HOUSE BIll Digest - Wyoming Legislature

FIRST DAYGENERAL SESSION OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESSIXTY-THIRD STATE LEGISLATUREJANUARY 13, 2015House ChamberAt 12:00 p.m., the House Sergeant-at-Arms introduced the following honored guests and their escorts.The Honorable Pat Arp, Deputy Secretary of State, escorted by Representatives Jaggi and Kirkbride.The Honorable Ed Murray, Secretary of State escorted by Representatives Miller and Throne.Secretary of State, Ed Murray called the house to order and the Sergeant-of-Arms announced the Honorable Michael Golden, Retired Wyoming Supreme Court Justice, escorted by Representatives Stubson and Lockhart.The Central High School ROTC posted the colors, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by the body.The prayer was given by Reverend Jason Harshberger, United Presbyterian Church, Laramie Wyoming. OPENING ADDRESS BY SECRETARY OF STATE EDWARD F. MURRAY, IIIEsteemed Members of the House of Representatives of the 63rd Legislature; Spouses; family and friends of said representatives; Justice Golden; Distinguished Guests and citizens of Wyoming present in these Chambers and watching or listening all across the State of Wyoming.Today is a great day in the history of Wyoming. January 13, 2015 marks the beginning of this, the 63rd Legislative session.You, the members of the House of Representatives, are about to be sworn in, and become a part of a great continuity – hand to hand - generation to generation dating back 125 years; and you hold in your palms a magnificent legacy and the responsibility of the highest order – representing the people of Wyoming.I am honored to succeed Secretary Maxfield as the Secretary of State and humbled to deliver the opening address. As inspiration for my thoughts for you today, I’ve turned to the three people that have had the most profound impact on my life, and are indeed why I stand here today.The first is my late father, Ned Murray, who, when I was a boy, encouraged me to go "Into the Arena". This was not the arena outside by the barn; it was "The Arena" in the context of the famous speech "Citizenship In A Republic" delivered By President Theodore Roosevelt 1910. The excerpt from that speech given to me by my father reads as follows: "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."You my friends are "In the Arena", and I congratulate you for your courage and sacrifice. Do, spend yourselves completely in this worthy cause representing valiantly the people of Wyoming.As a side note:When I told Deputy Pat Arp I was going to recite this excerpt, in her wisdom she suggested that I memorialized it for each of you to take with you along the way. And so we have 60 of these (personalized copies of the quote) prepared for you – and when you have a moment, please come by my office, get your copy of this, say hello and meet our friendly staff. The second piece of advice that has profoundly shaped me and guided me has come from my dear mother, Barbara, affectionately known as "Baba". Beginning when I was a boy and continuing throughout my life; really as recently as last week before my inauguration, my mother has looked me in the eye and said, "BE YOU - it is what you are called to do." So today I would offer that each of you - Be You. Being you is also what each of you is called to do. Together you are a body, but, just like the physical body, there are different parts. You may be the eye, you may be the hands, the ear, in Mr. Speaker Brown’s case the mouth. BE WHO YOU ARE. You encompass all walks of life: some in Ag, in Business, Education or Law. Dig deep, be introspective, what are the talents and gifts with which you have been blessed. Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, humor, kindness, compassion, civility intellect --- each of you bring your own God given talents and gifts to this body. Use them, and this body will function, with God’s grace.Finally, the third; and in my case perhaps the most important piece of advice in my formation, comes from my wife of 28 years, Caren Murray. Caren is with us today in the gallery and I’d like to welcome her at this time.Caren and I are the parents of 4 wonderful daughters who are watching elsewhere through the marvels of modern technology. I’ve saved these three words of advice from my wife to conclude this address, because, in my mind they are the most fitting way for me to end and you to begin your work. The three words I’m speaking of have been lovingly whispered in my ear to wake me up nearly every morning for the past 28 years by the woman I love and who loves me. And these three words are: GET TO WORK. So let it be with us May God Bless this 63rd House of Representatives and May God Bless this Great State of Wyoming.ELECTION OF TEMPORARY SPEAKERRepresentative Harshman nominated Representative Glen Moniz for Temporary Speaker. The motion carried on a voice vote. Representatives Harvey and Patton escorted Temporary Speaker Moniz to the chair.ELECTION OF TEMPORARY CHIEF CLERKRepresentative Hunt moved that Patricia Benskin be Temporary Chief Clerk. The motion carried on a voice vote. CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTRepresentative Moniz appointed Representative Kasperik to serve as chairman of a credentials committee consisting of Representatives Walters, Wilson, Lindholm and Allen. The committee will convene in the office of the Majority Floor Leader. This committee shall report its finding as to the credentials of the membership of the House pursuant to Article 3, Section 10, of the Wyoming Constitution.CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE REPORTRepresentative Kasperik reported that the credentials committee has received from the Secretary of State a certified list of the members elected to the House of Representatives of the Sixty-third Legislature of the State of Wyoming, according to the Certificates of the State Canvassing Board as filed in the office of the Secretary of State. We have reviewed that list and find it to be accurate. I move the adoption of this report.Justice Golden was asked to come to the rostrum to administer the oaths of office to House members.STATE OF WYOMINGOFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATEI Max Maxfield, Secretary of State of the State of Wyoming, do hereby certify that the attached is a full, true and correct list of the members of the Sixty-third Legislature of the State of Wyoming duly elected at the General Election held on the fourth day of November 2014 according to the Certificates of the State Canvassing Board, as filed in this office. Max MaxfieldSecretary of StateBy:Peggy NighswongerChief Election OfficerSTATE REPRESENTATIVESDistrict NumberNameDistrict 1Tyler LindholmDistrict 2Hans HuntDistrict 3Eric BarlowDistrict 4Dan R. KirkbrideDistrict 5Cheri SteinmetzDistrict 6Richard L CannadyDistrict 7Sue WilsonDistrict 8Bob NicholasDistrict 9David ZwonitzerDistrict 10John EklundDistrict 11Mary A. ThroneDistrict 12Harlan EdmondsDistrict 13Cathy ConnollyDistrict 14Kermit C. BrownDistrict 15 Donald BurkhartDistrict 16Ruth Ann PetroffDistrict 17JoAnn DaytonDistrict 18Fred A. BaldwinDistrict 19Allen JaggiDistrict 20Albert SommersDistrict 21Robert McKimDistrict 22Marti HalversonDistrict 23Andy SchwartzDistrict 24Sam KroneDistrict 25Dan LaursenDistrict 26Elaine D. HarveyDistrict 27Mike GreearDistrict 28Nathan WintersDistrict 29John W. PattonDistrict 30Mark JenningsDistrict 31Scott ClemDistrict 32Norine A. KasperikDistrict 33Jim AllenDistrict 34Rita CampbellDistrict 35Kendell KroekerDistrict 36Gerald GayDistrict 37Steve HarshmanDistrict 38Tom WaltersDistrict 39Stan BlakeDistrict 40Mike MaddenDistrict 41Ken A. EsquibelDistrict 42Theodore (Jim) BlackburnDistrict 43Dan ZwonitzerDistrict 44James W. ByrdDistrict 45Charles F. PelkeyDistrict 46Glenn MonizDistrict 47Jerry PaxtonDistrict 48Mark BakerDistrict 49Garry C. PiiparinenDistrict 50David NorthrupDistrict 51Rosie BergerDistrict 52William PownallDistrict 53Roy EdwardsDistrict 54Lloyd C. LarsenDistrict 55David R. MillerDistrict 56Tim StubsonDistrict 57Thomas A. LockhartDistrict 58Tom ReederDistrict 59Bunky LoucksDistrict 60John L. FreemanELECTION OF SPEAKER OF THE HOUSERepresentative Burkhart nominated Representative Kermit Brown as Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 63rd Wyoming Legislature. Representative Paxton seconded the nomination of Representative Brown and moved that his election be made unanimous dispensing with the roll call.The motion carried. Representative Brown was escorted to the rostrum by Representatives Petroff and Lloyd Larsen. Justice Golden administered the oath of office to Representative Brown.ADDRESS BY SPEAKER OF THE HOUSEKERMIT BROWNMadame Majority Floor Leader, Mr. Speaker Pro Tem, Mr. Majority Floor Leader, Mr. Minority Whip, fellow legislators of the 63rd Wyoming Legislature, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.It is with humility and pride that I stand before you as your Speaker. I could never have done this without your support and your encouragement and I thank you one and all for everything you have done for me. Many who have helped me through the years are no longer here yet they are not forgotten. Representative Kurt Bucholz used to sit right over there where Representative Hung is sitting. Representative Bucholz was a dear friend and a very gifted legislator. More than once I imagined that someday he might be our Governor and I might be his Attorney General. Unfortunately, he was prematurely taken form us by cancer. I wanted to mention him specially, because I miss him and because we – all of us, should never forget that our time here is precious and fragile.I have a few more people I wish to specially mention.Reverend Harshberger, thank you for being here today and delivering the invocation.Justice Golden, thank you for being here today. Justice Golden is a boyhood friend and former law partner. He actually made the motion to have me admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court. Many of you think the phrase "Be like Mike" came from Michael Jordan but such is not the case. When we were kids, it was my mother saying "Why can't you be like Mike?"With all the slippery slopes around here, I brought my ski instructor, he has some other talents as well. Please help me welcome the newly-elected mayor of the City of Laramie, Mr. David Paulekis.My law partner, Bill Heiser and his wife Tracy, are also present. Bill and I have practiced law together since 1988 and I can honestly say, we have never had a cross word. Bill, your patience and indulgence in my political escapades is unequaled, and for that I thank your profusely. I know that our law practice is in the best hands during my absence.Thank you to all our friend and family here today: Margaret's sisters Joan, Judy and Susan, my brother Doug, my other law partner Kelly Hick and the rest of our law office Alan, Kristi and Julie. A couple of my cowboying friends came in from the Red Dessert – Don and Colleen Stratton and Niels and Barbara Hansen.One time the Stock Growers newsletter had an article about the 100,000 mile club in Nevada – made up of people who document they had ridden 100,000 miles horseback in their life. There were, as I recall 37 of them. Twelve were in the picture and 3 of them were women. I think all four of Don, Colleen, Niels and Barb would qualify for membership in that club. I remember one incredibly cold December day trailing cattle from Twin Groves to Saratoga with Don when it felt like we rode a 1000 miles in one day. My friend and business partner Gary Crum is here – along with another partner, we created the Wyoming State Bank out of pure thin air and today employ about 40 people. Thank you all. Lastly, my wife Margaret. She is my life partner and means more to me than anyone or anything else in this world. We have led an adventuresome life together and she has always supported me. She has saved me from inadvertently annihilating myself on several occasions, she has been the rock of my life and she made this journey to the office of Speaker possible. When I finish this term, she and I between us will have served 16 years in this chamber. Thank you Margaret, for our life together.We have been a state for only 125 years. We open this legislative session as only the 63rd legislature to sit in this state. We join a select group of something in the order of 1500 people who have held our positions. In these very chambers have labored many of the giants in Wyoming history – Warren, Carey, Kendrick, Simpson, Hickey and Hansen just to name a few. Our predecessors had no easier time of it that we will. They got mad and most got over it, they got frustrated and found a way through, they spent sleepless nights when there was no money and collectively, they left us the state we have today. Now we pick up the baton to continue their work for a brief period of service, mindful that we are not perfect and mindful that no one of us is as wise as all of us. The work product that we produce in this session will belong to none of us. It will belong to all of us. Our differences are what tend to be emphasized, but in fact, it is the understandings we have in common that move our state forward. We would do well to reflect on the common vision that gave us the state we inherit today, and hope that we can constructively contribute to the state we will leave to the next generation of legislators. This is the people's house and our collective wisdom is the heart and soul of Wyoming. It is incumbent on us to act in a way that makes the people of the State of Wyoming proud. We do so by observing the decorum, protocol and process produced by 125 years of experience. Robust debate is allowed here. We find ways to disagree without being disagreeable. We do not call each other names and we accord every member an equal opportunity to be heard. The good ideas bubble to the top and the rest are respectfully discarded – oddly enough, sometimes to surface and prevail another day.Once more last week, we see in the press that our state has one of the most unpredictable sources of revenue in the nation – perhaps exceeded only by the state of Alaska. The Senate President and I, along with others, will sponsor a bill creating the Vision 2020 comprehensive expenditure and revenue review. The purpose of this bill will be to assess, through committees and task forces, all of our sources of revenue and expenditures and to assess the risk and volatility associated with each. We will look at all sources of revenue, tax exemptions and expenditures. We will engage economists and statisticians with the hope of constructing an econometric model incorporating sophisticated statistical tools like multi-variant regression, to quantify the overall levels of risk we potentially face, identify recommended levels of permanent and non-permanent savings, funding sources for those savings and policy criteria to guide the withdrawal of non-permanent funds. Too much of the discussion in this area is the product of anecdotes and opinions and too little is the product of hard data that can be enhanced with economic and statistical methods of evaluation available at our own university. Our hope will be that Vision 2020 will give us all some comfort that the saving and spending decisions we make are well grounded in fact and logic.In the last session of the legislature, Next Generation Science Standards were taken off the table – to the extent according to some, that it is forbidden to even discuss any aspect of the standards during a state-funded meeting. This is fundamentally wrong. Politicians do not tell academics and educators what they can think about. We have not burned books in this county for a long time – and for good reason. Education trumps ignorance. We do not need to prohibit the discussion and consideration of something for fear that our ignorance will deceive us. Our students are perfectly capable of seeing ideas for what they are worth and accepting or rejecting them in a fully informed manner. Our students need to know and understand concepts that are basically disagreeable to us. They need to know and understand both sides of the arguments – indeed, to be proficient in their field, they should be able to make the argument on either side of any given issue. We do not protect them by giving them the education and ability to evaluate them and adopt or reject them as the case may be. I will be supportive of an effort to repeal the budget footnote pertaining to Next Generation Science Standards adopted last year, freeing up our State Board of Education to give them whatever consideration they deserve.Finally, I would like to say a few things about this beautiful room that we occupy. Consider this building and this room. They were built and left to us by our predecessors – but without the mineral revenues and taxation that we enjoy today. Building this building and leaving it to us probably represents a greater sacrifice on their part than any we will make. This magnificent building and this setting impresses upon us the enormity and the gravity of the work we undertake and encourages us to proceed with grace and dignity. After this session, we are going to vacate this building and the House will not meet here again probably until the general session in the year 2019. Many of us will not be here by then a d so this is our last chance to experience what this building offers. When we move to our temporary spaces where we will conduct our business for the next three sessions, we need to take with us the memory of this place and the effect it has on us. We need to continue to observe the decorum and the dignity that this place imposes on us. Great challenge lies ahead for us. Leadership and staff are already engaged. We must physically move out of this building, occupy temporary space and in that temporary space, which will be spread out all over town, establish the communications and processes that come so naturally here. It will be a trying time for us all. Again we would do well to remember those who went before us and appreciate the state, the circumstances and the building that they left to us. We will suffer no more sacrifice than those who put it together in the first place and we will be doing what our predecessors did – leaving a legacy in the form of a remodeled capitol, Herschler Office Building and an additional state office building that will serve the people of the state of Wyoming well beyond the lifetime of anyone of us. God bless those in uniform who stand in harm's way so that we can safely engage in this democratic process. God bless you all, God bless the state of Wyoming and God bless the United States of America.ELECTION OF MAJORITY FLOOR LEADERRepresentative Madden nominated Rosie Berger as Majority Floor Leader of the House of Representatives for the 63rd Wyoming Legislature. Representative Dan Zwonitzer seconded the nomination and moved that her election be made unanimous dispensing with the roll call.The motion carried. Mr. Speaker appointed Representatives Wilson and Halverson to escort Representative Berger to receive the oath of office. Justice Golden administered the oath.REMARKS BY MAJORITY FLOOR LEADERROSIE BERGERMr. Speaker, members of the 63rd Wyoming State Legislature, and guests, I am honored to stand before you as your Majority Floor Leader.I thank everyone here today including my fellow legislators in the House and Senate, the LSO and State Capitol staff who serve us all so well, the media who keep our constituents informed, and the families and friends back home who support us and make our work here in Cheyenne possible.I would like to recognize Wyoming's statewide elected officials – Governor Matt Mead, Secretary of State Ed Murray, Treasurer Mark Gordon, Superintendent Jillian Balow and Auditor Cynthia Cloud. As we embark on a new legislative session, I look forward to working with all of Wyoming's elected officials to achieve our shared goals for our state:A healthy and growing economy;An education system that prepares the next generation of Wyoming citizens to compete globally;An energy sector poised to continue powering the nation;A smart, conservative budget that hopes for the best, but plans for the worst;And a legislative blueprint that enables a better, brighter future for our state.There is much to be done and it will take a collaborative effort of elected officials to deliver real results for the people of Wyoming.I also thank my husband of 32 years, Bob Berger, for your endless encouragement, support and willingness to hold down the fort back home for weeks at a time, while I engage in the people's business.To my fellow House members, I thank you most of all.I thank you for having the courage to put your name on ballot – for putting yourself, your ideas, your values and your families out there to be judged and debated for the greater food of public service. We have all gone through a great deal to stand here today, but the real work is just beginning.As we start this legislative session, let us not lose focus on our primary duty – to serve the people of Wyoming and represent the best interests and values of our constituents. While we have our differences – in terms of politics, geography, ideology, and more – we all stand here today as elected officials in the greatest representative democracy this world has ever known. We also all share a deep love and devotion to our great state and its people. They deserve nothing less than our best efforts.That's not to say we will not challenge and debate each other. Debate, both within and between our parties, is important and healthy. Debate is what moves us forward. It ensures that we end up with the very best ideas for our state. We have the opportunity to learn something from our colleagues even if we disagree. The substance of what we say, what we do and what we decide this session is of utmost importance. To reach our best results, I believe that it is imperative for all of us to show the highest respect for the institution, and for each other. We work most effectively if we work in mutual respect and strictly adhere to the formal process that allows us to serve the people well.We have seen what happens in other places where the process breaks down, and useful work comes to a stop. Not here. The Wyoming House and Senate have a long history of serving with respect and honor, with great results in the end. Let us not change that proud history.As Majority Floor Leader, I intend to be strict about decorum, respect, integrity and order in our House – a commitment shared by the entire leadership team. We owe it to the people of Wyoming to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of them – and consistent with the code of ethics this body adopted five years ago. Live each day with courage. When you make a promise, keep it. Be tough but fair.Senator Al Simpson often said "If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters".The very best of us will be tested throughout the session. However, we cannot forget that the people of Wyoming demand and deserve to hold us to the highest standard in how we represent them in this body.This past fall I had the privilege of traveling across Wyoming – covering over 4,500 miles and visiting nearly every county in the state. It served as a powerful reminder of the richness and diversity of Wyoming's various regions. Spread over 97,000 square miles, Wyoming encompasses diverse people, places, industries, resources and scenery. However, this body is tasked with the serious challenge of coming together to represent them all.Lucky for us, our predecessors have a long history of doing just that. Since first organizing as a territory in 1869, Wyoming's leaders have adhered to what they believe best for Wyoming citizens – often despite the federal government, as is the case with Wyoming's path to statehood.This legislative session will be the last in this historic building as it stands now. The Ninth Territorial Legislative Assembly authorized the construction of this building in 1886, and a year later the first cornerstone was laid. Flagstone for the building's foundation was quarried nearby and sandstone from Rawlins was used in the construction of the upper floors. The wings on each side of the original structure were completed in 1890.The State Capitol belongs to the people of Wyoming, and they deserve chambers conducive to public access and engagement. Thus, shortly after the turn of the century, the legislature authorized the expansion of the Capitol. In 1917, the Wyoming State Legislature held its first session in the chambers where we stand today.Nearly a hundred years later, we face the same challenges as we move through another long overdue renovation to modernize our legislative process in the 21st century. With our planned renovation, we will be able to provide public access to the legislative process while improving communications and transparency.For the past twelve years, I have been proud to work with members of this body to strengthen our economy, improve our infrastructure, carefully develop our natural resources, keep state decisions in state hands, maintain a controlled budget and invest our human and financial resources wisely.As a result, we have more than $2 billion in the Legislative Stabilization Reserve Account – giving us immediate capital to continue providing for Wyoming citizens in challenging fiscal times. As we adjust to a decrease in revenue based on current energy prices, we must be vigilant in making policy decisions and determining our priorities. We will need to do more with less while making focused investments in Wyoming's infrastructure that create jobs and maintain a high quality of life throughout our communities.Of course Wyoming's best resource has always been its people. The greatest thing we can do to protect and grow that resource is to invest in the education and infrastructure necessary to foster jobs and careers worthy of their talents. Education and economic development go hand in hand and Wyoming is poised to advance both of these during this legislative session.The University of Wyoming and community colleges across the state play a critical role in providing the advanced knowledge and technical training Wyoming citizens need to compete for high-wage jobs. Our technical and career training programs are second to none in fields including nursing, dental hygiene, engineering, welding, machining, plumbing, transportation, law enforcement, culinary arts, mechanics, wind, oil, gas, coal and much, much more. We're training Wyoming students and citizens for good jobs available right now – adapting – and customizing our training programs to meet industry demands. It is making a difference in our economy.In my hometown of Sheridan we've seen a variety of businesses relocate to Wyoming to take advantage of our business-friendly environment and educated workforce.One company with worldwide sales relocated to Sheridan based in part on the ability of Sheridan College to provide reliable, well-trained workers. They started with 40 employees, now employ 80 and are planning an expansion to more than 120 people.Another successful manufacturer now in Sheridan tells us that they still cannot get enough graduates from Sheridan College's machining program to work on their projects for the global company.Jobs like these keep Wyoming's young people in Wyoming. Our state's greatest export should never be its young minds. By expanding educational and career opportunities for our young people, we can help ensure that our best and brightest have the job opportunities they deserve right here at home. This is not merely a generalized goal – we know the practical steps we can take to make it happen.The legislature recognizes, as it has for years, the importance of having a world-class education system and has literally put their money where their mouth is, making significant investments in our education system at all levels. This session will be no different.As your Majority Floor Leader, I consider it an honor and a privilege to be tasked with managing the day-to-day activities on the floor. As a body, we will consider bills as diverse as our membership. I will do my best to ensure we work efficiently and effectively while giving worthy consideration to the priorities of our members and the constituents they represent.One of the perennial dilemmas we face is the delicate balance between thorough bill analysis with full debate, and the efficiency needed to move through 300 to 600 bills during each legislative session. This is a challenge that falls largely in my court as Majority Floor Leader, and I will need help from all of you. The laws we pass affect every citizen in Wyoming – sometimes in life-altering ways. The policy decisions can be tough, and the precise wording details are critical. Yet every minute we spend on one bill limits our ability to carefully consider others. I pledge my efforts to manage the process as best I can.Please continue to provide to me with your honest input and allow for the likelihood that individual priorities will not always be aligned with those of the body as a whole. We will do all that we can do in this session, as we work to focus on so many issues of great importance to our constituentsIf I leave you with nothing else today, I encourage you to use the next two months to grow as individuals, as legislators and as leaders;To listen;To learn'To be humble;To be courageous;To learn compromise without compromising your principles;To reject partisanship;To avoid divisiveness;And to remember when we debate, we are debating an issue, not a person.Again, thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Majority Floor Leader. It will be my highest priority to work closely with leadership and with each of you to make sure our House operates efficiently and effectively. We are here to do the people's business. Let's honor the institution and get to work.God bless each of you and the great state of Wyoming.ELECTION OF SPEAKER PRO TEMRepresentative Kroeker nominated Representative Tim Stubson as Speaker Pro Tem of the House of Representatives for the 63rd Legislature. Representative Barlow seconded the motion and moved that his election by made unanimous, dispensing with the roll call.The motion carried. Mr. Speaker appointed Representatives Dave Zwonitzer and John Eklund to escort Representative Stubson to receive the oath of office.REMARKS BY SPEAKER PRO TEMTIM STUBSONMr. Speaker, Madam Majority Floor Leader, Madam Minority Floor Leader, Distinguished guests and Ladies and Gentleman of the 63rd. I have always considered it to be one of the great honors of my life to serve in this institution and I am certainly doubly honored this session to serve as your Speaker Pro Tem. Even though we don't all agree and we will have spirited debate and disagreement; It gives me tremendous satisfaction to know that I am serving in a body with 59 others who are dedicated to the common proposition of a stronger, more prosperous Wyoming.I want to take a quick moment to recognize my wife Susan and my sons Finnegan and Meade. On behalf of everyone on this floor, I want to thank those who stayed at home and enabled us to come down and serve the citizens of this state. We get the opportunity to come and do the work that we love and fight for the issues we believe in. Our family, friends and co-workers are left at home to do all the unfinished chores, all the day to day work that remains undone because of this calling that we share. To those folks at home I just want to let you know that we recognize that you pay a cost for our service and we thank you for it.I also want to thank Justice Golden for being with us today. Justice Golden is my neighbor and my constituent. Eighteen years ago when I took a very similar oath to the one we took today and became a member of the Wyoming Bar, Justice Golden presided over that ceremony. Even prior to that, prior to his elevation to the bench, Justice Golden was the law partner of a simple country lawyer named Kermit Brown. While those connections noteworthy, they are certainly not unique. Instead, those sorts of connections permeate this body and they permeate this state. The close connection that we share, that sense of community and the fact that you can't get away with anything is something that epitomizes Wyoming and what is special about Wyoming.Those close connections are particularly relevant to this House, and they are important to the unique role that we play in the governing process. We alone among state elected officials stand for election every two years. Because of that, we are accountable and responsible to our constituents in a way no other state elected official is. Also important is the fact that as citizen legislators, when we are done with our work we go back to our homes, to our jobs, our families and the neighbors that we serve. We get to hear immediately, repeatedly and directly what the voters think of our work. All those factors coalesce to ensure that we are and we remain the arm of state government closest to the people. We are known as the people's house for a reason and we are uniquely situated to serve as the voice of the people.Over the next 40 days we have the opportunity to do just that and advocate for those who sent us here.In the face of uncertain revenues, we will be called upon to thoughtfully balance savings and investments in a way that insures stability and economic vitality for the years to come.We have the opportunity to invest in our local communities wisely. To continue to push for schools that we can be proud of, health care efficient and effective and transportation and communications infrastructure that allow us to connect to one another.We have the opportunity to continue to push for a state where laws are limited and where our citizens continue to have the freedom to innovate, to create and to prosper.As we do that work we must remember that we are part of a remarkable nation, a nation that stands as a great example of strength and of freedom. Yet much of the strength of our country is owed to the genius of the states and the ability to solve problems in a way that uniquely meets our local needs. Too often we have a federal government that forgets the importance of that system and seeks to impose solutions that make sense from afar but are simply unworkable when put into practice. This session we will have the opportunity and the obligation to fight for the right to solve Wyoming problems with Wyoming solutions.As I walk these halls and see all those bearded and mustached men staring from the walls upstairs, I'm reminded of two things. First we are temporary trustees of these positions. Secondly, we are the beneficiaries of a rich history and a legacy left by those who have come before us. It is a heritage underscored by independence and an unwavering focus the future. It is a history of growth and progress. We owe an obligation to build a foundation for those who follow that is even stronger than the one we found when we arrived. I look forward to working with you all as we add our page in that book and pledge my best efforts to create a legacy that we can all be proud of.Mr. Speaker thanked Mr. Speaker Pro Tem for his remarks and asked that Representatives Esquibel and Loucks escort the Speaker Pro Tem to his chair.Mr. Speaker then recognized Minority Floor Leader, Representative Throne and asked her to address the body. Representatives Byrd and Connolly escorted her to the podium.REMARKS BY MINORITY FLOOR LEADERMARY THRONEMr. Speaker, fellow leaders, friends, family, guests and members of the 63rd, it is an honor to be here today and to serve as your Minority Floor Leader. I want to make special mention of my dear friend Rosie Berger, the first woman to serve as majority leader in over 40 years. The 63rd may also be the first time women have served together as House Floor Leaders in the Equality State.In Wyoming our history has been, unfortunately, driven by boom and bust. Before the session began, a reporter asked me if we are now in a boom or bust – my response was neither – and I made this statement after the drop in oil prices. For the 63rd, I would like to propose that we banish the boom and bust vocabulary and continue to lay the groundwork for a new chapter of Wyoming history. That is all well and good you may be thinking, Madame Minority Leader, but how? While there are no magic bullets, it will not surprise you that on behalf of the minority, I do have a few thoughts I would like to share with you.For a brighter Wyoming future, we must take advantage of our enormous wealth both in natural resources and in our people. I am not one who believes we can or should turn our back on the mineral resources that have sustained the Wyoming economy for years. Instead we should build on our strengths and become zealous advocates for our resources. More than any other state in the country, we have learned how to develop our resources, while maintaining our quality of life.We need to make investments in our state that will enhance our communities and our unique Wyoming way of life for years to come. Putting off necessary expenses only increases costs and puts us at an economic disadvantage. If there does come a time when Wyoming is truly broke, the investments we make today in our own state – not the stock market – will reap dividends.But it is not just investing in the basics that will keep our state strong; it is protecting what makes Wyoming special. As much as we know that value of oil rigs on the horizon, they are not why we enjoy living here. We live here, despite the wind and cold to enjoy our wide open spaces and the world class wildlife that inhabit them. Both are worthy of protection for those wo will call Wyoming home when we are gone.Finally - and most importantly – we have to take care of our only infinite resources – our people. Our investments in education are finally being noticed with Wyoming recently breaking into the top ten in one national K-12 ranking. We know there is more to do to guarantee that every Wyoming child reaches his or her full potential and can prosper here, as adults. Men and women should have an equal opportunity for economic success in this state. Our workers need to be safe on the job and free from discrimination. They need access to healthcare and we should not allow our well-founded skepticism of the federal government to prevent us from making good decisions – like Medicaid expansion for Wyoming. Our relationship with the feds reminds me of an old adage: "The Feds, we can't live with 'em and we can't live without 'em".I have tried to outline just a few themes that may arise during this session. As we begin to bond as a legislative family, I want to close by thanking my family – my husband of twenty years, Kevin and sons, Michael, Tarver and Patrick. Over the years I have served, they have thrived and I have become the shortest member of the family. They are my constant reminder, that as members of the 63rd, we are charged with making decisions that will be in the best long-term interest of Wyoming, regardless of our differences, the issues we face or the path that brought us here. God bless the 63rd, God bless Wyoming and God bless our great nation.HOUSE EMPLOYEESRepresentative Berger moved that the persons whose names appear on the list of proposed employees, which has been previously distributed to the membership, be House employees for this session in the positions so indicated on said list. The motion carried by voice vote.HOUSE OF REPRESENATTIVES STAFF – 2015Chief ClerkPatricia BenskinElectronic Records ClerkWendy HardingAdministrative AssistantMargie GeorgeDocuments Record ClerkKathy WrightReading ClerkRichard MooreJournal ClerkNancy SchmidSupport TeamCarmel WallaceCharlene RandolphAttorney SecretarySandy PedersenMajority Leadership SecretaryPam LandryJudiciary SecretaryBonnie KruseAppropriationsCarolyn JohnsonRevenue SecretaryBarbara ClarkEducation SecretaryKathy JanssenAgriculture SecretaryBarbara ClarkTravel SecretaryKathy JanssenCorporations SecretaryChris CaltagironeTransportation SecretaryMary Lee DixonMinerals SecretaryChris CaltagironeLabor SecretaryMary Lee DixonRules SecretaryPam LandryCopy Center ClerkArdath JungeTelephone Receptionist/Bill Status/ HotlineBob CurtisHouse ReceptionistAndrea CookCollator/Mail ClerkEd MenghiniMessengerJim JohnsonPagesPatti MenghiniCindy FarwellStudent PagesSara KilpatrickShadow McKimSergeant-at-ArmsRick KeslarDeputy Sergeant-at-ArmsJim CoomesDoormen (Chamber)Mike BrownBob MattsonWatchmen (Mornings)Bob Crouse(Afternoons)Grant Farris(Weekend)Jeffrey HickmanClerical AssistantsSally AllenPat CamilloLynn DavisShirley DickmanJanet ForesmanRobert JanssenEsther MooreDick RoyceGwen VinesCoordinatorYvonne QuintalADOPTION OF TEMPORARY RULESRepresentative Berger moved that the permanent House and Joint Rules of the 62nd Legislature be adopted as the Temporary Rules of the House of Representatives for the 63rd Wyoming Legislature. Motion carried by voice vote.NOTICE TO THE GOVERNORSpeaker Brown directed the Chief Clerk to notify his Excellency, the Governor, that the General Session of the House of Representatives is duly organized and ready to receive any communication he may desire to submit.NOTICE TO THE SENATESpeaker Brown announced that the Chair would meet with the President of the Senate to make arrangements for the Joint Session of the House and Senate to receive the Governor's message.COURTESY COMMMITTEESpeaker Brown appointed Representative Wilson as Chairperson of the Courtesy Committee consisting of Representatives Blake, Dan Laursen, Dayton and Moniz for the General Session of the House of Representatives, 63rd Wyoming Legislature to wait upon members who are ill and attend to other courtesies as are from time to time deemed official by the membership.Speaker Brown appointed the following standing committees for the House of Representatives, Sixty-third Legislature.SIXTY-THIRD WYOMING LEGISALTURE 2015HOUSE OF REPRESENATIVES STANDING COMMITTEES1. JUDICIARYDavid Miller, ChairmanSam KroneMark BakerCharles PelkeyKen EsquibelWilliam PownallMarti HalversonNathan WintersKendell Kroeker2. APPROPRIATIONSSteve Harshman, ChairmanGlenn MonizDonald BurkhartBob NicholasCathy ConnollyTim StubsonMike Greear3. REVENUEMichael Madden, ChairmanBunky LoucksJim BlackburnDavid NorthrupJoann DaytonTom ReederRoy EdwardsSue WilsonMark Jennings4. EDUCATIONJohn Patton, ChairmanJerry PaxtonJohn FreemanGarry PiiparinenHans HuntAlbert SommersAllen JaggiMary ThroneDavid Northrup5. AGRICULTURE, PUBLIC LANDS & WATER RESOURCESRobert McKim, ChairmanHans HuntJim AllenAllen JaggiStan BlakeDan LaursenRita CampbellTyler LindholmJohn Eklund6. TRAVEL, RECREATION, WILDLIFE AND CULTURAL RESOURCESRuth Ann Petroff, ChairmanDan KirkbrideFred BaldwinDan LaursenEric BarlowAndy SchwartzScott ClemCheri SteinmetzJohn Freeman7. CORPORATIONS, ELECTIONS & POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONSDan Zwonitzer, ChairmanMark JenningsJim BlackburnDan KirkbrideJames ByrdTyler LindholmRoy EdwardsJerry PaxtonGerald Gay8. TRANSPORTATION, HIGHWAYS AND MILITARY AFFAIRSDave Zwonitzer, ChairmanJohn EklundJim AllenBunky LoucksStan BlakeTom ReederRita CampbellTom WaltersRichard Cannady9. MINERLAS, BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTTom Lockhart, ChairmanNorine KasperikJames ByrdLloyd LarsenRichard CannadyAlbert SommersHarlan EdmondsTom WaltersGerald Gay10. LABOR, HALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICESElaine Harvey, ChairmanNorine KasperikFred BaldwinLloyd LarsonEric BarlowAndy SchwartzJoann DaytonSue WilsonHarlan Edmonds11. JOURNALCheri Steinmetz, ChairmanAndy Schwartz 12. RULES AND PROCEDURESKermit Brown, ChairmanMichael MaddenRosie BergerGlenn MonizCathy ConnollyDavid NorthrupMike GreearJohn PattonHans HuntRuth Ann PetroffDan LaursenTim StubsonMary ThroneMr. Speaker welcomed the University of Wyoming Singing Statesmen and thanked them for performing.The house recessed until 3:00 p.m. SECOND DAYJANUARY 14, 2015Roll call to convene:ROLL CALLAyes: Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen, Lloyd, Laursen, Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer, Dn., and Zwonitzer, Dv.Excused: Representative(s) Esquibel, K.Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 The Joint Session of the 63rd Wyoming Legislature, General Session was called to order by President Nicholas.He asked that Senator Bebout and Representatives Berger and Harshmnan to escort the First Lady of Wyoming, Carol Mead, their children Mary and Pete and his Excellency, the Governor, Matthew H. Mead to this Joint Session.The Sergeant-At-Arms introduced the following honored guests and their escorts: GUESTSSENATE ESCORTHOUSE ESCORTJudge Gregory PhillipsSen. RossRep. Krone and ConnollyJudge Alan JohnsonSen. RothfussRep. Nicholas and WintersJudge Scott SkavdahlSen. PerkinsRep. Stubson and McKimJudge Kelly RankinSen. LandonRep. Petroff and BakerJustice William HillSen. BarnardRep. Harvey and WilsonJustice Marilyn KiteSen. CooperRep. Greear and KasperikJustice Michael DavisSen. HicksRep. Barlow and ByrdJustice Kate FoxSen. MeierRep. Throne and BaldwinHonorable Jillian BalowSen. WasserburgerRep. Patton and PaxtonHonorable Mark GordonSen. PappasRep. Madden and NorthrupHonorable Cynthia CloudSen. CraftRep. Dave Zwonitzer and LoucksHonorable Ed MurraySen. DockstaderRep. Dan Zwonitzer and KirkbridePresident Nicholas invited Father Cronkleton to give the invocation.President Nicholas presented his Excellency, Governor of the state of Wyoming, Matthew H. Mead.STATE OF THE STATEMATTHEW H. MEADGood morning. Good to see you. Thank you. Good morning. Thank you very much. Please have a seat. Good morning, thank you for the warm welcome. I don't know that it can get any better than that. Thank you very much. It's very kind.Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, members of the 63rd Wyoming Legislature, Secretary Murray, Auditor Cloud, Treasurer Gordon, Superintendent Balow, Federal Circuit Judge Phillips, Chief Justice Burke, all members of the judiciary, all military and veteran's, fellow citizens, good morning Thank you all for being here.And thank you for those who are participating via the Internet or other media. We welcome all of you. And, we're pleased that technology has many benefits including the freedom to be wherever you want to be in Wyoming or anywhere else to take part in these proceedings.I want to say good morning to my family. For those of you who have been here for four years, you've seen some growth in the kids. I mentioned at the inauguration that one place on the governor's resident wall – which we'll make sure we get painted before we leave, we have marked the height of our children over the years, and it's remarkable. We think they have grown not only in height, but in other ways they've grown up with this body. You all have seen them grow up. But it causes us all to reflect upon one of the main reasons we're here, for our kids and grandkids.And I can't imagine being here without the love and the support of Carol and Mary and Pete. I thank all of you for helping me get here and helping me do this job.I think it was my first state of the state, before I gave it, Pete wrote me a note. And his handwriting, you have to decipher a little bit back then, but he said, "Good luck, Dad. You'll do great." He signed it not Pete, but "best son ever." I'm lucky to have the confidence of my family and a confident family.These are exciting times. It's a new year, a new legislature. We have some new faces in the legislature, in leadership and in our statewide offices. And I look forward to working with all of you. As I have told this body in the past, we are so fortunate in Wyoming to have a citizen legislature. Every one of you here have made sacrifices to be here. You leave you homes, your family, your work. And before we start this session, I just want to say to the President, to the Speaker, to all of you, how much I appreciate and how much it means to the entire state to have your service and I thank you for that.I'm excited about the state and where we are. As I've done in the past, I have asked citizens of Wyoming to be here with me today so that I can recognize them, because we recognize that as the state is strong, it's because individual citizens do so much and have committed so much to our state.And so first I want to start with Max Maxfield. Max serviced two terms as State Auditor, followed by two terms as Secretary of State. Last year, as you know, he decided to retire from state service. Max served Wyoming with energy, optimism, intelligence, honesty and civility.Max and Gayla, we are sad to say farewell, but we wish you all the best. You both have served Wyoming, making a better place for us all. You are friends. You are dear friends.I ask all of us to join me in recognizing Max and Gayla and their service.We are fortunate to have with us, as we've had in years past, members and representatives of the Shoshone and Arapaho Tribes. I got to meet with them before I came up here today, and they were gracious in letting me know that they had time on their hands, and they were – they offered to write my speech for me, and which I thought was a wonderful thing. That message wasn't passed on through the staff, otherwise I would have taken them up on that.But there's no question we have challenging issues to deal with, which is sometimes the case with sovereigns. But no matter what, we do remain friends and neighbors with a common interest, that being a great affection for this beautiful place, Wyoming, we all call home.If the tribal members would please stand. We always enjoy the opportunity to welcome you. Thank you for being here.One of the great privileges I've had in my role as governor is to get to work with the men and women of our Guard. And I do wish on occasion that I could articulate what my eyes have seen of the work the men and women of the Guard do. It's absolutely amazing. And when I see then off as they're being deployed overseas, know this, that these men and women – often it's very early in the morning – they are hugging their spouse good bye. The grandparents are hugging them good bye. And sometimes you'll see a young mother or a young dad kissing a young infant good bye. It's a remarkable thing, because each one of them stand, raise their hand, and agree with everything it takes, including their life, to serve and defend this country.We have about 2800 members in the Guard. Men and women of the Guard are ready for duty here at home and when duty calls them to a distant land. The Guard fights fires and much more, including fighting the war on terror. Wyoming soldiers have been busy. They've been in the thick of it; deployed overseas, serving bravely, missing home and family, as we miss them and anticipate their return.Service and sacrifice. Service and sacrifice, whether for a single tour or over the course of a long military career, are no small things to give. They are huge, and we are deeply grateful.General Luke Reiner, Wyoming's Adjutant General, is here. And I would say, General, we appreciate what our Guard, what all our military members, what our vets have given for Wyoming and for America.General, we want you to stand so we may recognize you and the Guard.Today, this morning, I think it's appropriate we remember John Schiffer. John served as a Wyoming senator for over 20 years, from 1993 until his death last June. In his long public service career John served in numerous leadership positions, including Senate President. He was an advocate for the Natural Resource and Wildlife Trust, and, among other things, was a supporter of education and mental health programs. He brought great intellect and a rancher's common sense to the legislature, and he had those big, big strong hands that were representative of his big heart and care for Wyoming.He made a positive difference for each of us, and made a positive difference for all of Wyoming. And I ask you now to join me for a moment of silence in John's memory.I'm thinking today also of 12 hours in the cold, in the dark, those who battled the blaze in Dubois on December 30th. We thank you.The fire was a tragedy, and we are thankful there were no deaths or injuries. The town will rebuild, as unique and wonderful as ever. I have no doubt. To the people of Dubois, please know you also are in our thoughts and our prayers.Now, I have broken my speech into two parts, two big parts. I want to first talk about the last four years, and then talk about where we should go from here.The last four years....we did what we said we were going to do, and we've gotten results, and it's the way government should operate. We built upon the success of prior governors and prior legislators, and together we have made great strides for Wyoming.When I took office in January 2011, Wyoming's unemployment rate was about 6 and a half percent. The state budget has doubled, had doubled the previous decade, and the state was coming off a period of government expansion.High-speed broadband was limited. Only two cities had Ethernet at their schools. There was not state energy strategy. There was no water strategy. And in my mind, there was a growing, growing need to push back against federal overreach.To set a course – to set a new course there was no time to waste. Nine days into office, my first state of the state address, I announced my vision for Wyoming. I said we would be focusing on the economy, focusing on broadband, infrastructure, assisting local government, consolidating state government, education and federal actions that were adverse to our state.As part of our focus on the economy, we would continue to support our big three industries – energy, tourism and Ag – and that we would also seek to diversify our economic base. This was a tall order, but this is Wyoming, and we do not shy away from big tasks. So we took this on, all of it, and four years later we see the difference.Starting with the economy. We made a real push for jobs, economic growth, diversification and supporting our big three. Here's some of the highlights. We have been able to welcome new enterprises, for example, NCAR, Microsoft, Searing Industries, Magpul, HiViz and oil-to-rail facilities.We've been developing and beginning to implement our state energy strategy. In the last session you provided funding to continue with initiatives in energy strategy.I have, and some of you have, gone to trade missions to places such as Hong Kong, Canada, South Korea and Taiwan to promote trade and tourism.We’ve been funding predator control and brucellosis management and helping provide relief for drought and flooding.We've provided strategic incentives and recruiting hard for data centers. Our efforts are paying off. Microsoft recently opened an innovative biogas-powered data center. The company is also investing $274 million in data center expansion, bringing its involvement in Wyoming to nearly half a billion dollars.In December, Wyoming was recognized as a leader in the country for data center recruiting. This is the third year in a row Wyoming has received that recognition.We have built our tourism in established markets, and established new ones as well. We love telling people about all Wyoming has to offer and we love to show it to them.Two years ago we added a new sporting event in Wyoming, the Cowboy Tough Adventure Race, to annual summer activities. For those of you that haven't seen that, it's got to be the toughest race in the world, as far as I'm concerned. It is truly cowboy tough.On July 10, 2015, Wyoming will mark the 125th anniversary of statehood. This will be another special occasion for all of us to enjoy and to invite visitors from near and far.Our focus on the economy has paid off. We see the success and we see national recognitions of our success.Wyoming has received a number of accolades recently, including: This highest possible rating from Standard & Poor's for the last four years; we have the number one ranking for 2015 as the state with the best tax climate for businesses; we have been ranked as having the best return on investment for taxpayers in 2014; we the lowest state, lowest tax – local tax burden; we have the lowest foreclosure rate in the nation; we are ranked now as the second most pro-business state in the country; we are third best in economic performance. And in 2014, more Wyoming people were employed than ever before in the history of our state.These rankings are important not for boasting rights, but they show the progress that we have made in four years. The economy was a priority four year ago, and we've made great strides.Broadband was a priority, and we've made great strides. This brings opportunities – broadband brings opportunities for schools, businesses and individuals and for development of a tech center. I mentioned that when I started, only two school districts had Ethernet speed. Now everyone, every school district, all 48, have Ethernet speed.We've increased high-speed connections to our schools by over 1900 percent. We've held summits to move broadband forward in 2012, '13 and '14, and we'll continue to do so.And last year, as you all know, I asked for funding for the Unified Network. This network, I'm pleased to report, as of today is fully built. We got it done in less than a year. This network brings an even higher standard of broadband to our state, more fiber optic connections and gigabit speeds. The state has been a facilitator, helping on rights-of-ways, providing infrastructure upgrades for our schools and government, and they'll also be available to the private sector. We all, you, prepared the ground, but the private sector is now delivering the goods.Ron McCue, who is president of Silver Star Communications. Last November Silver Star launched an initiative to offer gigabit-level broadband to communities in Western Wyoming. Efforts like this make Wyoming more competitive for tech businesses, for people who want to run global businesses from a home base in Wyoming, for everyone who uses a computer.Gigabit-level broadband gives Wyoming ty type of access usually associated with large cities. Such access makes Wyoming a leader in broadband and a player in tech. We have not been called these things in the past, but we are now. We should be proud of this effort to diversity our economy.Ron, we recognize what business leaders alike you are doing to make Wyoming a leader in broadband and a player in tech. Ron, please stand so we can recognize your effort.So I've talked about the economy, and I've talked about broadband. Another priority four years ago was infrastructure. We know that for communities to thrive, for quality of life, for economic growth, and for commerce generally, infrastructure is essential.We’ve been paying attention to Wyoming's infrastructure. Not counting school construction, here are a few examples: We've provided funding for the Gillette Madison water project and recognized future funding needed for completion; we passed a 10-cent per gallon gas tax increase – that produces $47 million for the state for road maintenance; we funded a new UW College of Engineering – $95 million, and $15 million match for construction; we've provided initial funding for five state facilities that need renovation, including the State Hospital, the Life Resource Center, the Veterans Home. You set aside $25.7 million to start and $20 million - $20 million more from the fiscal – for fiscal year 2015. We have provided funding for municipal landfills; we've supported the business council loan and grant programs for community development.We have and should continue to invest, and we should continue to save. And the fact is, we have seen record savings. And we can be proud of that. But we have opportunities, again not down the road, but this session, to invest in more infrastructure. We do this because we know that Wyoming, the Wyoming we enjoy today, was built by those with vision and with courage. Our forbearers did not view the role of government as a bank. They were not hoarders, but builders. As we judge their work, we will also be judged on what we build for future generations. What opportunities have we provided for our children and our grandchildren? Have we made Wyoming a better place? Another priority four years ago, and still, was assisting local government. Work gets done and lives are lived in our cities and towns and our counties. We know how great it is to live here, and we want our communities to keep doing better, for residents to attract more businesses and visitors.We have additional funding – we have provided additional funding to local government each of these last four years. And during my time in office, more than once I have suggested longer-term solutions for funding local government. That included looking at a portion of the statutory 1 percent diversion. Added funding always matters, but when it comes a year at a time, in differing amounts, or perhaps not at all, this tends to hamper local planning and development evidence.There's no question we have done well by local governments these past four years, but we still need to decide on longer-term funding for local government that they can count on, and this is the time – now is the time to work towards a solution.One of the other areas that we have stressed these last four years is consolidating government. And we have done so. For example, we have addressed backlogs and delay; we got all state employees on the same email system; we have merged two agencies; we have developed a meaningful employee evaluation system; we have consolidated IT services; we reduced the standard budget by over 6 percent, reducing ongoing spending by over $60 million a year; we began a rules initiative for state agencies, and have significantly reduced roles – rules, some have reduced by almost 50 percent; and we have amended the state law to allow further reductions to provide an updated database, which will give everyone better access to rules; we have fewer employees now that we did four years ago.State government has become more effective and more efficient. We are doing more with less.Also a priority four years ago, and now, is education. As a state, we make sizable investment in education through block grants and school construction funding. In turn, such an investment should yield the best education possible for our kids.We started work on education accountability in 2011, and it continues. I note this session you will consider a bill to improve the state assessment system. We have, over the last four years, increased awards under the Hathaway Scholarship program. We broke ground for the Enzi STEM facility at UW. We provided funding for UW science programs and facilities, and more is in my budget this year. I ask for your support on that proposal.We joined Complete College America, CCA. We know the demands for our students to have a post secondary education is rising. CCA is another tool to help Wyoming students get the education, including, importantly, Career Technical Education they need to succeed.We now have STEM Summits in Wyoming. And last April I attended the rollout of the STEM initiative for Sublette County School District 1. Fact is, STEM education is important at every level, and I look forward to more events like this.All this work on education is lost without great teachers, teachers like Tyler Bartlett. Tyler is the 2015 Wyoming Teacher of the Year. He's a math teacher at Newcastle Middle School. He's in his sixth year of teaching and loves his job.When he received his award he said, "There's a lot that goes into being a successful teacher. Sometimes we focus too much on teaching and not enough on learning. I think the real bottom line is that students have to be learning."Tyler teaches a STEM subject, and is representative of the excellent teachers that we have in Wyoming. Tyler, please stand so we can recognize you. Congratulations Tyler.We will keep working on education, every level – early childhood education, K-12, our community colleges and UW – to get things right. For the future of our state we have to get education right.Another priority four years ago, and now, is federal actions that adversely affect our state. I will say Wyoming has been very aggressive these past four years in oppose g federal actions that affect our state. Sometimes we prevail. Fact is, sometimes we don't. But we know we cannot look the other way because the impacts are too great. We must continue together to stand against federal overreach.One of my first acts in office, in fact, was to ask the Wyoming Attorney General to join the constitutional challenge to the ACA. This is an important lawsuit, and Wyoming had to be part of it. Many of us, including myself, did not like the result, but Wyoming did need to be involved.We've also been very active in filing or joining actions to support grazing rights. We in Wyoming know how valuable Ag is, not just to our state, but, in fact, this country. It is one thing to not as a country, be able to fuel yourselves, it's another thing entirely not to be able to feed yourselves. We have to continue to have strong support for Ag.In December we filed a case in Wyoming Federal District Court to require BLM to better manage wild horses.We continue to fight for Wyoming's regional haze plan, and it's a good plan, for addressing visibility. Last fall, the Tenth Circuit upheld the state's plan regarding sulphur dioxides. And recently, we filed our brief in the Tenth Circuit in support of the state's plan as it relates to nitrogen oxides.We have, as many of you know, most frequently done battle with the EPA. The reason is simply EPA rulemaking, under President Obama's administration, has been troubling at best. Wyoming is opposing the power plant rules, the proposed rules for waters of the U.S., as well as many other EPA act - EPA actions, and we'll continue to do so.Wyoming's fight against federal regulatory overreach will not stop. Along with the Attorney General, along with the support of this body, we must all continue fighting for Wyoming.Looking back at the past four years, there's some other matters I'll mention. We have reduced the DD wait list. We've undertaken job initiatives, including those with - for those with disabilities. We will continue our work in this area with unemployment - the Employment First concept.At my direction, DFS has appointed a statewide homeless coordinator - and will create a 10-year plan to address homelessness. We have renewed our focus on suicide prevention with a statewide initiative.Regarding worker safety, I support and I appreciate the safety alliances formed by the oil, gas, transportation, refinery and construction industries.At the state level we've added new OSHA safety positions. We've created a $500,000 fund to provide matching grants to companies for safety equipment and training. We created a program to reduce workers compensation premiums for those willing to participate in health and safety consultations.In addition, Workforce Services has developed annual reporting for better analysis of on-the-job accidents.In 2013, we had a better year. We saw improved statistics, fewer fatalities and hospitalizations. This was encouraging. We haven't got the numbers on 2014, but we have reason to believe at this point that 2013 is going to be a better year than 2014.We need to continue to look how we do better as a state to emphasize workplace safety and improve job safety.I know, as you all do, employers care, we all do, about getting workers home safely at the end of the workday. We have been headed in the right direction, but there is more progress to be made, and we have to keep at it. We will. For example, one of my funding requests is for passing lanes, and that is safety related.Finally, in this look back, I'm very proud we have passed a law for veterans. In 2011, we created the Wyoming Veterans Home - excuse me, the Wyoming Veterans Welcome Home Day. Thanks to this law, at the end of March every year we hold ceremonies in communities around the state. This day is especially for vets, like our Korean vets, our Vietnam and Gulf War vets, who perhaps did not receive a proper homecoming after their military service ended.And as I go to each one of these events at the end of March, it's a remarkable thing what you all have done on that Welcome Home Day. Because as you see these vets and you greet them, after you say a few words, it's astounding, because you have Vietnam vets, for example, who will greet you sometimes just with a nod or a handshake, sometimes with a hug, oftentimes with tears in their eyes, saying, "It's all I ever wanted, is to have somebody say 'welcome home' and 'thank you for your service.'Certainly that is the least we owe our vets. So I congratulate this body in that wonderful concept. It has been tremendous.And today we have a vet with us who knows what it's like not to get what you should when you return home. Arturo Archuleta served as an Army infantryman in the Korean War. In 1951, Art was wounded in action and earned the Purple Heart. A few years ago it came to light the medal was never awarded.Last November, 63 years after the fact, the situation was put right. Art received his purple heart at a ceremony in Cheyenne. It's never too late to put things right.Veteran's initiatives like the Welcome Home Day, special license plates, recognition for - of service for professional licensing, and in-state tuition convey our respect and gratitude.Art, we thank you and all our vets for serving and making sacrifices for our country. Art, please stand so we can recognize you.To sum up, Wyoming has come far these past four years. Compared to unemployment at about 6 and a half percent in January 2011, we have unemployment at 4 and a half percent in November 2014, significantly lower than the U.S. unemployment pared to ballooning costs of state operations the past decade, our state budget is staying relatively flat. We have improved state government, enhanced technology and infrastructure, given extra support to local government, developed an energy strategy, grown and diversified the economy, and tackled other tough issues.So today I'm pleased to report to all of you, with full confidence, the state of the state is strong and getting stronger. This is because of the work you've done. For example, creating a great climate for business. This is because of Wyoming's natural advantages, including abundant mineral and energy resources. Above all, this is because of Wyoming people, our greatest strength.We should not take our eye off the ball now or our foot off the gas. We have built a solid foundation for our future. We will move ahead by building on the solid foundation laid, not by standing still.We have been sowing the seeds and harvesting the crops. If we continue to plant and steward well, we will leave greener pastures and even a better legacy.We have the fiscal resources, the people resources, the natural resources, and the civic leadership to make the difference for generations to come. We look at the next four years with - I look at the next four years with great optimism.In my second term, I will continue to focus on the areas I've talked about today. They've been important from day one. They remain important, and there's more we can do on each.To add these initiatives - to add to these initiatives, I would add coal initiatives, advancing our energy strategy, increasing international trade, forest health, Medicaid expansion and implementing our water strategy.Again, I ask that we take on a great deal, but, again, I say Wyoming is always up to the challenge.Regarding coal. Coal is critical to Wyoming, and we must assure its future. Beyond that, coal is critical to this country's future. And in my lifetime, I've never seen an onslaught against a single industry, a single commodity, like the Obama administration's anti-coal agenda. The EPA has had a green light to go after the coal industry, and six years later coal is still targeted by federal regulators.The coal industry provides about 40 percent of electricity for this country. It keeps us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It keeps the lights on and the factories humming. It is, in fact, the fastest growing energy source in the world.Here in Wyoming, the industry provides revenue for schools and infrastructure and thousands of direct and indirect jobs for Wyoming workers. In the coming years I will continue to work with bulldog determination on coal initiatives, port expansion, new technology and value - added products. In the coming years we don't need to let up, we need to double down. We must assure coal's continuity. There are legitimate opportunities, such as the Integrated Test Center project, and we must seize them.We fight for coal, and we will fight for oil, and we will fight for gas and trona and uranium and other resources if they are targeted by oppressive federal regulations.And part of that is advancing energy strategy. Last session you funded continued work on initiatives identified in the energy strategy. Our task is to go further to advance the strategy issued two years ago this May, by continuing the work on the initiatives and identifying new initiatives.I mentioned international trade. Here's an interesting statistic. From 2010 to 2013, international trade grew from 983 million to 1.35 billion, a growth of 36 percent. We want to see that growth continue. And you have added 315,000 -- $350,000 in the biennial budget to develop international trade, funding I fully support. We are - my office and you all can use this funding productively to continue the progress that we've made.Our forests, as you know, have been a challenge with beetle kill. And forests are a great resource. They provide homes for wildlife, lumber for industry, and places for recreation. We want our forests to be as healthy as possible, and so many have been devastated by beetle kill.I put together a task force to look at the condition of our forests and make recommendations. I support these recommendations and have included funding in my budget proposal.Last session the legislature asked the Department of Health to find the best deal possible for Wyoming under the ACA. We have seen over the last four years much more flexibility from HHS and CMS. Our Department of Health was able to craft what we believe is the best plan for Wyoming. Some in the legislature are looking at an alternative plan, and I appreciate their work.Regarding the ACA, you, as I, may not like it, but it is upon us. We challenged it, but it is upon us. Two years ago - not last year, two years ago - as I said in my state of the state, let us try within the law that is upon us to find the best deal, the best fit for Wyoming under the ACA. I feel the same, say the same today.And here's some facts regarding ACA. Fact is, small and large hospitals are anchors in our Wyoming communities. Fact is, businesses make clear to me they cannot recruit new people to an area without reasonable healthcare. Beyond that, they can't keep people in an area without reasonable healthcare. And if small hospitals close, our rural towns will suffer tremendous loss and opportunity for the future.Fact is, we have working men and women of Wyoming who cannot afford healthcare. This is true now as it was when both I and the legislature supported Healthy Frontiers in an attempt to address the issue.The fact is, the Wyoming Hospital Association reports $200 million in uncompensated care. The number in terms of actual costs they believe is around a hundred million dollars.Fact is, economic analysis shows that Medicaid expansion would create about 800 jobs in Wyoming.The fact is, many of us don't like the ACA, including me. But here's another fact, our federal tax dollars pay for ACA. Wyoming federal tax dollars help pay for the ACA. Do we choose to have that support, that Wyoming money, return to Colorado, to California, or to Wyoming? I say Wyoming.My plan or yours or something better, we have fought the fight against the ACA. We've done our best to find the fit for Wyoming. We are out of timeouts, and we need to address Medicaid expansion this session.Water strategy. Wyoming is subject to seven water compacts and two Supreme Court decrees. Water we are not committed to providing others under this compact and decrees belongs to us. It is Wyoming's water. And Wyoming water is key to our future. All of us need water: municipalities, industries, Ag, and individuals. It is our most important natural resource.Water, more than anything, is tied to everything we do in the state. It's tied to everything we have done, and it's going to be tied to everything we do in the future. Yet Wyoming has not had a water strategy. Developing a water strategy was one of the initiatives identified in the energy strategy.Over the last year or so, with wide public input, we have put together a very good strategy. It's going to be issued tomorrow and available online and in hard copy. The strategy includes a 10 in 10 proposal - 10 small reservoir projects in 10 years - and nine other initiatives, including a proposal for Fontenelle.The time to protect our water is now. And as a state, we cannot afford to delay.The supplemental budget gets us started on that. I ask for a transfer of about 18.6 million for the Water Development Account II. I hope you'll approve this request and the rest of my budget proposal. I also hope you'll consider supporting the water strategy in future budgets as you have supported the energy strategy. The budget in general. This is a general session, so I have before you a modest $156 million budget proposal. It is a conservative supplement to the biennial budget. I believe it positions well - Wyoming well for the years ahead. It strengthens our UW and community college system. It makes investments in strategic areas.The fact is, the state has these funds. We are well over $1 million in reversions, money unused by agencies, which together with SIPA dollars fully funds my proposal. With your recognition of the reversions, all funding is available.My proposal keeps government operating costs relatively flat. State agencies have worked hard to keep budgets trim. Only 17 million, less than one half of a percent of the standard general budget is increased by my biennial budget, and is for operating and ongoing expenditures.Now, I do make some funding requests that do not add to the future budgets. They are one-time proposals. These include $25 million for local government; 6.4 million for the municipal solid waste cease and transfer program; 21.2 million for passing lanes on Highway 59 between Douglas and Gillette and between Casper and Shoshoni; funding for the High Altitude Sports Performance Training Center, unconventional oil & gas reservoirs research, an entrepreneurship initiative, science initiative, literacy program and athletic competitiveness, all at UW, and subject to private matching funds.Here's the deal. We have one four-year land grant university. In those areas important to Wyoming such as Ag, science, engineering, we do not need to accept playing second fiddle to anyone. Private citizens are recognizing this. Private citizens of Wyoming have been giving many millions of dollars out of their own pockets to UW. And as with engineering, the science initiative has the ability to be transformational, making UW a leader, making Wyoming a leader. We want important academic programs at UW to be top tier.And the same is true with athletics. I care about us competing. I care about us winning. It not only brings pride to our state - for example, the UW basketball team is in the top 25, as you may know. And this helps recruit students, increases alumni dollars, and builds the university.The funding I'm asking for UW will serve notice loud and clear brown and gold is not fading. It will be brighter. We will be leaders in business, education, science, athletics, and many other areas.Now, some of my funding requests may reoccur, but they would have to be asked for and approved again. For example, a new initiative I'm introducing today is called Wyoming Grown. Here is the situation. For decades Wyoming has had challenges keeping our kids in Wyoming after they graduate. Research shows that of all 18-year-olds working in Wyoming, on any given year, only an estimated 40 percent are still working in Wyoming 10 years later. We're losing 60 percent of our greatest talent.Wyoming Grown will seek to recruit Wyoming computer programmers, doctors, welders, engineers and others, who have left the state but can continue to build their careers and raise their families here. Workforce Services will use its network of employment specialists to connect job seekers with job opportunities. As part of the initiative, the tourism office is developing a Web page to highlight the wonderful qualities of our communities have to offer. The initiative is not costly, I've asked for $10,000. But it is critical for continuing to strengthen our workforce. Businesses recruiting people to Wyoming know that if a Wyoming kid will come back, it's a great fit, because they are coming home. Let's open the door to get our kids home.Another initiative in my budget proposal is for training and placement. We see that the private sector can do to help people become self-reliant We have with us today Ray Fleming Dinneen. She has a UW business degree, a doctorate in psychology from UNC. In 1986, Ray saw that single mothers needed help reaching independence. With her mother, Pat, she founded CLIMB Wyoming, a nonprofit organization which provides single mothers the resources needed to succeed on their own.The program benefits mothers, children, communities and the state. It started in Cheyenne and branched out to other communities. Ray remains executive director.More than 1600 mothers (with nearly 2600 children) have been served by CLIMB Wyoming.My request for job training and placement is $1 million, and is subject to private matching funds. It's intended to allow innovative programs, like CLIMB Wyoming, to reach more people.Ray, it's been remarkable all that you have done. Please stand so we can recognize your effort.While the supplemental budget gets us started, there are other items in my budget that keep building Wyoming. These items are a list of forward-looking initiatives.And here we have to recognize some hard facts. With oil dropping, the revenue estimates will be going down. And it should be a concern for all of us. But the fact is, it's not something new to Wyoming. We've experienced this in the past. Some of you have experienced it in the past from the legislature. But we are in a better position now than we've been in the past. We have positioned ourselves. And with less government, more efficient government, we will work through this We will be able to continue to build Wyoming.Fact is, in Wyoming we have never spent revenue we don't have in hand. We're not like D.C., and we never will be.We recognize the drop in oil prices. For each $5 drop, the state loses about $35 million in revenue a year. But we know safely we have 220 to 240 million for the next fiscal year. This counts reversions and SIPA, which I already mentioned, and investment earnings as of December 10, 2014, which will be realized on June 30, 2015.This does not come out of savings. It fully funds my supplemental budget, as I've said, and it leaves money left over for the list. I'll single out a few. As I said in my budget message, we need to fund the Gillette Madison and the Capitol Renovation projects. I don't view either of those projects as optional.In addition, we need to look at industrial parks, like the Heartland project in Canada, which would allow companies to cluster, benefit from each other, develop technologies and produce innovative products from our natural resources. They are vital to our economy, especially to energy, manufacturing and tech businesses. They'll benefit from the synergies such parks will provide.These parks need infrastructure to get off the ground. The startup cost for a reserve account would be small, a small down payment for big future gains.This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Wildlife Trust. Fully funding the Wildlife Trust would be a one-time expense, or, rather, a transfer to a different savings account. Once fully funded, the Trust would carry itself and would not be in any future budget. Full funding would show that in Wyoming we do not just talk about balancing conservation and development, we actually do it.With us today is the Bousman family. They have been ranching in Boulder, Wyoming for over a century. The ranch has several thousand acres of private land and also uses federal grazing allotments. Brad Bousman was the first to sign a Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances for sage grouse, and the first to ask about a similar agreement called a CCA, Candidate Conservation Agreement, used for federal lands. We congratulate him for these firsts.Brad and his family represent the commitment of private landowners to take voluntary actions. Brad, we thank you for your commitment to conservation, and please stand.Like the conservation efforts of private landowners, the Wildlife Trust is a powerful force. It benefits Ag, tourism, energy, wildlife and recreation. It preserves our rich heritage. We can secure the Trust in perpetuity by fully funding the corpus.In addition to addressing items on the list, we must also address our state's fiscal policy. Wyoming has billions of dollars in various savings accounts. The rainy day fund alone, during my time in office, which is a liquid account, was almost doubled. It has $2 billion in it. And the permanent mineral trust fund has grown by 55 percent in my time in office. Last year, $1 billion flowed into liquid and permanent savings accounts.The CREG estimates, as we now know, do not tell the whole story. And the CREG does not provide a fiscal policy. There are questions to be asked and there's questions to be answered. For example, how much should we have in savings? What is the purpose of the rainy day account? Can we count earned investment income for planning purposes? In answering these questions, we need to recognize the stock markets can go up and down, but infrastructure has inherent value.We need a sensible - fiscipal - fiscal policy going forward so we can continue to save and also continue to invest in the future. We need transparency. We need predictability. We need clarity. Only then, in good times and in lean, can we provide the best future for Wyoming. These discussions have already begun with leadership. They've got some great ideas. We must continue this conversation with the entire legislature.As we go about our work, we continue in every way to be inspired by people around us, and I want to recognize a few of them today. Wyoming's 11,000 family farms and ranches give our state its special look and its special feel. Open spaces, beautiful views, historic buildings, growing crops, grazing livestock, we have these things and more thanks to Wyoming Ag. The working hands on our Ag lands make these operations tick and keep rodeo our state sport.Russell "Pinky" Walter is from Lingle. He started in rodeo as a bull rider and served as a pickup man for bareback riders. Today he manages a ranch north of Fort Laramie. He still steer ropes. Pinky has spent his entire life on horseback.The people he met on the rodeo circuit and while ranching got Walter thinking about a Wyoming Cowboy Hall of Fame. He and others interested in the idea carried it through. A Hall of Fame Board - and Pinky is vice chairman - established high standards. To qualify for induction, a person has to be more than 45 years old and have spent a majority of their life working on horseback on Wyoming ranches. The first induction ceremony was last fall.Pinky, we recognize you, all Wyoming cowboys and cowgirls, and the initial inductees in the Wyoming Cowboy Hall of Fame. Pinky, you help keep Wyoming "Forever West." Thank you, Pinky.Pinky, as an aside, I used to rodeo in high school, and there's no chance I'll ever be in that Cowboy Hall of Fame.We think always about the importance of education in our state and what it means for kids and for our future. Walt Nolte represents our education system beyond K-12. He's been president of Casper College for the past 10 years. With leaders like Walt, our university and community college system is getting stronger and stronger.UW and our seven great community colleges - and they are great - are on the same page. They want to provide the best post-high school education possible in our state, including what I believe is so important, career and technical education. They are focused on student success. It's a team effort, not compensation among entities.Walt will retire in June, and he leaves behind some impressive achievements, for example, the largest enrollment in college history, a dozen new programs, and five new buildings.Walt, I thank you. We all thank you for your work. You'll be missed. Please stand so we can recognize you today.Our predecessors made decisions that put Wyoming in an enviable position, and it is our job to preserve and improve upon it. We are a leader in energy, the environment, and many other areas. We're happy to take on the responsibilities that go with leadership, now and in the future. Since I took office, the constant in all my messages, besides Wyoming's strength, has been putting Wyoming first, believing in our people, local government, our small businesses to invest in our state and its future. My faith in Wyoming is as strong as ever.We are small in number, but our citizens have kept the attributes that have made our state great. Independence, entrepreneurial spirit, optimism, humor and grit. We have these. Our folks have these, their kids, their grandkids. We must keep them in mind when we invest in the future of Wyoming. We have them in mind with all the decisions we make.So as we go forward with courage, with respect, with civility, with motivation, not for ourselves, but for Wyoming, they make the future bright. May God grant us the wisdom. May God bless our state, our country, and all who live in our wonderful land. May God bless you. Thank you very much.President Nicholas thanked Governor Mead for his message and introduced Chief Justice E. James Burke.STATE OF THE JUDICIARYE. JAMES BURKEMr. President, Mr. Speaker, Governor and Mrs. Mead, members of the 63rd Wyoming Legislature, elected officials, members of the judiciary, guests and citizens of the State of Wyoming. It is an honor to speak to you today on behalf of the dedicated men and women who serve in the judicial branch of our state's government.I want to offer congratulations to the newly elected or re-elected members of the legislature and our five elected state officials. We also offer congratulations to President Nicholas and Speaker Brown upon their well deserved elevation to their leadership positions and thank them for their invitation to address you. But at this point I need to depart from my prepared remarks to resolve some controversy that apparently exists, at least among some in the Senate, involving the oath of office for elected officials.As you may know there was a -- at the inauguration, it's the duty of the Chief Justice to swear in the newly elected state officials, and we did that. Then a couple nights ago I ran into Senator Ross and Senator Von Flatern at dinner. And they were apparently enjoying the calm before the storm, relaxing. I stopped to wish them well. Senator Ross offered me some advice with regard to the state of the judiciary speech, which I will not get into at this point in time. And then as we were leaving, he said, "Next time you give an oath, at least act like you know their names." I said, "What are you talking about?" He said, "At the inauguration you didn't say their names. You said, 'I, state your name,' and then they stated your name -- and they stated their names." He said, "You're supposed to state their name." I said, "Oh, I'm not sure about that." And we talked about it a little bit back and forth. And it wasn't like I just went into that cold. We have some expertise on the Wyoming Supreme Court.Chief Justice Kite, Justice Hill, they have been previous chief justices, have administered thousands of oaths. And I spoke with Chief Justice Kite about what do you do with the state elected officials? Do you say their name or do you ask them to state their name? She says that's a great, great question. A great question. She says because you're not quite sure. Like do they want their full name? Do they want their middle initial? What if they have a middle initial and middle name they don't like and they don't want to hear it? Leave it to them. It's a matter of mutual respect and respect for them, have some confidence - confidence in your public officials. So her go-to position was to let them state their own name, and that's what we do. And the - all of the elected officials, they came through in the clutch. I saw a brief moment of hesitancy in the Governor's eyes, and then he went with Matt.But I said - and to - to win the argument, as I was leaving, Senator Ross said, "But Justice Kite said my name when she gave me the oath of office for the presidency - president of the senate." And so I said to Justice Kite, I said, "But - but you said Senator Ross's name. What about the go-to..." She said, "Well, there's also sort of a courtesy factor. If you think, you know, the pressure... And so I went with his name." And Senator Ross, I will tell you this, I've known you for a long time. And Justice Kite - and I trust her judgment. I trust her leadership, but we don't always agree. And I am here to commit to you today that if ever I get the chance to give you an oath of office, I will count on you to remember your name.Speaking of Justice Kite. This year we will be celebrating the 125th anniversary of statehood. And there may be a tendency to go back in time to look for historical tidbits. But there has been history made in this state in our judiciary over the last four years. During that time, Justice Kite served as the chief justice of the Wyoming Supreme Court. She completed her tenure on June 30, 2014. She was Wyoming's first woman chief justice. In a few minutes I'm going to tell you that the state of the Wyoming judiciary is strong. That's true, and it's largely because of her efforts. I'm going to talk about various programs and initiatives. Many were started on her watch. It's been an honor to serve with her on the Supreme Court and be part of history. She is a wonderful person, and the state and our citizens have all benefitted greatly from her leadership. Please join me in acknowledging Justice Kite.Senator Bebout has asked me about the job of Chief Justice, and I told him - I said it is a pretty exciting, pretty neat job. And Senator Bebout then said, well, it sounds like it's a great job, but the only problem for you guys is you have to follow Justice Kite as chief, and I agree with that.But I am pleased to report that the state of the judiciary is strong. And this morning I want to spend a few minutes explaining why that is so. More specifically, I'm going to spend time talking about the legislature's contribution to that state of affairs. We have much to thank you for.I mentioned that at the breakfast this morning. And Representative Burkhart, on the Appropriations Committee, I told him I was going to take that approach, and he says, "What are you asking for?" Typical. And I said, "Actually, our requests this year are very modest." And that makes - it gives me much more credibility when I explain what I believe the legislature has done that has helped make this judiciary very strong.As you're probably aware, the primary mission of the judicial branch is to provide a forum for fair, impartial and timely resolution of legal disputes in accordance with the rule of law. In order to fulfill that mission, adequate resources must be committed and there must be an adequate structure in place. The basic structure for our court systems was established in our constitution. Over the years it has been tweaked. The most recent reorganization occurred at the beginning of this century when circuit courts were established. Senator John Schiffer played a huge role in that endeavor. And like you, we mourn his passing.Most often the discussion between our two branches relates to funding. Sometimes there has been disagreement. As someone once said, "The legislature answers every funding request," but sometimes it's "no." But often the answer has been "yes." When the judicial branch has made the case, the legislature's provided funding to ensure that the judicial branch remains strong. It funded new judgeships when caseloads became prohibitive. It led the way in the transition to electronic filing. It increased judicial salaries to appropriate levels to ensure a high-quality pool of applicants. Five years ago, for the first time, it passed legislation providing funding for civil legal services for the indigent. It funded the renovation of the Wyoming Supreme Court building, on time, on budget.I'm just saying. And I would say this, that we hope - that the time actually that we were out of the building went quickly. We are so pleased with the improvements, and we hope that you all have - the renovations you're contemplating have the same impact on you and you have the same results. So we wish you all the best in that endeavor. Five years ago, for the first time, Wyoming legislature provide - passed legislation providing funding for civil legal services for the indigent. Throughout, the legislature has been responsive to our requests for adequate staff and resources to fulfill our mission. And the judicial branch of government has endeavored to use those resources wisely and efficiently.In this current session we will be making supplemental budget requests for funding in two areas. But before I re-address those requests, I would like to discuss funding for court security. Chief Justice Kite spoke at length about the issue last year in her address to this audience. Her remarks were compelling, and I will not repeat them now. Suffice it to say, it remains a priority.During the last legislative session, Fremont and Sweetwater Counties were able to obtain state funding to assist them in construction of improvements that were necessary to provide adequate security for their state court facilities. I'm pleased to report that construction of a new courthouse is well underway in Riverton. As you recall, a bullet through the metal walls of the building housing the circuit court in Riverton brought home the urgency of court security issues.Since the last session, the court has taken additional steps to address court security. We received two grants from the State Justice Institute. The first was a $50,000 grant to conduct court security assessments in Albany, Platte, Goshen, Niobrara, Weston, Crook, Big Horn and Park Counties. The second was a $30,000 grant to provide court security training at three regional sites. Over 160 judges, law enforcement personnel, attorneys and other community members attended. The last assessment was completed in December. In this session we will be seeking funding for needed court security improvements in line with those assessments.Our first supplemental budget request involves the transition to electronic filing. As most of you are probably aware, the Wyoming Supreme Court has used an electronic filing system which has provided access to our cases since 2008. Our district courts, however, have been operating on four separate electronic docket management systems, which were incompatible with each other and generally inaccessible except to the courts which employed them. As of March 2014, all of the data held in those systems has been moved into a single system, which is already accessible to the Supreme Court and