have children together??????Had an affair with Abigail Williams when she was the Proctor’s servant (Elizabeth fired Abigail when she found out about the affair)??????The Proctor’s new servant is Mary WarrenIn conflict with the girls who are claiming they have been bewitched and Judge Hathorne who is believing the many accusationsProctor tries to convince Hathorne that the girls are lying and the accused citizens are falsely confessing to prevent themselves from being hanged??????Proctor wants to put an end to the hysteria and save his wife??Pg. 80-81 “Make peace with it...And the wind, God’s icy wind, will blow!” (this shows how Proctor disagrees with the decisions of the court and will fight back against them)??????Pg. 110 “She thinks to dance with me on my wife’s grave… I know you must see it now.” (this displays how Proctor is continuously trying to disprove Abigail’s and the other’s claims and accusations of witchcraft and will even tarnish his own name to end the hysteria)TitubaSee below.DanforthMain judge in the courtBelieves the girlsSubmits to the law and religionStrict with the lawProctorsCoreysHaleEveryone convicted and their familiesTo save the town of the devil?Quotes:?“Now, children, this is a court of law. The law, based upon the Bible, and the Bible, writ by Almighty God, forbid the practice of witchcraft, and describe death as the penalty thereof.” Pg. 266?“I have seen marvels in this court. I have seen people choked before my eyes by spirits; I have seen them stuck by pins and slashed by daggers. I have until this moment not the slightest reason to suspect that the children may be deceiving me.” Pg. 127HathorneAn arrogant and unpleasant Salem judge-bitter and remorseless salem judge in his sixties–??????who considers the Puritan government to be absolutely right and just.-????????he believes everything he says is rightIn conflict with anyone who he sentenced to death or jaildoesn’t believe the evidence and indirectly spreads hysteriaQuestions about the play:Tituba’s ConflictServant of Parris family Leading the girls in the ritual in the forest Confesses false confession because she feared the consequences if she didn’tAccused other people that she saw with the devilSarah GoodGoody Osborne Midwives to the Putnam’sEasy scapegoats Rebecca NurseKnown as being a devout Christian Hale says that he knows who Goody Nurse is because her reputation precedes her and he knows her Also a midwife Later on arrested Goody Putnam accused herAccused at the same time as Martha CoreyLong family feud between the Putnam’s and Corey’s over landPutnam tells his daughter to accuse others of being witches to have them hanged and take their land Giles knows this but he has integrity and knows he will probably lose his land and be put on trial if he gives up the names of the witness’s Start of irrational accusations Giles CoreyKeeps saying “more weight more weight” when the stones are being pressed on him Keeps to his integrity to save his friendsDoesn’t fear deathGoody and John Proctor ................

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