Informative Speech - Stanaway's Lesson Plans

Informative Speech

An informative speech is like teaching. The purpose of an informative speech is to try to teach something to the audience. The success of your speech depends on whether the audience learns what you wanted to teach them. You need to tell the audience why the information is useful and valuable. You need to make sure that the audience understands and remembers the essential information.

Possible Informative Speech Topics

anthrax Aztecs bees

Bobby Knight California Cinco de Mayo

depression diabetes epilepsy

firefighting football hummingbirds

Franklin D. Roosevelt Metallica panic attacks

schizophrenia tennis trucks

twins television history Winston Churchill

Demonstration Speech

A demonstration speech is like an informative speech because you have to teach the audience about something. However, in a demonstration speech you will not just tell the audience about something, you will also tell them how to do something. Your speech will be successful if at the end of your speech the audience can do what you showed them to do.

Possible Demonstration Speech Topics

decorate a cake the Heimlich maneuver draw cartoons

make a jello cake make a smoothie make origami

make rice krispy treats make salsa play guitar

tie a knot perform a magic trick make a puppet

Persuasive Speech

A persuasive speech contains information to help people make a decision. The purpose of a persuasive speech is to persuade people to change in some way. For example, it could be to change the way they think about something. Or it could be to change the way they do things. Finally, it could be to persuade the audience to do something that they do not do now. Your speech will be successful if at the end of your speech the audience is willing to make the change you suggested.

Possible Persuasive Speech Topics

adoption cloning drinking soda

eating healthier getting exercise good hygiene

cell phones in school pay for college athletes music parental advisory labels

salary caps in sports saving money smoking

TV violence vegetarianism trying teens as adults

Speech Assignment

You will be presenting a speech to the class. Each student is responsible for the following:

• 3-5 minute speech

• Full sentence outline due the day the speech is given

• Notes – On 3x5 cards to use during the speech

(no papers will be allowed)

• Visual aid

• 3 sources cited in a bibliography at the end of the outline

(only one source may be an interview)

Choose the type of speech you will give.




Choose a topic that:

• not only interests you, but will be interesting to others as well

• has enough information available to fill the time requirement

• is something you know enough about to inform others on

• is school appropriate (ask first if you’re not sure)

Definitions of each type of speech and examples are on the back of this paper.

Use the bottom of this page to brainstorm some ideas of your own.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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