the district judges. As with all new systems, this one provided challenges, which were not anticipated in development. But many issues with the system have been resolved, and the rest are scheduled for resolution soon. We appreciate the assistance and patience of the district clerks of court as we have worked through these challenges. We also appreciate the indispensable hard work and dedication of our supreme court information technology staff.The new system is also already yielding benefits for district judges and their chambers. They can access files electronically and store them on tablets or computers for easy and efficient use in chambers or in hearings in open court. Since the system's inception, an enormous amount of data has been stored in this new system. If it were in paper form, it would already exceed the height of the tallest building in the United States.We plan to add a module which will allow the judges to more efficiently schedule and track their cases within the next couple of months. We also plan to roll out electronic filing in test courts this year. This feature will allow attorneys to file and access documents from their offices. Our citizens can currently access the public docket and scanned filings using public terminals in our courthouses. With e-filing in place, that access becomes possible over the Internet.We plan to adapt the district court system to the circuit courts next. To that end, we've asked the legislature to return $400,000, which was previously appropriated but reverted to the general fund at the end of fiscal year 2014. Those funds will allow us to move data from the existing circuit court systems to a new system, which will also permit electronic docket management, electronic filing and public access. We appreciate the foresight and wisdom of this body - this body has shown in allocating funds to help our courts achieve greater efficiency and greater transparency in the electronic age.In our second supplemental budget request, we are seeking legislative authorization to spend an additional $100,000 in support of the legislative mandate to provide civil legal services to the indigent of this state. These funds have already been collected. We are just seeking authorization to put them to good use. For those who may not be familiar with this legislation, and because so much has happened in the past few years, a little background is warranted.In 2010, the 60th legislature enacted Wyoming Statute 5-2-121 and related legislation. As a result of that legislation, an account was created to fund and support a statewide program to provide civil legal services to individual - indigent individuals within the state. The account was to be funded from assessments on court filings in the same fashion as the court technology fund. It is administered by the Supreme Court. Eligibility for legal services funded by the account is limited to individuals with income at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. It is our understanding that there are approximately 67,005 or 11.5 percent of the Wyoming's estimated population living below the federal poverty level. The number of people living below 200 percent of the poverty level in Wyoming is estimated at 30 percent of the federal - of our population, approximately 174,797 people.In April of 2011, the Wyoming Center for Legal Aid was created by the Wyoming Supreme Court as the entity responsible for building the statewide program. Because of potential confusion with the names of other legal service providers, the Center recently changed its name to Equal Justice Wyoming. Equal Justice Wyoming is governed by a board of commissioners appointed by the Supreme Court.Time does not permit me to list the names of all board members, but I mention them as a group because their time commitment has been substantial and their leadership remarkable. Throughout, they have stayed true to the legislative vision of a statewide program. I'm not going to mention the names of those individuals, but there is one member of the - one of those commissioners that's on that board that is present here in this building today, and she has already been recognized. And she's made a wonderful contribution through CLIMB Wyoming, and she's also, excuse me, making a wonderful contribution to this access to justice effort. Please recognize Ray Fleming Dinneen.Here is what has been accomplished. They have used the grant process to provide direct legal services. There is a legal hotline run by Legal Aid of Wyoming that serves as a single point of entry. The hotline is manned by two lawyers who provide direct and timely legal information. Those lawyer positions are funded by a grant from Equal Justice Wyoming.There are now legal aid offices in Rock Springs and Gillette. The offices are run by Legal Aid of Wyoming, but funding for those two lawyers is provided by Equal Justice Wyoming. And every attempt has been made to leverage resources. Office space was donated by community organizations. In Rock Springs, the office space and overhead is provided by Sweetwater County Family Justice Center. Office space in Gillette is donated by the Council of Community Services.Funds from the Equal Justice Wyoming grant have enabled the coalition against domestic violence and sexual assault to maintain two full-time attorneys to handle cases throughout the state to assist victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The grant pays 100 percent of one attorney's position, and a portion, roughly 25 percent, of a second full-time attorney position. The coalition currently has cases pending in 15 counties in the state. The Teton County Access to Justice Center was created in 2012 with a grant from Equal Justice Wyoming, and has continued to expand its services since that time. It's housed in the Teton County Law Library and provides legal information and self-help services, in addition to providing legal representation through a panel of private contract attorneys. Eligible clients may be referred to a private person who are paid at a reduced rate from grant funds.The Wyoming Children's Law Center also received a grant to provide assistance to children and families with legal needs. It fills an important need by providing advocacy to ensure children receive special education services to which they are entitled. Equal Justice Wyoming has also focused on the pro bono aspect of the puzzle. It partnered with the Wyoming State Bar to breathe new life into efforts to establish an effective and dependable pro bono program. They launched the "I'll Do One" program last year. This goal is to encourage Wyoming lawyers and law firms to take on at least one pro bono case. I would encourage you to view the program video. It can be found on the Bar's website, and also the Equal Justice Wyoming website. It's professionally done. And it should be noticed - noted that the services creating the video were donated. In coordination with the State Bar, they helped launch a pro bono program to provide legal services to our veterans. Sixty attorneys from across the state have signed up.Equal Justice Wyoming has provided training. Again, in cooperation and coordination with the Bar, they have traveled the state conducting training in limited scope representation. The goal is to raise attorney, judicial and public awareness of that option. When limited scope representation is utilized, an attorney helps a client by providing limited but crucial legal assistance at an affordable cost for a specific aspect of the case. The concept is particularly applicable in the domestic relations environment where legal forms exist and clients often represent themselves.Equal Justice Wyoming has also made effective use of technology in an effort to serve as many as possible. It has a legal information and self-help website that was launched in 2012. The website had 19,660 visits last year.The majority of the client needs in this area involve domestic relations matters. Currently there is a lack of lawyers who are willing to take on domestic relations cases. Equal Justice Wyoming, in conjunction with the Bar, is trying to change that. It is - and also has undertaken significant effort - efforts to enable clients to help themselves. After two years of planning, preparation and programming, and in collaboration with the Supreme Court and the Court's IT department, Equal Justice Wyoming launched an automated interview program that walks the litigant user through a series of questions and answers that are used to create complete and accurate family law forms, similar to Turbo Tax, that are already - that are ready for filing with the court.Currently, the program only applies to divorces without children, but a divorce with children program is on the way.Equal Justice Wyoming obtained a grant from the ABA to set up five Skype sites in rural communities to connect with attorneys providing pro bono service - advice. I could go on, but I won't because of time constraints.There's an old adage relating to perennial plants." The first year you sow, the next year is slow, and the third year they grow." I think it captures perfectly what we are witnessing as a result of your legislation and the efforts of Equal Justice Wyoming, the State Bar and its members, and all in our communities who are working to make the promise of equal justice and access to the courts contained in our constitution more attainable. We are confident that many of the programs that have been initiated will take root and flourish. More will come online. More of our citizens will be served, and none of it - none of it would have been possible if the legislature had not taken that monumental step.I also believe that the legislation has had an additional impact. It has influenced a tone and focus of discussions relating to our system of justice.Our constitution promises equal justice for all, not just the wealthy or the very poor. Often those sentiments have been tied to the concept of the rule of law that was mentioned at the beginning of my remarks. The rule of law holds that no one is above the law. All are to be treated equally in our courts. "Our courts," Atticus Finch told the jury, "are the great levelers."And all of that is true. Our courts and judges make very difficult decisions and apply it - and apply the rule of law every day. It is what makes our system of justice the best in the world. But the rule of law doesn't help much if you can't get into court. It doesn't help if you forgo pursuing justice because it takes too long or is too expensive. It doesn't help if cases are settled because of cost and delay, rather than being decided on the merits. While our courts have always been concerned with the practical aspects of litigation, it seems now that there is a greater sense of urgency and willingness to take a fresh look at how justice in this state is administered.Historically, the justice system has taken a one-size-fits-all approach to our rules involving litigation. We can no longer continue down that path.Under the leadership of Chief Justice Kite, the Rule 1 initiative explored potential changes to bring our system more in tune with the goal of just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action. When the jurisdiction of circuit courts was increased to $50,000 by this body, the Supreme Court, upon the recommendation of the Board of Judicial Policy, enacted rule changes for civil actions in circuit courts, limiting discovery and establishing a time frame by which the litigation should be concluded. It should not cost $50,000 to pursue a $50,000 claim. More study is required, but it is our understanding that the rules are proving effective.And if we find them to be effective, hopefully that will provide a great incubator and a stepping stone to improvements in other courts.Domestic relations cases comprise a significant percentage of the district court docket. As mentioned previously, it is an area where more individuals are representing themselves. The primary reason is cost. At the beginning of this year, a pilot project for divorce cases went into effect in three districts. Under the program, parties can opt in. Discovery is limited. Depositions cannot be taken. Experts cannot be used. The parties will receive a trial within 150 days of the opt in. Trial time will be limited to four hours with two hours for each side. We are hopeful that the program can relieve some congestion in the courts and result in lower costs for the parties. If it works, it will be expanded. If it fails, we'll go back to the drawing board. In any event, we will continue to explore options to increase efficiency and reduce costs for the parties. We must understand the practical realities of our system of justice and do what we can to eliminate cost and delay. The trick is that all of this has to be accomplished while maintaining the opportunity for a fair and full hearing.Our judges are focusing even more on docket management techniques in an effort to identify methods that will allow cases to be resolved in a time frame that will provide timely justice for the parties The technological advances discussed previously will make it easier for our judges to manage their dockets. It will become easier to identify the cases that are lagging and move them along.And speaking of our judiciary, there's been some changes. Five new judges were appointed this year. Judge Catherine Rogers was appointed as a district judge in the First Judicial District in Cheyenne to replace Judge Peter Arnold, who retired. Judge Tom Lee was appointed to the Circuit Court to replace Judge Rogers. Judge Matt Castano filled the circuit court position resulting from the untimely death of Judge Fred Dollison, who passed away in February of last year. Fred had served the citizens of Crook and Weston Counties and the Sixth Judicial District as a circuit judge for 11 years. He was a good judge and a better man. He will be missed.Judge Antoinette Healy was sworn in on the last day of the year to take over as a circuit judge for retiring Judge Roberta Coates in the first judicial district. Her robing was held Monday, and it was a wonderful affair. Governor Mead attended. He has attended every robing since he's been in office, and at 16, 17- we're trying to figure out the exact number - but we simply cannot express to him how it means to the new - how much it means to the new judge and the judicial branch that he finds the time to attend. Additionally, he speaks so eloquently regarding our system of merit selection. With his words and actions, he inspires public confidence and trust in our judicial - in our system of justice. Thank you, Governor Mead.Finally, Joe Bluemel will be replacing Judge Dennis Sanderson as a district judge in the Third Judicial District. He will be sworn in this week. We offer our thanks for a job well done to those judges who are retiring and offer our congratulations and support to the new members of the judiciary.Before leaving this topic, I should also mention the passing of Judge Vernon Bentley. He was 99. Judge Bentley served with distinction as a district judge in the Second Judicial District in Laramie for 25 years. As you are an aware, in 2014, Federal District Judge Clarence Brimmer also left us. He, too, was a wonderful judge, and a mentor - mentor to many, including several who now sit on the bench. He was a remarkable individual, and this ceremony today, which he attended so often, is diminished somewhat because of his absence. We miss him and his smile.All of our new judges are products of our merit selection process. Since becoming chief, I've had the opportunity to witness our Judicial Nominating Commission in action. You would be proud. They understand the magnitude of their responsibility and treat it accordingly. The governor will attest that they make his job of selection very difficult because he must choose from three very qualified candidates.For those of you who may be unaware, our merit selection system is now more than 40 years old. Since it has been with us for so long, perhaps we now take it for granted. But that would be a mistake. It is a system that should be appreciated, cherished and protected. And the legislative leadership that provided our citizens the opportunity to ratify the constitutional amendment establishing this selection method should be applauded.It is fortunate that our merit selection system works so smoothly. Our courts are busy, and all five of our new judges confronted very busy dockets when they took office. The judicial workload is excessive in several of our districts. In Laramie County, for example, the three district judges are handling the caseload of four judges. The Third, Fifth and Sixth Districts also could use additional help. We will continue to monitor the situation and will keep you apprised.Everything we can do to improve public trust and confidence in our system of justice should be done. Our judges promote that trust when they handle cases efficiently, ensure that litigants feel they have had a fair hearing, and decide cases in a timely manner with a solid explanation for the reasons for their decisions.Our merit selection process also contributes, but that is no longer enough. In this day and age, public trust and confidence in our system of justice must be cultivated.There is no question that the more people understand about our system the more confidence they have in it. Unfortunately, many of our citizens do not have a solid understanding and appreciation of our system. Our judicial branch is committed to an outreach program to close the education gap. We have been involved in the iCivics program since 2012. Last year we initiated the "You Be the Judge Program." The first session was held in Laramie County. The students, ranging in age from 10 to 80, were presented with close fact situations and had to apply the rule of law to decide those cases. They had to decide who gets custody, whether evidence should be admitted or rejected, whether someone should receive prison or probation, and they took it seriously. One student, agonizing over a custody decision, provided this insight "You said this would be fun. You said this would be easy, but it's hard. And how do judges make these decisions every day?"We think the students who attended have a better appreciation of our system of justice, and we intend to take this or similar programs to every judicial district. One is coming to Rock Springs in early February, and it looks like we'll - that we'll be going to Sheridan in April. Yesterday we received two calls asking for one in Casper and another wondering when the next Cheyenne session is going to be held.That is going to be a time commitment of our judges, but I notice that Judge Sharpe, Judge Campbell, other members of the Laramie County District Court, the Supreme Court justices that are all here today, every one of them participated in that "You Be the Judge" program. And Judge Campbell, I believe, was in the middle of a several-week murder trial, and still made the time to come. And our justices are committed to these types of education efforts because it means so much to our system.But in terms of outreach, nothing compares to the judicial learning center that you addressed last session. We have made significant progress in obtaining matching funds, and are close to reaching our first phase funding goals. As you may be aware, there are serious limitations on the judiciary's ability to obtain donations, but fortunately the Wyoming Bar has stepped up and taken on the funding aspect of this important project. We believe that the educational dividends generated by this project will benefit our citizens and our - and our state for years to come. One of the best things about becoming chief justice is that you get to meet more of our judicial branch employees and learn of the important work that they are doing. Our branch is very lean when it comes to the number of employees, but the employees that we have are very dedicated to our mission. The strength in our judicial branch is in large measure a result of their efforts. We also have a dedicated judiciary. We expect a lot from them, but if you attended Judge Healy's robing, or, for that matter, any judicial robing, you would know that no one expects more from our judges than they expect from themselves.Before closing, I should also mention some changes here at the Supreme Court. We have a new court librarian, Eugenia Charles-Newton. Eugenia will be invaluable in assisting with our court outreach efforts.We also have a new court administrator. Lily Sharpe replaces JoAnn Odendahl, who will be missed greatly.I saved the Lily part for late in the speech. I think we owe the Legislative Service Office of your body a few draft choices in the - in the future, but - but we're excited. We are excited, very excited, to have Lily. I believe that she is the perfect position - person for this position. You all know how competent she is, and you'll be seeing a lot of her as we move through the session.Finally, I would be remiss if I did not mention my colleagues on the Supreme Court bench. It is a pleasure to work with Justices Hill, Kite, Davis and Fox. And it is an indescribable honor to have been selected by them to serve as chief justice.And before my final comment, I also want to touch base one more time on comments that the governor has made. He mentioned the military, and we would offer our thanks to all those in the military. But he makes the effort to see them off and welcome them when they return home. And we've seen the impact of that firsthand.Our daughter is a C-130 pilot in the Wyoming Air National Guard, and she is currently deployed. And she's told us how much that means to her. And with regards to the Internet and the fact that this is being taped, she asked me to give her a fist pump.In any event - Thank you. Thank you again for the opportunity to visit with you this morning, and we wish you all the best as you go about the important work facing you in this session. Good luck and Godspeed.FIFTH DAYJANUARY 19, 2015Roll call to convene:ROLL CALLAyes: Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen, Lloyd, Laursen, Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer, Dn., and Zwonitzer, Dv.Excused: Representative(s) Nicholas, B.Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 Majority Floor Leader Berger moved that the House rules and the Joint rules previously adopted as the Temporary Rules of the House of Representatives of the 63rd Legislature, together with any amendments approved by the House be adopted as the Permanent Rules of the House of Representatives of the 63rd Legislature.Representative Berger moved the following amendments:JR0001/ADOPTEDAmend Joint Rule 2-2 by creating a new subsection (c) to read:JOINT RULES OF THE HOUSE AND SENATECONFERENCE PROCEDURES; MEETING NOTICES2-2(c)When practical, after the Conference Chairman has set a date, time and place for a conference committee meeting, the Chairman shall report to the Chief Clerk from the house of the bill’s origin. The Chief Clerk shall request the Legislative Service Office to post notice of the meeting on the Legislative website. Failure to comply with this subsection shall not invalidate or constitute cause for objection to the report of the conference committee.ROLL CALLAyes: Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen, Lloyd, Laursen, Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, P., Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer, Dn., Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 60 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 HR0001/ADOPTEDAmend House Rule 5-4 (b) as follows:5.0 Standing Committee Proceedings5-4Reports and Record of Votes.(b)When a standing committee has disposed of a bill by adoption of a motion to "do pass," "amend and do pass," "do not pass" or "no recommendation," the vote on final disposition shall be included in the committee report, indicating how each member voted, and the bill and the report shall be submitted to the chief clerk.When a motion to "do pass" or "amend and do pass" fails, the chairman shall report the vote on the failed motion to the legislative service office including a record indicating how each member of the committee voted. The legislative service office will provide the report of the committee vote to the public.ROLL CALLAyes: Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen, Lloyd, Laursen, Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, P., Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer, Dn., Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 60 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 HR0002/ADOPTEDCreate House Rule 11-6 as follows:11.0 Amendments11-6Distribution of Amendments. Upon approval of the text of an amendment by the sponsor, the amendment will be numbered, distributed to the members of the House and released to the public as soon as reasonably practicable. ROLL CALLAyes: Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen, Lloyd, Laursen, Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, P., Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer, Dn., Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 60 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 HR0003/ADOPTEDCreate House Rule 13-6 as follows:13.0 Rules for the Budget Session13-6Schedule of Bills for Introduction Vote. To the extent practicable, a tentative list of bills to be considered for introduction vote will be posted on the Legislative website or otherwise made available to the public at the time the list is provided to members of the House. The list will clearly note that the list is tentative only and is subject to last minute additions, deletions and changes in the order of bill consideration. ROLL CALLAyes: Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen, Lloyd, Laursen, Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, P., Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer, Dn., Zwonitzer, Dv.Nays: Representative(s) Greear, Miller, Reeder, WintersAyes 56 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 HR0004/ADOPTEDSubject to the Senate adopting an identical amendment to Senate Rule 2-6, amend House Rule 2-2 as follows:2.0 House Organization 2-2House Committees. House standing committees shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House after conferring with the majority and minority leaders. House standing committees are as follows:1.Judiciary2.Appropriations3.Revenue4.Education5.Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources6.Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources7.Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions8.Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs9.Minerals, Business and Economic Development10.Labor, Health and Social Services11.Journal12.Rules and ProcedureRoll call vote on motion to adopt the Temporary Rules, as amended, as the Permanent Rules of the 63rd Legislature.ROLL CALLAyes: Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen, Lloyd, Laursen, Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, P., Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer, Dn., Zwonitzer, Dv.Nays: Representative(s) BarlowAyes 60 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 H.B. No. 0001 General government appropriations-2.Sponsored By:Joint Appropriations Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to supplemental appropriations for the operation of state government; increasing or decreasing certain amounts; adjusting the number of authorized positions; modifying prior appropriations; making additional appropriations; making certain appropriations subject to the terms and conditions specified; providing transfers of certain funds as specified; and providing for an effective date.2/3/2015Bill Number Assigned2/3/2015H Received for Introduction2/5/2015H Introduced and Referred to HCOW2/11/2015H COW Considered2/12/2015H COW PassedHB0001H2001/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 007. WYOMING MILITARY DEPARTMENT(Veterans' Services)* * * * * * * * * *Page 12-line 11After "6." Insert ", 7."; under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "200,000".Page 14-After line 2Insert: "7. Of this general fund appropriation, two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) shall only be expended to create a women's memorial at the veterans memorial park in Cody.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. NORTHRUPHB0001H2002/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 024.STATE PARKS & CULTURAL RESOURCES(Cultural Resources)* * * * * * * * * *Page 22-line 6Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "50,000".Page 22-line 22After "program" insert "and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) shall only be expended to reimburse a school district for the travel expenses associated with sending the winner of Wyoming's "We the People" state final competition to the national "We the People" final competition. The request for reimbursement shall be submitted with evidence to support expenses incurred, including but not limited to receipts, travel vouchers or other proof of payment identified by the agency". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. PATTONHB0001H2003/ADOPTED(CORRECTED CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 048. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH(Health Care Financing)* * * * * * * * * *Page 33-line 7After "22." Insert ", 24."; Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "1,194,147"; Under FEDERAL FUNDS increase amount by "1,194,147".Page 43-After line 10Insert:"24.??(a)??Of this appropriation, five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) in general funds and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) in federal funds shall be appropriated only if 2015 HB 0058 is not enacted into law.(b)??This appropriation shall only be used for the rebasing of nursing home rates.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LARSENROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Byrd, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Madden, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Harshman, Jennings, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Reeder, Stubson, Walters, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 32??? Nays 27??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H2004/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 048. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (Behavioral Health)* * * * * * * * * *Page 33-line 17Strike "13.,".Page 38-lines 19 through 25Strike entirely. To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. SOMMERS, BALDWIN, WILSONHB0001H2005/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 060. STATE LANDS AND INVESTMENTS(Forestry)* * * * * * * * * *Page 49-line 16Strike "June 30, 2016" insert "December 31, 2016". Page 49-line 22After "agency." insert "Notwithstanding W.S. 921008, 9-2-1012(e) and 9-4-207, up to one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) SO subject to this footnote shall not revert until December 31, 2016.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LINDHOLMHB0001H2006/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 206. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION(Student Ach. & Support)* * * * * * * * * *Page 78-line 9Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "95,273".Page 83-line 10After "appropriation," strike balance of line and insert "two hundred twenty thousand two hundred seventy-three dollars ($220,273.00)".Page 83-line 11Strike "dollars ($125,000.00)".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LARSEN, ALLENHB0001H2007/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 333. [MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE CEASE AND TRANSFER LOAN AND GRANT PROGRAM]* * * * * * * * * *Page 92-line 7After "(r)" insert ", 333(a) and (b)". Page 111-After line 16Insert:"[MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE CEASE AND TRANSFER LOAN AND GRANT PROGRAM]Section 333.(a) There is appropriated ten million nine hundred nine thousand dollars ($10,909,000.00) from the general fund to the municipal solid waste cease and transfer grant account created under W.S. 3511529(a). If 2014 Senate File 43 is enacted into law, this appropriation shall only be expended for projects with priority index one (1) through twenty-one (21) pursuant to that act.(b) There is appropriated four million ninety-one thousand dollars ($4,091,000.00) from the general fund to the municipal solid waste cease and transfer loan account created under W.S. 3511529(b). If 2014 Senate File 43 is enacted into law, this appropriation shall only be expended for projects with priority index one (1) through twenty-one (21) pursuant to that act.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. GREEARHB0001H2008/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 345. [CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2015](University master's in counselor education)* * * * * * * * * *Page 123-line 19Increase the appropriation by "96,828".Page 130-line 4After "education" delete balance of line and insert ".".Page 130-line 5Delete entirely.To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LOUCKS, HARVEY, KASPERIK, KROEKER, LOCKHARTROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Byrd, Campbell, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Harshman, Harvey, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Miller, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Cannady, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Greear, Halverson, Hunt, Jennings, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pownall, Steinmetz, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DnExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 33??? Nays 26??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H2009/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 301. [BORROWING AUTHORITY - CASH FLOW]* * * * * * * * * *Page 92-line 3After "(r)," insert "Section 301(b),".Page 95-After line 18Insert:"[BORROWING AUTHORITY - CASH FLOW]Section 301.(b)??The state auditor is authorized to borrow from pooled fund investments in the treasurer's office an amount not to exceed one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000.00) one hundred fifty million dollars ($150,000,000.00), if necessary, for the purpose of assisting the department of transportation's cash flow. The amounts borrowed under this subsection shall be repaid when sufficient revenue is available. Interest on the unpaid balance shall be the average interest rate earned on pooled fund investments in the previous fiscal year.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ZWONITZER, DV.HB0001H2010/WITHDRAWNHB0001H2011/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 048. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH(Public Health)* * * * * * * * * *Page 33-line 10After "23." insert ", 24.".Page 33-line 11Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "$217,000".Page 43-After line 10Insert:"24.?Of this general fund appropriation, two hundred seventeen thousand dollars ($217,000.00) shall only be used by the department of health to develop statewide data registries to track the treatment of heart attack and stroke patients. The statewide data registries shall include a statewide stroke and heart attack database which compiles information and statistics on stroke and heart attack care, aligns with stroke and heart attack consensus metrics and utilizes approved data platforms which capture pre-hospital, hospital and post hospital measures related to stroke and heart attack care. The department of health shall utilize nationally recognized data set platforms with secure confidentiality standards. To the extent possible, the department of health shall coordinate with national voluntary health organizations involved in stroke and heart attack quality improvement to avoid duplication of effort.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. KASPERIK, HARVEY, ZWONITZER, DN.HB0001H2012/FAILED(CORRECTED CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 045.DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION(Administration)* * * * * * * * * *Page 27-line 5After "Administration" insert "11."; Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "3,413,927".Page 32-After line 9Insert:"11.??Of this general fund appropriation, three million four hundred thirteen thousand nine hundred twenty-seven dollars ($3,413,927.00) shall only be expended on the department of transportation's participation in the state employees' and officials' group insurance plan for the period beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016. The department of transportation shall prepare a separate budget requesting general funds for the department's participation in the state employees' and officials' group insurance plan for the next biennium as required by W.S. 93210(c) and shall submit that budget for review, recommendation and approval as provided in W.S. 921010 through 921014.1.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ZWONITZER, DV., EKLUND, BLAKEHB0001H2013/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 077. ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES* * * * * * * * * *Page 62-line 2After "SERVICES" insert "3.".Page 63-After line 10Insert: "3. (a) The department of enterprise technology services shall report to the joint transportation and military affairs interim committee during the 2015 interim including, but not limited to the following issues:(i) The level of compatibility of technology within state government;(ii) The department's policies and training programs to encourage collaboration and sharing among all branches of state government;(iii) A review of statewide data security, enterprise data analytics and broadband adoption;(iv) Other issues of critical importance to the department.(b) Nothing in this footnote shall restrict or curtail the department from reporting to the joint corporations, elections and political subdivisions interim committee or the joint appropriations committee on issues or programs which the department has reported to those committees historically.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ZWONITZER, DV., BLAKE, CAMPBELL, EKLUND, REEDERHB0001H2014/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 48. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH(Health Care Financing)* * * * * * * * * *Page 41-line 21After "increase" delete balance of line.Page 41-line 22Delete the line through "rates" and insert "individual budget amounts and individual service rates for clients with a level of service need rating of four (4.0) or greater, as established before January 1, 2015,".Page 41-line 24After "2016." insert "Funding shall be allocated by July 1, 2015.".Page 42-line 3Delete "provider".Page 42-line 4Delete the line through "rates" and insert "individual budget amounts and individual service rates for clients with a level of service need rating of four (4.0) or greater, as established before January 1, 2015,".Page 42-line 6After "2016." insert "Funding shall be allocated by July 1, 2015.". HARVEYHB0001H2015/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED][Capital construction]Budget(s):Section 006. Administration and Information* * * * * * * * * *Page 87-After line 2Insert "CC-CWC Jackson Outreach Ctr 4."; under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "240,000".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. PETROFF, SCHWARTZ, HALVERSON HB0001H2016/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 049. DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY SERVICES(Services)* * * * * * * * * *Page 43-line 15After "1." insert ", 4.".Page 43-line 16Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "690,000".Page 45-After line 3Insert:"4. Of this general fund appropriation, one million two hundred ninety thousand dollars ($1,290,000.00) shall only be expended for the purpose of increasing crisis shelter provider reimbursements.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. PETROFF, CLEM, WINTERS, HALVERSONHB0001H2017/WITHDRAWNHB0001H2018/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 010. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE(State Fair)* * * * * * * * * *Page 14-line 13Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "450,000".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BARLOWHB0001H2019/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 344. [STATE BUILDINGS - CONSTRUCTION]* * * * * * * * * *Page 120-line 10After "." insert "Of this appropriation, funds that are not contractually obligated for expenditures prior to the effective date of this subsection shall only be expended after the advisory task force has held a minimum of five (5) public hearings or meetings to receive input on the advisability of proceeding with, or otherwise modifying, the project. The hearings or meetings shall occur in separate geographic locations to ensure statewide participation.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. STEINMETZHB0001H2020/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Addition to 300 Sections* * * * * * * * * *Page 146-After line 11Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:"[Expanded foreign trade efforts]Section 355. There is appropriated thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000.00) from the general fund to the governor's office for the purpose of developing new markets and expanding foreign trade efforts. Those efforts shall focus on expanding markets for Wyoming products, Wyoming energy and mineral commodities and targeted consumer advertising. The appropriation may be used for expenses associated with those efforts, including trade missions, contracting with consultants and recruiting international buyers of Wyoming materials, products and commodities.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGER, BROWNROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harvey, Hunt, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Barlow, Edmonds, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Jaggi, Kroeker, Laursen Dan, Loucks, McKim, Piiparinen, Reeder, SteinmetzExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 46??? Nays 13??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H2021/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section. 067.UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING* * * * * * * * * *Delete the Northrup second reading amendment (HB0001H2029/A) and further amend as follows: Page 52-line 8Delete "15.,".Page 60-lines 11 through 19Delete entirely.To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. WALTERSHB0001H2022/FAILED[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Section Under Consideration:Section: Section 045. Department of Transportation(Approp. To Comm.)Other Budget(s) Affected: Section 346. [CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGD DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2016]* * * * * * * * * * * * * *Page 30-line 25After "Gillette" insert "." And delete the balance of the line. Page 31-line 1Delete "Shoshoni.". Page 32-line 3Delete "state highways".Page 32-line 4Delete "including"; delete "and United States" insert ".". Page 32-line 5Delete the line through "Shoshoni.". Page 133-line 19Delete ",". Page 133-lines 20 and 21Delete entirely and insert: "to improve safety and mobility on Wyoming highway 59 from Douglas to Gillette.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary the priority of other appropriations within Section 346. BARLOW, CANNADY, CLEM, KASPERIKHB0001H2023/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s): Section 048.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH(Public Health)* * * * * * * * * *Page 33-line 11Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "10,000".Page 35-line 23After "appropriation," strike balance of line and insert "twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00)". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ESQUIBEL. K., EKLUND, CAMPBELLHB0001H2024/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):045. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION* * * * * * * * * *Page 27-line 2Delete "8.,".Page 30-lines 19 through 25Delete entirely including the Barlow et al. second reading amendment (HB0001H2022/A) to these lines.Page 31-lines 1 through 3Delete entirely including the Barlow et al. second reading amendment (HB0001H2022/A) to these lines.To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. WALTERS, THRONEHB0001H2025/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 205. EDUCATION-SCHOOL FINANCE(School Foundation Program)* * * * * * * * * *Page 70-line 9Under OTHER FUNDS increase amount by "$6,610,000".Page 72—line 16After "only," insert "in addition to".Page 72-line 17Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted "(i)" insert "," and strike and delete balance of line.Page 72-line 18Strike all existing language and delete all new language through "and". Page 72-line 23Strike "one and seven hundred" insert "two and six hundred seventy-five thousandths percent (2.675%)".Page 72-line 24Strike through "(1.725%)"; after "upon" insert "the sum of fifty percent (50%)" and strike balance of line.Page 73-line 1Strike "(83%)".Page 73-line 2After "Index" insert "and one hundred percent (100%) of the inflationary value produced by the 2014 Wyoming Comparable Wage Index".Page 73-lines 4 and 5Reinsert all stricken language.Page 73-line 6Reinsert stricken language through "[Attachment "A"(a)(v)],"; after reinserted "[Attachment "A"(a)(v)]," insert "two and three hundred seventy-five thousandths percent (2.375%), based upon the sum of fifty percent (50%)".Page 73-line 8After stricken "(86%)" reinsert all stricken language.Page 73-line 9 Reinsert all stricken language; after reinserted "Index" insert "and one hundred percent (100%) of the inflationary value produced by the 2014 Wyoming High School Comparable Wage Index".Page 73-lines 11 and 12 Reinsert all stricken language.Page 73-line 13Reinsert stricken language through "[Attachment "A"(a)(iii)],"; after reinserted "[Attachment "A"(a)(iii)]," insert "two and ninety-three hundredths percent (2.93%), based upon the sum of fifty percent (50%)".Page 73-line 15After stricken "(84%)" reinsert all stricken language.Page 73-line 16Reinsert all stricken language; after reinserted "Accessories" insert "and one hundred percent (100%) of the annual change measured by the preliminary 2013-2014 BLS Producer Price Index for Office Supplies and Accessories".Page 73-line 20After "," insert "four and seventy-seven hundredths percent (4.77%), based upon the sum of fifty percent (50%)" and strike balance of line.Page 73-line 21Strike the line through "(85%)".Page 73-line 24After "55.9%" insert "and one hundred percent (100%) of the annual change measured by the preliminary 2013-2014 BLS Producer Price Index for Commercial Electric Power weighted at 44.1% and the BLS Producer Price Index for Commercial Natural Gas weighted at 55.9%".Page 74-lines 1 through 25Delete all new language; strike all existing language. Page 75-lines 1 through 3Strike entirely.Page 75-line 6Strike "twelve million dollars ($12,000,000.00)" insert "six million dollars (6,000,000.00)".Page 75-lines 13 through 21Strike entirely. Page 76-lines 8 through 11Strike entirely.To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. SOMMERS, PATTON, PAXTON, JAGGI ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Byrd, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kirkbride, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Madden, McKim, Miller, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Winters, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Kasperik, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, Loucks, Moniz, Nicholas, Pownall, Reeder, Stubson, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 37??? Nays 22??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H2026/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 328.[COURT SECURITY FUNDING]* * * * * * * * * *Page 101-line 20Delete "eight hundred seventy-five". Page 101-line 21Delete through "($875,576.00)" insert "one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) and there is appropriated eighty-three thousand four hundred twenty-two dollars ($83,422.00) from the general fund".Page 102-line 6Delete "(vii)" insert "(viii)".Page 103-line 20Delete "and".Page 104-line 3Delete "." Insert "; and".Page 104-after line 3Insert and renumber:"(viii)??Two hundred seven thousand eight hundred forty-six dollars ($207,846.00) to Weston county. No funding shall be awarded without matching funds provided by the county from any source in the amount of twenty-three thousand ninety-four dollars ($23,094.00).".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. HUNTROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative WilsonExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 58??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H2027/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 344. [STATE BUILDINGS – CONSTRUCTION]* * * * * * * * * *Page 120-line 10After "act." Insert "One hundred fifty-six thousand dollars ($156,000.00) of this appropriation shall be used to purchase, refurbish, frame and preserve artwork related to the life of Chief Washakie for purposes of display in the capitol.". LARSEN, PAXTON, ALLEN ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, WilsonNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Clem, Edwards, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Kroeker, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, Stubson, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 42??? Nays 17??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H2028/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 205. EDUCATION-SCHOOL FINANCE(School Foundation Program)* * * * * * * * * *Page 70-line 8After "3." insert ",5.".Page 77-After line 14Insert:"5. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for school years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 only, amounts payable to a school district pursuant to W.S. 21-4-505 for resident students attending an out of state public school shall, upon the request of the school district, be paid by the Wyoming department of education no later than thirty (30) days after request for reimbursement. Any request for reimbursement by a school district under this footnote shall be made in the manner and form required by the department. Payment under this footnote shall be made no later than June 30, 2015 for expenses incurred during school year 2014-2015 and no later than June 30, 2016 for expenses incurred during the 2015-2016 school year.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. NORTHRUPHB0001H2029/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 067. University of Wyoming* * * * * * * * * *Page 60-line 11After "Wyoming" insert ", in conjunction with the trustees of northwest college,"Page 60-line 12Delete "in Jackson" insert "at northwest college in Powell". NORTHRUP HB0001H2030/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s): Section 345. [CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2015]* * * * * * * * * *Page 123-line 7 After "interface" insert "w".Page 130-After line 14 insert:"w. Funds from this appropriation shall only be expended upon the development and implementation of policy by the Wyoming tourism board for advertising by private businesses or entities on the board's website. A policy developed under this footnote shall include a fee schedule for purposes of charging competitive rates to advertise on the board's website. Fees collected under this requirement shall be deposited to an account for purposes of maintenance and support of the website. Funds in this account shall only be available for expenditure as specifically authorized by the legislature.".Readjust and renumber the priority of other appropriations within Section 345 as necessary and adjust totals. BURKHARTHB0001H2031/WITHDRAWNHB0001H2032/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Addition to 300 Sections* * * * * * * * * *Page 146-After line 11Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:"[LEGISLATIVE PER DIEM]Section 355.(a) For the period beginning July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, the amount to be received by members of the legislature for expenses under W.S. 28-5-101(b) shall be supplemented by an increase of up to twenty dollars ($20.00) per day as necessary to match the federal per diem rate.(b)??There is appropriated from the general fund to the legislative service office one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) to supplement legislative per diem for the period beginning July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.(c)??Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, there is appropriated from the general fund to the state auditor ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for the period beginning July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, to be distributed as necessary to supplement per diem for any state board, commission, council, authority or other state entity whose per diem rate is based upon the amount of per diem paid to state legislators.(d)??For employees of any state board, commission, council, authority or other state entity whose per diem rate is based upon the amount of per diem paid to state legislators, but whose per diem is paid from nongeneral fund sources, there is appropriated from those accounts and funds the amounts necessary to provide payment of the increases in per diem authorized under this section for the period beginning July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ZWONITZER, DNHB0001H2033/WITHDRAWNHB0001H2034/WITHDRAWNHB0001H2035/ADOPTED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 048.??DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH(Aging Division)* * * * * * * * * *Page 33-line 22After "19." insert ", 24."; under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "200,000".Page 43-After line 10Insert:"24.?Of this general fund appropriation, two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) shall only be expended for the home services program provided through the community living section of the aging division.". JAGGI, DAYTONROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Kroeker, Lockhart, Nicholas, Stubson, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 50??? Nays 9??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H2036/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Addition to 300 Sections* * * * * * * * * *Page 146-After line 11Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:"[PERMANENT WYOMING MINERAL TRUST FUND RESERVE ACCOUNT]Section 355.The state treasurer shall transfer unobligated funds from the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund reserve account to the general fund on or before June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2016 as necessary to ensure that the spending policy amount specified in W.S. 9-4-719(d) is available for expenditure during fiscal years 2015 and 2016, respectively.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MADDEN, THRONEHB0001H2037/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 024.State Parks & cultural resources(Cultural Resources)* * * * * * * * * *Page 22-line 6Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "16,500". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. KIRKBRIDE, ESQUIBEL,K.HB0001H2038/ADOPTED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s): Section 329.[DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FACILITIES TASK FORCE]Page 92-line 6Delete "by creating a new subsection (m)" insert "(b) through (d)(intro), (f), (g), (j)(i) and by creating new subsections (k) and (m) and renumbering existing subsection (m) as (k) and subsection (k) as (n)". Page 104-After line 7Insert:"(b)??The task force shall be comprised of:(i)??Two (2) Three (3) members of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate;(ii)??Two (2) Three (3) members of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house;(iii)??Four (4) Two (2) members appointed by the governor. In considering appointments to the task force who are not members of the legislature, the governor shall consider the expertise required to produce timelines, outlines, deliverables and recommendations as provided in this section.(c)??The governor shall appoint a chairman from among the voting members of the task force to preside over meetings.(d)??The task force shall develop findings, strategies and recommendations on the use, populations served, services offered, capital construction requirements, consolidation or closure of individual buildings or facilities, financing and proposed timeline for facility demolition, or improvements or construction of department of health institutional facilities. and shall: While developing the findings and recommendations required under this subsection, the task force shall meet at least once in Buffalo, Evanston and Lander. These meetings shall be open to the public. The task force shall meet as necessary to timely accomplish the following assignments:(i)??On or before May 15, 2014, provide the joint appropriations interim committee and the joint labor, health and social services interim committee an outline of the objectives, timelines and deliverables of the task force;(ii)(i)??Provide an interim report on the activities of the task force to the joint appropriations interim committee and the joint labor, health and social services interim committee not later than November 1, 2014 2015;(iii)(ii)??Provide recommendations for legislative action as provided in subsection (g) of this section.(f)??The task force shall terminate on December 1, 2015 June 30, 2016.(g)??Recommendations of the task force created by this section shall be submitted for legislative action to the joint appropriations interim committee and the joint labor, health and social services interim committee not later than November 1, 2015 June 30, 2016.(j)(i)??There is appropriated twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000.00) from the general fund to the legislative service office. This appropriation shall be for the period beginning with the effective date of this section and ending December 1, 2015 June 30, 2016. This appropriation shall only be expended for the purpose of funding salary, mileage and per diem of legislative members of the task force. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this appropriation shall not be transferred or expended for any other purpose and any unexpended, unobligated funds remaining from this appropriation shall revert as provided by law on June 30, 2016;".Page 104-line 9Delete "(m)" insert "(k)"; delete "one million five hundred" insert "three million dollars ($3,000,000.00)".Page 104-line 10Delete through "($1,500,000.00)".Page 104-line 15After "hospital" insert "and the Wyoming life resource center". Page 104-line 16Delete through "1(b)" insert "option 1(a)".Page 104-line 19After "completed." insert "The department of administration and information in consultation with the department of health and the task force shall proceed on the development of level I and level II planning and design authorized under this subsection not later than August 1, 2015.". Page 105-After line 4Insert:"(m)??Notwithstanding the recommendations in option 1(a) of the November 1, 2014 facilities task force interim report on file with the legislative service office, the task force and the department of health shall study and recommend alternative uses for the Wyoming retirement center. The task force shall include the results and recommendations of the study of alternative uses of the retirement center in the final report submitted to the joint appropriations interim committee and the joint labor, health and social services interim committee pursuant to subsection (g) of this section.(k)(n) This section is effective immediately.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LARSENROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Halverson, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lindholm, McKim, Piiparinen, Reeder, Steinmetz, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 43??? Nays 16??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H2039/ADOPTED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s): Section 353.[LIMITATION ON SALARY INCREASES]* * * * * * * * *Page 145-lines 5 through 20Delete entirely and insert: "(a) The 2017-2018 standard budget for 100 series personal services shall be less than or equal to the 2015-2016 100 series personal services appropriated general fund budget from all enacted laws, excluding benefit adjustments and allowable personal services transfers pursuant to 2014 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 26, Section 308 and documented through the report required by W.S. 9-2-1011(c).".Page 145-line 22Delete "(c)" insert "(b)". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. HARSHMANHB0001H2040/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 006.Administration and Information* * * * * * * * * *Page 10-line 2After "Information" insert "4.".Page 12-After line 2Insert:"4. The department of administration and information shall report to the joint appropriations interim committee by September 15, 2015 with an estimated cost to the state of providing four (4) weeks paid family leave to a state employee for the birth or adoption of a child.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. THRONE, CONNOLLYHB0001H2041/ADOPTED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 080.Department of Corrections (Women's Center)* * * * * * * * * *Page 66-line 7After "2014" insert "and not later than November 1, 2015".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. CONNOLLYHB0001H2042/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 300.[BUDGET BALANCERS - TRANSFERS]* * * * * * * * * *Page 92-line 19Delete "Any".Page 92-lines 20 through 23Delete entirely.Page 93-lines 1 and 2Strike all existing language and delete all new language. To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. CONNOLLYHB0001H2043/ADOPTED[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Sections Under Consideration: Section 345. [CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2015]Other budgets Affected: Section 346. [CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2016]Page 122–line 12Decrease appropriation by "5,000,000".Page 122–After line 12 Insert:"8 057Community college matching fundsw 5,000,000".Page 130–After line 14Insert: "w. Funds from this appropriation shall be directed to the state treasurer to be deposited in equal amounts in the endowment accounts created under W.S. 21-16-1103(a). These funds shall be expended to provide endowment matching funds in disciplines identified in a plan approved by the board of trustees of each community college, which plan shall contain an emphasis on disciplines directly related to Wyoming's economy.".Page 132–line 18Decrease appropriation by "5,000,000".Page 132–After line 18Insert:"6067University unconventional oil and gas research matching fundsr 5,000,000".Page 139–After line 3Insert:"r. Funds from this appropriation shall be directed to the state treasurer to be deposited into an account which shall be held by the state treasurer for distribution to the University of Wyoming for research by university faculty related to unconventional oil and gas reservoirs pursuant to agreements between the university and private or non-Wyoming public entities. All funds appropriated in this footnote shall only be available for expenditure to the extent cash or cash equivalent matches are actually received by the University of Wyoming for the purposes of university staff conducting the specified research pursuant to those agreements. The university shall provide quarterly reports of matches received as required by the treasurer to implement this footnote. The treasurer on a quarterly basis shall match reported cash or cash equivalents by distributing to the university an amount equal to the amount of qualifying matches for the quarter. Notwithstanding W.S. 921008, 921012(e) and 94207, unexpended, unobligated funds appropriated under this priority shall not revert until June 30, 2018.".To the extent required by this amendment: readjust and renumber the priority of other appropriations within Section 345 and Section 346 as necessary and adjust totals. WALTERS, BERGERROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Byrd, Clem, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, McKim, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Jennings, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Schwartz, Stubson, Wilson, WintersExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 33??? Nays 26??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H2044/FAILED[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Sections affected:Section 345.[CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2015]Section 346.[CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2016]* * * * * * * * *Page 124-line 2After "31" delete balance of line and insert: "029Wyo water development officeu".Page 124-line 3Delete "phase Iu".Page 130-lines 11 through 14Delete and insert:"u. Funds from this appropriation shall be directed to water development account II created by W.S. 41-2-124(a)(ii).".Page 133-line 10After "16" delete balance of line and insert: "029 Wyo water development officeq".Page 133-line 11Delete "phase IIq".Page 139-lines 1 through 3Delete and insert:"q. Funds from this appropriation shall be directed to water development account II created by W.S. 41-2-124(a)(ii).".To the extent required by this amendment: readjust and renumber the priority of appropriations within Sections 345 and 346 as necessary and adjust totals. ESQUIBEL, K., HUNTHB0001H2045/FAILED[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Section Under Consideration:Section 039. WILDLIFE/NATURAL RESOURCE TRUST(Wildlife Trust Account)Other Budget(s) Affected: Section 350.[BORROWING AUTHORITY - EXECUTIVE BRANCH PROGRAMS]* * * * * * * * * * * * * *Page 5-line 21After "027," insert "039,".Page 26-After line 15Insert:"Section 039. WILDLIFE/NATURAL RESOURCE TRUST???????????????PROGRAM?Wildlife Trust Admin???609,525??????609,525Wildlife Trust Projects?1.??5,000,000????8,000,000SR??13,000,000Wildlife Trust Account?2., 3.??5,000,000????5,000,000?? 50,000,000 S055,000,000??????????TOTALS???10,609,525??0??8,000,000???18,609,52558,000,00068,609,525AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES?Full Time?2Part Time?0TOTAL?21.??This general fund appropriation shall be deposited into the Wyoming wildlife and natural resource trust income account created by W.S. 915103(b).2.??This general fund appropriation shall be deposited into the Wyoming wildlife and natural resource trust account created by W.S. 915103(a).3. The amount of fifty million dollars ($50,000,000.00) S0 is appropriated from the legislative stabilization reserve account and shall be deposited into the Wyoming wildlife and natural resource trust account created by W.S. 915103(a).".Page 141-line 17After "(a)" insert "Notwithstanding W.S. 915103(a),"; Delete "pooled".Page 141-line 18Delete "fund investments" insert "the Wyoming wildlife and natural resource trust account created by W.S. 9-15-103(a)".Page 142-line 11After "governor," insert "notwithstanding W.S. 915103(a),".Page 142-line 12Delete "pooled fund".Page 142-line 13 Delete "investments" insert "the Wyoming wildlife and natural resource trust account created by W.S. 915103(a)". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ESQUIBEL, K., LINDHOLM, MCKIMHB0001H2046/WITHDRAWNHB0001H2047/WITHDRAWNHB0001H2048/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 345. [CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2015]* * * * * * * * * *Page 122-lines 9 and 10Delete entirely.Page 125-lines 21 through 23Delete entirely.Page 126-lines 1 through 8Delete entirely.To the extent required by this amendment: readjust and renumber the priority of other appropriations within Section 345 as necessary and adjust totals. PIIPARINENROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Halverson, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Lindholm, McKim, Miller, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Steinmetz, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 17??? Nays 42??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H2049/FAILED[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Section Under Consideration:Section 345. [CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2015]Other Budget(s) Affected: Section 346.?[CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2016]* * * * * * * * * *Page 124-lines 2 and 3Delete entirely.Page 130-lines 11 through 14Delete entirely.Page 133-lines 10 and 11Delete entirely.Page 139-lines 1 through 3Delete entirely.To the extent required by this amendment: readjust and renumber the priority of other appropriations within Section 345 and 346 as necessary and adjust totals. PIIPARINENHB0001H2050/WITHDRAWNHB0001H2051/ADOPTED[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Section Under Consideration:Section 345. [CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2015]Other Budget(s) Affected: Section 346.[CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2016]* * * * * * * * * * * * * *Page 123-lines 5Delete "Evansville bridge - planning" insert "Transportation infrastructure planning and design grantso". Page 123-line 6Delete "and designo".Page 128-lines 11 through 18Delete entirely and insert:"o. (a) Funds from this appropriation shall be used by the Wyoming transportation commission for issuing transportation infrastructure planning and design grants to municipalities applying for the grants based on the following criteria:(i) The municipality has experienced significant population growth over the last five (5) years;(ii) The municipality has a population of five thousand (5,000) or less as determined by the 2010 decennial federal census as reported by the economic analysis division within the department of administration and information and as defined in W.S. 81102(a)(xv);(iii) The municipality has restricted ingress and egress to the municipality which create safety issues for the residents of the municipality; and(iv) The grant funds will be expended by the municipality for the construction of transportation infrastructure to alleviate safety issues surrounding ingress and egress to the municipality.".Page 132-line 20Delete "Evansville bridge – constructionf" insert "Transportation infrastructure construction grantsf".Page 134-lines 17 through 22Delete entirely and insert:"f. (a) Funds from this appropriation shall be used by the Wyoming transportation commission for issuing transportation infrastructure planning and design grants to municipalities applying for the grants based on the following criteria:(i) The municipality has experienced significant population growth over the last five (5) years;(ii) The municipality has a population of five thousand (5,000) or less as determined by the 2010 decennial federal census as reported by the economic analysis division within the department of administration and information and as defined in W.S. 81102(a)(xv);(iii) The municipality has restricted ingress and egress to the municipality which create safety issues for the residents of the municipality; and(iv) The grant funds will be used to match at least one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) of other funds secured by the municipality for the design and planning of transportation infrastructure to alleviate safety issues surrounding ingress and egress to the municipality.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary the priority of other appropriations within Section 345 and Section 346. GREEAR, STUBSONHB0001H2052/ADOPTED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 048. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH(Behavioral Health)* * * * * * * * * *Delete the Sommers et al. second reading amendment (HB0001H2004/A) entirely and further amend as follows:Page 38-lines 19 through 25Strike entirely and insert:"13. Any payment made by the department of health from general funds appropriated shall not be applied directly to Medicaid services rendered for mental health care services to Medicaid recipients, and the department shall not count billable hours of Medicaid services provided to Medicaid recipients towards mental health care service contract requirements for annual performance hours. This footnote is effective July 1, 2015.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. HARVEY, BURKHART, HARSHMAN, MONIZHB0001H2053/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 346.[contingent appropriations from investment earnings derived in fiscal year 2016]* * * * * * * * * *Page 133-line 2Delete "067University – Corbett poolj" insert "060Local recreation grantsj".Page 135-lines 9 through 12Delete entirely and insert:"j.(a) Funds from this appropriation shall be used by the state loan and investment board for issuing local recreation grants to municipalities applying for the grants based on the following criteria:(i)??The municipality has a population of at least five hundred (500) as determined by the 2010 decennial census;(ii) The municipality does not currently have a public pool managed by a political subdivision; and(iii) The grant funds will be used to match an equal amount of other non-state funds secured by the municipality for the construction of a public pool.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary the priority of other appropriations within Section 346. HALVERSONHB0001H2054/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 024. State Parks & Cultural Resources (Cultural Resources)* * * * * * * * * *Page 22-line 6Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "100,446".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. KRONE, PETROFFHB0001H2055/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 048. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (Health Care Financing)* * * * * * * * * *Page 33-line 10After ",23." insert ",24.".Page 33-line 11Under OTHER FUNDS insert "198,622,000 S0". Page 43-After line 10Insert:"24. The amount of one hundred ninety-eight million six hundred twenty-two thousand dollars ($198,622,000.00) S0 is appropriated from the legislative stabilization reserve account to the department of health. Of this appropriation, one hundred twenty million dollars ($120,000,000.00) shall be used to provide payments to acute care hospitals for uncompensated charity care and seventy-eight million six hundred twenty-two thousand dollars ($78,622,000.00) shall be used to create a basic level health benefit plan for thirteen thousand (13,000) Medicaid eligible Wyoming residents.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. THRONE, CONNOLLY2/17/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0001H3001/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 024. STATE PARKS & CULTURAL RESOURCES (Cultural Resources)* * * * * * * * * *Page 22-line 6Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "25,000".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. SOMMERS HB0001H3002/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY)[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Section Under Consideration:Section 345. [CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2015]Other Budget(s) Affected: Section 346. [CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2016]* * * * * * * * * *Page 124-After line 3Insert:"32 060 Appropriation to local governments for road and bridge maintenance and constructionw 8,000,000".Page 130-After line 14Insert:"w. (a) Funds from this appropriation shall be distributed by the office of state lands and investments to local governments as provided herein:(i) Two million five hundred forty-one thousand dollars ($2,541,000.00) to counties for distribution and expenditure as provided in W.S. 39-17-111(d)(i);(ii) Two million six hundred thirty-five million ($2,635,000.00) to counties for distribution and expenditure as provided in W.S. 39-17-111(d)(ii) except that there shall not be deducted and distributed to the highway fund an amount equal to the contribution required of the counties for the cost of the university's technology transfer program under W.S. 21-17-115(a)(ii) or thirty-one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($31,250.00), whichever is less; and(iii) Two million eight hundred twenty-four thousand dollars ($2,824,000.00) to cities and towns to be distributed and distributed as provided in W.S. 39-17-111(d)(iii)(B).".Page 133-line 2Delete entirely.Page 135-lines 9 through 12 Delete entirely.Readjust and renumber the priority of appropriations within Section 345 and Section 346 as necessary and adjust totals. WINTERSHB0001H3003/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Addition to 300 Sections* * * * * * * * * *Page 146-After line 11Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:"[2017-2018 BIENNIAL BUDGET DEVELOPMENT]Section 355. Notwithstanding W.S. 921013(d)(ii), the governor's budget recommendations for the 2017-2018 fiscal biennium general fund appropriations shall not exceed the actual revenues credited to the general fund and budget reserve account during the period beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2014, divided by two (2). The governor shall also recommend that one-half (1/2) of the recommended 2017-2018 fiscal biennium general fund and budget reserve account appropriations be appropriated from the legislative stabilization reserve account and that revenues deposited by statute into the general fund and budget reserve account for the period beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017 be transferred to the legislative stabilization reserve account as soon as practicable after June 30, 2017 but not later than December 31, 2017.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BARLOW HB0001H3004/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Addition to 300 Sections* * * * * * * * * *Page 146-line 11Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:"[UNCOMPENSATED CARE REIMBURSEMENT]Section 355. There is appropriated five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) from the general fund to the department of health to be distributed to rural health clinics and community based health centers to provide reimbursements for uncompensated care provided to patients with an income not to exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the federal poverty level from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 as provided herein. To be eligible to receive a reimbursement under this section, a rural health clinic or community based health center shall commit to expend not less than two percent (2%) of the funds received under this section to advertise within the community it serves as a primary care alternative to a hospital emergency room for nonemergency visits. The department of health shall distribute funds from this appropriation to rural health clinics and community based health centers in the order eligible applications are received by the department. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this appropriation shall not be transferred or expended for any other purpose. Notwithstanding W.S. 9-2-1008, 9-2-1012(e) and 9-4-207, any unexpended, unobligated funds remaining from this appropriation shall revert on December 31, 2016.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. HARVEY, BURKHART, LARSEN, KASPERIKHB0001H3005/FAILED[BUDGETS AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 331. [AML FUNDING – REDIRECTION OF PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONS]* * * * * * * * *Page 92-line 7Delete "(r)" and insert "(t)".Page 111-After line 16Insert:"(s) 2012 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 27, Section 2(b)(vi)(C)(intro) is amended to read:Section 2. [AML FUNDING – REDIRECTION OF PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONS](b) The grant applications submitted by the department to the federal office of surface mining shall seek authority to redirect the funds for the following projects:(vi)(A) Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) to the University of Wyoming school of energy resources for the purpose of providing grants to conduct one (1) or more studies to determine the feasibility of constructing a commercial scale minerals to value added products facility in Wyoming. All studies, data and analysis produced using funds from this appropriation shall be the property of the state of Wyoming. Grants authorized under this paragraph shall be awarded by the clean coal task force pursuant to W.S. 2117121. The studies shall identify:(C) Nine million dollars ($9,000,000.00) One million eight hundred forty thousand dollars ($1,840,000.00) and seven million one hundred sixty thousand dollars ($7,160,000.00) from the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund reserve account created by W.S. 94719(b) is appropriated to the governor's office for the purpose of supporting the construction and operation of a commercial scale facility which converts minerals to value added products. Applications for grants under this subparagraph shall be received by the clean coal task force. Grants authorized under this subparagraph shall be awarded by the governor after receiving the recommendation of the joint minerals, business and economic development interim committee in accordance with this section. The governor may take all actions necessary to ensure the legality of an expenditure of any portion of this appropriation. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation to provide salaries. No funds shall be expended from this appropriation without:(t)? The legislature authorizes the department of environmental quality to submit new grant applications or modify existing grant applications to the federal office of surface mining for distribution of unobligated, unexpended funds previously appropriated pursuant to 2012 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 27, Section 2(a) and previously directed for purposes specified in 2012 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 27, Section 2(b)(vi)(C). All funds received from authorized grants are redirected and appropriated in amounts specified in this subsection for the following projects:(i) Two million nine hundred fifty thousand dollars ($2,950,000.00) to the department of environmental quality for the planning and design of segments two (2), three (3) and four (4) of the Bitter Creek restoration project near Rock Springs. Any unexpended, unobligated funds from this appropriation shall revert as provided by law on June 30, 2018; and(ii) Four million two hundred ten thousand dollars ($4,210,000.00) to the department of environmental quality for the construction of segment one (1) of the Bitter Creek restoration project near Rock Springs. Any unexpended, unobligated funds from this appropriation shall revert as provided by law on June 30, 2018.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BAKER, DAYTONHB0001H3006/ADOPTED[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED][AML FUNDING – REDIRECTION OF PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONS]Sections affected:Section 315.[LOCAL GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTIONS I]Section 331. [AML FUNDING – REDIRECTION OF PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONS]Section 340.[UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING ENGINEERING BUILDING II]Section 345.[CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2015]Section 346.[CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2016]* * * * * * * * *Page 92-line 4After "308," insert "315 by creating new subsections (f) and (g) and by renumbering existing subsections (f) and (g) as (h) and (j),". Page 92-line 7Delete "(r)" and insert "(s)".Page 100-After line 2Insert: "[LOCAL GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTIONS I]Section 315.(f)??In addition to other appropriations under this section, there is appropriated:(i)??Two million six hundred forty-five thousand seven hundred thirty-seven dollars ($2,645,737.00) from funds previously appropriated for construction of an engineering building at the University of Wyoming as provided in 2012 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 26, Section 3, Section 067, as amended by 2013 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 73, Section 3, Section 067;(ii)??Funds appropriated to local governments in section 345, priority 14 of this act.(g)??Funds appropriated and identified in subsection (f) of this section shall be distributed as follows:(i)??Up to six million dollars ($6,000,000.00) or as much thereof as is available shall first be distributed in the manner provided by subsection (b) of this section, except:(A)??In lieu of the distribution in paragraph (b)(i)(intro) of this section, from this appropriation each city or town with a population of thirty-five (35) or less shall first receive five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) and each city or town with a population over thirty-five (35) shall first receive ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00); and(B)??The entire distribution of these additional funds shall be made on August 15, 2015.(ii)??Up to four million dollars ($4,000,000.00) or as much thereof as is available shall next be distributed in the manner provided by subsection (c) of this section, except the entire distribution of these additional funds shall be made on August 15, 2015.(f)(h)?? For purposes of this section, population is to be determined by resort to the 2010 decennial federal census as reported by the economic analysis division within the department of administration and information and as defined in W.S. 8-1-102(a)(xv).(g)(j)??It is the intent of the legislature that the funds distributed under this section shall not be used for salary adjustments, additional personnel or increased personnel benefits.".Page 111-After line 16Insert:"(s)??The legislature authorizes the department of environmental quality to submit new grant applications or modify existing grant applications to the federal office of surface mining for distribution of unobligated, unexpended funds previously appropriated pursuant to 2012 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 27, Section 1(a) and previously directed for purposes specified in 2012 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 27, Section 1(c)(iv). All funds received from authorized grants are redirected and appropriated in amounts specified in this subsection for the following projects:(i)??Two million four hundred six thousand five dollars ($2,406,005.00) to the Wyoming water development commission for the Gillette Madison water project as authorized by W.S. 99-3-1405;(ii)??Eight hundred thirty thousand dollars ($830,000.00) to the University of Wyoming for the high bay research facility;(iii)??Two million six hundred forty-five thousand seven hundred thirty-seven dollars ($2,645,737.00) to the University of Wyoming for the purposes of construction on an engineering building, subject to release for expenditure in accordance with the provisions of Section 340(a) and (b) of this act.".Page 113-line 1 After "(i)" delete the balance of the line.Page 113-line 2Delete "dollars ($52,730,000.00)" and insert "Fifty million eighty-four thousand two hundred sixty-three dollars ($50,084,263.00)".Page 113-line 18After "section" insert "and section 331(s)(iii) of this act".Page 113-line 19After "(iii)," insert "then from the appropriation in Section 331(s)(iii) of this act,".Page 122-line 4Delete entirely.Page 122-lines 17 and 18Delete entirely.Page 122-line 22Delete entirely and insert: "14060Appropriation to local governmentsb $7,354,263".Page 124-line 10After "b." delete entirely and insert "These funds shall be expended as provided in subsections (f) and (g) of section 315 of this act.". Page 124-lines 11 and 12Delete entirely.Page 133-after line 11Insert:"17006Construction management flex contingency3,776,362".Readjust and renumber the priority of appropriations within Section 345 and Section 346 as necessary and adjust totals. HARSHMAN, GREEAR, NICHOLAS, B., STUBSONROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnExcused:? Representative(s) Gay, PattonAyes 56??? Nays 2??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H3007/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 024.State Parks & cultural resources(Cultural Resources)* * * * * * * * * *Page 22-line 6After "5." insert ", 7."; under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "100,000".Page 24-After line 21Insert:"7. Of this general fund appropriation, one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) shall only be expended for the purpose of celebrating Wyoming's one hundred fiftieth (150th) anniversary as a state in 2040. The appropriation associated with this footnote shall be considered one-time funding and shall not be included in the department's 2017-2018 standard budget request.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ZWONITZER, DN., ESQUIBEL, K., LINDHOLM, PETROFFHB0001H3008/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 048. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (Public Health)* * * * * * * * * *Page 33-line 10Delete ", 23.".Page 33-line 11Under GENERAL FUND decrease amount by "1,114,127".Page 43-lines 8 through 10Delete entirely.To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. WILSONHB0001H3009/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s): Section 329. [DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FACILITIES TASK FORCE]* * * * * * * * * *Page 105-After line 4In subsection (m) created by the Larsen second reading amendment (HB0001H2038/A), in the first sentence, after "study and recommend" insert "the possibility of"; in the second sentence, after "recommendations of the study of" insert "possible". WINTERS, GREEARHB0001H3010/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 042. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (Geologic Program)* * * * * * * * * *Page 5-line 21After "027," insert "042,".Page 26-After line 15Insert:"Section 042. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ???????????????PROGRAM?Geologic Program?1.??4,968,810??????4,968,810??????????????TOTALS???4,968,810??0??0???4,968,810?????????????????AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES?Full Time?23Part Time?0TOTAL?231. The geological survey shall study the processes and procedures for recording mineral exploration data in major mineral-producing jurisdictions of the United States, Canada, Australia and other mineral exporting countries, as appropriate. The state geologist shall report the findings from the study no later than November 15, 2015 to the joint minerals, business and economic development interim committee.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MILLER, BURKHART, NICHOLAS, B. HB0001H3011/FAILED[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Section Under Consideration:Section 345.[contingent appropriations from investment earnings derived in fiscal year 2015]Other Budget(s) Affected: Section 346.[contingent appropriations from investment earnings derived in fiscal year 2016]* * * * * * * * * * * * * *Page 124-lines 2 and 3Delete entirely.Page 130-lines 11 through 14Delete entirely. Page 133-lines 10 and 11Delete entirely.Page 139-lines 1 through 3Delete entirely. Readjust and renumber the priority of other appropriations within Section 345 and Section 346 as necessary and adjust totals. POWNALL ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Blackburn, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Esquibel, Halverson, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Steinmetz, Throne, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Sommers, Stubson, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 23??? Nays 36??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H3012/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 320.[employee compensation]* * * * * * * * * *Page 100-lines 22 and 23Reinsert all stricken language.Page 101-lines 1 through 5Reinsert all stricken language.Page 101-line 6Reinsert stricken language through "subsection.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BYRD, WILSON, DAYTONHB0001H3013/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 353.[limitation on salary increases]* * * * * * * * * *Page 145-lines 1 through 23Delete entirely including the Harshman second reading amendment (HB0001H2039/A) to these lines. To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BYRDHB0001H3014/FAILED[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 045. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONOther Budgets Affected:Section 346. [CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2016]* * * * * * * * * *Page 27-line 21Under OTHER FUNDS increase amount by "10,000,000 S0".Page 32-line 9After "." insert "In addition to other funds appropriated under this footnote, there is appropriated from the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund reserve account created by W.S. 94719(b) ten million dollars ($10,000,000.00) S0 for safety improvements to Wyoming highway 59 from Douglas to Gillette and United States highway 20/26 from Casper to Shoshoni, including, but not limited to, construction of passing and turning lanes.".Page 132-lines 12 and 13 Delete entirely.Page 133-lines 18 through 21Delete entirely.To the extent required by this amendment: readjust and renumber the priority of other appropriations within Section 346 as necessary; and adjust totals as necessary. BARLOW, KASPERIK HB0001H3015/FAILED[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Section Under Consideration: Section 315.[LOCAL GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTIONS I]Other Budget(s) Affected:Section 331. [AML FUNDING – REDIRECTION OF PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONS]Section 340.[UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING ENGINEERING BUILDING II]Section 345.[CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2015]Section 346.[CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2016]Section 355. [LOCAL GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTIONS II]* * * * * * * * *Delete the Harshman et al. third reading amendment (HB001H3006/A) entirely and further amend as follows:Page 92-line 4After "308," insert "315 by creating new subsections (f) and (g) and by renumbering existing subsections (f) and (g) as (h) and (j),". Page 100-After line 2Insert: "[LOCAL GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTIONS I]Section 315.(f) In addition to other appropriations under this section, there is appropriated:(i) Two million six hundred forty-five thousand seven hundred thirty-seven dollars ($2,645,737.00) from funds previously appropriated for construction of an engineering building at the University of Wyoming as provided in 2012 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 26, Section 3, Section 067, as amended by 2013 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 73, Section 3, Section 067;(ii) Funds appropriated to local governments in section 345, priority 14 of this act.(g) If the total amount of funds appropriated in subsection (f) of this section is not available, the available funds shall be directed proportionally among distributions in paragraph (i) of this subsection and section 355 of this act. Funds appropriated and identified in subsection (f) shall be distributed as follows:(i) Five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) identified in subsection (f) of this section shall be directed to the office of state lands and investments to be distributed as follows:(A) Up to four million five hundred seventy-five thousand eight hundred thirty-five dollars ($4,575,835.00) shall be distributed in the manner provided by subsection (b) of this section, except:(I) In lieu of the distribution specified in paragraph (b)(i)(intro) of this section, from this appropriation each city or town with a population of thirty-five (35) or less shall first receive five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) and each city or town with a population over thirty-five (35) shall first receive ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00); and(II) The entire distribution of these additional funds shall be made on August 15, 2015.(B) Up to four hundred twenty-four thousand one hundred sixty-five dollars ($424,165.00) shall be distributed in the manner provided by subsection (d) of this section, except the entire distribution of these additional funds shall be made on August 15, 2015.(ii) Up to five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) to counties as provided in section 355 of this act.".(f)(h) For purposes of this section, population is to be determined by resort to the 2010 decennial federal census as reported by the economic analysis division within the department of administration and information and as defined in W.S. 8-1-102(a)(xv).(g)(j) It is the intent of the legislature that the funds distributed under this section shall not be used for salary adjustments, additional personnel or increased personnel benefits.Page 111-After line 16Insert:"(s)??The legislature authorizes the department of environmental quality to submit new grant applications or modify existing grant applications to the federal office of surface mining for distribution of unobligated, unexpended funds previously appropriated pursuant to 2012 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 27, Section 1(a) and previously directed for purposes specified in 2012 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 27, Section 1(c)(iv). All funds received from authorized grants are redirected and appropriated in amounts specified in this subsection for the following projects:(i)??Two million four hundred six thousand five dollars ($2,406,005.00) to the Wyoming water development commission for the Gillette Madison water project as authorized by W.S. 9931405;(ii)??Eight hundred thirty thousand dollars ($830,000.00) to the University of Wyoming for the high bay research facility;(iii)??Two million six hundred forty-five thousand seven hundred thirty-seven dollars ($2,645,737.00) to the University of Wyoming for the purposes of construction on an engineering building, subject to release for expenditure in accordance with the provisions of Section 340(a) and (b) of this act.".Page 113-line 1 After "(i)" delete the balance of the line.Page 113-line 2Delete "dollars ($52,730,000.00)" and insert "Fifty million eighty-four thousand two hundred sixty-three dollars ($50,084,263.00)".Page 113-line 18After "section" insert "and section 331(s)(iii) of this act".Page 113-line 19After "(iii)," insert "then from the appropriation in Section 331(s)(iii) of this act,".Page 122-line 4Delete entirely.Page 122-lines 17 and 18Delete entirely.Page 122-line 22Delete entirely and insert: "14060Appropriation to local governmentsb 7,354,263".Page 124-line 10After "b." delete entirely and insert "These funds shall be expended as provided in subsection (g) of section 315 and section 355 of this act. If the total amount of funds appropriated in this priority is not available, the available funds shall be directed proportionally among subsection (g) of section 315 and section 355 of this act.". Page 124-lines 11 and 12Delete entirely.Page 133-after line 11Insert:"17006Construction management flex contingency3,776,362". Page 146-After line 11Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:"[LOCAL GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTIONS III]Section 355.(a)??There is appropriated five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) from funds identified in section 315(f) of this section to the office of state lands and investments to be expended for the purpose of one-time direct appropriation distribution to counties. This appropriation shall be subject to subsections (b) through (d) of this section and shall be allocated to each county determined as follows:(i)??Calculate the per capita distribution of state sales and use tax revenues for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014 to each county, including distributions to each city and town within that county, under W.S. 3915111 and 3916111, but excluding the distribution exclusively to counties under W.S. 39-15-111(b)(iii) made from an amount equivalent to one percent (1%) of the tax collected under W.S. 3915104, and excluding the distribution exclusively to counties under W.S. 39-16-111(b)(iii) made from an amount equivalent to one percent (1%) of the tax collected under W.S. 39-16-104. This amount shall represent each county's state sales and use taxes per capita;(ii)??Divide one (1) by each county's state sales and use taxes per capita. This amount shall represent each county's inverse per capita state sales and use taxes;(iii)??Multiply each county's inverse per capita state sales and use taxes by the population in the respective county. This amount shall represent the county's inverse state sales and use taxes weighted by population;(iv)??Sum the counties' inverse state sales and use taxes weighted by population computed in paragraph (iii) of this subsection. This amount shall represent the statewide sum of county inverse state sales and use taxes weighted by population;(v)??Divide each county's inverse state sales and use taxes weighted by population computed in paragraph (iii) by the statewide sum of county inverse state sales and use taxes weighted by population. This amount shall represent the weighting factor for each county;(vi)??The amount distributed under this section to each county shall equal the weighting factor for each county computed in paragraph (v) multiplied by the appropriation in subsection (a) of this section.(b)??For purposes of this section, population is to be determined by resort to the 2010 decennial federal census as reported by the economic analysis division within the department of administration and information and as defined in W.S. 81102(a)(xv).(c)??It is the intent of the legislature that the funds distributed under this section shall not be used for salary adjustments, additional personnel or increased personnel benefits.(d)??Funds appropriated in subsection (a) of this section shall be distributed no later than August 15, 2015.".Readjust and renumber the priority of appropriations within Section 345 and Section 346 as necessary and adjust totals. MADDEN, KRONE, McKim, PIIPARINENHB0001H3016/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 067. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING(State Aid) * * * * * * * * * *Page 56-line 10After "expended" delete balance of line.Page 56-lines 11 through 22 Delete entirely.Page 56-line 23Delete through "reclassified" insert "for support of the university LeaRN and honors programs, including but not limited to student recruitment and retention and programmatic needs".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. CONNOLLYHB0001H3017/FAILED[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Section Under Consideration:Section 039. WILDLIFE/NATURAL RESOURCE TRUST(Wildlife Trust Account)Other Budget(s) Affected: Section 350.[BORROWING AUTHORITY - EXECUTIVE BRANCH PROGRAMS]* * * * * * * * * * * * * *Page 5-line 21After "027," insert "039,".Page 26-After line 15Insert:"Section 039. WILDLIFE/NATURAL RESOURCE TRUST?PROGRAM?Wildlife Trust Admin???609,525??????609,525Wildlife Trust Projects?1.??5,000,000????8,000,000SR??13,000,000Wildlife Trust Account?2., 3.??5,000,000????5,000,000?? 25,000,000 S030,000,000??????????TOTALS???10,609,525??0??8,000,000???18,609,52533,000,00043,609,525AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES?Full Time?2Part Time?0TOTAL?21.??This general fund appropriation shall be deposited into the Wyoming wildlife and natural resource trust income account created by W.S. 915103(b).2.??This general fund appropriation shall be deposited into the Wyoming wildlife and natural resource trust account created by W.S. 915103(a).3. The amount of twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000.00) S0 is appropriated from the legislative stabilization reserve account and shall be deposited into the Wyoming wildlife and natural resource trust account created by W.S. 915103(a).".Page 141-line 17After "(a)" insert "Notwithstanding W.S. 915103(a),"; Delete "pooled".Page 141-line 18Delete "fund investments" insert "the Wyoming wildlife and natural resource trust account created by W.S. 9-15-103(a)".Page 142-line 11After "governor," insert "notwithstanding W.S. 915103(a),".Page 142-line 12Delete "pooled fund".Page 142-line 13 Delete "investments" insert "the Wyoming wildlife and natural resource trust account created by W.S. 915103(a)". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ESQUIBEL, K., HALVERSON, LINDHOLM, MCKIMHB0001H3018/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 344.[STATE BUILDINGS - CONSTRUCTION]* * * * * * * * * * * * * *Page 119-line 23After "(a)" insert ", (c) and (d)". Page 120-After line 10Insert: "(c) The state treasurer and the state auditor may utilize interfund loans from the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund reserve account legislative stabilization reserve account for deposit to the capitol building rehabilitation and restoration account as necessary to meet appropriations from that account and contract obligations of the department of administration and information incurred for purposes of this act.(d) The governor shall include an appropriation request in each biennial budget and supplemental budget recommendation in an amount equal to the lesser of thirty-seven million five hundred thousand dollars ($37,500,000.00) or the outstanding loan balance, including interest owed, until all loans from the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund reserve account legislative stabilization reserve account to the capitol building rehabilitation and restoration account are repaid. Any interfund loan pursuant to subsection (c) of this section shall be repaid with interest calculated at the rate provided for interfund borrowing under W.S. 2113316.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MADDENHB0001H3019/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Addition to 300 Sections* * * * * * * * * *Page 146-After line 11Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:"[STATE BUILDINGS – PUBLIC INPUT]Section 355.(a) The joint legislative and executive advisory task force on capitol building rehabilitation and restoration created by W.S. 9-5-109(k) shall hold a minimum of five (5) public hearings or meetings on or before December 31, 2015 to receive public input on the state capitol building and Herschler state office rehabilitation, restoration and renovation project described in W.S. 9-5-112, including the space allocation and schematic design of the project. The hearings or meetings shall occur in separate geographic locations to ensure statewide participation.(b) For the period beginning on the effective date of this section and ending December 31, 2015, there is appropriated from the capitol building rehabilitation and restoration account created by W.S. 9-5-109(j) to the legislative service office thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) for per diem, salary and mileage of legislators serving on the advisory task force and for mileage and per diem for advisory task force members appointed under W.S. 95109(m)(iv). Funds appropriated under this section shall only be expended for the purposes of conducting a minimum of five (5) public hearings or meetings.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. STEINMETZ, ZWONITZER, DN., JENNINGS, SOMMERSHB0001H3020/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 345. [CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2015]* * * * * * * * * *Page 124-After line 3Insert:"32006CC-CWC Ag & Animal Sciencej325,000".Readjust and renumber the priority of other appropriations within Section 345 as necessary and adjust totals. MILLER, ALLEN, CAMPBELL, LARSEN HB0001H3021/ADOPTED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 344. [STATE BUILDINGS – CONSTRUCTION]* * * * * * * * * *Page 120-line 10In the Larsen, et al. second reading amendment (HB0001H2027/A) to this line, delete ", refurbish, frame and preserve"; after "capitol" insert "complex". LARSENHB0001H3022/ADOPTED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 334. [WYOMING VALUE ADDED ENERGY AND INDUSTRIAL PLAN]* * * * * * * * * *Page 92-line 7After "(r)" insert ", 334(h)(ii) and by creating a new subsection (o) and by renumbering the existing (o) as (p) and (p) as (q)".Page 111-After line 16Insert:"[WYOMING VALUE ADDED ENERGY AND INDUSTRIAL PLAN]Section 334.(h)??There is appropriated from the general fund to the governor's office seventeen million two hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($17,275,000.00) for the purposes of this section. It is anticipated by the legislature, but is not binding on the governor except as otherwise provided in this section, that the budget to study or develop each potential project from the funds appropriated in this subsection will be as follows:(ii)??Fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00) which may be expended in whole or part for:(A)??The integrated test center subject to subsection (n) of this section; or(B)??One (1) or more demonstration projects to develop beneficial use of carbon dioxide subject to subsection (o) of this section.(o)??The governor's office may use any portion of the funds specified in paragraph (h)(ii) of this section for the purposes specified in and subject to the requirements of this subsection. Funds shall only be expended pursuant to this subsection to contract with parties to develop demonstration projects to make beneficial use of carbon dioxide from flue gas produced at Wyoming coal fired plants. The project shall have the goal of developing beneficial use of the carbon dioxide on a commercially marketable scale within an identified timeframe and shall involve a tangible step to that goal by applying previously developed technology. It is the intent of the legislature that any expenditure of these funds shall only be for projects which primarily involve application of technology. Any project funded pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to the requirements of paragraphs (n)(ii), (iii), (vi), (vii), (ix), (x), (xii) and (xiii) of this section. For purposes of this subsection references to test center, facilities or construction of the same shall be considered as references to the execution of a project authorized under this subsection. Any project authorized under this subsection shall also be subject to the following:(i)??The state of Wyoming, at its sole discretion, may exercise the right of sole ownership of any improvement, equipment or fixture purchased with funds provided pursuant to this subsection. State ownership shall not extend to the real property on which any physical plant is located nor to any improvement, equipment or fixture purchased completely with funds from sources other than the state of Wyoming;(ii)??No project shall be undertaken pursuant to this subsection until matching funds of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) of other than state funds for costs associated with the project has been committed. No funds shall be expended pursuant to this subsection unless matched on at least a dollar per dollar basis; and(iii)??The governor, in his sole discretion, shall determine the necessary and adequate manner and size of any project costs paid for with state or matching funds under this subsection. The governor may request the recommendation of the advanced conversion technologies task force in carrying out any duties under this subsection.(o)(p)??Except as stated in subsection (p) (q) of this section, this section is effective immediately.(p)(q)??Subsection (h) of this section shall be effective July 1, 2014.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. GREEARHB0001H3023/WITHDRAWNHB0001H3024/ADOPTED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 329. [DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FACILITIES TASK FORCE]* * * * * * * * * *Page 104-line 9Delete the Larsen second reading amendment (HB0001H2038/A) to this line; delete "(m)" insert "(k)".Page 104-line 10Delete the Larsen second reading amendment (HB0001H2038/A) to this line. To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LARSENROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative NicholasExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 58??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H3025/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s): Section 048.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH[Public Health]* * * * * * * * * *Page 33-line 10After "23." Insert ",24.".Page 43-After line 10Insert:"24. No funds appropriated to the public health division shall be expended to retain or utilize the services of a prevention management organization or similar statewide fiscal agent in any manner for substance abuse or suicide intervention and prevention services except for services existing under contract as of March 15, 2015. Funding for substance abuse or suicide intervention and prevention services shall only be expended through contracts with individual community programs or political subdivisions. The department of health shall report to the joint appropriations interim committee and joint labor, health and social services interim committee no later than July 1, 2015 on any outstanding service contracts with prevention management organizations or similar statewide fiscal agents relating to substance abuse or suicide intervention and prevention services.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. walters, PETROFFHB0001H3026/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 205. EDUCATION-SCHOOL FINANCE(School Foundation Program)* * * * * * * * * *Page 70-line 9In the Sommers, et al., second reading amendment (HB0001H2025/A) to this line delete "$6,610,000" insert "5,948,608". SOMMERSROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Gay, PattonAyes 58??? Nays 0??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H3027/ADOPTED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 014. MINERS' HOSPITAL BOARD* * * * * * * * * *Page 17-line 2After "BOARD" insert "1.".Page 17-After line 15Insert: "1. The miner's hospital board shall inform miners eligible to receive benefits pursuant to W.S. 30-6-104, that the miners may be eligible to receive payment from the miner's hospital board account for services provided to the miner at a hospital, rural health clinic or community health center, if the services are covered by W.S. 30-6-102(b) and (e) and rules and regulations promulgated by the board.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. HARVEY, BURKHARTHB0001H3028/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED][Capital construction]Budget(s):Section 006. Administration and Information* * * * * * * * * *Page 87-After line 2Insert "CC-CWC Jackson Outreach Ctr 10."; under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "120,000".Page 90-After line 6Insert:"10. This general fund appropriation shall only be expended for the purpose of providing a dollar for dollar state match for nonstate funds received for the central Wyoming college's Jackson outreach center for level II design.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. PETROFF, HALVERSON, LARSEN, SCHWARTZHB0001H3029/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s): Section 048.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH(Public Health)* * * * * * * * * *Page 33-line 11Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "10,000".Page 35-line 23After "appropriation," strike balance of line and insert "twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00)". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LOCKHART, CAMPBELL, ESQUIBEL, K.HB0001H3030/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 060. STATE LANDS AND INVESTMENTS(Forestry)* * * * * * * * * *Page 49-line 12After "expended" insert "for the purpose of pine bark beetle mitigation".Page 49-line 15After "expenditure" insert "for the purpose of pine bark beetle mitigation".Page 49-line 16After "ending" strike the balance of the line.Page 49-line 17Strike "mitigation" and insert "December 31, 2016, provided any funds remaining on June 30, 2016 will revert on that date if the legislature funds the pine bark beetle mitigation program for the biennium beginning July 1, 2016". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LINDHOLMHB0001H3031/FAILEDBudget(s):Section 048.??DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH(Health Care Financing)* * * * * * * * * *Page 33-line 7After "22." insert ", 24."; under FEDERAL FUNDS increase amount by "54,000,000".Page 43-After line 10Insert and renumber:"24.??(a)??The director of the department of health, the insurance commissioner and the governor shall negotiate with the center for Medicare and Medicaid services for a demonstration waiver under section 1115 of the Social Security Act to provide Medicaid coverage effective as soon as practicable for all persons described under 42 U.S.C. § 1396a(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII), subject to the following:(i)??The waiver shall be limited to a maximum period of four (4) years without additional legislative authorization and shall not be administered during any period in which the federal medical assistance percentage, as currently provided pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1396d(y), is less than ninety percent (90%);(ii)??The program may include premium assistance for eligible individuals to enable their enrollment in a qualified health plan through the health insurance exchange or an employer sponsored group plan; (iii)??The program shall include premium and cost sharing as authorized under federal law and regulations for eligible individuals;(iv)??The program shall offer a work search and training benefit developed in coordination with the department of workforce services;(v)??Initial and continuing income eligibility standards shall be structured to avoid creating a disincentive for a beneficiary to increase that beneficiary's household income.(b)??The healthcare reserve account is created and shall consist of monies appropriated for state programs but unspent as a result of Medicaid expansion under this footnote. The monies shall be identified by the directors of affected agencies. Identified funds shall be transferred to the account pursuant to the governor's authority under W.S. 921005(b)(ii). An amount not to exceed one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.00) in the health care reserve account is appropriated to the department of health and shall only be expended for the state's administrative share of the expanded Medicaid program under this footnote. Other than as provided in this subsection, funds in the account shall not be expended without further legislative enactment.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ZWONITZER, DN, WILSONROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Byrd, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Madden, Nicholas, Paxton, Pelkey, Schwartz, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Brown Speaker, Gay, Kirkbride, PattonAyes 15??? Nays 41??? Excused 4??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H3032/ADOPTED(CORRECTED CORRECTED COPY)[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Section Under Consideration: Section 060. STATE LANDS AND INVESTMENTS[Mineral Royalty Grants]Other budgets Affected: Section 328. [COURT SECURITY FUNDING]* * * * * * * * * *Page 47–line 20Under OTHER FUNDS decrease amount by "83,422 S4". Page 101-line 21Delete entirely including the Hunt second reading amendment (HB0001H2026/A) to this line and insert "one million eighty-three thousand four hundred twenty-two dollars ($1,083,422.00) to an".Page 104-After line 3Insert:"(f) Notwithstanding W.S. 9-2-1008, 9-2-1012(e) and 9-4-207, any unawarded and unobligated funds remaining from appropriations in this section, shall revert to the budget reserve account on June 30, 2018.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. HUNT, GREEAR, HARSHMANROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Gay, PattonAyes 58??? Nays 0??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0001H3033/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 206. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION(College & Career Ready)* * * * * * * * * *Page 78-line 6After "Ready" insert "11.".Page 84-After line 9Insert:"11. Not later than November 1, 2015, the department of education shall review and report to the joint education interim committee on possible methods to incentivize completion of the success curriculum by high school students for Hathaway scholarship eligibility. The review shall include, but is not limited to, consideration of mechanisms to account for the academic rigor of high school classes, such as advanced placement and international baccalaureate courses, dual and concurrent enrollment and a weighted grade point average scale.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. THRONE, NORTHRUP, PAXTONHB0001H3034/ADOPTED[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED][TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS]Section Under Consideration:Section 020. DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY(Landfills)Other Budget(s) Affected: Section 048. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH(Health Care Financing)Section 051. LIVESTOCK BOARD(Animal Id)Section 205.EDUCATION-SCHOOL FINANCE(Mill Levy Debt Pledge)Section 3. Section 006. ADMINISTRATION AND INFORMATION(CC-NWCC Tech Ed Center)Section 331.[AML FUNDING – REDIRECTION OF PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONS]Section 347.[STATE FACILITIES – CASPER]* * * * * * * * *Page 20-line 12Delete entirely.Page 42-line 6Delete "This subsection is repealed if" insert "The appropriations associated with this subsection shall be reduced dollar for dollar, up to five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) in general funds and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) in federal funds by any appropriations in 2015 HB0058 if". Page 45-line 15Delete entirely.Page 70-line 11Delete entirely.Page 86-line 22Delete "CC-NWCC" and insert "CC-NWCCD".Page 92-line 2After "4." insert "2014 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 26,".Page 111-line 3Delete "paragraph" and insert "subsection".Page 111-line 6After "submit" insert "new grant applications or modify existing".Page 111-line 7Delete "a portion" and insert "unobligated, unexpended".Page 111-line 8Delete "of".Page 111-line 9Delete "320(a)" and insert "320(a)(iv). All funds received from authorized grants are redirected and appropriated in amounts specified in this subsection".Page 111-line 15Delete "(p)" and insert "(r)".Page 139-line 23Delete "9-5-102(c)" and insert "9-5-102(a)".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. HARSHMANHB0001H3035/ADOPTEDMULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Section Under Consideration:Section 345. [CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2015]Other Budget(s) Affected: Section 346.[CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FROM INVESTMENT EARNINGS DERIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2016]* * * * * * * * * * * * * *Page 128-lines 11 through 18In the Greear et al. second reading amendment (HB0001H2051/A) to these lines, in newly created footnote "o." in newly created paragraph "(a)(iv)" delete "construction" insert "planning and design"; after "egress to the municipality" insert "including the realistic potential to use existing but currently restricted access routes as well as new access routes".Page 134-lines 17 through 22In the Greear et al. second reading amendment (HB0001H2051/A) to these lines, in newly created footnote "f." in newly created subsection "(a)", delete "planning and design" insert "construction"; in newly created paragraph "(iii)" after ";" delete "and"; in newly created paragraph "(iv)" after "egress to the municipality" delete "." insert "; and"; after newly created paragraph "(iv)" insert:"(v) The municipality has undergone the planning process required by 2014 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 26, Section 345, footnote o.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary the priority of other appropriations within Section 345 and Section 346. STUBSON, HARSHMANHB0001H3036/ADOPTED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 347.[state facilities – casper]* * * * * * * * * *Page 139-line 11Delete "procure" insert "obtain".Page 139-line 13After "Wyoming" insert ", prior to their disposal".Page 139-line 21Delete "further".Page 139-line 22Delete through "and".Page 140-line 6After "taken" insert "to assess facility needs in Casper, Wyoming, and those taken". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. STUBSONHB0001H3037/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s): Section 316.[LOCAL GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTIONS II][CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDING]* * * * * * * * * *Page 92-line 4After "308," insert "316 by creating new subsections (c) and (d) and by renumbering existing subsections (c) through (e) as (e) through (g),".Page 100-After line 2Insert: "[LOCAL GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTIONS II]Section 316.(c)??In addition to other appropriations under this section and notwithstanding W.S. 9-4-719(c), there is appropriated from the general fund up to thirty-five million dollars ($35,000,000.00) from earnings from the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund in excess of the spending policy established in W.S. 9-4-719(d) attributable to the period beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015.(d)??Funds appropriated and identified in subsection (c) of this section shall be distributed as follows:(i)??Up to thirty-five million dollars ($35,000,000.00) or as much thereof as is available shall be expended for the purpose of grants for capital improvement projects and shall be allocated for each county as provided by subsection (a) of this section, except:(A)??Funds appropriated and identified in subsection (c) of this section shall only be expended for capital projects, including capital projects constructed by special districts. To be eligible for the grants, the board of county commissioners and the governing bodies of the cities and towns within that county that comprise at least seventy percent (70%) of the incorporated population shall certify to the state loan and investment board that they have reached agreement on the projects for which the funds will be used;(B)??The entire appropriation of these additional funds shall not be distributed until after October 15, 2015.(c)(e)??For purposes of this section, population is to be determined by resort to the 2010 decennial federal census as reported by the economic analysis division within the department of administration and information and as defined in W.S. 8-1-102(a)(xv).(d)(f)??In preparing the 2017-2018 biennium budget, the governor shall include a recommendation of one hundred twenty-five million dollars ($125,000,000.00) from the general fund for appropriation to cities, towns and counties, if the general fund and budget reserve account total revenues for fiscal years 2017 and 2018 as projected by the consensus revenue estimating group in the October 2015 estimation process equal or exceed the general fund and budget reserve account projected total revenues in the January 2014 revenue estimates.(e)(g)??Amounts granted for capital project funding under this section which are in excess of final project costs shall not revert upon project completion, but may be applied by the recipient governing bodies to any remaining project agreed upon in the consensus process at the county level as determined by the governing bodies. To the extent excess funds are not sufficient to complete an additional project those funds may be held by the county treasurer for future project use as authorized in this subsection. As determined by the governing body in each county, amounts granted to a recipient governing body for a future project for which the funds will not be formally encumbered during the 2015-2016 biennium, shall not revert.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. SCHWARTZHB0001H3038/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY)[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Addition to 300 Sections* * * * * * * * * *Page 146-After line 11Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:"[COMMUNITY COLLEGES FUNDING – TASK FORCE STUDY]Section 355.(a)??There is created a community college planning task force to consist of the following:(i)??Two (2) members of the house appropriations committee and one (1) member of the house education committee appointed by the speaker of the house. The speaker of the house shall designate a member appointed under this paragraph to serve as a cochairman of the task force;(ii)??Two (2) members of the senate appropriations committee and one (1) member of the senate education committee appointed by the president of the senate. The president of the senate shall designate a member appointed under this paragraph to serve as a cochairman of the task force;(iii)??Three (3) members appointed by the governor as follows:(A) The executive director of the Wyoming community college commission;(B)??One (1) commissioner of the Wyoming community college commission; and(C)??One (1) trustee from a community college district.(b)??The task force shall review and evaluate the existing community college system and its financing and develop recommendations to:(i)??Create a system which allocates and prioritizes community college programs to insure a cost effective and efficient delivery of education statewide which minimizes duplication;(ii)??Identify options for funding community college capital construction and on-going operations; and(iii)??Explore a statewide community college system in respect to governance, structure, revenue generation and funding distribution.(c)??The task force shall be staffed by the legislative service office. The task force shall meet not less than four (4) times in different geographic areas of the state.(d)??Legislative members of the task force shall receive compensation, per diem and travel expenses in the manner and amount as prescribed by W.S. 28-5-101. Remaining task force members who are not state employees shall receive the per diem and mileage at the rate paid members of the Wyoming legislature under W.S. 28-5-101 for each day of actual task force meetings and travel to those meetings.(e)??The task force shall report its findings and recommendations to the joint appropriations interim committee by October 1, 2015. The joint appropriations interim committee may sponsor any legislation necessary to implement task force recommendations in the 2016 legislative session.(f)??Thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) is appropriated from the general fund to the legislative service office for the period commencing on the effective date of this section and ending December 31, 2015, as necessary to fund the community college planning task force in carrying out its duties under this section.To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. HARSHMAN, CONNOLLYHB0001H3039/ADOPTED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Addition to 300 Sections* * * * * * * * * *Page 146-After line 11Delete the Harshman, et al. third reading amendment (HB0001H3038/AC) to this line and further amend as follows: insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:"[community colleges – funding model for state appropriations]Section 355.(a) Not later than September 1, 2015, the Wyoming community college commission shall report to the joint appropriations interim committee on the fiscal and policy implications of the incorporation of performance based financial incentives into the funding allocation model for the distribution of state funds.(b) The joint appropriations interim committee may develop legislation for introduction in the 2016 budget session, with the assistance of the community college commission and other interested parties, which establishes:(i) A funding model based on sustainable revenue sources for supplemental funding of community colleges; and(ii) The format and content of the community college commission's standard budget, as defined in W.S. 9-2-1002.".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGERHB0001H3040/FAILED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 346.[contingent appropriations from investment earnings derived in fiscal year 2106]* * * * * * * * * *Page 132–line 10Delete entirely and insert:"1004Strategic investments and projects accounta $173,124,803".Page 132–lines 11 through 23Delete entirely, excluding all priorities with previously adopted amendments to these lines. Page 133–lines 1 through 11Delete entirely, excluding all priorities with previously adopted amendments to these lines. Page 133–line 15Delete entirely and insert "the strategic investments and projects account created by 2013 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 73, Section 300(e).".Page 133–lines 16 through 21Delete entirely, excluding all priorities with previously adopted amendments to these lines.Pages 134 through 138 Delete entirely, excluding all priorities with previously adopted amendments to these pages.Page 139–lines 1 through 3Delete entirely, excluding all priorities with previously adopted amendments to these lines.Readjust and renumber the priority of other appropriations within Section 346 as necessary, including appropriations whose priority was changed by a previously adopted amendment and adjust totals. JAGGIHB0001H3041/FAILED[MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED]Section Under Consideration: Section 315. [LOCAL GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTIONS I]Other Budget(s) Affected: Section 316.[LOCAL GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTIONS II]* * * * * * * * * * * * * * Page 92-line 4After "308," insert "315 by creating a new subsection (f) and by renumbering existing subsections (f) and (g) as (g) and (h), 316(a)(intro),".Page 100-After line 2Insert: "[LOCAL GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTIONS I]Section 315.(f) In addition to other appropriations under this section, there is appropriated fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00) from the general fund to the office of state lands and investments to be distributed and expended as follows:(i) In the manner as provided in subsections (a) through (d) of this section, except:(A) In lieu of the distribution in paragraph (b)(i)(intro) of this section, from this appropriation each city or town with a population of thirty-five (35) or less shall first receive five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) and each city or town with a population over thirty-five (35) shall first receive ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00).(B) The entire distribution of these additional funds shall be made on August 15, 2015.(f)(g) For purposes of this section, population is to be determined by resort to the 2010 decennial federal census as reported by the economic analysis division within the department of administration and information and as defined in W.S. 81102(a)(xv).(g)(h) It is the intent of the legislature that the funds distributed under this section shall not be ?used ?for ?salary adjustments, additional personnel or increased personnel benefits.Section 316.(a) There is appropriated from the general fund, seventy million dollars ($70,000,000.00) eighty million dollars ($80,000,000.00) to the office of state lands and investments to be expended for the purpose of grants for capital improvement projects and subject to subsection (b) of this section shall be allocated for each county as follows:".To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. THRONE, KIRKBRIDEHB0001H3042/ADOPTED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Section 344.[state buildings – construction] * * * * * * * * * *Page 120-line 10In the Larsen et al. second reading amendment (HB0001H2027/A) to this line, after "capitol." insert "Notwithstanding W.S. 9-1-210, the department of administration and information is specifically empowered to accept grants, gifts, transfers, bequests and donations to be deposited to an account for the purpose of purchasing artwork as required by this subsection. Funds in this account shall only be expended to offset the cost to the state of purchasing the artwork.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. EKLUNDHB0001H3043/ADOPTED[BUDGET AFFECTED]Budget(s):Addition to 300 Sections* * * * * * * * * *Page 146-After line 11Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:"[LEGISLATIVE PER DIEM]Section 355.(a) For the period beginning July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, the amount to be received by members of the legislature for expenses under W.S. 28-5-101(b) shall be supplemented by an increase of up to twenty dollars ($20.00) per day as necessary to match the federal per diem rate.(b)??There is appropriated from the general fund to the legislative service office one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) to supplement legislative per diem for the period beginning July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.(c)??Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, there is appropriated from the general fund to the state auditor ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for the period beginning July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, to be distributed as necessary to supplement per diem for any state board, commission, council, authority or other state entity whose per diem rate is based upon the amount of per diem paid to state legislators.(d)??For employees of any state board, commission, council, authority or other state entity whose per diem rate is based upon the amount of per diem paid to state legislators, but whose per diem is paid from nongeneral fund sources, there is appropriated from those accounts and funds the amounts necessary to provide payment of the increases in per diem authorized under this section for the period beginning July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ZWONITZER, DNROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Freeman, Gay, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Throne, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Barlow, Burkhart, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Jennings, Kasperik, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Piiparinen, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Wilson, WintersExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 33??? Nays 26??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 41-18-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edmonds, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Halverson, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Lindholm, McKim, Miller, Pelkey, Piiparinen, Reeder, Throne, WintersExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 41??? Nays 18??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Received for Introduction2/20/2015S Introduced and Referred to S02HB0001SS001/ADOPTEDSTANDING COMMITTEE REPORTYour Committee No. 2 on Appropriations has reviewed HB0001:Pursuant to Joint Rule 14-1(e)(1)&(2) the following lists are provided:Identical amendmentsHB0001H2007/AHB0001H2020/ACHB0001H2021/ACHB0001H2025/AC amended by HB0001H3026/AHB0001H2028/ACHB0001H2041/AHB0001H2043/AHB0001H3022/AHB0001H3026/A amends HB0001H2025/ACHB0001H3034/AHB0001H3036/AThe following are the other adopted amendments:HB0001H2003/ACCHB0001H2004/A deleted by HB0001H2052/AHB0001H2008/ACHB0001H2014/ACHB0001H2024/AHB0001H2026/A amended by HB0001H3032/ACCHB0001H2027/A amended by HB0001H3021/A and further amended by HB0001H3042/AHB0001H2035/AHB0001H2038/A amended by HB0001H3009/A and further amended by HB0001H3024/AHB0001H2039/AHB0001H2051/A amended by HB0001H3035/AHB0001H2052/A deletes HB0001H2004/AHB0001H3006/AHB0001H3009/A amends HB0001H2038/AHB0001H3010/ACHB0001H3021/A amends HB0001H2027/AHB0001H3024/A amends HB0001H2038/AHB0001H3027/AHB0001H3032/ACC amends HB0001H2026/AHB0001H3033/AHB0001H3035/A amends HB0001H2051/AHB0001H3039/AHB0001H3042/A amends HB0001H2027/AHB0001H3043/AROSS, CHAIRMAN2/23/2015Senate:Pursuant to JR 14-1 (f) referred directly to 3rd Reading2/23/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Ross, Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Wasserburger3/2/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Harshman, Greear, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Stubson3/4/2015See Mirror Bill SF0001H.B. No. 0002 Museum districts-formation.Sponsored By:Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to special museum districts; specifying the procedure for establishing a special museum district and conducting subsequent district elections; and providing for an effective date.12/1/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Kirkbride, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Nays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, LindholmAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0003 Department of insurance-fine schedules.Sponsored By:Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to insurance; applying penalty provisions to persons who instruct others to violate the law as specified; increasing civil penalties and aggregate limits which can be assessed by the insurance commissioner; allowing the insurance commissioner to collect the costs of investigatory and administrative proceedings; and providing for an effective date.12/1/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/14/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/14/2015H Placed on General FileHB0003HS001/FAILEDPage 2-line 10Strike "such".Page 2-line 11 Reinsert stricken "three (3)"; delete "one (1)".Page 2-line 16Strike "such"; reinsert stricken "three (3)".Page 2-line 17Delete "one (1)". ZWONITZER, DN, CHAIRMANHB0003HW001/ADOPTEDDelete the standing committee amendment (HB0003HS001/A) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 2-line 10Strike "such".Page 2-line 11 Strike "month" insert "year".Page 2-line 16Strike "such". Page 2-line 17Strike "month" insert "year". KIRKBRIDE, ZWONITZER, DN 1/15/2015H COW PassedHB0003H2001/FAILEDPage 1-line 1Before "applying" insert "modifying elements of an offense under the insurance code;".Page 2-line 1After "person who" insert "knowingly". NORTHRUP, BURKHART1/16/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 42-18-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Harvey, Hunt, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, Nicholas, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Burkhart, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Jaggi, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Reeder, Steinmetz, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 42??? Nays 18??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/10/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Placed on General File2/10/2015S COW Passed2/11/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/12/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00092/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00092/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00092/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00092/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 13 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0004 Prohibited livestock grazing.Sponsored By:Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands & Water Resources Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; prohibiting opening a fence for the purpose of letting livestock on the land of another; providing an exception; providing a penalty; and providing for an effective date.12/1/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Eklund, Jaggi, McKimNays:? Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Hunt, Laursen, LindholmAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0005 Property tax refund program-extension.Sponsored By:Joint Revenue Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; reinstituting the property tax refund program; amending related provisions; and providing for an effective date.12/1/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/16/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/16/2015H Placed on General File1/19/2015H COW Passed1/20/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/21/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue2/10/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Kinskey, Landen, PetersonNays:? Senator(s) Case, DriskillAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Placed on General File2/11/2015S COW Passed2/12/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/17/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 28-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator CaseExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 28??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00212/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00212/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00212/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00212/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 20 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0006 Airline companies-assessment.Sponsored By:Joint Revenue Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; specifying that the definition of "property used for industrial purposes" includes the property of airline companies; providing for the assessment of airline companies; and providing for an effective date.12/1/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/16/2015Revenue:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0006HS001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED CORRECTED COPY)Page 1-line 1After ";" insert "specifying that the definition of "property used for industrial purposes" includes the property of airline companies;".Page 1-line 7After "W.S." insert "39-11-101(a)(xiv)(intro) and".Page 1-line 8Delete "is" insert "are". Page 1-After line 8Insert:"39-11-101. Definitions.(a)??As used in this act unless otherwise specifically provided:(xiv) "Property used for industrial purposes" means those properties valued under W.S. 39-13-102(m)(ii) through (viii) (x), excluding W.S. 39-13-102(m)(vi) and (ix), and those properties used or held for use for:".Page 1-line 16After "companies" insert "used for the public transportation of passengers or property for hire". MADDEN, CHAIRMAN1/16/2015H Placed on General File1/19/2015H COW Passed1/20/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/21/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 54-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Gay, Kroeker, Lindholm, Patton, Pownall, WintersAyes 54??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue2/10/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Driskill, Kinskey, Landen, PetersonAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Placed on General File2/11/2015S COW Passed2/12/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/17/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00202/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00202/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00202/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00202/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 21 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0007 Game road kill.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Blake, Lindholm, Northrup and Petroff and Senator(s) CraftAN ACT relating to game and fish; providing for rules and regulations to authorize the collection of road killed animals; providing restrictions; and providing for an effective date.12/1/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/16/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzNays:? Representative LaursenAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/16/2015H Placed on General FileHB0007HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 12After "shall," insert "in consultation with the state transportation commission and".Page 2-line 14After "or" insert "Wyoming interstate game". PETROFF, CHAIRMAN 1/19/2015H COW PassedHB0007H2001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 16After "(d)" insert "The commission may through rule and regulation require".Page 3-line 17Delete "shall" insert "to".Page 4-line 20Delete "shall" insert "may by rule and regulation". ZWONITZER, DN.HB0007H2002/ADOPTEDDelete the standing committee amendment (HB0007HS001/A) entirely. Page 1-line 1After "fish;" delete balance of line.Page 1-line 2Delete through "authorize" insert "authorizing".Page 1-line 3After "restrictions" insert "providing for rulemaking;".Page 1-line 12After "(a)" delete balance of line.Page 1-line 13Delete through "whereby".Page 2-line 1After "so" insert "." and delete balance of line. Page 2-lines 2 through 23Delete entirely. Page 3-After line 18Insert:"(e) The commission may promulgate rules and regulations to administer and enforce the provisions of this section. The rules and regulations shall not require any person desiring to possess wildlife killed as a result of motor vehicle collisions on any public road or highway in the state to receive authorization by the commission before or after the person takes possession of the animal.".Page 4-line 19Delete through "to" insert "acting in accordance with". LINDHOLM1/20/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0007H3001/ADOPTEDDelete the Lindholm second reading amendment (HB0007H2002/A) entirely. CLEMHB0007H3002/FAILEDPage 1-line 3After "restrictions;" insert "authorizing a fee;".Page 3-After line 18Insert:"(e)??The commission may establish and charge a reasonable fee not to exceed the total time and costs of administering this section. Fees collected under this section shall be deposited and expended as provided in W.S. 23-1-501(b)". NICHOLAS, B. HB0007H3003/FAILEDPage 2-line 17After "certificate" insert "and the department shall respond to the request as soon as practical". CONNOLLY, DWONITZER, DN.1/21/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 39-21-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Freeman, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Lindholm, Loucks, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Esquibel, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Pownall, Reeder, Walters, WintersAyes 39??? Nays 21??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with Senate Rule 5-4: 2-2-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Barnard, CraftNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), CooperExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 2??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0008 Landowner indemnification.Sponsored By:Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands & Water Resources Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to environmental quality; specifying that a surface owner is an innocent owner if the source of the contamination is a pipeline as specified; and providing for an effective date.12/10/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture1/20/2015Agriculture:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Jaggi, Laursen, Lindholm, McKimAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/20/2015H Placed on General File1/21/2015H COW Passed1/22/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/23/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S05 - Agriculture2/6/2015Agriculture:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Barnard, Christensen, Dockstader, Emerich, GeisAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Placed on General File2/9/2015S COW Passed2/10/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/11/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00012/12/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00012/12/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00012/17/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00012/19/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 2 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0009 Alternative fuel taxation.Sponsored By:Joint Revenue Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to fuel tax; providing for taxation of alternative fuel as specified; providing exemptions; providing for collection and distribution of the tax; requiring a decal for electric vehicles; requiring reporting as specified; providing rulemaking authority; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.12/11/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/19/2015Revenue:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonNays:? Representative BlackburnAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015H Placed on General FileHB0009HS001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 58-line 8Delete "in the following order:" insert "provided that the department shall".Page 58-line 10Delete "(A)". Page 58-line 15Delete ";" insert ".".Page 58-lines 17 through 23Delete entirely.Page 59-lines 1 through 23Delete entirely.Page 60-lines 1 through 14Delete entirely. MADDEN, CHAIRMAN1/20/2015H COW Passed1/21/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/22/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 53-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Gay, Halverson, Jennings, Kroeker, Lindholm, MonizAyes 53??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue2/10/2015Revenue:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Driskill, Kinskey, Landen, PetersonAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Placed on General FileHB0009SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 28-line 20After "sum of" insert "up to".Page 28-line 21After ", or" insert "up to".Page 28-line 22Delete "whichever is greater,". PETERSON, CHAIRMAN2/11/2015S COW PassedHB0009S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 28-lines 18 through 23Delete, including the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0009SS001/AE) to these lines.Page 29-lines 1 through 3Delete.Page 29-line 5Delete "(ii)" insert "(i)".Page 29-line 13Delete "(iii)" insert "(ii)".Page 30-line 12Delete and insert "(iii)".Page 30-line 13Delete line through "subsection,".Page 31-line 2Delete "(v)" insert "(iv)".Page 31-line 6Delete "(vi)" insert "(v)". DRISKILL2/12/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHB0009S3001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 23-lines 20 through 22Delete.Page 24-lines 1 and 2Delete.Page 24-line 4Delete "(ii)" insert "(i)".Page 47-line 12Delete "(viii)" insert "(vii)".Page 48-line 19Delete "(viii)" insert "(vii)".Page 49-line 21Delete "(viii)" insert "(vii)".Page 50-lines 8 through 11Delete.Page 50-line 13Delete "(viii)" insert "(vii)".Page 50-line 20Delete "(ix)" insert "(viii)". PETERSON2/17/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015H Received for Concurrence2/18/2015H Concur:Passed 56-3-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Halverson, Kroeker, McKimExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 56??? Nays 3??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00252/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00252/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00252/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00252/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 28 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0010 Education-state authorization reciprocity agreement.Sponsored By:Joint Education Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to post secondary education; authorizing the Wyoming Community College Commission to enter into and administer reciprocity agreements with other states on the licensing of specified post secondary institutions; authorizing admission of post secondary institutions with a physical presence in Wyoming under reciprocity agreement and providing for reciprocal licensure in Wyoming of institutions located in states that are signatories to the agreement; granting rulemaking authority and authorizing fees; and providing for an effective date.12/12/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education1/19/2015Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Hunt, Jaggi, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Sommers, ThroneAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015H Placed on General FileHB0010HS001/ADOPTEDPage 9-line 13Before "for" insert "which shall only be expended". NORTHRUP, VICE CHAIRMAN 1/20/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/27/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General FileHB0010HS002/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 10Delete "providing an appropriation;".Page 9-lines 9 through 16Delete entirely including the first standing committee amendment (HB0010HS001/A) to these lines.Page 9-line 18Delete "Section 4." insert "Section 3.". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMAN1/28/2015H COW Passed1/29/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/30/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education2/9/2015Education:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe, Dockstader, Pappas, RothfussAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Placed on General File2/9/2015S COW Passed2/10/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/11/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00022/12/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00022/12/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00022/17/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00022/19/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 3 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0011 Distance education task force.Sponsored By:Joint Education Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to the study of distance education for informing recalibration of the education resource block grant model; establishing a task force; establishing duties; requiring reporting; and providing for an effective date.12/12/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education1/26/2015Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Hunt, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Sommers, ThroneNays:? Representative JaggiAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General File1/26/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/28/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015H Placed on General File1/28/2015H COW Rerefer to H04 - Education2/5/2015Returned without report to HCOW2/5/2015H Placed on General FileHB0011HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-lines 11 through 16Delete entirely and insert:"(a) For the purposes of informing the 2015 recalibration of the education resource block grant model required by W.S 21-13-309(t), there is created a twelve (12) member task force on distance education, chaired by the state superintendent of public instruction, consisting of the following members:"(i)The two (2) chairmen of the joint interim education committee;(ii)Not later than March 31, 2015, the state superintendent of public instruction shall appoint the following members to the task force:(A) One (1) member of the state board of education;(B)One (1) member employed by the University of Wyoming or one (1) of the seven (7) community colleges;(C)One (1) school district superintendent from a school district administering distance education programs; (D)Two (2) program directors of distance education programs; (E)One (1) distance education teacher; (F)One (1) curriculum coordinator; (G)One (1) school district technology director; (J)One (1) representative from the department of enterprise technology;(K)Two (2) parents of a student or students enrolled in a distance education program; (L)One (1)student enrolled in a distance education program."Page 2-lines 1 through 8Delete entirely. Page 3-lines 11 through 13Delete entirely and insert:"(iv)??A review of distance education that can be used to provide greater transparency in accounting for administering distance education program;" PATTON, CHAIRMANHB0011HS002/ADOPTEDPage 4-line 10Delete "two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00)" insert "fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00)".Page 4-line 13After "for" delete balance of the line. HARSHMAN, CHAIRMAN2/5/2015H COW PassedHB0011H2001/ADOPTEDPage 1-lines 11 through 16In the first standing committee amendment (HB0011HS001/A) to these lines, delete "twelve (12)" insert "fourteen (14)". PATTON.2/6/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/9/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 47-13-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, McKim, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Burkhart, Edmonds, Gay, Harshman, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Loucks, Madden, Miller, Nicholas, ReederAyes 47??? Nays 13??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Received for Introduction2/11/2015S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education2/20/2015Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe, Dockstader, Pappas, RothfussAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General File2/20/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/23/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015S Placed on General FileHB0011SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 13Delete "fourteen".Page 1-line 14Delete "(14) member". Page 1-line 15Delete ", consisting" insert ".". Page 1-line 16Delete.Page 2-lines 1 through 23Delete.Page 3-lines 1 through 14Delete.Page 4-line 23Delete "." insert ";". Page 4-After line 23Insert:"(vi)Guidance to ensure compliance with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. 1400.". COE, CHAIRMAN2/23/2015S COW Passed2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 21-8-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Kinskey, Landen, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Bebout, Case, Dockstader, Driskill, Hicks, Meier, Nicholas Pres, PerkinsExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 21??? Nays 8??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015H Received for Concurrence2/26/2015H Concur:Failed 2-56-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Greear, StubsonNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, WintersAyes 2??? Nays 56??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Northrup, Burkhart, Freeman2/27/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Coe, Dockstader, Rothfuss3/4/2015H Adopted HB0011JC001: 50-8-2-0-0HB0011JC001/HADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Adopt the following Senate amendments:HB0011SS001/AEFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 1-line 4Delete "providing an appropriation;".Page 5-lines 14 through 21Delete entirely.Page 6-line 1Delete "Section 4." Insert "Section 3.". NORTHRUP, BURKHART, FREEMAN, COE, DOCKSTADER, ROTHFUSSROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Clem, Edmonds, Gay, Jennings, Paxton, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Larsen Lloyd, PattonAyes 50??? Nays 8??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/4/2015S Adopted HB0011JC001: 28-1-1-0-0HB0011JC001/HADOPTEDSADOPTED TO ENGROSSED COPYAdopt the following Senate amendments:HB0011SS001/AEFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 1-line 4Delete "providing an appropriation;".Page 5-lines 14 through 21Delete entirely.Page 6-line 1Delete "Section 4." Insert "Section 3.". NORTHRUP, BURKHART, FREEMAN, COE, DOCKSTADER, ROTHFUSSROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator CaseExcused:? Senator CraftAyes 28??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/4/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 01013/5/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 01013/5/2015S President Signed HEA No. 01013/12/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 01013/12/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 157 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0012 Game and fish violations-restitutions.Sponsored By:Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife & Cultural Resources Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to game and fish; clarifying applicability of act; specifying that restitution penalties for game violations include economic values of wildlife; specifying the account restitution penalties for game violations shall be paid to; providing rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.12/12/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/16/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/16/2015H Placed on General FileHB0012HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 13Strike first "section" insert "act".Page 1-line 15Strike "in violation of this".Page 2-line 1Strike "act,". PETROFF, CHAIRMANHB0012HW001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After ";" insert "specifying the account restitution penalties for game violations shall be paid to;". Page 2-line 4Strike "23-1-501(e)" insert "23-1-501(b)". BARLOW1/20/2015H COW PassedHB0012H2001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 14Delete "economic" insert "monetary".Page 1-line 15Strike "of" insert "to the state of Wyoming and its citizens for". STEINMETZ, BARLOWHB0012H2002/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3Before "and" insert "providing rulemaking authority;".Page 2-line 2after "commission" insert "as established by rule and regulation". SOMMERS1/21/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/22/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel2/5/2015Travel:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Cooper, CraftExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015S Placed on General File2/9/2015S COW Failed 12-18-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Cooper, Craft, Esquibel, Hastert, Johnson, Landen, Pappas, Rothfuss, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Bebout, Case, Christensen, Coe, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Kinskey, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Scott, WasserburgerAyes 12??? Nays 18??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0013 State parks-use of fees.Sponsored By:Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife & Cultural Resources Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to state parks and cultural resources; authorizing use of certain fee income for general operations and maintenance of department facilities as specified; creating an account; providing for interest to accrue to the account; and providing for an effective date.12/12/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/14/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/14/2015H Placed on General FileHB0013HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After "facilities" insert "as specified".Page 2-line 10Delete "department" insert "outdoor recreation areas and". PETROFF, CHAIRMANHB0013HW001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 9After "36-4-121" insert "(a)(xv) and".Page 1-After line 12Insert:"(a) The department of state parks and cultural resources shall offer for sale permits that allow use of the state parks, recreation areas, archeological sites and historic sites. Daily use permits shall be required at Glendo, Guernsey, Curt Gowdy, Edness Kimball Wilkins, Buffalo Bill, Boysen, Seminoe and Keyhole state parks and Fort Bridger, South Pass City, Trail End, Fort Fetterman and Fort Phil Kearney state historic sites, and Hawk Springs state recreation area. The department may establish voluntary pay stations at Bear River and Hot Springs state parks to allow users of those parks to make voluntary contributions for the use of the state parks. Persons who enter or use Bear River or Hot Springs state park without paying daily use fees shall not be subject to the penalties provided for in subsection (j) of this section. Overnight camping permits shall be required at Boysen, Buffalo Bill, Curt Gowdy, Glendo, Guernsey, Keyhole, Seminoe and Sinks Canyon state parks, Connor Battlefield state historic site, Medicine Lodge state archeological site and Hawk Springs state recreation area by the department during the entire calendar year. Except for the lifetime permit issued without cost pursuant to subsection (n) of this section, the cost of the permits authorized under this section shall be:(xv) Funds collected from the amenities fee authorized by paragraph (xiv) of this subsection shall be deposited in an account and are continuously appropriated to the department to pay the utility fees and maintenance costs for the additional amenities offered. The remaining funds collected from the amenities fee authorized by paragraph (xiv) of this subsection at the end of the fiscal year may be deposited in a capital construction the state parks account and expended in accordance with W.S. 364-121(h). Revenues and expenditures under paragraph (xiv) of this subsection and this paragraph for each of the immediately preceding two (2) fiscal years shall be reported within the department's biennial budget request submitted under W.S. 9-2-1013;". CLEM, BARLOWHB0013HW002/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 10After "facilities" insert "." and delete balance of line. FREEMAN 1/15/2015H COW PassedHB0013H2001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 8After "account" insert "in any fiscal year". CLEM1/16/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baker, GayAyes 58??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel2/5/2015Travel:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Cooper, CraftExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015S Placed on General File2/9/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/10/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Placed on General File2/10/2015S COW PassedHB0013S2001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 4-line 6After "expended" insert ", with legislative approval,"; delete "general operations".Page 4-line 7Before "maintenance" delete "and"; after "facilities" insert "provided that no amount shall be expended for additional full-time employees or increases in salaries or overtime pay for full-time employees". COOPER, MEIER, NICHOLAS2/11/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/12/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 19-11-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Christensen, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Esquibel, Hastert, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Pappas, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Bebout, Case, Coe, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Nicholas Pres, Perkins, Peterson, WasserburgerAyes 19??? Nays 11??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015H Received for Concurrence2/17/2015H Concur:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00112/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00112/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00112/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00112/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 14 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0014 Electronic citations.Sponsored By:Joint Judiciary Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to municipal courts; providing for retention of court automation fees by cities and towns as specified; and providing for an effective date.12/16/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/14/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/14/2015H Placed on General File1/15/2015H COW Passed1/16/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 57-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Gay, Walters, WilsonAyes 57??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/6/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Placed on General File2/9/2015S COW PassedHB0014S2001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 2-line 13After "system." insert "The system shall collect and submit data in a form and manner prescribed by the supreme court to comply with the requirements of the judicial systems automation account under W.S. 52120.".Page 3-line 8After "system." insert "The system shall collect and submit data in a form and manner prescribed by the supreme court to comply with the requirements of the judicial systems automation account under W.S. 52120.". PERKINS2/10/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/11/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015H Received for Concurrence2/12/2015H Concur:Passed 59-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative WaltersAyes 59??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00042/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00042/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00042/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00042/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 24 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0015 Restoration of voting rights by department of corrections.Sponsored By:Joint Judiciary Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to criminal procedure; amending and conforming provisions relating to restoration of voting rights to felons; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.12/16/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/14/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/14/2015H Placed on General File1/15/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/20/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B.Nays:? Representative BurkhartExcused:? Representative StubsonAyes 5??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/20/2015H Placed on General FileHB0015HW001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After";" insert "providing an appropriation;".Page 10-line 5Delete entirely and insert:"Section 4.??There is appropriated from the general fund to the secretary of state twenty-five thousand eight hundred dollars ($25,800.00) for the period beginning March 15, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016.Section 5.??(a)??Section 4 of this act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.(b)??Except as provided by subsection (a) of this section, this act is effective January 1, 2016.". MILLER1/21/2015H COW PassedHB0015H2001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 23Strike "sought" insert "certified". Page 4-line 6After "restoration." insert "The application shall specifically state that the requirements of this subsection and subsection (b) have been met and shall be on a form approved by the state board of parole.". Page 4-line 16After "restoration." insert "The application shall specifically state that the requirements of this subsection and subsection (b) have been met and shall be on a form approved by the state board of parole.". GREEAR1/22/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/23/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 57-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Clem, ReederAyes 57??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/6/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Placed on General File2/6/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/18/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Ross, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator PerkinsAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General FileHB0015SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 4-line 9After "restoration." delete balance of line.Page 4-lines 10 and 11Delete.Page 4-line 12Delete through "parole.".Page 4-line 22After "restoration." delete balance of line.Page 4-line 23 Delete.Page 5-lines 1 and 2Delete. CHRISTENSEN, CHAIRMAN2/18/2015S COW PassedHB0015S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 3-line 2Delete.Page 3-line 7Delete and insert: "probation periods including probation or parole; and".Page 4-line 7Delete "issue" insert "require an application for restoration before issuing".Page 4-line 8Delete "upon receipt of the".Page 4-line 9Delete line through "restoration".Page 4-line 13Delete "issue" insert "not require an application for restoration before issuing".Page 4-line 14Delete "without the need for" insert ";".Page 4-line 15Delete.Page 4-line 20Delete "issue" insert "require an application for restoration before issuing".Page 4-line 21After "person" delete balance of line.Page 4-line 22Delete line through "restoration".Page 10-line 9Delete "7-13-105(b)(iii) and"; delete "are" insert "is". SCOTT, PERKINS2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Laid Back2/20/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/23/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 24-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Barnard, Case, Dockstader, Nicholas Pres, Ross, RothfussAyes 24??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015H Received for Concurrence2/24/2015H Concur:Failed 2-56-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Clem, EklundNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Allen, PattonAyes 2??? Nays 56??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Krone, Halverson, Reeder2/27/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Christensen, Hastert, Ross3/5/2015H Adopted HB0015JC001: 58-0-2-0-0HB0015JC001/HADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Pursuant to Joint Rule 2-4, the House recedes from its non-concurrence and adopts the following Senate amendments:HB0015SS001/AEHB0015S2001/AEKRONE, HALVERSON, REEDER, CHRISTENSEN, HASTERT, ROSSROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, PaxtonAyes 58??? Nays 0??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/5/2015S Adopted HB0015JC001: 29-0-1-0-0HB0015JC001/HADOPTEDSADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Pursuant to Joint Rule 2-4, the House recedes from its non-concurrence and adopts the following Senate amendments:HB0015SS001/AEHB0015S2001/AEKRONE, HALVERSON, REEDER, CHRISTENSEN, HASTERT, ROSSROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator CraftAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/5/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 01063/5/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 01063/5/2015S President Signed HEA No. 01063/12/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 01063/12/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 163 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0016 Offenses against public administration.Sponsored By:Joint Judiciary Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; clarifying, modifying and reorganizing specified offenses against public administration; amending definitions; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.12/16/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/14/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/14/2015H Placed on General File1/15/2015H COW Passed1/16/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative StubsonAyes 59??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/6/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Placed on General File2/9/2015S COW PassedHB0016S2001/ADOPTEDPage 1-lines 8 through 16Delete and renumber.Page 2-lines 1 through 7Delete.Page 2-line 9Delete "2" insert "1".Page 6-line 4Delete "3" insert "2".Page 6-line 7Delete "4" insert "3". PERKINS, NICHOLASHB0016S2002/WITHDRAWN2/10/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHB0016S3001/FAILEDPage 2-line 10Delete "and (i)" insert ", (i) and by creating a new subsection (c)".Page 2-line 19Delete ";" and reinsert stricken language through "include"; after reinserted "include" insert "items excluded by W.S. 9-13-102(a)(ii), (iv) and (vi).".Page 3-after line 22Insert:"(c)??No legislator or business entity in which a legislator has an ownership interest shall apply for an economic development loan funded by appropriations approved during the legislator's term of office, unless the legislator declared a conflict of interest or otherwise was excused from voting on any legislation appropriating the funds. This prohibition shall be subject to the following:(i)??This subsection shall not apply to any publicly held entity in which the legislator owns less than one percent (1%) of the outstanding equity;(ii)??This subsection shall not prohibit a business in which a legislator has an ownership interest from entering into a bona fide arm's length transaction with a recipient of economic development loan funds after those funds are disbursed;(iii)??The prohibition shall expire twelve (12) months after the legislator's term of office.".Page 6-lines 4 and 5Delete and renumber.??MEIER2/11/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 26-4-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Case, Geis, Perkins, ScottAyes 26??? Nays 4??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015H Received for Concurrence2/12/2015H Concur:Failed 10-50-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blake, Byrd, Edmonds, Kroeker, Lindholm, Nicholas, Patton, Pelkey, Petroff, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 10??? Nays 50??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Miller, Greear, Kroeker2/12/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Perkins, Christensen, Kinskey2/19/2015H Adopted HB0016JC001: 58-1-1-0-0HB0016JC001/HADOPTEDAdopt the following Senate amendments:HB0016S2001/AFurther amend as follows:Page 6-line 4Delete "and".Page 6-line 5Delete "6-5-114 are" insert "is". MILLER, GREEAR, KROEKER, PERKINS, CHRISTENSEN, KINSKEYROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative Zwonitzer,DnExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 58??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Adopted HB0016JC001: 30-0-0-0-0HB0016JC001/HADOPTEDSADOPTED Adopt the following Senate amendments:HB0016S2001/AFurther amend as follows:Page 6-line 4Delete "and".Page 6-line 5Delete "6-5-114 are" insert "is". MILLER, GREEAR, KROEKER, PERKINS, CHRISTENSEN, KINSKEYROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00522/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00522/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00523/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00523/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 82 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0017 Sexual assault protection orders.Sponsored By:Joint Judiciary Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to criminal procedure; modifying provisions relating to stalking protection orders; providing for protection orders for victims of sexual assault; providing definitions; specifying confidentiality requirements; providing for extensions of orders; and providing for an effective date.12/16/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/15/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/15/2015H Placed on General File1/15/2015H COW Passed1/16/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0017H3001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 4After "requirements;" insert "providing for extensions of orders;".Page 1-line 13Delete.Page 1-line 14 Before "an order" delete "of" and insert "The court shall enter".Page 1-line 15Before "address" insert "name,".Page 1-line 16 After " residence of" delete the balance of the line.Page 2-lines 1 through 4Delete entirely and insert: "all parties involved in the sexual assault for all orders issued under W.S. 7-3-508 and 7-3-509."Page 2-line 9Delete "7-3-510(d)" and insert "7-3-510(b) and (d)".Page 2-line 21Strike "identity" insert "identities"; strike "victim" insert "parties".Page 3-line 4Delete "injunction" insert "order".Page 3-line 21Delete "through 6-2-304" insert "and 6-2-303".Page 6-line 4After "serious" insert "physical".Page 8-After line 20 Insert:"(b) An order of protection granted by the court under W.S. 7-3-509 shall be effective for a fixed period of time not to exceed one (1) year three (3) months. The original order of protection will terminate three (3) months after issuance unless the respondent is charged or convicted of stalking or sexual assault within that period. Either party may move to modify, terminate or extend the order. The order may be extended repetitively upon a showing of good cause for additional periods of time not to exceed one (1) year three (3) months each upon the court finding from specific facts that a clear and present danger to the victim continues to exist.". GREEAR, NICHOLAS HB0017H3002/FAILEDPage 1-line 4Delete the Greear, et al. third reading amendment (HB0017H3001/A) to this line.Page 2-line 9Delete the Greear, et al. third reading amendment (HB0017H3001/A) to this line.Page 6-line 4Delete the Greear, et al. third reading amendment (HB0017H3001/A) to this line.Page 8-After line 20Delete the Greear, et al. third reading amendment (HB0017H3001/A) to these lines. CONNOLLY, THRONE1/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Gay, Zwonitzer,DnAyes 58??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/9/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Placed on General FileHB0017SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 9-line 1Reinsert stricken "one (1) year" and delete "three (3) months".Page 9-line 7Reinsert stricken "one (1)".Page 9-line 8Reinsert stricken "year" and delete "three (3) months". CHRISTENSEN, CHAIRMANHB0017SW001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 5Delete line through "orders;".Page 9-line 1Delete "The original".Page 9-lines 2 through 4Delete new language. PERKINS, HASTERT2/18/2015S COW PassedHB0017S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 7-after line 5Insert:"(e)??No testimony or evidence of the alleged actor in a hearing pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall be admissible, including for impeachment purposes, or be deemed a waiver of any protection against self-incrimination under the constitution of the United States or of the state of Wyoming unless, prior to the hearing, an information or indictment has been filed in a district court charging the alleged actor of a violation of sexual assault as defined by W.S. 7-3-506(a)(iii).". PERKINS, ROSS2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015H Received for Concurrence2/23/2015H Concur:Failed 27-32-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Berger, Blake, Byrd, Campbell, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Esquibel, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lindholm, Loucks, Madden, Miller, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Stubson, Throne, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Barlow, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Cannady, Clem, Edwards, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Piiparinen, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 27??? Nays 32??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Miller, Connolly, Greear2/23/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Hastert, Perkins, Ross2/26/2015H Adopted HB0017JC001: 55-1-4-0-0HB0017JC001/HADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Adopt the following Senate amendments:HB0017S2001/AEDelete the following Senate amendments:HB0017SS001/AEHB0017SW001/AEFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 8-lines 22 and 23Delete entirely and insert:"(b) An order of protection granted by the court under W.S. 7-3-509 shall be effective for a fixed period of time not to exceed one (1) year as provided in paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this subsection. Either party may move to modify, terminate or extend the order. The order may be extended repetitively upon a showing of good cause for additional periods of time, not to exceed one (1) year each, if the court finds from specific facts that a clear and present danger to the victim continues to exist. The period of time for an original order of protection shall be as follows:(i)??For conduct constituting stalking, the order of protection shall not exceed one (1) year;(ii)??For conduct constituting sexual assault the order of protection shall not exceed the longer of:(A)??Six (6) months; or (B)??The point in time the respondent is charged with sexual assault or a related criminal offense and the court ordered bond conditions for pre-trial release are at least as restrictive as the original order of protection.". Page 9-lines 1 through 10Delete entirely. MILLER, CONNOLLY, GREEAR, HASTERT, PERKINS, ROSSROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative NicholasExcused:? Representative(s) Kasperik, Krone, Patton, WintersAyes 55??? Nays 1??? Excused 4??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015S Adopted HB0017JC001: 29-1-0-0-0HB0017JC001/HADOPTEDSADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Adopt the following Senate amendments:HB0017S2001/AEDelete the following Senate amendments:HB0017SS001/AEHB0017SW001/AEFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 8-lines 22 and 23Delete entirely and insert:"(b) An order of protection granted by the court under W.S. 7-3-509 shall be effective for a fixed period of time not to exceed one (1) year as provided in paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this subsection. Either party may move to modify, terminate or extend the order. The order may be extended repetitively upon a showing of good cause for additional periods of time, not to exceed one (1) year each, if the court finds from specific facts that a clear and present danger to the victim continues to exist. The period of time for an original order of protection shall be as follows:(i)??For conduct constituting stalking, the order of protection shall not exceed one (1) year;(ii)??For conduct constituting sexual assault the order of protection shall not exceed the longer of:(A)??Six (6) months; or (B)??The point in time the respondent is charged with sexual assault or a related criminal offense and the court ordered bond conditions for pre-trial release are at least as restrictive as the original order of protection.". Page 9-lines 1 through 10Delete entirely. MILLER, CONNOLLY, GREEAR, HASTERT, PERKINS, ROSSROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator CaseAyes 29??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00833/2/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00833/3/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00833/10/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00833/10/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 144 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0018 Drone Protection Act.Sponsored By:Joint Judiciary Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to drones; specifying requirements for use of drones by law enforcement agencies; limiting use of information obtained with a drone by governmental entities; requiring reports; and providing for an effective date.12/16/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/16/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Miller, Pelkey, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Krone, PownallAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/16/2015H Placed on General FileHB0018HS001.01/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)[DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 4-line 15After "assessment" insert "; or" and delete balance of line. Page 4-line 16Delete entirely. Page 5-line 1Delete "(a)".Page 5-lines 7 through 17Delete entirely. Page 6-After line 19Insert:"(c)??This section is repealed effective July 1, 2021.MILLER, CHAIRMANHB0018HS001.02/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY)[DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 1-line 4After "reports;" insert "prohibiting use of weaponized drones as specified;".7-3-1006. Prohibition on use of weaponized drones.(a) No governmental entity shall equip a drone with a weapon or use a drone equipped with a weapon except when the Wyoming national guard, under W.S. 19-9-204(b), is ordered into the service of the United States by the president of the United States or for training exercises by the Wyoming national guard.(b) For purposes of this section, "weapon" means any firearm, explosive or other device, instrument, material or substance, which in the manner it is used or is intended to be used, is reasonably capable of producing death, serious bodily injury or substantial damage to property other than the drone itself.".Page6-lines 21 through 23Delete entirely.MILLER, CHAIRMAN1/19/2015H COW PassedHB0018H2001.01/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) [DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 4-line 4Delete "The agency".Page 4-line 7Delete "The agency".Page 4-line 10Delete "The agency".Page 4-line 14Delete "The agency".Page 4-line 15In the first standing committee divided amendment to this line (HB0018HS001.01/A) delete "or".Page 4-line 18Delete "The agency".Page 4-line 19Delete "." Insert "; or".Page 4-After line 19Insert:"(viii) Uses a drone for data collection or monitoring that shall not be used for enforcement actions.".STUBSONHB0018H2001.02/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY)[DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 5-line 21Delete "governmental entity" insert "law enforcement agency". STUBSON1/20/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0018H3001/FAILEDPage 3-line 4After "drone" insert "on private property".Page 3-line 6After "drone" insert "on private property".Page 5-line 2After "drone" insert "on private property".Page 5-line 21After "drone" insert "on private property for a law enforcement purpose". FREEMANHB0018H3002/ADOPTEDPage 5-line 21After "(a)" insert "Unless subject to the reporting requirements of subsection (b) of this section,".Page 6-After line 14Insert:"(b) The use of drones by a governmental entity for bona fide research, and not in any manner for purposes of law enforcement or enforcement of regulatory laws, shall be subject to the following reporting provisions: (i) The governmental entity shall report to the attorney general no later than August 1 of each year. The report shall include:(A) A description of each research project in which drones were used, including sources of public funding for the project and the purpose of the research;(B) A description of how the drones were used, including whether data was collected about individuals or residences, businesses or private property. A project shall not be subject to the reporting requirements of this subsection if the project collected data only relating to residences, businesses or property owned by the person funding the project in whole or in part.(ii) Reporting under this subsection shall not disclose data or other information which is a trade secret, privileged information or confidential data.".Page 6-line 16Delete "(b)" insert "(c)". Page 6-line 18Delete "subsection (a)" insert "subsections (a) and (b)".Page 6-After line 19In the first standing committee divided amendment to this line (HB0018HS001.01/A) delete "(c)" insert "(d)". MILLER, KROEKER1/21/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 41-19-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Clem, Connolly, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Greear, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Berger, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Dayton, Freeman, Gay, Harshman, Harvey, Kasperik, Lockhart, Madden, Nicholas, Patton, Pownall, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 41??? Nays 19??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with Senate Rule 5-4: 2-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, KinskeyNays:? Senator(s) Esquibel, F., Hicks, Von FlaternAyes 2??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0019 Registered investment advisers.Sponsored By:Select Committee on Capital Financing & InvestmentsAN ACT relating to public funds; providing that a state fund investment manager shall be a registered investment adviser under federal law if the investment manager is required to be registered by federal law; repealing conflicting requirements; and providing for an effective date.12/22/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/15/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/19/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015H Placed on General File1/20/2015H COW Passed1/21/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/22/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations2/10/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Placed on General File2/10/2015S COW Passed2/11/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/12/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00062/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00062/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00062/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00062/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 11 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0020 Clarification of duties of treasurer's office.Sponsored By:Select Committee on Capital Financing & InvestmentsAN ACT relating to the administration of government; clarifying statutory duties; requiring entities to provide direction to the state treasurer on the allocation and distribution of funds as specified; requiring submission of acknowledgement and receipt as specified; and providing for an effective date.12/22/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/15/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/19/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015H Placed on General File1/20/2015H COW Passed1/21/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/22/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Halverson, SteinmetzAyes 58??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations2/10/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Placed on General File2/10/2015S COW Passed2/11/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/12/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator BarnardAyes 29??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00082/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00082/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00082/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00082/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 12 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0021 Intestate succession-adopted children.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Stubson and Greear and Senator(s) RossAN ACT relating to intestate succession; eliminating the right of an adopted child to inherit from both natural and adoptive parents as specified; conforming a provision as specified; and providing for an effective date.12/22/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/20/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/20/2015H Placed on General File1/21/2015H COW Passed1/22/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/23/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015S Received for Introduction2/5/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/18/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00302/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00302/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00302/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00302/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 51 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0022 Disabled veteran license plates.Sponsored By:Joint Transportation, Highways & Military Affairs Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to motor vehicle registration; amending eligibility for disabled veteran's license plates; and providing for an effective date.12/23/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/16/2015Transportation:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/16/2015H Placed on General File1/19/2015H COW Passed1/20/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/21/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation2/10/2015Transportation:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Emerich, Esquibel, F., Johnson, MeierAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Placed on General File2/10/2015S COW PassedHB0022S2001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 14Delete "or" insert "and".Page 2-line 5After "vehicle." insert "The disabled veteran shall receive only one (1) set of license plates under this section.". JOHNSON2/11/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHB0022S3001/FAILEDPage 1-line 7After "31-2-215(a)" delete "is" insert "and 313101(a)(xv) are".Page 2-after line 11Insert:"31-3-101. Registration fees; exemptions.(a) Except as otherwise provided, the following fees shall accompany each application for the registration of a vehicle:(xv) A disabled veteran who receives fifty percent (50%) or more service connected disability compensation from the United States department of veteran's affairs is exempt from the fees imposed under subsection (a) of this section for one (1) vehicle, other than a bus or motor home, owned by the claimant. Application for the exemption under this paragraph shall be in accordance with W.S. 31-2-215. County treasurers shall file notice with the department of revenue of the number of exemptions granted and the fiscal impact on revenues.". JOHNSON HB0022S3002/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 7After "issued." Insert "A disabled veteran may purchase license plates as provided in this section for additional registered vehicles upon payment of regular fees provided in this article.". ANDERSON, J.L.HB0022S3003/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 7After "31-2-215(a)" delete "is" insert "and 313101(a)(xv) are".Page 2-after line 11Insert:"31-3-101. Registration fees; exemptions.(a) Except as otherwise provided, the following fees shall accompany each application for the registration of a vehicle:(xv) A disabled veteran who receives fifty percent (50%) or more service connected disability compensation from the United States department of veteran's affairs is exempt from the fees imposed under subsection (a) of this section for one (1) vehicle, other than a bus or motor home, owned by the claimant for which the claimant qualifies for a license plate. Application for the exemption under this paragraph shall be in accordance with W.S. 31-2-215. County treasurers shall file notice with the department of revenue of the number of exemptions granted and the fiscal impact on revenues.". JOHNSON 2/12/2015S 3rd Reading:Laid Back2/17/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 27-2-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Burns, GeisExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 27??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015H Received for Concurrence2/18/2015H Concur:Failed 0-59-1-0-0ROLL CALLNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 0??? Nays 59??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv., Pownall, Walters2/20/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Meier, Burns, Johnson2/25/2015H Adopted HB0022JC001: 57-2-1-0-0HB0022JC001/HADOPTEDAdopt the following Senate amendment:HB0022S3003/ADelete the following Senate amendments:HB0022S2001/AHB0022S3002/AFurther amend as follows:Page 1-line 7After "31-2-215(a)" insert "and (c)".Page 1-line 14Delete "or" insert "and".Page 2-line 7After "issued." insert "A disabled veteran may purchase one (1) additional pair of license plates as provided in this section for either a motorcycle or a multipurpose vehicle upon payment of regular fees provided in this article.".Page 2-After line 11Insert:"(c)??The county treasurer shall only issue one (1) pair of license plates annually that are exempt as provided by W.S. 31-3-101(a)(xv) to each applicant under this section.". ZWONITZER, DV., POWNALL, MEIER, BURNS, JOHNSONROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Clem, Zwonitzer,DnExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 57??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015S Adopted HB0022JC001: 28-1-1-0-0HB0022JC001/HADOPTEDSADOPTED Adopt the following Senate amendment:HB0022S3003/ADelete the following Senate amendments:HB0022S2001/AHB0022S3002/AFurther amend as follows:Page 1-line 7After "31-2-215(a)" insert "and (c)".Page 1-line 14Delete "or" insert "and".Page 2-line 7After "issued." insert "A disabled veteran may purchase one (1) additional pair of license plates as provided in this section for either a motorcycle or a multipurpose vehicle upon payment of regular fees provided in this article.".Page 2-After line 11Insert:"(c) The county treasurer shall only issue one (1) pair of license plates annually that are exempt as provided by W.S. 31-3-101(a)(xv) to each applicant under this section.". ZWONITZER, DV., POWNALL, MEIER, BURNS, JOHNSONROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator CaseExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 28??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00652/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00652/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00653/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00653/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 93 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0023 Next generation science standards-2.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Patton, Berger, Brown and Freeman and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02) and RothfussAN ACT relating to the next generation science standards; allowing the state board to expend funds in consideration of the next generation science standards in adoption of uniform student content and performance standards; and providing for an effective date.1/7/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/15/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education1/20/2015Education:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Hunt, Jaggi, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Sommers, ThroneAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/20/2015H Placed on General File1/22/2015H COW PassedHB0023H2001/WITHDRAWN1/23/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0023H3001/WITHDRAWNHB0023H3002/FAILEDPage 1-Above line 1In the catch title, delete "Next generation".Page 1-line 1Delete "next generation".Page 1-line 2After "funds" delete balance of line. Page 1-line 3Delete through "standards"; after "of" insert "Wyoming".Page 1-line 4After "performance" insert "science".Page 1-After line 10Insert:"Section 2. The state board of education may consider, discuss or modify the next generation science standards, in addition to any other standards, content or benchmarks as it may determine necessary, to develop quality science standards that are unique to Wyoming." Page 2-line 1Delete "2" insert "3". CLEM 1/26/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 39-21-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Blackburn, Burkhart, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Halverson, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kroeker, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Piiparinen, Reeder, Steinmetz, WintersAyes 39??? Nays 21??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015S Received for Introduction2/5/2015S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education2/9/2015Education:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe, Dockstader, Pappas, RothfussAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Placed on General File2/10/2015S COW Passed2/11/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHB0023S3001/ADOPTEDPage 1-After line 10Insert:"Section 2. The state board of education may consider, discuss or modify the next generation science standards, in addition to any other standards, content or benchmarks as it may determine necessary, to develop quality science standards that are unique to Wyoming.".Page 2-line 1Delete "2" insert "3". BEBOUT 2/12/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 27-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Hicks, Meier, RothfussAyes 27??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015H Received for Concurrence2/17/2015H Concur:Failed 20-39-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Piiparinen, Reeder, Steinmetz, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 20??? Nays 39??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Brown, Burkhart, Northrup2/17/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Bebout, Coe, Rothfuss2/25/2015H Adopted HB0023JC001: 43-12-5-0-0HB0023JC001/HADOPTEDDelete the following Senate amendments:HB0023S3001/AFurther amend as follows:Page 1-After line 10 Insert:"Section 2. The state board of education shall independently examine and scrutinize any science standards proposed or reviewed as a template in order to ensure that final standards adopted for Wyoming schools promote excellence.".Page 2-line 1Delete "2" insert "3". BROWN, BURKHART, NORTHRUP, BEBOUT, COE, ROTHFUSS ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Clem, Edwards, Eklund, Halverson, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Loucks, McKim, Piiparinen, Reeder, SteinmetzExcused:? Representative(s) Gay, Harvey, Hunt, Patton, WintersAyes 43??? Nays 12??? Excused 5??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015S Adopted HB0023JC001: 27-2-1-0-0HB0023JC001/HADOPTEDSADOPTED Delete the following Senate amendments:HB0023S3001/AFurther amend as follows:Page 1-After line 10Insert:"Section 2. The state board of education shall independently examine and scrutinize any science standards proposed or reviewed as a template in order to ensure that final standards adopted for Wyoming schools promote excellence.".Page 2-line 1Delete "2" insert "3". BROWN, BURKHART, NORTHRUP, BEBOUT, COE, ROTHFUSS ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Bebout, HicksExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 27??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00662/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00662/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00663/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00663/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 97 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0024 Minimum wage.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Byrd, Connolly and Throne and Senator(s) Esquibel, F.AN ACT relating to labor and employment; increasing minimum wages; requiring employers to pay underpaid tipped wages in a specified time; providing a penalty; and providing for an effective date.12/24/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 1-8-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative Dayton Nays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 1??? Nays 8??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0025 Railroad rolling stock tax exemption-sunset.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Kirkbride, Barlow, Campbell, Jaggi and Piiparinen and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Barnard and CooperAN ACT relating to taxation; extending the sunset of the exemption on the imposition of state sales and use tax on the repair of rolling stock; specifying requirements for rolling stock to quality for exemption; requiring reports; and providing for an effective date.12/29/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/21/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Madden, Northrup, WilsonNays:? Representative(s) Loucks, ReederAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015H Placed on General File1/22/2015H COW PassedHB0025H2001/FAILEDPage 1-line 1Delete "repealing" insert "extending".Page 2-line 8Delete ";" and reinsert all stricken language.Page 2-line 9Reinsert stricken language through "July 1,"; after stricken "2015;" insert "2016;".Page 2-line 22Delete ";" and reinsert all stricken language.Page 2-line 23Reinsert stricken language through "July 1,"; after stricken "2015;" insert "2016;". LOUCKS1/23/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/26/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 53-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Burkhart, Kroeker, Lindholm, Loucks, Reeder, SteinmetzAyes 53??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015S Received for Introduction2/11/2015S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue2/20/2015Revenue:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Driskill, Kinskey, Landen, PetersonAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General FileHB0025SS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 1Delete "repealing" insert "extending".Page 1-line 3After "stock;" insert "specifying requirements for rolling stock to qualify for exemption; requiring reports;".Page 1-line 8After "39-15-105(a)(viii)(Q)" insert ", (b)(intro)".Page 1-line 9After "3916105(a)(viii)(F)" insert ", (b)(intro)".Page 2-lines 8 and 9Delete and insert "improvement of railroad rolling stock if the rolling stock has a Wyoming bucking horse and rider emblem which is at least one (1) foot by one (1) foot in size affixed to the rolling stock. This subparagraph is repealed effective July 1, 2015 July 1, 2025;".Page 2-after line 9Insert:"(b)??The Wyoming business council, the department of workforce services and the department of revenue shall jointly report to the joint revenue interim committee on or before December 1 of each year that the exemption provided by subparagraph (a)(viii)(O), (Q), (R) or (S) of this section is in effect. If requested by the department of revenue, any person utilizing the exemption under subparagraph (a)(viii)(O) of this section shall report to the department the amount of sales tax exempted, and the number of jobs created or impacted by the utilization of the exemption. The report shall evaluate the cumulative effects of each exemption that is in effect from initiation of the exemption and shall include:".Page 2-lines 22 and 23Delete and insert "or improvement of railroad rolling stock if the rolling stock has a Wyoming bucking horse and rider emblem which is at least one (1) foot by one (1) foot in size affixed to the rolling stock. This subparagraph is repealed effective July 1, 2015 July 1, 2025;".Page 2-after line 23Insert:"(b)??The Wyoming business council and the department of revenue shall jointly report to the joint revenue interim committee on or before December 1 of each year that the exemption provided by subparagraph (a)(viii)(D), (F), (G) or (H) of this section is in effect. If requested by the department of revenue, any person utilizing the exemption under subparagraph (a)(viii)(D) of this section shall report to the department the amount of use tax exempted, and the number of jobs created or impacted by the utilization of the exemption. The report shall evaluate the cumulative effects of each exemption that is in effect from initiation of the exemption and shall include:". PETERSON, CHAIRMAN2/23/2015S COW PassedHB0025S2001/ADOPTEDPage 2-lines 8 and 9Delete including the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0025SS001/A) to these lines and insert: "improvement of railroad rolling stock. This subparagraph is repealed effective July 1, 2015 July 1, 2021;".Page 2-lines 22 and 23Delete including the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0025SS001/A) to these lines and insert: "or improvement of railroad rolling stock. This subparagraph is repealed effective July 1, 2015 July 1, 2021;". BEBOUT, COOPER2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 23-6-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Scott, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Burns, Case, Esquibel, Rothfuss, Von FlaternExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 23??? Nays 6??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015H Received for Concurrence2/26/2015H Concur:Passed 54-4-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Kroeker, Loucks, ReederExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, WintersAyes 54??? Nays 4??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00762/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00762/27/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00763/4/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00763/4/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 120 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0026 Solemnization of marriage.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Barlow and Baker and Senator(s) DockstaderAN ACT relating to domestic relations; providing that religious officials shall not be required to perform a marriage ceremony; and providing for an effective date.12/29/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Krone, Miller, PownallNays:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Pelkey, WintersAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0027 NRC agreement state authorization.Sponsored By:Joint Minerals, Business & Economic Development Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to environmental quality; authorizing the governor to begin negotiations with the nuclear regulatory commission to seek an agreement for the state to assume regulation of source materials from uranium mining and milling and the wastes associated with the recovery, mining and milling of such source materials, as specified; authorizing the governor to negotiate and enter a final agreement with the nuclear regulatory commission, as specified; providing for the department of environmental quality to administer the program; providing rulemaking authority; authorizing additional positions as specified; directing the department of environmental quality to adopt a fee structure under the program as specified; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.12/31/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals1/16/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Edmonds, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/16/2015H Placed on General File1/16/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/26/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 6-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonNays:? Representative ConnollyAyes 6??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General FileHB0027HS001/ADOPTEDPage 4-line 11Delete "one (1)" insert "two (2)"; delete "position" insert "positions". Page 4-line 13Delete "this position" insert "these positions".Page 5-line 14Delete "position" insert "positions". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMAN1/28/2015H COW Passed1/29/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/30/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Connolly, SteinmetzAyes 58??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction2/5/2015S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals2/11/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Cooper, Rothfuss, Von FlaternExcused:? Senator CoeAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015S Placed on General File2/11/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/18/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General FileHB0027SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 5-line 1Delete and insert "nine hundred twenty thousand dollars ($920,000.00)".Page 5-line 2Delete through "($1,217,961.00)". ROSS, CHAIRMAN2/18/2015S COW PassedHB0027S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 4-line 17Delete "a" insert "the".Page 4-line 18After "act" insert ", including all positions authorized by this act and other positions assigned to implementation of the program developed under this act". BURNS2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015H Received for Concurrence2/23/2015H Concur:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00432/23/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00432/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00432/27/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00432/27/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 60 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0028 Investigative subpoenas.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv., Brown and Pownall and Senator(s) HicksAN ACT relating to criminal procedure; providing for the issuance of investigative subpoenas for internet fraud; providing for confidentiality; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.12/31/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/21/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-4-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Kroeker, Krone, Miller, PownallNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Halverson, Pelkey, WintersAyes 5??? Nays 4??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015H Placed on General FileHB0028HS001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 4Delete "issuance" insert "service".Page 3-line 21Delete "return" insert "destroy"; delete "to the person".Page 3-line 22Delete "who produced them". MILLER, CHAIRMAN2/5/2015H COW Failed 1-58-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative PaxtonNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative Brown SpeakerAyes 1??? Nays 58??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0029 Marihuana possession.Sponsored By:Representative(s) ByrdAN ACT relating to marihuana possession; amending penalties for marihuana possession as specified; and providing for an effective date.12/31/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/20/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Miller, Pelkey, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Krone, PownallAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/20/2015H Placed on General FileHB0029HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 7Delete "(intro),".Page 2-lines 14 through 23Reinsert all stricken language and delete all new language.Page 3-lines 1 through 4Reinsert all stricken language and delete all new language.Page 3-line 18Delete "one hundred dollars ($100.00)" insert "five hundred dollars ($500.00)".Page 3-line 21Delete "fifty" insert "two-hundred fifty dollars ($250.00)". Page 3–line 22Delete "dollars ($50.00)".Page 4-line 5Delete entirely.Page 4-line 7Delete "(B)" insert "(A)"; delete "five hundred" insert "one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) but not more than three thousand dollars ($3,000.000);" Page 4-lines 8 and 9Delete entirely.Page 4-line 11Delete "(C)" insert "(B)". Page 4-line 14Delete "(D)" insert "(C)". MILLER, CHAIRMAN1/21/2015H COW Failed 22-38-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Barlow, Blackburn, Blake, Byrd, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Kroeker, Lindholm, Loucks, Nicholas, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Schwartz, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Berger, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 22??? Nays 38??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0030 Deposits and depositories.Sponsored By:Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to deposits and depositories; amending board of deposits procedures; amending the procedure for designating state fund depositories; providing for continuing designation; requiring the disclosure of disciplinary actions as specified; providing for the revocation of depository designations; providing for the promulgation of rules; providing definitions; amending provisions related to securing the deposit of state funds; amending requirements related to joint custody agreements which secure deposits; and providing for an effective date.12/31/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/19/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015H Placed on General FileHB0030HS001/ADOPTEDPage 4-line 3Delete "comes under". Page 4-line 4Delete entirely. Page 4-line 5Delete through "other" and insert "is subject to any public enforcement action by any".Page 12-line 5After "form" delete balance of line and insert "acceptable to the state treasurer or treasurer of the appropriate political subdivision; or".Page 12-line 6Delete the line entirely.Page 15-line 18Delete "Contain" insert "Be in a form and contain".Page 15-line 19After "board" insert ".".Page 15-lines 20 through 22Delete entirely. Page 16-lines 1 and 2Delete entirely. ZWONITZER, DN, CHAIRMAN1/21/2015H COW Passed1/22/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/23/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/12/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00292/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00292/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00292/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00292/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 52 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0031 Exemption-water utilities.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn. and Baker and Senator(s) CaseAN ACT relating to public utilities; exempting from regulation as a public utility metered and other direct sales of water by a person to his tenant as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals1/21/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Edmonds, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015H Placed on General FileHB0031HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3Delete "producer or other".Page 2-line 9Delete "producer or other". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN1/23/2015H COW Passed1/26/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/27/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/24/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Placed on General FileHB0031SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 2Delete "or" insert "and other".Page 2-line 8Delete "or" insert "and other".Page 2-line 9After "or" insert "other".Page 2-line 10Delete "sale is" insert "sales are". CASE, CHAIRMAN2/24/2015S COW Passed2/25/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015H Received for Concurrence2/27/2015H Concur:Passed 58-0-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, WintersAyes 58??? Nays 0??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00812/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00813/2/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00813/12/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00813/12/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 151 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0032 Hemp extract regulation.Sponsored By:Representative(s) McKim, Barlow, Blake, Gay, Halverson, Kroeker, Miller, Paxton and Piiparinen and Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Hastert and Von FlaternAN ACT relating to public health; allowing supervised medical use of hemp extract; providing an exemption from prosecution for possession or use of hemp extract; providing for doctor supervision; creating a registration program as specified; authorizing a fee for registration; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/19/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/26/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General File1/26/2015HCOW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/29/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 6-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonNays:? Representative BurkhartAyes 6??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General FileHB0032HS001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 3-line 11Delete "three" insert "other".Page 3-line 12Delete "(3) or more".Page 5-line 18Delete "physician" insert "neurologist".Page 8-line 12After "department" insert ", with the consent of the registrant or the registrant's parent,".Page 9-line 5After "of" insert "the individual's or the individual's minor child's".Page 9-line 7Delete "Obtains a" insert "Is a holder of a valid". Page 9-line 13Delete "37-7-1801(a)(ii)" insert "35-7-1801(a)(ii)".Page 9-line 23Delete "and".Page 10-line 2Delete "obtains a" insert "is the holder of a valid".Page 10-line 4Delete "." insert "; and". Page 10-After line 4Insert: "(iii) The individual administers the hemp extract only to the minor on whose behalf the hemp registration card was issued.". PETROFF, CHAIRMAN1/30/2015H COW Passed2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0032H3001/WITHDRAWN2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 53-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Edwards, Eklund, Krone, Madden, Northrup, PownallAyes 53??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor2/12/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Craft, Driskill, Landen, Peterson, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Placed on General FileHB0032SS001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 3-line 2Delete "and".Page 3-line 5Delete "." insert "; and".Page 3-After line 5Insert:"(D)??Complies with federal definitions of industrial hemp, including the definition under section 7606 of the federal Agricultural Act of 2014, which shall apply to all samples, products, derivatives and oils.".Page 3-line 10After "epilepsy" insert "or seizure disorders".Page 4-line 16After "epilepsy" insert "or seizure disorders".Page 5-line 18After "care" insert "suffers from intractable epilepsy or seizure disorders and".Page 7-line 14After "registry." Insert "All fees received shall be deposited in the general fund.".Page 7-line 19After "section." insert: "A card issued pursuant to subsection (b) of this section remains valid after the minor reaches the age of majority until the card expires or is replaced by a card issued pursuant to subsection (a) of this section.".Page 9-line 6After "epilepsy" insert "or seizure disorders". SCOTT, CHAIRMANHB0032SW001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 3-line 1Delete "fifteen percent" insert "five percent (5%)".Page 3-line 2Delete "(15%)". HASTERT2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator WasserburgerAyes 29??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015H Received for Concurrence2/25/2015H Concur:Passed 54-5-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Clem, Edwards, Gay, NorthrupExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 54??? Nays 5??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00642/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00642/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00643/10/2015Governor Did Not Sign Enrolled Act3/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 102 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0033 Workers' compensation premiums-experience modification.Sponsored By:Joint Labor, Health & Social Services Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to workers' compensation; amending the limits on employers' experience modification rate as specified; requiring a report; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor1/19/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Dayton, Edmonds, Harvey, Kasperik, Larsen, Schwartz, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015H Placed on General FileHB0033HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 14Delete "2014" insert "2015". HARVEY, CHAIRMAN1/20/2015H COW Passed1/21/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/21/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor2/9/2015Labor:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Craft, Driskill, Landen, Peterson, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Placed on General File2/9/2015S COW PassedHB0033S2001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 3After "specified;" insert "requiring a report;".Page 2-after line 12Insert:"Section 2. In modifying the experience rating system, the department shall implement the use of frequency of claims as well as cost of claims. The department may plan for and develop regulations for, including receiving and evaluating public comments, a rate band system with a minimum of four (4) rate bands for limits on the employer's experience modification rate. The department shall report its recommendation on the experience rating bands to be used to the joint labor, health and social services interim committee at a time agreed to between the department and the committee.".Page 2-line 14Delete "Section 2." insert "Section 3.". SCOTT2/10/2015S 2nd Reading:Laid Back2/11/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/12/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015H Received for Concurrence2/17/2015H Concur:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00142/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00142/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00142/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00142/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 16 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0034 Convalescent care center.Sponsored By:Joint Labor, Health & Social Services Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to public health and safety; providing for the licensure of convalescent care centers as a health care facility; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Amend and DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Harvey, Kasperik, LarsenNays:? Representative(s) Barlow, Dayton, Edmonds, Schwartz, WilsonAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0035 Boards and commissions-removal of appointed members.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) CaseAN ACT relating to boards, commissions or other bodies; requiring appointed members to notify the governor when the member fails to meet or maintain qualifications as specified; providing for removal for failing to meet or maintain qualifications as specified; providing for the governor to fill vacancies as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/22/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015H Placed on General File1/23/2015H COW Passed1/26/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/27/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 49-11-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Barlow, Burkhart, Gay, Greear, Jennings, Larsen Lloyd, Madden, Miller, Steinmetz, Walters, WintersAyes 49??? Nays 11??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with Senate Rule 5-4: 2-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, PappasNays:? Senator(s) Hicks, Meier, ScottAyes 2??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0036 Emergency 911 providers-immunity.Sponsored By:Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to telephone service; amending immunity provisions related to emergency 911 providers; specifying the activities to which immunity applies; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/20/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/20/2015H Placed on General File1/22/2015H COW Passed1/23/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/26/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative WilsonAyes 59??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/17/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, PappasExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00282/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00282/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00282/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00282/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 45 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0037 Telephone assistance program-repeal.Sponsored By:Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to public utilities; repealing the telephone assistance program; providing conforming statutory amendments; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/14/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 8-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Zwonitzer, Dn.Excused:? Representative PaxtonAyes 8??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/14/2015H Placed on General File1/15/2015H COW Passed1/16/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/17/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, PappasExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00332/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00332/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00332/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00332/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 54 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0038 PAC-campaign limits and funding.Sponsored By:Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to elections; amending Wyoming's political action committee campaign contribution limits as specified; allowing organizations to bear PAC related costs as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/15/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Edwards, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Nays:? Representative(s) Byrd, GayAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/15/2015H Placed on General File1/15/2015H COW PassedHB0038H2001/ADOPTEDPage 1-Above line 1In the catch title, delete "-campaign limits and".Page 1-line 1After ";" delete balance of line.Page 1-line 2Delete the line through ";".Page 2-line 19Delete entirely.Page 3-line 1 Delete "3" insert "2". STUBSON1/16/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0038H3001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Delete the Stubson second reading amendment (HB0038H2001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:Page 1-line 1Delete "repealing" insert "amending".Page 1-line 2After "limits" insert "as specified".Page 1-line 8After "(k)" insert and "(m)".Page 2-line 19Delete entirely.Page 2-After line 19Insert:"22-25-102. Contribution of funds or election assistance restricted; limitation on contributions; right to communicate; civil penalty.(m) Except as otherwise provided in this section, no political action committee shall contribute directly or indirectly more than seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500.00) to any candidate for statewide political office or three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per election to any candidate for other political office other than statewide political office. For purposes of this subsection the primary, general and special elections shall be deemed separate elections. No candidate for political office shall accept, directly or indirectly, contributions which violate this subsection. Contributions to a candidate's campaign committee shall be considered to be contributions to the candidate. This subsection does not limit political contributions by political parties, nor expenditures by a candidate from his own funds nor from his candidate's campaign committee funds.". Page 3-line 1Delete "3." Insert "2.". EKLUND1/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 45-15-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Blake, Burkhart, Greear, Halverson, Kasperik, Lockhart, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Patton, Piiparinen, Stubson, Throne, WaltersAyes 45??? Nays 15??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/19/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/19/2015S Placed on General FileHB0038SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 1Delete "amending" insert "repealing".Page 1-line 2Delete "as specified".Page 1-line 8Delete "and (m)".Page 2-lines 21 through 23Delete.Page 3-lines 1 through 13Delete.Page 3-after line 13Insert:"Section 2.??W.S. 2225102(m) is repealed.".Page 3-line 15Delete "2." insert "3.". CASE, CHAIRMAN2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 16-14-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Case, Christensen, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Kinskey, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Ross, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Bebout, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Esquibel, Hastert, Johnson, Landen, Perkins, Peterson, Rothfuss, WasserburgerAyes 16??? Nays 14??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015H Received for Concurrence2/25/2015H Concur:Failed 20-39-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Blackburn, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Halverson, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Steinmetz, WilsonNays:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 20??? Nays 39??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Lindholm, Stubson2/27/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Case, Pappas, Scott3/3/2015H Adopted HB0038JC001: 52-7-1-0-0HB0038JC001/HADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Delete the following Senate amendments:HB0038SS001/AEFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 3-line 2Strike "three thousand dollars ($3,000.00)" insert "five thousand dollars ($5,000.00)". ZWONITZER, DN., LINDHOLM, STUBSON, CASE, PAPPAS, SCOTTROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Blake, Byrd, Connolly, Nicholas, Schwartz, Throne, WaltersExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 52??? Nays 7??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/4/2015S Adopted HB0038JC001: 27-2-1-0-0HB0038JC001/HADOPTEDSADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Delete the following Senate amendments:HB0038SS001/AEFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 3-line 2Strike "three thousand dollars ($3,000.00)" insert "five thousand dollars ($5,000.00)". ZWONITZER, DN., LINDHOLM, STUBSON, CASE, PAPPAS, SCOTTROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Perkins, RothfussExcused:? Senator CraftAyes 27??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/4/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 01023/5/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 01023/5/2015S President Signed HEA No. 01023/12/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 01023/12/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 160 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0039 Aggregate campaign contribution limits-repeal.Sponsored By:Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to elections; repealing Wyoming's aggregate campaign contribution limit; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/15/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/15/2015H Placed on General File1/15/2015H COW Passed1/16/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 53-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Blake, Byrd, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Pelkey, SchwartzAyes 53??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/19/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/19/2015S Placed on General File2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 16-14-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Case, Christensen, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Kinskey, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Ross, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Bebout, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Esquibel, Hastert, Johnson, Landen, Perkins, Peterson, Rothfuss, WasserburgerAyes 16??? Nays 14??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00482/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00482/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00483/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00483/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 80 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0040 Insurance adjusters-portable electronic devices.Sponsored By:Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to insurance; providing a licensure exception for persons collecting or distributing insurance claim information as specified; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/14/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 8-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Zwonitzer, Dn.Excused:? Representative PaxtonAyes 8??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/14/2015H Placed on General File1/15/2015H COW Passed1/16/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/10/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Placed on General FileHB0040SS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 20Delete "final" insert "initial".Page 2-line 21Delete "and which may" insert ";".Page 2-line 22Delete.Page 3-lines 1 and 2Delete. CASE, CHAIRMAN2/10/2015S COW Passed2/11/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/12/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015H Received for Concurrence2/17/2015H Concur:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00122/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00122/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00122/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00122/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 15 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0041 Barbering license requirements.Sponsored By:Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to professional licensing; granting the board of barber examiners authority to establish requirements as specified; providing a definition; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/22/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015H Placed on General FileHB0041HS001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 4Delete entirely and insert:"Section 2. This act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution." KIRKBRIDE, VICE CHAIRMAN1/23/2015H COW Passed1/26/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/27/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative LoucksAyes 59??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/10/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Placed on General File2/10/2015S COW PassedHB0041S2001/FAILED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 1Delete "granting the".Page 1-line 2Delete.Page 1-line 3Delete "requirements as specified;".Page 1-line 9After "(vii)" delete "and" insert "is amended to read:".Page 1-line 10Delete.Page 2-lines 8 through 22 Delete.Page 3-lines 1 and 2Delete. KINSKEY2/11/2015S 2nd Reading:Laid Back2/12/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/17/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00152/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00152/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00152/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00152/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 26 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0042 Unclaimed property-merchant stored value cards.Sponsored By:Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to unclaimed property; amending language to include merchant stored value cards; providing definitions; extending the period for abandonment of gift certificates, merchant stored value cards and credit memos; providing an exemption; repealing related provisions; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/19/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Nays:? Representative LindholmAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015H Placed on General FileHB0042HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 4After "memos;" insert "providing an exemption;".Page 3-line 1Delete "Honored upon presentation to" insert "Upon presentation, honored by".Page 6-After line 6Insert:"(e) A gift certificate or merchant stored value card which has no expiration date and does not impose a fee of any kind in relation to the sale, redemption or replacement of the certificate or card, other than an initial charge not exceeding the face value of the certificate or card, is exempt from the requirements of this section.".Page 6-line 7Delete "(e)" insert "(f)". ZWONITZER, CHAIRMAN HB0042HW001/ADOPTEDPage 1-lines 2 through 4Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0042HS001/A) to line 4.Page 1-line 5Delete "repeal date;" insert "exclude gift certificates, merchant stored value cards and credit memos from the act;".Page 1-line 11Delete "34-24-114" insert "34-24-114(a)".Page 3-line 21After "(a)" Strike existing language and delete new language.Page 3-lines 22 and 23Strike existing language and delete new language entirely.Page 4-lines 1 through 6Strike existing language and delete new language entirely and insert:"Gift certificates, merchant stored value cards and credit memos are not subject to abandonment under this act."Page 4-lines 8 through 23Delete.Page 5-lines 1 through 23Delete.Page 6-lines 1 through 7Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0042HS001/A) to these lines.Page 6-Before line 9Insert:"Section 2. W.S. 34-24-114(b) through (d) is repealed.Page 6-line 9Delete "Section 2" insert "Section 3". LINDHOLM1/20/2015H COW Passed1/21/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/22/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative Larsen LloydAyes 59??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/12/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Placed on General FileHB0042SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 2Delete "exclude" insert "include merchant stored value cards; providing definitions; extending the period for abandonment of".Page 1-line 3Delete "from the act"; before "and" insert "providing an exemption; repealing related provisions;".Page 1-line 10Delete "3424114(a)" insert "3424114(a), (b), (c)(intro), (i), (iii), (iv) and by creating new subsections (e) and (f)".Page 3-lines 21 through 23Delete and insert:"(a)??Except as provided by subsection (e) of this section, a gift certificate, merchant stored value card or a credit memo in an amount is deemed abandoned if the balance remaining is greater than one hundred dollars ($100.00) that and it remains unredeemed for more than three (3) years after issuance is deemed abandoned five (5) years after the later of its issuance date or the last activity by its owner, including partial use, or in the case of a merchant stored value card, an increase in the card balance purchased by the owner. (b)??In the case of a gift certificate or merchant stored value card, the amount deemed abandoned is the price paid for the certificate itself balance on the gift certificate or merchant stored value card as of the day of abandonment. In the case of a credit memo, the amount deemed abandoned is the amount credited as shown on the memo itself. (c)??The amount of a gift certificate, merchant stored value card or credit memo deemed abandoned is subject to the custody of this state in the following circumstances: (i)??The records of the issuer show that the last known address of the purchaser of the certificate, merchant stored value card or recipient of the memo is in this state; (iii)??The records of the issuer do not show the address of the purchaser or of the recipient and do not show the state where the certificate or memo was issued, but the issuer is a domiciliary of this state; or (iv)??The records of the issuer show that the address of the purchaser or recipient, or if none, the state where the certificate or memo was issued, is in or is a state whose escheat or unclaimed property law does not provide for the escheat or custodial taking of gift certificates, merchant stored value cards and credit memos, and the issuer is a domiciliary of this state. (e)??A gift certificate or merchant stored value card which has no expiration date and does not impose a fee of any kind in relation to the sale, redemption or replacement of the certificate or card, other than an initial charge not exceeding the face value of the certificate or card, is exempt from the requirements of this section.(f)??This section is repealed effective July 1, 2019.".Page 4-lines 1 through 3Delete.Page 4-line 5After "W.S." delete balance of line and insert "3424114(c)(ii) and (d) is repealed.". CASE, CHAIRMAN2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015H Received for Concurrence2/23/2015H Concur:Failed 21-38-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Berger, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Harshman, Hunt, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, Nicholas, Paxton, Petroff, Schwartz, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Blackburn, Blake, Burkhart, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harvey, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kroeker, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Pelkey, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Wilson, WintersExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 21??? Nays 38??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Larsen, Lindholm2/23/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Case, Pappas, Scott2/27/2015H Adopted HB0042JC001: 41-15-4-0-0HB0042JC001/HADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Adopt the following Senate amendments:HB0042SS001/A Pursuant to Joint Rule 2-4, the House recedes from its non-concurrence. ZWONITZER, DN., LARSEN, CASE, PAPPAS, SCOTTROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Clem, Gay, Greear, Kroeker, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Kasperik, Patton, Wilson, WintersAyes 41??? Nays 15??? Excused 4??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00873/2/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00873/3/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00873/4/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00873/5/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 127 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0043 Tax sale certificate of purchase.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv., Campbell, Cannady and Madden and Senator(s) EmerichAN ACT relating to ad valorem taxation; specifying assignment of certificates of purchase as specified; requiring an assignment fee; requiring a public sale for certificates of purchase; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 3-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Loucks, Madden, ReederNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Northrup, WilsonAyes 3??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0044 Emergency 911 fees-prepaid wireless.Sponsored By:Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to taxation; imposing a tax on prepaid wireless communications access; providing for collection and distribution of the tax; granting rulemaking authority; requiring reporting; amending reporting provisions; updating obsolete language; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/20/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 6-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Edwards, Jennings, Kirkbride, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Nays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Gay, LindholmAyes 6??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/20/2015H Placed on General File1/20/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/28/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015H Placed on General FileHB0044HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 22Delete "39-15-104(f)" insert "39-15-104(f)(xi)(C)".Page 5-line 3Delete "may" insert "must".Page 7-lines 14 through 18Delete entirely. Page 7-line 20Delete "(k)" insert "(j)".Page 11-line 3After "including" insert ", for purposes of W.S. 169-108 and 16-9-109,". ZWONITZER, DN, CHAIRMANHB0044HS002/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 5Delete "providing an appropriation".Page 17-lines 21 through 23Delete entirely.Page 18-lines 1 through 9Delete entirely.Page 18-line 11Delete "4" insert "3". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMAN1/29/2015H COW PassedHB0044H2001/ADOPTEDPage 5-line 3Delete the first standing committee amendment (HB0044HS001/A) to this line; delete "may" insert "shall". WALTERS1/30/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/2/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 53-6-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Edmonds, Gay, Halverson, Kroeker, MillerExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 53??? Nays 6??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/17/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 3-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Hicks, Meier, PappasNays:? Senator CaseExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 3??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/19/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/19/2015S Placed on General FileHB0044SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 5After "language;" insert "providing an appropriation;".Page 14-line 1After "(m)" insert "Except as provided in subsection (k) of this section,".Page 17-after line 16Insert:"Section 3. There is appropriated two hundred eighty-two thousand dollars ($282,000.00) from the general fund to the department of revenue. This appropriation shall be for the period beginning with the effective date of this act and ending June 30, 2017. This appropriation shall only be expended for the purpose of preparing for, administering and enforcing the tax authorized by this act. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this appropriation shall not be transferred or expended for any other purpose and any unexpended, unobligated funds remaining from this appropriation shall revert as provided by law on June 30, 2017.".Page 17-line 18Delete "3." insert "4.". CASE, CHAIRMAN2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 28-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Case, WasserburgerAyes 28??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015H Received for Concurrence2/25/2015H Concur:Passed 43-16-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harvey, Hunt, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Edmonds, Edwards, Halverson, Harshman, Jaggi, Kroeker, Laursen Dan, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Reeder, Steinmetz, StubsonExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 43??? Nays 16??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00632/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00632/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00633/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00633/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 90 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0045 Health care sharing ministry.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Barlow, Eklund and Wilson and Senator(s) PetersonAN ACT relating to the insurance code; excluding health care sharing ministries from the provisions of the insurance code; providing a definition; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/27/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Nays:? Representative ByrdAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General File1/28/2015H COW Passed1/29/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/30/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/24/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 3-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Meier, Pappas, ScottNays:? Senator CaseExcused:? Senator HicksAyes 3??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Placed on General FileHB0045SS001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 3After "insurance" insert "and is not subject to the regulatory requirements or consumer protections of the Wyoming insurance code.". CASE, CHAIRMAN2/25/2015S COW Passed2/26/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/27/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 21-9-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Geis, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, ScottNays:? Senator(s) Case, Craft, Emerich, Esquibel, Hastert, Johnson, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 21??? Nays 9??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015H Received for Concurrence2/27/2015H Concur:Passed 55-0-5-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Gay, Greear, Patton, Pelkey, WintersAyes 55??? Nays 0??? Excused 5??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00823/2/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00823/3/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00823/5/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00823/5/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 123 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0046 Nyx's law.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Gay and Senator(s) MeierAN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; specifying that it is unlawful to recklessly or with criminal negligence injure or kill a police, fire or search and rescue animal as specified; providing a penalty; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/23/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Halverson, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Baker, KroekerAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015H Placed on General FileHB0046HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 4After "providing" insert "court ordered restitution and".Page 2-line 8After "section" insert "shall be liable for restitution by order of a court and".Page 2-line 9 Delete "felony" insert "misdemeanor".Page 2-line 10Delete "five (5) years" insert "one (1) year"; delete "ten thousand".Page 2-line 11Delete "dollars ($10,000.00)" insert "seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00)". MILLER, CHAIRMAN1/26/2015H COW Failed 10-43-7-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Barlow, Campbell, Esquibel, Gay, Halverson, Kirkbride, Krone, Miller, Piiparinen, ThroneNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Cannady, Clem, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Freeman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, StubsonAyes 10??? Nays 43??? Excused 7??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0047 Shipment of wine.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Hunt, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Connolly, Krone, Paxton and Throne and Senator(s) Coe, Craft, Hastert and MeierAN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; increasing the limitation on shipment of wine to households; and providing for an effective date.1/2/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture2/3/2015Agriculture:Recommend Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Laursen, LindholmNays:? Representative(s) Jaggi, McKimAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General File2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 56-3-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Edwards, McKim, WintersExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 56??? Nays 3??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/11/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015S Placed on General File2/11/2015S COW Passed2/12/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/17/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00162/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00162/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00162/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00162/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 33 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0048 Motor vehicle head lamp usage.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv. and Pelkey and Senator(s) DriskillAN ACT relating to motor vehicles; requiring head lamp illumination while using windshield wipers; and providing for an effective date.1/5/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 2-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blake, CampbellNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 2??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0049 Confidentiality of participants involved in execution.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Walters and Krone and Senator(s) Burns and ChristensenAN ACT relating to criminal procedure; providing confidentiality for the identity of persons or entities involved in administering an execution; and providing for an effective date.1/5/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/20/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 6-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Halverson, Krone, Miller, Pownall, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Kroeker, PelkeyAyes 6??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/20/2015H Placed on General FileHB0049HW001/FAILEDPage 1-line 2Delete "or entities".Page 1-line 15After "team" delete balance of line.Page 2-line 1Delete the line through "execution". BAKER, KROEKER1/21/2015H COW Passed1/22/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/23/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 41-19-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Blake, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Freeman, Greear, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Miller, Nicholas, Pelkey, Petroff, Reeder, Sommers, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnAyes 41??? Nays 19??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015S Received for Introduction2/5/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/11/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 4-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternNays:? Senator Esquibel, F.Ayes 4??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015S Placed on General File2/11/2015S COW Passed2/12/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/17/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 28-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator CaseExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 28??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00182/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00182/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00182/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00182/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 17 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0050 Microbeads prohibition.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Byrd and Senator(s) DriskillAN ACT relating to food and drugs; providing a prohibition on the sale of cosmetics or personal care products containing microbeads; providing definitions; providing a penalty; and providing for an effective date.1/5/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor2/6/2015Labor:Recommend Do Pass 5-4-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Dayton, Harvey, Schwartz, WilsonNays:? Representative(s) Barlow, Edmonds, Kasperik, LarsenAyes 5??? Nays 4??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015H Placed on General FileHB0050HW001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 1-line 2Delete "of cosmetic or" insert "and manufacture of"; after "products" insert "and over-the-counter drugs".Page 1-line 3After "microbeads" insert "as specified". Page 1-line 14After "shall" delete balance of line and insert ":".Page 2-lines 1 and 2Delete entirely and insert:"(i) After December 31, 2017, manufacture for sale a personal care product containing microbeads, except for an over-the-counter drug;(ii) After December 31, 2018, accept for sale a personal care product containing microbeads, except for an over-the-counter drug;(iii) After December 31, 2018, manufacture for sale an over-the-counter drug containing microbeads;(iv) After December 31, 2019, accept for sale an over-the-counter drug containing microbeads.".Page 2-After line 10Insert:"(c) This section shall preempt any local law, ordinance or regulation conflicting with any provision of this section.". BYRD 2/9/2015H COW Failed 23-35-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Harshman, Harvey, Jennings, Kirkbride, Krone, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Schwartz, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Berger, Blackburn, Burkhart, Campbell, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, Northrup, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Blake, MonizAyes 23??? Nays 35??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0051 Excise tax-well site.Sponsored By:Joint Revenue Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; amending the definition of well site; and providing for an effective date.1/5/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/16/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/16/2015H Placed on General File1/19/2015H COW PassedHB0051H2001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 2-line 4After "flares" insert ", vapor recovery compressors".Page 2-line 5After "equipment." Insert "Except as provided in this paragraph,". LARSEN1/20/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/21/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative HalversonAyes 59??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue2/12/2015Revenue:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Driskill, Kinskey, Landen, PetersonAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Placed on General FileHB0051SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-line 4Delete "separators" insert "units". PETERSON, CHAIRMAN2/18/2015S COW PassedHB0051S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0051SS001/AE) entirely and further amend as follows:Page 2-line 5Delete "compressors" insert "units". CASE, PETERSON2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015H Received for Concurrence2/23/2015H Concur:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00422/23/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00422/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00422/27/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00422/27/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 61 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0052 Sales tax exclusion-related business entities.Sponsored By:Joint Revenue Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to taxation; providing that the lease of tangible assets between related business entities is not subject to taxation as specified; providing a definition; and providing for an effective date.1/5/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/16/2015Revenue:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/16/2015H Placed on General FileHB0052HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-Above line 1In the catch title, delete "exception" insert "exclusion". MADDEN, CHAIRMAN1/19/2015H COW Passed1/20/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/21/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue2/12/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Driskill, Kinskey, Landen, PetersonAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00352/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00352/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00352/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00352/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 44 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0053 Minerals to value added products program.Sponsored By:Joint Minerals, Business & Economic Development Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to economic development; creating the minerals to value added products program; providing for administration of the program by the Wyoming business council; providing requirements to participate in the program; providing for adequate consideration and other prerequisites for approval of a contract under the program by the state loan and investment board; creating an account; restricting expenditures from the account as specified; providing rulemaking authority; requiring a report; providing definitions; providing legislative findings; and providing for an effective date.1/6/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals1/23/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersNays:? Representative EdmondsAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass Corrected Report 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersNays:? Representative EdmondsAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General FileHB0053HS001/ADOPTEDThat Substitute No. 1 for HB0053 DO PASS. LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN1/28/2015H COW PassedHB0053H2001/ADOPTED[TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1]Page 2-line 1Delete "9-20-105" insert "9-20-104".Page 2-lines 7 through 19Delete entirely. Page 3-lines 1 through 19Delete entirely. Page 4-lines 1 through 7Delete entirely.Page 4-line 9Delete "9-20-102" insert "9-20-101".Page 4-line 15Delete "9-20-105(a)" insert "9-20-104(a)".Page 5-line 7Delete "9-20-103(a)" insert "9-20-102(a)".Page 5-line 15Delete "9-20-105" insert "9-20-104".Page 5-line 17Delete "9-20-103" insert "9-20-102".Page 9-line 8Delete "9-20-104" insert "9-20-103".Page 10-line 19Delete "9-20-105" insert "9-20-104".Page 15-line 1Delete "9-20-105" insert "9-20-104".Page 18-After line 9Insert:"Section 3.(a) The legislature finds that the state of Wyoming has an abundance of natural mineral resources which provide the basis of the state's economy. The vast majority of Wyoming's extracted mineral wealth is consumed or converted to higher value products outside of the state of Wyoming.(b) The legislature finds that it is in the interest of the state of Wyoming to encourage the development of industries in this state which convert the state's mineral resources to higher valued products prior to exportation from the state.(c) The legislature finds that to promote the development of facilities which convert minerals to value added products in the state of Wyoming it may be necessary for the state to enter into ventures with private entities which own and operate value added facilities. This act creates a program whereby the state of Wyoming may enter into a contract to provide feedstock minerals to a mineral to value added product facility, pay a tolling fee to the operator for the conversion of the feedstock to a higher value product and receive the sale price of the value added product, less any reasonable fees negotiated between the state of Wyoming and the operator of the facility.(d) It is the intent of the legislature that any contract entered into under this act will produce a positive return on the funds committed by the state of Wyoming.(e) The legislature finds that a program to encourage the development of minerals to value added products in Wyoming will benefit the state of Wyoming and serves a public purpose for the citizens of the state of Wyoming by creating additional revenues for the state, diversifying the state's economy and providing employment opportunities for citizens of the state.".Page 18-line 11Delete "Section 3." insert "Section 4.". WALTERS1/29/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0053H3001/ADOPTED[TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1]Page 8-line 15Delete "land" insert "loan". Page 10-line 6After "minerals" insert ", including the end date for the contract".Page 13-line 13Delete "and".Page 13-After line 13Insert:"(v) The facility to which the feedstock materials is to be supplied has not previously been supplied with feedstock materials from a contract entered into under the program; and". Page 13-line 15Delete "(v)" insert "(vi)". LARSEN, SOMMERS1/30/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 40-20-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Blackburn, Edmonds, Edwards, Halverson, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Steinmetz, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 40??? Nays 20??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals2/9/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Coe, Cooper, Rothfuss, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Placed on General File2/9/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/18/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 4-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerNays:? Senator BurnsAyes 4??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 23-5-1-0-1ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Kinskey, Landen, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Burns, Case, Hicks, Johnson, ScottExcused:? Senator MeierConflicts:? Senator Nicholas PresAyes 23??? Nays 5??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 12/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00342/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00342/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00342/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00342/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 56 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0054 Corrective action account distribution.Sponsored By:Joint Minerals, Business & Economic Development Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to environmental quality; providing for the distribution of money from the corrective action account for leaking underground storage tanks to the municipal solid waste remediation account as specified; requiring reports; repealing provisions providing for the suspension of collection of fuel taxes as specified; providing for loans from the state water pollution control revolving loan account as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/6/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals1/26/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Edmonds, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General FileHB0054HS001/FAILEDPage 2-line 6Strike "monies" insert "funds".Page 2-line 19Strike "monies" insert "funds".Page 3-line 3Strike "monies" insert "funds".Page 3-line 5Delete "35-11-532" insert "35-11-533".Page 3-line 7Strike "Monies" insert "Funds".Page 3-line 13Delete "monies" insert "funds".Page 4-line 10Delete "monies" insert "funds". LOCKHART, CHAIRMANHB0054HW001/WITHDRAWNHB0054HW002/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 5 Delete "35-11-532" insert "35-11-533".Page 3-line 11Delete "fund".Page 3-line 12After "availability" insert "of money".Page 4-line 12Delete "funds" insert "monies".Page 4-line 13Delete "funds" insert "monies".Page 5-line 1Delete "funds" insert "monies".Page 5-line 2Delete "funds" insert "monies".Page 5-line 4Delete "funds" insert "monies". LARSEN1/28/2015H COW Passed1/29/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/30/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals2/11/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Cooper, Rothfuss, Von FlaternExcused:? Senator CoeAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015S Placed on General File2/11/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/18/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00392/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00392/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00392/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00392/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 46 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0055 Solid waste program amendments.Sponsored By:Joint Minerals, Business & Economic Development Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to environmental quality; amending requirements for the municipal solid waste remediation program and municipal solid waste cease and transfer program to require the use of accounting principles as specified; requiring landfills enrolled in either program to account for liabilities associated with municipal solid waste landfilling as specified; amending provisions of the municipal solid waste remediation program pertaining to credits for remediation and monitoring work performed before the inception of the program as specified; repealing conflicting provisions; and providing for an effective date.1/6/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals1/14/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Edmonds, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/14/2015H Placed on General FileHB0055HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 2Delete the second "and" insert ",".Page 2-line 3After "(iii)" insert ", (iv) and by creating a new paragraph (v)".Page 3-line 17Delete "to any".Page 3-line 18Delete "entity".Page 4-line 12Strike "and". Page 4-After line 12Insert:"(iv) The local operator conducts additional remediation and monitoring activities at the leaking municipal solid waste landfill which are eligible for funding under W.S. 35-11-534(a) on or after July 1, 2013;. and(v) A credit issued under this subsection shall not exceed an amount equal to seventy-five percent (75%) of the cost incurred by the local operator for eligible remediation and monitoring activities after July 1, 2006.". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN1/15/2015H COW Passed1/16/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals2/6/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Coe, Cooper, Rothfuss, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Placed on General File2/6/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/18/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Perkins, RossAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00372/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00372/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00372/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00372/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 47 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0056 Wyoming Food Freedom Act.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Lindholm, Blake, Hunt and Kroeker and Senator(s) DriskillAN ACT relating to agriculture; creating the Wyoming Food Freedom Act; exempting certain sales from licensure, certification and inspection; providing definitions; providing conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.1/6/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture1/22/2015Agriculture:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Eklund, Hunt, Jaggi, Laursen, Lindholm, McKimNays:? Representative CampbellAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015H Placed on General FileHB0056HS001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 1-line 4After "amendments;" delete balance of line.Page 1-line 5Delete "authority;".Page 1-line 9Delete "1149104" insert "1149103".Page 3-line 11Delete "animals" insert "poultry".Page 4-line 10After "(b)" delete balance of line.Page 5-line 8Delete "." insert ";".Page 5-After line 8Insert:"(v)??Not involve the sale of meat products, except the sale of poultry and poultry products may be sold under this act.".Page 5-line 15After "(e)" delete balance of line.Page 5-lines 16 and 17Delete entirely and insert "It shall be the purview of the producer to inform the end consumer that any food product or food sold at a farmers market is not".Page 7-lines 17 through 22Delete entirely.Page 8-lines 1 through 6Delete entirely. MCKIM, CHAIRMAN 1/23/2015H COW PassedHB0056H2001/ADOPTEDPage 5-lines 16 and 17In the standing committee amendment (HB0056HS001/A) to these lines, delete "It shall be the purview of the producer to inform the end consumer that any food product or food sold at a farmers market is not" insert "The producer shall inform the end consumer that any food product or food sold at a farmers market or through ranch, farm or home based sales pursuant to this section is not". LINDHOLM1/26/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/27/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S05 - Agriculture2/17/2015Agriculture:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Barnard, Christensen, DockstaderNays:? Senator(s) Emerich, GeisAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015S Placed on General FileHB0056SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-line 10Delete ", or by the".Page 2-line 11Delete "producer's designated agent,".Page 2-line 12After "occur" insert "by the producer's designated agent".Page 5-line 22Delete "packaged,".Page 6-line 3Delete "shall not" insert "is required to"; after "regulated" delete ",".Page 6-line 4Delete "packaged".Page 7-line 17Delete "(j)" insert "(k)".Page 8-line 6After "Commercial" insert "food".Page 8-line 10After "Commercial" insert "food".Page 8-line 15Delete "business or person" insert "producer or informed consumer". GEIS, CHAIRMANHB0056SW001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 9-line 8After "Section 3." delete balance of line and insert "This act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". CHRISTENSEN 2/20/2015S COW PassedHB0056S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 6-line 3Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0056SS001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: after "be" insert "required to be"; after "regulated" delete ",". VON FLATERN HB0056S2002.01/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY)[DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 5–line 11 After "except" delete balance of line, insert and renumber ":(A)??The sale of poultry and poultry products consistent with this article;(B)??The sale of live animals intended for slaughter;(C)??The sale of portions of animals for future delivery provided that the processing of the animals is done by the purchaser or by a Wyoming or federally licensed processing facility.". Page 5-line 12Delete. SCOTTHB0056S2002.02/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY)[DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 5–After line 12Insert and renumber: "(d)??Unpasteurized milk shall not be sold, delivered, served or provided for human consumption except that the prohibition provided by this subsection shall not apply to individuals who obtain milk from animals owned in whole or in part by them, members of their family or their employer and who furnish raw milk only to members of their family or non-paying guests.".Page 5–line 14Delete "(d)" insert "(e)".Page 5–line 19Delete "(e)" insert "(f)".Page 6–line 2Delete "(f)" insert "(g)".Page 6–line 7Delete "(g)" insert "(h)".Page 6–line 11Delete "(h)" insert "(j)".Page 6–line 15Delete "(j)" insert "(k)".Page 7–line 2Delete "(k)" insert "(m)".Page 7-line 7Delete "(e)" insert "(f)".Page 7–line 9Delete "(m)" insert "(n)".Page 7–line 16Delete "(n)" insert "(o)".Page 7-line 17Delete "(j)" insert "(k)". SCOTTHB0056S2003/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 6-lines 15 through 23Delete.Page 7-lines 2 through 18Delete, including the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0056SS001/AE) to these lines. BEBOUT, EMERICHHB0056S2004/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 3-line 2Delete "which kitchen" insert "that".Page 3-line 10After "harvests" insert "or produces". Page 3-line 11Delete "of the soil or poultry for" insert "which may be consumed as". DRISKILLHB0056S2005/FAILED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 3After "definitions;" insert "granting rulemaking authority;".Page 5-line 19Delete "inform" insert "provide notice to".Page 5-line 23After "inspected." insert "The end consumer shall sign and date the form prior to any sale or transaction. The notice under this subsection shall be in a form required by rule of the department of agriculture.". ROTHFUSS 2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Laid Back2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 20-8-1-0-1ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Case, Christensen, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Rothfuss, Scott, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator JohnsonConflicts:? Senator RossAyes 20??? Nays 8??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 12/25/2015H Received for Concurrence2/26/2015H Concur:Passed 57-1-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative WaltersExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, WintersAyes 57??? Nays 1??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00772/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00772/27/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00773/4/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00773/4/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 121 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0057 Health insurance-medical necessity reviews.Sponsored By:Joint Labor, Health & Social Services Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to health insurance plans; amending requirements for review of an insurer's determination that a claimed service, procedure or supply is not medically necessary; and providing for an effective date.1/6/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor1/26/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Dayton, Edmonds, Harvey, Kasperik, Larsen, Schwartz, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General FileHB0057HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 9After "(intro)" delete the balance of the line and insert "and (iii), (f), (g)(ii)(A) and (B), (j) and (k)(iv)".Page 3-After line 17Insert:"(iii) Provide internal review and external review procedures for all denied claims as required in this section and disclose all procedures, time lines and requirements for such review procedures in every disability insurance policy health insurance plan and as otherwise required in this section.".Page 4-After line 5Insert: "(g) Upon receiving a request for external review, the insurer shall: (ii) Assign the request to an independent review organization that has been approved by the commissioner for a preliminary review. The insurer shall provide to the independent review organization all documents and information upon which the insurer relied in denying all claims under review. Failure to provide the documents and other information shall not delay the conduct of the external review. The independent review organization shall determine whether:(A) The claimant is or was a covered person in the disability insurance policy health insurance plan at the time the provision of or payment for medical services, procedures or supplies was requested or provided; (B) The provision of or payment for medical services, procedures or supplies requested by the claimant reasonably appears to be a covered service under the disability insurance policy health insurance plan, but for the determination by the insurer that the services, procedures or supplies are not a medical necessity;". Page 4-After line 20Insert:"(k) In addition to the documents and information provided pursuant to this section, the independent review organization, to the extent the information is available and the independent review organization considers them appropriate, shall consider the following in reaching its decision:(iv) The terms of coverage under the claimant's disability insurance policy health insurance plan;". HARVEY, CHAIRMAN1/27/2015H COW Passed1/28/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/29/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative Zwonitzer,DnAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor2/6/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Craft, Driskill, Landen, Peterson, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Placed on General FileHB0057SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 4After "necessary;" delete balance of line.Page 1-line 9Delete "26-40-201(a), (b)(intro)" insert "2640201(b)(intro)".Page 1-line 15Delete.Page 2-lines 2 through 23Delete.Page 3-lines 2 through 17Delete and insert:"(b) If any disability insurance policy, as defined by W.S. 26-5-103, provides for settlement of a claim for payment of medical services, procedures or supplies provided by a health care provider using a medical necessity or other similar basis the insurer shall:".Page 4-line 1Reinsert all stricken language and delete all new language.Page 5-line 6Reinsert stricken "insurance policy" and delete "health insurance plan".Page 5-line 13Reinsert stricken "insurance policy" and delete "health insurance plan".Page 6-line 17Reinsert stricken "insurance policy" and delete "health insurance plan". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN2/9/2015S COW Passed2/10/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/11/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015H Received for Concurrence2/12/2015H Concur:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00052/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00052/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00052/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00052/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 9 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0058 Developmental disability services transition grants.Sponsored By:Joint Labor, Health & Social Services Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to Medicaid; creating a grant program to assist developmental disability service providers or employers in complying with a revised Medicaid waiver program as specified; providing grant criteria; establishing an account; requiring reports; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.1/6/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor1/15/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Dayton, Harvey, Kasperik, Larsen, Schwartz, WilsonNays:? Representative EdmondsAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/15/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/15/2015H Placed on General File1/20/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/20/2015H Placed on General FileHB0058HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 2After "providers" insert "or employers".Page 2-line 1 After "providers" insert "or employers".Page 2-line 11After "providers" insert "or employers".Page 2-line 12After "comprehensive" insert "and"; delete "support" insert "supports".Page 2-line 16After "providers" insert "or employers".Page 3-line 18After "providers" insert "or employers".Page 4-line 8After "comprehensive" insert "and".Page 5-line 11After "provider" insert "or employer".Page 5-line 22After "comprehensive" insert "and".Page 6-line 6After "and" delete the balance of the line and insert "during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017 not more than the balance remaining from the original appropriation.".Page 6-line 7Delete entirely.Page 6-line 8Delete through "2017.". LARSEN, VICE CHAIRMANHB0058HS002/ADOPTEDPage 5-line 20After "2." delete the balance of the line and insert "one million dollars ($1,000,000.00)Page 5-line 21Delete "($2,500,000.00)".Page 6-line 2Delete entirely and insert "one million dollars ($1,000,000.00)".Page 6-line 3Delete "($1,250,000.00)". Page 6-line 4After "2015" delete the balance of the line and insert ".".Page 6-line 5Delete entirely. Page 6-lines 6 and 7Delete entirely including the first standing committee amendment (HB0058HS001/A) to these lines.Page 6-line 8Delete the first standing committee amendment (HB0058HS001/A) to this line and further amend as follows: delete the line through "2017.".Page 6-line 13Delete "2018" insert "2016". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMAN HB0058HW001/ADOPTEDPage 5-line 18Delete entirely. SCHWARTZ, BARLOW1/21/2015H COW Passed1/22/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/23/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 49-10-0-0-1ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Gay, Greear, Loucks, Moniz, Northrup, Stubson, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DnConflicts:? Representative KroekerAyes 49??? Nays 10??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 11/27/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4H.B. No. 0059 Workforce services-independent contractors.Sponsored By:Representative(s) LarsenAN ACT relating to labor and employment; amending the definition of independent contractor for purposes of unemployment compensation and workers' compensation; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.1/7/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0060 Trust company amendments.Sponsored By:Joint Minerals, Business & Economic Development Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to trust companies; providing procedures for the judicial dissolution or rehabilitation of a trust company; providing for the appointment of the banking commissioner as a receiver of an insolvent or unsafe trust company as specified; requiring trust companies to post sureties with the commissioner as specified; providing for the voluntary dissolution or reorganization of a trust company; providing procedures for the organization of trust companies as limited liability companies; providing for fees; creating a trust company resolution account; providing rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.1/8/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals1/26/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Edmonds, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General File1/26/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/29/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General FileHB0060HS001/ADOPTEDPage 10-line 14After "applicant" insert "not later than thirty (30) days".Page 14-line 5Delete "17-16-201" insert "17-16-202". Page 14-line 12After "incorporator" insert "or organizer".Page 17-line 6After "commissioner" insert "as set forth in the rules and regulations of the commissioner." and delete balance of line.Page 17-line 7Delete line through "31.". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN1/30/2015H COW Passed2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals2/11/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Cooper, Rothfuss, Von FlaternExcused:? Senator CoeAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015S Placed on General File2/12/2015S COW Passed2/17/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/18/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00222/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00222/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00222/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00222/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 22 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0061 Wyoming Chartered Family Trust Company Act.Sponsored By:Joint Minerals, Business & Economic Development Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to banks, banking and finance; creating the Wyoming Chartered Family Trust Company Act; creating requirements for chartered family trust companies; providing for fees; establishing a statute of limitations for legal actions; requiring the posting of bonds with the state banking commissioner; providing for inspection of the records of a chartered family trust company; providing for the conversion of a trust company to a chartered family trust company; requiring reports to the state banking commissioner; creating a resolution fund account; providing contributions to the resolution fund account; providing rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.1/8/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals1/23/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Edmonds, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015H Placed on General FileHB0061HS001/ADOPTEDPage 4-line 16After "including" insert "charitable".Page 6-line 1After "affiliate" insert ";" and delete balance of line.Page 6-line 2Delete entirely. Page 6-line 5Delete "or third party".Page 6-lines 10 through 12Delete entirely. Page 6-line 14Delete "(H)" insert "(G)".Page 6-lines 18 through 23Delete entirely. Page 7-lines 1 through 5Delete entirely. Page 7-line 7Delete "(M)" insert "(H)".Page 7-line 10Delete "(N)" insert "(J)".Page 16-lines 16 through 18Delete entirely.Page 16-line 20Delete "(ii)" insert "(i)".Page 17-line 1Delete "(iii)" insert "(ii)".Page 17-lines 6 through 8Delete entirely and insert:"(iii) The applicants, proposed officers and directors have sufficient character, reputation, experience, ability and financial standing to afford reasonable promise of successful operation;".Page 17-line 10Delete "(v)" insert "(iv)".Page 17-line 16Delete "(vi)" insert "(v)".Page 19-line 1 Delete "application" insert "appeal".Page 19-line 3Delete "application" insert "appeal".Page 30-line 20Delete ";" insert ". In addition to the reports required under W.S. 13-5-110, all chartered family trust companies shall file with the commissioner an annual certificate of compliance with this act in a form prescribed by the commissioner;".Page 38-line 10Delete "incorporated" insert "organized". LOCKHART, CHAIRMANHB0061HW001/ADOPTEDPage 18-line 9Delete "by".Page 18-lines 10 and 11Delete entirely. Page 18-line 12Delete the line through "by" insert "and".Page 18-line 13Before "with" insert "complies".Page 18-line 18After "charter" insert "or imposing conditions upon approval of the charter"Page 18-line 21After "disapproves" insert "or imposes conditions upon". Page 18-line 22Delete "disapproval" insert "action".Page 19-line 4After "charter" insert "or imposing conditions upon the charter." STUBSON1/27/2015H COW Passed1/28/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/29/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative SteinmetzExcused:? Representative Zwonitzer,DnAyes 58??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals2/18/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Coe, Cooper, Rothfuss, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/20/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Ross, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator PerkinsAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General File2/23/2015S COW Passed2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00552/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00552/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00553/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00553/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 84 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0062 Property tax exemption for religious education camps.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Stubson and Kirkbride and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02)AN ACT relating to property tax exemptions; exempting religious education camps from property taxation; and providing for an effective date.1/8/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/21/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Reeder, WilsonNays:? Representative(s) Madden, NorthrupAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015H Placed on General FileHB0062HW001/ADOPTEDPage 1-Above line 1 In the catch title, delete "faith-based" insert "religious education".Page 1-line 2Delete "faith-based" insert "religious education".Page 2-line 1After "used" insert ": (A)".Page 2-line 2Delete all new language. Page 2-line 3After ";" insert: "or"Page 2-after line 3Insert:"(B) For religious education camps which are used primarily for religious educational training or worship and are not used for private profit nor primarily for commercial purposes.". STUBSON1/27/2015H COW PassedHB0062H2001/FAILEDPage 2-After line 3Delete the Stubson committee of the whole amendment (HB0062HW001/A) to this line and insert:"(B) For religious education camps which are used exclusively for religious educational training or worship and are not used for private profit nor for commercial purposes.". CONNOLY, NORTHRUP1/28/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0062H3001/ADOPTEDPage 2-After line 3Delete the Stubson committee of the whole amendment (HB0062HW001/A) to this line and insert:"(B) For religious education camps which are used exclusively for religious educational training or worship and are not used for private profit nor for commercial purposes.". MADDEN1/29/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative NicholasAyes 59??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction2/11/2015S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue2/24/2015Revenue:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 3-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Kinskey, Landen, PetersonNays:? Senator CaseExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 3??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Placed on General FileHB0062SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-line 5After "training" insert ", associated fellowship activities". PETERSON, CHAIRMAN2/25/2015S COW Passed2/26/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/27/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 22-8-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, ScottNays:? Senator(s) Case, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Johnson, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 22??? Nays 8??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015H Received for Concurrence2/27/2015H Concur:Passed 55-2-3-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Esquibel, NorthrupExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, Pelkey, WintersAyes 55??? Nays 2??? Excused 3??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00853/2/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00853/3/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00853/5/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00853/5/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 126 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0063 Unclaimed property-advertising.Sponsored By:Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to unclaimed property; amending advertising notice requirements; and providing for an effective date.1/8/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/19/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015H Placed on General File1/20/2015H COW PassedHB0063H2001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 15Reinsert stricken language.Page 2-line 1Reinsert stricken language and further amend as follows: Before "The" insert "In addition to the newspaper advertisement required under this subsection,; strike "shall" and insert "may". Page 2-line 2Delete "a" insert "another".Page 2-line 4Reinsert stricken language and further amend as follows: After "The" insert "newspaper".Page 2-line 5Reinsert stricken language.Page 2-lines 7 and 8Delete entirely.Page 2-line 10Delete "Section 3." Insert "Section 2.". GREEAR, ZWONITZER, DN.1/21/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0063H3001/ADOPTEDDelete the Greear et al., second reading amendment (HB0063H2001/A) entirely. KIRKBRIDE1/22/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 53-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Greear, Halverson, Northrup, Patton, Steinmetz, Walters, WintersAyes 53??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/12/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 21-8-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Craft, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Barnard, Bebout, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Landen, Perkins, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 21??? Nays 8??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00412/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00412/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00412/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00412/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 57 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0064 UCC-title I and VII revisions.Sponsored By:Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to the Uniform Commercial Code; adopting uniform revisions to the article relating to general provisions and the article relating to warehouse receipts, bills of lading and other documents; conforming related provisions; repealing nonconforming statutes; and providing for an effective date.1/8/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/14/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 8-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Zwonitzer, Dn.Excused:? Representative PaxtonAyes 8??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/14/2015H Placed on General File1/15/2015H COW Passed1/16/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0064H3001/WITHDRAWN1/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 54-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Barlow, Burkhart, Clem, Edmonds, Nicholas, SteinmetzAyes 54??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/24/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Placed on General File2/25/2015S COW Passed2/26/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/27/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00802/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00803/2/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00803/5/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00803/5/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 124 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0065 State employees' group insurance-county employees.Sponsored By:Joint Appropriations Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to administration of government; providing counties an option to participate in the state employees' and officials' group insurance plan; specifying participation and contribution requirements and procedures; implementing payment mechanisms for participating counties; and providing for an effective date.1/8/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations1/14/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/14/2015H Placed on General FileHB0065HS001/ADOPTEDPage 8-line 5After "other" insert "group". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMAN1/15/2015H COW Passed1/16/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Halverson, MillerAyes 58??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations2/20/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Perkins, RossAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General FileHB0065SW001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 10-line 11After "law." Insert "At least sixty (60) days before electing coverage under the state employees' and officials' group insurance plan pursuant to W.S. 93201(e), a board of county commissioners shall publish notice of a request for proposals to provide a health insurance plan for county employees. Notice shall be published for three (3) consecutive weeks as provided in W.S. 1-6-203 in the county's official newspaper and in a newspaper of statewide circulation. The proposals shall be evaluated and the acceptance shall be determined based on cost, provider network adequacy and other appropriate factors identified in the proposal documents.". MEIER, ROSS, PERKINS, DOCKSTADERHB0065SW002/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 12After "(xviii)," insert "9-3-205 by creating a new subsection (f),".Page 7-after line 9Insert:"9-3-205. Administration and management of group insurance program; powers and duties; adoption of rules and regulations; interfund borrowing authority.(f)??Prior to acceptance of any county's election to become a participating county, the department shall conduct an independent actuarial analysis to determine the risk profile and potential financial impact to the plan from the expanded coverage. If the analysis determines that there is an adverse impact to the plan, the election to participate shall not be accepted until the results of the analysis have been reported to the joint appropriations interim committee and the governor, and the governor has approved the election in writing. AN ACTuarial analysis pursuant to this subsection may include an election by more than one (1) county, as determined by the department.". BEBOUT, ROSS2/27/2015S COW PassedHB0065S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Delete the Meier, et al. Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0065SW001/AE) entirely and further amend as follows:Page 10-line 11After "law." Insert "At least sixty (60) days before electing coverage under the state employees' and officials' group insurance plan pursuant to W.S. 93201(e), a board of county commissioners shall publish notice of a request for proposals to provide a health insurance plan for county employees. Notice shall be by posting on the county's official website in the manner provided in W.S. 18-3-516(f) and by publication in the county's designated official newspaper. The proposals shall be evaluated and the acceptance shall be determined based on cost, provider network adequacy and other appropriate factors identified in the proposal documents.". DOCKSTADER3/2/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed3/3/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 18-11-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Meier, Peterson, RothfussNays:? Senator(s) Bebout, Case, Dockstader, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Ross, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator CraftAyes 18??? Nays 11??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/3/2015H Received for Concurrence3/3/2015H Concur:Failed 1-58-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative HalversonNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 1??? Nays 58??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/4/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Harshman, Miller, Stubson3/5/2015H Postponed indefinitelyH.B. No. 0066 State legendary critter.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Campbell, Cannady, Freeman and PelkeyAN ACT relating to the official legendary critter of Wyoming; declaring the jackalope as the official legendary critter; and providing for an effective date.1/8/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/19/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Petroff, SchwartzNays:? Representative(s) Laursen, SteinmetzAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015H Placed on General FileHB0066HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-Above line 1In the catch title, delete "mythical creature" insert "legendary critter".Page 1-line 1Delete "mythical creature" insert "legendary critter".Page 1-line 2Delete "mythical" insert "legendary".Page 1-line 3Delete "creature" insert "critter".Page 1-line 9Delete "mythical creature" insert "legendary critter".Page 1-line 11After "with" insert "either".Page 1-line 12Delete "throughout" insert "or pronghorns, being first sighted and native to Douglas,"; after "Wyoming" insert ","; delete "mythical creature" insert "legendary critter". PETROFF, CHAIRMAN 1/20/2015H COW Passed1/21/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/22/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 37-23-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Lindholm, Lockhart, McKim, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Sommers, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Burkhart, Connolly, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Greear, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Loucks, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, WintersAyes 37??? Nays 23??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4:H.B. No. 0067 Wyoming retirement system amendments.Sponsored By:Joint Appropriations Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to the Wyoming retirement system; amending provisions of the Wyoming retirement act to provide consistency in the act; amending a definition to allow local elected officials to decline participation in the retirement system as specified; amending a definition to specify that firefighters in the Wyoming army national guard are eligible to participate in a pension plan as specified; amending calculations for past due employer contribution payments and redeposit of contributions under the system; modifying redeposit payments as specified; updating archaic language; repealing a provision requiring a written election for employees of the legislature to participate in the retirement system; repealing archaic language designating a program coordinator for the deferred compensation program; and providing for an effective date.1/8/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations1/15/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/15/2015H Placed on General FileHB0067HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 10After "system;" insert "modifying redeposit payments as specified;".Page 9-line 10Strike "seven (7)" insert "ten (10)".Page 10-line 21Strike "seven (7)" insert "ten (10)". Page 12-line 3Strike "seven" insert "ten (10)".Page 12-line 4Strike "(7)". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMAN1/15/2015H COW Passed1/16/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/19/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 57-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Halverson, McKim, MillerAyes 57??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations2/9/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Placed on General File2/10/2015S COW Passed2/11/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/12/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00072/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00072/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00072/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00072/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 10 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0068 Photographing ballot-penalty.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Byrd and Senator(s) Case and CraftAN ACT relating to elections; creating a misdemeanor offense for photographing or otherwise recording an official ballot as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/8/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H POSTPONED until July 1, 2015 in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Nays:? Representative JenningsAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0069 Abandoned buildings.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Byrd, Berger, Pelkey and Throne and Senator(s) Driskill and Esquibel, F.AN ACT relating to downtown development; providing for the assessment of a fee on abandoned, deteriorated or unsafe structures as specified; providing exceptions; providing for collection of the fee; specifying that the fee is a lien on the property; and providing for an effective date.1/8/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H Amend and DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4:2-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, GayNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Edwards, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Ayes 2??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0070 Omnibus water bill-construction.Sponsored By:Select Water CommitteeAN ACT relating to water development projects; authorizing construction of designated water projects; describing projects; specifying terms and conditions of funding for projects; providing appropriations; modifying project descriptions and terms of appropriations for various specified prior projects; and providing for an effective date.1/8/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture1/27/2015Agriculture:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Jaggi, Laursen, Lindholm, McKimAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General File1/27/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/29/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General FileHB0070HS001/ADOPTEDPage 15-After line 22Insert:"(D) Prior to commencing project operations, the commission shall review the project and make any recommendations to the select water committee regarding future legislative changes to the project and any proposed funding.".Page 23-After line 9Insert:"(C) Prior to commencing project operations, the commission shall review the project and make any recommendations to the select water committee regarding future legislative changes to the project and any proposed funding.". Page 29-line 13Delete "(vi)" insert "(vii)".Page 34-After line 20Insert:"(vii)??Special conditions:(A)??The sponsor is responsible for acquiring fifty percent (50%) of the project phase I budget from other sources;.(B)??The 2015 appropriation of two million one hundred thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,132,500.00) for this project is contingent upon approval from the legislature and the governor of a supplemental budget request in the 2015 legislative session to provide additional funding for water development account II.". MCKIM, CHAIRMAN1/30/2015H COW PassedHB0070H2001/FAILEDPage 14-lines 23 through 43Delete entirely.Page 15-lines 1 through 22Delete entirely. Page 15-After line 22Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0070HS001/A) to these lines.Page 15-line 24Delete "(s)" insert "(r)".Page 16-line 21Delete "(t)" insert "(s)". BARLOW 2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative Zwonitzer,DnAyes 59??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S05 - Agriculture2/6/2015Agriculture:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Barnard, Christensen, Dockstader, Emerich, GeisAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Placed on General File2/10/2015S COW Passed2/11/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/12/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00102/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00102/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00102/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00102/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 23 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0071 Nursing education programs.Sponsored By:Joint Labor, Health & Social Services Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to the Wyoming investment in nursing program; amending requirements for the master's and doctorate level education loans as specified; amending loan payback requirements; extending the program sunset date; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor1/27/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Dayton, Edmonds, Harvey, Kasperik, Larsen, Schwartz, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General File1/27/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/29/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General FileHB0071HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 15After "degree" insert "or doctorate level degree".Page 2-line 19Strike "a master's degree" insert "either".Page 2-line 20After "teaching" insert "nursing".Page 2-line 21Delete all new language; after "Wyoming" insert "community".Page 4-line 1After "teaching" insert "nursing".Page 4-line 2After "Wyoming" delete "college,". HARVEY, CHAIRMANHB0071HW001/FAILEDPage 2-line 22After "Wyoming" insert ", or by practicing in the nursing profession in Wyoming".Page 4-line 3After "Wyoming" insert ", or by practicing in the nursing profession in Wyoming". WILSON1/30/2015H COW Passed2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-1-0-0-1ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative MaddenConflicts:? Representative BakerAyes 58??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 12/4/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor2/9/2015Labor:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Craft, Driskill, Landen, Peterson, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Placed on General File2/9/2015S COW Passed2/10/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/11/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00032/12/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00032/12/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00032/17/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00032/19/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 1 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0072 Volunteer firefighter and EMT pension account.Sponsored By:Joint Appropriations Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to pension accounts; creating the volunteer firefighter and EMT pension account; providing membership qualifications; providing for contributions to the account; providing for the transfer of members of the volunteer firemen's pension account and the volunteer emergency medical technician pension account to the new pension account; creating a pension account board; providing for membership on the board; closing and repealing the volunteer firemen's pension account and the volunteer emergency medical technician pension account; directing insurance premiums to the account as specified; providing legislative intent; providing for a transfer of pension funds; requiring a report; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations1/27/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, MonizNays:? Representative(s) Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 5??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General FileHB0072HS001/ADOPTEDPage 3-lines 4 through 6Delete entirely.Page 3-line 8Delete "(vi)" insert "(v)".Page 3-line 13Delete "(vii)" insert "(vi)". Page 3-line 16Delete "(viii)" insert "(vii)". Page 4-line 1Delete "(ix)" insert "(viii)".Page 4-line 18Delete "(x)" insert "(ix)". Page 5-line 16Delete "(xi)" insert "(x)".Page 6-line 8Delete "(xii)" insert "(xi)". Page 11-line 21After "age" insert "and service requirements".Page 12-line 6After "any" insert "participating member or retired".Page 12-line 11Delete "more than" insert "at least". Page 12-line 12Before "member" insert "participating". Page 12-line 21After "any" insert "participating member or retired"; after "the" insert "participating member's or retired".Page 13-line 4Delete "more than" insert "at least". Page 13-line 6Before "member" insert "participating" member or retired"; after "the" insert "participating member's or retired".Page 15-line 1After "received." delete the balance of the line.Page 15-line 2Delete entirely.Page 15-line 3Delete the line through "board.".Page 16-line 13After "(j)" delete the balance of the line and insert: "Any participating member with at least five (5) years of participation in the pension account who retires from active service as a volunteer firefighter or EMT before reaching retirement age and does not withdraw from the pension account as provided in subsection (f) of this section shall be entitled to a monthly benefit payment as provided in subsection (a) of this section upon reaching the retirement age specified in subsection (d) of this section."Page 16-lines 14 through 23Delete entirely.Page 17-line 1Delete the line through "account.".Page 25-line 7After "(a)" insert "As provided in this subsection,". Page 25-line 19delete "actuarial soundness" insert "one hundred seven percent (107%) funding". Page 25-line 20Delete "by 2025". Page 25-After line 23Insert:"(iii) After the account achieves one hundred seven percent (107%) actuarial funding, the board shall recommend a funding amount of not less than sixty percent (60%) of the gross tax levied upon fire insurance premiums. A recommended funding amount under this section in an amount greater than sixty percent (60%) which results in AN ACTuarial funding level greater than one hundred seven percent (107%) requires approval of the legislature.".Page 26-line 15Delete "firefighter's" insert "firefighter".Page 27-line 5Before "Seventy" insert "An amount not to exceed". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMANHB0072HW001/ADOPTEDPage 25-line 11 Delete "month" insert "quarter". BURKHART1/29/2015H COW Passed1/30/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/2/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 48-10-1-0-1ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Walters, Wilson, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Clem, Edmonds, Kroeker, Loucks, Miller, Nicholas, Reeder, Stubson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative ByrdConflicts:? Representative LindholmAyes 48??? Nays 10??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 12/3/2015S Received for Introduction2/4/2015S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations2/9/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-0-0-1ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerConflicts:? Senator BurnsAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 12/9/2015S Placed on General File2/10/2015S COW PassedHB0072S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 9-lines 1 through 3Delete and insert:"(b)??Nothing in this article shall be construed to: (i)??Except for obligations transferred pursuant to W.S. 359617(c), acknowledge any past, present or future liability of or obligate the state of Wyoming for contribution except the employer's contributions provided for in this article, to either the volunteer firefighter and EMT pension system provided by this article or any other retirement system previously existing in the state of Wyoming; or(ii)??Constitute a contract or binding obligation of any kind whatsoever or, except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, to create or grant any vested right or interest in any individual, corporation or body politic.". BEBOUT, PERKINS2/11/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/12/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 27-1-0-0-2ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator CaseConflicts:? Senator(s) Burns, CoeAyes 27??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 22/12/2015H Received for Concurrence2/17/2015H Concur:Passed 58-0-1-0-1ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonConflicts:? Representative LindholmAyes 58??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 12/17/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00132/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00132/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00132/27/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00132/27/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 32 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0073 Development of education standards.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Harshman, Paxton and Sommers and Senator(s) Coe and WasserburgerAN ACT relating to adoption of education content and performance standards; modifying the process for adoption of standards; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education1/20/2015Education:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Hunt, Jaggi, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Sommers, ThroneAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/20/2015H Placed on General File1/22/2015H COW Passed1/23/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0073H3001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 4Strike ", and" insert ". The state board, in consultation with the state superintendent, shall establish a process to receive input or concerns related to the student content and performance standards from stakeholders, including but not limited to parents, teachers, school and district administrators and members of the public at large, at any time prior to the formal review by the state board. The state board". Page 2-line 7Before "review" insert "formal"; after "evaluation" insert "of the student content and performance standards". HARSHMAN1/26/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Edwards, KroekerAyes 58??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015S Received for Introduction2/5/2015S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education2/11/2015Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe, Pappas, RothfussExcused:? Senator DockstaderAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015S Placed on General FileHB0073SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-lines 4 through 11Reinsert stricken language and delete new language. COE, CHAIRMAN2/11/2015S COW PassedHB0073S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 14Delete "ten (10)" insert "eight (8)". BEBOUT, WASSERBURGER2/12/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHB0073S3001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-lines 4 through 11Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0073SS001/AE) entirely. WASSERBURGER, BEBOUT2/17/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 19-10-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Geis, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Case, Coe, Craft, Emerich, Esquibel, Hastert, Perkins, RothfussExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 19??? Nays 10??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015H Received for Concurrence2/18/2015H Concur:Failed 2-57-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Reeder, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 2??? Nays 57??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Wasserburger, Bebout, Coe2/20/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Harshman, Kroeker, Northrup2/26/2015H Adopted HB0073JC001: 52-6-2-0-0HB0073JC001/HADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Delete the following Senate amendments:HB0073SS001/AEHB0073S2001/AEHB0073S3001/AEFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 1-line 14Delete "ten (10)" insert "nine (9)". HARSHMAN, KROEKER, NORTHRUP, WASSERBURGER, BEBOUT, COEROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Clem, Edwards, Kroeker, Lindholm, Miller, ReederExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, WintersAyes 52??? Nays 6??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015S Adopted HB0073JC001: 26-3-1-0-0HB0073JC001/HADOPTEDSADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Delete the following Senate amendments:HB0073SS001/AEHB0073S2001/AEHB0073S3001/AEFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 1-line 14Delete "ten (10)" insert "nine (9)". HARSHMAN, KROEKER, NORTHRUP, WASSERBURGER, BEBOUT, COEROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Case, MeierExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 26??? Nays 3??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00782/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00782/27/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00783/4/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00783/4/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 122 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0074 Front license plate requirement.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Blake, Barlow, Berger, Larsen and Northrup and Senator(s) Burns and CoeAN ACT relating to motor vehicle registration; providing that front license plates need not be displayed on certain vehicles as specified; making a conforming amendment; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/21/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015H Placed on General FileHB0074HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After "specified;" insert "making a conforming amendment;".Page 1-line 7After "31-2-205(a)(i)(A)" delete "is" insert "and 312-227(d) are".Page 3-line 3After "plate" insert "and the manufacturer of the motor vehicle provided no other means or method to display and secure a front license plate". Page 3-after line 3Insert:"31-2-227.?? Custom vehicles.(d)??Upon receipt of an approved application and payment of the custom vehicle special license fee the vehicle shall be registered and special license plates issued therefor. The department shall issue a special custom vehicle license plate of a size and design as prescribed by the department. The registration expires upon transfer of ownership of the vehicle or upon the department's issuance of a new plate design. The department may promulgate rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this section. Notwithstanding W.S. 31-2-205(a)(i)(A), for a custom vehicle that was manufactured prior to 1968 or was originally manufactured to have one (1) license plate, a license plate shall only be required to be displayed on the rear of the vehicle. ZWONITZER, DV., CHAIRMAN1/22/2015H COW Passed1/23/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/26/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 52-8-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Burkhart, Eklund, Gay, Jennings, Madden, Miller, SteinmetzAyes 52??? Nays 8??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation2/12/2015Transportation:Recommend Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Emerich, MeierNays:? Senator(s) Esquibel, F., JohnsonAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Placed on General File2/12/2015S COW PassedHB0074S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 3-line 5Before "bracket" delete "a" insert "an installed".Page 3-line 6After "plate" insert "." and delete balance of line.Page 3-lines 7 and 8Delete. HASTERT, COE2/17/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHB0074S3001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 3-line 5Delete the Hastert, et al. Second Reading Amendment (HB0074S2001/AE) to this line. VON FLATERN, LANDEN2/18/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 24-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Case, Dockstader, Geis, Perkins, WasserburgerAyes 24??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015H Received for Concurrence2/19/2015H Concur:Passed 38-21-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Krone, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, Northrup, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Berger, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Edmonds, Eklund, Greear, Harshman, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, Moniz, Paxton, Pownall, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 38??? Nays 21??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/19/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00262/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00262/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00262/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00262/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 34 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0075 Balanced Budget Compact.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Barlow and Winters and Senator(s) Case, Hicks and PetersonAN ACT relating to the administration of government; adopting the Compact for a Balanced Budget as provided; providing for the proposal and ratification of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution of the United States as specified; providing for powers, duties and procedures relative to the Compact; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/23/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, ReederNays:? Representative(s) Edwards, WilsonAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015H Placed on General File1/26/2015H COW Passed1/27/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/28/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 45-15-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Stubson, Walters, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Blake, Byrd, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Freeman, Kroeker, Pelkey, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 45??? Nays 15??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015S Received for Introduction2/5/2015S Introduced and Referred to S12 - Rules3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4H.B. No. 0076 Public library endowment challenge program amendments.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Stubson and Berger and Senator(s) BurnsAN ACT relating to the Wyoming public library endowment challenge program; extending time for gifting to program; providing that matching funds may be distributed to or encumbered by a public library foundation in excess of the amount within that library's challenge fund account under specified circumstances; modifying reversion dates; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/21/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Jennings, Loucks, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonNays:? Representative(s) Edwards, MaddenAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015H Placed on General FileHB0076HW001/FAILEDPage 4-line 19After "be" delete balance of line and insert "disbursed".Page 4-line 21After "agreement" insert "in accordance with 187202(a)(iv)". MADDEN1/22/2015H COW Passed1/23/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0076H3001/FAILEDPage 4-line 19After "be" delete balance of line and insert "distributed as follows:"Page 4-lines 20 through 21Delete entirely and insert:"(A) The public library receiving the endowment gift shall receive one half (1/2) of the total amount of matching funds transferred minus an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the endowment gift;(B) ?The public library transferring a portion of its unencumbered amount shall receive one half (1/2) of the total amount of matching funds transferred plus an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the endowment gift.". LAURSEN1/26/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative EdwardsExcused:? Representative HarveyAyes 58??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/18/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General File2/24/2015S COW Passed2/25/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 28-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator CaseExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 28??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00742/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00742/27/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00743/4/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00743/4/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 104 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0077 Wyoming retirement system-veteran's service credit.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Lindholm, Blackburn, Gay, Jaggi, Jennings and Petroff and Senator(s) Johnson and PappasAN ACT relating to the Wyoming retirement system; authorizing purchase of credits for prior military service as specified; providing purchase conditions and requirements; granting rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/14/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/28/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015H Placed on General File1/28/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/30/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General FileHB0077HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-Above line 1In the catch title, delete "State employees" insert "Wyoming retirement system".Page 2-line 21After "age" insert ";" and delete balance of line. Page 2-line 22Delete entirely.Page 3-lines 1 and 2Delete entirely. ZWONITZER, DV, CHAIRMAN2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative Zwonitzer,DnExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 58??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations2/18/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General FileHB0077SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 3-lines 1 through 3Delete and insert:"(v) The lump sum may be paid with funds from any source, including rollover contributions, subject to rules and regulations established by the board. Unless received by". ROSS, CHAIRMAN2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 28-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Case, MeierAyes 28??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015H Received for Concurrence2/25/2015H Concur:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00612/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00612/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00613/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00613/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 92 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0078 Plant derived pain medication.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Gay and Byrd and Senator(s) CaseAN ACT relating to public health; allowing supervised use of plant derived pain medication as specified; providing an exemption from prosecution for possession or use of plant derived pain medication as specified; authorizing a fee for registration; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/14/2015H Received for Introduction1/16/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H Amend and DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4:4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, PelkeyNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Krone, Miller, Pownall, WintersAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0079 Resort districts.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Schwartz, Blake, Kirkbride and Petroff and Senator(s) Burns and ChristensenAN ACT relating to resort districts; removing the requirement that a resort district be in an unincorporated area; repealing the population limit for a resort area; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/14/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0080 Indemnity for negligent acts.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Larsen and Greear and Senator(s) PerkinsAN ACT relating to contractual agreements; amending statutes which limit the enforceability of indemnity agreements as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/14/2015H Received for Introduction1/16/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 2-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., MillerNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 2??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0081 Wyoming lottery distributions.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Petroff and Senator(s) EmerichAN ACT relating to the Wyoming lottery; extending dates for distribution of lottery proceeds as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/14/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/26/2015Travel:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General File1/27/2015H COW Passed1/28/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/29/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 35-25-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Hunt, Jennings, Kirkbride, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, Moniz, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Pownall, Reeder, Winters, Zwonitzer,DnAyes 35??? Nays 25??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue2/24/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 3-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Kinskey, Landen, PetersonNays:? Senator CaseExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 3??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Placed on General File2/26/2015S COW Passed2/27/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed3/2/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 22-8-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Case, Dockstader, Hicks, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Perkins, WasserburgerAyes 22??? Nays 8??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/2/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00903/2/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00903/3/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00903/5/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00903/5/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 128 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0082 Brewery and microbrewery licenses-definition.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Petroff, Berger, Halverson and Schwartz and Senator(s) Burns, Christensen and KinskeyAN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; amending the definition of brewery and microbrewery to allow microbreweries to produce a larger quantity of malt beverages; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/14/2015H Received for Introduction1/19/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/21/2015Travel:Recommend Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzNays:? Representative ClemAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015H Placed on General File1/22/2015H COW Passed1/23/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/26/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015S Received for Introduction2/5/2015S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue2/12/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Driskill, Kinskey, Landen, PetersonAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00402/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00402/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00402/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00402/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 48 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0083 Religious Freedom Restoration Act.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Winters and Steinmetz and Senator(s) DockstaderAN ACT relating to religious freedom; creating a Religious Freedom Restoration Act; providing definitions; limiting specified governmental actions that burden religious freedom as specified; authorizing claims and defenses against governmental action that burden religious freedom as specified; providing for severability of the act; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/14/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/27/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 5-4-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Pownall, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Miller, PelkeyAyes 5??? Nays 4??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General FileHB0083HW001/ADOPTEDPage 5-line 8After "defenses" insert "." And delete balance of the line.Page 5-line 9Delete.Page 5-line 11Delete "(a)".Page 5-lines 18 through 21Delete. NICHOLAS, B.1/29/2015H COW PassedHB0083H2001/WITHDRAWN1/30/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0083H3001/ADOPTEDPage 5-After line 6Insert:"(c)??Nothing in this act shall be construed to allow or authorize a government employee or official from refusing to perform any of the duties or responsibilities which are required of that person's position or office, regardless of the person's religious or moral objections.". LINDHOLM, SOMMERSHB0083H3002/WITHDRAWN2/2/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 36-23-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Blackburn, Burkhart, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Piiparinen, Reeder, Steinmetz, Stubson, Wilson, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Campbell, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Madden, Nicholas, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 36??? Nays 23??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015S Received for Introduction3/3/2015S Did Not Consider for IntroductionH.B. No. 0084 Conservation district levy.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Eklund, Larsen, McKim, Moniz and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) Christensen, Driskill, Emerich and HicksAN ACT relating to conservation districts; providing for elections for the imposition of both a general conservation tax and a water specific purpose tax; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/14/2015H Received for Introduction1/16/2015H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture1/27/2015Agriculture:Recommend Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Jaggi, Laursen, Lindholm, McKimNays:? Representative AllenAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General File1/28/2015H COW Failed 26-33-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Barlow, Berger, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Schwartz, Sommers, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Clem, Dayton, Edwards, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Miller, Patton, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, WintersExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 26??? Nays 33??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0085 Motor vehicle passing bicycles.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Stubson, Krone, Pelkey and Petroff and Senator(s) Case and RothfussAN ACT relating to motor vehicles; providing requirements for motor vehicles overtaking and passing bicycles as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/14/2015H Received for Introduction1/16/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/21/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Nays:? Representative(s) Loucks, ReederAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015H Placed on General FileHB0085HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 5After "bicycle" insert ", who is operating lawfully,". ZWONITZER, DV, CHAIRMAN1/22/2015H COW PassedHB0085H2001/WITHDRAWN1/23/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0085H3001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 5After "shall" insert "," and delete balance of line.Page 2-line 6Delete "all times" insert "when space allows,". STEINMETZ, STUBSONHB0085H3002/ADOPTEDDelete the standing committee amendment (HB0085HS001/A) entirely. Page 2-line 5After "bicycle" insert ", which is operating lawfully,". STUBSONHB0085H3003/WITHDRAWN1/26/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 33-25-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Patton, Pelkey, Petroff, Schwartz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Blackburn, Burkhart, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, Miller, Northrup, Paxton, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, WintersExcused:? Representative(s) Harvey, MaddenAyes 33??? Nays 25??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation2/24/2015Transportation:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Emerich, Esquibel, F., Johnson, MeierAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Placed on General File3/2/2015S COW Passed3/3/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed3/4/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 21-7-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Case, Christensen, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Hastert, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper, Geis, Hicks, Meier, Von FlaternExcused:? Senator(s) Craft, EsquibelAyes 21??? Nays 7??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/4/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00993/4/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00993/5/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00993/9/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00993/9/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 190 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0086 Board of cooperative educational services meetings.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Petroff and Halverson and Senator(s) Christensen and CoeAN ACT relating to the board of cooperative educational services; revising meeting requirements; and providing for an effective date.1/13/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education1/29/2015Education:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Hunt, Jaggi, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Sommers, ThroneAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General File1/30/2015H COW Passed2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education2/11/2015Education:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe, Pappas, RothfussExcused:? Senator DockstaderAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015S Placed on General File2/11/2015S COW Passed2/12/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/17/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00172/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00172/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00172/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00172/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 18 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0087 Content and performance standards.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Sommers, Freeman, Harshman and Paxton and Senator(s) Dockstader and RothfussAN ACT relating to the process for adoption of education content and performance standards; requiring public hearings or meetings; modifying the process for adoption of content and performance standards; providing a transition period for districts to incorporate standards into educational programs; and providing for an effective date.1/13/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/16/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education1/22/2015Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Hunt, Jaggi, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Sommers, ThroneAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015H Placed on General File1/22/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/28/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015H Placed on General FileHB0087HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 4Delete "providing a transition".Page 1-line 5Delete entirely.Page 1-line 6Delete "educational programs;"Page 1-line 11Delete "and 21-9-101(a) are" insert "is".Page 2-line 4Delete "eight (8)" insert "ten (10)".Page 3-lines 18 through 23Delete entirely.Page 4-lines 1 through 9Delete entirely. PATTON, CHAIRMANHB0087HW001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 12Strike "." insert ";".Page 3-After line 12Insert:"(iv) The state board, in consultation with the state superintendent, shall establish a process to receive input or concerns related to the student content and performance standards from stakeholders, including but not limited to parents, teachers, school and district administrators and members of the public at large, during the intervening time between formal review by the state board conducted pursuant to paragraphs (i) through (iii) of this subsection.". FREEMAN, SOMMERSHB0087HW002/ADOPTEDDelete the standing committee amendment (HB0087HS0001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:Page 2-line 4Delete "eight (8)" insert "ten (10)".Page 4-line 7Delete "two (2)" insert "three (3)". FREEMAN, SOMMERSHB0087HW003/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 5After "Report" insert "all public comments,". REEDER1/30/2015H COW Passed2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 49-11-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Gay, Halverson, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Loucks, Miller, Reeder, Steinmetz, WintersAyes 49??? Nays 11??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4H.B. No. 0088 Health provider recruiting programs.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Wilson, Baldwin, Hunt, Larsen and Throne and Senator(s) Dockstader, Driskill and PetersonAN ACT relating to public health and safety; increasing authorized payments under the allied health care provider loan repayment program; amending the physician recruitment grant program to also allow recruitment of other health care providers; amending grant requirements as specified; providing a definition; and providing for an effective date.1/13/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor1/27/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Dayton, Edmonds, Harvey, Kasperik, Larsen, Schwartz, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General File1/27/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/29/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General FileHB0088HS001/ADOPTEDPage 7-line 4Delete "provided" insert "awarded". HARVEY, CHAIRMANHB0088HS002/ADOPTEDPage 7-line 18Delete "five hundred".Page 7-line 19Delete "thousand dollars ($500,000.00)" insert "one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00)".Page 8-line 6After "shall" insert "not". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMANHB0088HW001/ADOPTEDPage 6-line 5After "under" insert "subparagraphs (e)(viii)(B) through (D) of". WILSON 1/30/2015H COW Passed2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 57-2-0-0-1ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Greear, MaddenConflicts:? Representative BakerAyes 57??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 12/4/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor2/18/2015Labor:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Craft, Driskill, Landen, PetersonExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/19/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/19/2015S Placed on General FileHB0088SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 6Delete "providing an appropriation;".Page 7-lines 18 through 23Delete.Page 8-lines 1 through 7Delete.Page 8-line 9Delete "4" insert "3". ROSS, CHAIRMAN2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 24-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Rothfuss, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Perkins, Ross, Scott, WasserburgerAyes 24??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015H Received for Concurrence2/25/2015H Concur:Passed 57-2-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Greear, HarveyExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 57??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00602/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00602/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00603/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00603/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 89 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0089 Wyoming Legal Tender Act.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Kroeker, Baker, Halverson, Lindholm, Loucks, Miller and Winters and Senator(s) HicksAN ACT relating to administration of the government; recognizing certain gold and silver coin as legal tender; specifying that specie legal tender shall not be taxed as specified; providing that the use of specie legal tender shall be voluntary; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.1/13/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/19/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/23/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Clem, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, SteinmetzNays:? Representative(s) Freeman, SchwartzAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015H Placed on General FileHB0089HS001/ADOPTEDPage 4-line 1Delete "by statute or". PETROFF, CHAIRMAN1/27/2015H COW Failed 28-32-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Blackburn, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Patton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Steinmetz, Wilson, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Kasperik, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 28??? Nays 32??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0090 Student religious liberties.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Kroeker, Baker, Edmonds, Gay, Halverson, Jaggi, Jennings, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Piiparinen, Reeder, Steinmetz and Winters and Senator(s) DockstaderAN ACT relating to education; providing for voluntary student expression of religious expression in public schools; specifying requirements for school districts; and providing for an effective date.1/13/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/27/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General FileHB0090HW001/ADOPTEDPage 5-line 17After "policy" delete balance of the line and insert "permitting a limited public forum for student speakers in the event students or parents request such a forum.".Page 5-lines 18 through 20Delete entirely. Page 5-line 23Delete ":" insert ",".Page 6-line 2Delete "(i)" insert "upon request,".Page 6-line 5Delete ";" insert ".".Page 6-lines 7 through 23Delete entirely.Page 7-lines 1 and 2Delete entirely.Page 7-line 4Delete "(d)" insert "(c)".Page 7-line 9Delete "(e)" insert "(d)". STUBSON 1/29/2015H COW Passed1/30/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/2/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 39-20-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Gay, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Piiparinen, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Wilson, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Connolly, Dayton, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Laursen Dan, Madden, Nicholas, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 39??? Nays 20??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015S Received for Introduction3/3/2015S Did Not Consider for IntroductionH.B. No. 0091 Restoring constitutional governance act.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Kroeker, Baker, Halverson, Hunt, Jennings, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim and Miller and Senator(s) CaseAN ACT relating to criminal law; prohibiting enforcement of federal law as specified; providing legislative declaration that Wyoming is not a battlefield; providing definitions; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.1/13/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/27/2015H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 1-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative MonizNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 1??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0092 Motorcycles-passage through intersections.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Kroeker, Esquibel, K., Loucks, McKim, Miller and Pelkey and Senator(s) CaseAN ACT relating to motor vehicles; allowing motorcycles to stop and proceed through traffic control signals as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/13/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/16/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/21/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-4-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, Zwonitzer, Dv.Nays:? Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Cannady, WaltersAyes 5??? Nays 4??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015H Placed on General FileHB0092HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-Above line 1In the catch title, after "Motorcycles" insert "and bicycles".Page 1-line 1After "motorcycles" insert " and "bicycles".Page 1-line 11After "motorcycles" insert", bicycles".Page 1-line 14After "motorcycle" insert "or bicycle".Page 2-line 4After "motorcycle's" insert "or bicycle's".Page 2-line 6After "motorcycle" insert "or bicycle".Page 2-line 13After "motorcycle" insert "or bicycle". ZWONITZER, DV., CHAIRMAN1/22/2015H COW Failed 24-27-9-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Barlow, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Paxton, Pelkey, Reeder, Schwartz, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Dayton, Edwards, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harvey, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, Madden, Northrup, Patton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Steinmetz, Throne, WaltersExcused:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Byrd, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, Sommers, StubsonAyes 24??? Nays 27??? Excused 9??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0093 Public Service Commission-authority.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn. and BergerAN ACT relating to public utilities; specifying the authority of the public service commission to approve utility reorganizations; and providing for an effective date.1/13/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/26/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-0-0-0-1ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Conflicts:? Representative LindholmAyes 8??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 11/26/2015H Placed on General FileHB0093HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 15After "the" insert "majority".Page 1-line 16After "ownership" insert "interest".Page 2-line 1After "the" insert "majority"; after "ownership" insert "interest".Page 2-line 2After "owns" insert "a majority interest in". ZWONITZER, Dn., CHAIRMAN1/28/2015H COW Passed1/29/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/30/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/24/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Meier, Pappas, ScottExcused:? Senator HicksAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Placed on General File2/24/2015S COW Passed2/25/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00672/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00672/27/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00673/4/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00673/4/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 105 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0094 Parental rights.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Jennings, Allen, Berger, Blackburn, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Halverson, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lindholm, Miller, Piiparinen, Steinmetz and Winters and Senator(s) Christensen, Dockstader and MeierAN ACT relating to parents; providing for a parental right to direct the upbringing, education and care of a child; providing applicability as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/13/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/16/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/23/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015H Placed on General File1/27/2015H COW PassedHB0094H2001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 12After "statute" insert "affecting the right of a parent to direct the upbringing, education and care of the parent's child".Page 2-line 13After "to" delete balance of line and insert "the strict scrutiny standard articulated by the United States supreme court, including requiring that the statute furthers a compelling state interest and is narrowly tailored to achieve that interest by the least restrictive means available.".Page 2-lines 14 and 15Delete entirely. STEINMETZ1/28/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/29/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative ByrdAyes 59??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction3/3/2015S Did Not Consider for IntroductionH.B. No. 0095 Heavy vehicle and commercial drivers' licenses.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Northrup, Campbell, Greear, Jaggi, Laursen, Lindholm, Sommers, Steinmetz and Walters and Senator(s) Christensen, Coe, Driskill, Hicks and MeierAN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising driver's license classifications as specified; prohibiting operation of large vehicles by minors as specified; amending commercial drivers' license exemptions; making conforming amendments; repealing heavy vehicle driver's license classifications; granting rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.1/13/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/16/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0096 Catering permit limitation.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Brown, Connolly, Moniz and Pelkey and Senator(s) Nicholas, P. and RothfussAN ACT relating to alcohol and catering permits; exempting certain locations from an annual limitation on catering permits as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/13/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/19/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/26/2015Travel:Recommend Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, SchwartzNays:? Representative(s) Barlow, SteinmetzAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General File1/27/2015H COW Passed1/28/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/29/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative EdwardsAyes 59??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/20/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Kinskey, Von FlaternExcused:? Senator HicksAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General File2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator CaseAyes 29??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00512/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00512/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00513/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00513/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 101 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0097 Death penalty repeal.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Connolly, Baker, Halverson, Miller and Pelkey and Senator(s) CraftAN ACT relating to crimes and offenses and criminal procedure; repealing the death penalty; repealing procedures related to imposition and execution of death sentences; conforming provisions; providing applicability; and providing for an effective date.1/13/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H Amend and DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, PelkeyNays:? Representative(s) Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pownall, WintersAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0098 State per diem rate.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) BurnsAN ACT relating to the legislature; increasing the legislative per diem rate as specified; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Edwards, Loucks, Madden, ReederNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Jennings, Northrup, WilsonAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0099 Statutes-gender neutral terms.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Connolly, Berger, Campbell, Dayton, Halverson, Harvey, Kasperik, Petroff, Steinmetz, Throne and Wilson and Senator(s) CraftAN ACT relating to general statutory provisions; providing that statutes, memorials and resolutions shall be written in gender neutral terms as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/26/2015Travel:Recommend Do Pass 6-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Freeman, Kirkbride, Petroff, SchwartzNays:? Representative(s) Clem, Laursen, SteinmetzAyes 6??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General FileHB0099HW001/ADOPTEDPage 2-After line 2Insert:"(b) Enactment of an amendment after July 1, 2015, to one (1) or more subdivisions of an existing statute originally enacted before that date will not require the entire statute be rewritten in gender neutral terms by that amendment." Page 2-line 4Delete "(b)" insert "(c)". PETROFF, CLEM1/27/2015H COW PassedHB0099H2001/ADOPTEDDelete the Petroff, et al. committee of the whole amendment (HB0099HW001/A) and further amend as follows:Page 1-Above line 1In the catch title, delete "Statutes" insert "Resolutions".Page 1-line 1Delete "general statutory" insert "resolutions".Page 1-line 2Delete "statutes, memorials and".Page 1-line 12Delete "statute, memorial or".Page 1-line 13Delete "or amended".Page 2-line 4Delete "statute, memorial or". STEINMETZROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Blackburn, Burkhart, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Steinmetz, Walters, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Harvey, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Lockhart, Madden, Nicholas, Pelkey, Petroff, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 34??? Nays 26??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0099H3001/ADOPTEDDelete the Steinmetz second reading amendment (HB0099H2001/A) and further amend as follows: Page 1-line 2Delete "shall" insert "may".Page 1-line 13Delete "shall" insert "may".Page 2-line 1After "terms" delete the balance of the line and insert "if requested by the primary sponsor of the legislation.". Page 2-line 2Delete entirely. NICHOLAS1/29/2015H 3rd Reading:Failed 24-36-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Barlow, Berger, Blake, Byrd, Campbell, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Harvey, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Nicholas, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Piiparinen, Reeder, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 24??? Nays 36??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0100 Highway funding.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Madden and Senator(s) PetersonAN ACT relating to fuel taxes; restricting the expenditure of a specified portion of fuel taxes; requiring a report; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/16/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/21/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015H Placed on General FileHB0100HS001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 1-lines 7 through 9Delete and insert:"Section 1.??W.S. 3917111(d)(iv) and 3917211(d)(ii)(C) are amended to read:".Page 1-after line 11Insert:"(d)??After certifying the amounts provided by subsection (c) of this section, the department shall certify the balance of taxes collected under this article to the state treasurer who shall distribute the remainder into the accounts within the state highway fund created under this subsection as follows:".Page 1-line 13Delete "(j)" insert "(iv)??Fifty-seven and one-half percent (57.5%) to the state highway account.".Page 1-line 14Delete "section" insert "paragraph".Page 2-line 3Delete "subsection" insert "paragraph".Page 2-line 7Delete "1" insert "15".Page 2-after line 9Insert:"(d)??The state treasurer shall:(ii)??Distribute monthly the remainder as follows:".Page 2-line 11Delete "(h)" insert "(C)??The remaining revenues shall be credited to the state highway fund for the maintenance, construction and reconstruction of state highways.".Page 2-line 12Delete "section" insert "subparagraph".Page 2-line 17Delete "subsection" insert "subparagraph".Page 2-line 21Delete "1" insert "15". MADDEN, CHAIRMANHB0100HW001/WITHDRAWN1/22/2015H COW PassedHB0100H2001/FAILEDPage 1-line 2After "report;" insert "providing for sunset dates;".Page 2-line 7After "year." insert "This paragraph is repealed effective June 30, 2019.".Page 2-line 21 After "year." insert "This paragraph is repealed effective June 30, 2019.". ZWONITZER, DV. 1/23/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/26/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Eklund, NorthrupAyes 58??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation2/12/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Emerich, Esquibel, F., Johnson, MeierAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Placed on General FileHB0100SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-line 16After "year" insert ", from the effective date of this act through November 15, 2020".Page 3-line 15After "year" insert ", from the effective date of this act through November 15, 2020". MEIER, CHAIRMANHB0100SW001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-line 10After "transportation" insert "." and delete balance of line.Page 2-line 11Delete.Page 2-line 12Delete "this paragraph.".Page 3-line 9After "transportation" insert "." and delete balance of line.Page 3-line 10Delete.Page 3-line 11Delete through "subparagraph.". BEBOUT, ROSS, MEIER, VON FLATERN2/24/2015S COW PassedHB0100S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-line 13After "report" insert "on revenue and expenditures attributable to the 2013 increase".??MEIER, BEBOUT, PETERSON2/25/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015H Received for Concurrence2/27/2015H Concur:Failed 17-40-3-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Barlow, Byrd, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Jennings, Kasperik, Krone, Madden, Miller, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Throne, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnExcused:? Representative(s) Lockhart, Patton, WintersAyes 17??? Nays 40??? Excused 3??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Madden, Campbell, Eklund2/27/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Meier, Bebout, Von Flatern3/4/2015H Adopted HB0100JC001: 56-3-1-0-0HB0100JC001/HADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Pursuant to Joint Rule 2-4, the House recedes from its non-concurrence and adopts the following Senate amendments:HB0100SS001/AEHB0100SW001/ACEHB0100S2001/AEMADDEN, CAMPBELL, EKLUND, MEIER, BEBOUT, VON FLATERNROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Barlow, Cannady, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 56??? Nays 3??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/4/2015S Adopted HB0100JC001: 29-0-1-0-0HB0100JC001/HADOPTEDSADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Pursuant to Joint Rule 2-4, the House recedes from its non-concurrence and adopts the following Senate amendments:HB0100SS001/AEHB0100SW001/ACEHB0100S2001/AEMADDEN, CAMPBELL, EKLUND, MEIER, BEBOUT, VON FLATERNROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator CraftAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/4/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 01003/5/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 01003/5/2015S President Signed HEA No. 01003/12/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 01003/12/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 159 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0101 Education-charter schools.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Wilson, Eklund and Freeman and Senator(s) Emerich and PappasAN ACT relating to charter schools; authorizing the community college commission to oversee and approve the operation of charter schools; requiring training; eliminating school district approval of the operation of charter schools; creating an application fee; providing transition for existing charter schools; providing an appropriation; and providing effective dates.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 2-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, PaxtonNays:? Representative(s) Hunt, Jaggi, Northrup, Patton, Piiparinen, Sommers, ThroneAyes 2??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0102 Property tax sales-highest bidder.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv. and Senator(s) JohnsonAN ACT relating to property taxes; requiring real property tax sales to be made to the highest bidder at public auction; specifying the amount to be paid for redemption; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/26/2015Revenue:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-4-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Jennings, Madden, WilsonNays:? Representative(s) Edwards, Loucks, Northrup, ReederAyes 5??? Nays 4??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General FileHB0102HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 1Delete "requiring" insert "authorizing". Page 1-line 2After "made" delete balance of line and insert "by lottery or public auction as specified;".Page 1-line 3Delete "auction;" insert "providing for distribution of proceeds as specified;".Page 3-line 6After "be" delete balance of line. Page 3-line 7Delete entirely and insert "deposited in the general fund of that county.". MADDEN, CHAIRMAN 1/27/2015H COW Failed 11-48-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Berger, Gay, Halverson, Jennings, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Madden, Nicholas, Patton, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, WintersExcused:? Representative BlackburnAyes 11??? Nays 48??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0103 Merit career-technical scholarships.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Hunt, Allen and Berger and Senator(s) Driskill and WasserburgerAN ACT relating to career-technical education; providing for a task force to study and prepare plans for implementation of a career-technical education student scholarship program; providing an appropriation; and providing for effective dates.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education1/22/2015Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Hunt, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Sommers, ThroneNays:? Representative(s) Jaggi, PiiparinenAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/22/2015H Placed on General File1/22/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/29/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 6-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, StubsonNays:? Representative Nicholas, B.Ayes 6??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General FileHB0103HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 1After ";" delete balance of line.Page 1-lines 2 through 5Delete entirely.Page 1-lines 13 through 15Delete entirely.Page 2-lines 1 through 23Delete entirely.Page 3-lines 1 through 22Delete entirely.Page 4-lines 1 through 23Delete entirely.Page 5-lines 1 through 22Delete entirely.Page 6-line 1Delete "3" insert "1".Page 7-line 12After "program" insert "." delete balance of line.Page 7-line 13Delete entirely.Page 7-line 14 Delete through ".".Page 9-line 9 Delete "Additional".Page 9-line 18Delete through "act"; after "The" insert "recommendations shall include a request for".Page 9-line 19Delete "shall".Page 9-line 20Delete "be".Page 9-line 21Delete "be reported" insert "include a recommendation to"Page 9-line 22After "annually" insert "report".Page 9-line 23After "committees" insert "."; delete balance of line. Page 10-line 1Delete through "."; after "also" insert "include recommendations to".Page 11-line 7Delete "4" insert "2". Page 11-line 12After "." delete balance of line. Page 11-lines 13-18Delete entirely.Page 11-line 20Delete "5" insert "3". Page 11-lines 22 and 23Delete entirely.Page 12-line 2Delete entirely.Page 12-line 3Delete through "are" insert "This act is". PATTON, CHAIRMANHB0103HS002/ADOPTEDPage 10-line 7After "(d)" delete balance of the line.Page 10-line 8Delete the line through "act."Page 11-line 8Delete "fifty thousand". Page 11-line 9Delete "dollars ($50,000.00)" insert "twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00)". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMANHB0103HW001/ADOPTEDPage 6-lines 14 and 15Delete entirely and renumber as necessary. HUNT2/2/2015H COW Passed2/3/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/4/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 47-12-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Edmonds, Gay, Greear, Jaggi, Jennings, Larsen Lloyd, Madden, Miller, Nicholas, Stubson, WintersExcused:? Representative HarshmanAyes 47??? Nays 12??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015S Received for Introduction3/3/2015S Did Not Consider for IntroductionH.B. No. 0104 Big and trophy game licenses-reservation.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Baker, Gay and Jaggi and Senator(s) HicksAN ACT relating to big and trophy game licenses; authorizing the reservation of unused big or trophy game animal licenses as specified; requiring a fee; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/16/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/19/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015H Placed on General FileHB0104HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After "specified;" insert "requiring a fee;".Page 1-line 15Before "big" insert "limited quota, full price".Page 2-line 15Strike "at no cost"; after "applicant" insert "at an administrative cost not to exceed the cost of the initial license,".Page 2-line 19Delete "July 1, 2015" insert "January 1, 2016". PETROFF, CHAIRMAN 1/20/2015H COW PassedHB0104H2001/WITHDRAWN1/21/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/22/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 51-9-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Campbell, Eklund, Greear, Jennings, Larsen Lloyd, Madden, Moniz, NicholasAyes 51??? Nays 9??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel2/10/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Cooper, Craft, JohnsonAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Placed on General FileHB0104SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-line 17After "cost" insert "not less than ten dollars ($10.00) and".Page 2-line 18After "exceed" insert "four percent (4%) of".??COOPER, CHAIRMAN2/12/2015S COW Passed2/17/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/18/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator PerkinsAyes 29??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015H Received for Concurrence2/19/2015H Concur:Passed 51-8-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Greear, Hunt, Jennings, Madden, McKim, Miller, WaltersExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 51??? Nays 8??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00272/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00272/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00272/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00272/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 25 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0105 Next generation 911-task force.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Blackburn, Berger, Lindholm and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) CaseAN ACT relating to the administration of government; creating a task force on next generation 911 emergency communication services; providing for a study on the implementation, management, operation and development of next generation 911 emergency communication services; requiring a report; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/15/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/21/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015H Placed on General File1/22/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/28/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0105HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 10Delete "governor's office, one".Page 2-line 11Delete entirely.Page 2-line 12Delete "enterprise technology" insert "executive branch".Page 2-line 13After "councilman" insert ", one (1) shall be a representative from the Wyoming landline telecommunications industry, one (1) shall be a representative from the Wyoming wireless telecommunications industry". Page 2-line 15Delete "homeland security,". ZWONITZER, DN., CHAIRMANHB0105HS002/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 6-line 4Delete "Fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00)" insert "ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00)".Page 6-line 8After "(ii)" delete balance of line and insert "Sixteen thousand six hundred sixty-seven dollars ($16,667.00)".Page 6-line 15Delete "2017" insert "2016". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMAN1/29/2015H COW Passed1/28/2015H Placed on General File1/30/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/2/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 45-14-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Greear, Halverson, Jaggi, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, Reeder, Stubson, Walters, WintersExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 45??? Nays 14??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/17/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, PappasExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015S Placed on General File3/2/2015S Did Not Consider in CoWH.B. No. 0106 Nonconsensual towing services.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv., Blake and Jaggi and Senator(s) Landen and MeierAN ACT relating to towing companies; authorizing the department of transportation to administer a rotation list for nonconsensual towing vehicle recovery as specified; specifying rotation list rule requirements; specifying burden of proof for fees; providing rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/16/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/23/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015H Placed on General FileHB0106HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 4Delete "state".Page 2-line 6After "removal" delete the balance of the line and insert ".".Page 2-line 15After "category" delete the balance of the line and insert ";".Page 2-lines 16 and 17Delete entirely.Page 2-line 21Delete "wrecked".Page 2-line 22Delete "abandoned" insert "remove"; delete "state" insert "the".Page 3-line 16After "year" insert "or removal from the rotation list for a period in excess of one (1) year as determined by the director of the department". Page 3-line 20Delete "or" insert ","; after "suspension" insert "or removal". BLAKE, VICE-CHAIRMANHB0106HW001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 19After "process" insert "in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act".Page 4-line 7Delete through "hearing" insert "In any action". ZWONITZER, DV1/27/2015H COW Passed1/28/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/29/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 44-16-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Moniz, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Edwards, Gay, Halverson, Jennings, Kasperik, Kroeker, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, Northrup, Pownall, Steinmetz, WintersAyes 44??? Nays 16??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation2/19/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Emerich, Esquibel, F., Johnson, MeierAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/19/2015S Placed on General FileHB0106SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 3-line 10After "reprimand" delete balance of line.Page 3-line 11Delete.Page 3-line 20Delete "assessed penalty,". MEIER, CHAIRMAN2/25/2015S COW Passed2/26/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/27/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 22-8-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Dockstader, Driskill, Perkins, WasserburgerAyes 22??? Nays 8??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015H Received for Concurrence2/27/2015H Concur:Passed 56-1-3-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative SteinmetzExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, Wilson, WintersAyes 56??? Nays 1??? Excused 3??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00843/2/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00843/3/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00843/5/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00843/5/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 125 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0107 Interstate medical licensure compact.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Wilson, Berger, Harvey, Stubson and Throne and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Hastert, Landen and PetersonAN ACT relating to professions and occupations; adopting the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact; requiring reporting; making a conforming amendment; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/15/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor1/30/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Dayton, Edmonds, Harvey, Kasperik, Schwartz, WilsonNays:? Representative(s) Barlow, LarsenAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General File1/30/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/3/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General FileHB0107HS001/ADOPTEDPage 47-line 14Delete "VII(d)" insert "XI(d)". HARVEY, CHAIRMAN2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor2/18/2015Labor:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Craft, Driskill, Landen, Peterson, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General File2/23/2015S COW Passed2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00562/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00562/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00562/27/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00562/27/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 62 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0108 Trespass-landowner liability.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Miller, Brown and Greear and Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Driskill, Geis, Hicks and KinskeyAN ACT relating to property; specifying the duty of care a landowner owes to a trespasser; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/16/2015H Received for Introduction1/16/2015H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture1/29/2015Agriculture:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Jaggi, Laursen, Lindholm, McKimAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General FileHB0108HS001/FAILEDPage 3-line 11After "trespass;" insert "and".Page 3-line 16After "child;" insert "and".Page 3-line 21After "it;" insert "and". EKLUND, VICE CHAIRMAN2/2/2015H COW Passed2/3/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/4/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 56-3-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Byrd, Gay, PelkeyExcused:? Representative HarshmanAyes 56??? Nays 3??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015S Received for Introduction2/24/2015S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals2/25/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Coe, Cooper, Rothfuss, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015S Placed on General File2/25/2015S COW PassedHB0108S2001/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 3-line 2After "34-19-203." delete balance of line and insert "Exceptions.".Page 3-line 3Delete.Page 4-after line 6Insert:"(b)??An owner of land who knows or has reason to know that a trespasser is present is liable for physical harm caused to the trespasser if the owner fails to exercise reasonable care in carrying out activities on the land that subject the trespasser to a risk of death or serious bodily injury.(c)??An owner of land who maintains an artificial condition on the land which involves a risk of death or serious bodily harm to persons coming in contact with it, is subject to liability for bodily harm caused to trespassers by his failure to exercise reasonable care to warn them of the condition if:(i) The owner knows or has reason to know of their presence in dangerous proximity to the condition; and(ii) The condition is of such a nature that he has reason to believe that the trespasser will not discover it or realize the risk involved.". NICHOLAS, PERKINS, BEBOUTROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Craft, Esquibel, Hastert, Nicholas Pres, Perkins, Ross, RothfussNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Pappas, Peterson, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 8??? Nays 22??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0108S2002/FAILEDPage 4-after line 6Insert and renumber:"(b)??The provisions of this section shall not apply to agricultural land or agricultural operations which are dangerous by their nature.". MEIER2/26/2015S 2nd Reading:Laid Back2/27/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed3/2/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 24-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Pappas, Peterson, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Case, Esquibel, Nicholas Pres, Perkins, Ross, RothfussAyes 24??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/2/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00893/2/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00893/3/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00893/10/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00893/10/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 145 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0109 Felony unlawful possession of controlled substances.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Pelkey, Lindholm and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) CaseAN ACT relating to Wyoming Controlled Substance Act; amending penalties for subsequent offenses under the act as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/16/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/23/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, PownallNays:? Representative WintersAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015H Placed on General FileHB0109HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 20Delete "five (5)" insert "ten (10)". MILLER, CHAIRMAN1/27/2015H COW Passed1/28/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/29/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 43-17-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Lindholm, Loucks, Miller, Nicholas, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Burkhart, Cannady, Edmonds, Harshman, Harvey, Jennings, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, SteinmetzAyes 43??? Nays 17??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/27/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Esquibel, F., Kinskey, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Christensen, HicksAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015S Placed on General File2/27/2015S COW Failed 10-15-5-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Case, Craft, Emerich, Esquibel, Meier, Pappas, Rothfuss, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Geis, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Nicholas Pres, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Hastert, Landen, PetersonAyes 10??? Nays 15??? Excused 5??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0110 Sales tax distributions.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Larsen and Senator(s) BeboutAN ACT relating to sales and use tax; revising the distribution of sales and use tax as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/16/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0111 Resort liquor licenses.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Petroff and Halverson and Senator(s) DriskillAN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; amending the requirements for obtaining a resort retail liquor license; specifying the permissible use of resort retail liquor licenses; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/16/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/21/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/21/2015H Placed on General FileHB0111HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 9Delete "(b)(ii), (iii)(intro)" insert "(b)(iii)(intro)".Page 2-line 12Delete "12-4-401 and".Page 2-lines 20 and 21Delete all new language; reinsert all stricken language.Page 3-lines 8 through 12 Delete entirely.Page 3-line 20Delete "paragraphs (i) through" insert "paragraph". BARLOW, VICE-CHAIRMAN1/23/2015H COW Passed1/26/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/27/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative EdwardsAyes 59??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue2/17/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 4-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Driskill, Kinskey, Landen, PetersonNays:? Senator CaseAyes 4??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 25-4-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Barnard, Case, Geis, PerkinsExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 25??? Nays 4??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00382/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00382/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00382/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00382/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 49 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0112 Capital construction grant eligibility.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Petroff and Schwartz and Senator(s) ChristensenAN ACT relating to administration of government; removing certain requirements for a municipality to impose mill levies to be eligible for capital construction grants as specified; providing applicability; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/16/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/30/2015Revenue:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General FileHB0112HS001/ADOPTEDPage 4-line 5Delete "July 1, 2015" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution".WILSON, VICE CHAIRMAN2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0112H3001/WITHDRAWNHB0112H3002/WITHDRAWN2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 38-21-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jennings, Kirkbride, Krone, Laursen Dan, Loucks, Nicholas, Paxton, Petroff, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Burkhart, Dayton, Greear, Harshman, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, WintersExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 38??? Nays 21??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue2/17/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Driskill, Kinskey, LandenNays:? Senator(s) Case, PetersonAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015S Placed on General File3/2/2015S Did Not Consider in CoWH.B. No. 0113 Cigarette certification.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Greear and Senator(s) EmerichAN ACT relating to public health and safety; providing additional certification and enforcement duties to the department of revenue under the Wyoming Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity Act; repealing a reporting requirement; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/16/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/28/2015Revenue:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015H Placed on General FileHB0113HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 4Delete "amending" insert "repealing".Page 1-line 9 After "(d)(intro)" delete "," insert "and"; after "(e)" insert ",".Page 1-line 10Delete "and (f),".Page 2-line 12Reinsert stricken "state fire marshall" and delete "department of revenue".Page 3-lines 6 through 12Delete entirely.Page 5-After line 22Insert:"Section 2.??W.S. 359803(f) is repealed.".Page 6-line 1Delete "Section 2." and insert "Section 3.". MADDEN, CHAIRMAN1/30/2015H COW Passed2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue2/17/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Driskill, Kinskey, Landen, PetersonAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 28-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D.(SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28) (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator CaseExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 28??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00322/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00322/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00322/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00322/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 55 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0114 Wyoming Repeal Gun Free Zones Act.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Jaggi, Baker, Jennings, Kroeker, Lindholm, Loucks, Miller, Piiparinen and ReederAN ACT relating to concealed weapons; creating a Wyoming Repeal Gun Free Zones Act; creating exceptions for the carrying of concealed weapons by permit holders as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/16/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/28/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pownall, WintersNays:? Representative PelkeyAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015H Placed on General File1/29/2015H COW Passed1/30/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0114H3001/FAILEDPage 1-line 4After "specified;" insert "specifying requirements;".Page 2-line 3After "may" insert ", upon signing an affidavit of liability with the entity,"; after "weapon" insert "that is unloaded and rendered safe".Page 2-line 20Delete ":".Page 2-line 22Delete "(i)".Page 2-line 23Delete ";" insert ".".Page 3-lines 2 through 3Delete entirely. BYRDHB0114H3002/FAILEDPage 2-line 18After "university" insert ", except for facilities where child care services are provided as a component of an accredited education program for college or university students". CONNOLLY, PELKEYHB0114H3003/FAILEDPage 2-line 14After "facility" insert "provided the school district has not adopted a policy prohibiting concealed weapons from being carried in an elementary or secondary school facility in the school district". PAXTON, SOMMERSROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Campbell, Connolly, Dayton, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Barlow, Blackburn, Burkhart, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Gay, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Steinmetz, Wilson, WintersExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 27??? Nays 32??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0HB0114H3004/WITHDRAWN2/2/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 42-17-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Barlow, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Berger, Blake, Campbell, Connolly, Dayton, Freeman, Harvey, Kirkbride, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Schwartz, Sommers, ThroneExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 42??? Nays 17??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education2/26/2015Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe, PappasNays:? Senator(s) Dockstader, RothfussAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015S Placed on General FileHB0114SS001/ADOPTEDThat Substitute No. 1 be substituted for HB0114 and that Substitute No. 1 DO PASS. COE, CHAIRMAN3/2/2015S COW PassedHB0114S2001/FAILED[TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1]Page 1-line 4After "specified;" insert "providing for possession of firearms on school property as specified;".Page 4-line 7Delete "is" insert "and 21-3-132 are".Page 5-line 11After "district" insert "and the board of trustees of the district has adopted rules for possession of firearms as provided in W.S. 21-3-132".Page 12-after line 21Insert:"21-3-132. Possession of firearms on school property.(a)??The board of trustees in each school district may adopt rules and regulations to allow possession of firearms by employees possessing valid concealed carry permits under W.S. 68104(a)(ii) on or in any property or facility owned or leased by the school district in accordance with this section.(b)??As used in this section, "employee" means any person employed under contract with the board of trustees of a school district, including but not limited to superintendents, assistant superintendents, principals, assistant principals, teachers, guidance counselors, librarians, teachers' aides, coaches, business managers, secretaries or administrative assistants, janitors, bus drivers, volunteers or other employees on contract with a school district. (c)??Prior to adoption of any rules and regulations to allow the possession of firearms in accordance with this section, the board of trustees shall hold a minimum of two (2) public hearings, with the time and location of the hearings published in a newspaper of statewide or local distribution. The notification shall be published in advance of the hearings to allow for public participation. The hearings shall be conducted to receive public comment on the school district's consideration of rules pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. The board of trustees shall specifically notify the parents and guardians of students attending school in the district of the date, time and nature of the public hearings. (d)??The rules and regulations required by subsection (a) of this section shall at a minimum:(i)??Establish a process for employees to apply for and obtain permission to possess or carry a firearm on school property in accordance with this section; (ii)??Establish a process to conduct a personal interview of the applicant by the principal of the school and at least two (2) board trustees. If the applicant is a principal, the superintendent of the school district shall interview the applicant together with the two (2) trustees. The principal or the superintendent and the trustees shall report to the entire board regarding the interview;(iii)??Establish a process to immediately revoke permission to possess or carry a firearm on school property upon a finding of reasonable cause by the principal that it is necessary or, if the principal has been granted permission to carry a firearm, the district superintendent may revoke permission upon a finding of reasonable cause. The process shall include a review to be conducted by the board of trustees of the immediate revocation and shall include an opportunity for the employee to request reinstatement and present any information pertinent to the request. After review, the board of trustees shall ratify the decision made by the principal or superintendent to revoke permission to carry a firearm on school property or shall reinstate permission if deemed appropriate.(e)??Any applicant under this section shall, at a minimum, meet the following qualifications prior to applying to any board of trustees for permission to carry or possess a firearm on school property under this section: (i)??Possess and provide proof of a valid concealed carry permit granted under W.S. 68104(a)(ii);(ii)??Complete a mental evaluation screening in a satisfactory manner as prescribed by rule and regulation of the board of trustees;(iii)??Provide proof of completion of no less than sixteen (16) hours of firearm training approved by the peace officer standards and training council. The board of trustees may establish additional training requirements by rule and regulation;(iv)??Provide proof of completion of minimum shooting qualifications and proficiency requirements established by rule and regulation of the board of trustees.(f)??Any person granted permission to carry or possess a firearm on school property pursuant to this section shall maintain the firearm on his person or in a concealed biometric container or lock box. The container or lock box shall at all times be within the direct control of the person. The person shall be responsible for purchase and ownership of the weapon and frangible ammunition shall be utilized. (g)??Any person granted permission to carry or possess a firearm on school property pursuant to this section shall annually complete at least one (1) four (4) hour crisis management training program. The training shall include participation of school resource officers, if appropriate, and all law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction over the area in which the school is located.(h)??The board of trustees may suspend all permission granted related to possession of firearms at its sole discretion.(j)??The board of trustees shall maintain a list of the location and names of all individuals who receive permission to carry firearms in accordance with this section. The board of trustees shall notify all law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction over the area of the location in which the school is located and names of all certified personnel with permission to carry firearms on school property. The list of individuals shall be subject to any public record inspection.(k)??Nothing in this section shall authorize school district personnel to carry a firearm, concealed or otherwise, on or into any facility or other school district property without the express approval of the board of trustees and notification of parties as required by this section.(m)??Nothing in this section shall authorize a student of a school district to carry a firearm, concealed or otherwise, on or into any facility or a school district.". WASSERBURGERHB0114S2002/FAILED[TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1]Page 1-line 4After "specified;" insert "providing for a misdemeanor offense for carrying a concealed weapon as specified; prescribing a penalty;".Page 4-line 10After "permits" insert "; penalty".Page 12-After line 21Insert:"(m)??No person shall carry a concealed weapon pursuant to this section unless the person has in their actual possession a valid concealed carry permit issued by the state of Wyoming under W.S. 6-8-104(a)(ii), together with valid identification. Any person who violates the provisions of this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), or both.". CHRISTENSENHB0114S2003/ADOPTED[TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1]Page 9-after line 14Insert and renumber:"(h)??Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, any adult who may lawfully possess a firearm may have that firearm in a private motor vehicle on any road, street, driveway or parking area within the grounds of any public facility in which firearms are prohibited provided the firearms are in a portion of the motor vehicle that may be locked and are concealed or in a closed container from which the firearm must be removed in order to be used. For the purposes of this subsection, a closed gun bag is a closed container. The governor may prohibit the application of this section in special circumstances where the presence of a firearm in a private vehicle poses a significant threat to safety and security.".Page 9-line 16Delete "(h)" insert "(j)".Page 10-line 1Delete "(j)" insert "(k)".Page 12-line 13Delete "(k)" insert "(m)".Page 12-line 14Delete "subsection (j) of". SCOTTHB0114S2004.01/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) [DIVIDED AMENDMENT][TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1]Page 1-line 4After "specified;" delete balance of line.Page 1-lines 10 through 14Delete.Pages 2 and 3Delete.Page 4-lines 1 through 5Delete.Page 4-line 7Delete "2." insert "1.". CASE, MEIERHB0114S2004.02/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY) [DIVIDED AMENDMENT][TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1]Page 1-line 1Delete "providing for".Page 1-line 2Delete and insert "eliminating gun free zones in specified places except by action of a local governing body as specified; authorizing prohibitions for".Page 4-line 13Delete "may" insert "are".Page 4-line 14Delete "be".Page 4-line 15After "places" insert "unless prohibited by the governing body".Page 4-line 17Delete "if" insert "unless prohibited".Page 4-line 18Delete "authorized".Page 4-line 21After "thereof," delete balance of line and insert "unless prohibited by the".Page 5-line 3Delete "if authorized" insert "unless prohibited".Page 5-line 5Delete "and if authorized" insert "or unless prohibited".Page 5-line 10Delete "if authorized" insert "unless prohibited".Page 5-line 13Delete "if" insert "unless prohibited".Page 5-line 14Delete "authorized".Page 6-line 1Delete "shall" insert "may".Page 6-line 3Delete "as" insert "if"; after "determines" insert "it is".Page 6-line 8Delete "allow" insert "prohibit".Page 6-line 9Delete "authorization" insert "prohibition".Page 7-line 19Delete "Authorization" insert "Prohibitions".Page 8-line 13Delete "allow" insert "prohibit".Page 8-line 18Delete "permitted" insert "prohibited".Page 12-line 14Delete "subsection (j) of"; delete "authorize" insert "prohibit".Page 12-line 19Delete "not"; delete "authorized" insert "prohibited". CASE, MEIERHB0114S2005/FAILEDPage 9-lines 6 through 9Delete.Page 9-line 11Delete "(iii)" insert "(ii)". MEIERHB0114S2006/ADOPTEDPage 9-line 14After "section" insert "unless otherwise provided by law". MEIERHB0114S2007/FAILEDPage 6-line 18After "discretion." delete balance of line.Page 6-line 19Delete.Page 6-line 20Delete "appeal.". MEIER3/3/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHB0114S3001/FAILED[TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1]Delete the Scott second reading amendment (HB0114S2003/A) entirely. COEHB0114S3002/ADOPTED[TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1]Delete the Scott Second Reading Amendment (HB0114S2003/A) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 9-line 22Delete "." Insert ";".Page 9-After line 22Insert:"(iii)??Supersede, or empower a local governing body by authorization or condition upon any authorization made pursuant to this section to supersede, any provision of W.S. 6-8-104(cc) or (dd).".Page 13–line 1After "(intro)" insert "and by creating new subsections (cc) and (dd)". Page 13–After line 11 insert:"(cc)??Any person twenty-one (21) years of age or older who may lawfully possess a firearm, may have that firearm in a private motor vehicle on any road, street, driveway or parking area within the grounds of any public facility in which the carrying of concealed weapons or firearms is prohibited under subsection (t) of this section, provided the firearm is not loaded and in a locked container, or a locked firearms rack that is on a motor vehicle.(dd)??The governor may prohibit the application of subsection (cc) of this section if he determines, in his sole discretion, that the under particular circumstances the presence of a firearm in a private motor vehicle poses a significant threat to safety and security. The exercise of authority under this subsection shall be by executive order.". COE3/4/2015S 3rd Reading:Failed 3-25-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Hicks, Peterson, ScottNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hastert, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator(s) Craft, EsquibelAyes 3??? Nays 25??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0115 Vehicle registration timing.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Esquibel, K. and Senator(s) MeierAN ACT relating to motor vehicles; amending the time period for registration and payment of taxes on the purchase or transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle; and providing for an effective date.1/14/2015Bill Number Assigned1/16/2015H Received for Introduction1/16/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/23/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 6-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Zwonitzer, Dv.Nays:? Representative(s) Loucks, Reeder, WaltersAyes 6??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015H Placed on General FileHB0115HS001/ADOPTEDPage 5-line 18Delete "July 1, 2015" insert "January 1, 2016". ZWONITZER, Dv., CHAIRMAN1/26/2015H COW Passed1/27/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/28/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 47-13-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Edmonds, Greear, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Laursen Dan, Loucks, Northrup, Patton, Reeder, Stubson, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DnAyes 47??? Nays 13??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation2/12/2015Transportation:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Emerich, Esquibel, F., Johnson, MeierAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Placed on General File2/12/2015S COW Passed2/17/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/18/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 25-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Bebout, Dockstader, Perkins, Scott, Von FlaternAyes 25??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00232/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00232/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00232/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00232/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 31 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0116 Strategic investments and projects.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv., Madden and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) Von FlaternAN ACT relating to the administration of government; codifying the legislative stabilization reserve account; providing a limit on the amount of funds which may be deposited in the legislative stabilization reserve account; codifying the strategic investments and projects account; providing purposes for the accounts; providing for authorized expenditures from the accounts; creating the select committee on strategic investments and projects; providing for membership; providing duties; providing for a transfer of funds; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.1/15/2015Bill Number Assigned1/16/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 0-9-0-0-0ROLL CALLNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 0??? Nays 9??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0117 Spending policy reserve accounts.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Throne, Byrd, Kirkbride and Madden and Senator(s) Esquibel, F., Rothfuss and Von FlaternAN ACT relating to administration of government; providing for the automatic transfer of funds from certain earnings on state investments as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/15/2015Bill Number Assigned1/16/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 3-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Dayton, Madden, WilsonNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Northrup, ReederAyes 3??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0118 Education-community college commission budget request.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Berger, Barlow, Blake, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Harvey, Hunt, Jennings, Kasperik, Krone, Laursen, Lindholm, McKim, Northrup, Patton, Petroff, Sommers, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv. and Senator(s) Barnard, Burns, Coe, Driskill, Kinskey, Landen, Peterson, Von Flatern and WasserburgerAN ACT relating to the Wyoming community college commission; requiring the development of a funding model for state appropriations; requiring further process refinement and imposing reporting requirements; and providing for an effective date.1/15/2015Bill Number Assigned1/16/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education1/30/2015Education:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Hunt, Jaggi, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Sommers, ThroneAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General File1/30/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/3/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General FileHB0118HW001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 1-line 2After "commission" delete balance of line and insert "requiring the development of a funding allocation model for state appropriations;". Page 1-line 3Delete through "appropriations;".Page 1-lines 9 and 10Delete entirely. Page 2-lines 1 through 23Delete entirely. Page 3-lines 1 through 23Delete entirely.Page 4-lines 1 through 13Delete entirely.Page 4-line 15Delete "3" insert "1"; before "Not" insert "(a)"; delete "October" insert "September".Page 4-line 17Delete through "and". Page 4-After line 21Insert:"(b) The joint appropriations interim committee shall develop legislation for introduction in the 2016 budget session, with the assistance of the community college commission and other interested parties, which establishes:(i) A funding allocation model based on sustainable revenue sources for supplemental assistance for funding community colleges; and(ii) The format and content of the community college commission's standard budget, as defined in W.S. 9-2-1002.".Page 5-line 1Delete "4" insert "2". NICHOLAS, B.2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0118H3001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 1-line 2In the Nicholas, B. committee of the whole amendment (HB0118HW001/A) to this line: delete "allocation". Page 4-After line 21Delete the Nicholas, B. committee of the whole amendment (HB0118HW001/A) to these lines and insert:"(b) The joint appropriations committee shall develop legislation for introduction in the 2016 budget session, with the assistance of the community college commission and other interested parties, which establishes:(i) A funding model based on sustainable revenue sources for supplemental funding of community colleges; and(ii) The format and content of the community college commission's standard budget, as defined in W.S. 9-2-1002.". BERGER2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 48-11-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Berger, Blake, Byrd, Campbell, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Barlow, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Cannady, Edmonds, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, HalversonExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 48??? Nays 11??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction3/3/2015S Did Not Consider for IntroductionH.B. No. 0119 Death with dignity.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn. and ConnollyAN ACT relating to public health; providing that a capable patient with a terminal disease may request prescription of self-administered medication for the purpose of hastening death; providing that patients have a right to information as specified; specifying duties and responsibilities of physicians as specified; specifying waiting periods and residency requirements; specifying the effect of the act on insurance policies; providing immunities for participation in the act; specifying limitations; providing definitions; granting rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.1/16/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0120 Tribal license plates.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Larsen and Miller and Senator(s) CaseAN ACT relating to motor vehicle license plates; authorizing special license plates to be issued to enrolled members of the Eastern Shoshone Indian tribe or the Northern Arapaho Indian tribe; specifying requirements; providing for termination of the issuance of the special plates and report of the termination as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/16/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/23/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Nays:? Representative LoucksAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015H Placed on General File1/23/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/27/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B.Nays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, StubsonAyes 5??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General FileHB0120HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 11Delete "which" insert "need not include arabic numerals for the county. The design of the plate".Page 3-line 1Delete "which" insert "need not include arabic numerals for the county. The design of the plate".Page 4-line 5Delete "one hundred (100)" insert "one thousand (1000)". ZWONITZER, DV, CHAIRMANHB0120HW001/ADOPTEDPage 4-line 5Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0120HS001/A) to this line; delete "one hundred (100)" insert "five hundred (500)". BLAKE, ALLEN1/28/2015H COW Passed1/29/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/30/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 53-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Walters, Wilson, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Greear, Madden, Reeder, Stubson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 53??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation2/12/2015Transportation:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Emerich, Esquibel, F., Johnson, MeierAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Placed on General File2/24/2015S COW Failed 11-18-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Case, Craft, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Johnson, Meier, Perkins, ScottNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Emerich, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 11??? Nays 18??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0121 Article V convention limitations.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Laursen, Lindholm, Miller and Winters and Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Hicks, Peterson and WasserburgerAN ACT relating to administration of government; specifying limitations on delegates to an Article V convention; providing definitions; clarifying state convention refers to a state ratifying convention; and providing for an effective date.1/16/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/30/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pownall, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., PelkeyAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General FileHB0121HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-before line 1In the catch title delete "Constitutional" insert "Article V".Page 2-line 8After "convention" insert ";" and delete balance of the line.Page 2-line 9Delete entirely.Page 3-line 2After "outside the" insert "permitted"; delete "of" insert "contained in".Page 3-line 13Delete "delegate casting a"; after "vote" insert "made".Page 3-line 14After "be" insert "null and void. Any delegate making this vote shall be".Page 4-lines 10 and 11Delete entirely.Page 4-line 12Delete "($1,000.00), or both." insert "felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than five (5) years, a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), or both.".Page 6-lines 1 through 3Delete entirely. MILLER, CHAIRMAN2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0121H3001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After "definitions;" insert "clarifying state convention refers to a state ratifying convention.".Page 6-line 5After "W.S." insert "22-20-201 through 22-20-205, 2220-208 and"; delete "is" insert "are". Page 6-After line 5Insert:"22-20-201. Proclamation of governor calling state ratifying convention.(a)??If the congress of the United States of America enacts any law requiring any question of repealing, amending or altering the constitution of the United States of America, or any part thereof, to be submitted to a ratifying convention of delegates chosen by the qualified electors of the state and does not prescribe the manner and method of calling, holding and conducting the ratifying convention and of canvassing the returns of the votes of the delegates thereto and determining, declaring and publishing the result of the vote of the delegates to the ratifying convention on any question voted upon, for which the ratifying convention is called, it is the duty of the governor to make a public proclamation: (i)??Calling the ratifying state convention; (ii)??Calling for the election of delegates to the state ratifying convention; (iii)??Specifying the place where and the time when the ratifying convention shall be held; (iv)??Specifying the number of delegates (who shall be qualified electors) of which the ratifying convention shall consist; and (v)??Specifying the method and manner by and in which delegates to the ratifying convention shall be elected.22-20-202.??Election of delegates to county and state conventions. In each of the election precincts in each of the counties of this state there shall be held a meeting of the qualified electors of the precinct at the time fixed by the proclamation. A qualified elector in the precinct shall preside at each precinct meeting, and an election shall be held in which not less than one (1) delegate from each precinct and (1) one additional delegate for each six hundred (600) or major portion thereof of the inhabitants of the precinct shall be elected as delegates to a convention to be held at the county seat of the county. Upon the day fixed by the governor for holding the county convention the delegates thereto shall assemble and elect one (1) delegate for each county, and one (1) delegate for each five thousand (5000) or major fraction thereof of the inhabitants of the county as delegates to the state ratifying convention specified in W.S. 22-20-201.22-20-203. Convening of county convention; presiding officer; certification of results. It is the duty of the chairman of the board of county commissioners or some other member of the board in each county to convene the county convention and preside over it until the delegates chosen thereto select a chairman of the convention. It is the duty of the chairman and secretary of the convention to certify, under oath, to the secretary of state and to the state ratifying convention, the names of the delegates to the state ratifying convention chosen by the county convention.22-20-204. Rules of practice for county conventions; convention ballots.(a)??The rules of practice, procedure and conduct of the business of the several county conventions specified in W.S. 22-20-202 are those prescribed by "Robert's Rules of Parliamentary Procedure and Order". (b)??The vote on the selection of delegates to the county and state ratifying conventions shall be by written or printed ballot.22-20-205. Determining apportionment of representation at convention. In the apportionment of representation in the county and state ratifying conventions, the last federal census is the basis upon which the right to representation in the conventions shall be determined.22-20-208. Convening of state ratifying convention; costs and expenses; certification of results.(a)??If the governor issues a proclamation calling a state ratifying convention, it is the duty of the secretary of state to convene the ratifying convention and make all necessary arrangements. (b)??The costs incidental to the holding of the state ratifying convention shall be borne and paid by the state, as appropriated by the legislature. (c)??It is the duty of the officers of the state ratifying convention to certify, under oath, to the secretary of state, the result of the vote cast at the ratifying convention on each question submitted thereto. When the result of the vote of the delegates to the state ratifying convention is certified to the secretary of state, it is then the duty of the secretary of state to certify the result to the president and secretary of state of the United States, and to the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives of the congress of the United States.".Page 6-line 8After "holding" insert "a ratifying"; delete "; procedure for an article V convention".Page 6-line 12Strike "conventions" insert "ratifying convention". Page 6-line 13 Before "convention" insert "ratifying". Page 6-line 17Before "convention" insert "ratifying". WINTERS, LINDHOLM, LARSEN2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 44-15-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Wilson, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Blake, Byrd, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Nicholas, Patton, Pownall, Schwartz, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 44??? Nays 15??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S12 - Rules2/25/2015Rules:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Bebout, Nicholas, P., PerkinsNays:? Senator(s) Craft, RothfussAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015S Placed on General FileHB0121SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 3-after line 13Insert and renumber:"(b)??Any voting delegate shall be directed to vote for procedures and rules mandating that the convention remain a convention of states where each state is represented by one (1) vote.".Page 3-line 15Delete "(b)" insert "(c)".Page 3-line 21Delete "(c)" insert "(d)".Page 4-line 10Delete "(d)" insert "(e)".Page 4-line 11Delete "(c)" insert "(d)".Page 4-line 15Delete "(c)" insert "(d)".Page 4-after line 17Insert and renumber:"(f)??The number and identity of delegates representing the state of Wyoming shall be selected by the management council of the Wyoming legislature in consultation with the governor.".Page 4-line 19Delete "(e)" insert "(g)".Page 5-line 4Delete "(f)" insert "(h)".Page 5-line 9Delete "(d)" insert "(e)".Page 5-line 15Delete "(g)" insert "(j)".Page 5-line 21Delete "(h)" insert "(k)". NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN2/25/2015S COW Passed2/26/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/27/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 17-13-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Bebout, Case, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Geis, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Scott, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Christensen, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Hastert, Meier, Rothfuss, Von FlaternAyes 17??? Nays 13??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015H Received for Concurrence2/27/2015H Concur:Failed 19-39-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Kasperik, Lockhart, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pownall, WaltersNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Harvey, Jaggi, Jennings, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, WintersAyes 19??? Nays 39??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Miller, Laursen, Lindholm3/3/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Wasserburger, Bebout, Peterson3/5/2015H Did Not Adopt HB0121JC001: 1-58-1-0-0HB0121JC001/HFAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Delete the following Senate amendments:HB0121SS001/AFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 3-after line 13Insert and renumber:"(b)??Any voting delegate shall be directed to vote for procedures and rules mandating that the convention remain a convention of states where each state is represented by one (1) vote.".Page 3-line 15Delete "(b)" insert "(c)".Page 3-line 21Delete "(c)" insert "(d)".Page 4-line 10Delete "(d)" insert "(e)".Page 4-line 11Delete "(c)" insert "(d)".Page 4-line 15Delete "(c)" insert "(d)".Page 4-after line 17Insert and renumber:"(f)??The number and identity of delegates representing the state of Wyoming shall be selected by the management council of the Wyoming legislature in consultation with the governor and confirmation by the senate if it is in session.".Page 4-line 19Delete "(e)" insert "(g)".Page 5-line 4Delete "(f)" insert "(h)".Page 5-line 9Delete "(d)" insert "(e)".Page 5-line 15Delete "(g)" insert "(j)".Page 5-line 21Delete "(h)" insert "(k)". MILLER, LAURSEN, WASSERBURGER, BEBOUT, PETERSON ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative Brown SpeakerNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 1??? Nays 58??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/5/2015H Appointed JCC02 MembersRepresentative(s) Brown, Laursen, Winters3/5/2015H Postponed indefinitelyH.B. No. 0122 Workers compensation permanent disability.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Nicholas, B. and Senator(s) Perkins and RossAN ACT relating to workers' compensation; clarifying that a permanent total disability award be reduced for prior partial awards as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/16/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor1/29/2015Labor:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Dayton, Edmonds, Harvey, Kasperik, Larsen, Schwartz, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General File1/29/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/30/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General File2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor2/11/2015Labor:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Driskill, Landen, Peterson, ScottExcused:? Senator CraftAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015S Placed on General File2/11/2015S COW Passed2/12/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/17/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 28-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator MeierExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 28??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00192/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00192/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00192/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00192/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 19 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0123 Juvenile records-expungement.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Throne, Esquibel, K. and Halverson and Senator(s) Burns and CraftAN ACT relating to juveniles; providing for expungement of juvenile records as specified; providing prosecutorial discretion to petition to postpone expungement; providing conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.1/16/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/27/2015Judiciary: Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General FileHB0123HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 3After "6-1-104(a)(xii)" insert "or a violation of a state or municipal traffic law or ordinance".Page 2-line 21Delete "delay" insert "deny".Page 2-line 22After "expungement" delete balance of line and insert ".". Page 2-line 23Delete entirely.Page 3-lines 1 and 2Delete entirely.Page 3-line 3Delete "section for good cause." insert "No less than three (3) years from the issuance of an order denying expungement, the person may petition the court for expungement of juvenile court records under this section.". Page 3-After line 21Insert:"(d) Upon reaching the age of majority, a person may petition the court having appropriate jurisdiction for expungement of a conviction for a juvenile violation of a state or municipal traffic law or ordinance.(e) As used in this section, "expungement" means the destruction or obliteration of arrest records and adjudications of delinquency specified in the court order issued under this section.". MILLER, CHAIRMAN1/28/2015H COW PassedHB0123H2001/ADOPTEDPage 3-After line 21In the standing committee amendment (HB0123HS001/A) to this line, delete subsection (e) created by the standing committee amendment. NICHOLAS, B.HB0123H2002/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Delete the Nicholas second reading amendment (HB0123H2001/A) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 3-After line 21In the standing committee amendment (HB0123HS001/a) to these lines, delete subsection (e) created by the standing committee amendment and further amend as follows: "(e) The court having appropriate jurisdiction over a person's records shall notify the person at the time of a decision or adjudication of the person's case and shall inform the person:(i) Whether the person's records are set to be expunged under subsections (a), (b) or (c) of this section;(ii) Whether the person has the right to petition for expungement of the person's records under subsection (d) of this section;(iii) That the district attorney may petition the court to postpone the expungement of records under this section and that the person shall be provided notice and opportunity to contest the district attorney's petition.(f) As used in this section, "expungement" means the proceedings in a person's case are deemed never to have occurred and the person may reply accordingly upon any inquiry in the matter.". HALVERSON, THRONE1/29/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/30/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with Senate Rule 5-4: 2-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Esquibel, F., Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Christensen, Hicks, KinskeyAyes 2??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0124 Determination of highway rights-of-way on federal lands.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Kroeker, Blake, Halverson, Jaggi, Lindholm, Loucks, Miller, Reeder and Winters and Senator(s) Bebout, Cooper and ScottAN ACT relating to highways; establishing the right of counties to determine highway rights-of-way on specified federal lands; providing definitions; requiring notice; providing for judicial review; and providing for an effective date.1/16/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/23/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015H Placed on General FileHB0124HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 9Delete "2416107" insert "2416106".Page 2-lines 1 through 12Delete entirely.Page 2-line 14Delete "2416102" insert "2416101".Page 3-line 14Delete "2416107" insert "2416106".Page 3-line 16Delete "2416103" insert "2416102".Page 3-line 20After "act." Insert "Any valid highway right-of-way adopted as an R.S. 2477 right-of-way pursuant to this act shall not exceed thirty (30) feet in width."Page 4-line 11Delete "2416102(a)(iii)" insert "2416101(a)(iii)".Page 4-line 13Delete "2416104" insert "2416103".Page 6-line 8Delete "2416105" insert "2416104".Page 7-line 2Delete "2416104" insert "2416103".Page 7-line 16Delete "2416106" insert "2416105".Page 7-line 19Delete "2416105" insert "2416104".Page 8-line 11Delete "2416107" insert "2416106".Page 9-line 21Delete "2416107" insert "2416106".ZWONITZER, DV., CHAIRMAN1/26/2015H COW Passed1/27/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/28/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015S Received for Introduction3/3/2015S Did Not Consider for IntroductionH.B. No. 0125 Law enforcement citation quotas-prohibition.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Pelkey, Baker, Byrd, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker and Krone and Senator(s) RothfussAN ACT relating to regulation of traffic on highways; prohibiting the use of citation quotas by law enforcement for traffic violations; and providing for an effective date.1/16/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Amend and DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4:4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Loucks, Reeder, WaltersNays:? Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0126 Candidate filing requirements.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Throne, Berger, Blackburn, Byrd, Clem, Jennings and Kirkbride and Senator(s) Case, Pappas and WasserburgerAN ACT relating to elections; providing that a candidate's campaign committee may file reports for the candidate as specified; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.1/16/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/29/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, PaxtonExcused:? Representative Zwonitzer, Dn.Ayes 8??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General File1/29/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/30/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General FileHB0126HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After "specified;" insert "providing an appropriation;".Page 2-line 14Delete entirely and insert:"Section 2. There is appropriated from the general fund to the secretary of state's office fifty-six thousand dollars ($56,000.00) for the purposes of this act. The secretary of state's office shall not include this appropriation in its 2017-2018 standard budget request.Section 3. This act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". KIRKBRIDE, VICE CHAIRMAN2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/9/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/19/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 4-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottNays:? Senator CaseAyes 4??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/19/2015S Placed on General File2/19/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/23/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015S Placed on General File2/23/2015S COW Passed2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 26-3-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Case, Dockstader, PerkinsExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 26??? Nays 3??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00572/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00572/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00573/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00573/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 86 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0127 Termination of employment-wages.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Larsen and Senator(s) BurnsAN ACT relating to payment of wages; providing that wages due an employee who quits shall be paid as scheduled for regular payroll; and providing for an effective date.1/16/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/27/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General File1/28/2015H COW Passed1/29/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/30/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/24/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Placed on General FileHB0127SS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 12Reinsert stricken "quits"; reinsert stricken "service or".Page 1-line 13Delete "from service".Page 1-line 16After "bank," strike balance of line.Page 2-lines 1 and 2Strike all existing language and delete all new language.Page 2-line 3Delete "to" insert "no later than". CASE, CHAIRMANHB0127SW001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 14Delete and insert:"Section 2. This act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". BURNS2/25/2015S COW Passed2/26/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/27/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015H Received for Concurrence2/27/2015H Concur:Passed 57-1-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative KroekerExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, WintersAyes 57??? Nays 1??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00863/2/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00863/3/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00863/5/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00863/5/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 129 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0128 Notice requirements special district elections.Sponsored By:Representative(s) GreearAN ACT relating to special district elections; amending specified time requirements for issuance of notice to business days; creating a definition; and providing for an effective date.1/16/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals1/28/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Edmonds, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015H Placed on General FileHB0128HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-Above line 1After "requirements" insert "special district elections". Page 1-line 1Delete "time requirements" insert "special district elections".Page 1-line 7After "W.S." delete balance of the line.Page 1-line 8Delete "paragraph (xvii)" insert "22-29-102(a) by creating a new paragraph (iii) and by renumbering (iii) as (iv)". Page 1-line 14Delete entirely and insert:"22-29-102. Definitions.(a) As used in this act: (iii) "Business day" means any day other than Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday in this state as designated in W.S. 8-4-101;(iii)(iv) "This act" means W.S. 22-29-101 through 22-29-601.". Page 2-lines 1 through 7Delete entirely. LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN2/2/2015H COW Passed2/3/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/4/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative HarshmanAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/19/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/19/2015S Placed on General File2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 28-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Craft, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Cooper, DockstaderAyes 28??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00442/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00442/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00443/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00443/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 77 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0129 Property tax exemption-charities.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Burkhart and Larsen and Senator(s) LandenAN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; limiting property tax exemption for charitable organizations as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/16/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0130 Firemen's pension account-benefit adjustment.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Burkhart and Senator(s) BeboutAN ACT relating to public pensions; amending benefit computations from the paid firemen's pension account as specified; creating accounts for contributions of members with more than twenty-five years of service credit; providing for distributions from the account; providing applicability; and providing for an effective date.1/16/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals1/28/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Cannady, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersNays:? Representative(s) Byrd, EdmondsAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015H Placed on General File1/28/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/29/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, StubsonNays:? Representative(s) Connolly, Nicholas, B.Ayes 5??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General FileHB0130HW001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After "specified;" delete the balance of the line and insert "creating accounts for contributions of members with more than twenty-five years of service credit; providing for distributions from the account;"Page 1-lines 4 through 6Delete entirely.Page 1-line 7Delete "providing a definition;".Page 1-line 12After "W.S." delete the balance of the line. Page 1-line 13Delete "paragraph (xvi) and"; delete "(a)(i) and". Page 2-lines 1 through 7Delete entirely.Page 2-lines 11 through 23Delete entirely and insert:"(d) Contributions made by a member pursuant to W.S. 15-5-420 after the member's first twenty-five (25) years of credited service shall be credited to an account established for the member. Funds in a member's account under this section shall be invested as other funds of the retirement system. Interest on funds in a member's account shall be credited to the member's account. Contributions made by an employer under W.S. 15-5-421 for a member after the member's first twenty-five (25) years of service, shall be credited to the member's account established under this subsection. Upon retirement or termination, a member may withdraw funds within his account under this subsection in a lump sum or may receive monthly payments for a period not to exceed five (5) years in an amount determined by the Wyoming retirement board. Upon the member's death, the member's primary survivor shall receive the funds in the member's account under this subsection in the month following the month in which the member dies.".Page 3-lines 1 and 2Delete entirely. Page 3-line 10After "3." delete the balance of the line and insert "This act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". BURKHART, MONIZ2/2/2015H COW Passed2/3/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/4/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 48-11-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Freeman, Greear, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Blake, Byrd, Esquibel, Gay, Halverson, Kroeker, Madden, Patton, Pelkey, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative HarshmanAyes 48??? Nays 11??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015S Received for Introduction3/3/2015S Did Not Consider for IntroductionH.B. No. 0131 Change in party affiliation.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Blackburn, Edmonds and Wilson and Senator(s) Driskill and MeierAN ACT relating to elections; amending a provision related to changes in party affiliation as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/19/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/27/2015H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 2-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, MonizNays:? Representative(s) Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 2??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0132 Juvenile confidentiality in court proceedings.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Throne and Halverson and Senator(s) Burns and CraftAN ACT relating to children; providing for confidentiality of municipal and circuit court records for cases involving a juvenile; providing an exception; providing applicability; and providing for an effective date.1/19/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/27/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersNays:? Representative KroekerAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General FileHB0132HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After "exception;" insert "providing applicability;". Page 2-line 2After "state" insert "traffic law"; delete "law or".Page 2-After line 2Insert:"Section 2. This act shall apply to court proceedings, legal records or citations initiated, filed or issued on or after the effective date of this act.".Page 2-line 4Delete "Section 2." insert "Section 3.". MILLER, CHAIRMAN1/28/2015H COW Passed1/29/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/30/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 54-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Madden, ReederAyes 54??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/18/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 4-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternNays:? Senator ChristensenAyes 4??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General File3/2/2015S Did Not Consider in CoWH.B. No. 0133 United Nations Agenda 21-prohibition on implementation.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Miller, Blackburn, Clem, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Piiparinen and WintersAN ACT relating to property; prohibiting the state and its political subdivisions from adopting policies originating in the United Nations Agenda 21 that restrict private property rights without due process; prohibiting the state and its political subdivisions from entering into certain agreements and expending and receiving monies to implement policies related to the United Nations Agenda 21; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.1/19/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/27/2015H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0134 Seized property.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Miller, Blackburn, Blake, Clem, Halverson, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Piiparinen, Schwartz and Winters and Senator(s) CoeAN ACT relating to seized property; specifying that proceeds from the sale of forfeited property shall be deposited in the crime victims compensation account; repealing conflicting provisions; and providing for an effective date.1/19/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/26/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Miller, Pelkey, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Krone, PownallAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General File1/27/2015H COW Passed 30-29-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Blake, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kroeker, Lindholm, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Paxton, Pelkey, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Freeman, Harshman, Harvey, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Petroff, Pownall, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative BlackburnAyes 30??? Nays 29??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0134H3001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 2Delete "shall" insert "may". Page 1-line 4Delete "repealing conflicting provisions;".Page 2-line 19Delete all new language; reinsert all stricken language.Page 3-lines 7 through 8Delete entirely.Page 3-line 10Delete "3." Insert "2.". KRONE, POWNALL1/29/2015H 3rd Reading:Failed 10-50-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Berger, Byrd, Connolly, Nicholas, Schwartz, Stubson, Throne, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Barlow, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 10??? Nays 50??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0135 Lifetime archery licenses.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Blackburn, Allen, Baldwin, Edmonds, Gay, Jennings, Lindholm and Piiparinen and Senator(s) HicksAN ACT relating to game and fish; providing for resident lifetime archery licenses; providing for fees; and providing for an effective date.1/19/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/30/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General FileHB0135HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 7After "W.S." insert "23-1-501(c) and".Page 1-line 8Delete "is" insert "are".Page 1-After line 8Insert:"23-1-501. Game and fish fund.(c) An account within the Wyoming game and fish fund is created. Revenues collected from the sale of licenses under W.S. 23-2-101(j)(vii), and (viii) and (xlvi) and 23-2-201(d)(viii) shall be deposited within the account. The commission may annually transfer into the fund from the account an amount not to exceed six percent (6%) of the total account balance." PETROFF, CHAIRMAN2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel2/12/2015Travel:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Cooper, Craft, JohnsonAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Placed on General File2/12/2015S COW Passed2/17/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/18/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 23-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Burns, Case, Geis, Perkins, Peterson, WasserburgerAyes 23??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00242/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00242/20/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00242/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00242/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 27 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0136 Interstate game tag exemption-meat processors.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Madden and Senator(s) HicksAN ACT relating to game and fish; repealing interstate game tag requirements for meat processing plants as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/19/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/30/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General FileHB0136HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 2After "plants" insert "as specified"; delete "requiring meat".Page 1-line 3Delete entirely.Page 1-line 4Delete the line through "specified;".Page 2-line 12Delete "and persons".Page 2-line 16After "section." delete balance of line and insert "Meat processing plants shipping any game animal, game bird or any part thereof to the licensee who harvested the animal are exempt from the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) of this section when the shipment is accompanied by the proper coupon.".Page 2-lines 17 through 22Delete entirely. PETROFF, CHAIRMAN HB0136HW001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 12After "(f)" delete balance of the line including the standing committee amendment (HB0136HS001/A) to this line and insert "Shipment or receipt from a meat processing plant to another meat processing plant of any edible portions of big game animals or game birds are exempt from the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) of this section.".Page 2-lines 13 through 15Delete entirely. Page 2-line 16Delete through "section.". MADDEN2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel2/12/2015Travel:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Cooper, Craft, JohnsonAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D.(SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00312/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00312/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00312/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00312/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 53 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0137 Child custody.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Northrup, Greear and Krone and Senator(s) DriskillAN ACT relating to child custody and visitation; providing for an order of joint legal custody as specified; amending the definition of income for determination of child support as specified; amending the calculation for presumptive child support as specified; amending imputed income of voluntary unemployed or underemployed parent as specified; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.1/19/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/29/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pownall, WintersNays:? Representative PelkeyAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General FileHB0137HS001/WITHDRAWNHB0137HW001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 5After "specified;" delete balance of line.Page 1-line 6Delete "support proceeds;".Page 2-line 12After "sole" insert "or primary".Page 2-line 21Delete "the physical residence".Page 2-lines 22 and 23Delete entirely. Page 3-line 1Delete through "and".Page 4-line 21After "(c)" insert "The total number of days that each parent shall have the children in their care shall be calculated." and reinsert stricken language.Page 4-lines 22 and 23 Reinsert stricken language.Page 5-lines 1 through 5Reinsert stricken language and delete new language. NORTHRUP 2/2/2015H COW Passed2/3/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0137H3001/WITHDRAWNHB0137H3002/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 2After "joint" insert "legal".Page 2-line 9After "joint" insert "legal".Page 2-line 21After "Joint" insert "legal". NORTHRUP2/4/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 32-27-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Blake, Campbell, Clem, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Wilson, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Esquibel, Freeman, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lockhart, Moniz, Nicholas, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Schwartz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative HarshmanAyes 32??? Nays 27??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Motion to reconsider failed: 28-31-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Harshman, Harvey, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Moniz, Nicholas, Petroff, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Blackburn, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Greear, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Steinmetz, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 28??? Nays 31??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4H.B. No. 0138 Worker's compensation for special education teachers.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Northrup, Freeman, Harvey, Krone and Larsen and Senator(s) Coe and DriskillAN ACT relating to worker's compensation; including special education teachers as specified in the extrahazardous occupations category; and providing for an effective date.1/19/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor1/29/2015Labor:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Dayton, Edmonds, Harvey, Kasperik, Larsen, Schwartz, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General File1/30/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/3/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General FileHB0138HW001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 2After "teachers" insert "as specified".Page 2-line 2Delete all new language; reinsert all stricken language.Page 2-lines 3 and 4Delete entirely.Page 2-line 5 and 6Delete all new language.Page 2-line 7Reinsert all stricken language; delete all new language.Page 2-lines 8 through 10Delete entirely and insert "and certified special education teachers as defined by 34 C.F.R. 300.18 and 300.156 and W.S. 21-2-802 and 21-7-303 who provide services to eligible students with behavioral, emotional, cognitive, learning, physical or health disabilities that require all educational services to be provided outside of the regular classroom because the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily in the regular classroom". NORTHRUP2/4/2015H COW PassedHB0138H2001/ADOPTEDPage 2-lines 8 through 10Delete entirely including the Northrup committee of the whole amendment (HB0138HW001/A) to these lines and insert "and certified special education teachers and related services providers as defined by 34 C.F.R. 300.18 and 300.156 and W.S. 212-802 and 21-7-303 who provide services to eligible students with behavioral, emotional, cognitive, learning, physical or health disabilities that require educational services to be provided outside of the regular classroom because the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily in the regular classroom". PAXTON2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor2/20/2015Labor:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Craft, Driskill, Landen, Peterson, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General File2/23/2015S COW PassedHB0138S2001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 2After "teachers" insert "and other staff".Page 2-line 2After "school" insert "special education teachers, other special education professional staff and".Page 2-lines 3 through 11Delete new language. SCOTT, CRAFTHB0138S2002/WITHDRAWN2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:Laid Back2/25/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHB0138S3001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Delete the Scott et al. Second Reading Amendment (HB0138S2001/ACE) entirely. PERKINSROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Bebout, Case, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Emerich, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Christensen, Craft, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Johnson, Rothfuss, Scott, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 17??? Nays 12??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 22-7-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Rothfuss, Scott, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Bebout, Case, Dockstader, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Ross, Von FlaternExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 22??? Nays 7??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00692/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00692/27/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00693/4/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00693/4/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 117 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0139 Unemployment compensation protests-time limit.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Petroff, Burkhart, Clem, Larsen and Northrup and Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28) and EmerichAN ACT relating to unemployment compensation; increasing the time limit for review and redetermination of benefit claims and charges as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/19/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor1/29/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Dayton, Edmonds, Harvey, Kasperik, Larsen, Schwartz, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General FileHB0139HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After "claims" insert "and charges". Page 1-line 8After "27-3-506" insert "(c) and".Page 2-After line 22Insert:"(c) An employer may apply in writing to the department within fifteen (15) days twenty-eight days after the mailing or delivery of notice of benefits charged to his account for relief of benefit charges under W.S. 273-504(e)(i), (ii), (iv) or (viii). The application shall state the reasons for relief. Determinations of benefits not charged to an employer's account and which are paid from the trust fund shall be recorded and shall specify the reasons therefor. The records are open to inspection by an employer or his legal representative.". HARVEY, CHAIRMAN1/30/2015H COW Passed2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor2/20/2015Labor:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Craft, Driskill, Landen, Peterson, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General File2/23/2015S COW Passed2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 27-2-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Dockstader, PerkinsExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 27??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00582/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00582/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00583/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00583/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 87 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0140 Malt beverage tax.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Madden and Senator(s) PetersonAN ACT relating to taxation; providing an additional tax on malt beverages as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/19/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 1-8-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative MaddenNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 1??? Nays 8??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0141 Malt beverage tax-repeal.Sponsored By:Representative(s) MaddenAN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; repealing the excise tax on malt beverages; conforming related provisions; and providing for an effective date.1/19/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/26/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonNays:? Representative(s) Edwards, JenningsAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General File1/27/2015H COW Passed1/28/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/29/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 49-11-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Clem, Connolly, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Cannady, Dayton, Edwards, Freeman, Harvey, Kirkbride, McKim, Nicholas, Pelkey, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 49??? Nays 11??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015S Received for Introduction2/18/2015S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4H.B. No. 0142 Child abuse penalty.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Campbell and LindholmAN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; increasing penalty for child abuse as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/29/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General File2/9/2015H Did Not Consider in CoWH.B. No. 0143 Motor vehicle registration fees.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Madden and Jennings and Senator(s) EmerichAN ACT relating to motor vehicles; amending provisions relating to vehicle registration fees as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/28/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Nays:? Representative(s) Allen, LoucksAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015H Placed on General File1/28/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/30/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General FileHB0143HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 10Delete "Dry" insert "Unladen".Page 3-line 1Delete "July 1, 2015" insert "January 1, 2016". ZWONITZER, DV, CHAIRMAN2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0143H3001/WITHDRAWN2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 40-19-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harvey, Jaggi, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Miller, Nicholas, Patton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Burkhart, Edwards, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Kasperik, Krone, McKim, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Piiparinen, Sommers, Steinmetz, WintersExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 40??? Nays 19??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction2/18/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4:H.B. No. 0144 Education-school safety and security.Sponsored By:Joint Education Interim CommitteeAN ACT relating to school safety and security; establishing a comprehensive school safety program; requiring establishment of a tip line; requiring training; prohibiting disclosure of information; granting rulemaking authority for program administration; requiring reporting; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/3/2015Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Sommers, ThroneNays:? Representative(s) Hunt, JaggiAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General File2/3/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/6/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 6-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, StubsonNays:? Representative Nicholas, B.Ayes 6??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015H Placed on General FileHB0144HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 4After ";" delete balance of line. Page 1-line 5 through 8Delete entirely.Page 8-lines 14 through 23Delete entirely.Page 9-lines 1 through 22Delete entirely.Page 10-lines 1 through 22 Delete entirely.Page 11-lines 1 through 23Delete entirely.Page 12-lines 1 through 23Delete entirely.Page 13-lines 1 through 23Delete entirely.Page 14-lines 1 through 23Delete entirely.Page 15-lines 1 through 23Delete entirely.Page 16-lines 1 through 10Delete entirely.Page 16-line 12Delete "4" insert "2".Page 18-lines 4 through 23Delete entirely.Page 19-lines 1 through 10Delete entirely. Page 19-line 12Delete "5" insert "3". PATTON, CHAIRMANHB0144HS002/ADOPTEDPage 17-line 2After "shall" insert "not".Page 17-line 14After "shall" insert "not".Page 17-line 17After "funds" insert "and positions"; delete "subsection (b)" insert "subsections (a) and (b)".Page 17-line 18After "funds" insert "and transferred positions".Page 17-line 21After "funds" insert "and positions".HARSHMAN, CHAIRMAN2/9/2015H COW PassedHB0144H2001/ADOPTEDPage 5-line 20Delete "and require"; after "training" insert "protocols". SOMMERSHB0144H2002/ADOPTEDPage 16-line 15Delete "five (5)" insert "three (3)".Page 16-line 18After "." insert "The positions authorized under this subsection shall be classified as one (1) executive management 1, or the equivalent thereof, one (1) executive officer 3, or the equivalent thereof, and one (1) control terminal CJIS specialist, or the equivalent thereof.". Page 16-line 20Delete "four hundred ten" insert "two hundred sixty-five thousand dollars ($265,000.00)".Page 16-line 21Delete through "($410,000.00)". Page 17-line 1Delete "five (5)" insert "three (3)". HARSHMAN, GREEAR, NICHOLAS, B. SOMMERS2/10/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0144H3001/WITHDRAWN2/11/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 31-29-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Barlow, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Harshman, Harvey, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Berger, Blackburn, Burkhart, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, Reeder, Steinmetz, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 31??? Nays 29??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Received for Introduction2/17/2015S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education2/23/2015Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe, Dockstader, Pappas, RothfussAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015S Placed on General File2/23/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/24/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 4-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Ross, WasserburgerNays:? Senator PerkinsAyes 4??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Placed on General FileHB0144SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 3Delete "requiring training;" insert "creating the unit of school safety and security; requiring appointment of a deputy and prescribing duties;".Page 1-line 4After "information" insert "and providing exceptions as specified". Page 1-line 6After ";" insert "providing for positions; transferring funding;".Page 8-line 10Delete "July 1, 2015" insert "on the effective date of this act".Page 8-line 11Delete "three (3)" insert "five (5)".Page 8-line 14After "." delete balance of line.Page 8-lines 15 through 18 Delete.Page 8-line 19Delete through ".".Page 8-line 21After "exceed" delete balance of line and insert "four hundred ten thousand dollars ($410,000.00)".Page 8-line 22Delete "dollars ($265,000.00)".Page 9-line 2Delete "three (3)" insert "five (5)". Page 9-line 8Delete "July 1, 2015" insert "on the effective date of this act". Page 9-line 18Delete "and positions".Page 9-line 20Delete through "positions" insert "the funds transferred under this subsection. For the period commencing on the effective date of this act, from amounts".Page 9-line 22Delete "as of" insert ", forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000.00)".Page 9-line 23Delete through "positions". COE, CHAIRMAN2/24/2015S COW Passed2/25/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHB0144S3001.01/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY)[DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 1-line 5After "administration;" insert "providing for sunset of the program;".Page 1-line 11Delete "9-1-644" insert "9-1-645".Page 8-after line 6Insert:"9-1-645.??Sunset provision.W.S. 9-1-641 through 9-1-645 are repealed effective June 30, 2019.". MEIERHB0144S3001.02/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY)[DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 8-line 22Before "from" insert "as follows, one half (1/2) of that amount shall be".Page 8-line 23After "general" insert "and one half (1/2) of that amount shall be from amounts previously appropriated to the division of criminal investigation, these amounts shall be". MEIERHB0144S3001.03/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY)[DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 9-line 2Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0144SS001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: delete "three (3)" insert "four (4)". MEIERROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Dockstader, Geis, Hicks, Kinskey, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Perkins, Peterson, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Barnard, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Emerich, Esquibel, Hastert, Johnson, Landen, Pappas, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 14??? Nays 15??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 16-13-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Barnard, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Emerich, Esquibel, Hastert, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Pappas, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Dockstader, Geis, Hicks, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Perkins, Peterson, Von FlaternExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 16??? Nays 13??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015H Received for Concurrence2/27/2015H Concur:Failed 9-48-3-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blake, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Paxton, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Steinmetz, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Lockhart, Patton, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 48??? Excused 3??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Harshman, Northrup, Stubson3/2/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Coe, Bebout, Burns3/5/2015H Did Not Adopt HB0144JC001: 28-29-3-0-0HB0144JC001/HFAILED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Adopt the following Senate amendments:HB0144S3001.01/ACEDelete the following Senate amendments:HB0144SS001/AEFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 1-line 3Delete "requiring training;" insert "creating the unit of school safety and security; requiring appointment of a deputy and prescribing duties;".Page 1-line 4After "information" insert "and providing exceptions as specified". Page 1-line 6After ";" insert "providing for positions; transferring funding and positions;".Page 8-line 10Delete "July 1, 2015" insert "on the effective date of this act".Page 8-line 12Delete "permanent".Page 9-line 2After "shall" insert "be time-limited positions for the period beginning the effective date of this act and ending June 30, 2016 and shall".Page 9-line 8Delete "July 1, 2015" insert "on the effective date of this act". Page 9-line 23Delete "June 30, 2015" insert "the effective date of this act". Page 10-After line 4Insert:"(d)Not later than October 15, 2015, the attorney general shall report to the joint education interim committee and the joint appropriations interim committee on the operation and effectiveness of the school safety and security program required under W.S. 9-1-641 through 9-1-645 as created by section 1 of this act. The report shall include any expenditure of funds appropriated by subsection (b) of this section and the financial resources necessary for the continued operation of the unit of school safety and security. The report shall identify the minimum number of full-time permanent positions necessary for the continued operation of the program.". HARSHMAN, NORTHRUP, STUBSON, COE, BURNSROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Harshman, Kirkbride, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, WilsonNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Blackburn, Burkhart, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Madden, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, Piiparinen, Reeder, Steinmetz, Walters, WintersExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 28??? Nays 29??? Excused 3??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/5/2015H Postponed indefinitelyH.B. No. 0145 Principal and income act amendments.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Brown and Walters and Senator(s) Nicholas, P., Perkins and RossAN ACT relating to fiduciaries; providing authority for a trustee to include capital gains in income as specified; authorizing certain distributions from income and principal; authorizing adjustments between income and principal; repealing provisions; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/29/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General File1/30/2015H COW Passed2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/20/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Kinskey, Von FlaternExcused:? Senator HicksAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General File2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00472/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00472/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00473/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00473/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 79 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0146 Uniform Trust Code.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Brown and Stubson and Senator(s) Nicholas, P., Perkins and RossAN ACT relating to the Uniform Trust Code; providing protection against liability for a trustee who consents to a modification or termination of a trust in good faith; providing that a distribution from a discretionary trust to a beneficiary does not create an interest in property; amending creditor's claims against settlor as specified; amending powers of the trustee as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/29/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General FileHB0146HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 7Delete "creates" insert "create". KROEKER, VICE CHAIRMAN2/2/2015H COW Passed2/3/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/4/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative HarshmanAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/20/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Kinskey, Von FlaternExcused:? Senator HicksAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General File2/23/2015S COW Passed2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00592/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00592/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00593/2/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00593/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 88 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0147 Wyoming council for education.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Sommers, Freeman, Harshman, Northrup, Paxton and Throne and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe and LandenAN ACT relating to coordination of public education statewide; establishing the Wyoming council for education as specified; prescribing membership; specifying membership reimbursement; granting powers and imposing duties; requiring reporting; providing personnel; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education1/29/2015Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 6-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Hunt, Northrup, Paxton, Sommers, ThroneNays:? Representative(s) Jaggi, Patton, PiiparinenAyes 6??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General File1/29/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/2/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Harshman, Moniz, StubsonNays:? Representative(s) Greear, Nicholas, B.Ayes 5??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015H Placed on General FileHB0147HS001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 19Delete "K-12"; after "teacher" insert "of grades kindergarten through five (5)".Page 4-line 1Delete "K-12"; after "school" insert "serving grades 6 (six) through twelve (12)".Page 4-line 8Delete "governor" insert "state superintendent of public instruction".Page 4-line 9Delete "." insert ", including one (1) parent from a school district smaller than the average Wyoming school district and one (1) parent from a school district larger than the average Wyoming school district;".Page 4-After line 9 Insert:"(xiv) One (1) member of the Wyoming business community, appointed by the state superintendent of public instruction;(xv) One (1) community college instructor, appointed by the superintendent of public instruction, who is employed by a Wyoming community college.".Page 5-line 3After "education" insert ", including defining roles and responsibilities of agencies and entities involved with Wyoming's public education system". Page 6-line 11After "." insert "Beginning September 1, 2017 and each year thereafter, the report required under this subsection may include recommendations to modify the duties and responsibilities assigned to the council, including but not limited to recommendations to modify the composition of the council or the chairmanship.". PATTON, CHAIRMANHB0147HS002/ADOPTEDPage 8-line 16Delete "permanent full-time" insert "at-will contract employee.".Page 8-line 17Delete entirely. Page 8-line 18Delete the line through "thereof.".Page 8-line 20Delete "one" insert "seventy thousand dollars ($70,000.00)".Page 8-line 21Delete the line through "($130,000.00)".Page 8-line 22Delete "general fund" insert "school foundation program account". Page 9-line 1After "shall" insert "not". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMANHB0147HW001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 19In the first standing committee amendment (HB0147HS001/A) to this line delete "serving grades kindergarten through five (5)".Page 3-line 20After "district" insert "to teach any grade kindergarten through grade five (5),". Page 4-line 1In the first standing committee amendment (HB0147HS001/A) to this line delete "serving grades six (6) through twelve (12)"; delete "or district". Page 4-line 4After "district" insert "to serve any combination of grades six (6) through twelve (12)"; delete "superintendent,". Page 4-line 5Delete "deputy superintendent,". SOMMERS2/3/2015H COW Failed 28-31-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Harshman, Harvey, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Schwartz, Sommers, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Blackburn, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Krone, Lindholm, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, Patton, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 28??? Nays 31??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0148 Waiver of state park fees-undeveloped areas.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Krone, Blake, Northrup and Petroff and Senator(s) CoeAN ACT relating to state parks; authorizing the director of the department of state parks and cultural resources to waive fees for undeveloped areas of state parks as specified; providing for rulemaking; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 1-8-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative BarlowNays:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzAyes 1??? Nays 8??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0149 Special nonresident hunting license draw.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Krone, Petroff and Schwartz and Senator(s) CoeAN ACT relating to game and fish; increasing the percentage of nonresident elk, deer and antelope licenses available through a special drawing; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel2/2/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzNays:? Representative BarlowAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015H Placed on General FileHB0149HS001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 3-line 4Delete "2016" insert "2015". PETROFF, CHAIRMAN2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 44-15-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Barlow, Blackburn, Burkhart, Edwards, Gay, Halverson, Harvey, Kroeker, Lindholm, Loucks, Pelkey, Piiparinen, Reeder, SteinmetzExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 44??? Nays 15??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel2/17/2015Travel:Recommend Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Cooper, CraftNays:? Senator(s) Barnard, JohnsonAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015S Placed on General File2/23/2015S COW Passed2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Failed 6-23-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Kinskey, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 6??? Nays 23??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0150 Arrests for violation of probation.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Krone, Northrup, Stubson and Walters and Senator(s) CoeAN ACT relating to peace officers; expanding the arrest authority of peace officers for probation or parole violations as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/22/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/26/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, PownallNays:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., WintersAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General File1/27/2015H COW Passed1/28/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/29/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 47-13-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Blake, Byrd, Clem, Connolly, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Hunt, Lindholm, Nicholas, Pelkey, ThroneAyes 47??? Nays 13??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/23/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015S Placed on General File2/23/2015S COW Passed2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 22-7-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Pappas, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Dockstader, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Perkins, Peterson, RossExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 22??? Nays 7??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00542/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00542/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00543/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00543/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 85 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0151 Governmental immunity-waiver for hospital employees.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Connolly, Nicholas, B., Sommers and Wilson and Senator(s) Craft and HastertAN ACT relating to governmental immunity; providing a waiver of governmental immunity for damages caused by a violation of whistleblower statutes for medical facilities; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/27/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General File1/28/2015H COW Passed1/29/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/30/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/25/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Esquibel, F., Hicks, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Christensen, KinskeyAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015S Placed on General File3/2/2015S Did Not Consider in CoWH.B. No. 0152 Industrial siting impact payments.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Madden and Burkhart and Senator(s) Case and Nicholas, P.AN ACT relating to impact assistance payments; revising duties of the department of environmental quality and industrial siting division as specified; revising how impact assistance payment amounts are calculated; providing rulemaking authority; repealing conflicting provisions; providing applicability; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals1/30/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Edmonds, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersNays:? Representative GayAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General File1/30/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/3/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General FileHB0152HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 20Strike "state treasurer" insert "department of revenue". Page 3-line 11 Strike "state treasurer" insert "department of revenue".Page 4-line 6Delete "state treasurer" insert "department of revenue".Page 5-line 22Strike "state treasurer" insert "department of revenue".Page 7-line 5Strike "state treasurer" insert "department of revenue".Page 7-line 19Strike "state treasurer" insert "department of revenue".Page 8-line 14Delete "state treasurer" insert "department of revenue".Page 10-line 7Strike "state treasurer" insert "department of revenue". LOCKHART, CHAIRMANHB0152HW001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 9Strike "and 35-12-113(a)(vi)". LARSEN2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals2/20/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Coe, Cooper, Rothfuss, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General File2/20/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/24/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Placed on General File2/24/2015S COW Passed2/25/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00712/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00712/27/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00713/4/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00713/4/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 107 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0153 Local sales and use tax revisions.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Madden and Senator(s) CoeAN ACT relating to sales and use tax; revising the process for propositions to impose the specific purpose tax; revising the increment rate for imposed excise taxes as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/28/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015H Placed on General File1/30/2015H COW Failed 27-33-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Esquibel, Harshman, Jennings, Kasperik, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Nicholas, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Pownall, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Blackburn, Burkhart, Cannady, Edmonds, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Walters, WintersAyes 27??? Nays 33??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0154 Complimentary hunting licenses-persons with disabilities.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Kirkbride, Laursen and Schwartz and Senator(s) Meier and Von FlaternAN ACT relating to game and fish; providing for recoupment of fees for reduced price licenses for individuals with disabilities as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/30/2015Travel:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General File2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 54-5-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Kroeker, Loucks, Madden, Pownall, StubsonExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 54??? Nays 5??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel2/17/2015Travel:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Cooper, Craft, JohnsonAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW PassedHB0154S2001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After "disabilities;" insert "providing requirements for issuance of the license;".Page 2-line 12After "complimentary" insert "doe or fawn".Page 2-line 16After "opportunities." insert "Licenses under this subsection shall only be issued in hunt areas that are under prescribed and after the regular drawing has occurred.". HICKS2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015H Received for Concurrence2/23/2015H Concur:Failed 10-49-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Gay, Halverson, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kroeker, Madden, Reeder, Steinmetz, StubsonNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 10??? Nays 49??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Kirkbride, Allen, Kasperik2/23/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Meier, Hicks, Von Flatern2/26/2015H Adopted HB0154JC001: 55-1-4-0-0HB0154JC001/HADOPTEDDelete the following Senate amendments:HB0154S2001/AFurther amend as follows:Page 1-line 2Delete "complimentary" insert "reduced price".Page 1-line 3After "disabilities" insert "as specified". Page 2-line 10Reinsert all stricken language.Page 2-line 11Reinsert stricken "payment of"; before "issue" insert "fees at a cost equal to the resident antelope license fee specified under W.S. 23-2-101(j)(xxx),".Page 2-line 12Delete "complimentary". KIRKBRIDE, ALLEN, KASPERIK, MEIER, HICKS, VON FLATERNROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative MaddenExcused:? Representative(s) Kasperik, Krone, Patton, WintersAyes 55??? Nays 1??? Excused 4??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015S Adopted HB0154JC001: 30-0-0-0-0HB0154JC001/HADOPTEDSADOPTED Delete the following Senate amendments:HB0154S2001/AFurther amend as follows:Page 1-line 2Delete "complimentary" insert "reduced price".Page 1-line 3After "disabilities" insert "as specified". Page 2-line 10Reinsert all stricken language.Page 2-line 11Reinsert stricken "payment of"; before "issue" insert "fees at a cost equal to the resident antelope license fee specified under W.S. 23-2-101(j)(xxx),".Page 2-line 12Delete "complimentary". KIRKBRIDE, ALLEN, KASPERIK, MEIER, HICKS, VON FLATERNROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00883/2/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00883/3/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00883/5/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00883/5/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 130 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0155 Hunters who use wheelchairs-donated licenses.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Kirkbride, Laursen and Schwartz and Senator(s) Dockstader and MeierAN ACT relating to game and fish; authorizing the holder of a big game hunting license to donate the license to a person with a permanent disability who uses a wheelchair; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/30/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-0-0-0-1ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzConflicts:? Representative ClemAyes 8??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 11/30/2015H Placed on General FileHB0155HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-Above line 1In the catch title, delete "Wheelchair bound hunters" insert "Hunters who use wheelchairs".Page 1-line 3Delete the line through ";" insert "person with a permanent disability who uses a wheelchair;".Page 2-line 1Delete all new language and insert "or a person with a permanent disability who uses a wheelchair".Page 2-line 2Delete "bound person".Page 2-line 5Delete all new language and insert "or persons with permanent disabilities who use wheelchairs".Page 3-line 4Delete "July 1, 2015" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". BARLOW, VICE-CHAIRMAN 2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel2/17/2015Travel:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Cooper, Craft, JohnsonAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015S Placed on General File2/18/2015S COW Passed2/19/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/20/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D.(SD02), Anderson, J.L.(SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator MeierAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00362/20/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00362/23/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00362/25/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00362/25/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 50 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0156 Abortion–ultrasound information.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Reeder, Gay, Halverson, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Loucks and Steinmetz and Senator(s) Dockstader, Meier, Peterson and RossAN ACT relating to public health and safety; requiring physicians to provide patients with specified information before certain nonemergency abortion procedures; providing and amending definitions; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 3-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Clem, Kirkbride, SteinmetzNays:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Freeman, Laursen, Petroff, SchwartzAyes 3??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0157 Pioneer hunting and fishing license.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Harshman, Baldwin, Clem, Freeman, Jaggi, Larsen, Petroff and Steinmetz and Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28) and HicksAN ACT relating to game and fish; revising the residency requirements for pioneer hunting and fishing licenses as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/30/2015Travel:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, Schwartz, SteinmetzAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General File2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0157H3001/FAILEDPage 1-Above line 1In the catch title, delete "and fishing".Page 1-line 2Delete "and fishing".Page 1-line 7Delete "(d),".Page 2-lines 1 through 9Delete entirely. MADDEN2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Failed 29-30-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Blackburn, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Kirkbride, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Petroff, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Greear, Harvey, Jennings, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Madden, Miller, Nicholas, Patton, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Stubson, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 29??? Nays 30??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0158 Sexual assault-custody rights.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Blackburn, Baldwin, Edwards, Esquibel, K., Jennings, Lindholm and Petroff and Senator(s) HastertAN ACT relating to child custody and visitation; prohibiting a person convicted of sexual assault from having custody, visitation or access to records of a child that was conceived as a result of the sexual assault; providing applicability; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/29/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/5/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersNays:? Representative BakerAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015H Placed on General FileHB0158HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 16Delete ":".Page 2-line 18Delete "(i)".Page 2-line 22Delete "; or" insert ".".Page 3-lines 1 through 6Delete entirely. MILLER, CHAIRMAN2/5/2015H COW Passed2/6/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/9/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 49-11-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Blake, Byrd, Connolly, Dayton, Freeman, Gay, Schwartz, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,DnAyes 49??? Nays 11??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Received for Introduction2/11/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/25/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Hicks, KinskeyAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015S Placed on General File3/2/2015S Did Not Consider in CoWH.B. No. 0159 Education-writing assessment.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Throne, Freeman, Harshman, Madden and Sommers and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe, Landen, Pappas and RothfussAN ACT relating to the separate statewide writing assessment; eliminating the writing assessment; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education1/29/2015Education:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Hunt, Jaggi, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Sommers, ThroneAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General File1/29/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations1/30/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General File2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 53-6-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Eklund, Gay, Halverson, Kasperik, Miller, StubsonExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 53??? Nays 6??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education2/18/2015Education:Recommend Do Pass 4-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe, Pappas, RothfussNays:? Senator DockstaderAyes 4??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General File2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 16-14-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L.(SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Kinskey, Landen, Pappas, RothfussNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D.(SD02), Case, Christensen, Dockstader, Hicks, Johnson, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 16??? Nays 14??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00502/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00502/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00503/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00503/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 99 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0160 Special warranty deeds.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Brown and Pelkey and Senator(s) PerkinsAN ACT relating to property, conveyances and security transactions; providing for special warranty deeds; providing for the effect of a special warranty deed; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/29/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General File1/30/2015H COW Passed2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/20/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Kinskey, Von FlaternExcused:? Senator HicksAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General File2/24/2015S COW Passed2/25/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D.(SD02), Anderson, J.L.(SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00682/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00682/27/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00683/4/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00683/4/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 106 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0161 Retirement account exemption from execution.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Brown and Stubson and Senator(s) Nicholas, P. and RossAN ACT relating to civil procedure; amending retirement accounts that are exempt from execution and attachment as specified; providing limitations; providing definitions; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/29/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General File1/30/2015H COW Passed2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/20/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Kinskey, Von FlaternExcused:? Senator HicksAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General File2/24/2015S COW Passed2/25/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 28-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator ScottExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 28??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00702/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00702/27/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00703/4/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00703/4/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 108 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0162 Providers' orders for life sustaining treatment.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Wilson, Brown, Esquibel, K., Harvey, Kasperik and Winters and Senator(s) Craft and RossAN ACT relating to public health; creating the Provider Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment Program Act; providing for execution of health care treatment documents and orders as specified; requiring compliance with medical orders as specified; providing for civil and criminal immunity as specified; requiring rulemaking; providing for continued effectiveness of prior medical directives; repealing the cardiopulmonary resuscitation directives statute; and providing for effective dates.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/27/2015H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations2/6/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Connolly, Greear, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, HarshmanAyes 5??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015H Placed on General FileHB0162HS001.01/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) [DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 3-line 16Delete "decisional".Page 3-line 22Delete "decisional".Page 4-line 2Delete "decisional".Page 4-lines 7 through 11Delete entirely.Page 4-line 13Delete "(e)" insert "(d)".Page 4-line 17Delete "decisional".Page 4-line 19Delete "(f)" insert "(e)".Page 5-line 17After "groups" insert ", medical ethicists".Page 5-line 20After "(iii)" insert "To the extent possible,".Page 5-line 22Delete "best" insert "standards for".Page 5-line 23Delete "practices".Page 8-line 12Delete "or" insert ",".Page 8-line 13After "record" insert "or an advanced health care directive".Page 9-line 18Delete "orders".Page 9-line 19Delete the line through "take" insert "most recent of those documents signed by the patient takes".Page 11-line 2Delete "lacks decisional capacity" insert "created a POLST form"; delete "consent on behalf of".Page 11-lines 3 and 4Delete entirely and insert "all or part of the POLST form at any time in writing signed by the agent, guardian or surrogate.".Page 11-After line 11Insert:"(d)??Upon revocation, the POLST form shall be void.". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMANHB0162HS001.02/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY) [DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 10-line 20After "time" delete balance of line.Page 10-line 21Delete the line through "revoke" and insert "in a writing signed by the individual". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMANHB0162HW001.01/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) [DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 5-line 23Delete "in".Page 8-line 13In the standing committee amendment (HB0162HS001/A) to this line, delete "advanced" insert "advance".Page 11-line 1After "surrogate" insert "who created a POLST form"; after "patient" delete "who".Page 11-line 2In the standing committee amendment (HB0162HS001/A) to this line, delete "created a POLST form". WILSONHB0162HW001.02/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY) [DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 10-line 21In the standing committee amendment (HB0162HS001/A) to this line, delete "a". WILSON2/9/2015H COW PassedHB0162H2001/ADOPTEDPage 10-line 21After "revoke." insert "Any oral revocation shall, as soon as possible after the revocation, be documented in a writing signed and dated by the individual or a witness to the revocation." WINTERS, WILSON, STUBSON, GREEAR HB0162H2002/FAILEDPage 1-line 6After "rulemaking;" insert "requiring establishment of a registry;".Page 5-line 4After "duties" insert "; registry".Page 6-After line 15Insert:"(iv) The rules shall define the term "life sustaining treatment," consistent with applicable federal and state laws and regulations.".Page 7-line 12Delete "." insert ";".Page 7-After line 12Insert:"(v) Establish and maintain, by July 1 2016, an electronic registry for the collection of POLST forms and the dissemination of information from POLST forms to ensure that medical treatment preferences for individuals nearing the end of the individual's life are honored. The registry shall provide for one hundred percent (100%) interoperability between all emergency medical service personnel, health care providers and health care facilitates related to the dissemination of POLST forms.".Page 12-line 16Delete "2015" insert "2016". STEINMETZ2/10/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0162H3001/WITHDRAWN2/11/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 32-28-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harvey, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Lockhart, Madden, Nicholas, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Blackburn, Burkhart, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Piiparinen, Reeder, Steinmetz, WintersAyes 32??? Nays 28??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Received for Introduction2/17/2015S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor2/25/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Craft, Driskill, Landen, Peterson, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015S Placed on General FileHB0162SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 4-line 3After "directive" insert "or a valid POLST form".Page 4-line 5After "35-22-406." Insert "If a valid advance directive or POLST form executed by the patient forbids changes by a surrogate, a surrogate shall not execute or change a POLST form on behalf of the patient.".??SCOTT, CHAIRMAN2/26/2015S COW Passed2/27/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed3/2/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 25-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Bebout, Case, Dockstader, Geis, PerkinsAyes 25??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/2/2015H Received for Concurrence3/3/2015H Concur:Passed 40-19-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Blackburn, Burkhart, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Halverson, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Piiparinen, Reeder, SteinmetzExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 40??? Nays 19??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/3/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00953/3/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00953/4/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00953/9/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00953/9/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 189 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0163 Critical access hospital endowment challenge program.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Hunt, Berger, Lindholm, Pelkey and Steinmetz and Senator(s) Craft, Driskill, Meier and PetersonAN ACT relating to public health; extending the critical access/rural hospital endowment challenge program as specified; amending qualifications for receipt of funds; modifying reversion dates; making conforming amendments; repealing obsolete provisions; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor2/3/2015Labor:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Dayton, Edmonds, Harvey, Kasperik, Larsen, Schwartz, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General File2/3/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/5/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015H Placed on General File2/6/2015H COW Passed2/9/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0163H3001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 10After "(a)" insert "(ii)(A) and (B) and by creating a new subparagraph (C),". Page 1-After line 15Insert: "(ii) "Critical access or rural hospital" means:(A) A county hospital established pursuant to W.S. 188101, et seq., or a special district hospital established pursuant to W.S. 35-2-401, et seq., that is certified to receive cost-based reimbursement from Medicare or has forty (40) beds or less; or(B) A hospital that is certified to receive cost-based reimbursement from Medicare or has forty (40) beds or less which is owned by a private not for profit entity and is operated in a county in this state in which there is no hospital meeting the requirements of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph;. or (C) A rural health care district established under W.S. 35-2-701 through 35-2-709 in which there is no hospital meeting the requirements of subparagraph (A) or (B) of this paragraph.". BARLOW2/10/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015S Received for Introduction2/17/2015S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4H.B. No. 0164 Student data privacy.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Steinmetz, Hunt and Reeder and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02)AN ACT relating to public education; requiring consent prior to sharing of personally identifiable student information; requiring reporting; and providing for an effective date.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0165 Access to public land.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Blackburn, Gay, Halverson, Jennings and Lindholm and Senator(s) ScottAN ACT relating to public lands; providing for acquisition of access easements across private lands adjoining public lands as specified; providing specifications for access points; and providing for an effective date.1/21/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H Amend and DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 3-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blake, Jaggi, LindholmNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Laursen, McKimAyes 3??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0166 Electrical safety and fire prevention-amendments.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn.AN ACT relating to electrical safety and fire prevention; updating references; removing requirements relating to elevators in buildings as specified; clarifying duties of the state fire marshal and cities and revising experience requirements for limited technician and low voltage technician licenses; extending local inspection bodies authority over appeals as specified; providing for rulemaking; and providing for an effective date.1/21/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/27/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/27/2015H Placed on General FileHB0166HS001/ADOPTEDPage 7-line 14Strike "department" insert "board". ZWONITZER, DN, CHAIRMANHB0166HW001.01/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) [DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 1-line 2After "references;" insert "removing requirements relating to elevators in buildings as specified;".Page 3-line 17After "engineer" insert ", or their designee,". ZWONINZER, DN.HB0166HW001.02/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY) [DIVIDED AMENDMENT]Page 2-line 7After "in" strike "the". Page 2-lines 13 through 17Strike all existing language; delete all new language and insert "chapter 11 and appendix e of the most current and adopted edition of the International Building Code.". ZWONINZER, DN.1/29/2015H COW PassedHB0166H2001/FAILED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 2-lines 13 through 17Strike all existing language; delete all new language and insert "accessibility and supplemental accessibility requirement of the most current and adopted edition of the International Building Code.".Page 2-line 22After "shall" strike balance of line.Page 2-line 23Strike entirely.Page 3-lines 1 through 6Strike all existing language; delete all new language and insert "be designed in accordance with the federal accessibility guidelines for pedestrian facilities in the public right of way.".Page 5-lines 3 through 4Delete all new language and insert "the accessibility and supplemental accessibility requirement of the most current and adopted edition of the International Building Code.". ZWONITZER, DN.1/30/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0166H3001/ADOPTEDPage 2-lines 13 through 17Strike all existing language; delete all new language and insert "accessibility and supplemental accessibility requirements of the 2012 edition of the International Building Code.".Page 5-lines 3 through 4Delete all new language and insert "the accessibility and supplemental accessibility requirements of the 2012 edition of the International Building Code.". BURKHART2/2/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015S Received for Introduction2/18/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/26/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015S Placed on General FileHB0166SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 3-line 5After "shall" delete balance of line and insert "be designed in accordance with the current Americans With Disabilities Act accessibility guidelines.".Page 3-lines 6 through 9Delete new language and strike existing language. CASE, CHAIRMAN2/26/2015S COW Passed2/27/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed3/2/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 26-4-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Dockstader, Driskill, Perkins, WasserburgerAyes 26??? Nays 4??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/2/2015H Received for Concurrence3/3/2015H Concur:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/3/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00983/3/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00983/4/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00983/12/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00983/12/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 158 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0167 Material support to designated entities.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Gay and Baker and Senator(s) MeierAN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; prohibiting material support of terrorism and designated entities as specified; providing legislative findings; providing an exception; providing definitions; providing a penalty; and providing for an effective date.1/21/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/27/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 3-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Halverson, MillerNays:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Kroeker, Krone, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 3??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0168 Water and sewer districts-assessments.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Petroff and Schwartz and Senator(s) ChristensenAN ACT relating to water and sewer districts; providing for assessments based on benefits as specified; providing a definition; and providing for an effective date.1/21/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations1/26/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Nays:? Representative LindholmAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015H Placed on General File1/27/2015H COW Passed1/28/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/29/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 36-24-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Lockhart, Madden, Moniz, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Burkhart, Clem, Edmonds, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harvey, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Piiparinen, Reeder, Steinmetz, Stubson, WintersAyes 36??? Nays 24??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015S Received for Introduction3/3/2015S Did Not Consider for IntroductionH.B. No. 0169 Tax collections.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Barlow and Larsen and Senator(s) Von Flatern and WasserburgerAN ACT relating to mineral taxes; providing for monthly payment of ad valorem taxes as specified; providing applicability; providing rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.1/21/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0170 Eighty mile per hour-variable speed limit.Sponsored By:Representative(s) BakerAN ACT relating to speed limits; requiring variable speed limits as specified; requiring variable electronic speed limit signs on interstate highways as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/21/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0171 Architect instate residency definition.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Loucks, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker and Reeder and Senator(s) Case, Craft and HicksAN ACT relating to the Professional Architectural, Engineering and Land Surveying Services Procurement Act; specifying residency requirements for selection to provide professional services; and providing for an effective date.1/21/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/29/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 2-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Lindholm, PaxtonNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Zwonitzer, Dn.Ayes 2??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0172 Disability placard-designation.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Kasperik, Baldwin, Harshman, Harvey and Loucks and Senator(s) Craft and Von FlaternAN ACT relating to motor vehicles and placards for vehicles driven by persons with disabilities; authorizing certification of disability by advanced practice registered nurses; and providing for an effective date.1/22/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/30/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General FileHB0172HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3Delete "nurse practitioners" insert "advanced practice registered nurses".Page 2-line 3Delete "nurse".Page 2-line 4Delete "practitioner" insert "advanced practice registered nurse".Page 3-line 5Delete "nurse practitioner" insert "advanced practice registered nurse". KASPERIK2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation2/19/2015Transportation:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Emerich, Esquibel, F., Johnson, MeierAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/19/2015S Placed on General File2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00532/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00532/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00533/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00533/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 83 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0173 Tobacco tax revisions.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Harvey, Baldwin, Connolly and McKim and Senator(s) Scott and Von FlaternAN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for an increase in tobacco taxes as specified; providing for distribution by continuous appropriation to the department of health as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/22/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 1-8-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative MaddenNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Edwards, Jennings, Loucks, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 1??? Nays 8??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0174 Nicotine products regulation.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Walters, Esquibel, K., Harvey and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) Craft and WasserburgerAN ACT relating to nicotine products; requiring the department of health to provide educational material to adult tobacco consumers on the continuum of risk of tobacco products; requiring liquid nicotine products to be sold in child resistant packaging; establishing a penalty for failure to meet child resistant packaging standards and authorizing enforcement by the department of agriculture; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.1/22/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/27/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor2/3/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Dayton, Harvey, Kasperik, Larsen, SchwartzNays:? Representative(s) Edmonds, WilsonAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General File2/3/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/5/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015H Placed on General FileHB0174HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 8After "prohibiting" insert "use of".Page 2-line 2Delete "or possession".Page 2-line 6Delete "or possession".Page 3-line 4After "meets" delete balance of the line and insert "the standards set forth in 16 C.F.R. 1700.15(b), as amended as of July 1, 2015, when tested in accordance with the method described in 16 C.F.R. 1700.20, as amended as of July 1, 2015;". Page 3-lines 5 and 6Delete entirely. HARVEY, CHAIRMANHB0174HW001/ADOPTEDPage 4-line 23After "." insert "The division's inspection or enforcement duties under this subsection may be performed by a county or local department of health with which the division has a memorandum of understanding for inspections.". WALTERSHB0174HW002/FAILEDPage 1-line 1Delete "requiring the".Page 1-lines 2 and 3Delete entirely.Page 1-line 4Delete "products;".Page 5-lines 2 through 21Delete entirely.Page 6-lines 1 through 23Delete entirely.Page 7-lines 1 through 13Delete entirely.Page 7-line 15Delete "Section 3." insert "Section 2.". EDMONDSHB0174HW003/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 5-line 16Strike "During the initial years,". STUBSON, GREEAR2/6/2015H COW PassedHB0174H2001/FAILEDPage 1-line 5After "packaging" insert "as specified".Page 4-line 7Before "All" insert "On and after January 1, 2018,".Page 4-line 17Delete "seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00)" insert "one hundred dollars ($100.00)".Page 4-line 18Delete "one thousand five".Page 4-line 19Delete "hundred dollars ($1500.00)" insert "seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00)". LINDHOLM2/9/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/10/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 40-20-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Blackburn, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Pelkey, Piiparinen, Reeder, Steinmetz, WilsonAyes 40??? Nays 20??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015S Received for Introduction2/17/2015S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor2/23/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Craft, Driskill, Landen, Peterson, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015S Placed on General FileHB0174SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 3-line 8After "(ii)" delete balance of line and insert ""Liquid nicotine container" means a bottle or other container of a liquid or other substance containing nicotine where the liquid or substance is sold, marketed or intended for use in a vapor product. A liquid nicotine container shall not include a liquid or other substance containing nicotine in a cartridge that is sold, marketed or intended for use in a vapor product provided that the cartridge is prefilled and sealed by the manufacturer and not intended to be opened by the consumer;".Page 3-line 9 Delete. Page 4-line 7Delete "All e-liquid" insert "Any liquid nicotine container".Page 4-lines 10 through 12Delete and renumber.Page 4-line 14Delete "(c)" insert "(b)"; delete "e-liquid" insert "a liquid nicotine container".Page 4-line 19Delete "($1500.00)" insert "($1,500.00)". Page 4-line 21Delete "(d)" insert "(c)".??SCOTT, CHAIRMAN2/24/2015S COW PassedHB0174S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 8After "definitions;" delete balance of line.Page 1-line 9Delete through "preschools;".Page 1-line 14Delete "14-3-309 and".Page 2-lines 2 through 16Delete. HICKSROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Bebout, Case, Christensen, Coe, Dockstader, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Perkins, Peterson, RossNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Cooper, Craft, Driskill, Esquibel, Hastert, Pappas, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 16??? Nays 13??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 27-2-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Burns, CaseExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 27??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015H Received for Concurrence2/27/2015H Concur:Passed 49-8-3-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Gay, Halverson, Kroeker, Loucks, Miller, Reeder, WilsonExcused:? Representative(s) Lockhart, Patton, WintersAyes 49??? Nays 8??? Excused 3??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00792/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00793/2/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00793/10/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00793/10/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 143 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0175 Determination of lottery proceeds.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Loucks, Halverson, Jaggi, Lindholm, McKim and Reeder and Senator(s) CaseAN ACT relating to the Wyoming lottery; amending the definition of operating expenses related to the determination of net proceeds; and providing for an effective date.1/22/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/28/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Amend and DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Clem, Laursen, SteinmetzNays:? Representative(s) Barlow, Freeman, Kirkbride, Petroff, SchwartzAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0176 Supplemental budget requests-limitations.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Jaggi, Allen, Edmonds, Kroeker, Loucks and ReederAN ACT relating to state budgets; limiting supplemental budget requests as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/22/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0177 Collection costs for debts owed to the state.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Burkhart, Madden and Paxton and Senator(s) Hicks and PetersonAN ACT relating to the collection of debts due the state or other governmental entities; providing a fee for collection costs when the state or governmental entity employs a collection agency to recover debts; amending existing statutes; and providing for an effective date.1/23/2015Bill Number Assigned1/26/2015H Received for Introduction1/28/2015H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations1/30/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 6-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, StubsonNays:? Representative Nicholas, B.Ayes 6??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General FileHB0177HS001/ADOPTEDPage 5-lines 16 and 17Delete all new language. MONIZ, VICE CHAIRMAN2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 51-8-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Berger, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Barlow, Blake, Byrd, Esquibel, Gay, Miller, Piiparinen, ThroneExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 51??? Nays 8??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction3/3/2015S Did Not Consider for IntroductionH.B. No. 0178 Wyoming native-specialty license plate.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Esquibel, K. and Senator(s) Esquibel, F.AN ACT relating to motor vehicle license plates; authorizing special Wyoming native license plates; specifying requirements; providing for fees as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/22/2015Bill Number Assigned1/26/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel1/26/2015H06:Rerefer to H08 - Transportation2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 2-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blake, CampbellNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 2??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0179 Education-state board membership.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Patton, Freeman and Northrup and Senator(s) CoeAN ACT relating to the membership of the state board of education; making the state superintendent an ex-officio nonvoting member of the state board of education; and providing for an effective date.1/22/2015Bill Number Assigned1/26/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0180 Child interviews-neglect and abuse cases.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Krone, Burkhart, Clem, Connolly, Hunt, Reeder and Walters and Senator(s) Coe, Cooper, Landen, Peterson and RothfussAN ACT relating to child protection; limiting disclosure of information obtained in a child abuse or neglect case as specified; requiring a court order to obtain information as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/22/2015Bill Number Assigned1/26/2015H Received for Introduction1/28/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/30/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General FileHB0180HW001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 19Delete "shall" insert "may". STUBSON2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/23/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015S Placed on General File2/23/2015S COW PassedHB0180S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-line 16Delete "disclosure of" insert "good cause exists to disclose"; after "information" delete "requested".Page 2-line 17Delete through "justice". ROSSHB0180S2002/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Delete the Ross Second Reading Amendment (HB0180S2001/AE) entirely and further amend as follows:Page 2-line 15Delete and insert "under this article unless its probative value to a party substantially outweighs the prejudice to the child as determined by the court in a protective order.".Page 2-line 16Delete.Page 2-line 17Delete "essential to justice."; after "Any" insert "protective".Page 2-line 20After "review of" delete balance of line and insert "a recorded interview prior to issuing a protective order and may impose such conditions as may be appropriate under the circumstances of the proceeding to prevent further dissemination of the recorded interview.".Page 2-lines 21 through 23Delete.Page 3-lines 2 through 9Delete. PERKINS2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 27-2-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Burns, CaseExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 27??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015H Received for Concurrence2/26/2015H Concur:Failed 1-57-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative BakerNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, WintersAyes 1??? Nays 57??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Krone, Halverson, Schwartz2/27/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Perkins, Burns, Coe3/5/2015H Adopted HB0180JC001: 59-0-1-0-0HB0180JC001/HADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Delete the following Senate amendments:HB0180S2001/AEHB0180S2002/AEFurther amend the engrossed copy as follows:Page 2-lines 12 through 23Delete entirely and insert:"(h)??No information, including recorded interviews of the child, shall be disclosed to any person in any civil proceeding not related to an abuse or neglect case brought under this article except upon order of the court which shall determine if good cause exists to disclose the information. Any protective order granting disclosure shall include appropriate protections against further dissemination in any form. The court may conduct an in camera review of a recorded interview prior to issuing a protective order and may impose such conditions as may be appropriate under the circumstances of the proceeding to prevent further dissemination of the recorded interview.". Page 3-lines 1 through 9Delete entirely. KRONE, HALVERSON, SCHWARTZ, PERKINS, BURNS, COE ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/5/2015S Adopted HB0180JC001: 28-1-1-0-0HB0180JC001/HADOPTEDSADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Delete the following Senate amendments:HB0180S2001/AEHB0180S2002/AEFurther amend the engrossed copy as follows:Page 2-lines 12 through 23Delete entirely and insert:"(h)??No information, including recorded interviews of the child, shall be disclosed to any person in any civil proceeding not related to an abuse or neglect case brought under this article except upon order of the court which shall determine if good cause exists to disclose the information. Any protective order granting disclosure shall include appropriate protections against further dissemination in any form. The court may conduct an in camera review of a recorded interview prior to issuing a protective order and may impose such conditions as may be appropriate under the circumstances of the proceeding to prevent further dissemination of the recorded interview.". Page 3-lines 1 through 9Delete entirely. KRONE, HALVERSON, SCHWARTZ, PERKINS, BURNS, COE ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator CaseExcused:? Senator CraftAyes 28??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/5/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 01053/5/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 01053/5/2015S President Signed HEA No. 01053/10/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 01053/10/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 191 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0181 Speeding penalties in 80 mile per hour zone.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Harshman and Senator(s) BeboutAN ACT relating to speed limits; amending penalties for violations of speed limits on interstate highways as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/22/2015Bill Number Assigned1/26/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/30/2015Transportation:Recommend Do Pass 6-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Campbell, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, WaltersNays:? Representative(s) Blake, Cannady, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 6??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General File2/3/2015H COW PassedHB0181H2001/WITHDRAWN2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0181H3001/FAILEDPage 1-Above line 1In the catch title, after "penalties" delete balance of line and insert "on interstate highways.".Page 2-line 22Delete "through" insert "or".Page 2-line 23Delete "eighty-five (85)" insert "eighty-two (82)".Page 3-line 9Delete "eighty-five (85)" insert "eighty-two (82)". Page 3-line 11After "fined" strike balance of line and insert "twenty dollars ($20.00) for each mile per hour in excess of the legal speed limit not to exceed".Page 3-line 12Strike entirely.Page 3-line 13Strike through "than". Page 3-line 15Strike "also" insert "only". ZWONITZER, DV.2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative GayExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 58??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation2/19/2015Transportation:Recommend Do Pass 4-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Emerich, Esquibel, F., MeierNays:? Senator JohnsonAyes 4??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/19/2015S Placed on General File2/24/2015S COW Passed2/25/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 27-2-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Case, JohnsonExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 27??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00722/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00722/27/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00723/4/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00723/4/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 109 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0182 Public assistance-eligibility.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Connolly and Senator(s) CraftAN ACT relating to the personal opportunity with employment responsibilities (POWER) program; amending asset reporting requirements; amending allowable asset limitations; and providing for an effective date.1/22/2015Bill Number Assigned1/26/2015H Received for Introduction1/29/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/2/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 6-2-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Cannady, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersNays:? Representative(s) Edmonds, GayExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 6??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015H Placed on General FileHB0182HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 5Strike "he becomes" insert "becoming".Page 2-line 11Delete "all" insert "no greater than two (2)"; delete "and unlicensed".Page 3-line 7Before "five" insert "no greater than". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 57-2-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Edmonds, EklundExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 57??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/26/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Pappas, ScottNays:? Senator(s) Hicks, MeierAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015S Placed on General File2/26/2015S COW Passed2/27/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed3/2/2015S 3rd Reading:Failed 12-18-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Burns, Case, Craft, Esquibel, Hastert, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Rothfuss, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 12??? Nays 18??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0183 Insurance coverage-early refills of prescription eye drops.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Petroff and Senator(s) Von FlaternAN ACT relating to insurance; requiring coverage of early refills of prescription eye drops under health insurance policies as specified; providing for applicability; and providing for an effective date.1/23/2015Bill Number Assigned1/26/2015H Received for Introduction1/28/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor2/3/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Dayton, Edmonds, Harvey, Kasperik, Larsen, Schwartz, WilsonAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General FileHB0183HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 13Delete "twenty-one (21)" insert "twenty-three (23)".Page 2-line 14Delete "forty-two (42)" insert "forty-five (45)".Page 2-line 15Delete "sixty-three (63)" insert "sixty-eight (68)".Page 2-line 21Delete "prescribed by".Page 2-line 22Delete "the physician or optometrist".Page 3-line 8Delete "physician or optometrist" insert "practitioner".Page 3-line 11Delete "prescribed by".Page 3-line 12Delete "the physician or optometrist". HARVEY, CHAIRMAN2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative StubsonExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 58??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction2/23/2015S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor2/25/2015Labor:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Craft, Driskill, Landen, Peterson, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015S Placed on General FileHB0183SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 3-line 21After "section." delete balance of line.Page 3-line 22Delete. SCOTT, CHAIRMAN3/2/2015S COW Passed3/3/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed3/4/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 23-5-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Bebout, Case, Cooper, Dockstader, PerkinsExcused:? Senator(s) Craft, EsquibelAyes 23??? Nays 5??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/4/2015H Received for Concurrence3/4/2015H Concur:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/4/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 01033/5/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 01033/5/2015S President Signed HEA No. 01033/12/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 01033/12/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 161 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0184 Concealed deadly weapons.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Miller and KroneAN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; clarifying that concealed weapon carry permit provisions apply to firearms as specified; conforming a provision; and providing for an effective date.1/23/2015Bill Number Assigned1/26/2015H Received for Introduction1/27/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Kroeker, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Halverson, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, PownallAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0185 Severance tax distributions.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Esquibel, K. and Patton and Senator(s) Hastert and PetersonAN ACT relating to severance taxes; providing for a distribution of severance taxes as specified; repealing archaic severance tax distribution provisions; and providing for an effective date.1/23/2015Bill Number Assigned1/26/2015H Received for Introduction1/26/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 2-6-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, DaytonNays:? Representative(s) Edwards, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 2??? Nays 6??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0186 Human trafficking-forfeiture of property.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Connolly, Berger, Halverson, Kroeker, Krone and Northrup and Senator(s) Burns, Craft and RothfussAN ACT relating to human trafficking; providing for forfeiture and seizure of specified property; specifying the procedures for forfeiture and seizure of property; providing exceptions; specifying distribution of proceeds from forfeited property; and providing for an effective date.1/23/2015Bill Number Assigned1/27/2015H Received for Introduction1/29/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/3/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General FileHB0186HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 2Delete "(j)" insert "(h)".Page 2-line 5 After "assets" delete balance of line and insert "subject to the jurisdiction of the court:".Page 2-line 6Delete entirely.Page 2-line 10After "article" insert ";" and delete balance of line.Page 2-line 11Delete "state," insert "(B)".Page 2-line 14Delete "(B)" insert "(C)".Page 2-line 15After "intent" insert "to,".Page 2-line 19Delete "(C)" insert "(D)".Page 3-line 7After "transport" insert "victims".Page 3-line 8After "transportation" insert "of victims".Page 5-line 13After "warrant;" insert "or".Page 5-line 18Delete "; or" insert ".".Page 5-lines 20 through 22Delete entirely. Page 6-line 6Delete "(j)" insert "(h)".Page 6-lines 15 through 22 Delete entirely and insert:"(ii)??All property shall be returned to the person from whom it was seized unless there is a finding or verdict of guilt, an admission of guilt or a plea of nolo contendere to a felony under this act;(iii)??After a verdict or finding of guilty, or after a plea of guilty or nolo contendere is accepted, the court shall conduct a forfeiture hearing to determine if the property is subject to forfeiture under this section. If the court finds under a preponderance of evidence standard that property is subject to forfeiture, the court shall enter a preliminary order directing the forfeiture;".Page 7-line 1Delete "(iii)" insert "(iv)"; delete "shall" insert "may".Page 7-line 2After "forfeiture" insert "additional".Page 7-line 3Delete ";" insert ".".Page 7-lines 5 through 23Delete entirely.Page 8-lines 1 through 14Delete entirely and insert:"(e)??If the court makes a preliminary order of forfeiture of property, legal interests of persons other than a party to the criminal action shall be determined, subject to the following:"Page 8-line 19Delete "to" insert "by first class mail to the last known address of".Page 8-line 20Delete "reasonably" insert ", after reasonable inquiry,"; delete "claimant" insert "owner or lien holder in the property".Page 9-line 2After "notice" insert "or, if notice is mailed under this paragraph, not later than thirty (30) days after mailing written notice".Page 9-line 4Delete "petition" insert "timely response".Page 9-line 6Delete "an ancillary" insert "a".Page 9-line 22 Delete "an ancillary" insert "a". Page 10-line 7Delete "(g)" insert "(f)".Page 10-line 8Delete "if" insert "to the extent that"; after "establishes" insert "it has a perfected lien in the property or proves".Page 10-line 9After "that" insert "he has a perfected security interest in the property or proves".Page 10-line 15Delete ":" insert "could not have reasonably known of the conduct of the defendant related to the violation;".Page 10-lines 17 through 23Delete entirely.Page 11-line 1 through 3Delete entirely.Page 11-line 18Delete "(h)" insert "(g)".Page 12-line 2After "value" insert "or may sell the property for value and hold the proceeds thereof". Page 12-lines 6 through 8Delete entirely and insert:"(h) Within six (6) months after a final order of forfeiture is affirmed on appeal or the deadline to appeal passes without a notice of appeal being filed, the state shall, by public sale or auction, liquidate forfeited tangible property and distribute the total proceeds of the forfeiture as follows:"Page 12-lines 13 through 15Delete entirely and insert:"(ii) Civil judgments entered against the forfeiting defendant in favor of that defendant's victim, already existing at the time proceeds are received, to the extent that such judgments cannot be satisfied out of the forfeiting defendant's assets;(iii) Costs of storing and maintaining the forfeited property incurred by the court;(iv) Costs of forfeiture proceedings and the sale of forfeited property incurred by the state;".Page 12-line 17Delete "(iii)" insert "(v)". MILLER, CHAIRMAN2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/23/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015S Placed on General File2/24/2015S COW PassedHB0186S2001/FAILED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 11-line 20Delete "to the crime victims" insert "that amount shall be credited as provided by W.S. 81109.".Page 11-line 21Delete. SCOTT2/25/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Failed 6-23-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Craft, Esquibel, Hastert, Rothfuss, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Scott, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 6??? Nays 23??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Motion to reconsider failed: 14-15-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Craft, Esquibel, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Nicholas Pres, Rothfuss, Scott, Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Case, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Emerich, Geis, Meier, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 14??? Nays 15??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0187 Marihuana impact study.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Krone and NorthrupAN ACT relating to controlled substances; providing for a study of marihuana impacts as specified; requiring a report; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.1/23/2015Bill Number Assigned1/27/2015H Received for Introduction1/29/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/3/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Halverson, KroekerAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General File2/4/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/5/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015H Placed on General FileHB0187HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-lihne 13After "." insert "This section shall in no way affect the implementation of bills enacted into law as result of the 2015 general session of the Wyoming legislature, although the effects of those laws shall be subject to study.". MILLER, CHAIRMANHB0187HS002/ADOPTEDPage 3-lines 6 through 8Delete entirely and insert "five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) to the legislative service office for payment of salary, per diem and mileage for legislative members designated under this act.".Page 3-line 13After "2016." delete balance of line. Page 3-lines 14 and 15Delete entirely. HARSHMAN, CHAIRMAN2/6/2015H COW Failed 19-39-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Barlow, Blackburn, Byrd, Connolly, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Hunt, Krone, Lindholm, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Patton, Piiparinen, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Gay, JenningsAyes 19??? Nays 39??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0188 Board of occupational therapy amendments.Sponsored By:Representative(s) KroneAN ACT relating to the Occupational Therapy Practice Act; amending definitions; adding definitions; amending licensing requirements; requiring national certification for licensure; providing for re-entry of previously licensed persons; amending the experience requirement for board membership; amending board meeting requirements; and providing for an effective date.1/23/2015Bill Number Assigned1/27/2015H Received for Introduction1/29/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0189 Federal funds task force.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Steinmetz, Allen, Clem, Kasperik, Miller, Wilson and Winters and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Case and CooperAN ACT relating to the administration of government; creating a task force to study and make recommendations on federal funding as specified; requiring a report; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.1/23/2015Bill Number Assigned1/27/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 0-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 0??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0190 Hathaway scholarship program grade point average.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Throne and Connolly and Senator(s) RothfussAN ACT relating to the Hathaway scholarship program; modifying definitions; modifying the grade point average requirement as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/26/2015Bill Number Assigned1/27/2015H Received for Introduction1/28/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0191 Education-Hathaway scholarship requirements.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Freeman, Madden, Northrup, Patton and Wilson and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Craft and EmerichAN ACT relating to the Hathaway scholarship program; modifying definitions; modifying semester hour requirements as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/26/2015Bill Number Assigned1/27/2015H Received for Introduction1/28/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Northrup, Patton, ThroneNays:? Representative(s) Hunt, Jaggi, Paxton, Piiparinen, SommersAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0192 Education-Hathaway scholarship program.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Freeman, Dayton, Harshman, Northrup, Sommers and Throne and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe and CraftAN ACT relating to the Hathaway scholarship program; providing the ability to petition to increase scholarship award as specified; requiring rulemaking; and providing for an effective date.1/26/2015Bill Number Assigned1/27/2015H Received for Introduction1/28/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/3/2015Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Hunt, Jaggi, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Sommers, ThroneAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General FileHB0192HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 2Delete "or Hathaway opportunity scholarship".Page 2-line 7After "." insert "A student receiving a Hathaway opportunity scholarship who maintains a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25 for two (2) consecutive semesters may apply to the department for receipt of the Hathaway performance scholarship for the remainder of scholarship eligibility provided under W.S. 21-16-1303(d).". Page 2-line 13Delete "receipt" insert "an increase".Page 2-line 14Delete "honor".Page 2-line 23Delete "honor" insert "performance". Page 3-line 8Delete "receipt" insert "an increase"; delete "honor".Page 5-line 14After "receive" insert "an increase of"; delete "honor". Page 7-After line 11Insert:"Section 2. (a)This act shall apply prospectively. The academic performance of Hathaway scholarship recipients prior to the effective date of this act shall not be considered in determining eligibility to receive an increase of the Hathaway scholarship based on academic performance in accordance with W.S. 21-16-1304(j) or 21-16-1305(f), as amended by section 1 of this act. All Hathaway scholarship recipients as of the effective date of this act shall be eligible to earn an increase of the Hathaway scholarship based on academic performance in accordance with W.S. 21-16-1304(j) or 21-16-1305(f), as amended by section 1 of this act.(b)Rules and regulations of the Wyoming department of education required under W.S. 21-16-1308, as amended by section 1 of this act, shall be promulgated in sufficient time to enable implementation of this act by July 1, 2015."Page 7-line 13Delete entirely and insert:"Section 3.(a)Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, this act is effective July 1, 2015. (b)Notwithstanding subsection (b) of this section, section 2(b) of this act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become a law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution." PATTON, CHAIRMAN2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0192H3001/WITHDRAWN2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 31-28-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Laursen Dan, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Schwartz, Sommers, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Berger, Blackburn, Burkhart, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Pownall, Reeder, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, WintersExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 31??? Nays 28??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction3/3/2015S Did Not Consider for IntroductionH.B. No. 0193 Veteran burial teams.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Nicholas, B. and Senator(s) BurnsAN ACT relating to veterans; increasing allocations to veteran burial teams; and providing for an effective date.1/26/2015Bill Number Assigned1/27/2015H Received for Introduction1/29/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/2/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 8-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Cannady, Edmonds, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 8??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015H Placed on General File2/2/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/3/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General FileHB0193HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 5Delete "July 1, 2015" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMAN 2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation2/24/2015Transportation:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Emerich, Esquibel, F., Johnson, MeierAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Placed on General File2/24/2015S COW Passed2/25/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/26/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00732/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00732/27/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00733/4/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00733/4/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 118 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0194 Geothermal resources study.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Winters and Lockhart and Senator(s) CoeAN ACT relating to geothermal resources; providing for a study of geothermal resource energy exploitation, development, production and regulation; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.1/26/2015Bill Number Assigned1/27/2015H Received for Introduction1/27/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 3-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Edmonds, Gay, SommersNays:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, WaltersAyes 3??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0195 Sexual assault medical examinations-statewide inventory.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Campbell, Dayton, Halverson, Harvey, Kasperik and Throne and Senator(s) CraftAN ACT relating to sexual assaults; establishing procedures to determine whether a backlog of sexual assault medical examinations exists; providing for an accounting of forensic medical examination information; requiring rulemaking; requiring reports; providing definitions; providing an appropriation; authorizing a position; providing a repeal date as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/27/2015Bill Number Assigned1/28/2015H Received for Introduction1/29/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Halverson, Krone, PelkeyNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Kroeker, Miller, Pownall, WintersAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0196 Civics proficiency examination.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Clem, Halverson, Jaggi and Miller and Senator(s) MeierAN ACT relating to high school graduation; requiring passage of an examination as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/27/2015Bill Number Assigned1/28/2015H Received for Introduction1/29/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 3-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Jaggi, Paxton, PiiparinenNays:? Representative(s) Freeman, Hunt, Northrup, Patton, Sommers, ThroneAyes 3??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0197 Emergency vehicles-tow trucks and wreckers.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Edmonds, Blackburn, Eklund, Kirkbride, Pelkey and Zwonitzer, Dv. and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Esquibel, F. and MeierAN ACT relating to motor vehicles; expanding the definition of authorized emergency vehicles to include tow trucks and wreckers; providing exceptions; and providing for an effective date.1/27/2015Bill Number Assigned1/28/2015H Received for Introduction1/28/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation2/4/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015H Placed on General FileHB0197HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After "wreckers;" insert "providing exceptions;".Page 1-line 8Delete "is" insert ", 31-5-106(a)(intro) and by creating a new subsection (c) are".Page 2-line 12Delete the first "," insert "and"; delete ", white or amber light" insert "lamp".Page 2-line 13After "vehicle" insert ", in addition to any other equipment or lights required or authorized by law". Page 2-After line 13Insert:"31-5-106. Authorized emergency vehicles.(a) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle, when responding to an emergency call or when in pursuit of AN ACTual or suspected violator of the law or when responding to but not upon returning from a fire alarm, may:(c) Paragraphs (a)(ii) and (iii) of this section do not apply to a driver of a wrecker, tow truck or other vehicle as defined in W.S. 315102(a)(ii)(C).". ZWONITZER, DV., CHAIRMAN2/5/2015H COW Passed2/6/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/9/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative ByrdAyes 59??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Received for Introduction2/11/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation2/19/2015Transportation:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Emerich, Esquibel, F., Johnson, MeierAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/19/2015S Placed on General File2/23/2015S COW Passed2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHB0197S3001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-line 15After "flashing" insert "red or". HASTERT2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015H Received for Concurrence2/26/2015H Concur:Passed 57-1-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative JaggiExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, WintersAyes 57??? Nays 1??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00752/27/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00752/27/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00753/4/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00753/4/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 110 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0198 Education-compulsory attendance.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Harshman, Northrup and Throne and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe and RothfussAN ACT relating to compulsory attendance; modifying mandatory attendance requirements as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/27/2015Bill Number Assigned1/28/2015H Received for Introduction1/28/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education1/30/2015Education:Recommend Do Pass 6-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Hunt, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Sommers, ThroneNays:? Representative(s) Freeman, Jaggi, PiiparinenAyes 6??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General File2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0198H3001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 9After "." insert "A child is exempt from the compulsory attendance requirements of this subsection if his parent, guardian or other person having control or charge of the child gives permission for the child to enroll in an apprenticeship program, or the child is working in the family business, or if his parent, guardian or other person having control or charge of the child submits an affidavit requesting an exemption from the compulsory attendance requirements of this subsection.". STEINMETZ, MILLER2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Failed 26-33-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Harshman, Harvey, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Paxton, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Blackburn, Byrd, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Northrup, Patton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Steinmetz, Wilson, WintersExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 26??? Nays 33??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0199 Special districts-limited term.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Winters, Brown and Zwonitzer, Dn.AN ACT relating to special district elections; modifying the election process; requiring approval by electors after initial formation for continued operation of a special district as specified; providing applicability; and providing for an effective date.1/27/2015Bill Number Assigned1/28/2015H Received for Introduction1/28/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 3-5-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Gay, Lindholm, Zwonitzer, Dn.Nays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Edwards, Jennings, Kirkbride, PaxtonExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 3??? Nays 5??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0200 Tax liability mineral production.Sponsored By:Representative(s) BarlowAN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for tax lien superiority for liens on mineral production; and providing for an effective date.1/27/2015Bill Number Assigned1/28/2015H Received for Introduction1/28/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals1/29/2015H09:Rerefer to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 2-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, EdwardsNays:? Representative(s) Dayton, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Reeder, WilsonAyes 2??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0201 Deposits by political subdivisions.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Larsen, Miller and Winters and Senator(s) GeisAN ACT relating to public funds; authorizing political subdivisions to deposit public funds in other banks as specified; modifying a definition; and providing for an effective date.1/27/2015Bill Number Assigned1/28/2015H Received for Introduction1/29/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations2/2/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-3-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Edwards, Jennings, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Nays:? Representative(s) Gay, Kirkbride, LindholmExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 5??? Nays 3??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015H Placed on General FileHB0201HS001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 1Delete "July 1, 2015" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". ZWONITZER, DN., CHAIRMANHB0201HW001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 12After "practicable" insert ", or, when not practicable, an institution approved by the board of deposits". LARSEN2/5/2015H COW PassedHB0201H2001/ADOPTEDDelete the Larsen committee of the whole amendment (HB0201HW001/A) entirely. Page 2-line 12After "practicable" insert ", or, when not available within a ten (10) mile radius of the principal place of business of the political subdivision, an institution approved by the board of deposits". BROWN 2/6/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/9/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 52-8-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Burkhart, Byrd, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Brown Speaker, Campbell, Kirkbride, Krone, Lindholm, Patton, Pownall, WaltersAyes 52??? Nays 8??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Received for Introduction2/11/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/26/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015S Placed on General File3/2/2015S Did Not Consider in CoWH.B. No. 0202 EPA equipment requirements-tax exemption.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Kirkbride, Cannady, Kasperik and Walters and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02) and EmerichAN ACT relating to taxation; providing for an exemption from the imposition of state sales and use tax on equipment purchased for inclusion in an existing electrical generating facility needed to meet federal environmental protection agency requirements as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/27/2015Bill Number Assigned1/28/2015H Received for Introduction1/28/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0203 Livestock brands-reciprocity.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Northrup and Laursen and Senator(s) HicksAN ACT relating to livestock brands; authorizing recognition of livestock brands registered in neighboring states as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/27/2015Bill Number Assigned1/28/2015H Received for Introduction1/28/2015H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture2/5/2015Agriculture:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Jaggi, Laursen, Lindholm, McKimAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015H Placed on General File2/5/2015H COW Failed 13-47-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Campbell, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Laursen Dan, McKim, Nicholas, Northrup, Petroff, Steinmetz, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Jennings, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 13??? Nays 47??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0204 Campus security study.Sponsored By:Representative(s) GayAN ACT relating to public safety; providing for a study of security at Wyoming's institutions of higher education; requiring a report; and providing for an effective date.1/27/2015Bill Number Assigned1/28/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 2-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Hunt, PiiparinenNays:? Representative(s) Freeman, Jaggi, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Sommers, ThroneAyes 2??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0205 Revisor's bill.Sponsored By:Management CouncilAN ACT relating to revision of inadvertent errors; correcting statutory references and language resulting from inadvertent errors and omissions in previously adopted legislation; correcting obsolete references; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.1/27/2015Bill Number Assigned1/29/2015H Received for Introduction1/29/2015H Introduced and Referred to H12 - Rules2/6/2015Rules:Recommend Do Pass 12-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Berger, Brown, Connolly, Greear, Hunt, Laursen, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Petroff, Stubson, ThroneExcused:? Representative MaddenAyes 12??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015H Placed on General File2/9/2015H COW PassedHB0205H2001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 10 After "(xx)" insert "and (xxi)".Page 5-After line 2Insert:"(xxi) Request the fingerprints of any employee initially hired by a school district on or after July 1, 1996, who may have access to minors in the course of the employee's employment, as provided by W.S. 719106(a)(xxvi) and 7-19-210(a)(iii) 7-19-201(a)(iii). The school district shall pay for the costs associated with the request.". HUNT2/10/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/11/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Received for Introduction2/17/2015S Introduced and Referred to S12 - Rules2/26/2015Rules:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Bebout, Craft, Nicholas, P., Perkins, RothfussAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015S Placed on General File2/26/2015S COW Passed2/27/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed3/2/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/2/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00913/2/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00913/3/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00913/5/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00913/5/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 131 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0206 Bicycles on roadways.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Northrup, Burkhart, Hunt, Jaggi, Paxton and SteinmetzAN ACT relating to regulation of traffic on roadways; requiring bicyclists using roadways to wear colored clothing and carry photo identification; requiring lights on the rear of the bicycle as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/29/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 0-9-0-0-0ROLL CALLNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 0??? Nays 9??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0207 Game licenses-fees and allocation.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Loucks and Senator(s) HicksAN ACT relating to game and fish; limiting nonresident allocation of mountain goat and grizzly bear licenses as specified; establishing nonresident allocation of wild bison licenses as specified; specifying fees; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/29/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0208 Hard to draw hunting licenses.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Burkhart and Senator(s) HicksAN ACT relating to game and fish; limiting issuance of resident deer and resident elk licenses as specified; providing exceptions; providing for rulemaking; requiring maintenance of records; specifying fees; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/29/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel2/6/2015Travel:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 6-2-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Clem, Freeman, Kirkbride, Laursen, Petroff, SteinmetzNays:? Representative(s) Baldwin, BarlowExcused:? Representative SchwartzAyes 6??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015H Placed on General FileHB0208HS001/ADOPTEDPage 5-line 16After "effective" delete balance of line and insert "July 1, 2016.".Page 5-lines 17 through 19Delete entirely. PETROFF, CHAIRMANHB0208HW001/ADOPTEDPage 5-line 16In the standing committee amendment (HB0208HSOO1/A) to this line, delete "July" insert "January". PETROFF2/9/2015H COW Passed2/10/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/11/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 31-29-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Berger, Blake, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Miller, Patton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Steinmetz, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Jennings, Kasperik, Kroeker, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DnAyes 31??? Nays 29??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Received for Introduction2/17/2015S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4H.B. No. 0209 Transfer of federal lands.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Miller, Brown, Clem, Greear, Halverson, Kroeker and Loucks and Senator(s) Bebout, Cooper, Driskill, Hicks and MeierAN ACT relating to public lands; requiring transfer of public lands; specifying distribution of proceeds from sale of public lands; creating a joint select committee on the transfer of public lands; providing duties of the committee; providing definitions; providing legislative findings; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/29/2015H Received for Introduction1/29/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/30/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 6-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Halverson, Kroeker, Miller, Pownall, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Krone, PelkeyAyes 6??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General File2/2/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/3/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, StubsonNays:? Representative(s) Connolly, Nicholas, B.Ayes 5??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General FileHB0209HS001/ADOPTEDPage 7-line 11Delete "two (2)" insert "not more than three (3)"; after "from" delete the balance of the line and insert "the majority party and not less than one (1) member from the minority party".Page 7-line 12Delete "largest caucuses". Page 7-line 15Delete "two (2)" insert "not more than three (3)"; after "from" delete the balance of the line and insert "the majority party and not less than one (1) member from the minority party".Page 8-line 9Delete "," insert "and recognizing all existing rights.".Page 8-lines 10 through 12Delete entirely.Page 13-line 1Delete "director of the office" insert "governor.".Page 13-line 2Delete entirely. MILLER, CHAIRMAN 2/4/2015H COW PassedHB0209H2001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 1Delete "providing legislative".Page 1-line 2Delete "findings;".Page 1-line 6After "definitions" insert "providing legislative findings;".Page 1-line 11Delete "through 36-12-203" insert "and 36-12-202".Page 2-lines 3 through 23Delete entirely.Page 3-line 2Delete "36-12-202" insert "36-12-201".Page 6-line 1Delete "36-12-203" insert "36-12-202".Page 8-line 6Delete "36-12-203" insert "36-12-202".Page 8-line 17Delete "36-12-203" insert "36-12-202".Page 8-line 19Delete "36-12-203" insert "36-12-202".Page 8-line 23Delete "36-12-202(a)(iii)" insert "36-12-201(a)(iii)".Page 10-line 10Delete "36-12-202(a)(ii)" insert "36-12-201(a)(ii)".Page 11-line 3Delete "36-12-203" insert "36-12-202".Page 11-line 10Delete "36-12-203" insert "36-12-202".Page 12-line 20Delete "36-12-203" insert "36-12-202".Page 14-After line 2 Insert:Section 3."(a)??The legislature finds that federal funding and the resulting capacity for responsible management of federal public lands are in serious jeopardy while critical threats such as beetle kills, invasive species, watershed degradation, access restrictions and catastrophic wildfires continue to escalate.(b)??The legislature further finds that the enabling act creating the state of Wyoming includes specific provisions for the disposal of public lands and guarantees admittance into the union on equal footing with all other states. Wyoming, like other western states, has not received the full benefit of the provisions of the enabling act, related to the disposal of lands from the federal government. More specifically, section 7 of the act of admission requires "Five percent of the proceeds of the sales of public lands lying within said state .... shall be paid to the said state .... for the support of the common schools within said state.".Page 14-line 4Delete "3" insert "4".Page 14-line 12Delete "4" insert "5". HALVERSONHB0209H2002/ADOPTEDPage 10-line 3Delete "or". Page 10-After line 3Insert:"(N) Hunting and fishing; or".Page 10-line 5Delete "(N)" insert "(O)". KROEKER2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0209H3001/WITHDRAWNHB0209H3002/WITHDRAWNHB0209H3003/ADOPTEDPage 12-line 5Delete "and".Page 12-line 9Delete "." insert "; and".Page 12-After line 9Insert:"(VII) Providing for no net loss of public access for hunting and fishing and other outdoor recreational purposes.". PELKEY2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 36-22-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Steinmetz, Walters, Wilson, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Byrd, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Harvey, Krone, Nicholas, Northrup, Pelkey, Petroff, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Gay, JenningsAyes 36??? Nays 22??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S11 - Journal3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4H.B. No. 0210 Guardian ad litem division.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Connolly, Lindholm, Paxton and PetroffAN ACT relating to the office of the state public defender; assigning operation of the guardian ad litem program as a division of the office of the state public defender; making conforming amendments; specifying duties of the guardian ad litem division; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/29/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/4/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Baker, MillerAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015H Placed on General FileHB0210HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 11Delete "through (xi)" insert "and (viii)". Page 4-line 19Delete ";" insert "."Page 4-lines 21 and 22Delete entirely.Page 5-lines 1 through 5Delete entirely. MILLER, CHAIRMANHB0210HW001/ADOPTEDPage 4-line 9After "litem" insert ";" and delete balance of the line.Page 4-line 10Delete entirely. ZWONITZER, DN.2/5/2015H COW Passed2/6/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0210H3001/WITHDRAWN2/9/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 32-28-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Esquibel, Freeman, Harshman, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Burkhart, Campbell, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Piiparinen, Reeder, Steinmetz, Walters, WintersAyes 32??? Nays 28??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Received for Introduction2/11/2015S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0211 Post-conviction actual innocence.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Pelkey and Lindholm and Senator(s) RothfussAN ACT relating to criminal procedure; allowing a motion for new trial for persons convicted of a felony upon a showing of actual innocence based on non-DNA evidence; specifying requirements and conditions; specifying retention of governmental immunity; conforming related provisions; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/29/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/3/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, WintersNays:? Representative PownallAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General File2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 53-6-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Edmonds, Greear, Madden, Nicholas, WaltersExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 53??? Nays 6??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with Senate Rule 5-4: 2-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Esquibel, F., Von FlaternNays:? Senator(s) Christensen, Hicks, KinskeyAyes 2??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0212 Workers compensation-claim apportionment.Sponsored By:Representative(s) LarsenAN ACT relating to workers compensation; authorizing the division to determine the chargeability of claims costs to an employer's experience rating; providing rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/30/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/4/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Edmonds, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015H Placed on General FileHB0212HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 12Delete "one (1) of the" insert "an". Page 2-line 13Delete "employees" insert "employee". Page 2-line 15After "that" insert "fifty-one percent (51%) or more of". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN2/5/2015H COW PassedHB0212H2001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After "rating;" insert "providing rulemaking authority;".Page 2-line 17After "rating." insert "In accordance with this subsection, the division shall by rule and regulation establish necessary procedures for a determination of chargeability.". BURKHART2/6/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/9/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Edmonds, WilsonAyes 58??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Received for Introduction2/11/2015S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals2/26/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Coe, Cooper, Rothfuss, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015S Placed on General FileHB0212SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-line 6After "(65%)." Strike balance of line.Page 2-lines 7 through 9Strike.Page 2-line 10Strike line through "injury."; delete new language.Page 2-lines 11 through 20Delete and insert: "An employer who is current on premium payments required by this act may apply to the division for a determination of experience modification rating chargeability for an injury to the employer's employee. The division's determination of chargeability shall be reviewable as provided in W.S. 27-14-601(k)(iii) and (iv). If the division, by a preponderance of the evidence, determines that an employee's injury was solely caused by a third party and by no fault of the chargeable employer or its employees, the injury shall not be charged to the employer's account. The employer shall bear the burden of proof in any action brought by the employer for a chargeability determination. If an employer's account is determined to be unchargeable under this subsection, the employer's account shall not be further credited upon recovery from a third party by the division. The division shall by rule and regulation establish necessary procedures for a determination of chargeability.". VON FLATERN, CHAIRMAN2/26/2015S COW PassedHB0212S2001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY)Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0212SS001/AE) entirely and further amend as follows:Page 2-line 6After "(65%)." strike balance of line.Page 2-lines 7 through 9Strike.Page 2-line 10Strike line through "injury."; delete new language.Page 2-lines 11 through 20Delete and insert: "An employer who is current on premium payments required by this act may apply to the division for a determination of experience modification rating chargeability for an injury to the employer's employee. The division's determination of chargeability shall be reviewable as provided in W.S. 27-14-601(k)(iii) and (iv). If the division, by a preponderance of the evidence, determines that an employee's injury was primarily caused by a third party, the injury shall not be charged to the employer's account. The employer shall bear the burden of proof in any action brought by the employer for a chargeability determination. If an employer's account is determined to be unchargeable under this subsection, the employer's account shall not be further credited upon recovery from a third party by the division. The division shall by rule and regulation establish necessary procedures for a determination of chargeability.". ANDERSON (SD28), BEBOUT2/27/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHB0212S3001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-lines 11 through 20After the Anderson (SD28) et al. Senate Second Reading Amendment (HB0212S2001/ACE) to these lines, insert: "Any determination by the division regarding causation of an injury pursuant to this subsection shall be used only for ratemaking purposes and shall not be admissible in any civil litigation regarding the injury.".??ROSS3/2/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator PerkinsAyes 29??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/2/2015H Received for Concurrence3/3/2015H Concur:Passed 55-4-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Gay, Halverson, Reeder, WilsonExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 55??? Nays 4??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/3/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00963/3/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00963/4/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00963/9/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00963/9/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 184 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0213 County road construction-competitive bidding-2.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Hunt, Allen, Krone, Lindholm, Moniz, Paxton and Sommers and Senator(s) Christensen, Driskill, Meier and WasserburgerAN ACT relating to county road construction; increasing limit of projects not requiring competitive bidding; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/30/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Cannady, Kasperik, Lockhart, SommersNays:? Representative(s) Byrd, Edmonds, Gay, Larsen, WaltersAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0214 Practice of law-amendments.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Brown and Stubson and Senator(s) Nicholas, P.AN ACT relating to the practice of law; amending, updating and repealing provisions related to the practice of law as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/30/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/3/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General FileHB0214HS001/ADOPTEDPage 6-line 9After "by a" insert "judge or justice of a". MILLER, CHAIRMAN2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0214H3001/WITHDRAWN2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 53-5-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Edmonds, Edwards, Halverson, Steinmetz, Zwonitzer,DnExcused:? Representative(s) Gay, JenningsAyes 53??? Nays 5??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/20/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General File2/23/2015S COW PassedHB0214S2001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 6-line 5After "clerk" strike ","; reinsert stricken "or". PERKINS2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHB0214S3001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 7-line 13Delete "33-5-114 and"; delete "are" insert "is". SCOTT2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 28-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator ScottExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 28??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015H Received for Concurrence2/26/2015H Concur:Failed 3-55-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Stubson, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Patton, WintersAyes 3??? Nays 55??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) Brown, Steinmetz, Stubson2/27/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Nicholas, P., Perkins, Ross3/4/2015H Adopted HB0214JC001: 49-10-1-0-0HB0214JC001/HADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Adopt the following Senate amendments:HB0214S2001/AEHB0214S3001/AEFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 1-line 8After "33-5-112" insert ", 33-5-114".Page 6-After line 18Insert:"33-5-114. Penalty for deceit or collusion. An attorney and counselor who is guilty of deceit or collusion, or consents thereto, with intent to deceive a court or judge, or a party to an action or proceeding, or brings suit or commences proceedings without authority therefor, is liable to be disbarred, and shall forfeit to the injured party treble damages, to be recovered in a civil action.". BROWN, STUBSON, NICHOLAS, P., PERKINS, ROSSROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Edmonds, Edwards, Halverson, Jennings, Laursen Dan, McKim, Reeder, Steinmetz, Zwonitzer,DnExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 49??? Nays 10??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/5/2015S Adopted HB0214JC001: 29-0-1-0-0HB0214JC001/HADOPTEDSADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Adopt the following Senate amendments:HB0214S2001/AEHB0214S3001/AEFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 1-line 8After "33-5-112" insert ", 33-5-114".Page 6-After line 18Insert:"33-5-114. Penalty for deceit or collusion. An attorney and counselor who is guilty of deceit or collusion, or consents thereto, with intent to deceive a court or judge, or a party to an action or proceeding, or brings suit or commences proceedings without authority therefor, is liable to be disbarred, and shall forfeit to the injured party treble damages, to be recovered in a civil action.". BROWN, STUBSON, NICHOLAS, P., PERKINS, ROSSROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator CraftAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/5/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 01043/5/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 01043/5/2015S President Signed HEA No. 01043/12/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 01043/12/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 162 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0215 Community juvenile services boards-creation.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Brown, Cannady, Moniz and Pelkey and Senator(s) Nicholas, P.AN ACT relating to community juvenile services boards; authorizing counties to form community juvenile service boards as administrative boards; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/30/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/2/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 6-2-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Cannady, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersNays:? Representative(s) Edmonds, GayExcused:? Representative ByrdAyes 6??? Nays 2??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/2/2015H Placed on General File2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 56-3-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Edmonds, Gay, HalversonExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 56??? Nays 3??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015S Received for Introduction2/11/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/27/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015S Placed on General File2/27/2015S COW Passed3/2/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed3/3/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator CraftAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/3/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00923/3/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00923/4/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00923/12/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00923/12/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 155 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0216 Veterans skilled nursing center.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Berger, Barlow, Burkhart, Harvey, Jennings, Kasperik, Patton and Throne and Senator(s) Burns, Coe, Kinskey and Von FlaternAN ACT relating to veterans; creating a new skilled nursing center for veterans and their spouses; providing for nonveterans to be admitted to the center as specified; providing for administration and operation of the center as specified; authorizing the receipt and expenditure of funds as specified; establishing a fund; requiring a report; providing rulemaking authority; authorizing a position; providing appropriations; providing for recapture of the appropriation; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/30/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor2/5/2015Labor:Recommend Do Pass 6-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Dayton, Edmonds, Harvey, KasperikNays:? Representative(s) Larsen, Schwartz, WilsonAyes 6??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015H Placed on General File2/5/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/6/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 6-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, StubsonNays:? Representative Nicholas, B.Ayes 6??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015H Placed on General FileHB0216HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 8Delete "authorizing a position;".Page 1-line 9Delete entirely.Page 1-line 10Delete "appropriation;"Page 10-lines 12 through 23Delete entirely.Page 11-lines 1 through 23Delete entirely.Page 12-lines 1 through 13Delete entirely.Page 12-line 15Delete "Section 4." insert "Section 3.". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMANHB0216HW001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 3After "center" delete balance of line and insert "as specified;".Page 1-line 4Delete through "specified;".Page 3-line 13After "25-14-102." delete balance of line and insert "Admission of nonveterans.".Page 3-line 14Delete entirely.Page 3-line 18Delete ":".Page 3-lines 20 through 22Delete entirely.Page 4-lines 1 through 8Delete entirely. Page 4-line 10Delete "(iv)". Page 4-lines 17 and 18Delete entirely. Page 5-lines 8 through 10Delete entirely. Page 5-line 12Delete "(iii)" insert "(ii)". BERGER 2/9/2015H COW PassedHB0216H2001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 18Delete the Berger committee of the whole amendment (HB0216HW001/A) to this line. Page 3-After line 18Insert:"(i) The persons are qualifying dependents or the parents of United States military personnel who were killed in the line of duty as provided by statute, rule or regulation of the United States department of veterans affairs; and".Page 4-line 10Delete the Berger committee of the whole amendment (HB0216HW001/A) to this line; delete "(iv)" insert "(ii)". BERGERHB0216H2002/FAILEDDelete the standing committee amendment (HB0216HS001/A) entirely. Page 7-line 12After the second "paid" insert "with interest at three percent (3%) per annum".Page 7-line 13Delete "such time as".Page 7-line 15After "recaptured" insert "which shall not be later than fifteen (15) years from the date of construction completion of the veterans' skilled nursing center".Page 7-line 19After "." insert "If the veterans' skilled nursing center is sold, all proceeds shall be deposited in the omnibus permanent land fund.". Page 10-line 21Delete "three million five hundred".Page 10-line 22Delete "ten thousand dollars ($3,510,000.00)" insert "three million two hundred fifty-three thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($3,253,250.00)".Page 11-line 4Delete "three million one hundred".Page 11-line 5Delete "fifteen thousand dollars ($3,115,000.00)" insert "two million nine hundred three thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($2,903,250.00)".Page 12-After line 13Insert:"(d) The veterans' skilled nursing center project shall be constructed in accordance with procedures of the construction management section within the general services division of the department of administration and information and approved by the state building commission.". BERGER 2/10/2015H 2nd Reading:PassedHB0216H3001/WITHDRAWNHB0216H3002/ADOPTEDDelete the standing committee amendment (HB0216HS001/A) entirely. Page 5-line 3After "residents" delete balance of line. Page 5-line 4Delete through "center".Page 7-line 12After the second "paid" insert "with interest at three percent (3%) per annum".Page 7-line 13Delete "such time as".Page 7-line 15After "recaptured" insert "which shall not be later than fifteen (15) years from the date of construction completion of the veterans' skilled nursing center".Page 7-line 19After "." insert "If the veterans' skilled nursing center is sold, all proceeds shall be deposited in the omnibus permanent land fund.". Page 10-line 21Delete "three million five hundred".Page 10-line 22Delete "ten thousand dollars ($3,510,000.00)" insert "three million two hundred fifty-three thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($3,253,250.00)".Page 11-line 4Delete "three million one hundred".Page 11-line 5Delete "fifteen thousand dollars ($3,115,000.00)" insert "two million nine hundred three thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($2,903,250.00)".Page 12-line 7After "(c)" insert "Funds appropriated in subsection (a) of this section shall not be expended until plans for the construction of the veterans' skilled nursing center project have been approved by the state building commission and the veterans' administration.". Page 12-After line 13Insert:"(d) The veterans' skilled nursing center project shall be constructed in accordance with procedures of the construction management section within the general services division of the department of administration and information and approved by the state building commission.". BERGER 2/11/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 37-23-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harvey, Hunt, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Blackburn, Burkhart, Campbell, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Jaggi, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, Piiparinen, Reeder, Steinmetz, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 37??? Nays 23??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Received for Introduction3/3/2015S Did Not Consider for IntroductionH.B. No. 0217 Workplace safety grant program.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Schwartz and Wilson and Senator(s) PetersonAN ACT relating to the department of workforce services; amending requirements for participation in the workplace safety contract program as specified; amending a reporting requirement; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/30/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0218 Minimum wage-federal minimum amount.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Petroff and Madden and Senator(s) HastertAN ACT relating to labor and employment; setting the minimum wage to the federal minimum wage as specified; providing a definition; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/30/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0219 Decorated combat veterans-license plates.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Moniz, Brown, Cannady and HuntAN ACT relating to motor vehicles; authorizing specialty license plates for decorated combat veterans; granting rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.1/28/2015Bill Number Assigned1/30/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation2/4/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-4-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, EklundNays:? Representative(s) Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 5??? Nays 4??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015H Placed on General File2/4/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/5/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 5-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, MonizNays:? Representative(s) Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 5??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015H Placed on General FileHB0219HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-Above line 1In the catch title, delete "Decorated" insert "Valorous".Page 1-line 2Delete "decorated" insert "valorous"; after "veterans;" insert "specifying requirements;".Page 1-line 9Delete "decorated" insert "valorous".Page 1-line 11Delete "decorated" insert "valorous".Page 1-line 12Delete "decorated" insert "valorous".Page 1-line 15After "vehicle." insert "The Wyoming veteran's commission shall sign a written statement that the applicant is eligible to obtain the license plate.".Page 2-line 1Delete "decorated" insert "valorous".Page 2-line 4After "star" insert "medal".Page 2-line 5After "cross" insert "for valor"; after "star" insert "medal for valor".Page 2-line 7Delete "decorated" insert "valorous".Page 2-line 13Delete "decorated" insert "valorous".Page 2-line 17Delete "decorated" insert "valorous".Page 3-line 5Delete "decorated" insert "valorous".Page 3-line 12Delete "decorated" insert "valorous".Page 3-line 16Delete "Decorated" insert "Valorous".Page 3-line 20Delete "decorated" insert "valorous".Page 4-line 3Delete "Decorated" insert "Valorous".Page 4-line 17Delete "July 1, 2015" insert "January 1, 2016". BLAKE, VICE CHAIRMANHB0219HW001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 2Before "granting" insert "specifying fees;".Page 1-lines 11 through 15Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0219HS001/A) to these lines and insert:"(a)??Any person required to register a vehicle in Wyoming pursuant to this article may apply to the Wyoming veteran's commission for a statement of eligibility for a valorous combat veteran license plate for any motor vehicle that is not a commercial vehicle or multipurpose vehicle owned or leased by that person upon registration of the vehicle. To".Page 2-line 10After "applying." insert "Upon payment of an application fee of twenty dollars ($20.00), the Wyoming veteran's commission shall issue a written statement establishing the applicant's eligibility to receive a valorous combat veteran license plate from the county treasurer. Fees collected under this subsection shall be deposited into the veterans' commission expendable trust fund.". Page 2-line 17After "(b)" delete balance of line including the standing committee amendment (HB0219HS001/A) to this line.Page 2-line 18Delete entirely.Page 2-line 19Delete through "article".Page 2-line 22After "and" insert ", except as provided in subsections (a) and (e) of this section,". Page 3-line 14After "article" insert "and the payment of the fee required in W.S. 31-3-102(a)(viii)". WALTERS2/6/2015H COW Failed 29-29-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Harshman, Hunt, Kasperik, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Moniz, Paxton, Pelkey, Pownall, Sommers, Throne, WaltersNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Clem, Connolly, Edmonds, Edwards, Greear, Halverson, Harvey, Jaggi, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Steinmetz, Stubson, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Gay, JenningsAyes 29??? Nays 29??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0220 Wyoming coal-specialty license plate.Sponsored By:Representative(s) KasperikAN ACT relating to motor vehicle license plates; authorizing distinctive Wyoming coal license plates; providing for fees as specified; providing for termination of the issuance of the distinctive plates and report of the termination as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/29/2015Bill Number Assigned1/30/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation2/4/2015Transportation:Recommend Do Pass 5-4-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, EklundNays:? Representative(s) Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 5??? Nays 4??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015H Placed on General File2/4/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/6/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Not Pass 5-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Nicholas, B., StubsonNays:? Representative(s) Harshman, MonizAyes 5??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015H Placed on General FileHB0220HW001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 15After "marks." delete the balance of line.Page 2-line 16Delete entirely.Page 2-line 17 Delete through "county.". KASPERIK 2/9/2015H COW Failed 21-37-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Barlow, Berger, Brown Speaker, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Jennings, Kasperik, Lindholm, Lockhart, Miller, Pownall, Sommers, ThroneNays:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Blackburn, Burkhart, Byrd, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Hunt, Jaggi, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Schwartz, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Blake, MonizAyes 21??? Nays 37??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0221 Education-parental rights.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Lindholm, Blackburn, Clem, Kroeker and SteinmetzAN ACT relating to parental rights in education; modifying definitions; modifying requirements for home-based educational programs and private schools; modifying mandatory school attendance; modifying student assessment; modifying collection and retention of student information; prohibiting destruction of education information as specified; prohibiting concealing of education information as specified; prohibiting retention of education information as specified; prohibiting collection of education information as specified; imposing penalties; requiring reporting; and providing for an effective date.1/29/2015Bill Number Assigned1/30/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0222 Sibling visitation rights.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Pelkey, Barlow, Harvey and Jaggi and Senator(s) DriskillAN ACT relating to sibling visitation rights; establishing visitation rights for siblings as specified; establishing procedures to allow a sibling to commence an original action to establish visitation rights with other siblings; providing a definition; authorizing courts to grant reasonable visitation rights for siblings when it is in the best interests of the siblings; and providing for an effective date.1/30/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/6/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, PownallNays:? Representative WintersAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015H Placed on General FileHB0222HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 6After "reasonable" insert "and consensual".Page 2-lines 13 through 23Delete entirely.Page 3-line 1Delete "(c)" insert "(b)".Page 3-line 6Delete "(d)" insert "(c)". MILLER, CHAIRMANHB0222HW001/FAILEDPage 3-line 7After "sister" insert "." and delete balance of the line.Page 3-line 8Delete entirely. NICHOLAS, B.2/9/2015H COW PassedHB0222H2001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 10Delete "shall" insert "may". NICHOLAS, B.HB0222H2002/FAILEDPage 2-line 6After "." insert "An action under this section may only be brought if at least one (1) of the siblings has been placed in foster care by, or is otherwise in the custody of the department of family services pursuant to an action under title 14 of the Wyoming Statutes." KROEKER, JENNINGS2/10/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/11/2015H 3rd Reading:Failed 7-53-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Jaggi, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Paxton, Pelkey, ThroneNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 7??? Nays 53??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0223 WyDOT-general fund budget requests.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv.AN ACT relating to the department of transportation; requiring the department to submit general fund budget requests for employee health insurance costs; and providing for an effective date.1/30/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 3-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Zwonitzer, Dv.Nays:? Representative(s) Allen, Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, WaltersAyes 3??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0224 Burn order violations.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Baldwin, Blake and Lindholm and Senator(s) CooperAN ACT relating to penalties for violating fire restrictions; increasing penalties for entry into or use of any area closed by a board of county commissioners because of extreme fire danger; providing an exception; and providing for an effective date.1/30/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/6/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Edmonds, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, WaltersNays:? Representative GayExcused:? Representative SommersAyes 7??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015H Placed on General FileHB0224HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-Above line 1In the catch title, delete "-restitution".Page 1-line 4After "danger;" delete balance of line.Page 1-lines 5 and 6Delete entirely.Page 1-line 7Delete "specified;".Page 2-lines 9 through 23Delete entirely.Page 3-lines 1 through 6Delete entirely.Page 3-line 8Delete "(c)" insert "(b)". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN 2/6/2015H COW PassedHB0224H2001/FAILEDPage 1-line 7Delete "an exception" insert "exceptions".Page 3-After line 12Insert:"(c) Fires set by persons in accordance with common and routine agricultural practices are exempt from the provisions of this article so long as the person gave notice to the local fire service prior to setting the fire and the fire does not enter into federal lands managed by the United States bureau of land management or the forest service. For purposes of this subsection, common and routine agricultural practices includes open burning of crop residue on arable land after harvesting, but does not include ditch burning.". LAURSEN2/9/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/10/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 54-6-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Greear, Laursen Dan, Loucks, Miller, Northrup, WintersAyes 54??? Nays 6??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015S Received for Introduction2/17/2015S Introduced and Referred to S05 - Agriculture3/3/2015S No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015S DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with Senate Rule 5-4: 2-3-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, DockstaderNays:? Senator(s) Barnard, Emerich, GeisAyes 2??? Nays 3??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0225 Highway patrol security duties.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Berger, Brown, Stubson and Throne and Senator(s) Nicholas, P., Ross and RothfussAN ACT relating to law enforcement; amending duties of the state highway patrol in providing security for state officials and buildings as specified; assigning duties for security during the capitol building renovation and restoration project; requiring a report; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.1/30/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations2/3/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General FileHB0225HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 5After "project;" insert "requiring a report;".Page 3-line 10Delete "general" insert "capitol building rehabilitation and restoration account".Page 3-line 11Delete "fund".Page 3-line 15After "act." insert "All unexpended, unobligated funds remaining from this appropriation shall revert to the capitol building rehabilitation and restoration account on July 1, 2016."; delete "highway patrol" insert "department of transportation shall report to the joint appropriations committee on the expenditure of funds under this section and".Page 3-line 16Delete "request" insert "separate unit". HARSHMAN, CHAIRMAN2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations2/18/2015Appropriations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Burns, Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General FileHB0225SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 2-line 5After "governor" insert "." and strike balance of line.Page 2-line 6Strike through "county"; after "county" delete ".". ROSS, CHAIRMAN2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015H Received for Concurrence2/25/2015H Concur:Passed 58-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative EdwardsExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 58??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00622/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00622/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00623/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00623/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 91 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0226 State board of education-members.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Steinmetz, Halverson, Jennings, McKim and Reeder and Senator(s) MeierAN ACT relating to the state board of education; conforming law as specified to Powers v. State, 2014 WY 15, 318 P.3d 300 and Powers v. State, No. 180-673 (1st Jud. Dist. Ct. Apr. 18, 2014); providing for the election of members and modifying the appointment of remaining members; providing conforming amendments; prescribing initial terms; and providing for an effective date.1/30/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0227 Cannabidiol medication.Sponsored By:Representative(s) GayAN ACT relating to public health; allowing supervised use of cannabidiol as specified; providing an exemption from prosecution for possession or use of cannabidiol as specified; authorizing a fee for registration; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.1/30/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations2/4/2015H02:Rerefer to H07 - Corporations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Gay, Lindholm, Zwonitzer, Dn.Nays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Edwards, Jennings, Kirkbride, PaxtonAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0228 Subdivision-family exception.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Greear and BrownAN ACT relating to real property; providing an exemption to requirements for subdividing real property for family members when the real property is held in a trust controlled by the grantor as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/30/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations2/3/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 8-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Lindholm, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Excused:? Representative ByrdAyes 8??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General File2/4/2015H COW Passed2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/26/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015S Placed on General FileHB0228SS001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 3After "held by" insert ", or in the name of a trust controlled by,". CASE, CHAIRMAN2/26/2015S COW Passed2/27/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed3/2/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/2/2015H Received for Concurrence3/3/2015H Concur:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/3/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00973/3/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00973/4/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00973/9/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00973/9/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 186 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0229 OSHA regulations.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Connolly and Senator(s) CraftAN ACT relating to the Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety Act; providing that commission rules and regulations may be more stringent than corresponding federal rules and regulations; and providing for an effective date.1/30/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0230 Compensation for exoneration based on DNA.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Pelkey, Baker, Clem and Lindholm and Senator(s) Esquibel, F.AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; authorizing compensation for persons exonerated based on DNA testing and found factually innocent; specifying conditions, requirements and limitations on authorized compensation; retaining governmental immunity as specified; conforming provisions; providing for stay of order of expungement as specified; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.1/30/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0231 Hathaway scholarships-exceptions from requirements.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Baker, Freeman, Harshman, Patton, Pelkey, Piiparinen and Throne and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe, Ross and RothfussAN ACT relating to Hathaway scholarship program; modifying eligibility requirements as specified; and providing for an effective date.1/30/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/6/2015Education:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, Hunt, Jaggi, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, Sommers, ThroneAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015H Placed on General FileHB0231HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 16Delete all new language.Page 2-line 17Delete the line through "subparagraph" insert "For purposes of making application prior to the graduation date of the student's class, "other good cause" shall include". PATTON, CHAIRMAN2/9/2015H COW Passed2/10/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/11/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 55-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Edwards, Halverson, Northrup, Walters, WilsonAyes 55??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/12/2015S Received for Introduction2/17/2015S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education2/18/2015Education:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe, Dockstader, Pappas, RothfussAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General File2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00452/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00452/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00453/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00453/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 98 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0232 Open meetings.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Nicholas, B. and Senator(s) Nicholas, P. and PerkinsAN ACT relating to public meetings; authorizing a governing body to take action upon confidential information during an executive session; and providing for an effective date.1/30/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0233 Branch bank license expiration.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Sommers and Stubson and Senator(s) CoeAN ACT relating to banks and banking; amending provisions related to the expiration and renewal of branch bank licenses; and providing for an effective date.1/30/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/4/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Edmonds, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015H Placed on General File2/5/2015H COW Passed2/6/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/9/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction2/11/2015S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals2/18/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Coe, Cooper, Rothfuss, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General File2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00462/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00462/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00463/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00463/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 78 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0234 Attorney general-elected official.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Edmonds, Blackburn, Clem, Halverson, Jennings, Lindholm, McKim, Reeder and WintersAN ACT relating to the attorney general; providing for the election of the attorney general; setting attorney general's term at four (4) years; providing for filling a vacancy in the position; repealing provision for interim appointment; providing for application of ethics and disclosure act to the office of the attorney general; amending certain provisions regarding actions taken by the attorney general pursuant to the direction of the governor; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.2/2/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0235 Foreign business entities-reinstatement.Sponsored By:Representative(s) BrownAN ACT relating to foreign corporations and foreign limited liability partnerships; providing procedures for reinstatement of foreign corporations and limited liability partnerships as specified; providing for appeals; providing an appropriation; and providing for effective dates.2/2/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations2/5/2015Corporations:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Byrd, Edwards, Gay, Jennings, Kirkbride, Paxton, Zwonitzer, Dn.Excused:? Representative LindholmAyes 8??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015H Placed on General File2/5/2015H COW Rerefer to H02 - Appropriations2/5/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 7-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Harshman, Moniz, Nicholas, B., StubsonAyes 7??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015H Placed on General FileHB0235HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 4Before "and" insert "providing an appropriation;".Page 1-line 5Delete "an effective date" insert "effective dates".Page 3-line 6Delete "and".Page 3-line 12Delete "." insert "; and".Page 3-After line 12Insert:"(vi)??Include proof that the foreign corporation is currently in good standing in the state of formation.".Page 4-line 13Delete "renew its" insert "reapply for a".Page 4-line 14After "business" delete balance of the line.Page 4-line 13Delete "renew its" insert "reapply for a".Page 4-line 14Delete "by reapplying".Page 6-line 4Delete "and" insert ","; after "17161533" insert "and 17-21-1104 by creating a new subsection (n)".Page 7-line 4Reinsert all stricken language.Page 7-line 5Reinsert all stricken language.Page 7-line 6Before "provisions" insert "and the".Page 7-line 11Strike "organization" insert "authority".Page 7-line 13After "revoked" insert "and reinstated"; after "in" strike balance of line and insert "this act.". Page 7-line 15Delete entirely and insert:"17-21-1104.??Applicability of act to foreign and interstate commerce.(n)??A foreign registered limited liability partnership whose registration has lapsed for failure to pay fees or failure to maintain a registered agent in this state as provided in this article may apply to the secretary of state for reinstatement within two (2) years after the effective date of lapse as provided in W.S. 17211107. Section 3.??Effective immediately, there is appropriated from the general fund to the secretary of state one-time funding of forty-seven thousand dollars ($47,000.00) to implement the purposes of this act. Any unexpended, unobligated funds appropriated under this section shall revert on June 30, 2016 as provided by law.Section 4.(a)??Section 3 of this act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.(b)??Except as provided in subsection (a) of this section, this act is effective January 1, 2016.". ZWONITZER, DN., CHAIRMAN2/6/2015H COW Passed2/9/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/10/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative GayAyes 59??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015S Received for Introduction2/17/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/26/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Case, Hicks, Meier, Pappas, ScottAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/26/2015S Placed on General File2/26/2015S COW Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations2/27/2015Appropriations:Recommend Do Pass 4-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Hastert, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator BurnsAyes 4??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015S Placed on General FileHB0235SW001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-line 4After "appeals;" insert "providing notice procedures for foreign corporations and others to reduce the need for reinstatements;".Page 8-after line 5Insert and renumber:"Section 3.??During the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 the secretary of state shall provide notice to all entities required to file an annual report under this title that they may receive either electronic or written notice annually of the due date of their annual reports and annual taxes. Written notice shall be provided to all entities that do not respond to the notice and are delinquent in filing their annual reports.".Page 8-line 7Delete "3." insert "4.".Page 8-line 14Delete "4." insert "5.". SCOTT2/27/2015S COW Passed3/2/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHB0235S3001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Delete the Scott Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0235SW001/AE) entirely. CASE, HASTERT3/3/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator CraftAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/3/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00933/3/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00933/4/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00933/12/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00933/12/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 156 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0236 OSHA penalties-3.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Throne and Senator(s) CraftAN ACT relating to the Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety Act; providing for an increase in fines and civil penalties as specified; authorizing actions to enforce penalties and enjoin employers as specified; and providing for an effective date.2/2/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0237 Water and sewer district contracts.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Moniz, Brown, Cannady, Hunt and Paxton and Senator(s) DriskillAN ACT relating to water and sewer districts; increasing contract bid threshold dollar amounts; and providing for an effective date.2/2/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/4/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersNays:? Representative EdmondsAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015H Placed on General FileHB0237HS001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 15Strike "seven".Page 3-line 16Strike "thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500.00)" insert "thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00)". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN2/5/2015H COW Passed2/6/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/9/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Received for Introduction2/11/2015S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations2/17/2015Corporations:Recommend Do Pass 3-1-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Hicks, Meier, PappasNays:? Senator CaseExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 3??? Nays 1??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015S Placed on General File2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 26-4-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Barnard, Bebout, Case, PerkinsAyes 26??? Nays 4??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00492/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00492/26/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00493/3/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00493/3/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 81 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0238 Flaring of natural gas.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Krone, Blake and ConnollyAN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; specifying that vented or flared natural gas is exempt from taxation for a specified period; and providing for an effective date.2/2/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0239 Firearms in private vehicles.Sponsored By:Representative(s) KroneAN ACT relating to employment; allowing firearms to be stored in a motor vehicle located in a motor vehicle parking area as specified; providing exemptions; and providing for an effective date.2/2/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/3/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0240 Physician assistant school.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Harshman, Baldwin, Barlow, Kasperik and Wilson and Senator(s) Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Landen and PetersonAN ACT relating to education; establishing a task force to review the feasibility of a physician assistant school in Wyoming; providing appropriations; requiring a report; and providing for an effective date.2/2/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0241 Electronic driver's license.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv., Allen and Blake and Senator(s) CaseAN ACT relating to motor vehicle driver licenses; providing for the option of licenses in electronic format; providing requirements for electronic licenses; and providing for an effective date.2/2/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Amend and DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 4-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Zwonitzer, Dv.Nays:? Representative(s) Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, WaltersAyes 4??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0242 Education-continuing contract teacher.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Winters and Senator(s) CaseAN ACT relating to continuing contract teachers; modifying requirements for continuing contract status for teachers hired July 1, 2015 or thereafter; and providing for an effective date.2/2/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0243 Child abuse.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Brown, Clem, Connolly, Hunt and Krone and Senator(s) Nicholas, P. and RothfussAN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; defining the type of conduct that constitutes child abuse; providing for an increase in penalties as specified; and providing for an effective date.2/2/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary2/5/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015H Placed on General FileHB0243HS001/FAILEDPage 2-line 13Delete "," insert "or"; after "confinement" insert "." and delete balance of line.Page 2-line 14Delete entirely.Page 3-line 8Delete "," insert "or"; delete "or punishment".Page 3-line 17Delete "," insert "or"; delete "or punishment". MILLER, CHAIRMAN HB0243HW001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 2After "abuse;" insert "providing for an increase in penalties as specified;".Page 1-line 7Delete "6-2-503(a)(ii)(A)" insert "6-2-503(a)(intro) and (ii)(A)".Page 1-line 8Delete "(b)(i)" insert "(b)(intro) and (i)".Page 2-line 2Strike "five (5)" insert "ten (10)".Page 2-line 17Strike "five (5)" insert "ten (10)". ZWONITZER, DN. 2/5/2015H COW PassedHB0243H2001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 13Delete "," insert "or"; after "confinement" insert "." and delete balance of line.Page 2-line 14Delete entirely.Page 3-line 8Delete "," insert "or"; delete "or punishment".Page 3-line 17Delete "," insert "or"; delete "or punishment". WINTERS, GREEAR, KROEKER, NICHOLAS, B.2/6/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/9/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 55-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Gay, Greear, Harshman, Nicholas, WaltersAyes 55??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/10/2015S Received for Introduction2/11/2015S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary2/27/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks, Kinskey, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/27/2015S Placed on General File2/27/2015S COW Passed3/2/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed3/3/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator CraftAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/3/2015Assigned Number HEA No. 00943/3/2015H Speaker Signed HEA No. 00943/4/2015S President Signed HEA No. 00943/9/2015Governor Signed HEA No. 00943/9/2015Assigned Chapter NumberChapter No. 185 Session Laws of Wyoming 2015H.B. No. 0244 Severance tax distribution amendments.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Throne and ConnollyAN ACT relating to severance taxes; increasing the amount of severance taxes available for distribution as specified; providing for future adjustment to the amount of severance taxes available for distribution based on the Wyoming cost-of-living index; and providing for an effective date.2/2/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/2/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 3-5-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Dayton, Madden, WilsonNays:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Edwards, Loucks, Northrup, ReederExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 3??? Nays 5??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.B. No. 0245 Medicaid SHARE plan-2.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Wilson and Throne and Senator(s) PappasAN ACT relating to Medicaid; providing for expansion of coverage to low income persons as specified; authorizing a Medicaid demonstration waiver and state plan amendment; providing waiver and plan amendment requirements as specified; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.2/2/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.B. No. 0246 Acupuncture practice act.Sponsored By:Representative(s) KroneAN ACT relating to professions and occupations; providing for the licensure and regulation of acupuncture and oriental medicine as specified; establishing the board of acupuncture and oriental medicine as specified; providing regulatory authority; and providing for an effective date.2/2/2015Bill Number Assigned2/2/2015H Received for Introduction2/2/2015H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4H.J. No. 0001 Regulation freedom.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Winters and Senator(s) BeboutA JOINT RESOLUTION requesting Congress to amend the United States Constitution to authorize congressional votes to approve or disapprove proposed federal regulations.12/12/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/19/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Halverson, Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pownall, WintersNays:? Representative PelkeyAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015H Placed on General FileHJ0001HS001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 7Delete "in the first,".Page 1-line 8Delete through "amendments" insert ", particularly the tenth amendment".Page 1-After line 13Insert:"WHEREAS, agency regulations often go beyond the intended authority granted by Congress; and". MILLER, CHAIRMAN1/20/2015H COW Passed1/21/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/22/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 51-9-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Blake, Byrd, Connolly, Dayton, Freeman, Pelkey, Schwartz, Stubson, ThroneAyes 51??? Nays 9??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S12 - Rules2/24/2015Rules:Recommend Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Bebout, Nicholas, P., PerkinsNays:? Senator(s) Craft, RothfussAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Placed on General File2/26/2015S COW Passed2/27/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed3/2/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 22-8-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Geis, Hicks, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Coe, Craft, Emerich, Esquibel, Hastert, Johnson, RothfussAyes 22??? Nays 8??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 03/2/2015Assigned Number HEJR No. 00053/2/2015H Speaker Signed HEJR No. 00053/3/2015S President Signed HEJR No. 00053/5/2015Governor Signed HEJR No. 0005H.J. No. 0002 State superintendent of public instruction.Sponsored By:Joint Education Interim CommitteeA JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution relating to education; providing the general supervision of public schools shall be prescribed by law effective January 7, 2019; eliminating the elected state superintendent as an elected official on and after January 7, 2019; removing the state superintendent as an ex officio member of University of Wyoming board of trustees and from the board of land commissioners on and after January 7, 201912/12/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/13/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 2-7-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Freeman, ThroneNays:? Representative(s) Hunt, Jaggi, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Piiparinen, SommersAyes 2??? Nays 7??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.J. No. 0003 Free-roaming feral horses.Sponsored By:Select Federal Natural Resource Management CommitteeA JOINT RESOLUTION requesting Congress, state and local authorities to take action to prevent further damage and remediate damages caused by free-roaming feral horses on rangelands in the West and to develop effective fertility control methods to reduce the populations of free-roaming feral horses in the West.12/15/2014Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture1/29/2015Agriculture:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Jaggi, Laursen, Lindholm, McKimAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General FileHJ0003HW001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 1-line 2After "action to" insert "prevent further damage and".Page 2-After line 14Insert:"WHEREAS, the state of Wyoming has a federally approved sage grouse conservation plan, the efficacy of which is being compromised by continuing habitat damage resulting from free-roaming horses; and".Page 3-line 15After "to" insert "adequately"; after "support" insert "all".Page 3-line 17After "West" delete balance of line and insert ", utilizing all methods envisioned and authorized in the Wild Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act.".Page 3-line 18Delete entirely.Page 4-After line 4Insert:"Section 3.??That the Wyoming Legislature calls on Congress to prohibit the reintroduction of wild horses back onto the western rangelands outside the current herd management areas, nor onto existing herd management areas at or above the authorized management levels.Section 4.??That the Wyoming Legislature calls on Congress and federal agencies to prioritize these requested management activities to the sage grouse core areas and priority habitat strongholds in order to reduce the possibility of an endangered listing for the sage grouse and to stop the resource damage now occurring.Page 4-line 6Delete "Section 3." Insert "Section 5.". LINDHOLM2/2/2015H COW PassedHJ0003H2001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 9Delete "." insert "; and".Page 3-After line 9Insert:"WHEREAS, the following reports provide, among other things, data, statistics and recommended strategies to manage free-roaming wild horses in the West and protect the state's rangeland resources and uses: Range-wide Interagency Sage-grouse Conservation Team, Near-Term Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Action Plan (September 2012); Ted Williams, Horse Sense, Audobon (September/October 2006); David Ganskopp and Martin Vavra, Habitat Use by Feral Horses in the Northern Sagebrush Steppe, Journal of Range Management Volume 39(3) (May 1986); K.W. Davies and C.S. Boyd, Effects on Feral Free-Roaming Horses on Semi-Arid Rangeland Ecosystems: An Example from the Sagebrush Steppe, Ecosphere Volume 5(10) (October 2014); Linda Zeigenfuss et al., Influence of Nonnative and Native Ungulate Biomass and Seasonal Precipitation on Vegetation Production in a Great Basin Ecosystem, Western North American Naturalist Volume 74(3) (2014); Erik Beever and Peter Brussard, Examining Ecological Consequences of Feral Horse Grazing Using Exclosures, Western North American Naturalist Volume 60(3) (2000); Kelly Crane et al., Habitat Selection Patterns of Feral Horses in Southcentral Wyoming, Journal of Range Management Volume 50(4) (July 1997); Erik Beever, Management Implications of the Ecology of Free-Roaming Horses in Semi-Arid Ecosystems of the Western United States, Wildlife Society Bulletin Volume 31(3) (2003); and Erik Beever and Cameron Aldridge, Influences of Free-Roaming Equids on Sagebrush Ecosystems, with a Focus on Greater Sage-Grouse, Studies in Avian Biology Volume 38 (2011).". Page 3-line 17Delete the Lindholm committee of the whole amendment (HJ0003HW001/AC) to this line; after "West" delete balance of line and insert ", utilizing all management and control methods authorized by Section 3(d) of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.". LINDHOLM2/3/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/4/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative HarshmanAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/5/2015S Received for Introduction2/5/2015S Introduced and Referred to S05 - Agriculture2/11/2015Agriculture:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Barnard, Christensen, Dockstader, Emerich, GeisAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/11/2015S Placed on General FileHJ0003SS001/ADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Page 1-before line 1In the catch title delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 1-line 3Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 1-line 6Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 1-line 9Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 1-line 11Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 2-line 1Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 2-line 3Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 2-line 7Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 2-line 12Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 3-line 1Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 3-line 4Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 3-line 7Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 3-line 14Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 3-line 15Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 3-line 22Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 5-line 9Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 5-line 18Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 5-line 21Delete "wild" insert "feral".Page 6-line 2Delete "wild" insert "feral". GEIS, CHAIRMAN2/11/2015S COW Passed2/12/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/17/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 29-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator ScottAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/17/2015H Received for Concurrence2/18/2015H Concur:Failed 15-44-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Berger, Connolly, Dayton, Gay, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Lockhart, Madden, Schwartz, StubsonNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Kroeker, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PattonAyes 15??? Nays 44??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015H Appointed JCC01 MembersRepresentative(s) McKim, Hunt, Lindholm2/20/2015S Appointed JCC01 MembersSenator(s) Emerich, Dockstader, Hicks2/24/2015H Adopted HJ0003JC001: 58-0-2-0-0HJ0003JC001/HADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Adopt the following Senate amendments:HJ0003SS001/AFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 1-After line 6Insert:"WHEREAS, Wyoming has recognized the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 and free-roaming horses are defined as feral under W.S. 1148101(a)(iii).".Page 5-line 10After "West" insert "at the appropriate management level".Page 6-line 18Delete "and" insert ",".Page 6-line 19After "Delegation" insert "the Secretary of the Interior, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Land Management and the Director of the Wyoming Office of the Bureau of Land Management". MCKIM, HUNT, LINDHOLM, EMERICH, DOCKSTADER, HICKSROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Allen, PattonAyes 58??? Nays 0??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015S Adopted HJ0003JC001: 29-0-1-0-0HJ0003JC001/HADOPTEDSADOPTED(TO ENGROSSED COPY)Adopt the following Senate amendments:HJ0003SS001/AFurther amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:Page 1-After line 6Insert:"WHEREAS, Wyoming has recognized the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 and free-roaming horses are defined as feral under W.S. 1148101(a)(iii).".Page 5-line 10After "West" insert "at the appropriate management level".Page 6-line 18Delete "and" insert ",".Page 6-line 19After "Delegation" insert "the Secretary of the Interior, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Land Management and the Director of the Wyoming Office of the Bureau of Land Management". MCKIM, HUNT, LINDHOLM, EMERICH, DOCKSTADER, HICKSROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator DriskillAyes 29??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEJR No. 00032/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEJR No. 00032/26/2015S President Signed HEJR No. 00033/3/2015Governor Signed HEJR No. 0003H.J. No. 0004 Balanced budget amendment resolution.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Lindholm and Laursen and Senator(s) Driskill, Hicks and WasserburgerA JOINT RESOLUTION petitioning Congress to call a convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States to require a balanced federal budget.1/8/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue1/23/2015Revenue:Recommend Do Pass 7-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Blackburn, Dayton, Jennings, Loucks, Madden, Northrup, ReederNays:? Representative(s) Edwards, WilsonAyes 7??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/23/2015H Placed on General File1/26/2015H COW Passed1/27/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/28/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 44-16-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Dayton, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Petroff, Pownall, Reeder, Sommers, Stubson, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Byrd, Connolly, Edwards, Freeman, Greear, Kroeker, Loucks, Nicholas, Patton, Pelkey, Piiparinen, Schwartz, Steinmetz, Throne, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 44??? Nays 16??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S12 - Rules2/25/2015Rules:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 3-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Bebout, Nicholas, P., PerkinsNays:? Senator(s) Craft, RothfussAyes 3??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015S Placed on General FileHJ0004SS001/ADOPTED(CORRECTED COPY)Page 1-line 13Before "That" insert "The legislature of the state of Wyoming agrees with and generally supports the adoption of a balanced budget amendment substantially in the following form:".Page 2-line 12Before "That" insert "Subject to the conditions in section 4 of this act,".Page 3-line 6Before "That" insert "Subject to the conditions in section 4 of this act,".Page 3-after line 12Insert and renumber:"Section 4. (a) The state of Wyoming stands in a unique position apart from all other states in the following respects: The large percentage of land ownership by the federal government is greater than forty-eight percent (48%) of all the lands in the state; Federal monies received by this state in compensation for the large percentage of land owned by the federal government including, but not limited to, payment in lieu of taxes (PILT), federal mineral royalties and other payments are inadequate to compensate the state for its lost revenues;(iii)??With a population of less than six hundred thousand (600,000), Wyoming maintains an extensive network of highway systems including more than three thousand six hundred fifty (3,650) lane miles of transcontinental interstate highways;(iv)??The small size of the state of Wyoming's budget is insignificant compared to the size of the budget in larger states and would only fund the operations of the largest state's government for a period of less than two (2) weeks;(v)??The state of Wyoming should not suffer significant further harm as a result of participation in the convention in relation to the large percentage of federal land ownership.Section 5. The Wyoming legislature will convene in a special or regular session to adopt the foregoing amendment provided that the state can secure adequate assurances that the state's unique stature is protected and recognized.Section 6. The governor's office is directed to communicate with other states supporting a balanced budget amendment, along with the state's federal delegation, to secure a measure of security that either the state's share of federal mineral royalties, payment in lieu of taxes (PILT) and other federal payments will not be reduced to balance the budget, or that the federal lands, including surface and minerals, which are not managed by the United States as a national park, designated national monument or wilderness area designated under the national wilderness preservation system, be conveyed to the state commensurate with other states before final adoption of such balanced budget amendment.".Page 3-line 14Delete "4" insert "7". NICHOLAS, P. CHAIRMAN 2/26/2015S COW PassedHJ0004S2001/ADOPTEDDelete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HJ0004SS001/AC) entirely and further amend as follows:Page 1-line 1Delete "petitioning" insert "declaring the state's interest to petition".Page 1-line 6Delete "petitioning" insert "willing to petition".Page 1-line 8After "budget" insert "under the circumstances described herein".Page 1-line 13Before "That" insert "The legislature of the state of Wyoming agrees with and generally supports the adoption of a balanced budget amendment substantially in the following form: (a)".Page 2-line 10Delete "." insert ";".Page 2-line 12Delete "Section 2." insert "(b)"; before "That" insert "Subject to the conditions in section 2 of this act,".Page 3-line 4Delete "." insert ";".Page 3-line 6Delete "Section 3." insert "(c)"; before "That" insert "Subject to the conditions in section 2 of this act,".Page 3-after line 12Insert and renumber:"Section 2. (a) The state of Wyoming stands in a relatively unique position apart from most other states in the following respects: The large percentage of land ownership by the federal government is greater than forty-eight percent (48%) of all the surface lands and greater than sixty-six percent (66%) of subsurface minerals in the state; Federal monies received by this state in compensation for the large percentage of land owned by the federal government including, but not limited to, payment in lieu of taxes (PILT), federal mineral royalties and other payments are inadequate to compensate the state for its lost revenues;(iii)??With a population of less than six hundred thousand (600,000), Wyoming maintains an extensive network of highway systems including more than three thousand six hundred fifty (3,650) lane miles of transcontinental interstate highways;(iv)??The small size of the state of Wyoming's budget is insignificant compared to the size of the budget in larger states and would only fund the operations of the most populous state's government for a period of less than two (2) weeks;(v)??The state of Wyoming should not suffer significant further harm as a result of participation in the convention in relation to the large percentage of federal land and mineral ownership.Section 3. The Wyoming legislature will convene in a special or regular session to adopt the amendment in section 1 of this act provided that the state can secure adequate assurances that the state's relatively unique stature is protected and recognized.Section 4. The governor's office is directed to communicate with other states supporting a balanced budget amendment, along with the state's federal delegation, to secure a measure of security that either the state's share of federal mineral royalties, payment in lieu of taxes (PILT) and other federal payments will not be reduced to balance the budget, or that the federal lands, including surface and minerals, which are not managed by the United States as a national park, designated national monument or wilderness area designated under the national wilderness preservation system, be conveyed to the state commensurate with other states before final adoption of such balanced budget amendment.".Page 3-line 14Delete "4" insert "5". NICHOLAS, PERKINSHJ0004S2002/FAILEDDelete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HJ0004SS001/AC) and the Nicholas, et al. Second Reading Amendment (HJ0004S2001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:Delete page 1-lines 1 through 15Delete and insert:"A JOINT RESOLUTION requesting Congress to call a convention to amend the United States Constitution WHEREAS, it is the solemn duty of the states to protect the liberty of our people, particularly for the generations to come, by proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States through a convention of the states under article V for the purpose of requiring a balanced federal budget.NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WYOMING:Section 1.??The Legislature of the State of Wyoming hereby applies to Congress, under the provisions of Article V of the Constitution of the United States, for the calling of a convention of the states limited to proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States requiring that in the absence of a national emergency, including, but not limited to, an attack by a foreign nation or terrorist organization within the United States of America, the total of all federal appropriations made by the congress for any fiscal year may not exceed the total of all estimated federal revenues for that fiscal year, together with any related and appropriate fiscal restraints.Section 2.??This application constitutes a continuing application in accordance with Article V of the Constitution of the United States until the legislatures of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the several states have made applications on the same subject. This application shall be aggregated with those applications, but shall not be aggregated with any other application on any other subject.Section 3.??That the Secretary of State of Wyoming transmit copies of this resolution to the President of the United States, to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, to the Wyoming Congressional Delegation and to the presiding officers of each of the legislative houses in the several states, requesting their cooperation.(END)".Pages 2 and 3Delete. PETERSON2/27/2015S 2nd Reading:Laid Back3/2/2015S 2nd Reading:PassedHJ0004S3001/ADOPTEDDelete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HJ0004SS001/AC) and the Nicholas, et al. Second Reading Amendment (HJ0004S2001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:Page 1-line 1Delete "petitioning" insert "declaring the state's interest to petition".Page 1-line 6Delete "petitioning" insert "willing to petition".Page 1-line 8After "budget" insert "under the circumstances described herein".Page 1-line 13After "Section 1." delete balance of line and insert "The legislature of the state of Wyoming agrees with and generally supports the adoption of a balanced budget amendment in substantially the following form:(a)??Subject to further legislative actions as provided by section 3 of this act, that any convention of the states called by the congress of the United States of America be limited to proposing an amendment to the".Page 1-lines 14 and 15Delete.Page 2-lines 1 and 2Delete.Page 2-line 10Delete "." insert ";".Page 2-line 12Delete "Section 2." insert "(b) Subject to further legislative action as provided by section 3 of this act,".Page 3-line 4Delete "." insert ";".Page 3-line 6Delete "Section 3." insert "(c) Subject to further legislative action as provided by section 3 of this act,".Page 3-after line 12Insert and renumber:"Section 2.??(a)??The state of Wyoming stands in a relatively unique position apart from most other states in the following respects:(i)??The large percentage of land ownership by the federal government is greater than forty-eight percent (48%) of all the surface lands and greater than sixty-six percent (66%) of subsurface minerals in the state;(ii)??Federal monies received by this state in compensation for the large percentage of land owned by the federal government including, but not limited to, payment in lieu of taxes (PILT), federal mineral royalties and other payments are inadequate to compensate the state for its lost revenues;(iii)??With a population of less than six hundred thousand (600,000), Wyoming maintains an extensive network of highway systems including more than three thousand six hundred fifty (3,650) lane miles of transcontinental interstate highways;(iv)??The small size of the state of Wyoming's budget is insignificant compared to the size of the budget in larger states and would only fund the operations of the most populous state's government for a period of less than two (2) weeks;(v)??The state of Wyoming should not suffer significant further harm as a result of participation in the convention in relation to the large percentage of federal land and mineral ownership.Section 3. The Wyoming legislature will convene in a special or regular session to adopt the amendment in section 1 of this act provided that the state can secure adequate assurances that the state's relatively unique stature is protected and recognized.Section 4.??The governor's office is directed to communicate with other states supporting a balanced budget amendment, along with the state's federal delegation, to secure a measure of security that either the state's share of federal mineral royalties, payment in lieu of taxes (PILT) and other federal payments will not be reduced to balance the budget, or that the federal lands, including surface and minerals, which are not managed by the United States as a national park, designated national monument or wilderness area designated under the national wilderness preservation system, be conveyed to the state commensurate with other states before final adoption of such balanced budget amendment.".Page 3-line 14Delete "4" insert "5". NICHOLAS, PERKINS3/3/2015S 3rd Reading:Failed 7-22-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Bebout, Case, Coe, Driskill, Kinskey, Nicholas Pres, RossNays:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Burns, Christensen, Cooper, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Landen, Meier, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerExcused:? Senator CraftAyes 7??? Nays 22??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.J. No. 0005 Mandatory judicial retirement.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Baker and Stubson and Senator(s) Esquibel, F. and Von FlaternA JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to raise the mandatory retirement age for supreme court justices and judges of other courts in Wyoming.1/12/2015Bill Number Assigned1/13/2015H Received for Introduction1/14/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/19/2015Judiciary:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 8-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Esquibel, K., Kroeker, Krone, Miller, Pelkey, Pownall, WintersNays:? Representative HalversonAyes 8??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/19/2015H Placed on General FileHJ0005HW001/FAILEDIn the catch title, after "retirement" insert "and term limits".Page 1-line 2After "age" insert "and to limit the number of terms of service".Page 1-line 11Delete "Section" insert "Sections 4 and".Page 2-Above line 2Insert:"Article 5, Section 4. Supreme court generally; number; election of chief justice; quorum; vacancies in supreme court or district court; judicial nominating commission; terms; standing for retention in office.(f) The terms of supreme court justices shall be eight years and the terms of district court judges shall be six years. No supreme court justice or district court judge shall serve more than three (3) consecutive terms in office.".Page 3-line 3After "(70)" insert "and limit the number of terms in office". KROEKERHJ0005HW002/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 2Delete "remove any" insert "raise the".Page 2-line 11Reinsert all stricken language.Page 2-line 12Reinsert all stricken language through "of"; after reinserted "of" insert "seventy-five (75)".Page 2-lines 13 through 18Reinsert all stricken language. Page 3-line 2Delete "remove" insert "raise".Page 3-line 3Delete "of seventy (70)" insert "to seventy-five (75)." THRONE 1/20/2015H COW PassedHJ0005H2001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 13 through 18Delete the Throne committee of the whole amendment (HJ005HW002/A) to these lines and further amend as follows:Page 2-line 13Reinsert the stricken "years"; after the reinserted "years" insert ".". ZWONITZER, DN., THRONE1/21/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed1/22/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 49-11-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lockhart, Loucks, Miller, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Clem, Edmonds, Gay, Halverson, Lindholm, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Reeder, Steinmetz, WilsonAyes 49??? Nays 11??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/26/2015S Received for Introduction2/20/2015S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations2/23/2015Appropriations:Do Pass Failed 1-4-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator HastertNays:? Senator(s) Burns, Perkins, Ross, WasserburgerAyes 1??? Nays 4??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015S Placed on General File3/2/2015S Did Not Consider in CoWH.J. No. 0006 Wyoming local food production.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Harvey, Hunt, Jennings, Laursen, Lindholm, McKim, Northrup, Petroff, Sommers and Winters and Senator(s) Cooper, Driskill and KinskeyA JOINT RESOLUTION supporting policy initiatives that promote local food production in Wyoming and recognizing the value of growing, raising, processing and marketing local food products as an important segment of Wyoming agriculture.1/15/2015Bill Number Assigned1/16/2015H Received for Introduction1/20/2015H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education1/20/2015Rerefer to H05 - Agriculture1/29/2015Agriculture:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Jaggi, Laursen, Lindholm, McKimAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/29/2015H Placed on General FileHJ0006HW001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 20After "agriculture" insert ", Wyoming business council".Page 3-line 14After "economy" insert ", to the security of our food supply".Page 3-line 15After "citizens" insert "as a vital component of our economy".Page 3-line 18After "cooperative" insert "and financial".Page 4-line 6Before "meat" insert "in-state". LINDHOLM1/30/2015H COW PassedHJ0006H2001/ADOPTEDPage 1-line 14After "eggs," insert "honey,".Page 3-line 15Delete the Lindholm committee of the whole amendment (HJ0006HW001/A) to this line; after "citizens" insert "and recognizes local food production as a vital component of Wyoming's agricultural economy". LINDHOLM2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvAyes 60??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S05 - Agriculture2/20/2015Agriculture:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Barnard, Christensen, Dockstader, Emerich, GeisAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/20/2015S Placed on General File2/23/2015S COW Passed2/24/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/25/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 25-4-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Kinskey, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Hicks, Landen, Meier, PerkinsExcused:? Senator JohnsonAyes 25??? Nays 4??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/25/2015Assigned Number HEJR No. 00042/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEJR No. 00042/26/2015S President Signed HEJR No. 00043/4/2015Governor Signed HEJR No. 0004H.J. No. 0007 Bear lodge project.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Burkhart and Kasperik and Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02) and DriskillA JOINT RESOLUTION to the United States Secretary of Agriculture and the Chief of the United States Forest Service expressing support for the timely and scheduled completion of Rare Element Resources' Bear Lodge Critical Rare Earth Project environmental impact statement.1/20/2015Bill Number Assigned1/20/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals1/30/2015Minerals:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Byrd, Cannady, Edmonds, Gay, Kasperik, Larsen, Lockhart, Sommers, WaltersAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General FileHJ0007HS001/ADOPTEDPage 3-line 20After "Service" insert "; and" and delete balance of the line. Page 3-lines 21 and 22Delete entirely.Page 4-line 3After "Service" delete balance of the line. Page 4-line 4Delete the line through "agencies".Page 5-line 6After "work" delete balance of the line. Page 5-line 7Delete the line through "agencies".Page 5-line 8Delete "the agencies'". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN2/3/2015H COW Passed2/4/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/5/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 59-0-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative PelkeyAyes 59??? Nays 0??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/6/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals2/18/2015Minerals:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Coe, Cooper, Rothfuss, Von FlaternAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/18/2015S Placed on General File2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 30-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerAyes 30??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015Assigned Number HEJR No. 00012/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEJR No. 00012/26/2015S President Signed HEJR No. 00013/4/2015Governor Signed HEJR No. 0001H.J. No. 0008 Longer combination vehicles-compact agreement.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv. and Senator(s) Von FlaternA JOINT RESOLUTION requesting Congress to eliminate the freeze on longer combination vehicles and consent to the creation of a voluntary compact between Western states that will establish uniform size and weight limits, routes, configuration and operating conditions for longer combination vehicles.1/21/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/23/2015H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation1/28/2015Transportation:Recommend Amend and Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Cannady, Eklund, Loucks, Reeder, Walters, Zwonitzer, Dv.Ayes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/28/2015H Placed on General FileHJ0008HS001/ADOPTEDPage 2-line 23Delete "Oregon,".Page 3-line 21Delete "Oregon,". BLAKE, VICE CHAIRMAN1/30/2015H COW Passed2/2/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/3/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 36-24-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Barlow, Berger, Blake, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Edwards, Eklund, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Jennings, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Petroff, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Stubson, Walters, Zwonitzer,Dn, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Baldwin, Blackburn, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harvey, Jaggi, Kasperik, Laursen Dan, McKim, Miller, Pelkey, Piiparinen, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Wilson, WintersAyes 36??? Nays 24??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/4/2015S Received for Introduction2/10/2015S Introduced and Referred to S08 - Transportation2/19/2015Transportation:Recommend Do Pass 5-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Emerich, Esquibel, F., Johnson, MeierAyes 5??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/19/2015S Placed on General File2/20/2015S COW Passed2/23/2015S 2nd Reading:Passed2/24/2015S 3rd Reading:Passed 28-2-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Anderson, J.L. (SD28), Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Craft, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Kinskey, Landen, Meier, Nicholas Pres, Pappas, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott, Von Flatern, WasserburgerNays:? Senator(s) Case, PerkinsAyes 28??? Nays 2??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/24/2015Assigned Number HEJR No. 00022/26/2015H Speaker Signed HEJR No. 00022/26/2015S President Signed HEJR No. 00023/4/2015Governor Signed HEJR No. 0002H.J. No. 0009 Repeal 17th Amendment-2.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Miller, Clem, Winters and Zwonitzer, Dn.A JOINT RESOLUTION requesting Congress to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution repealing the seventeenth amendment to the United States Constitution.1/21/2015Bill Number Assigned1/23/2015H Received for Introduction1/27/2015H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary1/30/2015Judiciary:Recommend Do Pass 5-4-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Baker, Halverson, Kroeker, Miller, WintersNays:? Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Krone, Pelkey, PownallAyes 5??? Nays 4??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 01/30/2015H Placed on General File2/4/2015H COW Failed 20-38-2-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Clem, Edmonds, Edwards, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kroeker, Laursen Dan, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Piiparinen, Reeder, Steinmetz, Winters, Zwonitzer,DnNays:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Dayton, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Harvey, Kirkbride, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Lindholm, Lockhart, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, Northrup, Patton, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Pownall, Schwartz, Sommers, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Zwonitzer,DvExcused:? Representative(s) Harshman, KasperikAyes 20??? Nays 38??? Excused 2??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0H.J. No. 0010 Magna Carta.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Halverson, Jaggi, Steinmetz and Winters and Senator(s) Cooper, Dockstader and HicksA JOINT RESOLUTION to memorialize the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta and to highlight its enduring principles of liberty embodied therein.1/23/2015Bill Number Assigned1/26/2015H Received for Introduction1/27/2015H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture2/3/2015Agriculture:Recommend Do Pass 9-0-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Jaggi, Laursen, Lindholm, McKimAyes 9??? Nays 0??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/3/2015H Placed on General File2/4/2015H COW PassedHJ0010H2001/ADOPTEDPage 4-line 3Delete "and" insert ","; after "Delegation" insert ", to every school district superintendent, who shall provide every school within the local district a copy of this resolution, and to the chair of each local board of trustees". STEINMETZ2/5/2015H 2nd Reading:Passed2/6/2015H 3rd Reading:Passed 46-13-1-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Halverson, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Northrup, Paxton, Petroff, Piiparinen, Reeder, Sommers, Steinmetz, Throne, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer,DvNays:? Representative(s) Byrd, Greear, Harvey, Larsen Lloyd, Lockhart, Nicholas, Patton, Pelkey, Pownall, Schwartz, Stubson, Walters, Zwonitzer,DnExcused:? Representative JenningsAyes 46??? Nays 13??? Excused 1??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/9/2015S Received for Introduction2/11/2015S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education2/23/2015Education:Recommend Do Pass 4-1-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Senator(s) Anderson, J.D. (SD02), Coe, Dockstader, PappasNays:? Senator RothfussAyes 4??? Nays 1??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 02/23/2015S Placed on General File3/2/2015S Did Not Consider in CoWH.J. No. 0011 Noneconomic damages-constitutional amendment.Sponsored By:Representative(s) Kasperik, Baldwin, Burkhart, Halverson, Harvey and Stubson and Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Kinskey and Von FlaternA JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to modify, in health care provider cases, the general prohibition against the legislature limiting the amount of damages that may be recovered for causing personal injury or death of any person.1/29/2015Bill Number Assigned1/30/2015H Received for Introduction1/30/2015H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations2/9/2015H No report prior to CoW Cutoff3/4/2015H Amend and DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 2-5-0-0-0ROLL CALLAyes:? Representative(s) Harshman, StubsonNays:? Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Greear, Moniz, Nicholas, B.Ayes 2??? Nays 5??? Excused 0??? Absent 0??? Conflicts 0LAST DAYMARCH 6, 2015Roll call to convene:ROLL CALLAyes: Representative(s) Allen, Baldwin, Barlow, Berger, Blackburn, Blake, Brown Speaker, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Clem, Connolly, Dayton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Greear, Halverson, Hunt, Jaggi, Jennings, Kasperik, Kirkbride, Kroeker, Krone, Larsen Lloyd, Laursen Dan, Lindholm, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Northrup, Paxton, Pelkey, Petroff, Piiparinen, Pownall, Reeder, Schwartz, Sommers, Steinmetz, Stubson, Throne, Walters, Wilson, Winters, Zwonitzer, Dn., Zwonitzer, Dv.,Excused: Representative(s) Baker, Harshman, Harvey, Jaggi, PattonAyes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 Majority Floor Leader Berger moved that bills currently pending before this body in the 63rd Wyoming State Legislature, 2015 General Session, be indefinitely postponed.Minority Floor Leader Throne seconded the motion. The motion carried.Majority Floor Leader Berger moved that the Senate be informed that the House of Representatives, General Session, Wyoming State Legislature is ready to adjourn. The motion carried.Speaker Brown directed that House Chief Clerk, Patty Benskin inform the Senate that the House of Representatives, General Session of the 63rd Wyoming State Legislature, is ready to adjourn.Majority floor Leader Berger moved that a committee of two be appointed to inform the Governor that the House is ready to adjourn; and to escort His Excellency, the Governor, and the First Lady, to the House. The motion carried.Speaker Brown appointed Representatives Moniz and Throne, to inform the Governor that the House of Representatives is ready to adjourn and escort His Excellency, the Governor, Matt Mead, and the First Lady, to the House Chamber.The Sergeant-at-Arms announced His Excellency, the Governor of Wyoming, Matt Mead and the First Lady, Carol Mead.Speaker Brown welcomed Governor Mead and Mrs. Mead on behalf of the members of the House of ernor Mead gave closing remarks to the members of the House. Speaker Brown thanked the Governor for his closing remarks. Representative Burkhart and Dayton escorted His Excellency, The Governor, and Mrs. Mead from the House Chamber.CLOSING OF SESSIONMajority Floor Leader Berger moved the following:1.That the House of Representatives, 63rd Wyoming State Legislature, General Session, adjourn until a date and time which are determined jointly by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and by the President of the Senate for the purpose of calling the House and Senate back into session.2.That if no such time is established before December 31, 2015, the House of Representatives, 63rd Wyoming State Legislature, General Session, is adjourned sine die effective at 12:00 o'clock noon on that date and the Legislative Budget Session, 63rd Wyoming State Legislature, shall convene on the 8th day of February, 2016, at the hour of ten o'clock a.m.3.That the House of Representatives specifically concurs in any identical motion adopted by the Senate.4.That if the Senate fails to concur in the action of the House of Representatives under paragraphs 1 through 3 of this motion, by adopting an identical motion applicable to the Senate, the House of Representatives, 63rd Wyoming State Legislature, General Session, is adjourned sine die.Speaker Brown; You have heard the motion; all those in favor say "Aye," opposed, "No". By your vote, the motion has passed the House.We are now at that order of business, Reading and Approval of the Journal.Representative Steinmetz reported from the Journal Committee that the Journal of March 6, has been read and I move that it be approved. Representative Schwartz seconded the motion.Speaker Brown: There being no objection, the report is adopted. Subject to the conditions set forth in Majority Floor Leader Berger's motion, the House of Representatives, 63rd Wyoming State Legislature, General Session, is adjourned and shall again convene the Legislative Budget Session on the 8th day of February, 2016, at the hour of ten o'clock a.m.Benediction was given by Representative Winters.The House is adjourned.Patricia BenskinHouse Chief Clerk ................

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